LArlE CITY NEWS FOUND By tho Reporters on Their Round of ; ihe Town. Sad Accident Xoles- Kivcr Xew-i-School -Crisp Items. Elocution aril Music. Miss Bell Staurt, ihe noted elo cutiouist from tho, and Miss M. uracrum, of the conservatory of nnisic, will be anions the attractions at the social to be iven next Friday niilit by the ladies of the Clnistian church. It goes without saying that these ladies never fail hi niak lag their entertainments successful In r naiked degree. You have gone before and will go again of course, with your friends. Newcomers should not miss it. The Uiiiici- Klveis . Operations have already been re sumed at Coquille liver, where a number of men are rt woik on the jetty, which Ik's been built out 1000 feet. It is tho intention simply to mnko permanent tho work already done. The jetty tramway lias been slightly washed out. The discovery of a fine .marry on the farm of Mr. Frederick, on the Coquille liver, twelve miles from its mouth, and the purchase i f it by tho govern ment will have n tendency to facili tate tho improvement. The stone is as good as can be found anywhere. The river from Coquille City to Myrtle point has been examined iitteeu miles, congress having ap propriated $3000 to remove the snags fiom this portion of tllo river. It was full of snags, hut they will not bo taken out until next year, as it is Lite in the seasju now and the freshets are likely to set in at any time. The work will be done with a pile-driver rigged up as a snag- puller and with tho assistance of powder. A PAIXFULACCIDEXT. A Man is Thrown From an Engine, and Seriously Injured. Yesterday afternoon Conductor Nash, of the yaidensineof this city was ordered to take some extia fieight cais to Poitlnd. When lie got to Woodburn he invited Jlr. J. H. Richards of that place to uike c tiip with him. Mr. Pich.u ds finally consented, and nu-de the tiip suc P"sfully until they lnd lelurned as far as Onemnli, ni, which point they weio lunn'ng at tho rate of about thUty milei po" hou.', when they met a hand cm. Mr. Richr'-dswrs leaning out to jce the ca, , when the tnginrer revc-cd his engine. It was brought up &o fcuddenly that Mr. liicliaals was thrown from tho engine, brepKinghislesin two places. They put 1 im oboa d pnd brought liim up lionie, and Di'. D. C. Dyland f,oon hpd the 'es we1' splint ed, and hispji'ent reiki's comfort ably. Mi. ricli:' ds is a lipid woik ing blackbin'tli, wil a a i mily to suppoii, and ilicvefore the piTp'r is a giievoiif one. rrato.vA -. It. Messier has returned irom Poi t laml. W. IMJynrsisoutou the O. P. 'out on a business trip. Miss L.uin Mlniuorne of this cily is visiting fi'euds nt Newberg. President D. T. Stanley, or the State Normal school is in town. Frank E. Hodgkhi o.' this city, is in Seattle, Irking n look at the cily. Rev. M. C. "Wiie was a possensor on tliis morning's traiu, for Port land. O. Dickinson and wife mo homo from Yarmiua after a several week's visit. R. D. Duncan has been ontei'laiu- inshis rolalive. C. F. Trickett of Cnibondale, His., for the past few days. Elder J. W. Webb, stats organ izer of (ho prohibition party at tended Linn county district lodge I. O. G. T.. yesterday, lectured last night near Albpny, came In on tho 'Horning trJn, wont to tho Wood burn prohl picnic, returned to Salem nd left on the Dallas stage to lecture at TJallnston Gmngo hnll on prohibition to-night and to preach lo-niorrow. Fnii'uiiaut 11 V "'.. The gombn tint that the fttli tyl ntually rflfct, a It wero, rum the auturuu gfey, are lte xhto ear in caaiina: their altadow a. The unio brillL.uov tliat cluiaci.' !ed th n.i.i.-....- . ,wi i.:orelMnUi which have can? aie inoiw 'JUdim. MrtUiic cut of drapery " 1 1' .i,h ofb..iieew K.iMted la, '1 t i! 1- tlio leading modistes are " 'hi.,, in ,ui to thur faahkc- MERE MENTION. Yeslerday at Albany, wheat went up to eighty cents. SKongly dramatic and exceed ingly interesting. Star. "Unknown" entertains right royally. Sunday Dispatch. Couty counrt has adjourned, after a biief and unimportant session. The dialogue throughout is sprightly. Commercial Advertiser. A notarial commission was this afternoon issued to J. L. Atkinson, of Portland. Last year the synod of the Colum bia gave to the support of extension woik nearly ?00, 000. The raising of tl'ie spire of the new Catholic church was successfully accomplished this afternoon. A marriage license was this after noon granted to Mr. Clias. O. Grccno and Miss Enidy E. Cornelius. An old convict in the p niUmlinry Calling by name, had t'u misfor tune to fall and break his mm yesterday afternoon. There are no new coses of smallpox at McMinnville, according to re'i ublo advice, and the mnladv i now entirely under control. Mr. Cionkhlte and family who have been the guel.s of II. V. Mat thews for some time, returned to their Nebraska home to-day. The Register says thorough vac cination lus been inaugurated throughout Yamhill county, and there is little chauco of smallpox spreading. F. M. Conn has a band of thirty two fino young horses which he will oiler for sale cheap during tho next few days. They are at Ford's corral near the Cliemekcle hotel. Rev. A. S. Mulligan, now of Columbus, W. T., was married on Wednesday to Miss Ida A. Saunders. They were each rtono time students in tho Willamette University. S. E. Davis of Albany, has gone to Pennsylvania and will return in the spring with lorly families, who will remain and locle on botiom lands in the Sanliam couutry. A Marion county woman "yanks the bun" ns It were, for fast hop picking and discounts nil previous rccorcis. Her time was eight boxes in one day. Each box holds nine bushels. A sum of 5250 is to bo expended by Salem and Polk and Ma. ion counties in protecting the bridge. Tho top cords are to bo enclosed in galvanized hpn, to protect them from the weather. Our schools, wo nro pleased to note, are taking practices in fire drills. Wednesday a test was made and the building was clcpicd in less than four minutes. These drills are good and may ye I be tho means of saving many lives. Miss Minnie Rruraell, who is con nected with tho Baptist Union in Swalow, China, and is support.-d by the union circles of Oregon, will de liver an address at the Paptist church to-morrow night. Sei vices to commence at 7 o'clock. Thof..Ith doctors (?) of Po hand, in thci' advertisements icll of a man who was blind and c ii'ld not walk. He was brought to i.iem for treatment and aftor eight or nine manifestations and cht'iin, c tiki see woll enough to tlnerd a needle by moonlight and had bufiicleut use of his limbs to walk a rail. All of this leads us to the belief that in Portland there arc fa-mo of the m-st wonderful healers or oKo some of the biggest liars on tills bautli'ul spbeie witli tho sca'ri down for the h'tler. Orojon ami Iln.-r.u'l. Commenting on tho JourxA'.'s remarks on the I'pple, the Jc ri' Cornier adds: "Tho wo. Id is t'ci.i ning to railhe tli -t Oregon fi vll is ftr bupeWor to tii t of any other portion of tho ca st, pud when our friill-growcs re, 'be, ilso, ihe neoc -bity and impo. lance of cr ofully nuriuiliijrlholrotehaif' puiI vnc yards, tho dompud tN'il lneae vorynialu Lilly. Uy p.unins mid cultivation of t.-e p.nd v'aea wil" naturo be Md in Ibedoi elopment and inatuiity of the ,ai. ) t lf not alwayBtholai-sentorournv" i thrt iu the intst litedou- -u - which have the neoe'ed cure will alvy& oxcel la flMVortho-e ne!eted, no nmttar if inuoh wiuller. Tlie oti mng be torwiwPt !n U mind's oye offiultralelfHllniaie sucee fa to lie iwelied. We notice in our own 'uiniedtate vicinity thA pro 'fle bu the topul on, end tbelu-V. Itav-r more delicate. - SuU-nbe for the CtrirAi. Joi K- OCCIDEXTAL J0TT1XGS. Xews And Xotes or a General terest to the Westerner. In- There are several Mmool districts in Linn county wanting teachers. The amount appropiiatod for the improvement of Yaquina bay is SloO.OOO. Reef cattle in Eastern Lake and Grant counties pro selling tin's fall at?lSto2.?perhond. Joseph Watson of Newport say.s that strawbeny vines hbu to boar ontho27ih of May and hpvo con tinued to furnish beviics ever since. New. The schooner Twilight from Sau Fraueii-co. loaued wkh sJccl rails for the Oregon Ppciilc, nbout two weeks overdue, arrived at Yaquina yesterday. A band of 2 200 head of sheep re cently lost in the mountains of Grant county, have not yet been iuwl and there is probably no cluo h t'nit vhcicabouls. "'' Neona Prop-it, daughter of J' ..'lopst, of Albany, died yesicr day at tho home of her parents near that city, aiter a protracted illness, aged 21 years. At Raker Cily work is being pushed vigorously on the burnt dlstiictand it is only a nintter of a few weeks when the buildings will be completed and business resumed again. Grant counly was iu debt -' 1, 001.2. In a suit between that county and Lake coumy the i ourts have jrst decided that all tho in debtedness above $o,000 was i Jegal and void. Tho Ashland depot hotel, buMt by the Pacific Improvement company, opened business Wcdnexlpy mo.n Ing. tho flrst meal, breakfast, being served to passengers of ,he south bound exprers. No where else in tho woild, In tills latitude, do things generally bob up as serenely and piolillcly as in the Willamette valley, state of Oregon. Wo never ceiso being astonished at tho way trees and plants grow here. A couplo of gentlemen were in Asiona a few days ago making ar- raiigeniems to sunt an evening paper. They expect to jsue the flrst of Novombcr, but will have solicitors iu the Held in a couple of weeks, to cont'act "ads" and "subs." Pcporls from ho en' t bi ing lint e, -ing promises tho coming year will send hither largo number of visitors and .o.Ucrs, pnd tho prospect is lb. I many homo seekers of moc'cra i me. .is will bo buving 1' ndi 'n Oregon and Wrsh inion Tor uo '.v ne:.t ye.'.r. The town of Sparta, slitir' d in tho soulhe 'ic.n po. Ion of Union coi'nty, Pi'd n'wrt SO mile north ea' i orL..Uer Cy, is the eeiiier of a in' iciv 1 belt client1' at for miles in Ci'lhcr di ccilo.i, pnd mine, bo.h qjp z and plpcor, t'o being worked wUh mostg4Tii.yin'c .c t'Ls. Yon couldn't l'""o nn old Oic goni'n to loc!i3 in any other couniy; b"t tho o are p'only of old scil'eik lrom olhor count. ies willing to locaio here. The o's tho dif-feoLM-j. Woh-vo a c'Iipp'o thai, when onco ad,i'. luted w'tli, no oiip wi'l give up for pny other cllmni". ireuiocrut. Work on tho Poiiland lii ,wi oil mill goos P' rapidly ph possible. Tho mpchnery li.sbcon lieaid lrom and is daily o:;;co;2d. It will bo put in pi. oe at once upon its arrival. Nearly three ouloptls o' flarwjed p.o l re. cjlncw for tho ni'U to bogin work upon, and in nboat three or four wcol.s the raw oil w'l lie i. dy for tho boilers. A New 0'."e. London, ()v. 3. 3ir Clinrlen War ren, chief of the mo .vkjI1i..ii jto'Ve, has decided to employ blcodliouads to discover the peieiraior of tho WliileClippal iniuden. The jwlice place ot-iifldonce In llio story of Gto. M. Doige a seaman, Mhost. Ictilhat in Ausut lafct he met MaUy c -ok named Alaska in London, arl that Alaska told him he had been I lib! ofall he Hail by a wnma.i of the town, and thiealenwl, utile he found the woman an.' letoveied M propeily, to kill and mu.llaU every Whlteel i pel wooiaii lie met The nolle are twrehlii eveiywhere for tr-eMaL.y. Ac Ins on In.' .roi-l.on develofied In ihe loraMiaiioa oftbe Wtiltulwi4d ttmrdej ,tU- potk have aeiaed and . ce iyII aevei-al Imuae in that woCio. Vutc ujr Mile at tliU o(11 an 1 exiliaiiK" f,r PACTS FOB THE FARMEB. SWINE MANACJK.MKXT. R;ul feeding and bad breeding are the direct causes of hog cholera. Bad feeding comes under the head of eoinhiuedeoui AwMn... Men will not lu-biccd the'r h -cm or cattlb, but will let their hogs breed in un til almost worthless bcibroan infus ion of new blood is given. Poor se lection of breeding stock comes in here, and it N a matter ot impor tance to all stockmen. in- lMC-'AinT.XlXO. Fattening hogs wilt do letter If allowed a place t dig tho dry earth, as tho e.tith is a natural antidote for ucl-'iry of tho stomach. Fattening hogs b.iould always havo nccc. to K'll. Coal a! es and scivenins are excellent ft .them, pud Hi's ,-t tf reiuesiu . V find a p,ce in the hog yard or in the pent. Tho hogs will oateveiy bit. It is an excellent cor rective for them, and helps to give them an appetite. KA'l'vEMXO rOW'.T QU'CKi.Y. Th'.s mailer f feitening fowls quickly il es not receive the .men tion It de-ei res. For a week or ten daysbelbrethe fowlaarosent to mar ket they should be e. utlneil to el -o qi'nrieispiiill'ei'. on st.ictly fasten ing food. This should e ke; t up as long as they opt greedily and keep gaining in weight. Milk is excel lent to use in imistcning their food and nlM for them to drink, if it can bo obtained without t much ex pense. It Is not o.iiy vah. Wo as an aid in fattening lliein qrickly, but also greatly improves tho quality of tho llesh produced. ratios and lNSKurp. I.cpdei'softheJounNAiiliavonow and ngnin licen urged to protect use ful bi.ds heeatise I hey li stroyers of injuvi us hiseeK Here is it va-y hu.-gvslive l'ablo touching tho sjinio liipller. pad .no which should induce action in llio light di.eciien: ' Man p.ayed to God to de-l.oy Ihel.isecis which devoured his vines, trees u.u' fruits. And God answered) "I madu birds eiillleieut to feed mion tho i.iecls; what have you done with the birds'." And man replied, 'I havo killed them.' And God si'id' Then kill tho inwcK' " VAl.llllO ' A"I'M There Is t-caicely any articlo of vegeiphlo food more widely ureiul anil more unlvcisally liked il'pu tho a.Vle. Let every family in autumn Ipy in from two to le.i or more bar rels, and it will be to tliem the most economical investment in (ho whole re.igo of culinary hui'pll"". A raw, me' ow apnlo is ('Igii -d iu an lioi'r and a h. if, while boiled cn'jb.go ic-oul-ri are hours. Too mo t health- ml d" t tli. 1 1. n bo placcu on 1 ho table is I) Iced Ppplrs. If iVnil'ln coi'ld be induced ' M'bsllliiio ('no ap.ile 'on.n1, n.ia aii'Ihi,ciout for tho ile'jC'c and diullespiid oilier Hivre' .l s, w lib which tliociiildren u t.tojo't'-jii htufied, Shore would bo a t'lni'nu'Jon of doct i-S bills sulll ciuiit in asiii'ilo to lay up it stock of til's delicious ftuit for it oorho,i"H use. 1'Al.filM.OUCJIIiNO. Tho farmor should fpll plough all the p;id he can, ps It pui- Ii'm so far phcrd witli ills wo, kin the Plough deep; luuy tliu tr.ish iiud vce(;sio deep that If tho land bo pLnred in torn noxtycirlhoshovels wi'l not div the rubbish ui tbuhii. f.'ce. Help is cheaper in the mil tlimi Iu the Billing, and that U an hem to bo coiiMdorcri'tmd hoixr a o moreusetl to woik, and con iuenlly havo more enduiiinoe. The woik wil' be done better, for llio lec'on that there is more Juie U do it piojKuly. Bnit'll gi. Iu wn lx s .wn at thoprojMir tlmo. '- ii s ins soils croiMt1 bott2.on pi ughlnjj then some soils me light, anda.u. t deal Mows away. . n hII sucli solU ltK bailer lo plou-,!! Ju ,t lieforv planting. ICol one must dels; ni'no fw'h'niMiIftheiirojAjr time toploujh his ik . tloulur piece of kind, yet no one should neglect f-i' ploughing win-re It a n uedoiieadvauU'.'oukly. "Unknown" will lie presented next Tuubday evening at lited's opera limit It U not unknown to the iieoide of Haieiu that & 1'arrar & Co. keeps the largest and heat a- aortiuent of staple ami fliney groceries In the city. 3U m m;iKi. BAOKV-' Ui:TBI' -Al .JvtHM' I JuM-a, Kf icul JCl. . U I . . K.I. l CU1' I' T jni't I at l TiiidK -tml,. fo. , Ul.' u( f'' .ie.. 1 he ,) oi'u-4 coujilc HI make their ln.lue ill 'ill. J). I 111, While lliu J.ii I..N vl Wil WMl them Miil.l NEW oas! uoa -WK 1IAVK NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Plrect ft-om tho Knst, every Kin-incut lmlnlH'on ninilc to outer for us. KIXK NKW srOCK Of Dress Goods anil Trimmings, Flannels, Blankets ; Now Slock of Carpels, lings, Porlicrs, Shades and Laec Cnrlains. The inibllo nro contlslly lnvltcil to tnHi't our mnniiuotli Moelc. J. M. HOSKXHKIMI & CO., White Corner. It. K. Dullois. Jo.? Ilullo X. Dubois bros I'.tip ICtOiN- c to FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for CorHmeicial Travelers, From it to rJ per ilay. SALEM - - OREGON. ltM-tf Sclool Tax Notice, rpiti: sciiooi. taxkm ok uiHTUicrr X No. 21 In Mmlon roiiuly aro now iliio mul coltrclH iloivt llioolllcoof tlioclivlc.ln tho ()W.u liousa on Court street, Siiloni, ami imihtbi! iMltl by tlio tlrstof Dccombor, orbeeomu ilelluiiucnt. DAVID HIMION, October !M, 'S3. Ulo.k. IMkIm'Jw For Sale. A Rooil Inm friuno Hoiso Tower. (1khI for nil lines, from oilo to full eiiiuclly. All Tor tho low price of i O. Call nt t Iu) Tji rlllo Ciller, Vlmvpir ,t Kiull I'loneivlnrf ConiimnyN olllce. Hnlein, O103011. Jvl. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Spocially. Hliopon tlio alloy, nnpoxllu MIllto'H cry Hldble, Htileni, Or. TILE SANITARIUM I'oi llio tieatnu'iit ofHll illH.M of men Hint woiueii DISS. GIIiUKKT k WEMI nivii Mrdirnti-il viiior tmllis, osjen Inlmlp (IciiH, vleuliu niii.ilii'U.ia, nu'OlenlHit NpuiVh, etc. OMIcunntl vinllr.uiiii Iu lliu liiilik block. Consult uluii 1. 00. l(Klw A. H. STRANG, ,(, IUI Commercial Mti eel, SAIiKM, - - omsaoN. -DKAI.KH IM- STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty, mrAgmt for tli HIUIIAUIIHON A 1IOY.NTON CO.MrANY'H I'liriiHitw. Kt- tMlllllllKMl 111 IN 13 LOWEST PRICES, v- n J3EST GOODS.'6' -en tto H ou. OKK JtKAI- QWrKlTt' Oood.s 011 tho installinuut plan. U.UCU OKKGOM. T.iult HAlKollTOl'.KM UN Hr VrtnN oto. Smitlis Alict I' ai,l, lirn-K'id I pi lit lliwi ri'iiv poUicuiMrii cn mi vjtu, 11 ck-ic nt l.) TO - DW. oaks! HKCKIVKP Ol I: EDUCATIONAL. SELECT SCHOOL m- Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts beginning SELTKMllKll 10. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Hoys em cl Girls. Tho school will open on tho 'Jllh of September. Tliorouuli InHtiuo- tlou In tho piliiuiry ami ailNiiiuetl English JJranches. LATIN AMI KLEMEN'TS OF MUSIC In courno. TlSflMH ami furlher liifoimatloii may tm had nn npplkatlon to HI'.V. 1'. 11. POST, Cor. ClieiiiultolaaiiilStaliiHlH. tMJMf wiVATORY OF MUSIC! lVIIIaiuHto University. MlMl HUUCtWKfUl HCllOOl Of llUIXlO (111 UlO IIOItllMlWll'IKIHt, Ahllllt 150 STUDKNTS LAST YBAK. CoumcM In F"lnro, OrRiin. Slnulriw, Violin, unrnuiny. unu uounuir- polrlt. DIpIomiiH on rompletlon ol coiuso. Teaehem: ,. M. 1'arvln, Kninklo I'. Jnnm, KmiCox. ANNiiiUint.I.ulu M.H111IU1. KlrHl term hcjcliix Miuiiliiy, Seplemuer :iil, INM. Hcml lor italoKiie. I'oi- lurtlutr iHirtlculiirHiuldiHM A M. l'AKVIN, Mimical UlriH'tor, Halmii, Or, K-17-iltf wit WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (IrailimteH HtiulcnW In Classical, Literary, Sciciililic, Normal, liiisincs.s, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. ItU tlianhlMt, InrKMt nml Intuit x)xjt lvti liiktltutlon of lOHrulm; In tha North uwt, Buliool )mmi Unit Momlay In Huptumber Coml for (iutulogue to TIIOH. VAN WDV, 1'rwililoiit. 17; H11I0111, (Mton. GRBAT DISCOVERY! Dr. I-I. SMITH Xow In pojHwioii ol new ilioovry 111 le.HUlilMt MlllMMt lllUHUlllml iiuUH4 KnmwBdtuic tUtutM of llm teih. It lulu wy iniurKiun or uuptcAMint lo iImi m. l'U iUMUuautUFoi ut It clulirt UmI ikiiwl lui never Ihh kuowu lrfir-. nml Itf pl'liig II U) the M,nalllf or anr UtU, lby chii be elwtiuxl mid nihil without puln. Mo all IIiimu tha' mhui all kludaor (luUl work done wlllinnt Jfilit, vuhhi iKiivrnu uu ir. 11, mm iu. j fwMi Uirnu iur m orniu. -Cll una T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, ' A r "H sw Ql AHTUlM IN I UK MlMl InaiimiKv iiuiuiiii-. 1 . I uiireUI noil t'heimk. 'l t... i. 10 HI WJ