LATE CITY NEWS FOUND i?v lie Reporters on Their Round of wo iunu. l Cat Talc Minor Mention County and State News. A Change. Baud of Hope meets Monday at o'clock in the W. C. T. U. rooms instead of Saturday as formerly. Boys and girls will please note tho cbanpe. An interesting programme j being prepared for our next mect jU" and all arc invited to come ribt after school and bring their friends with them. KlRhtrnl Recognition. The following from a njoro or less Icstctiucd morning cotemporary is cratif Ing indeed: We are glad tq note tho prosper ity of the highly esteemed Capital JoiknaIj under its new manage ment and editorial control. It is pushing rapidly ahead and contains much good news served in excellent jtyle. It is a pleasure to sec our eve ning neighbor doing so well nnd we wish the friends success unbound ed." The New Sfamer. The steamer Caracas, formerly of the Bed line, has become the Yu- niiiiia Bay. one has undergone thorough repairs, and as sho is to round Capo Horn, she has been strengthened and braced up every way. Sho cleared New . York Tuesday for Baltimore, whence she will proceed on her long voyage around the Cape, which she is ex pected to make in about two months. Her master will be Capt. Lord, formerly and for many years an employe of the Brazil stcamshi p line. TnoOU Veteran;. This morning it was our pleasure to be entertained for a few moments by two old veterans of 1S40 Adam Stephens and G. B, Wagnon, who voted for Old Tippo in 1840. The hitter gentleman is an old pioneer. Born in 1800, he remembers many administrations and 1ms always been n strong democrat, but he voted for Old Tippo because he- thought htm the better man. His memory is replete with interesting facts of history, nnd though now nearly ninety years of age has never had occasion to require the services of 11 doctor. Settled .Nov and Happy. A few days ago the writer, in coining into Portland from eastern Washington, got into conversation with n man from Minnesota who bad ids ticket through to San Fran cisco. The stranger was going right on through tho Willamette valley without ever so much as taking a look at it. Ho told us he wanted to purchase about ten acres, close to a good market, and go into the egg and chicken business. Ho thought Sau Francisco would be just the place, but wo spoke to him of the market afforded by Portland for eggs nnd chickens that they im ported largely from Iowa and the east and ho decided to stop and look around. Tho result Is told in a few words. He was pleased beyond description, bought ten acres and is now building houses, coops, incu bators, etc., and gonerally preparing for the raising of chickons In an ex teuslve scale. He cxjiects to have at 3,000 pullets bofore May next. LIKES UliEG X 11LTTEK. Our townsman, D. D. Prottyman is up in Eastern "Washington Terri tory and from n recent letter tho following polnta aro tnk,eu: "We made n run through the Puyallup Valley; the groat hop fields lure are simply iinmenso and woro the wonder and admiration of all on board. But wo missed one thing in our travels, and that was a ook at a flue orohnrd a thing wldoni ever been in this part of Washington Torrltory. The scenery in tlie Cascaded is beautiful, pasting iug down tlM Yakama valley to tha wu of KllenslMirg, is a Wwk and hard looking country. N'ear Yakama City we paaeed some "f the old ami familiar batUeflolda "flvi5-8. At Spokjuw we found It ""Id t-uougu for an owrooat Um tiri time aiiuK tlw flMhof June. In thia grant IHOohf oomuiry w "ad the gardens panned awl dry, wid nearly not enoufh to parch the : '""I-- lunu iu the day and frost at " -' t- kill twwrly all the vine in f the gardens, and Jsrtueni i '" fur a good old WelifiAit Commltslontrs' Court. The commissioners to-dav prantMl dramshop license for period, of one year to J. w. and J. It. Wortlen of Lincoln precinct; also to A. Geer of Buttcvllle precinct. Miss Ida Esson of Gervals was granted scholarship in State Uni versity at Eugeuo City. Aside from this nothing has been done save tho auditing of accounts, etc. Court will continue in session to-morrow. Wanted at Salem. A tannery. A paper mill. A bag factory. A woolen mill. A soap "factory. '" A rope factory. A chair factory. A wagon factory. A furniture factory. A beet sugar factory. A pall and tub factory. An earthenware establishment. For the Itlver Traffic. The Lucca Mason has been leased by the owners of the Lntona and will be put at onco on the Oregon City and Portland route. The Oregon Pacific people have not yet decided when to begin run niug their boats, but probably will start the Three Sisters next week. Of the Oregon Pacific boats, tho Win. M. Hoag and X. S. Bently have been repaired tit Corvnllis, and are in readiness for the fall trade, The Tlireo Sisters looks jaunty iu n fresh coat of paint, and tho ad dition of twenty feet, which has been given her, adds much to her appearance, She has been launched and registers the extremely low draft of thirteen inches. Taints In Fruit Drying. H. S. Jory of this city, who has had extensive experience in haul ing fruit, tells tho Pacific Express that fruit and especially prunes and plums in order to dry well must be picked ripe and put into tho dryer at once before any wilting takes place. We had the pleasure lately of looking through Mr. Jory's drying establishment, aud while we were examining the fruit ho showed us a specimen of prune dried when rlpo and fresh, and another of tho same variety that had been picked before thoroughly ripo and allowed to lie in boxes a day or two before being put into tho dryer, and the latter seemed at least twenty-live per cent inferior. There is a right and a wrong time for everything, and this ap peal's to be emphatically truo in tho matter of drying fruit. A ration For Call. The story comes to us from Silvur ton. It is well vouched, else tho circumstance would not bo men tioned. It is'sald in that fair city there lives a pronilnentbuteccentrlc mau who has an antipathy to cats. lie has a loving wife and a sweet little daughter. Tho little girl dear ly loves a cunning kitten, but the pleasure of owning one has always been denied her. On several oc casions sho had ninnaged for a few davs to keep a little pet, but as soon as the dear papa would hear of it lie would dispatch the felines. One day last weok the littlo girl had an unusually bright and playful kitten given her. This sho brought homo and her mother told her sho might keep it. Tho father oamo homo in tho evonint; to his supper as usual, spied the cat and was angored. The mother explained that tho littlo girl cried so longingly for it that sho at last consented to lot her keep it. This enraged the futhr, who grasped the ttit by its hlndor parts aud battered its brains out upon tho mother's head. Tho man Is eccen tric, you will admit? Mar l Co)crcil With Ice. A celebrated French scientist thiuks tliere Is a vast development of glnciatiou, and iminente maw of ico on tho surface of Mars, where, us tho seasons are relatively longer and the temjernture much lower, the conditions must ah-o be more favor able for thwe nmiUfc-Utloiw tliau tlwy are on our own planet; JIU theory is pronounced "very ingen ious and beautiful" by an adeeming selentifct, but later ooervaltoiw may render otlier liyjraUieae lKwaUde; for, although "there W nothing ew under Uw ip," there k vJUtoyt ilnuta hhmIi to be (ttaeevand mtin- ly new to s in Uw aair sfHtww which snare viui us nw ngni. Subscribe for the Capital. Jocn- NAL WaU paper and exiluuigee for ale at this otrkv. ( Wood.llloomV John Vance Cheney has a new volume in press that bears tho at tractive title of "Wood-Blooms." Tho chief features of Mr. Cheney's verse are Its simplicity and its sug gestiveuess, reminding ouo more of the best work of Aldrich than of any other American poet. That these are marked traits of tho new volume is shown by the following extracts from advance sheets: MY CASTLK IN THE A1K, Or In the est or In the west. Where shall I bulM my bird nest T Or north or southward whither rom To bulhl my little love a home? Upyondei, In the clear sweet air I think that I could keep her there: Too much an nnel to? the icruuiut, Kor heaven Miiuowhat too warm nnd round. MY I'lIlLIlKKX. My precious bmU of fleh ami blood, 'lhat cllnt; about my knee. I dread the invusinjr thoughts that dwell Upon the years to be. They say, more kind the early blight Than are the rlpvnliiKMin-.; They say, to ulrKMim It to tall, My sw eet unfolding ones. " Only the children's hidden lieurl - Ho down, unhurt, to rest " I I tremble at tho voice, and fold You closer to my breaM. IS TWIMOllT usn, A mouth like hers you cannot doubt That l.ove himself designed ; The lips nlway a little out From pushing .sweet, behind. Theqnlct moon rules yonder blue, lixolUhts her bluer eve: Which heaven, which choose betwixt tho two? Kor me the nearer sky. Tho faco Hope sees leaned from above That Is her kind of face; Movement to music born of love That may suggest her trace. Soft up ami down the twilight lawn, "mm all the world apart, Although 1 hold her little hand I lead her by tho heart. All Old Superntlllon. The belief that warts in ay be charmed away or removed by va rious superstitious practices has a certaiu attraction for many people ofii'iioii-scientlflc turn of mind, to whom it may bo a pleasure to know that so eminent a man as Lord Bacon was not without a littlo weakness in this direction. After telling in one of Ills works that he had a wart on one of his lingers from early childhood, and that when a youth iu Paris at least a hundred grew upon his hands iu a month's time, lie adds: "Tho English ambassador's lady, who was far from superstitious, told me she would got away with my warts; and, In order co do It, sho rubbed them all over with the fat side of a piece of bacon with tho rind on and, among the ro-t, the wart I had front my childhood then nailed the bacon, with tho fat toward the sun, upon a post of her chamber window, which was to tho south; and in live weeks time tho warts went away, mm the wart I had so long endured for company. Atihorest I did not wonder, be- caifec, as they camo In a short time, they might go away so too; but the vanishing of that which had re mained so long, sticks with me." l'lHLSONAI.S. Mrs. S. Craig of Corvallls is the guest of hor parents lu this city. K. M. Waite wont up to Mohania on a business trip this afternoon, Mrs. A. X. Mooros returned tills afternoon from an extended visit at Yaquina. Mr. Francis, of Portland, is in the city to-day looking up ribks in life Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Moscow, Idaho, aro the guests of friends iu Snlom. Mrs. Chas. Claggott is Iu Port land, ,wljore she was oulled by the serious Minus of her sister. Mr. Dow aud family, Iato of South Salem, removed yosterday to I.ubauou where they will reside iu future. Col, Lee is up from Chemawti to-day and reports everything mov ing along nicely at the Indian Kiliool. Landlord DuBois of the Chomeketu returned this morning frjim I'prtluml, where he has been fur some days. II. Armstrong, an old Odd Fellow of tills etty, returned ytnterday from Portland where lie luul been emit mingling with Uie brethren from tite oaC Itv. I. It. Kirk pa trick of Lebsuon b In Uie eily to-day. He was ac companied by his daughter win will remain with ns, at the Univer sity, where she will Mulsh her iinsi- eal course. I Jtov. E. a Bollinger of Wright ! vine, Pa., has been selected pastor j of the KvmugoUoal church at this' place and Is expected to arrive lure , In a few day and euU-r upon th discharge of hi. duties. , .MEF.E ME.NTI0.V. Oregon City is n pretty old town but then she Is small for her age. Circuit court begins Monday with quite a full nnd Interesting docket. Bureau scarfs, tidies, splashers, ere, etc., at Hridges and Bnxorths. To-morrow the gospel meeting in W. W. Brooks' pasture commences. "Unknown" is one of the cleanest plays on the stago. Cincinnati En quirer. Nellie Boyd nnd her excellent company will be hero Monday and Tuesday. There will be u meeting of the Grange at their hall in this city to morrow afternoon. "Unknown" has mado an Im pression hero which will not soon boellaccd.- New York Graphic. "Unknown" has drawn largo houses and will continue indefi nitely. New York Telegram. The Clatsop county jail is empty since Jones and Partland were brought to the penitentiary here. The supreme court docket for the October term which begins again on Monday consists of forty-nine cases. The great prohibition rally at Woodburn mines oil' to-morrow. A great many of the adherents to that cause are going from here. A littlo child of C. H. Stewart died of dlptherla at Albany yester day. There arc no other cases re ported iu that city. Mrs. Frank Hicc, who had u rib broken several days ago In a runa way accident, is recovering nicely, her many friends will bo pleased to learn. At Bridgport, seven miles south of Dallas, a campinoetlng is in pro gress. It will continue for two weeks and be In charge of Bow T. L. Jones. Lane county's fair proceeds aro estimated at ?1000. The fair was generally pronounced a success and the exhibits were better than at nny previous session. Sonio say there Is a probability of tho land olllco being removed from Oregon City to Portland; also of locating the lighthouse In speolor's'olllce at Astoria. To-morrow evening tho last of the scasoii'sltayiuond-Wliitcoinblloston excursion will pass through this city en route for San Francisco. There are about fifty in the party. Sunday evening at tho Baptist church Miss Minnie Brizzel will ad dress the people on the subject of her travels iu China whore she has for many years been engaged in missionary work. The gross value of property in Linn county is 7,lM2,l:J(). Tho In dchtcduosg within tho county Is $l,0il!,027. TJiere waft JW2, KB acres of land assessed, at a value of $-),-fll)l,:msnnd 1712 polls. It is gratifying to the management to be able to inform our readers and advertisers that every day many new names aro added to our lists of stil)orlbers. Both dally aud weekly aro meeting with unprecedented favor. Mr. Hurley Beers and Miss Oillo Klrkpntrick, until recently students hero with Dr. Bowland, were quiet ly wedded at Albany yesterday. They liavo gono to Portland whoio they will attend medical lectures at the Witliuumette University of Med icine Young McAllister, the Jackson county Ilond, who was brought to tho pcnitontliiry a few days ago, was very gay en route. When the brake man Iu calling the stations cumu to Marion, the young patricide said, "Well, If there alut Mary Ann." "Unknown" will le presented next Tuesday evening at I food 'x oponi house It Is not unknown to the people of Salem that H. FarrarAi Co. keeps the largest ami Iwst as sortment of staple and fancy groceries In tiie city. St. The rSleotrio Belt ooneert company of CouueJl Blutls, Iowa, are iu the city and will remain until Monday, giving free omn air eoueerta oaeh ... I ........ I. . 'IM..... .... I MIMrriltntfl ftllll VTVllllig. lic n- iiesr for ll drst time on our streets at 74" this evening and ant wild to I flue. The ladies of tiie M. IS. oiiureti will give an entertaiHineMt on Wednesday evening October 17th. The best loonl talent will be secured. Keep your eye oh Um date and save yourself for that ooaaeton, as it Is the first enieriMninent of Ue mmm aud proutisw to be oue of the beet MAHHIKD. I JIKrAKI-(iKMA.S. Al lit miiteuor if i.f 'i d. ii !h-f it. 'i. it i '. 'y K.- 1 W ilarrl.. II i. nlirrd iid lim i.:,iuu rijM.ii ffMIHBIimjUlJ.l.llL win iavm NEW -VK HAVK Cloaks ! Cloaks' NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct n)m the Kt, every irarmeut having lieen nmuctoontarlbr u, KINK NKW STOCK OK Dress Roods ami Trimmings, Flannels, Blankcls;. New Slock of Oniftls, Rugs, Poi'liers, Shades and Lace Curtains. The vubllo aro cordially ln It Ml to In-nect our mammoth Muck. ,1. M. KOSKXKBKK & CO., White Corner, II. K. lH'llois. .iok innioiM. Dubois bros., l'ronrlelors Ghomokcto Hotel. FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Krom 81 to $.1 per iloy. SALEM - - OUKOON. HM-tf School Tax Notice, mllK KOllOOI. TANKS OK DISTRICT L No. "Jl In Marlon county are now line and collcctahlo at the ofllco of tho cleric. In tho opera limine, on Court Htrcet, Knlum, aud must ho tmhl hy the tlrvtof December, or hecomo dellmiucnt. DAVID HIMfSON. October ild, '88. Clerk. For Sale. A KiMid linn fmiuo Ilorno Power, (lood tor nil iibex, inmi one to full capacity. All for the low price or $). Call at tho fa clllo Cider, VlncKiir .t Krult l'riurliiK Comiuiny'H olllce. .Hnlcm, OroKon. VI. iVI. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saus a Spocialty. Hhnpnii the alley, opposite Mlnto'M ery Hluble, SkIhI.i, or. TIIE SANITAimJiM Kor the Irtmlmeul or all iIImwikm or inmi ami miiiikiii DltS. (lllillKKT A: WK11P Mwllnilcd vaKir Imtlin, oxkh Inlinla. tloiiM, nlwtrii maKnellMiu, medlmlfHl npiaVH, eto. Olllcoand Hiiillitrhiin In Ihe IIhiiIc block. Ciniillnll(m freo. 10lw A. IS. STRANG, No. MM CniMMiHrelHl Hlreel, 8ALKM, - - OltUOOX. UKAI.KU lt STOVESand RANGES riiiwbinjr, Gu ami Sfcam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 4D-Annul for Ihe IlICHAIIDHON A IHIVNTON COMI'ANV'H Kunittwo. M- Utlill.hwl lu 1HW LOWEST PRICES, -BISST GOODS": a-' is Auction mfuatwui. ovrvrrriumr ('ooilf on Hid iiisiallinont r Jllrlll. OHKOON. ixlt KM K lilt T IIK.SI iS IICKW'N I' ablv I. fins - (.aid I ri(lil tuli "f pttdltuU. mil III IVi Clu u.ikcU HI iu-.l Sim louso. i.i iuiuiw.Tj.BuiHiffmmm ihkb TO - DAY. UETMVKP Of 11- EDUCATIONAL. 017! prim n OliLliUl 0 u ttt Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing yenr at tho LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning StilTKsillKlt 10. 101-d'Jw ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Hoys and Girls. The hcIiihiI will oncn on the 'J lib or September. Tiinrmiitli Instruc tion In the primary aud iiuv.iiii'ed English Branches, latin ami mmn OF Mil! -III COIIIMt.- TKHMH ami rurther Inrormatlou may lie had on iipplloHtlnn lo HKV. K. II. ItWT, Cor. (Iii'iiiel.clii mill HIiitnKlH, 8-ai-ir CONSERVATORY OF JIUSIC! WlI1iiiiut(o Unlvowlly. Mut HiHHoriil h'IiihiI or nuitlii on tho tiorlliHeat Konat. Almilt 150 STUDENTS LAST YKAU. Coiiixw In llnii(i, OrKiin blliinlnif, Violin, 1 lurmiiiiy, unit Cuuntur- polnt. Diploma on completion ol (ourn. Tetieherw Z. M. I'arvln, I'nlilklu I'. Joiiim, KvhCox. AMitMlil,l,lllu,M.8ml(i. I'lml term bCMliin. .Monday, HeplHiiUMir Ikl.lHW. Hi. nil nr laloue. Korlurlimr imrlli'iilarH addremi Y.. M. PArlVIN, .Mii.linl DlitH)lor,Haltiiii. Or. n-17-iltf.wli WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (IrHduatiwHtiidentii In Classical, Literary, Scicnlilic, Normal, Iliisiiiww, Law, MEDICAL COURSES. .It U tlieolilwt, litrKwit and lHt wimn Ire Ih.IIHiIIiiii oT MarnlHK lu lira infill- SSmioI ouihi flrl Mombiy In Mi(nbr 8iiit fur ittl"u lit TIIO, VAX 'OV, 1'rMdUetti. 17i W!it OfpHi. CHEAT DISCOVHIY! Dr. W. SIvriTI-I Mow In irfMMMiofi in nmw duoaarr iu OMNtMM, which l purely s Um1 numMm, Is. And aew ntuwwt lnlMlMit4iiwly tm ttw nmHinitlof iImmm of tb Amiit. It kin no wr injuruiu. or uupietMaul lo IM UHf, T. maiufkctitrl Of it elftUH hG IUmMMI mm nnvvrlxNfi ktU'Wa UmniLMil by iptifUtt It lo Iha iwiutttv or anta Mtb, lfcr ma ho rlMtnwI ud HUd wtlltuui will. Hi. m thuMi thai ! M kln4 if 4ruul urk dun wtlboul Mln, mwUllW 10 nrnu. Cull HtUl 1 T.J. CRONISE, Sarin's Popular Job Printer, T HIM MK ll'ltrKl! IN TIIK ntt' lu.iiri.m-.' IIuIIiIIhk, Cor I oni llivrt Ikl aud Lb. uitHilc .In l. iO-ltl Oils! m . -:t ikik .J -vJfeiifc- rki "Ji