WORK ON THE OREGON PACIFIC. OREGON PRESBYTERY AND SYNOD. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. NEW TO-DAY. By the Reporters on Their HoHnd of (he Town. Proceedings of the Session as far as Enacted. News And Notes of a General In terest to the Westerner. LATE CITY NEWS FOUND oas! (is! A Hold Canard Nuisance Presbytery Synod Doings of the Courts. Deed Commissioners. The following named persons were to-tlay appointed commissioners of deeds for Oregen: F. A. "Wegener, Han Francisco, Cal.; W. J. Carroll, Omaha, Neb.; T. F. Cooper, Cres cent City, Colorado. Not.- its I'nlillc. Gov. Pcnnoycr to-day appointed the following persons to be notaries public for Oregen: E. L. Reed, Poi Hand; Morris M. Harkness, Oram's Pa&s; J. R. Ruttolph, Flor ence; Will H. Parry, Salem; Jnmcs K. Scars, McCoy; J. J." Shellwood, Cocmillc; E. L. Riadlcy, Malheur. . A Disgrace to tho Slate. A correspondent fiom Sllverton lintU Ereftt fault with the Orcgonlnn railway company and thinks it ohould be abated as ti nuisance. He says the road is iu a dangerously looo condition, ties rotted out, rails twisied and ballast minus. He suggests U3 n remedy that the citi zens call n public meeting rnd compel tho road to come to tinic or shut up. o-1 Circuit Court. J. H. Miller vs. F. Levy, appeal; verdict for plaintifl'in sum of $120. J. D. Leo vs. W. B. Makers et uxM action for money; dismissed. Winnie Graham vs. Mary E. Greenwood, suit in' equity : demurrer of plaint ill' to defendent's answer sustained. Tlios. Gilbert vs. Geo. Watt, appeal; verdict for plalntifl giving possession of horse in question. The Upper Willamette. The Willamette has begun to rise perceptibly, but not enough to al low the Oregon Pacific Company or tho Oregon Railway fc Navigation Company to start their Upper Wil lamette boats. Even the Three Sis ters, which is tho lightest draft of them all, could not carry much more than her unloaded weight. A general impression prevails among river men, however, that the coming week will see rain enough to cause sutlleicnt rise in tho river to allow navigation to start. -o Supreme Court. SAI.K.U, Oct. 11. M. C. Cross as administrator et al, appellatus vs. Mary L. Baskett as administratrix, re&p.; appeal from Polk county. Argued and submit ted ; G. G. Bingham appeared for appellant and no one for respondent. A. W. Lambert appellant vs. Rose (i. Lambert respondent; appeal from Multnomah county. Judg ment of the lower court moditied ; opiniou by Thayer C. J. John Paulsen etal, respondent vs city of Portland appellant ; motion for rehearing denied ; opinion by Strahan J. Thayer C. J. concurr ing. - The Oregon Land Company's ten acre lots aro selling rapidly,-iO having been sold since the 8th of Sept. There is no probability that 10 acres of good laud within four milesofSalem will ever again bo oflea'd for f 30 per acre on easy terms. There aro now tive houses in process of construction on lots already sold and roads are being opened and bridges built so that tho value of all of the lots is leing rapidly enhanced. Any one wishing to buy ten acres of good laud for much less than the pico of a city lot will do well to look at this property at once as there is no doubt but that it will all bo sold inside of thirty days. Call at the office of tho Oregon Laud company ,on Com mercial street and you will bo shown the property free of charge. 10-11-eodtf. ETldently a CiDird. Yesterday evening Minto Bros., of this city, reeeived a telegram from Corvallls bearing the Intelli gence that Frank" Smith, tho Salem harbor, had been drowned in the Willamette and his body found seven miles below Corvallls. Tho ,.1 ' i...i ...AnHnL-nmr wivgmiu purponuu m w.mi.-. what disposition should lie made of uie romaiub ami uinum -his relations were. In much as Frank Leslie, who arrived last night from Albany, said he Iwd Been Smith at noon in Albany aiyl talked with him there it would m thore was nothing In the re port. Leslie said that he showed him a ticket for Sn Frnnoieco and "aid he was going there on ltt ighU train and ere this U no doubt An Invoice of Fresh and Breezy Notes From the Railroad, Front. From a party who has just re lumed from tho O. P. front ou the Santiam the Journal gathers the following items of news: Messrs Myers & Company have employed on their contract, above Brighteubush fork of the Santiam, about three hundred men and are pushing tho work with all tho energy at their command. There are dally large numbers of recruits joining their forces, and although some oc casionally quit they espct to soon have five or six hundred names on their pay rolls. Henness Brothers aro supplying the camp, and now employ some lifty packs for that purpose. The parlies in charge of the woik from Don Sin' ih's to l)i Ightenbush are also crowding their work and are adding new camps ahnos't daily; some Ave hundred men are reported on this division. Tho gap between Smith's and the end of the track is being le-dresscd and graded up where skipped before and put In order for the tie. The bridge carpenteis are getting along finely with their work and now think they can keep 4 u advance of the track layers. New iron was laid yesterday and it is expected to keep right along until Don Smith's is readied, where a turn table is being constructed and a breaihiug spell will be taken. There is a vast amount of rock work aloug the lino above Smith's and the progress will not be as fast us it was below that po.nt. The piles arc nearly all driven on the division below Smith's and thousands of ties are delivered a'ong the line of the track. The bridge across tho Santiam at Mills City is progressing linely. The two west piers are in and the bt'y cords and temporary work is all in place, while a good working crew arc rapittly pushing the work along. Several new saw mills will bo erected in various places along the line to furnish tho liecc-sary timber for construction. The mill of SimniH & Co. at Mills City is ex pected to start up Monday. The machinery is nearly n'l iu place and the force at work on the race expect to have it finished by Sa. unlay night. The logging contractors weie to commence operations tc-day and by the of next month. Times will bo lively thereabouts. There appears to be a sci'-city of blacksmiths along tho line of the road as the disciples of vulcan were enquired aiter at nearly every camp. The health of the employes ap peals to bo splendid, as not a caso of sickness was seeii or heard of along the entire Hue. HARRISON AS A CITIZEN. His Pastor of Many Years Speaks Of His Practices. Some famous men, like prophets hvo least honor iu their own country j but truly great men, those whoso greatness is inner ent and nut borrowed, are as able to bear the every day scrutiny ol their neighbors as the occalonal"lunpse of stranger. Ul the latter class is llenjamin Harrison, for here i his pastor Kev. Al. U llaine or ihe First Presbyterian Church nf Indian apoli, a man who has known the repub lican candidate for )ears, writing of him in a leadiug jeurnal: .cn,o. it ltinnt General Harrison an niter ihsenee of Dreteoci or affectation. He discards any attempt to make n show of himself, and .rould be the last person to speak or act for mere effect. Open and straightforward in both language and ac tions, he lacks that quality of politician which makes one expert at 'pulling wires' and 'laying pipes.' "He impresses one as being a man of balanced mind and clear convictions, who would give any truth brought before him a fair chance, but who would allow noth. Ing to swerve him from the path ol duty. With hffc a promise is sacred j with hira 'yea' means yes and 'uo' means no. He is not a man dodrous of dictating to oth ers, nor will he allow himself to be dic tated to. "Decided in his eonvletions, broad in his views, inspired by a high moral pur pow, ruled by a coocieoce both itrong and informed, he has led a life in thU city oou. suieoaus for its probity and ru stainless integrity." X BeqaWtlsi Im4. Gov. Pennoyer to-dy twwwl a renuteltlon to governor of California for Peter Pierce who "- Lane county, charged with obtain ing money under fateepreteu&es. The Oregon Presbytery closes its session tills afternoon, after a most interesting and important meeting. The following ministers are present: Samuel Pettlgrew, M. A. Williams, Bobt. Kobe, J. A. Ilanna, E. J. Thompson, D. D., Kiehard Gilpin, C. F. Waldeeker, Geo. Boss, Win. Clyde, A. G. Boyd, J. V. Mllligan, W. II. Ltmdnn, D. D., A. J. Brown, E. K. Murgatroyd, J. K. N. Bell, Win. Morrison, O. Forbes, E. T. Ingle, Geo. Gillespie, G.W. Gibony, Robt. Emits, "W. A. Sinlek, Geo. A. MeKinlay, F. G. Strange, E. N. Condil, E. K. Prichurd, II. A. Newell and J. E. Day. The attendance of tho ruling ciders is as follews: E. C. llolden, Astoria; J. K. Tetnplciou, Biownsville; David King, Corvallls; E. T. Albert, Salem; E. 15. Gore, Phojnix; "Win. Gairison, Lafayette; J. M. Mastling, McCoy; J. L. Bank, North Yam hill; YV. B. May, Portland; J. A. Eiscudorfcr, Albany; S. Condlt, Pleasant Grove; A. B. Atkins, In dependence; S. C. Boss, Albina; C. A. Ma'huke, Beaver Creek; "William Marks, Lebanon; J. Voor hec, Gervais; .1. L. Melmoth, Solomon Eddy, Myrtle Creek; and Peter Simon, Eagle Point. Kevs. William Travis, W. A. Wllliston, J. Mulhaft, N. Dore and A. It. Medbury were given seats as cores ponding members. Eagle Point church, newly established was enrolled. Petition for new Pres bytery to bo known as Southern Oregon Presbytery, referred. Al bany institute reported in Nourishing condition. Resignation of Kev. E. V. Garner of Astoria referred. Re port to install Revs. G. "NV. Gibony and A. J. Brown tiled. Church of Beaver creek granted permission to change name to Clackamas First Presbyterian church. Committees on incorporation and printing, h'story, report p'-ogres. Petition fiom'Oregon City for the organisation of a Presbyteiian church, received. Committee appointed to visit the place and organize, if the way be clear : W. O. Forbes, A. .1. Brown, Tlios. Boyd ami Elders Wndhams and Warren. To-night the Columbia synod will assemble at 7::',0. Rev. J. V. Mi'ligan, retiring moderator, will deliver tho evening's sermon. -- I.OCAI. KUM.1IAIIY. It is said that Dr. J. C. Gilbert is arranging to hold a public debate with Clark Braden on Protection versus Free Trade. Win, Meyer, late of Ellsworth, Kansas, is In the city completing arrangements to at once open up a new cigar manufactory. During the recent smallpox t-cro a great many people in Salem wero vaccinated and now the number of aillictcd arms is enormous. The tall spire of tho Catholic church, surmounted with u hand some golden cross, Is n very promi nent llguro iu the cistern part of town. In the absencj of convincing evi dence the grand Jury failed to re turn a bill against Susie Jones for eithersollliig liquor withoutallcomo or maintaining a house of Ill-fame. Gov. Pennoyer hns been applied to for a requisition for Tom Brock ins who is now at Oswego, N. Y. Brocklns Is wanted in Union coun ty, whore he Is charged with sevcr- ul small larcenlei. At the Mechanics fair In Portland S. A. Clarke of this city has a lino exhibltof dried prunes.taken at ran dom from 50,000 pounds packed for market. They aro of the Columbia, Italian, Golden Drop, Koine, Claude do Bavay ami Peach variety. It is' now known positively that thoO. P. will push right on to Boise City and make transcontinental connection. It is also a well known fact that S. Farrar & Co. are selling fresh groceries, fi'u'lts, oc., at the lowest living prices. Call and we them. MAHiiii:n. rtKNSUK.ill.ANTON.-At I". wj"J" newtaF. Oct. HKN, by Kev.. A. M. 1 Sewetl, WiViTfiMinie antf Ml- Mary K. Wanton. HOnssONJAKKrt.-At.lM Bvnflll rFM3e,lB, Vdffly Oeu IfUi. by Iter. J. nick, Al HimImw and !' lfknche Jake. tUtou. Wdn4tay Oct. j&U by rUv Knfcli., Bonjaniln KU ad .JImWvh lie, pm. firuo. Mimptkm. Un. MfWte Pagan, wito of Wm. F. Dufan. The shipments of lumber from the mills at Gray's harbor are esti mated at about 0,000,000 feet per mouth. A Presbyterian church will soon bo establUhcd at Oregon City. It will be the second one of.thitt, de nomination in Clackamas county. Tt h estimated that the expense of picking and drying the hop crop of King and Pierce counties, Washing ton territory, tills season wiw ?200, 000. The population of Oregon i- 300, 000 and the next census which is to bo taken In ISOO will certainly show that Oregon is entitled to anotlur congressman. A man near tills city has dried and packed fifty thousand pounds of choice fruit from a 25-acrc fruit faint. That shows that fruit raising pays In Oregon. The Lane county fair this year was a better success in every way than ever befoi e. The exhibits were superior and the attendance and receipts much larger. The eillens of Prinevllle oiler a reward of li'iO for the arrest and conviction of any person caught at tempting to set lire to any building within the city limit-. The Columbia waterway conven tion met iu Portland this week. Every city in Oregon Interested lit the opening of the Columbia river should have been represented. Everything is now In readtiic-t for starting up the works of tho Oregon Iron and Steel Company at Oswego. The ore road is ballasted, and ore is being hauled trom the mine to the stock house. The steel rails to complete the Ore gon Pacillc's line to Boise City are in San Francisco and work is being pushed so rapidly that but few more months will elapse until another rich region of Oregon will have the means of development. The snimboat Corvallls has com menced putting in bouys at Rock island, and will work on up the river. Tho Wllhmetto has not been sent up, but has been sluicing at Skamokawa, where she IsstMl work ing. Some dissatisfaction lias been expressed by transportation compan ies (hat tills boat, which was design ed to work upon tho upper river, and built out of its appropriation, should not be sent up. It is said on the contrary, however, that the Cor vallls Is better adapted to that woik, being of lighter draft. 'I he CliriMlan Below follows the proniiiinio fi.r the social and elocutionary enter tainment at the Christian church to-morrow night: Duett- -Mr. I. A. Manning, Miss Grace Glilingham. Reading Elder J. W. Webb Vocal Solo Miss M. Maeruni Recitation Mls Bell Stuart Vocal Solo Miss Grace Gillliiuliitiu Reading Kldor J. W. Webb Instrumental Solo Miss Scott Vocal Solo Miss M. Macriiin Recitation Miss Bell Stuart Vocal Solo Miss M. Macriuu Admission 25 cents, cltiUhou 10 cents. I'KUSONAUS. John and A. M. Guild of far oil' Scotland are In Salem to-day. E. M. Walto has returned from a few days trip to the O. P. front. R. O. McVlckerand family of Coz ad, Nebraska are at the CheineVete. Kldor J. W. Webb him gone to Mehama to stir up the natives on the Prohibition question. J. jr. and W. W. Martin loft tills morning for Peoria, Illn.,whoro they are to apjionr as witnesses in a will case. That social at the Christian church does not comootruntil Friday night. You arc not too late to go ami hear Mlfe Stuart recite, Miss Maoniin tIng, tw well as the runt of tho excel lent program. Price of admission, Adults 25 cunts, chlrdreii n dime. Go mid take the whole family. Subscribe for tho Capital Jour nal. Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTICK IH HKUKKY OIVHK TO AM. IN wltuiu U iwh) ouiuxru, Umj I be uiMtur 3im1 adinluUirMtiH- of (he Mimic of Ja- l-eub JubUMMi, danwMMl, Iu" Meat lilnul luvouol te ina oA U Ilia ulerk rf Marton eouuiy. fct"rf Ofa. and tlmt the Hut lor juttJiiig 4Uetbi tuerrlu u4 h- .to I mrnt tkoroof baa hn rx"1 by II. mi T I'. ! Hhaw, ludtf of utUI OMirt. Utr 111 IWli ! ! ,,f .Sirs ru, far IH, ul 10 u i ,-k . aiia nii.rur -". )i l, Mtiiiluuti'tloi -wk ii.vvr. NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Dlrwt from tho litst, every xnrniPitt having lieen tiimle toortlor ftir u. FINK Ni:V STOCK OK Dress Goods anil Trimmings, Flannels, Blankets; Xew Slock of Oarpds, liius, I'orlicrs, Shades anil Laeo Cmfaiiis. Tho public aro cordially Invited to Inspect our nmmmoth stock. ,1. M. KOSKXKHP.G & CO., White Co rmer. H. K. DultOls. Jei: Dclloi-i. Dubois bros., -I'rortrlotors c tc note FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, From ?t to $.1 per tiny, SAiiiaar - - ohkoon. nvt-tr For Sale, AK'xxllnm fntino Hon-ti Power. (l(M)il fin- nit in', front one to mil eiipaelty. All for tho low price of $.!0. Cull lit the I'll elllo Ciller, Vim-stir A Krnlt l'nervlliK Cuniiutny'H olllee. Siilcni, OieROli. School Tax Notice. rplIK HCHOOI. TAXKS OK DlHTUItT 1 No. ill In Miirlou ititinty are now iluo mill colleetnlilo nt tho otllce of tho elerlt, In Iho niioni hmido on C'omt Htreet, Siiluni, mid niUht he puhl liy the llrnt of Deoemlier, orbeeoiiio itelliKiuent. DAVID SIMIWIN. October :M, '8S. Cleric. 10-iIhIw'Jw M. IVI. IVIEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specially. Hliopon the alley, opimslto .MIiiIo'h I.ItJ cry Htable, Salem, Or. TUB SANITARIUM rortlio tieatiiient of nil iIIhwihom of men and wonu'ii DHS. 0ILHKKT k WE3I11 (IIVB .Meilleated viiimii- InttliH, nxyKUli Inlialit; tloiiM, electro luajfiictlHin, inedli'iitei. NpniyH.elc. Olllee iiml Hiiiilliirliiiii In Ihe llanlc block. CoiiKiiltiitlon flee. ll'Stlw A. E. STRANG, No. !WI Commercial HtrcH, HALKM, - - OHKOON. DKAI.KH I.N STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. VAK"nt for the UIOIiAKDHON A HOYNTON COMl'ANY'ri Kuriuuiw. K tublliihedlulSIB LOWEST PRICES, it nnr n rvnici - co I5ili0.1. UUUlO. " is w IJUl i JJKNKJIAI OUTKl'ITKHH. (iooils on tin; installment plan. UIMU 0HHC3OK. IX) t HAI.K I TO IIKMTON HKmi- Sim A u ct 1 til- li-nii gxid I'prlKbt llano. Vt J HUite iuiuntnee HtilldlnK, Cot '', t jUCIuiui kite hi Jo-1 uivrcktl Rnd t'hiiutkne ttreots. Will m:cMVi:n orii- EDUCATIONAL- WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY lirmliuiti-H student In Classical Literary, Scicnlilo, Normal, Husinoss, liinv, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Ik the oldest, luriieM unit lent e.-ipeii-nlve Institution of lenrnliii; In the Norlli west. School opeiiH flmt Monday In S-ileml-r Henil forciilnloKiieto . THUS. VAN SCOY, I'n-MhU-iiU 17: Salcin, Oiviton. SLEPT SCIIOO j. m Miss Knox Will continue Her School for tlie en suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sis,, beginning SKI'TKMHKK 0. 101-diW ST, PAUL'S SCHOOL, lroys iiincl Girls. Tho school ulll oiK-n on the tlh of hepli'inbcr. TIioioiikIi hull no tion In the pilmaiy mid iidv.incfd English JJranches. LATIN AND ELBIEXTS OF MUSIC -lit eour.- TKHMHatiil further Information nwy he t'liil on npplletitlon In ItlfiV. K. II. I'OHT, Cor. Cheini'lielii unit HUtta AU. H-tfMf CONSERVATORY OF PSIt! Willum(( Uiiivcrsit.v. Mimt Htieci-iuifiil h'IickiI of niimlo on Ihn iiorllment -iHt. Alxnit 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAK. Coiirx- In I'lunri, Oruitn tSlnelfCC. Vlfilln, I Itiriiioriy. itntt Cnuntur- point. Dlploiiumon eoinpldlnn ol entin-n. Tisicliem: .. M. I'nrvlii, Kriinkln 1. Joiuw, livaCox. AMmtunl.l.nlii M. Hinllii. l'lmt li-rin bivliiM Alondiiy, Hvinnmiwr 3d, IWri. Hciul for eiitiiloKiie. l'or liirllier imrtluulum nililruM Z.M.PAKVIN, JIikIcmI UlriHitor, HiiIriii, Or. IM7-iUr.urH CHEAT DISCOVERY! Dr. I-I. SIVIITH Now 111 kmmmihi ol a iibw rtUootery in liiwlMim, wbluli UMjrtlyu loot! uiiMwtlieU Iu, unit ueJ iiimiMt liiktiintuiittHuly ontbo mirrouiidliiK IUmiw of I lie ttNttii, It Uln no vtruy InJiirloiiH or unplmiuiiit Iu the tMtti. TIh inMiiuftH)t!rriiof It clulmtliut 1 1 tiwtl turn never bn known Iwforunil by upplylUK It to the wimltlve or iro Mvili, tlmy cmii tx cltMiiwl and niletl wltlnnit Illi. Ho all IIhim) tlittl want all UlniL of iloiiUt! work iluuo without ptln, would totter mil on Dr. II. Hinltli. Ttmlli it runted for M iuU, -Oall und Uuu- IT. J. CRONISB, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH NKW O I' AIITKIIH IN TJIK "PHMingon the Journey. lL """fiiiSSMMBBMIIIBBHBBBiBi