MMBlhDBSHI EWMfflWUm EVBN'IXfi CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UllI.ISHKt) EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. HY TIIJ CIIKAP I.ANIJH. Capital Journal Publishing Company. t lNCOIttOIIATKll lilff, I'orntr Court and l.lbrrtr Slrttlf. TttilMH K)P HUJWC'IUJTION Onoyenr, hy mull....... -. Mlfl Hlx niontliK.liy mull 2 .7) riirfii nifintliM hv lnf.ll 1 Ufi I'cr week ilvllvi-reil by oirrlef 15 WKKKLY. Dnoyiiir II Hlx IiloutliM 76 "uo yi-itr. If pull! for In mlviinee, 1 on ,ix niontlm, ." " " jrsI'ostiimnl('rH mo mithorir.ed lo ro- colveMiiwcripiionii. WKnterwl (ih nreowt-clni.ii matter ut the Knlenl.OreKon, 1'iwtoinii. June 21. Ixkk. Ilepublican National Mel. 'or I'ri'Hltlpiit, HKNJAMW HAliltlBON, Or I milium. For VIwj l'rwMunt: LEVf 1 tfoiyfpp, Of Now York! F()l I'lfHSIIlflNTIAI. pl.rX'roilH. riilirr(McIan,of Klmiintli County. Win. KiipiiH.of .Mlilliinjiinli County. . W. Kiiltnn.of ciatdip oounty.l FRIDAY, filJI'T. M, 1H88. A T1MKI.Y WOltl,. Tlui complaint ho often Inttnl In Ihlft city, iiii Imlcfifl in nil t(viH near which hIiiIo falrn arc held, Ih iiil(o common Jtint now. It Ik that tho town Iiuh not tmllluloiit HleupliiK iiccoinniodiitloim for thuhiimlretlHof vlnllorn that will Ik here next week, mill arc already arriving, l'urlutm It Ih not really ho much a lack of room iiH a want of miiimgcinont, ho yo feci callcil tu to inati a hijkkw (Iiiii. Lot thcro he a central plait! where nil who liavo icMiiiiH to lot can reglMer Ihclr iminefl, location and pi' Ice. 'I'll im tlin pnrllcH who have not uny place to Mop at, or who arc not aeiialnU'(l with the town anil Km uceoininoilatloiiH can he referred, without partiality, to tho renter, mid ho Informed of the opportunities Or names could lie left beforehand of tlio-m who will want rooniH; anil thoHo who have room could iimino with thoni. Now wha,t Ih every hoily'n htiidiH'ga Ih nolxnlyV, iiul ro It nmy lw dlNlctilt now to get win-inlttw-H together to nrnuiRe. Tho JoiMtNAi. oftleo, thervforv, oIUii-h without fee r reward, the tins of a room In IIh luilldliii' fur the public H,cvi!jinoMliin, u.n hf, w cnslon, and ttrn that noni atop be taken for iwrnmiient work of thU kind be(oru nuothef fair oceAny. V it if- y-fr ' r- r v,.ti, HV!W.Z Hon, vri fc'imni i h ipHitluiumi. Uf l)) up "Sridy nearly every tlnuv Thq btt Mint; he, Ih heard from Ih li theilefijnNoof tho hhiI oftlii; land or, 111 atloptloji. A lUirJlij !irHtqh dated rniVt, l3tJ, Uu! the follow lnf to nay: Hon, (.'arl &'hu.ra Iihh written it 'letter tn tl)u Rational i;lt,up, wju KsttliiK hii rtlole which itl'l-'tfl'Wl In a rvHvnt Ihhuo of t)e trvus XtiitiniK mi tht txirruplioti lnc)di)t, lo American ecemi), f?onur air lHokH(iiicelnlly thvnsHortlou thftt, ( pnlduUilUtUii Ih, froj) flrfctto lat, iiiervly ail atlnlr of 1UMVVi Hv. ileularxxt thin ilUhoiiorluir, hiihi1coii enni uhmi A'POfllvu roUotinl ulmraeter unjut. Ho donU-i tlmt, H)lltlenl llftt In Hut Unltihl State Ih uii.vwher'houirriptuiMipleiiM)iluip as tliw Kn.HU ZultuiiK nii)rMintis The AinediMii nation, 1m w, l ntaunuhi KWtthMril ryml oelf-tMHOtlllK Tho real estate dog ntar Ih begin ning to appear in tho horizon anil noon the furor for real estate will bo hh great or greater than it is in cither California or Washington territory. JJut why nhoulil not Oregon laiulu be equal in value lo thoe of any other country '' We have the advantages of coil, climate, healthy breezes and good facilities for internal and foreign transporta tion. Lauds are fertile and always reward the diligent tlllem for their lalwrs, and never fall. Lands are now low extremely low but the day has come when Oreuon's ad vantages are to lie known abroad, and the daysof low laudH will soon piisi away. If anything should bring fancy prices it is land, es pecially good agricultural land. In the favoied state of Oregon. If men have money to Invest the day of profitable Investment Is upon u. Iliiyliur lands is not like buying stock or other perishable things. Land cannot le destroyed. Let the value go ever so low ami there yet remains something for, according to the old law jihrase, land "navorfth of the reality," that Ih It Is fixed, tangible, permanent. It cannot be burned up, blown or wanhed away, but the "metes and bounds" are always full, Oregon lands have never lieen Hhuken open by ejr(h fjiiakcp, scourged wjth drouth nor iest)uiiio. Neither cyclones nor tornadoes aro tolerated within our borders, nor does "boreal" hold sway for live or seven mo'ithB U tho year binding It In Icy clialrm or covering It from sight with snows. SB 'Pin. iiu'iier fun iiIu'mvh mi- Ills .,.,. ,.,... It,.. ... possession and sleeti In JM-aec tiisin Kh surface. At lands cannot bo destroyed, hiirned up or swept awijv, neither can it be abstracieil or Htolcn. It requires neither guard nor lock and key. Where you' leave It lo-nlght you wll Unit" it to-nior-row. Then-ale extra (juallties for one's posm-Hslon. An I'xcliango says, "buying gmd laud In tlis state Is laying up treasures on this caith where moth doth not corrupt nor thieves break through and steal." Wo Hornet lines hear jH'oplo way that It Ih a good tiling to liavu a bit of laud to die on, which saying may be supplemented by thin other, that It Ih a good thing to have a bit of land to live on. The only dis advantage attending proprietorship of real estate Is that It ipialiflcH the owner to go on bonds In criminal uhhch. Jttit every blessing in this world Is attended with some draw backs, and UiIh which so uttaehes to land ownership is not a very seiioii one. Then there gocH with the freehold a certain dlgnly and sense of Indepvuih'iieo tmt uinry than ovnilHiniiatv for any Incon venience it ini(y ei)ifv. Ywiuajiry In foiiner times vonferryil umn (he possessor not only hk-IiiI illHlinetlo bu aso niany jHilltica prlvllegi tlen much v"vik h iiwwt countr(eH none hut frvIoldirH im'i tUowHl tg i"cvW U'V vH-ctlve frnnolile, Ul? frahligt1iu; ing Irmh the caw in some stuU-H o tli6 union. 'Vfa 1 the tyvtired tiniv t uiui, a homv (uc yuumif ud v wivjr' for your children, -r - '-t I ManV of og'r ?(lmiiTiIo'not rwi ll the lntKMUs,v f KhxI UkuI iieWHimKTs, iior how neeenMiry Itl filr the n'putatJpb' ot'Oredu'City tlmt' tlie' J,w 'Utjrtly DljUrvnrvu, A hulnfi nmu wrltenfroinif'lrwl'i),' NEW TO-DAY. FALL SEW OF six -tnl sttentloii to oiltecl to our splendid display erf ifHshtonable gaimentH from the well known inantifaotiircM Springer Bros., OK HOSTOX. i They need 1 no rorommendutlon from us, helnjj the finest line i'MT placed buiore tlio public. t-j-li traniK-nt hus u label ut collar 'mini bearing the ninniifiicturcr'H name. OUH DRESS HOODS DEPARTMENT Is unusually luiye nml varied, repre sent I ng The Latest Novelties. Agents for the new Mather pnflent LACE KID GLOVE. NEW AJVEKTISK5EETS. GO TO THE OPERA ei -FOR- Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats. THE- An excellent Mock of CARPETS, RUGS, ROLLING ANp LACE CURTAINS At prices pxtremely low. Kull utnek of STAHUUAND FANCY DRY OOOpti In ul dcptirtinvnlH. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 20 Corner Hlfitc nnd Commrrclat itiplH. wEl 6REJATEST BARGAINS -EVER OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! -BY Till Capitol Adventure Co., G. W. JOHNSON'S Opera House Corner, Salem. 8-29-dw-tf I i ' i THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT misivc miT subi Glotliiiij, Gents' Fiiriiislij Ms, R "It IhniIiI thit the ,lltxly, of & nowipitrVAnTilYlilirnc ht ftio UrV? tlirfKnilnyuiinil nlftfte-V oV ton or fItv.,T- MY "nilinVii ve1 haii bctMi tunieil tow'Hitt Urefevn 'C,ity1w otc UairfcrV " JLVrPS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES. I now oiler my entire stoek at ncttml tlrst cost, anil until I tint such u huyer I will i-ontlnue to sell at retail at greatly nnluccil jirietS,' '' ' I have tho largest anil well 'M-'U'ctwl Ktwk us you will flml in My ohJe,et In elo.mrout Ih that I nmy ilevoto my wholo attention to niy uutiiu!i in Sclo. Call early and see trie bargains I have to offer Gc. WjbHNSOlS, 235 CMjiRCIAL TREET. R. M, WA.DK & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, Also a Complete Stoek of Hardware ami Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages mtOCKKIK. Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evanorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. MISCELLANEOUS. VARIETY STORE NKW TO-DAY. M3-Tw?wifc" Ukad ltliYn Wlnklo' communi cation in ttnoinqr, nommn. sic n nn InlJtiPiitlnl iH-rnmnvut citizen of HaIciii huiI imii buxluew. The day uiul hour 1ms conic when wo um city unit ituitvli to thv fnnit or tlv h Imol tg't. Tijij unjHir hnvm;) f ingn;s, thij Kii)tt!, will rHiuvln rpubllcAD, HUGHES, BELLINGER & $.,, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. KASTBHN PKOPKKTV I7XCHAXOKD K")U ORKOON, WASH rjinrtonTrr.nrCalirornliirrwlM.tutr. For InmnuaMnn ddrrw u t ltlirr of ttir ful-lowliik- mi-s' Jlllne,- ilk Kn" 01 jr. Miv. rtlnu.Rg: w5uHard,tr,?talrm ortlrV thr riiim4Ut.slltinTlrS5Withl. Oregon tr ! A tunn whohtv a muuhon I.owliJ hiiiI (yMivrku river, lms luillt Iioumu mit uf thuNtumitof n krvv tlr trots. It l, lKHt twenty fwt In' tlluueir nint hnt Invtl iiowihI out lnlilo nnd 11 tuir imiif .ii.iv !... ttt u t V UN lulbriAtMl hy th hop ! kw h wry wnvunluut howe HixiwwwlhHt oti iimhv vlekwr irj which In not ltohk to Wow wy In wanttHl In WHWliMftt4Wi iMfritorv. Mhf tlit wlndnturm tlmt win hX)ll AltQAIXQ IN j9't kotan c vvhitnkv. ' 102 Ctt Strttt, Sj.!m. On . TL' t?ti '! 8t rU wUI hdit)Rttie Klr. Uround, nemjf ill .coumeoclpf on tkn 17th OF SEPTEMBER, -And pontlnalnj QnairfrJc -' 1 CASH PREMIUMS to tho Amount of $15,000 fuoy -rk. nit for trUltof irxHl. rrruru in ui wn, una nt, cUMhi nine nl trottlut rch day. h li nOOfHl. Ao entry it ''"" Ym ana. ur nnnm nd ller f ill hek0illdxilt,of run' In dtvUlon J. K. I. and u maxnlAcynV nrla or hori entered. ThedttTrrfM imtupruutlnn cmnnlfi MflWMtentkin I rIM Ip the prrml, uiiw KWrvU Krruiuy txhlwt or rrulnt in i ii Kruw nnu lruii. Ilwvluc Utucttl u tltf rrWiUM-t4 th Kutr1 will he rwhttli thorvUry' cluOr mHkrr twlL MWt & inrwt u mwlnKlm, tctnatni; lvdU bAtre mA eUn MwrttJktiikdy Uml iuOrtva ,hr "t'r nrt ou ,hc Mr rnund rrom fl- i day tiefbr the ftilr. IV:mh drlrlnc Ut hlbH in dlxbtunt J. K. U, 1'aad Q ar Dried Peelod Peaches, Oried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes Imported; QermaM frunes, Smyrna' Jlp' ' Raisjn Persian Dates Weljer Bjothers' Oomrarrclal Htrwt E.A.WARE, PCALKK IN Fancy and Staple Groceries, rroxblen. hlourand Feeil. W, M, SBfXEANT Kctrw ii tine Bloolc or WallPaijer, Border and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool Chests, Velocipedes, Bicjeles, DASKETS,1I Mi4if rSAMtS, Monldings and Frames Made te Order. Tltua. paper. lw t and .centers, in forptt tha.kJllKt materia), wica'-Tub rAlntHnrall kinds, llrunliot of all li,iul niendera. Aim the GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mali foVfraniMot all rltf, !r ftct,eTei7 thlpciM that can 1 Uynt6 Cprne anff Set fop Ygrat;tvi- PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws, a Specialty. Hlonon toe alloy, oppoalte itlnto'a U. ry tllaUk, Halem. Or UuretofwH, Nhltn kmi1m lmv U Jm(h1 ut the imiMTtitsUm f CIiIhk hhiI IinlUita, but mwwt will cr Ulnly Ik uih1t lw nww4ty uf iU- hUiiik. l'eojkU w!m KN ftxhh f mMUjh to I UK h hJrtr w Wl Uwlr v k XwMyAv tfnl Ihhm. PRINTING. Vegetables a&d Fruit Fresh Every Day. ;-"rf - rmmn nvn. nniii ninllj ct(Hl. 1TH markM duvrut a uh davandalurdaybri(vthlMlrirrnlble. im n I w V i n I i .Ml wtrte. chve n Monday, he,twWr AO. IIU Stf Sl.e.t W ll YmL S-dr.)m (ixhioH inaiton J, k. ui'a&dQ are I rimtd to make tnelr relrlM eu HH-I niijaeUwt uiiWm iAvki 4hw vh , Md rtkh imt tvu-nty-rtv tvnts ' Q, T)lfl1WlWjUllllitatfKHMWMKa lvc tnl,v thwiMlvwi to liUme tf ;tKT)IK IAIU.I-MT VXTHUM1- ITth, atTJOrvnu l'Hti'tM OK AnMimtON. (.wivMt UVket for tuts itlx. M (hi)kmi llrket r vrum (U Oayai 1 do IUy Urkntor ntea ;.. . t$ IMrlkketfer Mwuu aft iKtm u im tnti kii ai raw r n llinrenHsl mii1 U nil thl tttn U rv iHkiMh1 .UhixUxl ut I'nnt iruxa. t i nt -rt nvmlW oiaiii rvtvllni; i't Inra nrt lnfck Atr RtaNM ftvr ra vmn it nvr " vr ratr imh laua w mr inuw hh irM. Urwatl H -. l-rU Wank Im Th ttlnBC to xirrti hdotlMWlU 'v,'lfr v..ini wild Kr Hir wihMrrta'y wl 4iBl , u4 jUiapi .4 nd u ik wx-ntuy al HaItiii ftr a ' , M VA!T reuilum Ht XT IHHkM. strain JYir x NiKlii irr(vvi KrrvUiT REED'S OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 14TH. GEORGE l CABLE ThtotevaiedamhoraRdfitnedeU bt,wmrmtd choke repertory trow own writing. TO LEARN A TRADE. WANTED-A u , brWht lad r .hjb luan wi leara tiup ivinllnx inuir and h raaVe blaweir MhAiI tti lUe Juibjcal .Oot. H5 any tla iliu unk , Habere Juurnal - uptMk Im the he tifah 3- - literary ealertafa' fc a- BaU. " iff hw of lr. ChWa - Reervd twit, It twou. ieorraladmUlua, a0o-nt. TWkMa fur ! at 1"hii ami kut lwlw