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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1888)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1SSS. rr.nsoJfAU. Hon. J. T. Gregg went below this morning. Kx-Uov. Cbnilwiek, went to Port land thi morning. Mr Cable Is being entcrtnined by Mr. A. E. McCully. Frank Buford, of Ynquinn, is in ti n and will be for several days. Henry Bean, John Wrl"bt and Ed. Hughes, from Pal tMine, 111., gave us a pleasant call. E-policeman Barendrick, (that -iiclling is otllcially authorized and therefore correct), was in town from Marion, to-day. K. D. Suuford of Graft's Pass is at the fair grounds arranging for the Kile aud delivery of several car loads of water melons. W.J. Culver, county surveyor, gave us a call to-day. Probably he will open an office in the court house before long. Mrs. Louis Kubn returned yester day, from her sad mission to Callfor- i., whom sue went wiui iue il- mains of her brother, Mr. Abe Mansfield. John F. Bragg, of San Francisco, agent for a number of eminent lecturers, and his cousin, Miss Laiwlrijt, arrived In town from Al bany, this morning. Dr. Aug. C. IUnnftjr, of Astoria, tho genlat iiiid tleVofcd prohi, n turned from seeing &W wt n California, who has been sick. He went ou to Oregon City on profess ional duties this morning but will return to Salem before going, home. A New SUM. Messrs. Wolff" and Donavon, wlwe arrival from Kansas City was lately nbtlced In the JACttN-i.LThAVe rented the "line store- in Uie lirst National, Bank block, until now oc cupied by the Oregon Land com pany. They yesterday weut to Portland for tine etoeK or canines, eonfectfonerterf and fancy greceries: This is certainly a good stand for business being the first store of the- .. i ..'. .7.. ..- i. iiit rn urinicL. iiiu in.iuiiv.nni ui those who come'ln from rolfc county, ver tho free bridge, or from North Mlem, tho fair grounds, Sjlverton and thAt end' of the county. As new corners they should be accorded u fair share of patronage if found to ilou well hv the r customers aa others do. AnroarkUi; Comilttioa. Ily Saturday night the rails of the Portland & Vancouver railway will be laid to the Columbia river. Work has boen commenced on the extcu iou which Ii to tun out itittf the river, pastl the second sand! fepit, a distance of nearly 200CL feet. Thja fa to be a very substantial structure, five piles ineaeh tier. At the outer end a wharf will bo run some dis tance down stream, where boats can land at any stage of water. Onttil will be built trie depot, and from thin point boats will 1ms run to La- ramiis. WiiHliouenl. Rooster Rook. nd othor points un.tho Columbin, i A JipiaeM Mlttlt. At the Willamette University may U; Ken diligently studying for a 1,-eneral EngUhh, cducatlnn and fete the ministry a full blooded "jap." His name is Okawa uud-he prefaces it with the American wgnofhen Henry. He is a uatlve of Toklo, Jpnn, und came to GaJifornla three jeare ago. J Fan Rranclij "He lk oime a convert to CUrUtlknlfy ti(l Is now fitting himself to go and preach that reljginn ta Id counlry men. He is intelligent and tudinuu, nd is fast picking tinour language. A Ga4 rum. J. P. Robertson, on hla farm; hw thin mnison raised 1612 bushels of wheat, over.oOO bushels of oata, and JO bushel of potutooj the latter t the rate of 400 busheln per acre. Vet he has been advertising his ?kiv, crop, fruit, liny, improvements od all, some seven miles from town 1 with a district ehool houn? tid ying, for f85 per acre. Somebody 1 mtees by not buying a good thing. " h Ktlll for sale. rBfce-S'ctlae. The chairman of the reference wmitteeof Sedgwick l'not No. JO l W. R. C, of the name jxwt, re 't all membera of said commit- nUy w.iIi.k at 70 o'alook at "MtVHURtaiMtw I'arviii'fcrorftftHeo. , T. iu iuh Lnt wrl- Tl'f Iwui.l a( Ki)e will nwwt to re-1 BiniM, Satunlav the 15th, at S l'k Ml ar ranltalh Invitetl HIP VAX WINKLE WAKED IT. He Wants a Woolen Mill in Salem. Ed. Jouhxal : There is room for a good woolen mill in tills valley. Will we encourage some enterpris ing compauy to build one, or will we sit on tne fence, anil see the pro cession go by? Should a reasonable measure be proposed and submitted to the peo ple, they would endorse it. The bridge did not possess the merit of a factory, yet the people endorsed tho building of it. The taxes c pay are not so much to the people as getting the ready means to pay them. Twenty-five thousand dol lars paid out, per month to the ope ratives, would give businehs new life. Why not mako an edort in that direction, call a meeting and get an expression from the people? With great enterprises growing up all around us, wcean't ailord tostand still until the wants of this com monwealth are all supplied. We must act, or get left. A Rip van Wixklk, Waked, after twenty years. Salem, Or. Sept. 12. 'SS. niiOOKS BlUGET. We are coming to the fair. Farmers are very buy hauling their grain. The trains both ways show a great deal of travel. Frank Evans, the boy that had his arm on k n, is doing well. Farmers will start preparing for nest season with a good heart. Prof. Egan has returned from his stock ranch near Gaston, where he has been burning his slashing. James Finney lost a tine young ' ' TltV.' ,'Lji!.'.i;ji JLiVSL. miiri v;uui, uvu uuimrcu uuiiHra, He was offered $400 last fall for this aiid another one. G. F. yrsn Tlllnobi. Lafayette Hughes, of tHe real estate flrnVo'&iglies & Bellinger, who has hiitfofj from the temperance platform work on account of a needed resf, came fit tills week from Palestine, Illinois, with the ad vance guard- dt i('large number of immigrautaThat. im m inuucing 10 come out here, having- arranged for the securing' of roundtrip tickets at reduced rates, ood for six months. The. mosC of. them remain for' the present Iiv Portland. A Iilrgtt cotn piiny will start from the east on the 20th.. Polities, are- so, wanii-, there that, unfit lifter election alf Ifial ciin will be iK'rsuaded to remain and take part In the contest. I rinrt oflrfctorft. The university faculty have dp- eided to follow up Mr. Cable's read ings with lectures bv Urel rate talent. Dr. Robt. Kourse, of'Wasji lijfto'u D C, will "lecttire on "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," and on "John and Jonathan," October 26, and 27th. He will also preach in the M. E. church an Sunday 23d. 'Fnrtherparthmlare pllortly. A agllrcitrttt. Tjios. the proud poswessor faihnhdsomqr and Very promphig Itrpo yar old'Albimoiit colt wlflch he has brought from the Mosher stable at the fair grounds. His sire Uhcd (q get over a mile.of ground in 2.28, atlil 01111 ai tlie colt Is he runs in 40. Will Bttiri. Dr. Prter, upeclulist, having been callexl ttt Gervajs o perform an fajjeratiop, tlW rinilAvi' o(Ja tumor, and to Portland on professional bunl newr, will return on Monday J7th liit.t.,aud t-an'tttf fouudln'Ms-onlee, corner of Liberty and CherneVeta strettn. i-di. Blc Ozti. Brenham fc' StrnuV, or OUcka mas county, have Just brought to thiitiitb fair gnmnds, 0. doUpNk of mmwtrr.oxcn. Thtj stajid' higher than the-head ofa 6 ft 8 inch man, and lire called ha!ighhln." If fat, tliey would weigh a ton ap!et. Afi-lr OtUrr. It loqka btrangc tononieofoureai-t-enivlsltore who live where apples are scarce to see five or six two-hon-e wagons drlw up to the fruit dryer aud imve the fruit shoveled in like ooal into a bin. But that's the way wudoillu Oregon. TheOruKon iJind Company if5,'T. "ILlullU.tmrtto -- T IHtvine TVHimi iikidhot "" he'.v oet-upleI, for u towsy groeary ov. iit t JMKHKB the rtnte ftir m w iiimnwwawi ACROKA NOTES. Hops look tine and the ylold will be big. Dr. Will Gioy has returned from n week's vacation to llwaco. Hurst & Son have overhauled their grist mill and put it in good trim for work. Mrs. Giesy aud Miss Gussle are expected home from their Denver, Colorado, trip, this Aeek. Rev. Mr. Day preached here last Sunday morning and evening and at Hubbard in the afternoon. From the amount of beeves killed, tho appetites of Auroraus and the hotel guests must be first class. The Jui'KXAi. is promised an interesting account of the wonderful medicinal springs of this place. Mrs. Beck has old her home place of 18 acres, reserving one house and two acres, for nearly $100 per acre. Miss Hurst, tho Miller's daughter, at times suffers considerably from heart trouble, making her Very weak when the attacks come on. Rev. J. W. Webb spent Sunday with his daughter and Mr. Giesy, and expressed himself well pleaded with what he saw In a long ride In aud about Aurora. Gua Giesy un made two very ad vantageous purchases or iiinu lately, near to.wn. He lias had about 17 acres slashed, and It looks as If it would make a good burn and yield a good crop of gras of grain which ever he may conclude to ow iu the ashes. I'lttTZ. Ikartt hitrcUf. At the noon exercises of the uni versity, Prof.' Jjfc Y. Rork led the devotional exercises. At the cIomj, Geo. W. Cable stepped upon the platform, arid 'was Introduced to the students by President Van Scoy. The distinguished lecturer and reader 1 small hian, very unas suming aud uiidemostratlvc, with a clear and flexible voice without much Volume, in an ordinary talk. Having been at tho desk all ni'.iruing, prepaiiug an article for publication, lie declared that all facetiouuess had left him. He, therefore, gave only a very earnest aud practical talk, on future citizen ship. When lie declared his regret that he could include only the boys.' side of the house, and nflirmcd, "al though I came from the othor side, iu the late war" lie is a Southern man "I dcslro that women should exercise not only the lights but also the duties of suffrage," he was greet ed with warm applause. As he Urged a courage like Jqsh uu'fl, a holding oucscll up to moral Ideals In political as well ns in every day life, ho showed hlfl high appre ciation of morality, religion, and Uie Bible. Ho was loudly eheeered at the cjosc. His readings will Ih listened to with increased interest, to-night. Tire- UtcMak. Tho Oregcmiaii, that? often" pHsst peophjiwlth. a slngjc paragraph orn slight mention, devotes a- couple (if columns to Geo. W. Cable and his reading? iu the tabernacle. n Port land. Helndescrlbedafc no ordinary man. Besides giving his readings nearly every night he Is writing for two, nlftgH'itnes ttild A pupf, aud whnnt. home, In Ronton, heteaeiics adntlby schbol claWi or 1,600' to 2,uM foch Sundaj-. Wit, pathon; frfwrr and ilegro dialect, the drtftiia tic and tj'c iutensly reaiistlo are won'ijcrfujly bjended in hfs readings aays mat paper, une uiglit only He appears In Salem to-night, In the ojtera houw. rue Orti. Mr. II. Iiench, of the Iaoh nur sery, of East Salem, laid on our table to-day, some fine specimens of Concord, grain. They were raised on hls-premises, and the wimple left at the JofiiNAl. otllcv, would pass muster In any grape show. MAItKIKll. MOgllK-COCUAX.-At the residence of ili' tirirfr tmrcnta in Iuklllr Ctmu. MiiinHy.rHTi. " runny iciinn ' i Wm. X MHMr, Ite J. It. X. IWi, m-1 elmtluic The wedding was soieir.nltcd In ' tlvw of the high contracting iwrtkn. I. ijfttVU uwif kluctrin i'tlttere' with' Thel.riilelHoneofDougliwpounty'Hnwt happy nmuU. My brother ,nMt lHntlful ....1 worthy young fe. " ?.!?:., ,'h ' UrUl IIIO priCIlLI. il lilt- llllllicuiuiu ivin- loilK mid the gnMimlMHkterlingi, ,..,,neiy uoof thlimwlloine. Am young ninii of tine himinoMi ability. mdlHlkl Klevtrio IJlttorM mvel hln UiKwtiiwwterMt IhlHirg, Mini Juih life." iL . frf-A. l. u-uh il. l,a, I Mr. D. I. -SV eoxon.of HorCMVo, .... .. " "- - " iy couple long life Mild prosperity. ' ! I Ml KM. TlloMiioK-At kateia, hh. ii. I, un LOCAL NOTKS. Cable to-night. t Read the new mil estate ad., tc da.v. Cable at the ojwni hou', at S p. m., to-night. Tickets for the readings to-night, are M.'lllng freely." Na-te paper and oxehnuges for S.IIO HI IIllS IlIlilM Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, !2 State street. G. B. Barr, book-keeper at the penitentiary, lias quite a sick little boy. The ladies of the Presbyteilah church will have a refreshment booth at the fair. The Willamette Assembly of the Knights of Labor meets to-night, in Good Templar's Hall. The W. C. T. U. is busy, llttlng up their literature booth in the pa vilion, on the fair ground. Geo. W. Cable Is praised without stint by those who have heard lilm rend from his own novels. Hear him to-night. The fuuend of Mrs. Brooks took place this afternoon, a large number of friends assembling to pay the last tribute of respect. "Grandpa" Byars looks doubly patriarchal with ills white looks, just now. While "Grandpa" Street Commissioner Thompsdli Kits quite a patrinrchlal air. The managers of the- IcC cream festival to be held unlglit In C". T. U. hall, are thnnktul for two handsome botpitlH presented by Mr. Bayliss, the blacksmith. D. D. Prottyman has charge of the floral department at the state fair this year. It is all cleaned up and ready for exhibits, which should all Ik) iu by Saturday eve ning. That welcome guest to all mil road men, tho pay ear, that since the days of Ben Holliday lias nuver failed to ninko its punctual rounds in the middle of each month, passed on its way south, this morning. Special attention is called to the big ad. of Lunn it Brown', Salem's line store for dry goods, and ladies and men's furnishinggoodH, carpets laces In fact all staples and many specialties, a very largo stock well selected. There will be a series of half-hohi lectured delivered Sunday evenings iu tlio M. E. church by the pastor. These lectures are preparedwith an eye to the youth, but all may receive. some truth that may be helpful. Lot the house be packed every Sun day evening. Tho convict O'Brien, at the penl touli iry, 1h undi ubtcdly Insane. In his wanderings he "breaks me all up," says Superintendent Downing, as lie picaus 10 no Ulrica 10 ms mother who, he thinks lives In totytt, iu) he wants to promise her neertokecp bad company again, He says his father won't let him go home but his mother would. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On ru luf, lart,.Blout'foiir moritHn ngtf, Dr. Ollbtrt opened n nfll ee and MibluiriiTrii In Ibb uink block, Hiilcih, und adTntlifd to Irent chronic dlWuorf on ncfmlln'c prlurlpW Hlnco tlmt tlirtf hlr prrfrth liw Vh ntwdliy IHcUlrigii' mtli lr t tuutliewnrfo1)lfBl tiiMs.-ure more room nnd lncxclnc facllltloi', und now finding nlmvJfunttq(o attend to hl numrrOui rili-mn. fie limfrnUired I Into purtnrrxliln wllb Dr. ii. W. Wmp. of lWtrot. MlclIC K4ii, pbyilclun aud Kuncoon of Inrtfo cz perlcne', Thoroirtjhljriioompctcat, at4 upoclallirt lh rtfue of tUt cy. 'rfr," IhWuit nnd nnxil cavltl whoJhuKj roiiiel(Hi hU fmnllyito mke bin hon)'lb;'l4)rm. Tnenew'nrjn will bo known Dm. OIL bert Wemp nd will ix-cupy th com. modioli room In the bnnk'Moctf, (or offlcc nd MinltArlum, nnd will conVJotl the lr hiiiilnrtui under tho nam undlnlyti of Th 0fgn Mllcil and Surglctl Imtilyli. It U their Intention to rn neither pain nor xeiue In their effort to make, thU lh inont complete Institution, for tho treat- menVof all airmii of dlinuo, epeelally chnmte. In llw northwent. Medicated npor halhii. Weclro-maiit- j lurii, oxygen and iniuMi(r, together with all modern and ncleuUflo appliance lor the thorough cure of dfMioe, will be urd. Kxamlnatlon will he free, und charge utrleUy moderate, Addrr Dm. Olltert A Wemp, Hank blofk, or pontoftlro Ixix 178, HHlem. Oregon. X h4 Legal Oylilta JIUUIUIIIIUV .uuiiuu;, ""I'l Mlllidi (oinfy f Atty.. uniy Co., 'Ajjc., ay: I Ky., HdiluM like teiitiinoiiy, wtying?. jiJ.'Ktivelv beHwe he wouldlmre dlwl, hml ft not been for Hteetrlo JJltu'ni- . ... . .r Thin great rernly will ward olr! hd well a 'lire nil malarial dloeaMM, " . rMikldiiev. liver ilid Mtomarh '1 andfl at Ur I! W (ox HOMES ran tub HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES or. VARIED UND -kV Sale or Rent Quantity and Quality to1 Suit PnrcliHHrT. Lands' near Ii It Facilities. A GOODv GITASTGE -run a- Renter or Par TEAMS' AND STOCK ON TIIK KAtlM WItL BE SOLD To IIm Irtiylng twine, If delred. Cr PartirillflrQ Csl Jit lUI I a llt-UIOI o uan ui I 1Mb VJIIIUC- HOWAHI) JtltOTHKltS 1X Ontril Hmu Miriig, lliiiitg awl litflifiw. Work jieoiiipliy dime at reMnalle ralML lrdf left at I AflTAi Jvi MWAI m !n,mww-vr nj jminej-vji EDUCATIONAL. SELECT SCHOOL w Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the -suing year at Hie LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church d Marion Sts.. beginning SKIT1)MKH 1(1 lOI-d.'w COiplVATOBY OF 1IUSIC! Willnmotto Uiittcrxity. liv.l ucrml Kchool of imilo on the noithneot conxt. About 150 SITDKNTS LAST VKAIL Cuiiicii In IM11110, Ormiii, SSttmltxji, Vloll Hormuny, nnt Cminti. Diploma on completion ! -courMe. Tinchem! X. M. l'nfvni. l'mnUU i Jours, i:itCVtt, AnHisliiiil, f.uln M. HmlUt. 1 lint term beulni Monday, Hrptrimcr Sd, lvv. Send for (iiIiiIoruc. Korlurtlxr IxirtU'iilnrHitddreoit Z.Ivl. IWUVIK, MliHlcnl lMrm'tor.Sulcm, Or. S-U-dlfwlt ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, Boys and Girls. the xi'liooi hIII open on the "iu of Seplcmber. lliorouith liictruc- tldii In thoprlmnry und mlvunccd English Branc!heSL LITIS ASH FXEMtSTS OF SIIBK -In iinirkC- TKH.MHiuut further lurorniittlou 11111) be 1'iid on iitiplliullou to , , ltrlV. V. if. Itisr, Cor. Cliemeketii unit Suite HIl S-VO-tf WILLAMEHE UNIVERSITY (IniiliinltM HtudenU In 1WIM V UUllltlU, t ' Norhlal, Ilusiiit'iJs, LaV, AND- MEDICAL COURSES. KUtheoldetit, lilrgekt nhd IrftM Axpett nhc JiiNlllulliiii of IcHirnliiK In llin tiitrU weet., . ti Itllot 0emi flrt Mundny lit rt(tl,mhe. tfend MriltilloguK tn T1IOH. VA'JfMCtlY', Trident 17t Hdlenl'.-jlrrtt. 111 inn i. 1 1 111111 it I fi 1 FOft' SAUl 1 1 STOCK FAH1& FOR SALE or RENT! C'SO ACEfS Well WutA-eVt irrid Wl'tltol tlnUer.,iyo noaiMiinnrt two Mra' lwtinreluod, Mudow uiidMM uerm yutw Uuav Kin berof rtilUf wlttntm iflswirwalnudr hornr e dou eir t o nmi 1. witiiinnifniinii orneriot ou meu, omtbody. xr. it. ft. a tianrain ft Pn'ouirr' at Office of Caoljal ioufrtaV ForSaJe, A'Kodd'lrtm frilli Ifre IoWef. loo for (UI. M. fnmi ' orid to full caiutclly. All for the luV price Ol W. Call at (ho IV clnc tlder, Vlner.rKrult,)feerTlif L'oiiiiuy' oltlre. Halem, UrrktJD. Tk KuU of TUU. L wtii iiuprord iWK.wi. wy'lrM mile of halem. (faxt roafl U InvPii Uie )er around, imildiny wal. fJNE.YOUNG ORCHARD and exreileiit rrnu'lHiid. ThU f a lmrKlu,aiid wllllirheld oiily a thori time ut tlriv netrn. Cull, aiiif-Wd wit how jou 1 he pnirty , Wll.r.fH AflfAMtlHIIWN, Uperu llouw,Kjllii,Or. (WWW-tf JKJ'KKIWON. A. B. HUDEIjSON, DKAI.IIH IN II A HOW A UK, TIXWAKF StevM, and Farmlaj ImptamMts. AMi mtrtm a full wwk M PAUVIV, OII-S CIOAIIH and TOIIACCO, (II.ASH ami I'l'lTY , V..,,UV ()KrX.oX Mother and 1 liHd doing m II ''"x ntertlngH. lierv oih- w eek only.