Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 16, 1888, Image 1

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    mmmmmstm'" !
VOL. 1.
NO. 200.
ional Bank
'VM. N. liADUE, President.
11. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President,
. UN MOIK, Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, Ban Francisco,
New York, London and Ifong Kong
bought and sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers are cordially
Invited to deposit end transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops anC other property at
reasonable rates. Insurance on such so
curlty can bo obtained at the bank In
most rellablo companies.
a jim
llll Utt.
Capital Taid up, - ' 75,000
Surplus, ..--- 10,000
U. S. WALLACE, - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALBERT, .- - Cashier.
V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace.
Dr. V. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or In store,
either In private granaries or
ipubllo warehouses.
Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drarts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, lScrllu,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Importers and Dealers In;
Boots and Shoes !
;i nrpv
rrn Tivmr
UJ.i.1 XJK
General Agents for Oregon of
W. B. Forsyihe's Infallible Corn Cure.
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. E. Good's old stand.)
SALEM, : : : : : OREGON.
General House Moving, liaising and
Work promptly done at reasonable rates.
Orders lett at Capitai. Jouunai. office
will recelvo attention. iwi-ii
Take Note or This.
TWIl 83,500 WK W.II.LBELLOO cre
J? well Improved garden land, within 3
miles of Balem. Good road to ; town tl e
year around. Buildings good. FINE YOU Nu
ORCHARD and excellent grass land. Thl
Is abaJgaln.and will be held only ';
time nt these figures. Cull, and Tie will
show you the property. . .,., Tw
Opera House, Balem, Or,
b delivery. WnUUnnle haying bought
the express business of JValter Jwe, la
prepared to deliver trunks, yalU, poo
ages, and any thing else that he can .get In
his wajrou to any part of th city, quicker,
eaterbetter, and neater, than It can be
done by any body eUe. Leave orders at
Mln a.aKlA
IKIre and Ma
rine. JOS. AU1ERT. Agent. - Salem. Oregon.
A peryeSr. Independent. &&,
6 circulated in Marlon, Linn nd CImk
mas counties; has been ""r "Si
years and Is an excellent aftJrtJSSfcK?
dium. For Urma address the puUWier
U. O. Guild. SUverton, Or.
First Nat
The Capital National Bank
new 'imm
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded tlrst premium nt the Oregon
State Fair 18SJ-'8-85-'80'87 and at tho Cali
fornia State Fair, 1837, and Han Joaquin
County Fair, 1SS7.
Manufactured In slxlslzcs. For circular
and price list address
P. O. Box 280. Salem, Oregon
3Drycr Furnaces furnished live sizes
illnglon Tcr.orCalllornla real estate. For
Inlorinutlon address us at either of the fol
lowing effices: Palestine, III.; Kansas City,
Mo.; Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near tho
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland olllcoln
the rooms of the State Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SKIFF & CO.,
: Office near tho
Opera House.
Teeth extracted
by the painless pro
Constantly on hand the best quality of
Mi ami Salt Meals !
And all kinds ol
3-Tho CLEANEST kept marketnn the
city. Call and see for yourself.
D. C, Howard, Proprietor.
JWAH kinds of fresh nnd cured meats
elwavson hand, full weight and n square
deal all arlund.
r i crr7rcTrfiTRftfvTiV-r
i irn 1 1 vn i i-'ur..' .
aLn ms rS.rf .n Gtfw
fiencf hr ClrtuUrM.hJhWl3rr.a.'-
I J.. . mm tini ...., ., dil
AfiJLLliiit- MLlJiMEliLLiflt
SMELL, HEITSHU k W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot
Proposals for Stationery.
Officeof tiieSecketahy ofState,
Salem, Or., Sept. 27th, ISSS.
Sealed proposals will be received nt this
office until noon November 27th. ISSS, to
furnish the following; unifies for ihe state
of Oregen:
fiO rca.ns legal cap, 14 B, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
SO reams letter paper, 12 lb, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
30 reams first-class Congress nole, 7 lb
packages. No. 8 ruling, white laid.
15 M No. 5 white envelopes, ft) lb, No. 1 rag,
15M No. 0 white envelopes, 00 lb, No. 1
rag XXX. ' '
32 gross railroad steel pens No 14'J.
15 gross anion's steel pens, No. 401.
S gross Eastcrbrook "J" pens.
5 gross Fabcr's pn holders, No. ISTtt
4 doren Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass backed Inkstands.
12 dozen lvo.y folders, 9 Inch Standard.
8 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No.
8, Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
140 lb, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eaglo Recorder lead pencils,
style m
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
13 dozen duplex cap board lettor clips.
12 dozen Fabcr's rubber rulers, 14 Inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1S14D, It.
3 dozcu steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1S149, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bauds, a j-
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, gilt.
10 gross Fabcr's lead pencils, round, gilt,
No. 2.
0 dozen Fnbcr's patent Ink nnd pencil
rubber erasers, small.
1000 McGIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
1030 McGIU's patent twper fasteners, No. 4.
18 dozen gummed stub flies, No. 21, 11x15 .
In., 2.V) pages.
12 dozen tablo pads for paper, 10x21.
10 dozen wasto paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
20 lbs homp twine, No. 12.
At tho same tlmo separate bids will bo
received forl2dozon Wostcnlmlm congress
knives to bo described by trad o Nos, sam
ples to be exhibited.
Bids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery." None but best quality of
goods received.
Tho right to reject any or all bids Is re
served. All goods to bo delivered before January
1st, ISS'J. Payment to bo mado by w arrant
on state treasury.
0-28-td Secretary of State.
Ileal Estate Bargains.
81,000 1(10 acres, fl miles from O A C dc-
jxit. Good house, barn and
orchard. Fenced, and In cul
tivation. 82,000- 80 ncres, 4 miles from Salem.
Good road to town. Improve
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
fo,400 8.j acres 24 miles from Salem.
No buildings. Splendid land,
all fenced. Mako a desirable
$2,500 CO acres 4 miles from Salem. Im
provements good. Flno young
orchard, and garden land.
81,180 UK) acres. 7 miles from Salem.
IIIU land, finely watered. Sell
In lots of 40-acro tracts at 825 per
810.S00 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
adjoining Wlllametto rltcr.
Will bell In tracts.
$1,873 51acres,4 mllos of Salem. House,
ba.'ii and orchard, lirgesprlng
at the door. Good soil, ami
plenty of timber.
$2,100 UMacrcs, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well Impreved: stream
running through tho place.
800,00 400 acres (4 mllos west hide O A
O It R) good house, barn and
orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal
ance oak grub pasture land.
8800 ......10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem. ad
Joining fair ground. Good land;
no Improvement).
81,200. 10 ncres, 5 miles Salem; nil In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
81,000 370 acres, 0 miles from OAC II II;
bam, and small orchard; 150
acres In cultivation.
S2.730. .-3 lots, with good hoiiHoaml barn,
Wn hnvn hivfrltw tlllti fl lllltfe lUt of city
nnd farm property. lluycra would do well
lo onu anu exaiiiiuu our iiuiuimkh urium
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St.,
ft.26tf Salem, IV.
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used it 'IS!
.in.. n.n n,..ln.. Lu.lufiinllitri iiml 11 tl
dics are giving witlsfaetloii, and a cu
tomerwlth IlnmclillU says It Isthe only
remedy that ghes Instant relief.
SEliitF.t.i. a Covek, Drugglsls,
Riverside, tal,"
It " tho pleasure to Inform
riaVe you that your Preparation are
riaVe you that your Preisiratlonsari
,....li-l.li lurffKUilm. Wubrai
meeting with largo sales. weiimr
si ii ? - - L..1 n ! from any
iNOining dui naisu having
cuslon to0 use them.
NASSCAWtW Jk CO., I)rUKKlstl(,
Vlsalla, Cul.
That It will accomplish the end desired
In all affections of thoThroatand I.un .
U,, ,ji i.nd you not only will not l
Will without It yourself, but will
recommend It to others, us thousands
hae done, who have tried everyU'ln
else In vain. Money Is uo object where
Mana!!;.8 Convince You
trifling sum of one dollar nan purchaoe
remedy that will stand brtween you
and one of the most dreaded of human
' cireularssentfree.eontalnlngdetalled
Is prepared only by the AMHTINB
MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, Cal.
AVhat nils tho young men ?
Robert GarrofiV lather left yvn i
fortunoof twenty millions. Ho i
ttoux childliooil rearcJ in luxur
rvit'ived a Fplcudid education i li .. .
t'speoial training into a tlior-i .
knowk'dge of railroiul ninnaguntent
;tnd was expected to succeed ma
father as a rail toad kini;.
Within three years after tho res)wMi
Pihilitics nhieK his father's death
tlnew uyon hint wcro ussumed, ho is
rejorted a broken down mnu, ivli
mind nnd health pcrmanentlv nh:i
tieorpe Law is unoilior young ninn
left ttttli millions of monoy, wlio is
repotted among )m " nicks.' His
fu.hcr, bred a Btone mason, was of
i-iHiitic siwj and strength, ith tom
inoii.surato brain puor, oho Ixjoiuno
a Tfi contractor, then a ntilroad
Vii g and left half a dozen millions lor
lits fon to dissipate. Tho young man
:s u Mict-css m u dissiputor.
Ihe founders of both of these, great
et-t.it. s were born in the most humble
w!ksof life, grew sliong, mentally
and physically, bv siinpio living unit
hoi.et lubor and developed Into llnnii
I'iul giants. Tlioir t-ous wero reuied
in 'lie lap of luxury and duvolood
int- intellectual pigmies.
'1 he great men of our country have
ncl, as a rulu, como irom tho e'lejant
ii. tins ons of the cities, but fion lie
l.j'g I'nbiiiB of the rural distrnts.
Simple wayH of livinir, freedom from
dit-Mpation and euervHting pleasures,
simple lemedies for di.e.iHo, cll'ective
aii't which, leave no poison in tho
i-teui, developo brawny, biaiuy
men, who compel tho world to rec
oguiio their strength and power.
Iho whoier-oine, oul-fnshtoncU Ix)g
CuUh iciiii'dies aro tbu infest and
Btit.t for fumiiv use. Qur grand,
mothers know how to propuro the
'.is and syrupa of rootH, herbs and
Ii.iImsiiib which drivo discaso out of
tl e system by natural methods and
le.ive no after ill ell'ects. Tho most
potent of these old-timo remedies
veie, after long and searching in
vcMipttion, srcuied by 11. 11 Warner
of mli- cure iiimo, and aro now put
out for the "healing of tho nations"
in tho Warner's Log Cabin remedies.
l!i gulalo ihe regulator with War
ner's Log Cabin t-arsaparilla and
with pure blood civing health,
strength, mental and bodily vigor,
you may hopo to copo successfully
with tho most gigantic financial prob
lems of the age, without wrecking
health and manhood.
traekltn's Antra Silrc.
Tho beat salvo lu. tho world fu.
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, BnUrheiiin
fever sores, tetter, chapped lminN
ehilblnlns, corns, nnd all skin erup
lions, and positively cures piles, m
no pay required. It Is gunnniteeii
tu give iMjifect satisfaction, or timnr
refunded. Price 25 cents per Ih
l'or buI'o - Dr. H. W. Cox.
An AbMlate Cure.
UNTMENT Is only put up In lur.
iwfHtimcu (in boxes, nnd is an
tbsoltitu euro for old sores, burns,
ivitunds, chapped hands, and all
"kin eruptions. Will positively
euro all kinds of plies. Ask for the
MKNT. Sola byD. W. Matthews
i Co., 100 State street, Balein, t 1M
cuts jur box by mall 80 cents.
"The Jlerry Msldtn sad the Tr."
Sho was inerrlost befcro sho
"struck" tlio tar. Ilor spirits sunk
as sho behold her now white gown
blackened by the tar. This lar
Iio1xm1 n wagon run Instead of help
ing run a ship. Just so it thousand
trivial accidents and neglected
"small things" take tho merriment
out of the lives of young girls and
uKtlflAiiu 1,irf limlnrlv lit fhlH till)
ease with dlsotiMW peculiar to their
sex WHICH tUKU so union enjoyment
unil hupplnesri from life. Howuvur
a roinedy Is found In Dr. l'lerce's
Favorite l'rcHcrlpiIoii for all femnlo
OifmiliwwaMtO or lr'nirllliirll(it(. IlerV-
oiisiioe, neiintlgia, und uterine
troublos. Ask your druggist,
IV. I'lorco's lrelle.8,orAntl-bllIoii8
Gmnules, have no ecitmls. ii'S cents
,1 vlfil fitwt ii flfiut f nri luiiiflacdie.
constipation and Indigestion.
. . '
llsw'i Tklt!
AVooH'ur ono hundred dollars re
ward for any cuso of catarrh that
can not bo cured by taking Hall's
mitiirrti mi fit
F. J. Cheney A Co., jirojw.,
Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned,
liavo Known r. j. unuiiev mr hid
last 15 yowrs, and Iwllevo him jh-t-feoily
honorable In nil business
t apsactlons, and fluanolally able to
curry out any obligations niada by
their firm.
West A Truax, wholesale drug
KlU, Toledo, Ohio.
Wablliig. Klnnan A Man-In,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
14. ii. van jioonou, u.vi,
Toledo national lwnk, Tolwlo, Ohio.
JlflU's uttarru cure u iokoh in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and inueus surfaces of Hi"
system, l'rloo, 78c. jer ottIe.
hsuld by all druggists.
Iinporlant Events or Ihe Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Diseased Meats - Chinese Coiiiplirn-
tions Shot by a Constable
Clilix'o Vutt-c to unit T.
San Fuancislx), v.ct. 15. Ah
Tuck Lee, of Monterey, will cast his
tlrst vote In November for Cleveland
and Thurman. Tuck Lee was born
In Monterey and claims a vote on
tho ground of nativity.
Now Llfo-SavliiK Station.
Washington. Oct. li. Tlmnrosl.
dent to-dny approved tho act estab-
llsutng ltro-sitvinir stations on the
Paelllo coast, as follews: At tho cn-
tmnco to nqulim bay, Oregon;
mouth of tho Umpqtm river, Oregon.
WIl ho Koluillt.
San Fuancisco, Oct. 15. Tho
owner in this city of tho Gardiner
lumber mills, at Gardiner, Oregon,
states tho burning of tho 'mill has
llltlo discouraging ull'vct on tho
originators, ns they have deteimlned
to rebuild at once.
Thurman Acceitn, Too.
. Coi.umhus, O., Oct. 15. Judge
Thurnian's letter of acceptance was
given to tho press yestordnv. The
first draft of tho letter was in tho
Judge's handwriting nnd type-writer
copies snowed only n low changes lu
punctuation rrom tho original.
A Woman to I'rnrlli'o Law,
Washington, Oct. 15. In the
supremo court to-day, Mrs. Ada M.
llittinger of Lincoln, Neb., was ad
mitted to practice. Mrs. llittinger
Is tho third woman admitted to
practice in tho supremo court, the
other two being llelva Lookwood of
Washington, and Lniirn Do Force
Gordon of San Francisco.
G'allfornlu'H Ilmaiiil Mat.
Los Anc.ki.im, Oct. 15. Tho re
volting story that the city scavenger
was feeding dead horses, many of
them glandorcd, to hos which woro
afterwards placed In tho markets
here, has been verified by a corres
pondent visiting tho bonoyard,
where horses in all singes of decom
position woro found lying about.
On tho place was u pen in which
2JI0 largo fat hogs woro wallowing,
surrounded by half-picked bones
nnd half-devoured chunks of horse
llesh. A lure boiling app rtilus
for stewing meat was also found.
IMoro llallroail Humor.
CiilcAtio, Oct. 15. Henry VI Hard
and President Colby of tho W'scon
sln Central railroad are here.
Vlllard has just returned from u trip
over tho Northern I'acllle, and tho
fact that ho has also gone over tho
Wisconsin Central with President
Colby has given rso to tho story
that arrangements are on foot for a
close alliance of tho corporations.
President Colby has ropoat.dly de
nied that the Wisconsin Central Is
to be lutised lo tho Northern Pacific,
but It Is well known that u large
portion of thobccurlllosofboth roads
are held by (he sumo people.
A lli.rrllil' If'linl.
I'oim.AM). Oct. 15. Tho usually
nulot little town ofBandy, which Is
Inoutud In this county 'JH mllos
southeast of this city, was thrown
intoa suite of great excitement by
tho killing or a man named Jiotigcs
thoroon Hundiiy evening.
Itweins that a limn named Wal
lace had a horse stolen from him,
und ho went to the Justlco of tho
peace of rJHiniy wno matio nun
Wallace laved for the man and
caught him riding his horse, when
lie, Wallace, told thu man wno was
mi Id animal that ho was under
urrest and ordered him to dismount
and glvo up tho horse. This order
wiim nested bv the man whoso
uitmo was Hodges. Then Wallace
fired at him. The bullet entered
the body on the right side, near the
nipple, and jessed clear througii
tliHiKMlvuudeameouton the baek
IJust lielow the left shoulder-blade.
The wound Inllleteu was almost
immwllatwlv fatal. Wallace deliv
ered himself up to the Justice of the
Mako tho Law General.
San Fuancisco, Oct. 15. Con
grcesuuiu W. W. Morrow his nrrlv
ed Ltm Washington. Speaking of
tho Chlneso exclusion bill he said:
"There was some talk before I left
Washington to Introduce a bill
requesting the president to enter
Into negotiations with Canada nnd
Mexico with a view of getting those
countries to adopt Chinese-exclusion
laws. Such a bill will doubtless bo
lntrodut lu congress next session.
If miopia, there will bo no necessity
to guard these frontiers. I think It
likely such negotiations will Imj
successful. Although Mexico lies
been encouraging Chinese cheap
labor, 1 think tho Mexlc.n govern
ment can Imj Induced to favor tho
United Stntes so far as tocxcIudeChl
nese. Tho Canadian house, of com
mous,at Its last sesslon,dld not appear
much opposed to Chinese, hut I
think It will also ca-operato with
this country. Until that Is done
tho United States will havo to be
guarded at every iKilnt."
Tho police of Ilcrllu aro seizing
all copies of Dr. MacKenzlo's book
wherever found.
Among tho arrivals on tho steamer
City of Columbia was Dr. Paul Gu
bier, who Is to study yellow fever
disease for tho French government.
During a performance of Sells'
circus at Han Diego Hogardus, Jr.,
while tiring eighteen shots lu
eighteen seconds, missed tho target
und sent a bullet through tho leg of
Miles SUvorthoruc, 2;i years old. It
Is a bad won ml.
Tho Canadian I'acllle steamer
Duko of Westminster is sllll lying
In tho stream at San Francisco with
her two hundred Chinese passengers
awaiting tho action of tho United
States courts on tho question of ad
mission on habeas corpus writs.
The question will lo decided to
morrow. Tim 1'li'Kt dlrl Citniiiitwil.
Tho tlrst youngglrl tobo cremated
In America was nineteen-year-old
Alldii Woisslcdor, tho daughter of
tho Superintendent of tho lirusli
Klcctrlo Light Company, lu Cincin
nati. Her body was burned re
cently at tho crematory In that
city. Tho corpse, wrapped in white
alum linen, with white and yellow
rosuu on tho breast, wag slid Into
tho retort by two attendants who
atonco relliod, and lu tho stillness
that followed the mourners could
hear tho pull und slzlu of tho gases
of the body as thu heat devoured It.
After on hour tho bluo Humus
stopped circling about tho body,
and ii long white streak was scon
where It had been. Those ashes
when gathered up weighed less
than u pound. They were returned
to tho parents nnd will bo preserved
in mi urn. It was tho ninth In
cineration nt thu crematory.
A Wuru'iiir lo lllniiiiirck.
The Pall Ma'l Gazette challenges
tho Gorman authorities to curry out
thu threat to Institute proceedings
to prevent tho publication lu London
of the late Kniporor Frederick's
diary. Tho Gazette warns Prime
Jllbinim.'k nut to attempt to cxlaiid
abroad tho tyranny over tho press
which Is exercised In Germany.
In rcniomiillon Ucnnblt?
Head the follewing: Mr. C. H.
Morris, Newark, Ark,, says: "Wus
down with abcess of Lungs, and
friends and physicians pronounced
me an Incurable Consumptive. lk
gan taking Dr. King's Now Discov
ery for Consumption, am now on
my third bottle, and able to oversee
thu work on my farm. It Is the
II nest medicine ever made."
Jesse Mlddlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Hud it not been for Dr. King's
New discover for Consumption I
would huve died of Lung Troubles.
Wus given up by doctors. Am now
In bust of health." Try It. Sample
bottles free at H. W. Cox's Drug
Painless dental operations at Dr.
T. O Smith's, 0-2 State street.
iJ'.jJ "----.d