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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1888)
CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1SSS. NO. 174. FINANCIAL. SAHLISHEP BY SAT1QSAI. AUTMOIUTY Sw r, nT MonallM OK SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital l'aid up, ?75,000 10,000 Surplus, r a wai.ace. - l'resiaeni. V. W. MARTIN, Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, .- - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS. V T Gray, W.W. Martin, J M. Mnrtin, R- S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert, JT:. MeF. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or IpUDUC wareuuusirs. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON. VM. N. 1..VDUE, - -lilt. J. REYNOLDS, -JOHN MOIR, - - - - President. Vice President. ... Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Kxchango on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hon? Kong bought and sold. Stnte, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are. cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity C4in be obtained at the bonk in most reliable companies. MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsythe's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, ' (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. T1XPRESS WAGON, QUICK ANDBAr K Uj delivery. Wm. Ronnie having bought the express business of Walter Lowe, is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, nnd any thing else that he can get In Mb m agon to any part of the elty. quloker, safer, better, and neuter, than it can be done by any body else. Leave orders at Siluto's stable. M Jl INSURANCE nnmnanv. Kire aud Jla- rlne. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. A PPKAL,8ILVKRTON, "WKKKIA . tlM A per year. IndependwiU TheArrKM. K circulated In Marlon, Linn 4;; anuu counties; ha leen established eight ysam and U an excellent adyertUIng iiie dlum. For term addresa the publUher II. G. Guild, Sllvertou, Or. BENSON'S EXPRESS. T K.VVB ORDERS AT INCTIB MV Jj y biiwtwirow.-j- vtreeta. Lsrfla uaie i eorwK o -- ---; nwretij itrMb. I'rMBpt aueettoo ana W. A. BIfi60N omv cuaniBteed. PROF. 11 DIAMOND, Teaclierof Music A ud dealer to aOl klMt otudJn- lent. OMer, 39 OoBilBretat t. ' t -uineou sold oa toe Uuli paaa. First National Bank totsSks!TEIffl01TFMS! MliMll Will I I I Mil 11.1V .lUll.UIVI M1SCEU. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. Siii GmoITi "iyr JKLWtrl-V - - n i Mnih. i yv ik id .C.inTOH CiCIlAi. " ABILTINEMEM. AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Have you nnra A'J1.,?r. 'H..f,. ,n,torin tim nnsnl nnssniresT Aro you troubled by uiJiP smttiuV.Vi enk and Inllamed eyes, roarincTn tho ears, moro or les Impairment of tho hearing, loss oi smcu, nwim r.v ..n irod dullness or dwlnessof tho uend. dryness or heat ot the nose? lloe you lost all sense of smell ? Is your breath foul ? if so, you hove- tho Catarrh. Some ha o all t heso symptoms, others only a part. how Ualiiornia uax-i-oure Restores tho sense of taste and smell, removes bad taste ami unpleasant brent U result Ine from Catarrh. Kasv and pleasant to use. Follow directions uud a euro is guaron- teCU Uy D. W. UAlllinno -" RECOMMENDED. ......, r.,r.,.rra t. Tirnv r.f Vow Vnrlr nitv. fnrmcrlv sneclal agent of tho iii mended your (fcutoSta 0Mi3b 1 praurded a Jar, having hut little faith In its tlTCnrencrtles: bu? I must say, after using threojars. lain cured of that dlsgvislng disease, Inclosed find S5 for which scna mo who are sunerers. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale DeDot. m IE Fine Loca Best Soi OH Hoslust purchased 037 acres, situated from three to four and one-half mlltw east of Bolwn, which Tthey will Immediately plat and survey nnd sell In Ten Acre Lots. . This land has been carefully selected with especial reference to IU adaptability to fruit raising and desirability for residence purpo, nnd Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. XIIgurttwentyLln KruU tot, and some of the same loU have already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN PRICE. Ven.ISu,c- mU eaili payment, and paying the remainder In ein. inJenU Al brMKi SffiSZ?Amij&r . hort time be the owne. "!!?.V.T '7.iZ,A.AB when set to fruit) to produce of the, tow by inaking " annual i-rjSr. - or a propeny wui As Large an Income as is Obtained po?waM& the mrKM. Yoti are Thinking If p MtMt tot- If Yw Wat to Save a Part if Yur Eanibigs . ....... . . l., u ntlitwlauoaiix At at the U ueutpun. Land Shown VNKOUS. A flno line of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages, buckboards, etc. lloth our own make and the best eastern made buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on the undersigned, wagon and car rlnge makers and blacksmiths, 2n 312 and 3H Commercial street,:Snleni. THC O N,LY- qUANTEED CURE von CATARRH nROVILLECAL. frequent soreness of tho throat, ringing or uuuorniu uai-i,uc km - ....u.., t - Easy Tor w- TCff",TKTihSrt t me be the owner " y C-predlla8 from 100 Acres of brain Land. . . . luiAtliia Itwvxn but deiwnds now bring in of Securing a lime Ml COMPANY IfywibavjrWlneMdotMlotokt lue " ""- ' Free of Charge. Bottlu'i Arnlra Salts. Tho best salvo in tho world fo cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chnpped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For tale - Dr. H. W. Cox. All Adulate Cure. Tlio ORIGINAL ABIETINL OINTMENT is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes, and is au absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AUIETLNE OINT MENT, fcolu byD. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, tit 25 cents jer box by mall 30 cents. Men's and Women's Uonr, Joints and muscles may escape the ngonlz- Ine tortures of lhcumnium ll mey win but " take time by the forelock," nnd anni hilate the symptoms ol oncoming irouuio with the benignant and highly sanctioned lilmil 1r.mirillt mill IllllTIlIlM'. Hostellers Stomach Hitter. Pol-ons mostl) consti tute the oruinarj means oi imuuuik """ this ntroclous complaint. Avoid tho risk of using theso bj reporting to the safe as well as cllectuol nntl-plilogtstle and pre cntlve. After oxposurotodanip, through dralls and other causes which encourage n rheumatic tendonc , a w Ineglassful of tho Hitters presents 111 etlects. No surer pre ventive of malarial ailments llko fe er and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague nnd ague cake exists, and It Is, besides, a most genial recuperator of strength exhausted DV eCCSHlo lliciiliu t'l jiujnim. ........ Minors, mariners, operatises and others whose avocations Involve laboilous work In rough w cnthcr out of doors, or close ai- plication liiuuora, nun n i A Sound Legal Opinion. E. Hninbrldiro Munday, Iv-q., Rainbridire Munday, County Attv., Clay Co.. Tex., hays: HUnvn llwiwf Kloctrlll IllttCrS Wltll niiwt. hiiniiv results. M.V hrotlier also was very low with malarial fever ulld jaundice, but was cured .. . -T -i-il.l.. lt..l..n Am by timely use of this medicine. Am sallsucu -l'-iiecinu imu-in bbi "" life." Mr. D. I. "Wilcoxon, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: He positively believes ho would have died, had it not been for Electric Hitters. ... , This great remedy win warn on ., .11 ..., ,.in. nit lllllllirlol (HsOUSeS. Ikl UU HO lllU.... .....- - . and forallkidnoy, llvcrund stomach disorders siaiius uiifiiimn.-i. ..v 50c. and $1. at Dr. II. V. Cox's. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. Dr. James Prosser, tho eminent specialist, will remain in Salem only a few more weeks. About October 1st ho will return to his olllco In San Francisco. ALL YE AFFLICTED take advantago of the opportunity to consult him whllo here. Cures nil nlii-nxln f..l,ltlll. lllnMlWH. UlOOll and skin disenses, nervous and pri vate diseases oi ihhiisvxus, hi. nm.i IhkmI, general debility, etc. Cures guaranteed. Most cases can receive homo treatment after a visit to tho doctor's olllee. Olllco at MO Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. After Octo ber 1st, address 4.r McAllister street, San Francisco. Examination and consultation fre0, n-G-uwaw Nolle". 13 Hoptoinber'lXHh' for Hie construction of 11)8 WILL UK RKCKIVKII UP TO u pile bridge auriMMjiiii cree i, k ";" Cllll OI V llllllltt-H,l .lift .. "... .i plans and speelneutlons on tlio with the C The right Is reserved to reJtst any and all bids. Otd Ixmils w HI Ih rejiiilri-il. Count) Judge. -.'a . . .n.r.. ......!.. I uIhjiI uM.wirflllll Wl IllH POWDER Absolutely Pure. 4KlMc Cl.Kl JjuAMITO TIUUMVN. Pull for the slioiv, Thurmnn I Pull for tho shore I Pitectlouwaesaro svnunplng us groat Cawtr, how they 1 Our dugout's of no account , Us ballast is five trade; Run her a slap upon the rocks and Jump out and wndol Pull for tho shore, Thurman I Helm hard n-leo! Mills and those pension bills haoplajed tho deuce w Itli me I Nowwemust lighten her! Oh, Thurman, how she drags! Civ 11 service o erboord, in search of battle Mags! Pull for the shore, Thurman! Mind vshat vnurti iiliimt t Trim ship and bring her up; we'll pitch the cargo out I Mugu umps and fancy shams, In w lilch l' e had such pride, Must bo consigned to Davy Jones, upon this angry tide. Pull for the shore, Thurman! last card I. played ! Transparent is my buueumbo blntf, my treaty and frcotnuto; Pvoslroddled till I'msplltln twivtllloveiy Joint is sore There's uothluglen for us to do but pull ftir tho shore. Pullfortlui;sliore, Thurman; show you're wldo awoke; Shy those bandanas out, they cannot toko tho cuke; Rlgupajuiy most, perhaps 'twill stand the press, To show tho future-President our signal of distress. Pull for the shore, Thurmnn; Harrison runs free, And Morton, vvllh tho starry Hag, they skim over the sea; They sail by tho Northern Star, glad crow ds iirnnii their dortc! Wo bump upon tho rocks, a ruin nnd a wreck. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. nn Mnv 1st. last, about four montlis ago. Dr. (lllbert opened an otllco and sanitarium in tho bank block, Haleni, and odvertlscd 1. . . -i t l....uu .... u.iliiiillH.i tn tieat chronic diseases oil selentlllo nrlnclnlei. Hlneo that tlmo his pnirtlcfl hnalionn hIkiuUIv lnereaslnir so much so that ho was obliged to secure moro room nnd Increasing facilities, and now Uncling himself unoblii to nttond to his numerous patients, ho has entered I Into partnership Willi Dr. M. V. Wcmp, of Detroit, Mlclil. pm, a physician nnd surgeon of largo ox .u.riiin. tlinminrhlvl'eomiietent. lunill a specialist In disease of tho eye, ear, throat and nasal cavities who ;nas; come wnu i.u ruiiillviln makol his homeltlu! Httloin. The now Arm will bo 1nowii as Dm. Gil bert Wcmp and will occupy tho com modious rooms In tho hank block, for otllco and sanitarium, and will conduct their business under tho name; imd'Jilyle of The Oregon Medical and Surgical Initllule. It Is their Intention lo sare neither pains nor expense In their efforts to make this tlio most comploto Institution, for tho treat ment of all forms of diseases, esiH'clally chronic, In tho northwest. Medicated vapor baths, electro-magnetism, oxygen and massage, togcthor with all modern and scientific appliances for tho thorough euro or disease, will be used. Examinations will bo free, and charges strictly moderate, Address Drs. Gilbert A Wcmp, Honk block, or postoltlco box 170, Halem, Oregon. Don t Kxprrlnirit. You cannot allord to waste tlmo In experimenting when your lungs nro In iliumer. Consumption always seems, at first, only a cold. Do not u.r,.ii. iinv fiiuiior in liiiiHmu iiiiuii you with some cheap Imitation of JJr. KlllgS OW miH-mi-ii i v.""- suuiptlon, Coughs, and ('olds, but .... ... 1 iI...,....ii.I.iil Wiirkl.lluii Do stiroyou gei uirguiiiiiui-. s-ui. ho oan miiko more jirollt ho may tell you ho has something Just as good, orltist the same. Don't IhmIo celved, but insist upon getting Dr. King's Now Discovery, which Is guaranteed to glvo relief In all Throat, Lung and Client allwtlons. Trlul lKttlos free at II. W. Cox's drugstore. Largo ls)ttlen$l. A .Sttoril I'rixiuct f California. It Is only found In Hutto county, Cullfornln, and in no other part of tho worm, s reuir ui uiu lira irmlucos the lioniing anu hjuuii nir trtiiii used In that pleasant anil eHcctlve euro for coiiHiuupiion, asthma, bronchitis, and coiikIih, HANTA AHIK. tno iving oi v mi sumption. D. W. MHtthews A Co., I(jl Hfite Ht., Blem, gUHrwiUH and wlls It for $1 a bottle, or three for iW). Hy tho use of CALII'OHMA CAT-It-t'UHK, all syinptonis of catarrh are tlkjKdltKl, and theills hhmkI ncuwl ib'o Is Hiwwllly 're stored tM ImmUIiv condition. 1 a iwckHge. HyiiwII, 1.10. ClmiUtre free. farrar A C. Are shipping ut fruit by the car Jond, iMit tlwlr own stow Is always attractive with tlw lt vrltUrf. In fruit, vegetable), groeeriw and provision tltey are always hi th lead. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. rV imwrtiiiinnt. ivnwdnr tiiniriivliii oxplotlcd at Esqtiiinnlt, near Vic toria, u. v., from a unisli lire. rt lives lost. At Walla Walla, Mrs. HobhiMin, wife of the seliwil teacher near Rollus burnt up her house in trying to smoke out bod bugs. Tlio remedy was worse than tho disease. lire at Taeouui. Taooma, Sept. 1 1. Hosmaii it Hoeder's largo furulturo factory wa inn ned to-day. Loss j?",-,000. ln- suranco fS.lHX). leiturrs. l'rof. M. V. ltork, will review Col. Ingorsoll's oration on "TlteGods," at Liberal hall, corner Liberty and Court, opposite opera house, to morrow evening. All eleotno. Shut Her DriiiiUeu Husband. Unionhill, N. .!., Sept. 11. Drunken John Krey to-day tried to kilt his wife with a shotgun. She wrestled the weapon from him and shot him dead. Vlre at Spokane. Spoicank, Sept. 11. A lire here, threatening the business portion of town, broke out at (I o'clock to-night, lly great etlbrts It was controlled after destroying from $150,000 to $.200,000 of propel ty. Piibllslier At rented. Aliiany. Or.. Sent. II. M. P. McGuiio of tho Portland Slftlngs wasarralgiUMllnJustleolitiinplux'y'rt court this morning on a charge of" criminal libel preferred by Charles Casey of this city. Ho gavo bonds In tho sum of $.250, and tlio case was postponed until next Thursday. Chin eh Contention. Ikvinoton, Cab, Hept. III. Tho (Avi-iit v-ilrsL uiimiat state convention of Christian elmreheri of Cahfomliu commenced six-day exorcises at Eiiealvntus lrrovo vesterdav. It be ing tho t)n.e-htiudredth anniversary oftho birth of Alexander Campbell. Memorial exercises were held. A Trim Wife. It is not lo sweep tho house, maho the bed. darn the socks and cook tho meals, ehlelly, that a man wanta a wife. If this Is all he needs, hired help can do It chea)er than a wife. If this Is all when a young man goes to see a lady, send him Into tho pantry to taste tho bread she has made, send him to lnsiccb the needlework and bedmaklng, or put the broom In her hand and send him to witness Its use. Bueli thing aro Important, and tho wise young man will quickly look after them. Hut what a true man wants with it wife Is her companionship, sympa thy and love. Tho way of life Iiiw many dreary places In it, and a man needs u wife logo with him. A man IsometlineH over taken by mlsfor tuno; ho meets with failures and defeat; trials anil temptations beset him, and ho needs ono to stand by amlsynumtbi.u. Ho has some hard imilliM to ilith t with poverty, en emies and sin, and ho needs a wife that, when ho puts his arm around her, he feels ho has something to light for; Mho will help him to light; then put her lljw to his ear anil wiilHiMir wonU of council, and her hand to his heart and Impart In spiration. All through life, through storm, through sunshine, conlllct and victory, through adverse ami through favoring winds, man needs a woman's love. niiitnouilM have Immiii discovered In thogUards of grouse shot on tho uniwr Nelmleui. It was itopoa lor awhile that tho usual story would lie along about gold nuggota found in tho crops of chickens In Josophluo county, but a that and tlio yarn about tho gold ring ami iron nun Imbedded In a two foot tree In Wasco county, aro a Utile Isjlilnd tin time, (latlug due Bontomlwr tlrst,) tlio diamond dust U Hying. ltnvuM lotterv tickets In tha LonU- iauu lottery arelsjlng, or Imvn Imhui printed by thu tltmisHud by u Hun FranuUoo printer naiiiwl Geo. II. 1 laker. Itwmild Ih) Iwnl to ima glue any thing mure valuelisM than a 1kkus lottery ticket.