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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1888)
TT T." -pmKK-lfa'V'i' 1 li,w M W'j'W'i I i."Hmt-,'HgflW"Wl'ypi l'"T' 1"5 jfc'' EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. TIV TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company. I IHCOItrOltATKI) nice, Corner Court anil Mlicity Street, Tltlt.MH OK HUIWOMITION DAILY. Onoyenr, by mull... .... CO S.x month. l)y mult 2 f)0 riirco ... 1 m I'er week delivered by carrier .... 15 WKHKLY. O io year 31 N) Hlx inonthH . . 75 10 ) our. If iwilil for tit mlvnnce, 1 00 tx month!!, ' CO JTiH'ostmnBlcrH nro authorized to ro cclvatiiibKcrlitloii. rs-j'nlerod ns necond-clnM uinttcr at tlio Baloiii,OrcKon,l'osluincc, Juno 21. 1888. Republican National Ticket. For President, BENJAMIN IIAHUISON. Of Indiana. For Vice J'lctiident: LBV I 1. MORTON, Of New York. Fou I'ltnsinnNTtAr, Ei.kctokh. HnlieilMcl.ciiii, of Klnnuitli County. Wm. Knpim.of Multnomah County. C. W". Fulton, of Clatsop County. TUKSDAY, OCT. 10, 18S8. A i'ahtv of twenty-live engineers are at work around .loilet mapping out a route for the proposed Henne pin Canal. (jUimi Li:ak beat the world's one niilo pacing record for .'l-yenr-olds Wednesday tin thoNapa, Cal., track, making i!.lfi. DtntiNo tho three months ended fjjpt. .'10, more new indtis-tiiea were established hi the South than dur ing either tho pluvious (juarteiH of lbSH. HisviHtAi. hundred of cattle In Anglal. and Allen counties, Ohio, are uflected with pleiiio-pneinnouiti and many have died. The herds adeeti'd aro strictly iimratitlncd. Tup transactions in wheat in NmvYoik during the week have been 107,".'I8,000 bushels, tho heav iest week's tiadlng on record. O.' tho amount stated, but 012,000 were spot. A iiamu'IIT was given at St. Paul TliiiiMlay night in honor of the election of T. F. Oakes as president of the Northern I'acille. Henry Villard, CharleH Kraucis Adams, and l'lofcwor Von Bsmareh, of Itetlln, were among 100 guests piCHCIlt. Tun demoeiatle policy of loaning tho existing surplus to banks select ed by the executive, without inter est, Instead of buying up the 1 per cents of 18111 at less than tho accru ing interest, mouses tho natural iiHinlry, "What Is the consideration for this peculiar favor'."' At DoMolnes, Iowa, Thursday, III the Stato Woman's Christian Temperance Union convention, Mrs. J. Klleii Foster was re-elected president by V3 votes, against 21 for Mrs. Carhart, tho wuidldato of those who wished to commit the organization to the support of the third party. Tub republican and democratic state committees of Indiana have agreed that in all election precincts whero tho inspector is a democrat, a republican Judge and clerk shall be M'lected; and in precincts where the ltiHHK'tnrrt aro republicans, demo cratic Judges and clerks shall be ohoMin. Tho demoemtloeoinniltteo also make tho proposition for tho appointment of a committee 0f 100 I'orty-llvo to bo democrats, forty live republicans, and ten prohibi tionists to discover and punish election frauds. Tiik most remarkable thing; in liiiwiwmpalKulrttho growth of the republican candidate. No American wm fell to feel a pride In the utmll tioo he bin displayed. His conduct, manner, word, have Ihmu simply jHM'ftot. He lms done only what whs lltliiK for lilm to tlo; wild oulv wind hee-mcht to ImvvumM; and in Ixitli word ami mtn t,howu tlwt rwtriy .vniMtliy with all phM of owr Aiiirrimu life wldeh mot dtwply npHthi to the rwtwt of the AmericMii iKipv. llw Mild more xid mid It better trwUxl more subjects find touched each one with more comprehensiveness, tact, and precision, with more elegance of metaphor and aptness of illustration than any candidate of any party within the memory of any living man. It matters not what may be the result of the struggle; when it is over JJcnjamin Harrison will be the foremost living American. From the ranks of an overage citizen he sprung In three months to a station singularly exalted. His course gives assurance that if elected lie alone will bo president, and if defeated ho will stand in the esteem of the moat Intelligent moiety of our people one ofthellttest ever named for that position. Albion W. Tourgee, in Inter-Ocean. And the .Touijnal also thinks that Ifnrrion ought to, and will be elected. A nut roit ti:i:totam:ks." Under tho above head the States man publishes an item of garbled news that has been goingtherounds of tho whisky journals to prove that Intemperance is a good thing has a tendency to prolong life, etc. If th's was true would not life insurance companies have found it out long ago? Is it probable that they would refuse these citizens the privilege! of their companies if the theory is correct? Then supposing it was true would not the misery and disgrace entailed on tho Innocent make a temperate life the preferable? Tho evil effects of drunkenness, says tho California Bulletin, are certain to assist themselves in some form or other. It is not always tho mad assault or the gory hand of murder that wrecks the happiness of tho domestic circle. Sometimes the infatuation shows its malignant power in loss of situation, poverty, ahrokin home, starving children, the workhotiue or tho prison. We will venture to relate a truo little story, tlie facts of which came under our personal knowledge. A promis ing young man, of good education, began business in partnership with a gentleman whoso daughter, a lady of culture and refinement, he mar ried. The young couple lived in a pleasant home, liad some sweet little childicn, and for u time got on pios perously. Hut the young man ac quired a taste for wine; it grew upon him; lie must needs have his bottle of champagne every day, and after a while champagne was not potent enough for his taste. The result was that tlie business was neglected, money was taken out by the junior partner in excess of his rlghta and beyond the capacity of tlie business, liunkruptcy ensued, tlie homo was sold, the wife and children were thrown upon the charity of friends. Tho homes intoxication has wiecked and destroyed mo with out number. Whovo once in holy prayer at eventide around tho mother's kneo sweet Ups of innocent babes llrst learned to lisp tho holy names of Jesus and 'Mary, where pretty children came to welcome the return after his day's work their father ami their bread-winner, iif toxlcatlng drink has jdesolatetl the homestead ami left tho children on the world as waifs and outcasts. Sons anil daughters have had their careeis seemingly so full of promise in the hoy-day of their youth blighted and spoiled under its malevolent Intluonce. Tito young man lias sorrowfully to tell of talent wasted and opportunities thrown away, while the young woman has to lament tho absence of that sweet and holy intluonco which, like a magnet, drew her Sunday after Sun day to tho altar rails, and which made It her boast to call herself a Child of Mary or a member of tho Holy family. Tiik day is coming haste tlto day, toe when the man who wears a cano under Ills arm and carries an umbrella on his shoulder will be taken out ami hit on tin head with a flounder. And he'll bo hit hard enough tokll'; that's tho beauty of it. Tho Oregon Laud Company's ten aero lots are selling rapldly,-10 having boon sold since tho 8th of Sept. There Is no probability that 10 acres of good land within four mllosofSalein will ever again bo ottered for fSO per aeiv on easy terms. There aro now live housed in piwvhaofcontruetIon on mis airway soitt una romw nro being opened and bridge built so that thovMluo of all of tho lots Is being rapidly onhtuicvd. Any one wishing to buy ton Hcrvw of good html for much law than tho price of a city lot will do wall to look at tliU property at oneo na tliorw Is no doubt hut that It will nil bo sold Inside of thirty day Call at tho otlliv of the ila,.asra. tSriSiy.1; fix 3 of olmrKO. I Oregon IjohI mcivml strwt tlie property fix j of chat 10-11-eodtf. THE COLUMBIA SYNOD. Closing Hours and Final Adjourn ment of this Religious Hod'. Yesterday afternoon's exercises of the Synod consisted principally in the hearing of reports of commit tees. The committee on Pabbath ob servance reported that forty-nine .sermons had been delivered on that subject during tlie year, iiMuc from prayer and miscellaneous addrees. Pastors are u.'ged to set apart at least one day in the yearon which to treat tliis subject, and care be exercised by ministers and church members in regard to their examp'e with refeienco to tills subject. Committee on freedmeii reported that 201 ministers mid teacheiswere employed by the board during the year ; of this number 187 were blacks. Committee to visit Albany college was appointed as follows : Itevs-. T. G. Watson, E. J. Thompson, W. A. Mackay, F. G. Strange, and Elders Warren and Milroy. I lev. P. C. Uetzlor, agent of the American Diblc boeiory, addressed tlie Synod, and a resolution was adopted endorsing tho work and recommending that each pastor de vote ono sermon to and take up a collection for tiie benefit of the society. It was decided that tho Synod should meet next timeatPendleton. After adopting the following reso lutions, prepared by T. M. IJoyd, A. J. Brown and W. B. Wray, com mittee on resolutions, the Synod adjoin ned : First. 'Unit we express tho i hanks of the Synod to the families of Sa lem for their delightful hospitality, which has added so much to our comfort and pleasure, and the pas tor and tiio session of tho church. Second. To the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor for tlie leceptioii tendered us on Satur day afternoon. Third. To the papura for their re ports. Fourth. To the transportation companies for renewed favors. Fifth. That a copy of these res-o-lutions bo sent to the parties inter ested. It'll.NKIt TMi.MM'.S. Win. TiOftus is building a house out near the church. Two-thirds of the votes cast ill tills place are republican. John Aslnnead is going to leave hero next Wednesday for llock Point. Mrs. Elder Shanks left heie Mon day to join lier son, who is sick In Eastern Oregon. Tho hotels here are very well pat ronized, as thero is considerable travel through this place. Thu Oregon Milling company is pietly busy now. They aro getting out on an average about 150 barrelw of Hour per day. J. Zunikeller was buried lieio to day. Ho died Monday at Wells Station. His friends and relatives are in this place. The JouuxAii will contain here after a regular weekly report of Turner happenings freni a corres pondent in tills place. W. T. Van Scoy of Jellorson has a four aero patch of strawberries near here that aro in bloom and have sonio rltw strawberries of delicious taste. Turner has two general merchan dise stores, two blacksmith shops, two feed and livery stables, two hotels, a drug store, postofllce, mill, good school homo, Baptist church in which teveraldenomlnatioushold forth, ono butcher shop, two ware houses and a chair factory in which cowhide bottomed chairs aro nianu fiiolutvd. The O. & C. railroad passes through here. Bushier is very good. -MVUKIKU. I'AOIOHY.-At the nldico of tho br.doj ru.-ton.K, Mr. nd Mrs. riionuw Jury Ac m'lM south of S ilem, on Sun day. IK'Idbt' 11. Is . II. it i.,.., 1, urn 1). Jory. Itev. . T. Vuu S.J iti ' olutlnj. The wotlilhig was very iikiuint ono. in mo conimony tliore wore two iouilo as utto.iiltuitN Tito bride si ml groym woro tiihtoAilly nttltvtl, ami the jwirlor wsw botiutirully ilcco nitwl with owrgrwn, llowors, wrowtlt, nml lloral wotlillns boll. Af ter tho eorvinony a botintooim nml oxcallont ilinnor was jHirtakon of by tlio guustH. Many congnituliitlona wuro glvun, ami aiVo agootl list of valuable pavnts. The haiinv (.xhiuIo s ? n ,,,,,w H,uth ;f ,ro ( hlw,i uml hHVU Wemte to Wikll tllOlU UtXlJKHHl. A Novel Lottery. A novel lottery scheme has been proposed in Russia. The chief con ditions are these: A young woman of excellent moral character and noble birtli is tho chief prize; her name is to remain a secret until after the drawing; the total receipts from the sale of tickets, amounting to 5,000 rubies, are to form her mar riage portion; tne iiotticr or the lucky ticket is to marry tho young woman and thus receive the dowry; but if she won't marry h'tn she must pay 2-500 rubies. o Tliousa.ids uf Dollars Are spent every year by tlie people of this state for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and lung diseases, when we know that if they would only invest $1 in Santa Abie, tlie new California ditcovery for consumption and kindred com plaints, they would in this pleasant remedy find relief. It is recom mended by ministers, physicians, and public speakers of tho golden state. Sold and guaranteed by D. W. Mathews & Co., at 1 a bottcl. The most stubborn case of catarrh will speedily succumb to California Cat-r-eure. Six months treatment for$l. Py mallei 10. Nearly every steamer or boat that arrives at Yaquina is loaded with steel rails for the Oregon Pacific. Ni:W TO-HAY. Notice. NYONE HAVING A LEGAL CLAIM J iintnst me will please call at tho store within the next ten tiay&. li7-2iM A. MAYER. . 3reakfast Delicacies H0LLEI) OATS, ROLLED WHEAT, CllEAX WHEAT, DUnKEFS RICE FLOLlt, which cooks up into a very delicate dish. THITICU3I, GEKJIEA, CEHEALINE, 1SSS NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, guaranteed to be Fresh and 1'uro HY 1 M 201 Commercial St. BLACKSMITHING anil HORSESHOEING. )i (i : .112 and 314 Commercial St., lo-i-tr Knlcir. a NE OK THK I.AUOKST ESTA11L1SH mentK In tlio htntc. Ixnver ntlos thnn 'ortlantt. Ijinrast btook I-ltiiI IllunkH In thoStiite, n-U blpROst discount. Send for lrice usi or jou priming, nna ciitulouo ot cpil blanks. fc. St. WAITE, titmm Printer, Salem, Oregon. FOU BARGAINS IN RURNITURE GO TO ROTAN A WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Iluvlig bought out the remainder ot tn clinlr factory' ktock, wo are, prepared to sell cuhIi-h lowerthannny house lnOrvgoa Proposals for Wood. mHK llOAUD OK THUSTKBS OK THK L Oregon ci to Inline Asylum lioreby Four hundred ( 1) ronls dry pole ouk. Two hundred ia ilcordH dry boity mk. Kourteou huudreU (I .) cords dry body flr out of hine iree. Tlio polo oak muiit not belei than three luehtw In dtumetw, Tliivo liundrtHl to rlvo hundred cord of tlr, unci two hundred to three hundred cord of oak nro to bo de Uvorvd by June I, lsssi, nud the ramulnder by Ootober 1, ltfcS. Hid will Us received In amounts fnun nrty eorU up. Tlie txkl miut be fiMir Kwt InlBtlKth suit of the bent qimlllv, subject to tle approal of the niedlml MiiHsrln- tendeut o m. ittv B, illlll.HIIIl Hi IW U94IV the its; wvluin.anil to Im at an, v ooini o Iolnt ou the luylum ground delg wttetiby him. Tlie. right to rtiiect any and h11 bid u rv- "iHiU wlU Im optmed ota o'clock TueMUy. Nov. 6, 1. ' o i.vjan'isK riufsoYKit OHO. w. Mcumnt 104(4 WKI111. Ronnl at TnulMw WM. A. MUNI.Y, Clerk of ROHrd. . Subecribe for the Capital Jouk-kal. i K. SORB PflH, 'CTT ADYEHTISESIENTS. GO - GREATEST orau Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats. -EVKU OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! -BY Capitol S - 20 wjfwtT.wai reSSWnSTBSDTZ mrrretmccmt r a .umts jj !. i j An excellent stock of CARPETS, RUGS, ROLLING AND LACE CURTAINS At prices extremely low. Full stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS In all departments. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS LUNN & BROWN'S, 2S9 Corner State nnd Commercial streets. OP THE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. VADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. vmSAr4 1 .'In 3!LrB AND MANY OTHER Mo a Complete Stork of Hardware and FOR SALE. A FINE DUST AND MOUSB-l'IlQOF 2. Organ, alto u t-eoond hand Piano nt a Ixirgaln nnd on ctuy tarnw. Oall on 11. DIAMOND, aw Oommereiol St., Salem, Or. 10-S-tf ' KELLEY BROS., ritOPKIBTORS OF THE CAPITOL COFFEE HOUSE MeaKMceuU; board, $S per week. No (.btDMe employed. 8I DommwrUl Hu ldlf TO TIIE WEI -FOR- the - BARGAINS Till Adventure Co., Opera House Corner, Salem. - dvr - tf na vurKV&wMi j t n Tr-q , TMT 11 iTTTfl FALL SEASON OF 1883. Special attention la called to our splendid display of fashionable garment from the veil known manufacturers Springer B r o s., 01" BOSTON. They need no recommendation from us, being tho finest lino ever placed before tho public. Each garment hus u label nt collar band bearing tho manufacturer's name. -OUR- w Is unusually largo and vnrled, icpro-s-eutlng The Latest Novelties. Agents for the new JIntber patent LACE KID GLOVE Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range LEADING STYLES. Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages GRASS SEED. AN PUrtNISH MHSOUITH Oil A I 1 TIllYtltrM rtf T.l.inln nn.1 XlMEntlltfi In luruoor fcimill quantities. Kor term ad- id ura t. c. jorY. IK-lm IHSJL Via Saltm, or. s A FINE LINE OF FALL MILLINERY GOODS Mrs. 31. a Smilk's, Bast Sal. &.iUn H., Itivcil 'Wiiui UtHPB e ..,.-ii. Jtf .uAL-. -