w'VsW'f- CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 18SS. NO. 18S. fp i m tyf-w " 4 www ' j u ' f - 'wfTTjrB FINAKCIAX. S3TABIJS1IED: BY IfATIOSAI. AUTUORITT l I OK- SALEM, OREGON. Capital Paid up, $75,000 - 10,000 Surplus, ft S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vioo-I'rosident. J. II. ALBERT, r - Cashier. DIRECTORS! W.T.Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, ft 8. "Wallace Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert, T. McF. l'atton. LOANS IvlADE To formers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or ipubllo warehouses. State &Bd County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. 1( SALEM, OREGON. WM. If. LADUE, -Dll. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN JIOIR, - - - President, Vlco President. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, Iiondnn nnd Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained nt tho bank In most reliable companles.1 MISOKIJANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Goo. E. Good's old stand.) 8ALEM, : : : : : OREGON. EXPRESS WA-GON, QUICK ANDSAFE h delivery. Wm.Rennle having bought rtri : ,'i,n.i.. nr Wuiir Fiwa. li prepared to deliver trunks, valise, pack ages, and any thing else that he can get In his wairon to any part of the city, quicker, safer, better, and neater, than It can b done by any body else. Leuvo orders at Jlluto's stable. INSURANCE Company. Fir and Ma rine. JOa ALBERT. Agent, - Balem. Oregon. APFEAL.8ILVERT0N WEEKLY, 11.50 Per7ear. independent. The appeal ireulatcdln Marion. Unn and I Clac k nmaa counties; has & M,lh',h years andts an excellent advertising me dium. For terms address the publisher II. G. Guild, Hllverton, Or. GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH New In poswn ot a -?X2L medMacwhleb U partly a loeal aawetbet aada5. amo.t.t.BU?eoly oa th. BrrouDdlBtttMue of the teeth- lJ,H lu equal has never been knowB.f. " tr?p7tB it w Itf.KJ lta, Uwy can a . ua4 aA ftlljkal iu, uiey can wm . -r.rV.l ii wnaotii pew. Doau i" -nr.vi.r.r vosMktiwmU oaPr.lt. Smith. Teeta ciuuwa jor w ewn, ml n I 1 IT Hie uapitai National Bank Firs ; National Ban Boots and Shoes MISCELLANEOUS. THE OREGON FRUIT DRYER (Rovolvlns;rackframeJ Is Simple of Construction, AND EASY OK OPERATION, Awarded first premium at the Oregon State Fnlr 18S.l-'84-vj-'S(j-'87 and at tho Cali fornia State Fair, 1887, and San Joaquin County Fair, 1!S7. Manufactured In slxlzcs. For circular and price list nddress H. S. JORY & SON, P. O. Box 286. Salem, Oregon S-Dryer Furnaces furnished flvo sizes Tho BTJYKBS" OTJIDB la issued M-urch and Sept., nuh vaur. It is on ency clopedia of useful infor mation for ail who pur choso the luxuries or the can, clothe you and furnish you with all the nocossry ana uuuuuBurjr appliances to ride, walk, donco, sleep, oat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sises, styles and quantities. Just flguro out what is required to do all theso things COMFORTABLY, and you con mako afait estimate of tho valuo of tho BUYEBB" GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents w pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Aventte, Chicago, HI. HOWARD DROTHEUS -DO ' General House Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly donoat reasonable rates. Orders left at Capital, Jouknai. office will recclvo attention. P-lMf A. E. STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, BALEM, - - OREGON. -DEALEU IK- STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. Kr- Agent for the RICHARDSON 4 UOYNTOM UUMfAi l a r urumw tabllshed In 1&I9 Ks- Take Hot of This. I7IOR 82.500 WK WILli n"i""" well improved garden laad, within 8 miles or rwticin. uwu ivt '"", r vwlraround. llulldlngs good. FINE.YOUNG ORCHARD and excellent grass i .una. im; Is a bargain, ana win u ,, rY i,i time at these figures. Call, and we will show you the prorty. Opera lioube, Halem, Or. Wi-dw-tf CALIFORNIA! the u . 7- in i vi vur.x' . Tlicpcrc..-nJRfiJfrl- aAy -.rTrjK.q r-Soihn GiW&l Sen Ur r.rtuljr.lMHtttJtVftg- afflEIiNr MrretaLflMviiLi.fAL:. BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST.. SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot Proposals for Stationery. Office of the Secbktaiit of Statu, Sai.km, Or Sept, -Tth, ISSS. f Scaled nmiwuiU will bo received at this ofilce until noon November 27th, 1SSS, to furnish the following articles for um sutio of Oregen: SO reams legal cap, U lb. No. S ruling, white laid, Cnrew, Charter Oak or Scotch Lluen. SO reams letter paper, 12 B.M).8 ruling, white laid. Carcw. Charter Oak or Scotch Linen. JilJilHSU SO reams flrM-class Congress note, . lb packages, No. 8 ruling, whlto laid. 15 M No. 5 white cn elows, 00 lb, No. 1 rag, XXX. . . 15 M No. 9 white envelopes. 00 B. xso. I rag XXX. l gross raiiroaa sicci pens jo-list. 15 gnws Ulllott's steel pons, No. 401. 8 gross Kasterbrook "J" pens. 5 gross Fabcr's pen holders, No. 187S. 4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar ometer and brass backed Inkstands. 12 dozen Ivory folders, 9 Inch, stanaaru. 8 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress. 10 dozen mucllago cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent. 1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 8, Morgan's patent. a reams raricer s treasury uiouiug iuiiit, 110 lb, assorted colors. 2 cross No. 2 Eaclo Recorder load pencils. itylo 60S. 4 uozen Arnoius writing num. quaru. 2 dozen David 4 Sons writing lluld. quarts, black. z uozen c?aniora s pri-iuium nuiii, iiiutim. 15 dozen duplex cap boord letter clips. 12 dozen Fuber's rubber rulers, 14 Inch, flat. 12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', r.o.isn'.', n. 3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18119, Iv. 20 boxes Fuber's No. SCO rubber bands, as sorted sizes. I cross Fnbcr s lead liencus, rsos. .anu ., hexagon, gilt. 10 cros3 Fabcr's lead pencils, round, gilt, No.?. 8 dozen Faoer's patent mic nnu pencu rubber erasers, small. luuu.McwirHpiiiciHpapcriasicHcrH,". 1000 McQIH's patent imper fasteners, No. 4. 18 dozen summed stub tiles. No. 21, 11x13 In., SAO pages. iz aozen laoio pans lor paiH-r, iui-i. lu dozen wasto tmiwr luiskets. cross bar, No. 4. 20 lbs hemp twine, o. rj. At tho s:iino tlmo scpamto bids will bo received for 12 dozen Wottcnholm congress knives to bo described by tmdo Nos. Sam ples to bo exhibited, lllils Hlinnlil bo marked "Proposals for Stationery." Nono but best quality of gooas rcceivca. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. All goods to bo delivered ncroro January 1st, 18&I. l'ayincot to bo made by wamuit on stato treasury. ' . . GEO.W.McIlRIDK, 9-2S-td , Secretary of State. Ileal Estate Bargains. $1,000 100 acres, 6 miles from O 4 C de pot. Good houso, barn and orchard. Fenced, and In cul tivation. 2,000 80 acres, 4 miles from Salem. Uood mad to town. Improve ments fair. Flno fruit land. to,490 8.1 acres 2J miles from Salem. No buildings. Splendid land, nil fenced. Mako n deslniblo home. 82,500. 00 acres 4 miles from Salem. im provements good. Flno young orchard, and garden land. $1,180 ...HO acres, 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, finely wutored. Sell In lots of 40-acro tracts at t2S per acre. $10,800 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent grass and fruit land, adjoining Wlllamctto rlter. Will soil In tracts. $1,375 51 acres, 4 miles orsalem. House, barn and orchard. Largo spring ut tho door. Good soil, and plonty of timber. $2,400 laOacres, 5 miles of Salem: good road; well Improved; stream running through tho place $00.00 400 acres (4 miles west sldo O 4 C It R ) good house, barn aud orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasture laud. 800 ..10 acres, 1 mllo from Salem, ad joining fairground. Good land; no Improvements. $ia00..40 acres, 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near school houso. Excellent fruit land, $1.000...- .JJ70 acres, 6 miles from O40 II II; all fenced; well watored. House, barn, aud small orchard; 150 acres In cultivation. $2,760. S loU, with good houso and barn, EastSolem. Desirable location. Wo havo besides this a large list of city and farm property, lluycrs would do well to call and examine our holdings before making their purchase. WILLIS 4 CHAMHKRLIN, Opera Houso, Court St., n.28tf Halera, Or. Land of Discoveries. Thosewhohaveusedit'rei . J k.l.B a. a. llfl,1 tf4 Ifkll Utlfl fl 'our remt dies are giving satisfaction, and n cus tomer with IlronchllUsays It U the only remedy that given Instant relief. HBI1UEU. A CoVKK, DrugglsU, Rlvemlde.CRl." H the pleasure Ui Inform 3VB you that your rreiratlons are meeting with large sale". Ve henr Nothing but Praise fcviV caslon to use them. oo- Nascbcawex a Co., DrusaclsU, . lrUBKl . . VlsiiHo, Cat. That It will accom plUh the eud dlrsl In all affections of theThrontand Lun U.. II and you not only will not ls Will without It youmelf. but will recommend It to others, as thousand have done, who have tried evwylhlWC ele In aln. Money Is no object wlwre USanV-nalil. Convince You trifling sum of one dollar wn pirelMi a remedy that will stand twe?n you and one of toe most dreaded of huuurn CtreulArstenl free, ounUlnlng detailed deerlptlon. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by tin AIHBT1NK JklKDICAL CO., OrorllU, Cat Farm A Ce. Arc shipping out fruit by tho car load, but their own store Is nlwnys attractive with tho best varlotles. In fruit, vegetables, groceries anil provisions they aro always In tho lead. Buklea's Anita Stlra, The best salvo In tho world fo cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, aud positively cures piles, or uo pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trlco 25 cents per box. Kor salo Dr. H. W. Cox. ! atolito Car. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINh OINTMENT la only put up lu large two-ounce tin boxes, nml Is uu absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, nnd all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Bold byD.W. Matthowe & Co., 100 Stato street, Balem, at 115 riuu jier box by mail j$o centa. A Double Help Tor Ue Wlloui. Tn nililillAii tn thnt rhlpf remedial mens. tire tho uo of Ilivtio lei's Stomach llll-ter- lwrsons sutll'ilng il-oiu an oeuto lill lous attack, w ,11 fucllluu recovery by the uko at nrai or iiuik ami nmu waicr nnu thin gruels, and by a vory gradual loturn In tlni nun nf koI 111 fooil. Putt v substances should bo excluded nmu tho diet, lllno pill Is a remedy of doubt ail safety, p.rtle- uiariy n iiiero ue iihumhi uim uiuiiiu-, rrcouent nmmltaiitH of liver trouble. Tho Hitters, provided Its rerorinntoiy ac tion do not nou racu nnu marreu uy unm indiscretions In diet, will soon icstoio the equilibrium of nnd action of tho liver, stomach nnd liowcls, all thrco disordered by biliousness. In nil forms of malarial disease which 'n overy ono of its phases tuiMPiiiH lndlnitlona or liver trouble. Hos teller's Stomach Hitters Is thofoieinostof specifics. Tho light ot over thirty yours' oxpoi lenconlKO shows It to bo n lino i einedy for rlivunmtlsm, kidney troubWs, dys.iejn slu, nervousueHsnnd debility, .Not a California Hear. Anybody can catch n cold this kind of weather. Tho trouble Is to let go, llko the man who caught the bear. Wo adviso our readers to pur chase of D. W. Mathews & Co., a bottle of Santa Able, tho California king of consumption, asthma, bron chitis, coughs and croup euros, and keep It handy. 'Tis pleasing to tho tasto and death to tho above com plaints. Soul at f 1.00 a bottlo or 3 2.50. California Cat-r-curo gives Immedlato relief. Glvo It a trial. Six months treatment 1.00, sent by mall $1.10. 9 Drsce Dp. You aro fooling depressed, your appetite Is poor, you aro bothered with headache, you aro fidgety, nervous, nnd generally out of sorts, and want to braco up. Brnco up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which havo for their basis vory cheap, bad whisky, nnd which stlmtilatoyou for an hour, and then leavo you m n worse condition than before. Whnt you want Is an alternative that will nurlfv vour blood, start hoaltliy action of llvor and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and stroimth. Such a medi cine you will llnd In Electric Bitters and only 60 cenbi a bottle at Dr. 1 1. W. Cox's drug store. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. (In Mnv Ut. butt, n t ut four mouth ago. Dr. Gilbert otfnl an cxnooumlwuiiutrliim In the bunk bloeK, Hlem, ana auveruMi to twttt ehrtmle dlNie on MjWnUtle prinrtptoi. Mine that time his praotle ruul.nstadllylnTMMlnK-o mueii hut iwii iiiivyt tiiuMiura more room and Uereaslng faellltl", and now finding hlmMlfunabluto attend W) ins nouwroui miiMiu I,, h&i Knuniil into uarlnefshlp with Dr. i(. W. Wemp, f Detroit, Mtalil gan, s physletan and surgeon of Urge ex perteae, thoroughly mmpoUnt, and a specialist In dUeM of the ey,r, tlinMt and uual ouvltl-who dm ooihv wuu hi. funllv In tnaka hts home in Hslem. Tli mw firm will be known as Dra-UII- bwtA VVwnp and will eupy IImi eom uukIIaus muiu In the bank bloek. for oflleo and sanitarium, and will conduct Ibelr business under the name ana siyn nfTl. n..... UmAU.I ..J Currlfil IlllUatt. His tb4r InWntlon to spare ntUbw pains nor ipcBsalntbeir effort to maae mis most eoiaptete iMtltutton, for (lie treat' men t of alt forms ot dlseaem, eeoeetallr ehroslc, ta the northwest. MeAleated vapor baths, 4eo-agtet. Uw, oxygea and maMage, togetiier with all wodero aad selmtine apeliaaee for 11 fllMutvli innTdUMli. will be ttMst, Examteatleos will be free, and ebarjM strtetay moderate. Addreen Drs. HUbert A Wep. Hsak btoek, or postofllee box IX, j siiiu, LfregoB. TEIiKGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole World for nvcnly-rour Hours. Qrover Sirns tho lHHFovcr Worse (lencral Oleaniu's. A. l'ltcher, lately teller of tho Union Bank of Providence, has been scntemvd to soven years InthoponU tentlary for bringing stolen money Into Canada. Near St. Louis yesterday unknown persons removed a mil from tho track of tho Wabash A Western aud wrecked a heavily loaded passonger train. Almost by a mlraclo nobody was killed. Htltl Had at llurfulo. Buffalo, Oct 1, Ten weeks ago a caso of smallpox va9 discovered hero. Since then there havo boon slxty-nlno cases aud seventeen deaths, six of which wero caused by black smallpox, whloh Is tho most fatal. There tiro now twenty-two cases In tho hospital. A l'midletnii .Suicide. l'H.NDi.irroN, Oct. 1. 1 H. Saw telle, a well known and respected citizen, was found dead under tho railroad bridge, a mllo bolow town, this morning, with a bullet hole through his skull. Investigation proved that ho coinmited suicide. Ho had been out of employment for somo tlmo. A Little Wurso Again,. JaukhoxviijI.m, Flu. Oct. 1. Tho scourgo has Increased In force again, and now eases reported for twenty- four hours number 09, of which li"! wero whites and 7-1 colored. Thoro wero 10 deaths. Tho total number casus to dato Is 27;t6, and total deaths 271. Tho mercury last night foil nearly to tho frost lino. It is cool to night, but frost before tho last of October would break tho record for tho past sixteen years. Opium, Opium, Opium. Ban Euancihco, Oct. 1. Tho steamor "City of Now York," arriv ing from China Saturday, had six teen thousand four hundred pounds of prepared opium, valued at two hundred and seventy-live thousand dollars, exclusive of duty. This Is tho largest single consignment of opium over received here, and on It tho government will collect one hun dred and sixty-four thousand dollars duty. t Hnventrru Million Acrrn. IIiii.K.VA, (M. T.), OctolKir 1. The amount of agricultural, grazing min eral lands thrown opun to settlement from tho confederate tribes of tho Blackfeot nation lu Northern Mon tana by tho action of congress last winter aggregate 127,52(1 s(iiaromiloH, after 82S0 square mllos havo been deducted for tho different Indian and military reservation lu that part of tho territory. Tho laud thrown okiii to sottlomont embraces 1 0,(1 luyHO acres. An Albany Affair. Ai.iianv, Oru., Out. 1. Yostonlay evening while mIIco ofllcer Win. Miller was attempting to arrest a disorderly trump, hts pal Interfered. Miller attempted to put the "grlp iKirs" on the nllbiidor, when the other trump caught hold of him and throw him Isickward wi violently that he fell and broke his left arm. Tho tramp was secured by tho aid of other ofllcurM, and was arraigned In Justlu Humphrey's court this morning whure ho was bound over lu M) bonds to await the uotlon of thograndjury. In default of ball ho was Incarcerated In tho county Jail. Vu Slur Chinese. Wahjiinoto.v, Oct. 1. Tho presi dent signed the Chinese bill and transmitted It to congress accom panied by a long message. Section 1 of the bill, provides that from and after tho paiwago of this act It shall be unlawful tor any Chi nese laborer who shall at any tlmo heretoforo linve been, or who may now bo about to lie a resident with In the United Htati-n, anil who shall have departed or shall depart from It and shall not have returned tofore the passage of this act to return or remain In the VMlta mate. Section 2 prorldU that uo certifi cate of Identity provided for In the fourth and fifth sections of this act, to which this Is a supplement, shall hereafter lie Issued, and every cor tltlcato heretoforo Issued In purau aneo thereof, Is hereby declared void and of no eftect, anil tho Chinese laborer claiming admission by t1i tuo thereof shall not bo permitted to enter tho United States. Women ot the World. Flvo Louisiana papers aro ownod and edited by women. A mining company lu St. Louis Is composed entirely of women. MtssBraddonlsJustoO years old and has written just fifty stories. Mrs. llonry Ward Boochor has nged very rapidly within tho last year. Sara Bernhardt Is growing very lntemierate, and uses brandy liber ally. Tho Tillamook county (Oregon) Bazoo is edited and published by a woman. Two young women who took a medical course havo opened a drug store at ButlHlo. Cincinnati has a women's press club, a wonion's paper and a women's suliVagu club. Between tho hours of OUU) and 1:W overy day Queen Victoria ivorks as hard as any clerk lu London. Amello Hives Chanler has lost her sweet, appealing, ehlld-llko lovoll ness of expression slneo her marriage- Mrs. Mary E. Tylur, tho orlglna1 Mary who had tho llttlo lamb, N now 82, and lives at Homervllle, Mass. Margaret Maiiton, n Journalist, Is wild to lie one of tho host amateur rlllu shots In tho world, blio was taught by Colonel Cody, "Buffalo Bill." Mrs.Agusta ICvalis Wilson lias, from tho proceeds of her novels, bought nnd furnished a houso nir.r Mobile. Kho writes In a bower built llko a Chinese pagoda, Inhorgardon. Oregon, Mo., lw 'v woman's union, which was organized lu 1H72 and continues to prospor. It Is on gaged In a literary work, and ac complishes much good. Mrs.Ellabolh Cady Slanloii ro tently visited Lafayette, I ml., whoro n parlor sull'rago meeting was hold, at whloh 100 gentlemen of promi nence In that place wero present, and of those only ono was opposed to woman suH'rugo. e Western Oregon H No Hoods. No drouth. No thunder. No cyclones. No blizzards. No lightning. No tornadoes. Notarautuliis. No centipedes. No hailstorms. No mosquitoes. No sandy land. l No hosslaii lly. No alkali laud, No sun strokes. Nooarthqiiakus. No chintz bugs. No Mitato lings. No cold winters. i No rattlesnakes. No hydrophobia. No hot Hummers. No grasshopjiors. No fulluro of drops. No searaolty of fuel. No irrigation needed. Sure Cure fur Smallpox. A writer lu tho Monmouth Ob server gives tho following as a sure oure for smallpex: "Sulphatj of zluo, 1 grain ; foxglovo (digitalis), 1 grain , half u ieaioonful of sugar ; mix with " tablospooiiffut of water. When thoroughly mixed, add four ounces nf water, Take a spoonful overy hour. Tho disease will dis appear lu twelve hours. Fora child, smaller dose, according to ago. If countries would compel their phyIJ clans to use this, there would bo no need of pest houses. If you valuo advlco aud experience, use this for that terrible disease." Waste paper and exchanges for sale at this otUcv,