,5 EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UJII.lSIIKIl EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' IIV TUB 1 ?' Capital Journal Publishing 'Companyi lNCOIll'OltATK.W Dire, Corner Court nd t.lbtrty Street,' TKH.MH 'OI' HU1SSCHI1TION , HAIIiY. Ono j'nnr, liy nmll-. ...... --. i w) ix moiHliN. Iy innll " rhreo montlm by irii.ll 1 I'er week tlellvon.il Iiy wrrlor l WKKKI.Y. One year Hlx month (Jiib yiwr. If ihiIiI for In ailvnnce, SIX IIIDIItll, ." ' " II W 7ft 1 o) 0 Wl'liiinKlnr nro vehe miuwrlptlon. ntitljori7t(l to ro- THK ItETAtlATION. S-Klitfrrtl mi rrcinil-oliuw innltrr nt tlio Hnloni.UrcMoli, lWoIllre. Juno 21. 1WW. KepulilicRii National Ticket. Ior President, I513N.IA.MIN JIAIUUSON, Of milium. For VIco President: 1, 13V J i'. MO WON, Of Now York'. I'OH l'ltlSIDIINTIAl. Kl.V.CIOItH. Hoburi;.MfInnir Kliuniitli Count). Win. KiiiilH,or Multnomah County. O. W. rulltm.of Clittixip Cmuity.t MONDAY. riKl'T. 10, HhH. I'HOsI'IICTn IN 1MIIANA. The ludlcallnuM tf Ilnrriwin and Morton carrying IikIIhiiii InNovcni Ikt art coiiHldcivd more favorable every ilny. I. K. Ntudebukcr, tho wull known wauon nutnufai'turcrof Kotith Mend, in that ntutu, iccoutly minion trip to New York, nnil wan Interviewed liy tlio over p rout-lit nowHpuiM-r mini. Mr. Ktudelmker Ih a t-li-ur hi-ndcd ImihIiii-hh iniin and a republican, ami in regard to bin native Htalo ho Ih rniorli-il iih miylng: "(iuuoral linn Icon will carry tho htatu by a good miijority. 1 It Ih popular, and tlio a-oplo know that llii will inako an excellent prcHldcut. Many prolillilllimlHtH will vote for him, and worklngmt-n too. Why, (leorgo William Cuills could voto for (loiicnd Ilairlhon without a hliirth. Don't you nee that all along tlio lino lu Is ntrong, ami ripivsontH tlio U-Ht IntoifHtH of tlio American pt'oploV" 'You tmvi'l u grout tloalj what do 1 1 io pooplo think ol tlio outlook gen tinilly?" "They believe Unit (leneriil Hnr iIhou will bo oloott-tl, ami I llnd that the people, it mujorlty of them nt leant, IhjHovo li progrcr, nnil lour year of iluiuiHirutlo ruin have con vinced tbom that thoy can't exjicct anything but retrogression from t liut party. Tlio republlcana nro progrcaalve In itplrlt, nnil tlio donio oruWareJtitit tlio opposite. It le tMiiiw u tpicttflou, thou, whether tlio American nation earyti to remain nt a ytaud htHI or continue to prosier nnllbivi. fur Urn ivt twenty-four yearn under u republican govern ment,. Tho nipiilillcnnij wery vltw cuouglrto gather HpmplUH,niitliUv wtllbcj wine enough to dlitribtito It, tini'onjr, tliu people to whom it be long. 1 ocltuvo tlio republican tlii&t will Ih elected." "." . ! i -XIfi TllK. lUtk'ALU OUT." The president' political procla matlon, calling for retaliation pow ura In. the rattlctnent of the fishery question with Camilla, ban Ikjcii iiii Hworetl in u way Jhe leapt oxpected. Tjlie ifouse ia8Md n 1)111 Saturday, granting him all the power heanked, and pawed it ho unanimously that lie must put it in oticrution, if the emergency occurs. The bill provides that whenever the president deems it his duty to exercise any of the powers given him by the existing non-intcrcource act he shall have the power by procla mation to suspend in whole or in part the transportation across the territory of the United Htates, in bond and without the payment of duty, of goods, wares and merchan dise Imported or exported from any foreign country from or to the llrit- isli dominions of North Ameilcii It also authorizes the president whenever lie shall be satisfied that any discrimination detrimental to the Intel ests of the United States or of Its citizens Is made in the use of any of the Canadian canals to issue a proclamation to that ell'ect, and provides that in such a ease v toll of twenty cents per ton shall beco lected on every foreign vessel and her cargo passing through either the Pault Kte. Marie canal or the St. Clair Flats canal, or that the presi dent may In his discretion prohibit the use of those canals to foreign vessels. The passage had its brief day, and is wasted powder. It is not, and lias not been treated asasiucereaml serious document, either in Kuglaiid or in Canada. The president al ready had ample authority to cover all the oases liable to occur. Congress is Justified in passing the bill thai the president's memory may be freshened, anil his backbone strengthened on this "out rage" IiuhI ness, that called for the message. At tlie Door. tapped at my door, lojtdowii, lwi;nStlc f u'natim ir they will Tn , ' '"" '- fT,ui'iike;tliuq.5ytheforeIock,"nndnnnl- "'Hurn (he. rtuMjalmnU," wnaa aterv otyjRHl phniko iiwhI by n Inrtp mujorlty-of tho deiiiocrutlc p'rwu dur ing imi twenty yeuntof republican rule In till ivmitO't nml vwry de fiilcation of whatever nuturu that ixiud Is) trmvd to a rx'publlcnn, wiut nnildUi upou tint lirty, hiiiI thin fnvurlte ipiutiitlou ukhI. Hunli ft procedure wiw unjust' t tlittt time, ami wi)Uldlo now. The wr(tur n wull n the rendqr known tlutt.dUliouenl men tin. found In nil xirtlii mid nru lluble to Heourt pout tlonnottruMt, Now when It appllttt to tboro ImllvliluKlii, tho Cai'ITai. JmuiNAi. Joins with thedemoomtio cry of "Turn tho nonlit out," and iisUh them fordetvuoy' wko to kwp up the iiuikUv lino. Hn.NJAMiN of the Itosoburg IMaiiiilt'idor must now feel better. Hcarychim: "A republican, tleiuo crat ami iirohibilionist wont tip to the temple to iray. The republican stood with his head toward Heaven and prayed: '() Lord, wo thank Thco that wo are not like other men. Wo thank Tlieo llrst of all for tho pure, incorruptible, holy republican party. We thank Thee that all democrats mo liars ami nil prnhlhiiionlslH are fools, and that we alono are good. have no special favors to ask, knowing that to be consistent Thou must of necessity be with us.' Tlio democrat prayed thus: 'O Lord Thou knowest wo do not often liothorThoo with our prayers. Yet there Is a few things i herein Thou canst Ui of grout use to us. Mess Cleveland, () Lord but curse his civil service. lllcss tho prohibi tionist in (lie north, but tliimu him in the south. Wees Minnesota and the little Norwegian, Kntite "Nelson, but curse Pennsylvania ami that traitor Bum Hatulall. .lllcss ltro. Hrown, in Wullii Wulla; but con found that Little (limit Mill, who is deep ami designing. The rest, O Lord you can wifely trust to our curv.' Tim prohibitionist fell on hie kucctt, us uhuiiI, uml pruyrd; 'O Lord, thou knovont wo lutvo done little else but pno'i 1 ii(iny yvnnv Now, we rv going to light hiiiI do thpu, O Lord, ,1; pleased lohtnndby uml kh fair piny, while wo nbow toe . l'bsj-liH-ni Mini BndduiH!t) that thoro 1m a God In Jvrmd.' " A hand down I opened It and saw two fye of brown, Twollps or cherry rdlvl , , A little curly hend, , t , A bonny, fairy sprite, In dres of white, Who Knld, with lifted face, "1'apa, gpod nleht." . ' ' . HhecllinlH-d upon my knee, and kneeling there, 1.1m m1 M)fUy, mleinnly, her little pniyer, Her meeting lltiKer tips, Her pure, sweet Imby ll;, Curried my mu1 with hem, half unaware, luto (some clem-crand dlvlnUrnlr. I tried to lift again, but all In nn, Ofsclentllle tUotiKl't the subtle chain; .So fiiiiall, m Hinall, My learning all; Though I could cull wkjIi ytar and tell its place, .My child's -'Our l-'athcr," bridged tlio gulf of spate. 1 nat with folded hands at rct, TurnliiK this fcoleinn thought within my bieast; How faith Mould fade If nod had made No children In this world no bttby iibc Only the prudent man or thojiiglitful Mige. Only tlie woman mIbc, no Utile arms Toclasji around our neck; no baby cliarms, No loving ea re, No hlnless i)raer. No thrill of lisping song, no pattcilng feet, No Infant htart against our heart to bent. Then if a liny hand, low down, Tup at the heart of door, ah! doiwt frown, Iiend low to meet The little feet, Tocla.splho clinging hum!; tho child will bo Nearer heal en than thee nearer than thee. Utile K. Harr. In Iowa the opposing state tickets arc in tlio Hold, the lines arc formed, and the Issues are joined for tlie contest in November. The result U not In the least doubtful. The Harrison and Morton majority will bo not less than L'0,000, and the state ticket will bo hamlsonielv elected, despite tlio new elements of opposition confronting It. The republican party of Iowa, having given heed to the unmistakable voice of public sentiment relating to tlie Hiiuor tratllc and the control of cor porations, will be able to tleftut the triple alliance composed of the dem ocratic party, the whisky power, and the railroads. ;', Men's ml Womci't Bnr, Joint' and mnscles may escape the ngonlz- lng.tortur of rheumatism if they will hllatethe srmctoms of oncomlnc trouble with the nenlgnantand highly sanctioned Uhteddepnreutand alterative, Hostettcr'a titomooh lliUere. Folons mostly consti tute the ordinary means of battling with this atrocious complaint. Avoid the risk of using these by resorting to the safe on well as efTectuaf antiphlogistic and pre ventive. . After exposure to damp, through drafU and other causes which encourage a rheumntlcTcndency, n wlneglassful of the llltters prevents III effects. No surer pre ventive nf malarial ailments like fever and ml'uo. bilious remittent, dumb ncue and ague cuke exists, and It Is, besides, a most genial recuperator of strength exhausted J by excesle mental or physical cnoft. I Jllners, mariners, operatives and others whrs-e iitnontlon Involve laborious work in rough weather out of doors, or close ap l plication Indoors, rind it Invaluable. SK1V TO-DAY. Notice. pins will ni: Ij September 20 h HKOEIVKI) UP TO I") September 20 h for the c injunction of a pile bridge Hero's JIIII ctcek at tho north end of Commercial street according to tho comity Judgi plans and specifications on file with the NETT ADVEnTISEMEXTS. GO TO THE OPERA I I R JJ1 -FOR- Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, The right Is reserved to reject any and all bld. Good bonds 111 be required. 0-IO-td T. U. SHAW, County Judge. REED'S OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 14TH. GEORGE l CABLE This talented author and famed elocution ist, will read a choice repertory from his own writings. Don t Kiprrliurnt. You cannot nlibrd to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always seems, nt, nrst, only u coin. Do not iiermlt any dealer to impose upon you with somo cheap imitation of Dr. King's Now DNeoverv for Con sumption, Couulis, and Colds, but bo sure you get the genuine, llecnuso ho etui make mote mollt ho iimv tell you he has bomething just us good, or Just the same. Don't bo de ceived, but Insist Upon getting Dr. King's Now Discovery, which Is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest allectlons. Trial iMittles free at II. W. Cox'h drugstore. Large bottles f I. a- Knstern Journals ma- speak in tho highest )- terms of Jlr. Cable's ifr literary entertain- Hf inents. in -tin Till - Itrscrvrd scats, 73 cents, tiencml udinbblon.iiO cents. Tickets for salo nt 1'atton's and Starr's b(Nik htoies lWJ-lw Oregon State Fair! othingand Hats. -THE- GREATEST BARGAINS -EVER OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! 11Y THE Capitol Adventure Co., Tlie '.JHtti Auiiiial State Fair will be held on the Fair Grounds, mar Salem, commenting on tho 17th OF-SEPTEMBER, And continuing ono week. An Itltlll 1JUICNWK IN VKNNHYI.VANIA. Tho ovw high llcviiwlaw of lVun- sylvnnlti him ut lust go no Into ojhtu tlou nil over tlio slnte. Tills law UxoH tbn retail liquor license In cltltt nt fVX, In towns nt f300, In Isiroughs at flSO, nud In country towmihlui ut fTo. It given the county Jutlgw the ubsotute jowcr of grunting uml revoking UitMiso, and ripilnM tbom to entertain suoh ixinsldorutlons hh tho need of the community front which An appli cant vonun, nud thorvlatlvo number or nin iK'tuiouurs nun too rvinon stratlons ngulnst him, as well its his gxinorul niontl charm-tor nnil en pool ty for prvtrvlng onler. Tho iMiuploto returtm show tlmt the numUir of IUxuimhI bousisln the state U ikUkhI from ILoM to 7,744. Tlum wmv 11,4111 applloutloiw, tw- ii.ii. ..r.. 1.1..1. .....k. ..K.......i nn... tlHtrlecsJimrnnl. ..,.....'.' H.n,r,.. .... Yim, U dkl ihK wwt toU.dmftiHl, ; wvhiui mmi uu iivxmimw grauuHi Mild then hltvnmilhiH-uutu to MHudjU l,SJC!,tH, h ngulnt tm,lW up nnd Mux nt by wmUiurn iImu- uudvr Hm old Uw; or vlrtunlly uitttUi. nod then M UW Mibntltutol . . ... .... ,iw im ihwimmiw. iu Mirt.H.k irw, , . v "" rH",wi tin. yliirt.Htti tM.k hlittf.-(nkHi ' ft,,M m,f ,l ftirinir ituwiWr of llltrOtvMii. ' rwUill hoMs ltxeJiMiig. JttktMi! And (Ih pojU of t W ' rvMtWle will now pnrt Inlly ivwhmI Hun. J. H. MiTviim.u l'. S. IiIm. bv rlitttnkr him their iliUf tiuiUir fWnu llrvmoi will uwiit rxtHHitU. rntrttim UtilnbMMl thnnKv fr vnlunblo public iKxHi-1 m tlio land iiu-nU rvtvivvl ' (Iknhiiai. ltoidrtinln Hnrrlstm, 4,'tiHiHHtimHi tiorvotior in the lutir. Arkarlnltorsl ktrrrt Art In. un Incidental tiroof of how eiislly fruit trees grow in this jmrt of tho worbl, without care or cultl vltlon, It may bo Muted that Just outsldo tho Salem Wells-Kargo express oftlco, right on the street, are to bo seen three small, chatico trees, 4 tig, n cherry nnil a peach. They art not largo but seem to grow uuil tlrrlvo despite their neirloct. belug on "stony ground," and Iwlng carelessly brushed against by pas wrs by and teams. In after years, when they bear, how Is Agent Houdrle going to protect tho fruit tutll It matures nud he can gather It? Muk wire rtrUratirt. Satunlay nftvrnoon ut 3 o'clock a good (died audience gutheretl on tho vnwnt lot west of the post offlcw to wltners CUvettV sluek wira perform nnw. II also perfonuexl JuggUyg; icninuuii, wiiu.tuu nstHtuui or hia partner Mr. Gilbert, who sings coni lo songs, kept his uudleiuv amused nnd entcrtaltiM. The slack wire feats, which were erformed on a wlrv54 feet In length,' WurvexivllenL He alsq exhlbltisl In the evulng,tq nn apprvMhUIvo audience. rrrtr t r. Atv shipping otlt fruit by the ear livid, but their own storo is always attractive with the Ust nirletlen. In fruit, vegetables, grocer I os nud jirovldlons tluy nro always In the lead. CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Wilt bo awarded for Agricultural, Mechan ical and Stock exhibits, works of art and fancy work, and foi trlalsof speed. Tho premiums ottered have been In Creased In many cases, and new classes uiivo uet'ii aiiiioii. eniry ico cnaigeu 111 ill visions J, K, Ij and Q. A nuignltlivnt Held of horses ontered, and there w 111 bo splendid contests of run ulng and trotting ejieli ilay. Tlicdlfleinit tntnsM)rtiitlnn comimnles will make libenil reductions In fares and freights. Special attention Is called to tho premi ums ottered fur county exhibits of grains, grasses and Hulls. Entries will Ik received In tlie secretary's otrlce In Salem, beginning six da.s before the fair, slid on tho fair grounds from Fri day before the fair. I'e.sons desiring to exhibit In divisions J, K. O, Pand Q are reqliifted to make their entries on Frl du and Satunlay beforethofalrlf possible. All entries cliwe on Monday, September I7th,at,7:;l0p, m. PJtICKS OF ADMISSION: Coupon ticket for men (six days) J2 .V) Coupon ticket for it omen (six days) 1 03 Day ticket for men ft) Day ticket for women 25 Tickets to tlio grand stand at race track for males over 12 years JS Ijidlcs to the grand stand tree. Those 1clrmg to purchase booths will apply to the secreta'y. SrSend to tho secretary nt Salem for a premium list. J.T. OKE10, Secretary. lggBBJ'SWUSSJMBJl" L JJHWJgVTT 'J Opera House Corner, Salem. S-SJ-dw-tf W5wmnrvfng7gm nn ihiwii mum iiiwmju j THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT rpiiE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An .EMmWIon of thf Tirl IT Q initios with El- ptcltl Rijitd to tho Inttreiti , of, lber. BV HENRY GEOKGE. CLOTH, VM. r.U'KIl, PKNTS. ThU Is the c'.wiret, fitlrrst, most Intentit Ing sud nsfct romplrlr rxamlnntlon of thx tariff t'puwlliui yn made, and will prove Invaluable to all who uUh to understand the lulriwt. The most thorough Invectlgutlon of the subject that hnsyet been put In type JJtw York News. TtiA pittrne f this book marks new rlHsjii In tlie world-wide Mruggle fbr Henry (ieorre has a power of llA frt trade. iiultlnit economic trot htuituflh a rlcnrnnd limpid languiCKe tbat.any child can under stand him, while the mot learned man can enjoy the accuracy of his statements sod the uvKUveueM of hU thoughts, Thonins (1. shiwrman In New York Star. A UKik which eery worklugman In the latidrau read ulth lutertt and ought to read, New ork Herald. hiwver wauts t ee the ttronrest ar liuinl not on I ailiut all tartr Christian ITntoiu guiuint not only apilnH proteuibu, but MOiltut all tariffs will rind It here. unman uuioiu The singular surc of Mr. Ueorgels tlial Monuons nro tlooklug into Vyom luglngrtnit nutnlfrs, and It U said tlmt two years Uw thn- will con trol tlio kwnl oK-tloiis in the ve- tUTII HHitltHt. YoMHgWtlk wlw mM to have HtMll MMttk. ar klHdJj aulvkwl to rviHt tldti at frxUtHt iHttrx-nto d ring th ily: "Kaimy Fliwli frUnl Hvf lloundervHl fipj f, Franc Fowler' fathtr. Phlla. Revurtl. lie tut made lsdltleul ecunomvlnuirestlnr. UnlUirUn llevlew. Hhmj Gterjo'l Otktr Worki. rnvrpMand lrty, eUth, f; per. 36 own u. txtl lVsbJeMis.eoth.Jl; paper, cents. The land iurtUm, paper, lScnnta. Fnin-iy lu Iiud. rlw. ttwnls. AddrvM T1IK CT.M)Ann. m, w yiwi It I'HkiaSquara,: iwk. R. jM. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Raiiga AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Stock of llanlwaie and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages G. W. JOHNSON'S -OF- A ni l nir Gents Furnishing boils 0' HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS',. VALtSES. I now otHsr my entlro stock at actiiai flret cost, and until I llnd eufh a buyer I will coutinuu to nell at retail at.greatly reduced prices. I ha-o tho largest add a9 well eeiected stock as you will fludlu Salem. My object in closing out is that I may devote my whole attention to my buslnewj lu Sclo. Call " early arxcl see: th.e bargains I riave to offer you. G. W. JOHNSON, 235 COMMBItClAL STREET. Jefferson FEED AM) LIVERY STABLE! V. M. 1UI.YKU, Vn JaryKmw . . Okmoun. Ktr4 rku. ach n4 danW Umm ftar nMMst at rauoaU talva. Tntatleal lck uvtjll pri-.iMair spM-uiu-n- PRINTING. m. ut n llir Mali- l.iir rair I ban iNK UK TIIK I nn ui IVHlanl. Ijuwrrt n.a Ial Htanki In thr Nlr. a dbltmi tliHXH.ni. muI a lltv IUI .-f ki iTTnllni: sn.l mUbieur ol I KBi 1'wai.k, FOIt HARGAINS IN FURNITURE IO TO KOTAX fc WHITN8V, lZ CMTt S4fMt SltMa, 0tf. n amt .aUI.ru- .. I Hartnc boiwht out the rrnialod-' " '" Mnalrmtrr ni.i,, tbGb. m-11 bairaluwrltduaaa; MR m'T00