I- CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL,. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1SS8. NO. 102. FDTASrCIAIi. established; by national authority I UK SALEM, OREGON. up, - 75,000 10,000 Surplus, R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, i- - . - Cnshler. DIRECTORSi V. T. Gray, "W. W. Martin, J. SI. Martin, R. 8. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert, T. AIcF. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. State aad County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vlco President. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchango on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City wanauts bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit tmd transact business with us. Liberal advances mndo on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reabonabie rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable companles.l MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; LATEST! STYLES! JP TIM General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsytes Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. -filXPRESS WAGON, QUICICAND8AFE 111 delivery. Wm.Hennio having bought the express business of Walter Lowe, is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, and any thing else that he can get in his wagon to any part of the city, quicker, safer, better, and neater, than It can bo done by any body else. Leave orders at Minto's stable. . INSURANCE Company. nro ana ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. A PPEAL.SILVERTON, WEEKLY, IIjW JtX per year. Independent. The Ai'peai, E circulated In Marion, Linn and Clack amas counties; lias been established eight years nnd Is on excellent advertising me dium. For terms address the publisher H. G. Guild, Sllverton, Or. HOWARD BROTHERS IK) General House Moving, Raising and Repairi ML Work promptly done at reasonable rates. Orders lea at Capitai. Jouknai. office will receive attention. "" Take Note of This. For we un VSUtt WIS wlLuniiii"-"-; ir .... . ..-.- --r r oOTT.An .rA x- wni improved garden wna. """', " all of Halem. Good road to town the Tear around. UuUdlncs good. FINE YOUKG ORCHARD and excellent graM nd. This & a bargain, and will be held only uw ai inese figures, utu, .- - bow you t be property. ., t WILLIS 4 CHAMBRRUN. Opera House, Balem, Or. SSslw-tf mi n a J 1 AT lliewitai mill Bank First Itiona Bank Boots Shoes am JnSCKLIuYNKOUS. THE OREGON FRUIT DRYER (Revolving, rackfranicj Is Simple of Construction, AND EASY OK OPERATION. Awarded first premium at tho Oregon State Fair 18.v-'S4-83-V-'87nnd at tho Cali fornia State Fair, 18S7, and San Joaquin County Fair, 1S7. Manufactured In slxjslzes. For circular nnd price list address H. S. JORY & SON, P. O. Box 288. Salem, Oregon .63-Dryer Furnaces furnished flvo sizes HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. EASTERN PROPERTY EXCHANGED FOR OREGON, WASH; lngton Tcr. ort'alilornla roil estate. For lniormatlon address us at either of tho fol lowing eillces: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City, Mo.' Salem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem olllee at Bellinger's machinery depot, nenrtho eily hall, Liberty street; Portland olllco in the roomsof tlioSIato Immigration Hoard, corner of Front and Asli stieots. 17Jtf L. S. SKIFF&CO., DENTISTS. Olllcei near tho Opera House. Teeth extracted by tho painless pro cess. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET 93 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand the best quality of tell and Si Meats ! And all kinds of S A.US AGK. 3-Tho CLEANEST kept market;in tho elty. Call and sco for yourself. I'cCROW A WILIJUtD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C Howard, Proprietor. BTATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. S-A11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand, full weight and a square deal all arlund. CALIFORNIA! the cp.tas. "PJiuecoiiOriC tflyoyjn (smMk-i: j.. nr nv. v ,'uh'' SWdsSft Aend fer CJrcuUrAr"1'3 frgg- jabietini wmmmM HKIssisyfc HttfliD MNiWjy SM t I i lyfr J-m BfK J7i itz c& fcTM rJF4-T,iir1H JD": SOLD AND-GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST.. SALEM, OR I SNELL, HEITSHUi&iWOODARD, Wholesale Deoot Proposals for Stationery. OPKICEOF THESKCnKTAHV Or STATK.l Salem, Or., Sept. 27th, 1SSS. f Scaled proposals will bo received at this olllco until noon November 27th, 1SS3 to furnish tho following articles for the state of Oregen: 50 reams legal cap. It lb, No. 8 ruling, white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch Linen. SO roams letter paper, 12 ft, No. 8 ruling, white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch Linen. 30 reams first-class Congress note, 7 lb packages, No. 8 ruling, white laid. 15 M No. 6 white envelopes, ( lb, No. 1 rag, 15 M No. 9 white envelopes, CO lb, No. I rag XXX. 12 cross railroad steel nens No 14'.). 15 gross Gtllott's steel peusNo. 401. 3 gross Eastcrbrook "J" pens. 5 gross Faber's pan holders, No. 1S70. 4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar ometer and brass backed Inkstands. 12 dozen ivory folders.il inch Standard. 3 dozen ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress. 10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent. 1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 6, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, 110 lb, assorted color. 2 gross No. 2 Eaglo Recorder load pencils, stylo UW. 4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts. 2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid, quarts, black. 2 dozen Sanford'R premium fluid, quarts. 15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips. 12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14 Inch, flat. 12d07en steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18lt!, II. 3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1S14U, K. 20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as sorted sizes. 4 gross Faber's lead-pencils, Nos. 2 nnd 3, hexagon, gilt. 10 cross Faber's lend pencils, round, gilt, No. 2. tl dozen Faber's patent Ink nnd pencil rubber erasers, small. 1000 MeGlll's patent paper fasteners, No, 2. 1C0O MeGlll's patent pn per fasteners No. 4. 18 dozen gummed stub tiles, No. 21, 11x15 in., 2.V) pages. 12 dozen table pads for paper, 10x21. 10 dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar, No. 4. 20 lbs hemp twine. No. 12. At tho some time separate bids will bo received for 12 dozen Wostenholm congress knives to bo described by trado Nos. sam ples to be exhibited. Ilhls should bo marked "Proposals for Stationery." None but best quality of goods received. ino rignt to reject any or mi uius is re served. All goods to bo delivered befoio January 1st, isso. Payment to bo nmilo by warrant on stato treasury. GEO. W. Mc-MUDE, 0-23-td Secretary of Stale. Real Estate Bargains. 81,000. 100 acres, fl miles from O A C de pot. Good house, barn and orchard. Fenced, nnd J In cul tivation. $2,000 M acres, 4 miles rrom Salem. Good road to town. Improve ments fair. Flno fruit land. $5,490 85 acres 2i miles from Salem. No buildings. Splendid land, nil fenced. Mako a desirable home. $2,500. 00 acres 1 miles from Salem. Im provements good. Flno young orchard, and garden land. $1,180 100 acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely watered. Sell In lots of 40-ucro tracts at $25 per acre. 810,800. 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellont grass nnd fruit land, adjoining Willamette rlior. Will soil In tracts. $1,375. 51acres,4 miles ofSalcm. House, barn and orchard, ljirgesprlng nt tho door. Good soil, nnil plenty of timber. $2,400- liWacres, 5 miles of Salem; good road; well Improved; stream running through tho place. $00,00 400 acres (4 miles west side O A C R R ) good house, barn and orchnrd, 120 In cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasturo land. 8800 . 10 acres, 1 inllo from Salem, ad joining fair ground. Good land; no Improvements. tl,200. 40 ncres. 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school house Excellent fruit land. $1,0C3 370 acres, 6 miles from OiCI! R; nil fenced; well watered. House, barn, and small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. $2,750 3 lots, with good houseand barn, East Salem. Desirable location. We have besides this a largo list of city nnd farm property. UuyerH would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS &. CHAMHERLIN, Operu House, Court St., 0-26tf Salem, Or. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "$! dles nro giving satisfaction, and a cus tomer with Bronchitis says It Is the only remedy that givos Instant relief. Scuuei.l. A Covkii, Druggists, Riverside. Cul." H " the pleasure to Inform flVe you that your Preparations are meeting with large wiles. v e near Nothne but Praise !l'vVng any oo coslon tow use them. NAWK.nnujttoU.LI, That It will accomplish the end desired in all affections of thoThroatand Lungs u ...:n 'mi you no" on'y w"J not & t Will without It yourself, but will recommend It to others, us thousands have done, who have tried everything else In vain. Money it no object here SSS.S.V-A5 HIS Convince You trifling sum of one dollar can purchase a remedy that will stand between you nnd one of the most dreaded of human Ills. Clreulnnisent free.centalnlngdetalled descriptions. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by, the ABIBTINB MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, CaL Bitklti'i Armies Stlre. Tho best ealvo In tho world fo ftits, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrhcuin, fever sores, letter, chapped hnnds, chilblains, corns, nnd all Bklu eruj tions, nnd positively cures piles, ir no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. Vor sale - Dr. H. W. Cox. Aa AVmIiu care. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINh OrX'nrENT is only put up in large two-ounco (in boxes, and Is an absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively I'tiro nil kiuds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Bold byD.W. MatUiews A Co., 100 Stato street, &Uem, at 25 -uts per box by mall 80 cents. Tbelr llaslnos lloomlng. Probably no ono thing has caused such a general revival of trado at Dr. II. W. Cox'a drug store as their giving away to their customers of so many freo trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in tills very valuable article from tho very fact that It always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, colds, nstlnnn, bronchitis, croup, and all other throat and lung di srascs quickly cured. You can test It before buying by getting a trial bottlo free, huge bi.e, 1. Every bottle is warranted. Not a California Hear. Anybody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble Is to let go, liko the man who caught the bear. We advise our readers to pur chase of D. W. Mathews & Co., a bottle of Santa Abie, tho California king of consumption, asthma, bron chitis, coughs and croup cures, and keep it handy, "l'ls pleasing to tho tasto and death to tho above com plaints. Sold at $1.00 a bottlo or 3 $2.50. California Cat-r-curo gives Immediate roller, uivo it n trial. Six months treatment ?1.00, sent by mall $1.10. A Double Help for the lllllou. Iu addition to that chief remedial meas ure tho uso of Hosteller's Htoniach Hit ters persons sullerliigirom mi iieuto bil ious attack, will facilitate recovery by tho uso nt first of milk and limo water and thin gruels, nnd by a very gradual rctu.-n to tho uso of solid foods, l-'iilty substniu-ii should bo excluded from tho diet, llluo pill Is n remedy of doubtful safety, partic ularly If thero bo nausea and vomiting, frequent concomltrnts of liver trouble. The Hitters, provided its reformatory ac tion bo not actarded ami marred by gross Indiscretions In diet, will soon restoro the equilibrium or and action of tho liver, stomach and bowels, nil threo disordered by biliousness. In all forms of malarial disease, which In nverv olio of Its utilises presents Indications of liver trouble, llos- tettcr's Stomach Hitters Is the foremost of specifics. Tho light ol oer thl.-ty years' experlenconlso shows It to bo n tine remedy for rhoumatlsni, kidney troubles, dyspep sia, nervousness nnd debility, Tbe Love That I.Ives, "Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall A mother's secret hope outlives them all." She will not believe that her dim pled darling must die. Tho baby eves look to her for help and there Is help. Hasten to tho nearest druifglst and procure Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and your child may be restored, for it cures consumption, which Is only scrofula of the lungs, if taken In time, as readily as it cures scrofula aflecllng other parts and organs. Don't delay. A porfect snoclllc, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Urare I'p. You aro feelhiK depressed, your appetite is poor, you aro bothered with headache, you aro Imgoty, nervous, nnd Ronorally out of sortf , and want to liraco up. Draco up, but not with stimulants, Hpriug medicines, or bittern, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In u worse condition than Iniforo. What you want Is an alternative that will puniy VOUr UIOOU, siuri inamiij uctlon of liver and kidneys, rostoro - ..I.. .11... M...1 ..It... rntlfilUitfl yuur viiuiiiv, unit bw .w........ health and strength. Huch a medi cine you win mm in r.iecino imion nnd only CO cents a Iwttle at Dr. II. W. Cox's drug store. It. II. Price. Balum pioneer haok- tmaii will wiilr fin nnwutiiiurH to Of from tho dejiot with promptness ana pouionona. iasuyu uhwib v tho White Corner where his slato hangs out. " A. J. Baaey Is at all times ready to attend orders to take Intending ....t.,,,.....r. in tlin trulll nf Illicit tllHlll there and take them to any part of . d.. a t - 4A ,iiiittil nil the city. Also ready to attend all tf. cam mguiuuu aay, PalnleM dental operations at Dr. T. C Smith's, M State street. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole World for Tv, only-four Hours. The Sew Law Accidents Fevers Ks jiecials Ktc. Portland's Cabin ltouil. PoirrrND, Oct. 5. Tho contract for the completion of tho Portland eablo road was signed to-dny. A California construction company will do tho work, which will bo be bogun nt once. Tho Yellow l'ovor. Jackson vi i.t.k, Ma., Oct. 5. Tho weather continues warm and hopes of n phenomenally early frost are dlspollcd. Tho situation remains unchanged, except perhaps that tho cases of fover aro generally of a milder typo. New cases, 02; deaths, six. Wonti'iu llups In London. Puyai.i.ih', Oct. 5. Cablo dis patches from London announce tho arrival of 113 bales of hops, 2!) days from Puyalhip. Advices from (lie Atlantic seaboard aro that theso are tho tlrst shipment of now crop alloat, and the harvest is not through hore. A Woman hentoiiord to Death. MimiNA, O., Oct. fi. Mrs. Mary L. Clnrrelt was sentenced to-day to be hanged on the 21th day of Jan uary for tho murder of her two demented step-daughters. Sho sat urated tho room iu which the girls were sleeping with coal oil, and tilled It with kindling and dry leaves, to which sho si't lire. Mormon CouTort-uce, Salt Lakh, Oct. fi. The Mor mon's semi-annual conference open ed hero to-day. Apostle Lorenzo Snow presided. Ills remarks wcio to tho oll'eet that It is pleasant to sufl'er persecution while doing the work of tho Lord. Ho urged tho establishment of private Mormon schools, with good Latter Day Saints as teachers. Vllhird Will Not Ci -. St. Paui,, Oct. C It will bo a great disappointment to Oregoulans nnd tho people of Washington terri tory that Henry Villard will not bo ablo to extend his visit to tho Pacific coast. This was tho Intention of Mr. Villard, but ho now states thu he will goon further than St. Paul, and that a conference of otllclals of tho Northern Pacific and lines trib utary to It will bo held here to-morrow. Must be KnlorcoU. WAHiiiMTONlOct.6. Acting Sec retary Thompson to-day telegraphed tho provisions of tho Chinese Exclu sion act, which went Into effect ycH- terday to tho Collector of Customs at San I'ranelrico and nt tho same time Issued a clrculartothoCustom-hoUHO olllcers at other ports promulgating the law and Instructing them to see to Its strict enforcement. It Is wild that there are nearly 800 Chinese cml- grautsou thosteamshlp which Is wua expected to arrive at San l-'ranelseo Thursday. Anolliiir KulUvuy Accident. Oawroio. N. Y.. Oct.fi. A terrible collision occurred near Hannibal station on the Home, Watertown and Ogdomburg railroad, this morn ing. Tho Lehigh Valley passenger train collided with a wildcat tiinn from Oswego, on u curve at a deep cut, the wildcat train running fifty miles an hour ami the i.uiiign Vul'nv train forty miles. The loco. motlvos wore smashed Into a thousand nlocos. and tho cars ueurly demolished. Of tho wildcat train's crew, Engineer Slattorey was killed, Fireman II ov frlirhtfully scalded, and tho conductor und bmkman loth badly Injured. Of tho Lehigh train. Kiie ueer JIatcli was nauiy nut nnd scalded. Conductor Whit- gath uud Drukeinan Smith were badly hurt, and the former may die. nne-thlrd of Chicago Is without street car faollltltfs to-day, and with in twenty-four hours anoiuer tinrii of the city will be In the same pre- dlcament. President Yorkos of the North Chicago Company has finally rufuuMl the demands of his emnloyeH, and afterward declined an Invitation from the men to arbitrate, Mrs. Tlltou Growing It'Iml. Ni:w Youk, Oct. 5. Mrs. Ellw bcth Tllton Is threatened with blindness. Sinco the memorable lleechcr trial scenes thlrt'en years ago Mrs. Tllton has led a very quiet life with her mother and two sons. For several years her sight has shown signs of falling, but It did not until recently appear so threat ening. Carrol Tllton, tho oldest son, Is to marry Miss Marian Dlouv allt next Tuesday. Her daughter Florence, now Mrs. W. S. Pelton, will leave her father iu Paris next week and join her mother, sailing on October IS. C0XDKNSK1) DISPATCHES. Dlaino is sllirhtlv ill and has can celled several of his Michigan ap pointments. Itloodhounds will bo used In try ing to trace the Whltcchapol murderers in London. Chlcaiio was tho scene of another big war among tho wheat gamblers yesterday. The bulls came out victorious. Threo carloads of mlslns left San Francisco yesterday, for Loudon. This was tho tlrst direct shipment made between theso points. Owing to tho Increase In Immi gration into Fiance, president Car not has signed a decree regulating tho resldencoof foreigners In Franio- At Lancaster, Pa., Drug Clerk llradcnbaugh has been convicted of manslaughter for causing tho death of J. W. Under by selling him morphine for quinine. A crowd, numbering 400 peoplo( gathered at tho railway depot to greet General Doulanger on his re turn to Paris. Tho general eluded the crowd and made his way to tho hotel unnoticed. During a wake at Racine, Wis., over tho body of Oeorgo Vlnulg, Tuesday night, some embalming fluid was drank by mistake for beer by James Payton, James Callahan, and tho widow of tho deceased. All threo will probably die. UNIVIXSITY NOTES. Points of I'ci'fionnl Mention and Notes of News. Several now students will enter school Monday. Prof. Van Scoy was present at tho opening of tho medical college at Pnitlaud. II. S. Ooddard and Win. Tcnney came up from Vancouver last eveiii lug, and will enter school next week. Miss Carrie Hoyal.an ox-student, camo In from Oak drove, where she has been teaching, and reports her school progiosslug nicely. L. V. Delknap of Monroe, Denton county, an old-thuo student, and Emma Farrel of Centervlllo, Uma tilla county, will outer school Mon day. John Clloscndorfcr, a graduate of the Albany college of '88, visited tho school during tho week. Mr. Gols ondorfer proposes entering the uni versity next torm. S. W. Collins, who has Imjuii at tending tho university tho last fow years, loft yesterday for Alpine, lienton. county, whore ho will begin teaching Monday. Tho university initio glee club wore Invited to attend the prolil rally at Woodburn to-day, Tho boys will tin their pint In representing the university to our neighboring towns. J. N. Drown, of the law class of '88, will louvo Tuesday for Eustorn Idaho, where he will practice his chosen profession. The teachers, with a host of students wish him all the success that may be his. The examinations of the academy classes took placo yesterduy. Those whose dally average reached the re quisite 0-5 er cent, were excused. Several took tho advantage of the holiday, and wilt spend Saturday and Sunday at their homes. The society hall was well filled last evening with moiubers uud friends of the societies, to hear tho programme of the l'hllodoslaiis at their oen meeting. Tho programme was well rendered, uud closed with an Interesting debute. I JhattMJiAji -WftMh...