"I EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. AROUND THE STATE HOUSE. THE CITY FATHERS. VSVMPI.E LETTER AM KErtA. NEW TO-DAY. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26, 18S8. CITY NEWS AND LOCAL LORE Unr City Dads State House News AH Over the City. lliirnol b Add Osbori. Again Illlz. nird lllown,.-Minor Mention. The Governor Commntes Notary SealsIncorporations. I)nIiloii Varilonvil. Yesterday morning Governor Pen uoyer commuted the tentenee of John T. Davidson. The criminal was a young man, only about twen ty years of age, and was sent from Benton county April 5, 1S87, con victed of larceny. He was serving a two yenrs sentence, but being half- Robert Finch and wife, of Com- ' wittcd and in the last stages of con- PKKSOXAUS. They Held an Important Last .Night. pill, Mo., are the guests of Amos Mroiig, of Salem. S. Condon, one of Eugene's risiug attorneys, is in the city on business lonneeted with his profession. W. "W. Hutchinson and" family, late of Des Moines, Iowa, have taken up their permanent residence In this city. Mr. Hutchinson is connected with the Oregon Land & Trust Co. . . Another Saw Kill. It is learned that Messrs. "Whitler & Kreb are contemplating the pur chase of a tract of land immediately .outhof Mill creek upon which to erect a new saw mill. If the pur chase C4iu be made, the land now iieing In the hands of the Salem (louring mill company, active prep arations will begin almost immedi- .ltely. - Too llurh Ullzzard. Mr. I). A. Tuckler of Uloonitleld, Iowa, is in Salem to-day looking .iron ml. He is a farmer, and having void his farm in the blizzard-blown north, seeks a location- in a milder lime. He is thoroughly pleased with our country and its products ,unl will take n look at the farming country and perhaps decide to cast hi, lot among us. Hurtled by Mtrlc Acid. Yesterday morning at the YVil luim-ttc university, during Mie reel tation of the chemistry ela-s, while practical experiments were being made, Miss Victor, one of the stu- lents, was seveiely burned on the li.uul and wrist by nitric, acid. She was holding the bottle in her hand, when by some accident it became overturned, the deadly acid falling ron her hand. The burn is not a erious one. H 111 U inter llrre. Mr. Robert Finch, a prominent lad substantial citizen of Cowgill, Mo , together with Ills wife, having Iju'iit several weeks in Aikoun, N'eu Mexico and California, have rrived in Salem, and will spend he winter in our glorious vallev. Ttlu-j ale pleased, their permanent ionic will be made among us. As -usually the ease with the people oiiuug here from those states, Mr. desires to live where -winters are Bi--s oven. JIc says that last win ter in Miouri was entirely too Bnuch for him, while the summer Su unbearable. sumption, ho was released in time to go home to die. His father was present and left at once with the unfortunate young man for his home. .NEW INCORTOUATIOXS. Articles have been tiled with the secretary of state incorporating the Oregon real estate company, James M. Leizer, E. YV. Farrow, and H. J. Bean the incorporators, with head quarters at Pendleton, Oregon. The object is to do a, general real estate and brokerage business, and to sell, lease, rent and exchange real estate; stock ?2o,000 which is divided into 250 equal shares. Also the Alma and Nellie Wood Consolidated Gold Mining and Milling company, II. Goldsmith, S. Goldsmith and L. J. Goldsmith of Portland incorpora tors ; object of incorporation, to buy, sell, own and operate mines and mining property, smelters, concen trators, ore milling and mining ma chinery in Oregon and in the terri tories of Washington and Idaho , capital stock, ?5,000,000, divided into 500,000 shares of $10 each j principal office, Portland. XOTAIUAI, SKAI.S. The following named parties have been commissioned notaries public, by Governor Pcnuoyer : II. D. Chapman and John A. Allmaii, Portland ; S. White, Pendleton ; 1$. F. Nichols, Prineville; Win. I). Pope, East Portland. Mlnto and Muir, committee on Marion street sewer, recommended the city to build a sewer in conform ity with that asked by the net it lon ers, raising the grade six feet above the original survey ; they alio would advertise for bids for the putting down of 2,500 feet of 18-inch pipe and 400 feet of 15-inch nil?, the sewer to run from the river to tho alley between Winter and Cottage streets. Itcport adopted and com missioners ordered to procure plans and wpoeliieatioim for construction. Muir, Hutton and Lafore, eoni misionerxon North Mill creek bridge reported in favor of building uch at 15th street. The commissioners were instructed to act in conjunc tion with county court in the ad vertisement for bids for same. Resignation of A. N. llush as councilman accepted, and C. II. Monroe chosen to till the vacancy. He was given the oath and placed on all committees on which Mr. Bush had served. Sidewalk committee made favor able report on sidewalk out 14th street, and the street commissioner was instructed to inform property owners of the city's action, iiud no tify them to build the walk. In their failure to do so he is to build it at the expense of tho property. E. C. Cross et al, petition for a bridge on 14th street on site of the old bridge across South Mill ereek. Referred to committee on streets. The following warrauts ere order ed drnwn : Salem Truck & Dray Co Chris Peterson sprinkling 31EKE Jlfc.NTIUN. Kmnty llousts .Wiled. Ill ids rounds of tho city this lornlng, u JoritXAi.-i7.Kii was ne sted l), a real estate man who had fotlced, with a sense of pleasure, ur endeavors to right the existing rongs and incite Salem's citizens a realization of their position, 'id that one of our createst wants w for moderate sized residences Tent. Every day. he said, them we applications for four, five and i roo i. houses, which wereuiisup- Vd. The demand Is far In excess. would seem that some of our "iiiid men would do well to look P investments in this line. Rents Wgood and the demand Is always M cl.isx. W'e hope to hear of some '"win this lino noon. Ike l' AkIbU Urn. U.born. jJolui Oflborn, prosecuting witness Uiecase of state vs. Mrs. Elizabeth OxUirii, having t& suddenly re- "'fd from Portland as ho had f"f' di parted, theatre was called triil In-fore Recorder Strleklur pr.-iLn afternoon. No decision "" hed until 10 o'clock to-day, ' the suit was dismissed. There U"Uu (Helen t uvidoiieo to Indi 'r"i.it the Notion! of the mother tin J. ,... i ..i.M.t i i l... , . ,, Br fiiiiureii linn urvu Slll llll 111.!.. l.u ..an.lt.f ftlV-' ,. . ..w.Iur tin, 'on"" -."J Ntl.l to thennullrnf Mr. fUliurn. "'tin- eae wtw called Iter trtal I1 ' I. arnod that tit Hmrge mw "iiui.u i,y JK.-UHI ervltiU hJ a" I ll'lt In liMv.llt tlia wAuulM. ""'ad, ..tiered U iy nil easUi If U,fc,v " ""vdlaiuUaMMl. The public' ' H'luunuC thfe me lur! Until Mr (laluiru aiuMaUW " 1'. K. CAMft to HWr to rimr f uiupariBg wjth lib Mile a UuUL Bay City, Tillamook county, has a newspaper, the Bazoo. It is the second paper for that county. Florida is to glow opium. It is expected that sixteen plants - ill grow'an ounce of the drug and that an acre will give $1,000 profit. The new steel steam tug Active, built at Sau Francisco, made a trial trip to Mare island Saturday. The Active is the first steel tug built on the Pacific coast. Throughout Oregon the encourag ing news of ii bountiful harvest is reported, and the fanners are to be congratulated in garnering the richest harvest known in the state's history. A gentleman wa In Astoria recently with a machine Tor separat ing gold from sand, and some gentle men there will examine the sands of that vicinity with a vlow to ascertain ing how much dust to the ton they contain. For some time there litis been a project on foot at Astoria to organ ize u company for halibut fishing, and several meetings have been hold for that puspose. Saturday night another meeting was hold at which time it was decided to incorporate. The towns in Eastern Orejjon are all 'coming to the conclusion that water works are a necessity. Milton has just completed a fine system, Weston will soon follow suit, Baker City Is strongly In favor of it and Heppncr Is looking up the matter. Parties who have been fishing ofi the Capo report salmon very plenti ful along the coast, and several of thorn were caught by flsliermon who had baited their hooks for rock cod and red fish. A good ruin would doubtless bring thorn Into the hay by the thousand. Coos Bay News. In Jackson county recently n republican and a democrat made an election hot which Is a decided novelty. Tho former sells the latter a band of 1,200 sheop for a dollar a head if Cleveland Is elected, and two dollars a head if Harrison wins. They agree that Uite Is about a tkir thing all around. A. Dilley special police ... R. L. Swartz lumber - - IX C. Minto special police. R. B. Glaze elected special police man. Mutter of issuing permit to erect wooden shed near Parker's black smith ihop, referred to committee on fire and water. Matter of vnc'itiou of Front street south of Mill street, referred to the committee composed of Minto, Hutton and Monroe, who will report at next meeting. A bill was read for a third time and unanimously adopted amend ing ordinance number 103 (in rela tion to the construction of seweis) making the second section of such ordinance read as follows : "Whenever the common council deem it expedient to construct such sewer, It shall proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof liable there for in their judgment its proportion ate sliaie of the four-fifths of the entire cost of construction of such sewer. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the common council on its own iuotion to order the construction of main sewers wholly at the expense of the city." Tho bill was declared passed and ordered published. Tho subject of constructing u side walk to connect with tho railway depot sidewalk, referred to commit tee on streets. A motion to adjourn carried. Mcctins RnuiKTTK, Kan., Sept. 19, 'SS. i-AK Cavitai. JoritXAi.: There are several parties in this neighbor hood w ho desire to go to Oregon, but the great trouble with farmers is to dispose of their stock. There is really iu sale Tor It here. Kindly inform u in regard to the prices of work horse, milch cows, en., as we are desirous to know if It w ill pay to ship them from here. We rend the C.U'itai. Joi'itXAi. and It makes our mouths water to read oj the wonderful fruits of Oregon. Respectfully, R.J. This means of making our reply Is tuKen, in the hope that It may reach the eye of anyone eUe who may desire information of a like diameter. Answering in u general way, the mual expenses nf living are about the same as in the eastern state-, perhaps a trille higher. Oregon's own productions which are consumed at home, are as cheap as ol-ew here. House rents are low, as nre alio farm and land rents, Good milch cows aie worth about $30 each, and horse average f 200 a span. Cultivated soil rents for $1.75 per acre and grain rent is one-third of crop. We have the purest run ning water and plenty of timber. Itis not an uncommon occurrence in the Willamette valley to see .wheat yield 40 nild 50 butihdls (o the acre, but of courso tho average Is much less. It is wortli about 75 cents and u crop failure is never know. Oats yield 40 and 50 bushel and often a hundred, weigh 50 pound to the bushel and are usually worth about 30 cents. Barley, rye, corn In fact anything grows abundantly and of tho very best kind. Come and see us and live a little of this life as you are passing through for tho last time. oaks! ois! -VK IIAVK HKrMVKIl Oflt- NEW STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SEAL PLUSH WRAPS Direct from tin KhM, every jnirment hiivtm; lccn nmile to order for u. KINK NKW STOCK OK Dress Goods and Trimmings, Flannels, lllankels; Jfcw Slock of Caipcfe, Ross, Porlicrs, Shades and Lace Curtains. Tv public uro rortllnlly ln Hod h Inspect our mnmmoth stock, .1. 31. KOSHXKEUfl & CO., White Corner, r- (luour.uuis. $ 19,50 15.00 14.00 no.oo ";t.47 102.00 V Utter From V-tr. Dr. Miallun. MlLlJi COU.KOK AND SKJirNAllY, AI.AMKDA Co., Cal., Aug, 14-83. To My Friends In Oregon iiud KIuewherej-'Mohn and Johuathair," by Dr. Xourso Is Inimitable and in-det-cribuhlc, It combines moro of humor, pathos( dramatic Imjversona tion and solid sense than I remem ber to have heard lMfore in a single lecture. Our students have heard Dr. Nourse only once, but are eager to hear him again and often. O. C. KniATTOX. Ctutamer (having ftuuliwl hw iltni e') ,-Ki aWt what U Ituc mtlitmttx t , Wit It virfw annieht, uk, 'do. JitM? I tb gWIHHI hMK. lit ni mm what vr oatHc tain Urn acnta. fLyed. Miite. A boy onSiKdrw h nj wlwra K. cMft to . (". )wmo ww moTHlHtwHiMlewnliMp! fur kte board whlU HtttuMllnifwlMXH. Addn-M Cu. Iwrie, SmIciii, or UUs otUcw. 13t- Coild I'ril.t bt Higher' "I have hutrtl Beocher, I'hitll, Cough, and other gfeut orators both living ui. 1 dead, but without ex ception I my that this lecture of Mr. Xourxo'tf on 'Dr. Jukyll uiul Mr. Hyde' is the grot(t thing I ever sw on the platform, and It is the first time I ever ww or honrd of the llntfet drmiiHtic talent being oonfto- orated to the hlslient moral pur Iee."-Hev. J. A. iraiiillton, 1). I)., Mleh. I'njInK llulueso. It Is noticed that Portland almost dally receives large shipments of butter and eggs from the east Monday she received live tons of butter and l;i2,(KX) eggs lrom Iowa. With butter at 70 coins a roll ;u lbs) and eggs !() and !!5 cents a dozen, It Is no wonder the eastern people inn ry their surplus here. The true wonder Is why do not more people go into this very remunerative business. Theie is niiich money to be made In the dairy and hennery business in Oregon, for on ten acre's an industrious man witli small capital and In a short time can ac complish wonders. Miilrlinonl.il Market UejKirt. Marriage llcunses were Issued this morning by tho county clerk to Arthur Brustlold and Nellie Itiely j also to (ieorgo.I. I'earco and M. K. IUely. -. Farrar A Co. Are snipping nut iruit by the car load, but their own store Is always attractive with tho best varieties. In fruit, vegetables! groceiles and provisions tltoy arc always in the lead. Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evanorated Peaches, Evanoraled Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, Evaoorated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried 'Apples, Dried Grapes' Oregon Petit Prunes. Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins. Persian Dates Weller Brothers' Coiiiinrrclnl Hlii.pl JVI. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER EDUCATIONAL. SHIFT SCIIOO j. - iVIi$s Knox Will continue Her School for 'the-' en suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and v Marion Sts., beginning SKPTKM1IKK 10. Ml-iUvr ST. PAUL'S SCHOOl, i mill 13oys and Girls. TIip m'IiiioI lll oin'ii on tho Ullh uf Si'iUeinlii'r. 'lliiiroiiKli liibt I tu linn In Hid prlnuiiy mill mi ,m ril English LATIX .1X11 I Branches. OF MIISIO Filing Saws a Specialty. Hliiimin tint iillas. oniMiiliH .MIhIu'n I. It. viyMlalili,riHliiiiiii)r. For Sale. IIEJIILVTS III CIHIIKl'. TKIIMSiiml uirtlicr Infm mihIIiiii inuy In I'llll nil liplillllilliill In m:v. I . It. I'OHT, Cur. Clii'ii.dii In anil StiileSU. sw-ir WiLLAMETTE UNIVERSITY I.OCAI. SI1.MMAKV. MiaioK M IM eoty m ilv4ptiH' iat ot ltn mttft talk aad itratfmvUHf, Albosf m1 PorlUed esptul lut W in v(ad m cial noh fit .i u'w Mfw, wMdi wM to ituiAnpmi U m 4wtbt U Hock aa M) VmmW. 1 gohj taiMf wm4 U BtwoimvUI partiM Vi kw hvibi lo''l AlkMir 1J " i'i lu4tuM,( a enackfermlii 1 l h t crop 4 ia coaatjr -.l n aamnat uf a lack of I ja City Uaanl. Tfc Ofo 1'aoIm, pa W ikn low tufa of lite nar, U ivastnnc ' At present thoro aro li4u convlctn in tlichlalo poiiltontiary here. Wo wcroHhowiiKoine native hemp to-day, the stocltB of which Mere fourteen feet In loagth. Three new HtudentH aiiHwercd to roll ctill at tho unlvcrnity HiIh morn inir. They onmo In yoxtorday. Dr. XouiWh lecture to-night will be on the subject of "Jolin and Jonathan." HIh ell'ortH are inont highly Hjxikoii of. Jlellable mlviciM nlatc that there will In u few diiyn be uMtabllHhed u weekly newnpajwr at Xowlxirg, Yuiiihill county. The t-lierlll" thin morning 'Hturtod u deputy on tho roti'mln or tho coun ty, jiotiii(( uleetloii notlecM. The Iwttleof lwllotw li dmwiiiir Hoar at IihikI. The Mute fair exhibit of fruit!, tttu., liuvc leii MKinrwl for tbn 1'ort Und uiM-lMiiIoi' fair and will ho wmih th Ir)iity of th iimnl of IiiiiiiltfrMtkiii, it U not h rarity to m four IhmcIhm which, if Uwy ?r laid In k row lI-by utilt), 'yild HHwaiim MirtM-u IiicIhm. HiawllliitA oln ' Kiww that Umj Iier, , . Councilman A. N. Iluah, liavlitv removwl fruHi (IiaQilnl wunl. iwcj liered bia naiKiwniNi aaeltj- aouHMl'f man, and laai nlybt Ut City J FVttbet-a' m4(I C. J I. Momnm to AH Out vacaiMD. J 'flu- brldgM MR.1 llll'irOVtMJItHlU nou ifinK iiumI oh tlM narn-w utM-a cniilbriii to the ataiidanl TbU wiHild ahow tltat llu- A (timhI Iron rniino l!ori 1'rtwer. (IimmI for nil iimw, friiin linn to full itiimclty. All fur tlm low ptlcn or HP. full lit lll I'u oltlo C'lilur, Vliii K'r A. I'riilt l'rtw'riiiir Ciiiiiny'H olUrd, Hiilt'in, OrKOii. (IrtuliiiilitiHtiiili'iitii In fll ...I I !l fl uiissii'iii, Min'iir ') ST001C fFA;RM, FOR SALE or RENT! Normal, lliisincss, l;inv, , . AND MEDICAL COURSES. It I tliiMililtwI. iHrmwl Hint Iwmt trxiniav 1 hIm- Inatlliitlnii at Itviriilni; la I III) Nurlli- mii. Mi'IiimiI oimiu llrl .Moiiiliiy In HuplHinlw. Hml fin ciiIii(iic in TIUW. VAN W1)V, I'rHnlilHiit. l?i HdIdiii, ()rK4)iu 50O ACKI2S WVIl nlorvl unit pltrnly ot tliiiltr. 'I ho nniHxiH Hint two lwrn. (JikxI orolmrd. Mntilow hiiiI !Q nvrvt Aw Innil. Ilfly limit ormlllmvllli tlio jIn.- If vruntisl, nml iMirecHiMioiiidi lo run It. WHIiliillvtimllM or del -it on tlieO. AC. rt. It. A liri(lii fur oniuo(ly. Enouire at Office of Caoital Journal. LOWEST PftlCES, HUGHES, BELLINGER & CO., HOUCIIT AND SOLI). 1CAHTICHN I'KCJl'ICUTY I.IXrilANllKH I'cilt OIIIMJON, WAH1I ILiIiikIoii Tar.MrOllKirnlH roul (!. rin liiliiriiiHtloii uiwrw. ii at ltlir or tliaeU ( HMVIIIKIIIIIVIMII I'HIWIIIlin, in.i JVHIIVHM iii.; ni mi.ur. i'irriMiiii.fr. ismifiiiii at flibwir'ii HMtlilimry il,l, iiaur tin etly Iwll, bllmrly lri: Portland olllw In in hhimihii nmHiiK iiiiiniKmiioii iKjaMi, laar otinif r of I'Hrtil a Hit Ali tfiMa. iff BESrP GOODS.-' t: m Sim s Aug I. SCIIXKIDKlt, -lllv.l.ill l WATCIIBS, CLOCKS AND JEWHIJIY. rVlAVOlK, OUWIOK, KaMOi4 bauila larM aMrti4a4 n( imm iff, WuirUtm (iocka, U), lUltafrtlW iruiuutlr Uuim muU wartauUMl. I will atll w. pruiuutlr uwui lum ImI takfitallia In lullui WIlMtHMttM Ml)' mid tolu waicnwK iiKxAU otrrrrmap'.- raluleaa dwnUl ojiemUon at Dr. T. C. Bniith'a, Ktt etm-t. 1 for Uada. L M'ffir ' ' a' wheat MMtd Lfe lu Witlaii.rlU Vl ' JCaUjJ' 'toy railrvl cat.. ah.cl. I I1 t .xnrij-n. v al wine fututv da llittnd .Met ..- Ib1bc. Wnt soV lou. Un uniform r (JiJWU Oil plMII. I lie installment kl 1 i nllJ'.i'N CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! WillnimtMo UuIvoiNlly. Muat outxvaaAll ktiluittl of iiuau ua IW noflbwaatMatiil. aUhiI 150 bTI'DHNTy LAST YIJAK. I . .tuuraia la llmto. Orttmn Hlntflit. VMlii, l-lttriiioiiy. Miwi Cuunwi- lHpkilaiM OU CTMMUlHIoB ul MHirM. ' 'lrrlicr: X. M lHrMii rruukii I' Jiim-a, UNaUU. MiUlil. l.ulu M Kii.lllt l-lrl larin itrf ii Mt.n l m ,.i mi., i Wl iww Ml lor i itlali-Kiir rir lurllii r i...ii. uUira iuIiIkv Ml 1 I s IV I IM I' lt,tMtaMeaaMaalMaaaaaaaWaMaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW -ii MaiBaraaMaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal