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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1888)
usav CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. UMHJIII"I"""""' SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1SSS. NO. 194. FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED) BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY I 1 AT I Of SALEM, OREGON. op. $75,000 10,000 Surplus, R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, r - Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, cither in private granaries or Ipubllc warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Kan Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. ti SALEM, OREGON. W.M. N. LADl'E, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIK, - - - - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. Stale, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonabio rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable companlos.l MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importors and Dealers In; t) LATM STYLES! RSI General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. 17XPRESS WAGON, QUICK AND SAP E 111 delivery. Wm.Rennle having bought the express business of Walter Lowe, is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, and any thing else that ho can get in his wagon to any part of the city, quicker, Sf, Getter, and neater, than it can bo done by any body else. Leave orders at Minto's stable. INSURANCE Company. Firo and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. A rPEAL,SILVERTON, WEEKLY. , W0 A per year. Independent. The Avpkai. ritlrculawd in Mar'ion. Linn ani Of amas counties; has bcenMIIjJitSIS: years and is an excellent dvr,'lMF,n,i? alum. For terms address the publliher H. G. Guild, Sllvcrton, Or. HOWARD BROTHERS -DO General House Moring, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly done at reasonable rote. Orders left otX'AWTAi. Jobwai offlce wQl receive atuntlon. , " " Take Note of Tkl. w WtiSSXS$i uarsiwai ...r r arTT.rtn trrl Site of Saiem. G4 road jown u. year around. Bulldmgii.rmt ..- time at thebo flrure. CaU, and we win howyou & m&iAMBHRLKr. WIOpera House, Salem, Or. llieUiiitaiMtioMiM First Na Ban Boots Slides mu NEW ZEALAND MISCELLANEOUS. -THE FRUIT OREGON DRYER (RovolvInc;rackframeJ Is Simple of Construction, AND EASY OF OPERATION. Awarded flrst premium at tho Oregon State Fair 18S-'8I-S&-'J.'87 and at the Cali fornia State Fair, 1SS7, and San Joaquin County Fair, 1SST. Manufactured In slxlzcs. For circular and price list address H. S. JOKY & SON, P. O. liox 280. Salem, Oregon 9S-Dryer Furnaces furnished flvo sizes HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY T71XCHANGED FOR OREGON, WASH' Jjjlngton Ter. or California real cstato. For fiitormation address us at either of tho fol lowing effices: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City, Mo.: Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office at Bellinger's machinery depot, near the clly hall, Liberty street; Portland ofllcoin the rooms of the State Immigration Hoard, corner of Front and Abh streets. 17Jtf L-. S. SKIPP&CO., -DENTISTS. Olflco near tho Opera House Teeth extracted by tho painless pro cess. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET S COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Rush and Si Meals ! And all kinds oi S AUS AG- B. S-Tho CLEANEST kept markets tho city. Call and see for yourself. McCKOW A WILLARD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - HALEM, OREGON. A11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand, full weight and a square deal all nrmna. lAHirilNEfCTCo' . . ,. tt riiw iib-ati EklnB,plttlng, wniKana immi.. u j , 'IB wm 1. VO.t. . I " r ft 1? er UIU. CWJ .Cm nit ChwlAi. f roaring in ine raw., " r,"0f ,lie nead. dryness or heat of the noseT Have you m i'lfT18 I. ymfr lX?h ViulT Iffyou have the CaUrrh. Home have all tbca "ymptom,'othCaliFornia Cat-R-Cure lag from Catarrh. Easy ; and pi teed by D. W. MATTHEW S 4 Co. RECOMMENDED, wassaSSSS troubled wmwramewy.."- --- p'rocurdtd a Jar. having but little falin m i mended your California PllljerlEnre?jar.I i am cured of that dMJtln SSSm SnfindUU fo"r whU J'indme' California cAt-IWTURB for aome friend,, who are sufferers." BOLD AND GUARANTEED UY W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, D. 106 STATE ST.. SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot, Proposals for Stationery. OkficeokthkSecuetaky ovState,) Sai.em, Or., Sept. 27th, 18SS.f Sealed proposals will bo received nt this ofllco until noon November 27th, ISSS, to furnish tho following articles for thestato of Oregen: 50 reams legal cap, 14 lb, No. S ruling, white laid, Cirew, Charter Oak or Scotch Linen. 30 reams letter paper, 12 lb, No. S ruling, whlto laid, Carew, Charte,- Oak or Scotch Linen. SO reams first-class Congress nolo, 7 lb pui-iviiKrc, u. o ruuug, wane lam, is i iso. 5 whltoenvelopes,! 00 II), No. 1 rag, 15 M No, rag XXX. 9 whlto envelopes, 00 lb, No. 1 12 gross railroad steel pens No K. 15 gross Glllott's steel pens, No. 401 o gmss rusicrorooK "j 5 gross Faber's rwn holders. No. 1S70. lns. 4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar ometer and brass backed Inkstands. 12 dozon Ivory folders, U inch, Standard. 3 dozen ivory folders 10 inch. Congress. 10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent. 1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 0, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, 140 lb, assorted colors. 2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils, style m. 4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts. 2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid, quarts, black. 2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts. 15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips. 12 dozen Fabcr's rubber rulers, 14 Inch, flat. 12 dozen steel erasers, llogcrs', No. 1 SH9, 11. 8 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1S110, E. 20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber band, as sorted sizes. 4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3, hexagon, gilt lOcross raber s lead pencils, round, crllt. No. 2. " ' C dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil rubber erasers, small. 1000 McGlll's patent pa per fasteners, No. 2. 1000 McGlll's patent paper fast oners, No. 4. IS dozen gummed stub tiles, No. 21, 11x15 In.. 2T0 pages. 12 dozen table pads for paper, lltx2l. 10 dozen wasto paper baskets, cross bar, No. 4. 20 tbs hemp twine. No. 12. At tho same time separate bids will bo received forl2rtozen Wosteiiholni congress knives to bo described by trade Nos. Sam ples to bo exhibited, lllds should bo marked "Proposals for Stationery." Nono but best quality of goods received. Tho right to leject any or all bids Is re served. All goods to bo delivered beforo January 1st, lSS'J. Puyineat to bo mado by warrant on statu treasury. GEO. W. McIlKIDK, U-'JS-td Secretary of State. Ileal Estate Bargains. 81,000 KMacics, 0 miles from O A C de pot. Good house, barn and orchard. Fenced, and In cul tivation. LOM SO acroj. 4 miles from Salem. Good road to town. Improve ments lair, i-mcirtm nimi. fo,490 So acres 2M miles from Salem. No bulldlmrs. Snlendid land. nil fenced. Mnko a desirable home, $2,500... (W acres 4 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Flue young orchard, and garden land. Si.lBO 110 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, tlncly watered. Sell tn lots of 40-acro tracts at 825 per acre. J10.800 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent gnu and fruit land, adjoining Willamette rhcr. Will sellln tracts. S1.375 51acres.4mllesofSttlom. House, barn ond orchard. Ijirgosprlng at tho door, uoou son, ami plonty of timber. $2,400 laOiicrcs, 5 miles of Salem: good road; well Improved; stream running through tho place. $00,00 400 acres (4 miles west sldo O A C R It) good house, barn and orchard, 120 In cultivation, but. nnrn nut irrub nasturu land. $800 ... 10 acres, 1 mile from Kalem, ad joining iair gruuiiu. vjikju iaim, no Improvements. $1,200. 40 acres. 5 miles Sulem; oil in CIUIIVUIIUII; UU ummillK", ill-.. HChool house. Excellent fruit land. $1,000. -370 acres, 0 miles from OiPltllj an rencca; wen wuicruu. juihw. barn, and smnll orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. 82,750 S lots, with good houso ond barn, Wo havo besides this a large list of city ond fann property, lluyers would do well to call and examine our holding before making their purchases. WILLIS & CHAJIHKKLl.N. Opera Houso, Court St., IWCtf Salem, Or. wm I o r i ' T u thcON.LY- qUANTEEU CUIE TOT? (CATARRH nROVlLLECAU whlrh does not vet betterT HaveyouoiiM- i hearinc, loss of mell, mcmorylrn- Bitkiea'i Anita Salre. Tho best salvo la tho world foi cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers, saltrhcum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or ho pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money Refunded. Price 25 cents per box. i' or sale - Dr. H. W. Cox. Aa AkMlite Care. rim ORIGINAL ABIETLNIi OINTMENT Is only put up In hirge 5tM)uncu tin boxea, and ia n bsohito euro for old orea, burn Wounds, chnpped hands, nnd nil lUhi eruptions. Will positively wire nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT AIKNT. Sold byD.W. Matthews ? Lo., 106 State street, Salem, ut 26 .hits per box by mall SO cents. Liberated from their Fetters IlJ- tho helpful, genial action of that most bcuetlcent of unerlcnts. Hosteller's Stom- no,h lllttci-s.the bowels sixin throw oil" the burdens lmmlyrcd and weakened tttom, and resume their normal rreedomof aeiion. ine action oi mo oitiers, uuiiku thlit of uvcrago pursitlvos, Inrolves no griping or drenelilmr. If It did It would, uko iiiein, uo valueless io. orainary use, There Is nothln" iiucentle or unnatural nt- tendhvr lt oiie.'.illou. Upon tho less man mo imjwcis, lis acnou is mom ve- n3"i piomoung a ueaitiiiui unions hecrc- iion,nuii uireriing out oi tne wrong nun tho c liauiie . Con olmlv wllh cos. tlvcnens, o.lier bilious symptoms disap pear uien it is systematic ny useu, ami tho stomach Is strengthened as well as reg ulated by It. Malaital complaints, rheu matism, debility, nervousness nnd kidney troubles are completely relieved by It. Sleep ami appetite are promoted by It. Tlie Line That l.ltrs. "Youth fades, love droops, tho leaves of friendship lull A niotlier'a secret hope outlives them nil." She will not believe that her dlm nlcd darlinir must die. The baby eyes look to her for help nnd there is help. Hasten to tho nearest druggist nnd procure Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, end your child may 1" watorotl. fr It cures consumption, which in onl.v scroiula of tho lungs, if taken in time, as readily as it cures scrofula ailecting oilier pans ami organs Don't delnv. A perfect specific, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Jtcincuy. llenens Her Yenth. Mrs. Pluubo Chesloy, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkablo story, tho truth of which is vouched for bv tho residents of tho tewn: "I am 7.'l ye.irs old, have bee i troubled with kidney com plaint and lameness for many years; could not dress niytelf without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to ElectWo Bitters for having re newed my youth, anil removed com pletely all disease and pain." Try a Dottle, 60c. and 1 at Dr. II. V. Cox'h Drug Store. -- Jlikf. .u MUUlt. Uy dispelling tho symptoms so often mistaken for Consumption, SANTA AWE has brought gladness to many a household. Uy Its prompt uso for breaking up tho cold that too often devclopos into that fatal dis ease, thousands can do saved Lorn an untimely grave. You make no mis take by keeping a bottle of this pleas ant remedy In your house. CAL IFORNIA CAT-R CURE Isctpially effective in eradicating all traces of Nasal Catarrh. Roth of these won derful California remedies aro sold and warranted by 1). W. Mathews & Co., 100 State St., Salem. J1.C3 a packago, 3 for $2.60. - Woitb Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City., was taken with a severe Cold, attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consump tion In its first stages. Ho tried many so-called popular Cough rem edies and steadily grew wore. Was reduced in flesii, hud dlillculty in breathing nnd was unable to sleep, Finally tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption nnd found Immediate relief, and after using about n half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of tho disease. No other remedy can show so grand n record of euros, as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Guaranteed todojust what Is claimed for It. Trial bottle free at Dr. II. "W. Cox's Drug Store. ' II. II. Price. Salem pioneer hack man, will wait on pawtcngors to or H-om the depot with promptness and politeness. Leave orders nt the White Corner whero his slate hangs out. A. J. Uascy Is at nil times ready to attend orders to take Intending ruituu.nrrftn. to t)m trul ii or meet them tlinrn nnil tnkfl MlHIIl to anV IXlft Of the city. Also ready to attend all calls night nnd day. tf. Talnleiw dental operations at Dr. T. C Sndth's, 02 State street. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Iraporlant Events of the Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. Chinese Exclusions Mormons Defeat ed Calamities and Late News. Smallpox On the Umbrla. New York, Oct. 8. Tho Umbrla, which arrived last night, anchored at tho quarantine station tq-dny. It Is rumored that smalhrax is on board. A Munleror I'lend Guilty. Reddino, Oct. S. R. L. Sykes, charged Mith the murder of George Henderson, has pleaded guilty Henderson was killed while riding on tho stago from Redding to Alturas. ' The NlhPUts ut Work. Moscow, Oct. 8. Tho police have discovered a cellar which was being used for tho making of dynamite shells. In connection with tho discovery they havo arrested a Nihilist who recently returned from Siberia. Hung to ll Lamp 1'imt. San Francisco, Oct. 8. A body of a Chinaman was found hanging to a lamp post yesterday evening on Powell street, near Clay, just on tho bolder of Chinatown. It was horribly mutilated, after the fashion of tho AVliito Chapel -victims In London. Slanloril to IttiHlgn, San Fiiancisco, Oct. 8. In rail road circles It was again rumored to day that Senator Stanford will soon resign tho presidency of tho South ern Paci lie; it 11 road. Olllclals of tho road, upon being spoken to, how- over, declared their ignorance of any such Intention on tho part of tho senator. A Aliasing Alan. Walla Walla, Oct. 8. Frank Shaw, a young farmer, camo to town Saturday evening and drew $200 for barley sold, since which time nothing has been heard of him. His liorso was found at a livery stable, whero ho loft it. Shaw Is married, and is sober and Industrious. The large number of hard charactns in town gives foundation to a fear that ho lias been foully dealt with. A Hup Train. Puyallui", Oct. 0. Friday night at 7 o'clock tho first sjieclal hop train pulled out of Puyallup with 10 cars of hops. Seattle, Kent, Sumner and Puyullup eacli contri buted to tills sh'puuint. Tho rail road company will grant a special train whenever 10 cars can go at once. Tins shipment win icavo nt. Paul six days from tho dat of leav. ing here. Fuller n urn In. Washington, Oct. 8. Chief Justice Ful'er took tho oatli of olllce to-day. The supremo couu chamber was totally Inadequate to accommodate the crowd. Tho assemblage was a notable one, and included members of thocablnot, practically tho entire senate, many iiiemberri of the houso and a numlMir of resident foreign ministers. A neilruc til I'lre, Moscow, Idaho, Oot.B, A disas trous lire broke out in this city this morning. There has been no rain for three mouths, anil as everything was dry, hard pine, the flames trav eled with wonderful rapidity. There were several narrow oscaos from death. Tho IJurtan houso and Hen ry's hardware store were saved by tho most strenuous ellorts. Mhoy ere the key to the rest of tho bust- ness portion of town. J)y for Hearinc. Bah Fuancibco, Oct. 8. This moriiluu Juiluo Hoffman of the fed eral courts, noting ns circuit Judge, mado an Important order relating to the landing of (JIHuum aim me claims of certificate .holders on the way to America and still In China. He sot Friday morning ns tho time hen tho Chinese lawyers shall ap pear before the court and present arguments wny fumucMiH vninow .....I rlnr l-mllfollta" ulinll Ikl Mil- mlttod to the right of writs of lmlxis corirtw. A Decision Rendered. Salt Lake, Utah, Oct. 8 Tho supreme court of Utah to-day entered a final judgment and decree m tho case of tho United States against tho Mormon church, which was pending to dissolve tho church corporation aud have its property declared escheated to tho govern ment. Tho suit was brought in the supreme court of tills territory under an act of congress of February 10, 18S7. Undor tho evidence, tho court decided that neither tho prtrent church nor individuals had any legal claims; that all tho property had been hold upon trusts, tho object of which was principally to uphold polygamy, and that theso trusts were tho only ones existing to which said property could bo devoted. It furthermore docrecs that tho present church still upholds, teaches and maintains polygamy, and any dedication of property to it would bo for the purpose of upholding polyg ainy and would bo unlawful. Chinese lntolllgeneo. San Francisco, Oct. 8. -Advices from China per steamer llolglc, which arrived yesterday from llong Kong, state: A disastrous Hood lias befallen tho province of Monkden, bringing with it immediate death to hundreds of natives and tho prospect of n gcnori'l famine the coming winter. Cholera Is still raging at Hong Kong. Tho dally average of new patients ranges from forty to fifty, most of whom dlo f tho disease. A Htorm at Nagasaki, in Japan, caused great damage; number of persons wounded, Injured, and received and roeeh hig public assis tance, 52,000. Tho whole of tho new embank ment of Yellow river at Cluing Chow begun last- autumn and carried on at a cost of over J.D.OOO.OOO, lias been completely swept away by Hoods. Of tho 8000 lineal feet of river wn'l recently completed not one Inch remains, ami tho waters are pouring through tho immense gap into Honau unchecked. From 800 to 1030 laborers who wore on tho bank wero also swept away and drowned. COMIKXSI'.I) IIISPATCIIBS. At St. Louis yesterday Judge Lubke of tho circuit court was rot- ton eirired bv Henry Wolirol. Tho Jiubreiiad rendered adeclslon against Weigel in a money matter, welgol was arretted. Street cars wore started yesterday over tho Chicago lines, tiio cars were drawn by horses and maiinod by nlmul a dozen policemen each, and loft tho city llnilts and other car barns, destined for tho business center. Tho cars wero not molested by tho strikers and onlookers gath ered around barns. Henry Villard addressed tho mombers of tho chamber of com merce at St. Paul yostorday. Ho said many had sharply criticised tho expensive Northern Pnclllo excur sion of Jive years no, but tho out come liiid shown that it was tho best curd lie over played, since, from tho confidence it gave tho Gorman visi tors, came tho means of his latter resurrection by Gorman capital. He exprccd unbounded confidence In tho future of tho Northwest. A telegram was received at tho treasury department yesterday from tho collector of customs at Suhimhi- slon llrldgc.saylng: "Chinamen en route fiom Chicago, with through tickets to points in tho United Htates via tho Grand Trunk Railroad Com pany, In transit through Canada, ask to Is) permitted to laud. Instruc tions requested by telegraph." As sistant Secretary Maynard replied that tho department has uo author ity, under tho Chinese exclusion act of October 1st la it, to admit Chinese lalwrers coming to thai port irom Canada, whether on through rail road tickets from Chicago or not. Too Many 1'eas. ItlT7.VII.LK, W. T., Oct. 8.-R. G. Thompson slilpied 160 Spanish merino bucks to this place last week, from Pendleton, for salo. Sunday they wero turned out of the en closure and driven to tho hills for it day's ftwd. .Monday night thirty two hud died from eating wild ioas. Many more are sick und will un doubt.Hlly die.