CAPITAL JOURNAL fftlffW VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1SSS. . NO. 176. FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED, 11T NATIONAL AUTH01UTY li Hull ml OK- SALEM, - - Capital Paid up, - Surplus, - - - OREGON. - - $75,000 - 10,000 H. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MAKTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBEMT, !- - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. T. Gray, W. W. Mnrtin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallnce, Dr. V. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, ;T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, cither In private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Urafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong ana uincuiui SALEM, OREGON. TO. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIK, - - - - President, Vice President. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought nnd sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit nnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank in most reliable companles.1 SIISCELLANEODS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers in; LATEST STYLES! m General Agents for Oregon of I B. Forsyte's Infallible Com Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) EALEM, : : : : : OREGON. ESPKESS WAGON. QUICK AND 8AKK delivery. Wm. Iteunle having bought express business of Walter Lowe, la JTared to deliver trunks, valises, paok- -., WVIVV1 llU V4VS) S lr any body else, Leave orders nt UltUBIJUlOlS. INSURANCE Company. Fire and Ma rine. AUlErtT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. A WEAL,8iLVERTON, WEEKLY, ILW V Ptryear. independent. TheArrKAi. Jjwulated In Mnrlon, Linn and Clack ! counties; has been established eight Eandlaa excellent ndvertUIng me- J7. For terra address the nubmber "O. Guild, Bllverton, Or. BENSON'S EXPRESS. rEAVE onnRitK at LANnura Lrv T Stable, corner of State and Krnt in 4a. or on iitA nt mraH fUata and Cam 5'"1' Hreets. IVoiapt attesUoa aad r (oatBateed. W A. BBSWW I'BOF. IL DIAMOND, Readier of iVIusic i,ea in all klwU of Msiteal IsMn- The Capital National Bank First National Bank loos Shoes MISCELLANEOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank, HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! BaSst l SBS&AfKNNy 7"afaM55atug? SCRIBER CALIFORNIA! the bpAsTM-.CqW, nrnncn Lwr.,ifbv TVn and - LuNC-5 -Soion GtfW s end for Ctrculjr.3lttTMt.3frr9.g-. )ABIEllNE MEDUuQReviLLirAu: SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot. m m i -w " l .t 4 ta rn E Fine Location ! lid IH u Unslust purchased e!7 acres, situated from three to four and one-half miles east of Halem, whleh they will Immediately plat and survey and sell In Ten Acre Lots.. This land has been carefully leoted with peatal'rerreno to Its adaptability to fruit raising and desirability for residence purposes, aud Eacli Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. The time forthe residents of Balem to buy ten acres of cliolce land near the olty verhw win moS pi. The Oltftook IJD OOMl'AKY alone rtd during August twenty-elx ten aere fruit loU, and some of the same lots have already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN PRICE. There are many persons In Salem who could buy one of the lots and pay for It rit hwHiMonveoleuML In faet any person receiving even a small salary n buy one oMhSe lou bSkTnK I 5Sa"oah iyinet, and paylngUie reniafnderla semi, annrndl iBstallmeBli. ami by praeeB a lfHle economy for a short time be the owner Sf S&pert? wbkS'esU be made (wheo set to fruit) to produee As Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land. The value of these lots Is not dependent upon any prospective boon, but depends upwthwmMiuaHy prodoeenow, and what that prodnet will now brine In the market. If You are Thinking of Securing a Hwne DoBOtMl to see these lots. lew before wvwHPt, If Yw Wail to Sire a And at the same time make a flrst-etass InetaUsneat psan. Aflno line of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages, buckbonrds, etc llotli our own mako and the best eastern mn do buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on tho undersigned, wagon and car rlago makers and blacksmiths 2sS6, 312 nnd 3U Commercial 8treet,.Salcm. and : Pohle. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "re dies aro clvlm: satisfaction, and a i our renie- nnd n cus- tomer with Bronchitis hays It Is tho only reineuy mni gives uisiani reiiei. .SKllHKI.L CoVKit, Druggists, Riverside. Cul." II.... " the pleasure to Inform nave you that your l'repnnit Ions are meeting with large sales. v o near Nothing but Praise &B nn&lnn f r.-- iwn Minn. any oo- Nanscaven l Co., Druggists, Vlsalla, Cal." Tlint It will accomplish tho end desired lnallaflectlonsof tlioThroatnnd Lungs k..iSII and you not only will not ho Will without It yourself, but will recommend It to others, as thousands liavo done, who have tried everything clso In vain. Money Is no object where ffiVa US Convince You trifling sum of one dollar can purchase a remedy that will stand between you nnd ono of tho most dreaded of human Ills. Circulars sent freo, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by tho AUIETINK MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, Cal. m .. i FARMS! lasy lerjisJ COMPANY If yoo have wesiex to Invest da not Mlto took at Uta Part if Ywr Earnings Investment mf one of these Ma on tbe Bafkifa Aralc Sslre. Tho best salvo in tho world fo cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrhcuui, Tcver soros, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all aldu erup tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give Infect satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rico 25 cents per box. Kor tale u- Dr. n. W. Cox. An Adulate Cure. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINfc OINTMENT is only put up in large two-ounce I in boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all kln eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETLNE OINT MENT. Solu byD.W. Matthews A- Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 25 i-euts per box by mail SO cents. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On May 1st, last, about four months ago, Dr. Gilbert oponod an olllco and sanitarium In the bank block, Snlem, and advertised to treat chronic diseases on scientific principles. Since that tlmo his pntctlco has been steadily Increasing so much so that ho was obliged to secure moro room nnd Increasing facilities, and now finding himself linnblo to attend to his numerous patients, ho has entered llulo partnership with Dr. M. W. Wemp, of Detroit, Mlchl gan, n physician and surgeon of largo ex perience, thoroughly competent, Iaud a specialist In disease of the eye, oar, throat aud nasal cavities who JliasJ come vlth his famllylto make his homoi;in; Salem. Tho now firm will bo known ns Drs. Gil bert A Wemp and will occupy tho com modious nHiiiis In the bank block, for olllco aud sanitarium, and will conduct their business under tho natiuniulHtylo ofThe Oregon Medical and Surgical Institute. H Is their Intention to spare neither pains nor expenso In their clTorts to make this tho most eouiplolo Institution, for tho treat ment of nil forms of diseased, uspcclally chronlc, In the northwest. Medicated vapor baths, clectro-ningnol-Ism, oxygen nnd massago, together with nil modern and solontlllo npplliinces for tho thorough euro of disease, will bo used. Examinations will bo free, and charges strictly moderate, Address Drs. Gilbert A Wemp, Hank block, or postolllcu box 170, Salem, Oregon. l'trsoml. Mr. N. II. Frohllchstetn, Ala., writes . I take great plcasuro in recommending Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consuinimon, having used it for a sovero attack of bron chitis and Catarrh. It travo mo in stant relief and entirely cured mo and I havo not been allllctcd since. I also beg to state that Iliad tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Llfo pills, loth of which I can recommend. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at Dr. II. W. Cox's Drug Store. -v Farrar & Co. Aro shipping out fruit by tho car load, but their own store Is always attractive-wlth tho best varletios. In fruit, vegetables, grocorius and provisions thoy are always In tho lead. Notice. BU)H WILL UK 11KOKIVKI) UI TO KcplMiilwr'JlMli for theoonatruutlouof it pile brkWeHifuHi Allll ereek at the north end of 1'ommeretal street Hcmrdlnx to the pinna HUlt ih:IIIohU'iiu "H ill with the county Judge: Tho nglit Is reserved to reject any und all I'lil". Uixxl bonds will le rn.iiilrcil. It-HMd T C. 81IAW, County JudKe. AKlM6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. SI'Kl'IAI. KVCKS. Tho board of directors met yester day, and nominated the following special races to take place during the week: Wednesday j dash; to nominate Sept. IS, at noon; weight to bo an nounced Wednesday at 3 p. m.j acceptanco duo at 0 p. in.; 1st, ;f300; live to enter and three tostart. Thursday 1 mile, handicap; purse, $ lot); llvo to enter; entries to close at 12 m. "Wednesday; weights to be announced at 1:30 same day, and to accept weights at (I p. in. Friday Handicap, 1 mile; purse, $400; to name at 0 o'clock; weight to bo announced at noon Thursday; to accept at 0 o'oloek saino day; llvo to outer, and three to start. Saturday mile; purse, $300; for all horses that lmvestartedand havo not won tlrst money; llvo to enter and threo to start. Entries to close Friday at 0 p. m. In all handicaps llvo per cent, when horse is nominated, and llvo to lie paid when horse is accepted. A Mint to Tuny People. From their arrival on this planet to their usually early departure from It, people of weak constitutions and aligulnr physiques pass a sort, of half-existence. Llko dormice they burrow in their homo retreats, afraid of heat, afraid of eold, con stantly afraid that tho shadow of tho dread reaper will materialize ami exact the forfeit which ho de mands of all, sooner or later. No finer incdlncinal assurance of com parative vigor for tho feeble exists than that allbrded by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Used with per sistence not with snurts and spasms this genial and profession ally commended tonlo win do much toward infuslnc strength into a puny system, aud rounding oil' scrawny angles In tho human llg- ure. Appotlte, nervo tranquility and : nignti: Ightly reposo aro encouraged by It, and a malaria, rhcumatlo bilious tendency overcome. It re establishes digestion and prevents kidney troubles. Xercr (live Up, If you stiller with asthma, bron chitis or any other disease of tho throat or lungs, nothing can sur prlso you more than tho rapid im provement Unit will follow tho use of Santa Able. If you aro troubled with Catarrh, and havo tried other medicines, you will bo unable to ex press your amazument at tho mar velous aud instantaneous curative powors of California Cat-H-Curo. These remedies aro not seerot com ounds, but natural productions nl California. Bold at 11.00a package: threo for 2.60 and guaranteed by D. W. MatthewH & Co. 100 State St. Salem., Ogn. Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt fc Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Itoino, Clav say: Wo havo lieoh soiling Dr. King's Now Discovery, Electric- Bitters and Hiickloii's Arnica Halve for four wars. Jlavo never imnuicd reme dies that soli as well, or give such universal satisfaction. TJiero liuvo Imjoii some wonderful cures oflooted by those medlelncH in this city. Bov ural onsoH of pronounced comhuiii- tlon havo been entirely curtsi uy use of u fow bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery, taken In connection with Klectrlu Bitters. Wo guarantee ihum alwuys. Hold by Dr. II. V. Cox. A Kare Csssee. Dr. Clark, proprietor of the Van MonclsonrDIsjHjnsHry, rortlaud, will Ik In town during tho fair, nnd can Imj consulted by those needing tho service of an experienced sisclallt free of charge, at room (I, Heed's opera house. 178-11 C4, ( stre KhH. Get your metds on the fair ground at the Aurora restaurant. It Is conducted by If. Will, of Aurora, who understands runnliigwn Institu tion of that kind so as to glvesntls fnctiou to all. tf. Wa It Bremdeiit Cleveland tlwt four ywr ( prated m mueli about one term only for prwtideiil? We do not her m much ttbout i-Uil service reform Ma wtut In tin air four years K"- TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. A fatal enso of undoubted Astaliu cholera Is reported at lllllsboro, III. Dr. Tanner, the great faster, thinks ho win bo hermetically sealed up in a coilln and live for a long time, aud that he will try It. Ship Ashore. San Fhancisco, Sept. 17. Capt. Lewis, of tho barkentlne "Web fool, reports a schooner ashoro In Gray's harbor. A Chiud-lliilAl, Coi.ton, Sept. 17. Thero was a great cloud-burst at l'errls yesterday. :V house was blown down and several persons wore severely In jured. Steamer ltiui;ht. San Fuancisco, Sept. 17. Tho steamer Caracas was sold this morn ing to tho Oregon Development Company for $ 17o,000. Sho wlllrun to Yaquina bay. Shako. San Josk, Sept. 17. A sharp earthquake awoke nearly every lcrso In this city at 3M8 o'oloek this morning. Tho vibrations wore north aud south, ouo a minute. A CIihiioo. Portland, Or., Sept. 17. Moshm. Young and Meeker, who repivsent tho l'uyallup hop growers, yester day sent lii") hop pleuers to the Held via tho Northern l'aelllo llallroad. Several hundred moro pickers aro wanted, and Mr. Young Is at tho St. Charles llotol, wltero ho can bo seen by those who deslro work. 1'lokors earn from 50 to $ 1! CO per day. Wlicniiitln Capital, YnniCA, Sept., 10. Wisconsin capitalists have purchased Dave Horn's ferry and ranch, near tho railroad crossing on Klamath river to erect a sawmill for cutting 160, 000 feet of lumber per day. Thoy havo also secured some 30,000 acres of timber laud In Oregon, Just over the California lino, with some in this county close to tho Oregon boundary. HIllpp'TH ril-UHI'd, San FitANCisco, Sept. 17. Tho rate on compressed grease wool to Now York and other Atlantlu sea ports, wnleh has Just been reduced from (1 00 to I M per hundred, was to-day reduced lir cents moro. Thu rate is now (I 125 on tho hundred. II. C. Bush says that If thu rail roads keep on redlining rates on wool free trade will cut no llguro what ever In tho profits of California aud Oregon wool growers. AcriinimiMlHtliiir. UATLrrrmiiuiKi, Ky., Sept. 17. Two men, Hteelo and Mackubie, both drunk, boarded thu freight train atMt. Sterling yesterday after noon and fought all the way to Steepstono, whore tho conductor, for the safety of tho passengers put tho men oil" and let them light It out. Thoy drow pistols and exchanged llvo shotsoach. Tho fifth shot from Hteelo'M pistol passed through Mackable's brain, killing him. Thoy were cousins. After tho kill ing Hteelo boarded tho train and pro ceeded homeward, the train having waited until the duul was over. Cllnuhed, Washinoton, Sept. 17. A mo tion to reconsider the Chinese hill was defeated tills afternoon In tho senate, by n vote of ) ayes to ai nays. There Is groat rejoicing among all of the California delegation. None of thum appear to doubt that the president will sign the bill, or If not wishing to take an aggressive posi tion In theiuHtter,do as he frequently does, allow It to Iwoome a law by tin expiration of the ten days' limit. The vote In full was its follews: Ayes Hate, Blackburn, Blair, Brown, Call, Cockrell, IMinuiulit, Kvarts, fleorge, (Jonnau, Hampton, Harris, Hoar, Jones (of ArkHiMMw), Morgan, I'hmoo, I'ugh, Sherman, Wilson (of Maryland.) Noes Allison, Kerry, Clmiidler, Coke, Dolph, I'arwell, I'rye, llenrst, HUooek, Jones (of Nevsila), Mninler soii, Mitchell, I'ayue, l'luinb, l'rwtt, Hiiooner, Htewart, Htockbrldge, Tel ler, Veet, Walthall, l'slrwl -Butler, ('has, I'uulkucr. Land Shown Free of Charge. oU ioi4 ob tU iMtalmeat Fb.