Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 21, 1888, Image 3

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    MV""lVnti igujWijwf'iim-rw ?vsp '
FKIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1888.
Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, of Eugeuc,
is in town.
Rev. Walton Skipworth has gone
to Hubbard.
C. S. Rockenflekl returned to
Portland to-day.
Hon. J. J. Daly, of Polk county,
took the morning train for Oregon
City, to attend court.
Prof. Rork leaves to-morrow, to
canvass Coos county for the prohi
bition party.
D. "V. Stcasns, of Oakland, father
of Judge Stearns, of Portland, is in
the city.
On Another Tack.
Clark Braden, tho celebrated reli
gious controversialist and debater,
spcaKs against, nign protection
and free trade at Silverton, on the
31th inst., next Monday,;and chal
lenges, all and several, tho protec-
tiuists to meet him in debate.
Well Done.
Shcriit Croisan is entitled to praise
for the arrests of gamblers made at
the state fair. Let the good work
go on. And, Mr. Sheriil, if you and
your deputies and the city marshall
will extend these wholesome en
forcements of the law, to the city
also, the public will not forget it.
An Appeal to the Governor.
Gov. Pcunoyer has received a
communication from tho trustees of
the town of Sheridan, Yamhill
county, Oregon, asking that some
measures bo taken to prevent a
spread of small-pox In that county.
The governor answered that the law
gives him no authority to act in
such case, and he cannot, therefore,
acquiesce in the petition.
Hop ricking.
Col. Lee, of Chemawa, has been
looking at the Puyallup hop fields,
on the Sound. Some hops are going
to spoil for want of pickers. Tho
colonel was offered big money to
take tho Indian boys and girls of
this school up there to pick. But of
course he could not do that. Indeed
about 120 of them are already pick
ing in this county.
Farmers' Congress
Last night, the adjourned meet
ing of tho society met to adopt a
constitution and by-laws, and to
elect olllcers. The following were
chosen : President, M. Wilkins, of
Lane ; vice-president, John Osborne,
of Marion ; secretary and treasurer,
Joseph Gaston, Multnomah. A great"
deal of interest was manifested and
the meeting was considered quite a
Could Praise be Higher?
"I have heard Bcccher, Phillips,
Gough, and other great orators both
living and dead, but without ex
ception I eay that this lecture of
Mr. Nourse's on 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr,
-Hyde' la tno greatest tuing 1 ever
saw on tho platform, and it ia the
llrsttlmeloversawor heard of tho
llnest dramatic talent being conse
crated to tho highest moral pur
pose." Rev. J. A. Hamilton, D. D.,
A Close Call.
A number of people in Eugene
noticed a light in the east last Fri
day night, caused by something
burning. The next morning it was
learned that Chas. Beadle'H hop
house, this side of Springfield, had
caught fire and but for quick work
would have been entirely consumed.
Fortunately It was discovered in
time to prevent its gaining much
headway. Great care should bo
taken or more Area of this kind will
occur. i
A Folnt Well Taken.
A lady wants to know tho "where
fore') of bo much being said about
the pride and happiness and bear
ing of members of the sterner sex,
when they beconio grandaddius,
while never a word ia sold about how
grand mama's feel on the advent
of ablldren'8 children.
Tho writer eun only reply that he
supposes the grandniothora stay
home, whore lovo and anxiety tug
gwt that they can do moat good,
wlill the grandfathers forthwith go
on the fatreeU, and bwaminly re
ceive congratulations and get their
miimm in the papeiv.
The point of our lady objoetor is
Mrtalnly made stronger by the fact
ttwi whenever odium or coarse Joke
J ttaawn at a parent-iii-iaw, the
fiUber aMKpaa, and the mother
of the young wife har to
twar the whole bruut Hurrah
& the grandmama'ft.
I" them.
All honor
The general exhibit of stook oc
curred between 9 a. m. and 10.
Tho Silverton band lo6k well in
their uniform, and discourse line
The Singer machine obtained llrst
premiums for both work and
The ladies at the Catholic fair are
very active and are taking in a good
deal of money.
The W. C. T. U. women have
distributed over 20,000 pages of
temperance literature.
The strawberries of Riches and
Van Scoy, of Turner, were largo,
shapely, rich in color, and six boxes
In quantity.
The Presbyterian ladies know how
to run a restaurant to perfection,
and at times had not room enough
to accommodate all their well pleased
Tho stato board of Immigration
arc doing sonic very effective adver
tising, giving illustrated pamphlets
to all who desire to send them to
friends out of the state.
ine ooss iruit uryer is .lory's, a
Salem invention, which attracts a
good deal of attention and examina
tion. Tho specimens of the dried
fruit speak loudly for this useful
machine. It Is In machinery hall.;
In the single dash 13 miles for
$400 were entered, Nevedu, Rossi
Lewis, Lady Dully, Oceanica, ami
Roley Boley. The start was a bad
one; the track was very heavy.
Rosa Lewis 1st, Lady Dully 2nd,
Oceanica 3rd, and Nevada 4th.
Time, 2:3Sj.
There is some flue stock at the
fair and it is to bo regretted that
more attention is not given and
more premiums offered for all kinds
stock, and less for races than are now
ofl'ered. Tho complaint is general
tlmt tiio races get the money pre
miums and the others, the ribbons.
To-day tho weather Is all that
could be desired, and thcattendance
very large. There was a rush from
town to the grounds, the cars being
crowded. Tho stock parade is con
sidered by eminent judges to have
been the best for years. In tho lino
of cattle, It certainly has never been
excelled, and Oregon may well be
proud of her products.
Tho traction engines gave some
fine exhibition of what they could
do in the line of climbing over ob
stacles. Messrs. Bellinger and
Froome presented the "Russell" en
gine, which came out ahead In every
desirable feature. It could climb
higheri sticks of wood put in its way
to illustrate rough roads, than cither
of the others. Z. B. Wright repre
sented tho "Advance," and F. Ken
nedy tho "Stillwater," both of
which attained good speed and
turned in very short space.
Tho wheel of fortune was yester
day laid up for repairs which will
probably cost considerable on ac
countof tho peculiar way in which
it was injured. In order to have
proper persons to look after its
needs while awaiting ropairs. the
men who had charge of it were put
under bonds to appear to-day in
court and toll what they know of Its
complications. If all the gambling
games at the grounds and in town
received tho same salutary treat
ment the morals of the young men
that attend tho state fair would bo
In a better state afterwards.
In tho special trotting mco three
in five, 2:27 class, purse ?500,
the entries wero Kitty Linch, by
J. K. Mistier; D. K. W,, by Barnes;
Lady Dawn, byC. B. Jeffries; Lady
Maixne, by H. Klrkendall; Col.
Bradshaw, by J. H. Butler. Lady
Dawn fined 150 for not being on the
track to start First heat, Kitty
Lynch 1st, Lady Max! no 2d, D. K.
W., 8d; time 2;40J. Second heat,
Kitty Lynch 1st, Lady Maxiue 2d,
I) K. W. 3d; time 2:631. Third
boat, driver of D. K. W. taken
down and Mr. Sawyer substituted.
Third heat Kitty Lynch 1st, I). K.
W. 2d, Lady Maxine distanced.
On this heat D. K. V. ran Into
Lady Maxiue and wreaked hpr
sulky hoshe did not finish tho trot.
NeTerGlrclp. r
If you sutler with aethma, brou
ehltU or any other dkeaw of tiie
throat or lung, nothing can nur
priso you more than the rapid im
provement tlmt will follow the ue
of Santa Abie. If you are troubled
with Catarrh, and lwve tried other
medldiHM, you will be unable to ex
preee your amasejiieiit at the mar
vekMM aud inotantaneotM curative
power of California CatR-Cure.
Tiie remedies are not ecrct own-
pound, but natural jutHluctioiui of
California. Hold at l.Ja package:
three for iM aud guaranteed by
I. W. Matthews &. r. 1 State ft.
bakuu, Ogu.
Painless dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, 02 State street.
R. II. Price, Salem pioneer liaok
ninn, will wait on passengers to or
from the depot with promptness
and politeness. Leave orders at
tho White Corner where his slate
hangs out.
The veterans of Sedgwick 1W.
Xo. 10, G. A. R., will give asocial in
their post rooms next Tuesday even
ing. The members extend an invi
tation to their friends to be present.
A. J. Basey is at all limes ready
to attend orders to take intending
passengors to the train or meet thorn
there and take them to any part of
the city. Also ready to attend all
calls night and day. tf.
The parties arrested for running a
gambling scheme at the fairgrounds
waived an examination this morn
ing, and gave bond of ?100 each,
for their appearance at tho next
term of court.
Bev. M. C. Wire, presiding elder
of the Portland district, will hold
the first quarterly conference for
the current year of the Salem M. E.
church, to-morrow, at 3 o'clock in
the pastor's study
A full lioard is
The Rev. Rout
Nourse, D, D., of
Washington D. C
the first M. E.
will preach In
church Sunday
evening, 7:30. All are invited to
hear the eminent preacher, who will
also lecture in Salem next Wednes
day and Thursday.
Mr. Townsend informed a Jouit
nai. reporter that some parties, to
him unknown, had entered his
house, broken open a trunk, and
secured six bits from the purse of a
traveling friend. The house had
been generally rummaged, but no
other articles missed. This work was
all done in the daytime.
Tho Eugene Register tells the fol
lowing : "To show tho drift of poli
tical sentiment In this county, It is
said that an old lino democrat who
never failed to vote solid for Ills
party has agreed to vote for Belva
Lockwood in consideration of a
handsome pup, given him by u re
publican, and the old gentleman felt
bo good over his bargain that ho
gave tho republican, who Is an old
soldier, a good-sized pig to boot."
From Ibe Eugene City Itrghter.
AVo learn that Lane county fair
will open next Wednesday in
Rhinehart's hall for a pavilion; tho
stock will bo exhibited at tho
bocicty's grounds. It promises to be
a very successful affair.
The republicans of Washington
Territory placed in nomination for
delegate In congress, Hon. John B.
Alien, a wen Known and Highly es
teemed citizen of eastern Washing
ton, but as usual tho Seattle delega
tion is kicking and It Is doubtful
whether ho can be elected over
Voorhees, who Is quite popular and
is making a thorough canvass.
And ex-supremo Judge Roger S.
Grcono has accepted tho prohibition
nomination; so that further compli
cates matters.
The State University opened last
Monday with a full attendance for
tho beginning of the year. Every
thing points to an increase in tho
.number of studontsaud eflicleucy of
tho institution for tho coming year.
Tho regents have at last necured tho
ground on the Butto for their obser
vatory. It will Ik) placed on tho
point of the hill Just west of tho
reservoir and slightly east of tho line
of Willamette street. It will be a
great and valuable addition to the
Good, Koare Mealr.
Got your irtoala on the fair ground
at the Aurora restaurant. It Is
conducted by H. Will, of Aurora,
who undpn tnnds runnlngan institu
tion of that kind so as to give wit Irt
fuctlon to all. tf.
A Hint I I'nny I'rople.
From their arrival on WiIh planet
to their iifeuully oarly ilojmrturu from
It, people of weak constitution and
lingular physiques mm a sort of
huff-existence. Like dormice they
burrow in their home retreattt,
afraid of heat, afraid of cold, con
stantly afraid tlmt the shadow of
the dread reHjier will materialize
mid exact the forfeit whloh he de
mauds of all, itooner or later. No
finer inedliicinal aMuraiiee of cum
parative vigor for the feeble exists
than that h! lorded by HoatetiorV
Stomach Bitter. Uml with r
eitoieiiop not with upurui and
fciMtmiM this genial and prufW4on-
ally nomnteiided tonic will do much
toward hifWiiitr KtreiiKth Into a .
puny eyeteni, aud rounding oft'
t-crawny angles In the human fig
ure. Aiiiwiiie, nerve iraumumr
aud nightly mjMjr are eueouraged
by it, and a malaria, r lieu in tie
billou tendency overcome, it
efctablhdte lgtloH
ami jrevt-ut
khiney troona.
tor the Cai
ITAl Jot K- '
D. C. Coleman, Sheridan, bull 3
years old and upward, Jesso C.
II. W. Cottle & Son, Salem, cow
or heifer 1 year old, under 2, Hol
stein. v
Or. In. Asylum, Salem, bull 3
years old and upward, Holstoin.
A. Bush, Salem, cow over 3 years,
"Polly," of Verba Buena Vista,
Guernsey ; bull 2 years old, under 3,
do.; cow 1 year old, under 2, do.;
herd of 5, bull and four cows, do.;
bull of any age, sweepstokes, do.;
cow of any age, sweepstakes, do.
P. K. Watters, Eugene, cow 3
years old and over, Holsteln ; cow 2
years old and under, do.
D. H. Looney, Jetlorson, cow 3
years and over, "Annio Looney,"
Jersey; cow or helfor 2 years, do;
cow or heifer 1 year, do.; calf 0
months, do.; bull 1 year, do.; herd
of 5, 1 bull and 4 cows.
R. W. Carey, Macleay, hull calf tl
mos., Jersey ; milch cow, "Kokare."
J. H. White, Lakeville, Cal., bull
2 years, under 3, "Juneau," Hol
steln ; hull 1 year, under 2, Laredo,
do.; calf 0 mos., under 1 year, do.:
bull of any age, sweepstakes, do,
T H. Tongue, Hillsboro, bull 3
years old or over, Ayrshire ; 2 years,
under 3, do.; 1 year, under 2, do.
E B Toiiirue. Hillsboro. cow 3
years ami over, "Bessie," Ayrshire.
T H Tongue, Hillsboro, cow 2
years and under 3, Ayrshire ; cow 1
year and under 2, do.
E B Tongue, Hillsboro, calf 0
months old and under 1 year, Ayr
shire. T II Tongue, Hillsboro, herd of 5
1 bull and four cows, Ayrshire.
A Bush, Salem, cow over 3 yrs.,
"Polliwog," Guersney.
P K Watters, Eugene, bull 2 years
under 3, do.; cow 1 yearaud under 2i
do.; cow 3 years or over, do.
D. H. Looney, JeJi'orson, cow 2
years old and under 3, Jersey; cow 1
yearaud under 2, do. ; calf 0 months
and under 1 year, do.; herd of live, 1
bull and 4 cows.
R. W. Carey, Macleay, cow 3 years
old or over, Jersey.
J. II. White, Lakeville, Cal., bull
1 year old aud under 2, "Del Norte,"
Holstein; calf 0 months old and
under 1 year, do.
T. II. Tongue, Hillsboro, cow 3
years old or over, Ayrshire; calf 0
months old and under 1 year, do.
II. W. Cottle & Son, Salem, trio of
Partridge Cochins.
II. W. Barr, Salem, pair of Pouter
pigeons, pair of Quaker pigeons, pair
of Jacobin pigeons, pair of Turhit
pigeons, pair of Trumpeter pigeons,
pair of Fuutail pigeons.
C. Kocher, Aurora, trio Light
Brahmas, trio Black Spanish, trio
White Leghorns, trio Bearded
Golden Polish.
II W Barr, Salem, pair Star
ling pigeons, pair Tumbler pigeons,
pair Carrier pigeons.
Armln Stelner, trio bud' cochliiH.
Cal Morgan, Salem, trio Brown
J M Garrison, Forest Grove, trio
Wyandottos, trio Plymouth RockH,
trio Black Minorcas.
Oswald West, Salem, trio B B red
gamo Buutams.
HW Cottle & Sou. Salem, trio
Partridge Cochins.
II W Barr, Salem, pair Tumbler
pigeons, pair Carrier pigeons, pair
Pouter pigeons.
C Kocher, Aurora, trio White
Leghorns, trio Bufr Cochins.
Cal Morgan, Salem, trio Brown
J M Garrison, Forest Grove, trio
Wyandottos, trio Plymouth Rocks,
trio Light Brahmas, trio B B red
game Bantams.
II S Jory fc Bon, Salem,
E Rujh!, Silverton, ax helves,
wagon hubs,
I) Nosh A Co, Saieiu, Iargottt and
beat exhibit drain tikt.
lieu Dlmely, Salem, waxhitig
C Conillt, Aumxvllltt, 10 11m. lard,
CO 11m. corn meal.
Mrs 8 ACondlt, Aunwvllle, & lb
Oregon made caudles.
II O FUiUuter, Salem, jftta.
Mrs 8 Butter, MhimW, Oregon
made xtap.
I) II Sherwood, Salem, wwelilug
C Condlt, AuiiHtvflle, h lbs Oregon
made eandle.
3lri A ' "" AUIIWVIIH'. wre-
4 gon made soap.
J II Sewell, Hillslwro, drain tile,
largest and best exhibited.
DIVISION G-CLASS 1, 2, 3, 4.
W R Ruble, Forest Grove, 2o 11h
pack butter not less than 3 mo old.
W R. Ruble, Forest Grove, 3R lbs
pack butter not less than 3 mo old.
W Cranston, Salem, cheese.
Mrs S A Condlt, Aumsvlllo, butter
made by family on farm In the
ordinary work of manufacture
10 lbs.
Mr Roper, Clootie, 10 lbs dairy
butter; 10 lbs. Jersey butter.
Lindboy Hros, Portland, 10 lbs
creamery butter; 3T llw packed butter
over 3 mo old.
A Wolverton, Albany, 25 lbs
packed butler over 3 mo old.
it Messier, Lebanon, cheese.
W It Ruble, Forest Grove, 10 lbs
creamery butter; 20 lbs packed
butter 3 mo old; 10 lbs dairy butter;
10 lbs butter from pure bred Jerseys.
Mrs Condlt, Aumsville, 25 lbs
butter 3 mo old.
A Wolverton, Albany, 10 lbs
butter made on farm.
Mrs J Condlt, Aumsville, collec
tion domestic canned fruit, eight
assortments of preserves, live assort
ments of fruit butter, live assort
ments of hand dried fruits, live
assortments of tigs, live varieties
of (am.
Mrs S A Condlt, Aumsville, salt
rising bread, potato yeast, exhibit
.Mrs W H H Waters, Salem, soda
Mrs J H Means, Salem, hoi) rising.
Mrs O F Taylor, Salem, four or
more assortments of catsups, plcallly,
pickles, assortments of four or more.
Miss Laura Gardner, Lewlsville,
Jellies, assortment of ten or more.
Mrs J Smith, Salem, collection
domestic canned fruits.
Mrs O F Taylor, Salem, assort
ment lellles, ten or more, assort men t
preserves, eight or more, assortment
fruit butter, display of Jams.
Miss Laura Gardner, Lewlsville,
plcallly, assortment catsups, four of
more, assortment, pickles live or
Mrs C S ;Uoekeufleld, Salem, Imp
rising, potato yeast, soda biscuit.
Esther Ruef, crochet tidy cotton.
Jessie Slele, white stocking yarn,
colored stocking yam.
Lytlla Muellhaupt, pocket hand
kerchief. Carrie Hall, hop rising Crnston.
Grade JO Jones, fancy apron, pil
low shams.
Zaldeo Palmer, crochet mittens,
wool stockings.
Olllo Hrldgos, gents scarf, crochet.
Genlevleuo McKluney, toilet set,
Mary Payne, best assortment
crochet, best assortment six button'
holes Bnloiib
MyraMurphy, Girls skht Salem.
Alberta Shelton, crochet shawl
Minnie Syron Salem, live jviuiids
fresh butter.
Clara Lltchlleld, Salum, soda bis
cuits. Ida Hendricks, Eugene, pillow
Mary Gardner, Lewlsville, display
of figs.
Georgia Farreus, Salem,
work quilt, toilet cushion.
Alfa Wolfe, Portland,
Portia Knight, Salem,
NKCOM) 1'KllilIUM.
Esther Ruef, Salum. wool
Jotale Stego, Salum, fnnoy apron.
IdaStege, Salem, iKxjkot handker
chief. Lydla Muellhaupt, Salem, six but
ton holes.
Gertie Potter, Salum, tollut cush
ion. Olllo Bridges, Solum, crochet mit
tens A Ibu tan Shullon, Eugene, gouts
crochet soarf.
Ida Huudrlekti, Kugeiiu, glrU
J I) liurueU, Itoseburg, ismaIim,
lt wd.tUH.
Will Craim, Salem, quIiietM, beet
Mm J V Taylor, Balwu, quinces,
beet exhibit,
MU- Maggie IlutUr, Kola, peaehes,
best exhibit.
Jno. PhlllltMf, Coburg, onions.
Yellow Danveru.
S R Scott, Salem, varioty of pota
toes. H W Savage, Salum, 3 speclinona
mangle wurael, exhibits of carrots,
carrots for table, parsnips, 3 speci
mens kahlrabl, 3 specimens squashow
2 specimens pumpkins f specimens
turnips, largest exhibit of vegetables
taking llrst premium.
C 11 Chapman, Salem, 3 speci
mens kale or brokoll, 0 specimens,
nuwk motions, onions, largest var
iety, 10 sorghum stalks.
Wm Wright, Salem, 3 specimens,
sugar beets, 3 specimens eaullllowor,
3 specimens rutubogn, d specimens
each 3 early varieties potatoes.
Mrs F A Wolfe, Portland, 3 spec
imens beets for table, 2 exhibitions
of cabbage, cabbage largest varioty,
onions any variety, peck of sweet
potatoes, (specimens tomatoes.
it. I). Sanford Grant's Pass, 11
specimens watermelon.
II W Savage, Salem, 3 specimens
beets for table, 3 shmiIuh)im
sugar beets, exhibit of cabbage, largest-variety
of cabbage, 3 specimens
cauliflower, 3 specimens kale or bro
oll, 0 specimens musk melons, on
ions, any variety, (I specimens toma
toes. C 1 1 Chapman, Salem, carrots for
table, 3 specimen squashes for table.
Win Wright, SaWm, 3 specimens
mangel wurel, 0 specimen parsnips,
(I specimens watermelon, (I speci
mens turnip, largest and best ex
hibit taking llrst premium.
Mrs F A Wolf, Portland, exhibit
of carrots; onions, yellow Oanvers;
onions, largest variety; peek sweet
potatoes; exhibit of variety of jsita
toes; 2 specimens squash; 2 speci
mens pumpkin.
M Wilklus, Eugene, lOOspccimoiiH
of minerals.
Mrs L L Whltcakcr, Independ
ence, collection of birds not less
than 2,').
Mrs F A Wolf, Portland, collec
tion of live birds not cunaiius.
Mrs L L Whltcakcr, Independ
ence, collection of f birds not cana
ries. Mrs FA Wolf, Portland, collec
tion of 2.1 birds.
.MrlNTlHK, I.invil, miii of .Mr. mill Mrs.
O, T. Mnliitirtt, llu inlliw moiiiIi orRiilein,
mi WrdiiCMliiy ovi'tiliig, BciiUimlMir ID,
lttH, nt-eil twu iiioiiIIih.
Burial In tho I. O. O.
F. cemetery
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for the en
suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor, Church and
Marion Sts.. beginning
HKLTEMlltill 10.
WillumoUo University.
MiMt aum-turul olixl tit iiuiula on Ilia
nortlmml tvNuit. About
-;urr In
I'lnno, Ordiin Mlnixlntr, Violin,
Harmony. unU Cotintur-
Diploma, on (jiiiltllm ol (iiurt.
Tmchem! '. M. I'srvln. KruiilclB I'.
Jiiiim, KvuCoi. AmihIuiiI.I.uIii M.fiinllli.
Pint loriu tliiM IIoiiiIhx, KitHnbr
Xt, tw. Honil mr iluht(iiK, Kor lurther
iHtrllmilnrn udilrMW
MiKlfsl llr(ur,rWiljii, (jr.
Boys and Girls.
HMMI Wl uihM) oil tll
wf 0t4Mibr, IMatwieU Ia4
uoh ih umi iimttry hhu
English Branches,
-fH UM
TKHMM hh4 furll.ar mkiruttMi umy bo
llMll iMI aitltlUHthMI i
hkv r if. fonrr.
Cur I licuwkcUt una Hwtc U.
, i
1 1
v n