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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1888)
r FLOWERS Df F0IK I0RE. EDUCATIONAL. MISCELLANEOUS. BOOTS AM) SIIOHS. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL 1 ft. SATURDAY, SEPT. 8, 1858. Overland to California -VIA- Souihfirn Pacific Company's Lines. TIfK MOUNT SHASTA 110IITR. Time llftwffn Hilfm an4 Sn FranrUco-Thirty-nix Hour. CA 1.1 KO KM A KX PK WW THAIS Jl All. T. Toiiih. i r' 40 p. III. I f.v. l'ortlnrul Ar! "I l.v. Salem l.v. Ar. Hun Fnitl. l.v. I0:10h. in. n:o n. in. 11:110 p. III. iww p. in. 7:40n.lil. Ot'AI. PAMUKNOKIt TKAIN (1IAII.Y KX- CHIT KUNbAY). l.v. Portland Ar J 3-1'. j. in. l.v. Salem l.v. flJftW p. III. Ar. Hinci'liP t-v-1 M" '". 8:00 ii. in. M R. in. 1:10 p. in. PULLMAN BL'FPKT SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, I'or accommodation of hciiiihI class pass hongorM attached loexiiruas trains. ThVo. A C. Ilnllnwil ferry make con noetlon wllli nil tlio regular trains on the Knsl Hide Division fnun fnotol I street, I'urtlHiiil. Division, Ilctwecn Portland ami Cervallis: 1IAH.V (KXCKIT HI'NIIAV). 7awa."nri I,v. Piirlliiiid Ar. I n-I.'i p. in. ' I'-'i1, Mr. CorvHlIlM l.v. !:) y. in. iilCi n N v i m7k h x i Mii fiiXi's'(i.ii. v wxiiBi-r nu hat;. .'.& 1 "? TiOTlLMir l.v. Portland Ar. u.uiii. in. fr ' hrtKI ii. in. Ar.Mo.Mllinvlllnl.v. I fi.-rni.iii. "L "'. At Albany iiihI Oirviilll connect Willi It t ','jrnlns of Oregon l'nolllo llallroad. i Al'or full Innirimitloii regarding rates, ;! tWU'lil, OiHunn. , K. I '. "MILKS. U? H. KOI!lllii:U,Ap.Ht. (I. F.niidl'asM.Agt. - Manager. f' Oregon Railway anil sv r : Navigation ;COMPANYJ 'Columbia River Route.' Trains for tho mini Iwivo Portland nt 10. 1 1 n'.in iiml a l in dally. '1!yKT''' " "l1'1 ft"'" irliidlHil iM.liilM In tlio United HlntiM, tan iidiiiiml ELEGANT I'ULMANN 1'ALACE CADS Kmlgmut Sleeping Cars inn tliroughl'on oxpieas trains to OMAHA COUNCIL lll.tJITS 1111(1 ST. PAl'l Free- t Clmr-fie, iiml Without tiliuiiKn. Connections ntl'nrllaml foiHun 1'rnn cl.tCO lllld l'UKtit Htllllllt I'OllltM. I'or nu tliur mii tli'iiluiM Inquire "f I. A. Manning, agent or nu. iH.inpiiii), an t;niinitrulal street, Salem, Oiegon. or A. U Maxwell, 11. I'. A T. A., Perthimt, Oiognu. A. L. MAXWELL, . '. AT. A. II. H0LC0MU, lienl.lMnnsger. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon lociiiiiioiil company's HtlVllllllllll 1 1 in'. IMS mile shorter. -M hoiu 1m time llinn Ii) mo oilier route. I trot cIiim through mi'IH,'it mid freight lino niilil Portland mid all miIiiIs In tlio YVII liimi'tto alloy u mill flom Ha" Kroni'luwi. tTIME SCHEDULE. lUxw-pt Hiuutuyii): lrtVoAUwiiy Ji,,lM!JJ l.tYi Oirlll llW I M Arrhii Yuuuliift ft-H 'M Ikmivo Ywiulim .0:1. AM Imivb IX.rvulIti IO!U AM Arrl Albany lt:10AM I). A (X tmlu coniiMil ut Albany nnd OorvallU. Thottlxive train connect nl YAQUINA wltli ths Oroton Dovvloiimont Cair l.lnu jfHtnmhlitwtwwn aip.ilim and Han Knuiclwxi. 8AIUMU UATKH. HTMAMKIUI, rilOM HAN rilANCWCW WlllMiietU Vulley Hoplonibor 1 WllUmrttu Valley. HoiiIoiiiIht IS Wlllmnotte Vlly .. - - ..rVjitombor as VTMAMKIUI. rHOM YAOUINA. WtlUmvtto Vlly rKplomUr 7 WiiUintt VhIIkjt . 1 Tlit iHMiimny twrrvM tlio riuht t Uftiigo mlllng itatra wllliout notice. N, 1U lVrncm mini IHirtUud mul nil WlllMiirttu Valloy hiiv1 ixut nmku cliua roonottiin with Ilia truliu of Hi YAUUINA IHUITK M Allwiny orLVrvullU. ad If flrtlno4 to Huu rruucUni, uliould rnuitonrriat Yi)Ulnik the evrnlnc brprt dt of Mtllnc. emtuttt i4 KrrlfVt KitM Alwr Ut UNt, Tfnr liiAiniiMinu apply t Moar llUUMAN A Ow. Kreliilit mul Tlekot Asoula 'JLU and IXU r runt nt., IVrtlaud, Ur. K UC, 1UHIUK, Ao'l tlon'l Krt, A IV". AkU, DroKun fuciric IL 1U Ca.. lVrlll,Or. a II. ItAHWT.I.UJr.OiMil Krtj A Wu. Agt. Ortxon Itavrlopinrnt IVv.WI MiHitiromory nt.; ruu KranolMxi, 1V1 MAUKKTM. The SALEM MARKET W OUntT HTHKKT. (Mutually on Imnd the Immi nilltMf lWi mul Salt Meals ! Au4lt klHtUt S A U S A. G E . ATTUf CUfANWrr kM wkiit tu dty. OkUmMiMr)wiKK. UcCHOW A WIUVHU CITY MEAT MARKET REGARDED A3 BENEFICENT IN POP ULAR LEGEND AND 8T0RY. World AVIda Admiration of th Bow An emone, Amaranth nd Ajphodel 11 ut tflrcnp and Dalilc Tlio rorget-Me-Not. Tradition of the Uly Mod fit Violet. Tho Svrtana rogard6d tho roso aa an emblem of Immortality Chlneso plant It over graTM, and In tho Tyrol it la aaid to produce sleep Germans call tlio roso of Jericho tho Christmas roso, and It la sup posed to divine tho events of tho year. If steeped in water, on Christmas evo. It Is said In Persia that there Is a certain charmed day In uhlch tho roso has a heart of gold Another tradition relates that thcro Is a silver tahlo on a certain Mount Calassy. In India, and on this table lies a silver rose that contains two beauti ful womon who pralso Ood without ceas ing In the center of tho rote Is tho trlancle tho rosidence of God. It 1.1 said that If a whlto roso blooms In autumn an early doa'.h Is prognosticated, whlloan autumn blooming rod roso signi fies marrlago The red roso. It Is also said, will not bloom over a grave. Roso leaves aro Bomotlmes thrown on tho flro for good luck, and a roso bush may be mado to bloom In autumn by pruning It on St John's day Hero, as well as In Franco mid Italy, It Is hollorcd that rosy rhei'ks will como to tho lass who burioa i drop of her blood under a roso bush. In I'oson, young women nssuro tho fidel ity of their lovers by carrying a rosobud In tho breast. Home leaves aro chosen for divination In Thurlngln. tho in aid on hav ing several lovers scattering n loaf named after each ono on tho wator; tho loaf that Bluks limt Is tho tnio lovor. ANKJlONi:, AMARANTH, ASPnODEIi. Tho nnemono wns regardod as tho sym bol of slclcnoss In nnrlent Egypt. It was fabled to havo sprung from tho tears wept by VomiB ovor Adonis. Tho amaranth would, nays Pliny, recover Its color If sprinkled with water It was n symbol of Immortality, tho word meaning "over lasting " Tho asphodel was its opposite iiiuaulng "regret." Tho spirits of tho dead woro thought to subsist on this llowor. Tho bachelor's button Is bo named hecauso youths carried ono In tho pocket to dlvlno their success In lovo If tho, flowor diod. It was an HI omen. Tho' llowor basil Is a tost of purity If It Is put uuuur the plulu of an Impure maiden In Volgtland, biio will not touch It. Our familiar buttercup was so named from an Idea thut Its consumption In creased tho butter producing quality of the cow'b milk. Cowa uovcr cat thonv but they grow only In dry, rich pastures. Tho coluiiililiio was anciently called a "thankless llowor," and wns tho omhlem of forsaken lovers. Tlio meek llttlo daisy, opening Its cyo with tho light of tho planot vouus, lias nlwuys beon n favorite with tho pooti Its btar form caused It to bo an object of superstition, and Ger man maidens prognosticated their fortunes with It. Tho forget-mo not Is ono of tho flowers that in German loro guard treasures en tombed In caverns Tho Swiss regard with superstitious foollug tho llttlo edel weiss (our cat's foot or overhistlug). Its Swiss name signifies nohlo purity. LIMUND AND TJIADITION. Tlio common marigold Is named In French Soucls (enro). Iu llroton legend, If touched by tho boro foot of a puro hourtod person on n certain morning, it gives power to understand tho language of birds. Tlio crocus signifies unro qultod lovo. Tho poppy is a well known symbol of death. Tho snowdrop Is bacred to tho Virgin Mary. Tho primrose is an Important llowor In folk (ore. Tho Ger mans uatno it "Schlussel blume," or key flowor. It is fabled to open tho way to treasures. Tho Illy la traditionally tho emblem of Diana and IJllth, Adam's second wife. To tho pooplo of India and Egypt It typk fled fcrtlllllty, to tho prophota it had a mysterious signification. It Is potent against wlthcraft In Germany, If gath ered with prayer. Spanish superstition, credits it with tho power of restoring to the humau ahapo any ono who has been transformed to an animal. It is a remedy for tououious bites In England, and it was formerly thought that the number of flowers on tho Cnoat stem indicated tho prion of Kralu for the season. Tho thistle, gathered in silence, was formerly a valued charm. It was sacred to Thor, and was one of the many plants that protected dwelling! from llghtnina;. In England, the milk thistle Is "Our Uuly thistle, and the plant U wall known aa the national emblem of Scot land. iAatlr, there la the modest violet, type of humility MohSmmedans are fond, of it. aa their founder revered it as a typo of his religion. It was the badge of me dlaivaJ mlnstraU, and a golden Violet was the prle tu the poetical contests at Tou. louaa. V, a. IUasett In Globe-Democrat. The Ilull and the lUud. The village of StrlneevUte has a new bras band It played Its flrat piece the other day, considerately going aome dis tance out of the village to do It, That delicate consideration probably saved the life of a HtrlneavUle amall boy, but It killed (Tanner Stauffer'a valuable young Jersey bull At the time the band wut out to play the bull was folding In Ita pasture, which was near the spot chosen by tho baud. While the band was getting its collective Up ready to couiel a tune from Us horus. the small boy referred to was taking a short cut through the pasture to reach the baud Tlio bull took uote of the small boy's pnuence, and proceeded at ouce to hastwn his trip acroaa the lot. The band had not eeen the proceaslon moving through the meadow, although the bull was moulding hti dlsploasuro lustily aa he ran. and the amall boy was lifting up his volco In audible and pene trating tonwt The bull was wlthtu three jump of the bov when the baud had got roady to ilay The luud playtxl. At the Aret buret the bull ijrsHl abort, threw up hi head ami sulfW the air. The In. tlrumenta I4arv4 again Ttto bttll tareed and ruaheil wtldly towarU tho ateoe walk The band throw ita r-ul uneo moro into It liorna, and the bull aprani; over the wall IU raw ilowu ou hU hd on tho other aid aod bmko UU ueek. Harris Wurg (l'a.) Cor. Kew Vork Sb. D. C. Howard, Prwirietttf. vr rvwwuiw)d forimui- . ...... . i otUm uulU t pan.. I her fortieUi UrtkOaf. HTATH HTHICkT. HAIJJ4. uhUmIN OMiJjUI SH L. - Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning StilTJHUIEIl 10. 10W2W Piano and Voice. Mlsi Laura G0LTRA and Mist Margaret MACRUM 'Will orH-n a School In Piano, Organ, Vocal Culture, Harmony and Theory On Mondnv, Kept. .Id. Rooms directly over I-'lrst National llimlc. Can bo seen at the rooms on and after Saturday, Sept. 1, from 0 o'clock n. in. 8-aO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! iVillimicltc University. Most KiieeetiKfiil school of music on the northwoMt const. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Courses In 1-Muno, Orgun, SlnfjlnK, "Violin, Hurmony, nnd Counter point. IHplonuis on completion ot course. Teachers: Z. M, l'arvln, Frnuklo 1. Joiioh, KmiCox. Araistiint.iiiiluM.Hmlth. rirsl term boKlus Moinliiy, Hepteniuer Kd, HSS. Send for catnlogue. For lurthcr particulars addresH X. M. PARVIN. Musical Director, Hnlom, Or. B-17.dtf.wlt WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Ilusiness, Law, -AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is tho oldest, lament mid leant expen sive Institution of learning In the North west. School oiH'iis !lnt Monday Iu September. Send for catalogue to T1IOS. VAN SCOY, l'roslilont. 17: Salem, Oregon. ST. " PAIO" SCHOOL Boys and. Girls. The school will onon on the IHth of September. Tlinrough Instrup- llon in mo primary anil aavunced English Branches. LITIS AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course.- TKIIMS and further Information may bo BHU UU BPOUCUllon 1.1 HKV. F. II. rtWT, Cor. Chemcketa and State Sts. 8-30-tf FOR SALE. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES Well wutmxt and plenty ot timber. Two nou and two Uurmi. (hxM (HxhanC MmiIow aud 130 aenw l4ow land. Ftfty limit of cattle with the place If wanted, and luuxx noiuh t run IU Within 0 e mll vXdriotontltaAC.ll.ll. A Utn,-Ju Ibr omrtxxly. Enoulre at Office nf Caoltal Journal. For Sale. A pod lrH ftHwe Home lVwer. Good tar all Umw. fhUH utie Ut full miwalLr. All for lb kiw liriee ot JW. Cll nt the lV jn.. fiiiM-. lMOp4H) ' oMk. VlBvcar A Pnll lnwrvlux Mtnewi, urutfuu. TVe Null. .f ThU. 4WAU klU of rok mm4 roit aaeau ; always on hand. rwl weight and hjii t Ueal all aiwuud. ttUaaUrtk paMtart IImW ArU literary ' veuMire a ory wriWM Ua ah waj ' U)ortoM. I K JJoo k WIIJ. hWJ.60 Hr . lkMl llMUMkttftl AmmLam bH.I wliLIu mUea ut tJnTeiu. Utt road to' town th ORCHARD i ejeWtti'ci iiiidjT'flfi f. alHinptlii. aud will be aeiduulr JmS lime at Ufm Wwrv am, Bj; we wit ltw yH Um pruiwrv SubrriU- fur tl CAI'lTAL JiH-K-N.VI- THE OREGON FRUIT DRYER -I JjH ILJ 'TBLlLiiHfc '!!jL!8fT,L!Maar-i I .illevolvlns racklframe) Is Simple of Construction, AXD EASY OK OPERATION. Au anted flr-t premium nt the Oregon State Fair 1883--8l-8,V8fl.'87 and nt tho Cali fornia Htnte Fair, 1857, nnd Han Joaquin County Fair, 1887. Manufactured In slxlSlzeg. Tor circular aud price list address II. S. JORY & SON, I'. O. Box 280. Salem, Oregon S" Dryer Furnaces furnished live sizes Tho BUYEBS" GUIDE is issued Mvreh and Sopt., ottch yoar. It Is an ency nlnnndin of useful infor mation for all who pur- choso tno luxuries or mo unnnRRltinn of lifo. Wb can clotho you and furnish you with all the noce3sary and unnecessary appliances to rido, walk, danco, sloep, oat, llsh, hunt, work, go to church, or stny at home, and In various Bizos, stylos and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can mako afait estimate of tho value of tho BUYERS' OUIDE, which will bo sont upon receipt of 10 cents w pny postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. GENERAL BIACKSM1T1I1KG -Asn- HORSESHOEING ! 1 All tho Improved methods or shoeing shaping hhoes, to cure diseases of tho foot and for tho correction of faulty action, cou l tlon and Interfering, used. I guarantee hiitlKtactlon In all cases, liefer to any well known horseman In Oregon. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseshoer, S06 Commercial stieet, Salem, Or. A. E. STRANG, No. S03 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. IN- STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Sleam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. a3-Agent for tho KICIIAKDSOX A HOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished lu 1819 t irn 1,11 Dr. H. SMITH Now In possession ot a new discovery in medicine, which Is purely u local aniostnet le, anil acta utmost Instantaneously on tho surrounding tissues of the teeth. It lain no way Injurious or uupleasaut to the taste. The manufacturers of It claim that Its eiual has never been known before, and by applying It to the sensitive or sore teeth, they can bo cleaned and filled without pain. So all thoo that want all kinds of dental work done without paln, would better cull on Dr. II. Smith. Teeth extracted for SO cents. Oregon State Fair! The SHth Annual State Fair will be held on the Fair Grounds, near Salem, commencing on tho 17th OF SEPTEMBER, And continuing one week. CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will be awarded for Agricultural, Mechan ical and Stock exhibits, works of art and fanny work, and for trials of speed. The premiums offered have been In- crvtueo in many cum, una ntw omuuh have been added. No eutry fee charged In divisions J, K, 1. and Q. A magnttlceut Held of horses entered, and there will be plndld contest of run Ulng nnd trotting each day. Thedimrnt transportation companies will make liberal reduction in &n and freight. Ss.4al attention is railed to the preml UHUomredltr county exhibits of grains, gnuMst and trult. Kulrte will be reoMved in the secretary's efflw In SaWnt. iHsgtnnlng six days lHfom the fair, aud on the 6tlr grounds from Fri day befiHV the fulr. IVrsons desiring to oxblhU In dlUkm J, K. O, I' aud 5 are iwHK td to make Uwtr eutriva on Fri-itai- and hvtlurday Ixolbce lite RUr If Kkwlb). All enlrtM ehoe m Monday, September iftli, at TA) v m. 1'llUIM OF AUMiSSION: Coupon ticket fur men i4x dy...K so CMtm MekM tor woman utx days) l (0 ftgr Uctrt tor men . fa IVr tlekrH ftw womea . a( ttoketa ut Um cnuU mmshI at rw track Ibr male over It ywan. Ladle to site graad land tree. TtoK AnalnBC to lmr-hi kootawtll ap4y oh Mwntary ai-rtid kj tbr Mctetanr at Katen far a prilm IM. . T. ORROO. atenury. WM. BROWN &l CO. DHlrVLEIt IN- B O O T S O Cf ' H O ifek O m --S. S fl J I"t-Wi I Vl fa H a&T n II I I "II S HOIK S Leather and !W:;'..3fc CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelfs and Furs. No. 231 Commeiclnl Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. V S I faaVjaWf I WWTnBgrrMirirgMKinnnrrvrrnnaiBirBvrrinrTTrrrvirrrrk What is Cnstorla Is Dr. Saml PitcScr's old, hnrmloss nnd qniok enro for Infants' nnd Children's Complaints. Snpcrior to Cgstor Oil, Pnrecorio or Narootio Sjrops. Childron cry for Castoria. Mil- lions of Mothers ploss Cnstorla. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation ; Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation ; Aires healthy sloep ; also aids digestion ; Without norcotlo stupefaction. " I recommend Castoria for children's complaints, as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D., HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Tna CanTAtm Company, 77 Murray St, KewYortJ Weekly Caoital Journa The Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY. Read Our ReduGed Terms! WEEKLY, one year, $1.50. WEEKLY, six mouths, 0.75J Now Read Oor Discount for Cash! WEEKLY, one year, fl.00. WEEKLY, six months, f0.50. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL m IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAIvE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONE-THIRD OFF FOR GASH. Our Old Subscribers Now in arrears are urped to take ndvnutage of our big discount, by UtiiK old accounts aud joining tho grand throng of one ddllor eubsoril set- ibors. TO ONE AND ALL We say. wud ua yeur named. If you want to tak atlutage of or "oii thlrvl off for cash," and are not where you oau got iwetal notes or other convenient method of remitting, sand ua your name and state that you will remit at first opportunity. ThU will ensure your being placed on the dollar lfct. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER, Rut a betid, penuaueut reduction. We have eome to stay. A eirfrliHi -J" '-'-1l-,il - 'II ilTiltfMisffaaaiTilir ii .