m miiimmnimmf LATE CITY NEWS FOUND Rr the Reporters on Their Roand of B v the Towd. Said He was Insane Presbytery and Synod News of the Courts Stato Items. Notaries rubllc. Gov. l'cnnoyer has to-day Issued notary public commissions to D. AV. Ceolidge of Eugene, and J. K. Vaito of East Portland. In the Lead as t'sunl. Oregon continues to lead in the matter of production of wheat, as show n by their October crop report for I". s- In tu0 United States the general average for winter wheat is twelve bushels per acre. It has yielded better than early expec tation. The average as given for Oregon is 10.3. - Death of Capt. Shields. Capt. James Shields died in Al bany at 10 o'clock last evening. Capt. Shields was a pioneer in Ore iron, an old and respected resident of that city, and for several years held the position of treasurer of Linn county. He was a devoted Christian and a faithful friend. He was in the 78th year of his age. Herald. Mrs. Smith's Tears. When Barber Smith's wife, who is in jail at Portland, heard that her husband had thrown himself into the river she wept bitterly, seeming to be sorry that she had chosen the until of thorns and civlng the idea that she might yet reform. But it is known for a certainty thut Smith is among the living and in San Francisco, no doubt. His idea in causing the telegram to be sent hero is not known, unless it might be to enlist his wife's sympathy or bring himself into prominence again. Jackson County's Assfssuieut The assessor of Jackson county has tiled with the secretary of state Iiis assessment roll for 18S8. It shows : 2"3,0ol acres of land, val uation 1,7:27,080 ; town lots$103,031; improvements ?445,&30; merchan dise and improvements, 5433,322; money, notes, etc., 795,542; furni ture, etc., ?104,7S2 ; 4570 hordes and mules, 109,212 ; 11,144 cattle 1G0,. 337 ; 18,153 ; sheep, 20,150 ; 7,411 ; swine, 12,943 ; gross value, 4,128, 701 ; indebtedness, 827,040 ; exemp tion, 279,051 ; total taxable prop erty, 30,150.21 ; number of polls, 1,233. He Was Insane and Knew It. Yesterday evening PcrryDoutb.lt, who has for several years lived about twentv mibs east of Salem, appeared before Sheriff Croisan and Kiid he was crazy and wanted to be sent to the asylum. An examina tion was conducted before Judce Shaw and in the presence of Drs. Richardson and Rowland, which resulted in the unfortunate man being adjudged insane, and ordered sent to the asylum. Ho was taken out last night. Douthit comes of a family in which insanity is hereditary, and has for years shown signs of insanity, though never violent. He is forty five years of age, and a bachelor and has once before been in an asyium in Washington territory. When he was twenty-two years of ago ho first showed signs of mental aberration, and at times has been flighty ever since. Self abuse is assigned as the cause of his derangement. SYX0D OP THE COLUMBIA. Closing Exercises of the Presbvtcrv... Assembly of the Synod. The afternoon session of the Pres bytery yesterday was devoted to hearing reports of the various com mittees and closinc un the unfinish ed business. The report of the committee on homo missions was interesting and encouraging. 2s ew fields are opening up, new churches are being organized and new ministers are being added to the work. There are now no churches in the Presbytery not sup plied with preaching. The Presby tery now has enrolled forty-live churches and forty-nine ministers. Rev. A. II. Lackey, late of Kan sas, will undertake evangelistic work in the state, beginning next week at Euiruue. Revs. Wm. Graham, E. M. Sharp and Thomas McGinn were given seats as corresponding members. Rev. Wm. Travis was duly re ceived from the Pembina Presoy tery. Reports of the work among tho Indiaus and French were heard. They are encouraging. THE SYNOD. The Synod was opened hist night with a sermon by the retiring moder ator, Rev. J. V. Mulligan. Revs. Sharp and Boyd were elect ed clerks, and Rev. Calvin R. Shields was the unanimous choice for moderator. "When the synod convened this mornimr the statistical renort was submitted, from which the follow ing facts are gleaned: Oregen: 47 ministers; 45 churches; ministers received during year 0; churches organized 2. Idahe: ministers 21; churches 21; ministers received 3; churches or ganized 3. Eastern Oregen: ministers 10; churches 10; ministers received 0; churches organized 2. Puget Seund: ministers 27; churches 40. Alaska: ministers 9; churches 4. Ministers of other bodies present invited to sit as corresponding members. Rev. D. O. Ghorniley elected rc nortlmr clerk. Row. L. G. Watson, W. B. Lee, E. N. Condit and J. S. Bingham and Elders Wm. Wadhams and W. M. Ladd constituted committee on educational interests of synod. This synod comprises the Presby terian churches of Oregon, Wash ington territory, Northern Idaho and Alaska. At 2 p. m. this afternoon an in terlocutory meeting was held, sub ject: "Sabbath Observance." At 7:30 p. m. to-night win no a joint meeting of Pacific board of mission and synod, managed by the ladies LOCAL SUSntAllY. in Rev. Tower preaches Sunday Ashland. J. Phillips has been appointed deputy sheriff during court. A. L. Brown is in Portland examining tho water works system. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenborg went south on tho train yesterday morn lug. A. Avery has purchased the gro cery business of Paul Oberhehn on Commercial street. To-night Is given the social enter tainment and literary program at the Christian church. Clark Braden is stumping Stay ton, Aunisville and Shuck's mills district for the proliis. Jos. DuBois went to Portlnnd this afternoon to attend the funeral of his friend Oscar Clay. Prof, and Mrs. MeElrovand Miss MoFadden went yesterday to Cor vallis to sec the sister-in-law of the ladies, she being very low. Mr. S. L. Wolf, of Howell Prairie, lias bought a farm near MoMtnn ville, and is moving his family and household goods to that place. Frank Belknap of Monroe has re moved to Salem, he paid the Jour nal otllce a call and reports every thing as prosperous at Monroe. Oscar I. Clay, commercial editor of the Oregonian, ami well known In Salem, died suddenly yesterday morning in Portland, of heart trouble. Prof. Thus. Van Seoy yesterday received a telegram from MeClenny, Florida, bearing the sad news of the death of his brother at that place, of yellow fever. The deceased was a minister. In attendance at circuit court is Charles Cum Sin, the Chinese law yer of San FnuicihCo. He looks quite Americanized and uses choice English In Ids conversation. He is quite well educated. A bold bad burglar bothers Bea niun of North Salem considerably. For several nights ho has been making his way into the house but has been sui'prisedtbeforo appropri ating any valuables. An old Silcmltc, M. C. George will Boon beirin tho erection of a number of cottage on his tract of ten acres in Portland. Tho houses will be of the niostconifortablomako and will be provided with all modern iniprovnicuts and conveniences. It is now known positively that the O. P. will push right on to Boise City and make transcontinental connection. It is also a well known fact that S. Farrar & Co. are selling fresh groceries, fiuits, etc., at the lowest living prices. Call and them. OREGONIAN RAILWAY COMl'ANXY. Canscs (treat Inconvenience- to Shipping and Traveling Public. the NEW TO-DAY. see SUl'KKME COURT. Jloodj In Portland. When D. L. Moody, the famous evangelist, stepped upon tho rostrum of the tabernacle in PortlandWednes- day evening, he was greeted by the nppluusoof nearly 2,000 or roruaim representative people. Mr. Moody Is of medium height, and is inclined to corpulency. Ho wears ft full beard which begins to show signs of age, as does his hair. He is not what may be termed an eloquent speaker, but he Is an earnest one. This is proven by tho fact that he held the entire Interest of tho whole assemblage from the time ho uttered the first won! until he had concluded. The principal point of his lecture was to show thnt the reason bo many unbelievers and non-church goore existed was because the ministers of tiir. .iifr..n.nt iinnnniinntions uiu not work In unison. A slight tittor passed through tho houso when he read the following extract from the Bible: "Thou shall love they neigh bor as thyself," and commented on it as follews: "Now, dear brethren, are not the Chinese your neighbors, and do you love them as you love yourself?" Painless dontal operations at Dr. T. C Smith's, W State street At 2 n. in. to-morrow an inter locutory meeting in tho interest of the young; at 5 to 7:30 p. m. tlio society of Christian Endeavor of Presbyterian church of Salem will entertain tho synod at tho pastor's residence. halem Frtc of Smallpox. We are glad to be ablo to an nounce that young Mr. Mulligan, Mm TCiiL'i'tio Bible audit who was attacked with the smallpox fvnrloloidl In this city, Is now al most entirely recovered. Ho Is up and around all right aiier a very mild attack and will soon bo pcr .ttn,i tn ,m nbout his labors. Those who were thought to have been ex posed to him are not afflicted and the time for them to take it has elapsed. Tho doctors assure us there Is positively nothing to bo feared now. . Article r Incorporations rrwinv nrticles were filled with the Secretary of State Incorporating tho Sheridan Bros, hardware com pauy of Roscburg; F It., J. P. and It; S. Sheridan, Incorporators; busi ness to be a general hardware and agricultural Implement sale; capi tal stock fSO.OOO In shares of $100.00 each. Before lh Ueeorder. "Alas for tho rarity of human charity" in this case means ulas for the free use of old bug Juice. Jos. Bell gets four days, Sam Huzlett four and Henry Folgor five. They are all plain drunks. The case of Yong Slug Hoe, the Chinese woman who was refused tho privilege of landing at Portland by the customs emnn. brought up in the United States court Wednesday. Proof that she ww born in San Franeteeo In 18M ww furnished upon the testimony of her father and two acquaintances who knew the family In Uiat cuy. She was admitted. CASIS Sl.T I'Oll IIKAilIXCI. Monduv October 15th: W. I Druick, resp. vs. Adolph Nicholl, app.; appeal irom aiuiuioiiiiiii county. Tuesday Ootober 10th : Edward Boyer resp. vs. J. M. Lett vena, app.; appeal from Multnomah county. Weducsduy October 17th : State of Oregon resp. vs. C. M. Harding, npp.; appeal from Multnomah county. Thursday October 18th: Aaron Mler. imp. vs. Tho Portland Cable Railway Co.; appeal from Multno mah county. Monday October 22d : Tho Board of It. R. commissioners of the fotato of Oregon resp. vs. The O. It. & N. Co. upp.; appeal from Umatilla county. Tuesday October 23nl : A iiuri mnn resn. vs. Jno. N. Young, upp. appeal from Umatilla county. Wednesday October 2n : ui. Mlllnr mm. vs. Henry Llncli. rosp.; appeal from Multnomah county. Thursday October a-jlli : w. r. Ulnes resn. vs. Thomas Hall, app.; appeal from Unipn county. A stubbing aflray occurred at Brlghtenbuh yesterday morning. Two Queoner brothers, whllo partly intoxicated, became engaged in a mw with the saloonkeeper atBrlglit- enbush, and knives were drawn and of tho Queoner Silvkhton, Oregon, Oct. 11. We hlivonovorliolinliliiinnro foreU bleillustration of the old saying that "forbearance reases to be n virtue," than has fallen under our observa tion during the past two weeks, while traveling along tho line of the Oregonian Railway Company. During the year'lSSO and 1SS1 the citiKcns of this portion of Marion county were highly elated over the prospect of having a railroad and when called upon by the projectors of the scheme contributed liberally. Durlnc the llrt three or four years of the roads existence the majority ot supporters seemed lo bo satisfied and very little complaint was made, but during the past two or three yoars the road has b en run In such a disgraceful manner that it is a wonder the pcuple have not long before this banded together and cither torn up the track or compelled the management tos op the running of trains. Some llino since the railroad com missioners after a thorough Inspec tion of the roadbed condemned It and ordered the same repaired or all trains tied up. After waiting a long as possible the receiver has at last commenced tho necessary re pairs, and workmen are engaged putting In new ties and bridges. At present people traveling over this line take their lives in their own hands, and only through an interposition of divine providence do they safely arrive at their destina tion. By a careful Inspection of the roadbed it will bo noticed that a majority of the ties have entirely rotted out and the rails are in many nlaces lvlnc on the bare ground for several feet, while in some instances sticks of wood have been taken oil the tender and put under the rails. One of the engineers says that while the ground is dry and hard, It made no difference whether thero were any ties under the rails or not, but us soon as the rainy season set in and the ground become soft the rails would then spread out and it would be impossible to make a trip with out getting oil" the track. j We do not understand why it Is that the employes of this company do not receive their pay at the ex piration of each month, for tho road Is in a paying condition. They have all tho freight they can handle, and receive, we aro hnforniod, $45 per day for carrying tbo mull. The telegraph and express lines idso bring in considerable revenue. One of tho most gigantic outrages ever perpetrated upon the public was committed by this company recently. About forty people pur chased tickets In Portland for different stations along the lino and when tho train arrived at the lutul inir no boat was thero to take tho passengers across tho river, and the transfer had to be made by wagons. The distance by the wagon road across Ray's ferry is about ilvo miles and several passengers had to walk and curry their baggage, there being only two wagons to carry forty passengers, baggage, mall and express. A few days ago parties in Sllverton made arrangements with this com pany to huul oats from that place to Ray's landing and deliver tho same to the O. It. & N. to be taken to ban Francisco, tho price to Iks paid per car from Sllverton to Han Francisco being 35. Thinking they would do as agreed tho contracting parties loaded two cars and way billed thorn "Ray's Landing care O. It. & Co." In a few days tho 1)111 returned to the shipcr, but instead of bolng f85 as previously agreed upon, was made out for $51. Com ment Is unnecessary. Wo would also call tho attentlt U of tho postal nuthoiltles to tho fact that the mall is handled In ti very loose manner on the traliiH, hardly a day passing without some mall being earned past its destination. The only remedy wo can see, Is for tiie people of Bulom and Silver ton to stand in together and offer sulflclont inducement to the South ern Pacific to build a brunch road from Salem to that point, whloh wo think could Ikj easily managed, and oaks! oaks ! lis! i wk havk uiruvr.n Ol'H NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct from tho Knot, every gnnucnt having been turnip to order for ix. kini: xi:v srocic ok Dress Goods and Trimmings, Flannels, Blankets; New Slock of Carpels, lings, Porlicrs, Shades and Lace Curtains. Tho nubile aro cordially Invllctl to Inspect our ummnmth stock. .1. 31. KOSEXBKUG & CO., White Corner. liiwuMini'iminiU'i hf ! mmmnwiini mnnniiiiiiiiiii iw-mnimcnrntT 11. K. Dullow. JOK DUllOH. EDUCATIONAL. C .Dubois bros., I'rojirlctors IAImWI tO HOW FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, I'rom 51 toJJl neriluy. SALEM - - OllKllON. nw-tr For Sale. A Reed. Iron frame. Horse Tower. (IihmI for nil uses, from one to mil capacity. All ror Uiu low price ol 8. Call ut tho Jli clilo Ciller, Vinegar .V Fruit I'uwervlnii Company'" otllce. Salem, Oiepin. School Tax Notice. rniiK SCHOOL TAXIS Ol' niSTHICT I No. '.'I In Marlon county are now (lite iindeollrctnlilont tlieolllcuor tliuctoilt.ln thu opem houso on Court street, Nilcm, mill must ho lmld liy the llrstof December, or become ucllnuucn.. HMlvoNi October ilil, '88. CletU. UM.dWJw WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY . UnuhmtcHHtuitents In Classical, Literary, ScicA, Normal, Husinoss, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It li the olilest, laiRCt nnil least expen sive Institution of leurulUK In the North west, School opens llrst Momlny In September Heml fin' tnluloBito In THUS. VAN HCOY, 1'rc-ddi'tit. 17: Salem, Oregon. SELECT SCilOO j. tx M. M. iVIBiVD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specially, Shop on the alley, opposlto MIiiIo'h l.lvj cry Stable, salclii, Or. TILE SANITARIUM l'ortho treatment or all illscusim or men ami women DHS. CIIjHKKT k WK)IL (I I VI Meilleateil vapor tmths, oxygon Inlinla. .. . . . it ul,iliiil tlons, oieciro iiiiikiii'iii.".. "... ' . j-i.d .....I . ,.iiI,iiIiiiii 111 tlifl Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL UUILUINU, tor. Uiurcii ami Marion Sis., beginning SKi'TiMiinm io. Kii-iiaw ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Hill Boys and Girls. on tho 'Jlth ntum ..... .. ......... -. Thoiouuli liutnio- Hpras-H, etc. Olllcoanil winllarluni hi it ho llatiK uiiicK. miwiiiiiiiHm iii. KWfilw A. E. STRANG, No. TOI Commercial Street, SALlr, - - OUKdOX. -iihai.hu ijc- STOVESand RANGES Pluioling, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Motal Work a Specialty. JWAKont f"r tho HIUIIAKDKON HOYNTON COMl'A.NY'H I'urrmciw. Im- tikblUUtxl In 1M3 LOWEST PRICES, iS-llEST GOODS."" mi's Auction nsuxl frwilv. Roth I .......i mil ttnilll hill llflf f.ltullV. uujn r.c ..... ....v ..... .. ti,n oouki ik, otiy iimnuguu, aim A phynlelan was culled, who wweU (,uw K,yo tj( ()f thI(J JMM3tIon up tho wound. I u ,ieoiit wv of truvullnir. Wo The hchuol will tt U.ttilf.ttilu.t ... .- .......... .. - -.- r-- -.- llt.ii in uiu primary nun uiiVi.nceii English Branches. LATIN AND KLEMKNTs' OF MUSIG In eourhc. TKKMH unit further Inrormatloii tuny Im """"""'""'"""""riHV.i'. 11.1'OHT. Cor. ChvuiekvlH mill HIiiIhHIk. H-iAMf COSRYATOIIY OF MUSIC! WHluinuLto University. MOHl HIICIHWirill M'lllKll Of lllllulc Oil tllO Iturthwokt count. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. (.'oilmen In FMiino. Orn Singing. Violin, llurmony, und Countur- point. Diploma on completion ol coil rue. Teaehum: Z. M. l'nrvln. Fmnkln 1. Join, KviitNu. Awil.luiit.I.tiUl .M.Hinllli. l'lrt term billi Miimlny, Keptninlxir 8, W. Hetnl fiir euUiliue. Koriiirther pi,tW1lamdtaMpAKviN Munleul Dlris'tor.Hulum, Or. K-n-iltf-wlt s isc up Tho mphl growth and Improve ment or Atihlaiid continue without nbatoment, and by the clow or the year he will bo able to reeord a pro- grei greater thau that or any year before In the history or the town. would ttuggwt thnt the oUImiih or Bilvortou hold a mum ineetltig and take the iimtter tinder winwlilurwtlon. 1. or so4 uttiii. John Ulrleli llullw, a native of Bwltserlawl, tolay declared hi lu- tentloii to become a atlum ol the United Btate. befure County Clerk. l'ror. Price, the well-known inet ullurgkt and mining exjert ot Hau Kranctaeo, lian returned to that city from an extWHletl tour through Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. He luw no Iteeltatlou In wtylug tlutt It kt tlte most womlerful mining country In America. OKNKHAI. OUTHfrrKII GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. I-I. SMITH -18- Xuvf In Mi(in "I ' "" illovry in mMlMiiH,wlilh limrlyii IikhiI hium4Ii6U KhuiI aaiii HliiMMt lntiiiitanwmly on th lllllllMC IWUH III III IWtll, li, Mill umiioiM or iinMeawinl to the UMte, The iiiHiiiifclurrof It ulMlm tiMl .nil n.i.i or H.rH mil tw elwnl ami ntlmt wt want, an iirrmn no wy u a.nu.1 Ium nver Immhi kiMtwn IwHtfa, ftml by HPlitylnK It to thu MttMllve or "r livth, tW urn b elii(! ulll.mil ailti Uiiull IliiuA til klmU of lUnual work iluue wltlMHit ivtln, ., , .. f..,.4..1l....... wmWbUirll oiiUr. Jl. HinllU. TmUi Goods on iliti iiiKlallineiii MintotMiforoioMiw. 1I nn. MAI.KM OKWXiOX. HV3U HAI.K OK TO IlIWT OK BBAWW. jwn4milarmlUlCMlu(Mi.t. MHI Call unti B T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printar, AT II 1H NKW (tl'AUTKMH I THIS Hteto IrMuntiiM llulldlmc. Oar. i o nMMvial uHd Clttinekvto tret. Ut-lu tkSiiEij LAmu :,uLv.r. .