Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 07, 1888, Image 1

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    VT" 7T "
VOL. 1.
NO. 167.
T!ic Cajital National Bank
Capital Paid up, - - 75,000
Surplus, ------ 10,000
U. b. WALLACE, riesident.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. II. ALUEIIT, .... Cnshler.
V. T. Gray, W. AV. Martin,
J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace,
Dr. . A-Cusick, J. II. Albert,
T. iloF. l'ntton.
To fanners on wheat and other market
nble produce, consigned or In store.
enner in private gmnanesor
jiubllc warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Far.
in-counted nt reasonable rates. limns
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
dr. ,
X. IjADUG, -
- President.
Vice Piesldcnt.
- - - Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, San Francisco,
New York, London and Hong Kong
bought and sold. State, County nnd City
warrants bought. Fniinersoro cordially
ln Ited to deposit und transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
Avhent, wool, hops nnd other propcrtynt
reasonable rates. Insurance on such se
curity can be obtained at tho bank In
mostVellablo companies.
Importers and Dealers In;
Ueneral Agents for Oregon of
W. B. Forsythc's Infallible, Corn .Cure.
! ;
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. K. Good's old stand.) '
SALEM, : : : : : OREGON.
ij uouvery. wm.Konnieiiavingixnigni
the express business of Walter Lowe. Is
prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack-
lies, ana any thing cue mat no am cot in
his wagon to any part of tho city, quicker,
Mfer, better, nnd neater, than It can be
onne b) any body else. Leave orders at
Minto's stable.
Com pan y.
Fire and Ma
rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon.
U circulated la Marlon; Linn and Clnck-d
anuwcotinties; hn been established eight 1
al icrunr. jnaepenapuu iucaitiii.
jwmanauan excellent advertising me
dium. For terms address the publisher
O. Guild, Silverton, Or.
UrgestSt"k fa (heStatc,Best Dfeeant
5oJ for ealakraat Call fer prleee for Job
roaUftg-leweeUa Oregon.
E. M. WAITE, Sitwn, Or.
Teacher of Music
v4 Jaler-ta aU Mad of Musical Itn
Jurat. Otllee, aw riSaiaareta street (la
iraaieau al4 oa UteJlrtitalmeBt ptau,
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank.
Scriber -:- and -:- Poi-ilk.
tvTS-R ra n ch it i sr fr
LrjN&S -Soil n GaW
Send ("" Circuljr.s?! biriyKa2--
MIEILNE MEDco-owpviur. cal:
106 State St., Salem:, Or
A -m :
Fiifif - Location ! , .
Best Si!!
l ; ' rEasy Toms!!!
Irnsjut purclitsed Gs7 acres, sltuatetl from three to four and on-ltlf inllmeHst
of Hulem, which they will Immediately plat and sur ey and sell In
Ten Acre liots. !
This land has ben enrefully seleuted with especial reference to Its adaptability to
fruit rafting nnd desirability for rwldenee purposes, and
Each Lot will Front on a Good Road
The time for the residents of rtnlem to buy
veo- eheap will soou be past. The OIlKOON
August twntr-lx ten aore fruit lots, and some
There ate many persons In Kalem who could buy one or t !! lots and iy for It I
without Ineonvenlenee. In fitet any person rwel vitig ven a small salary ran buy one I
of these lots by making a small uash payment, and paying (he remainder In seiuM
annual InitallnieaU, and by practicing a little economy for a short time be the owner
I InitnlliMUils
Of a property v hleh can be made (wumi set
i m - i - - ' ---..m,
As Large an Income as is Obtained
Tbf e4 hfr IfU l
upon what they vrfll aetually
ts aot dependant
proa uee bow,
)l You are Thinking
i set Ml to see these loss. If yottkave HMMMfto Invert do not fat to look at Ihese ,
a before IBVwrtiag,
If Yw Want to Save a
Ab4 at the same Ukm wake a Urst-esaea iBvesimeel tayewrf Umm UtUtm lu
Land Shown Free of Charge.
A fine line of hacks, buggies, carts, OHr
rluees, buekbonuls, etc. lloth our own
make and the best eastern made buggies
Every one Warranted I
Call on the umlcnlgncd, wagon and nr
riage makers anil hlucksmtt lis, 2s-Ss, 12
and oil Commercial street, Salem
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used it "rem""
dies are gUIng satisfaction, nnd a cus
tomer vi It li ltrnnchltls su) s It Is tho only
reined) that elves Instant relief.
Sihlllll.I.L. .4 Cl.Vl it, DlUMllsts,
ltlverslde, Oil."
H.. " tho plensuio to Inform
dV(3 J on that jour Prepanitlonsnre
meeting with large sales. Wo hoar
Nothing but Praise &"E
caslon to'-'uso them.
Nansoawi.n a Co , liruggi-ts,
Vlsulln, Oil."
That It wlllocennipllsh theend desired
lnullutlectlnnsofthoTliroatiiinl Lungs
It ,..!ll 'd ou not only will not be
I Will without It rniirsrlf. but will
recommend It to others, as thousands
line done, who htvo tiled oeij thing
cNoln vain. Money Is no object whcio
teln'ce.'il'd iliS Convince You
trilling sum of one dnllui can purchase
it reined) that will stand between ou
and one of the most dreaded of human
Circulars sent fiee, containing detailed
Is prepared only by tho AIU17TINE
MEDICAL CO., brovlllo, Oil.
and Have -a (iood Front Fence. ;
ten aores of olioleo land near the city
N INI OOMfAN'V alone ld durin
le or uieMmainu nave already
to rruit) w prouuee
from 100 Acres of Grain Und.
upon any
ve boom, bat depends
and what that product will bow bring I
nig in
of Securing a
Part if ior Earnings
On Max Nt, Inst, about four months ago.
Dr. Gilbert opened auotllco and sanitarium
In the bank block, Nilem, and advertised
to tieat ihroiilc diseases on scientific
principles, since that tlmo his practice
iibs been steadily lncreasln so much so
that he was obliged Insecure more room
and Increasing nicllltlcs, and now lludlng
himself uimbli to attend to his numerous
patients, he has entered Into partnership
wlthPr. M. W. Wonip. of IVtmlt, Mlchl
gun, a plnslclun and surgeon of largo ex
perience, thorouglil) competent, and a
specialist in disease of the o) e, oar, throat
and nasal oatt!o who has come with
his famllj to make his homo In Salem.
The new tlnn will lie known as l)rs. (Ill
bert A Wcnip and will occupy tho tvm
moil Ions nM)iu In the bank block, for
olllco and sanitarium, and will conduct
their business under tho name -and stylo
of The Oregon Medical and Surgical Institute- It Is
their Intention to spare neither pains nor
expense in their clloits to make this tho
most complete Institution, for the treat
ment oi all tonus ol disease, especially
chronic, In the noithwost.
Medicated vapor baths, electro-magnetism,
ox) gcu and lu.is-Mige. together with
all modern and scicntlllc appliances for
tho thorough cure of disease, will be used.
Examinations will be five, and charges
strictly moderate, Address Drs (llllicrt
Wcnip, Hank block, or postotllce box 17tf,
Salem, Oregon.
Dr. Jnniis l'rosser, tho riiiinonl
spoeiulist, t ill romnlu in Snli'in only
n few intiro vm'oUs. About Oftohor
1st he wlllu'turn to hi- olllco in Sim
Frnnein-1.. ALL YE Al-H-'LICTED
tnko ndxsiiitnw )f the oiiportunlty
to consult him wlille htie. t'urei
nil t'hrnnit' Iciimle ilUeno", hlonil
nnd skin disi-is(s, nervous und pil
vnte iliseasc-iiof liolli m.xi, lost man
hood, general dehility, oti. Cures
KUiiruntoi'd. Most cjiscs win leeeivo
home treatment nfter visit to the
doctor's olllee. Olllee tit .".'JO liberty
street. Salem. Ou-iiou. After Octo
ber 1st, ndilroslHo MeAllister street,
San Frnnelsco.
Extiinlnutlon and consultation
free. H-,Vdw2v
Itiirklrn r Arulrs Mite.
"'he beM snlve in the world I
uls, biuiscs, sot cs, ulcers, Halt I hen i
lever soicm, tutlur, chapped haii.l
ehilliliiiiiH, coniH, nnd nil sfiln erup
lions, nnd positively cures plies, nt
uo pay required. It Is guunuitvcn
to give perfect satisfaction, or nionc
refunded. Price 26 cents pur box.
l-'.TMtlu1- Dr. H. V. Cox.
r i:avi: ouni:ii-s at iu.M'irs liv
j ery Stable, isn nor of Htalo and 1'ninl
Ureets, or on slate nt cot iierStaleand Com
luerclal streets. 1'ioinpt atientloil and
rare guaranteed.
V A. illNSON
' Live and Let Live Paint Shop.
House, Sign
General Painters.
Kalsominers. Paoec Hanors and
All orders will receive prompt utieiiiloii
KstlmnUHouitll kinds oi work in our line
cheerfully given. Katlsfiictioii gtiiin.nUH-U
Hhop In Old Court lluuw on t'ourt street
Absolutely Pure.
chl'iu'ii nituit scaxdaij.
A Minister Sued for l-l(H)l) for c
fiiiiuilioii of llliiir.irti'r.
I'ahmins., Kan., Sept. 0. Irs.
Jennie Condon, wife of T. M. Con
don, n banker, of Ualusburg, Kan
sas, lias brought suit in tho Neosho
county Distiiet Court, against Nov.
12. II. J Ian is and Deacon O. l
llalley, of tlie Christian church, of
Galesburir, for $1,000 damages for
defamation of character.
The facts alleged disclose a pecu
liar case, and, on account of the
high social position of all parties
concerned, have caused a sensation
of unusual Inteicst. .lames Mc
Crcery, a lumber merchant at (iales
burjr, wim the loader of tho Cliristiaii
church choir, and Mrs. Condon tho
chief soprano singer.
Jlev. Harris, the pastor, some
months ago became suspicious that
the rolntioiii of the leader mid singer
were Improper, but before he could
decide fully, MeCieary leinoved to
Colorado. 1 lev. Harris addicssul u
letter to him upon the subject, and
received In reply a letter from him
making a flill confession. Uev. Har
ris laid the letter before his deaeons,
one of whom was Mrs. Condon's
husband, and another, Mr. Pende
gral!', was her father, and they re
fused to believe her guilty ; but ().
V. Ilalley, the third deacon, and
Hev. I Ian is credited the stalcniont
of McCrcary and signed a repoit to
the church charging Mrs. Condon
and McCreary with adulteiy, and
lecomendcd that tho church with
draw from them.
On the Sunday following, at tho
conclusion of tho morning service,
How llnrrL) publicly read Mc
Crcery'sletlf r of confession together
with the recommendations signed
by himself and Deacon Haliey, and
a majority of tho members voted to
dismiss the ollendliig parties, not
withstanding tho claim of Mrs.
Condon that she was Innocent.
A majority of tho congregation
nlded with the minority of tho
church members in favor of Mrs.
Condon, and during tho few weeks
that have clap-cd since tho nllliir
becume public, tho bitterness of tho
two factious hah become so Intense
Hint tho church Is wrecked almost
beyond all hope of repair. Mr. Con
don places Implicit conlhlouco hi
his wife, and rul'usus to believe her
Mull lli.bbery Helmut Ion,
Nkw Yonif, Sept. (I. All moiling
paKr declares, that a gang of mb
U'lX Is systematically robbing tho
muils between Now Yolk and the
wiml. All efforts to trace tho loss of
tho many thousand dollars already
tnUuu have proved fruitions. The
uilloluls of (ho Hxtotllco department
are, anxiously exacting u himvy
j haul to be made one of those days
by people wlio npH!iir to lioexeits.
Ileutl. of I.rt.r M'liliiK 1(.
Sii'AMl'olU, Conn., Sept. II. Les
ter. yalliick, tlimilricnl malinger,
died ths iioriilig. Yesterday lie
was w()rkliig,iindwtliouttho8llglit
et w truing wn strloken with M
jilox.v . und reiiialiied iincoiieloiiM till
ho died. J)urlng tlio duy Wiilluok
wm ijed with vljglitoon or twenty
(XMivuUloiiH, some very severe. Tho
doctors Wfioiiiiiued lit the iiiauner
in which he pulled through them
all and miw that nothing hut liU iron
constitution kept liliu alive. 'J'ule
gruiun of condolence are Mitring In
from nil jmrU of tho country.
fulihaT DrtulU of the Oyel.me In Culm
Havana, Sept. . Tim oyulotiu
of Tuesday last was terribly dost met
Ivo to hotlt life nnd jirojiorty, The
guiilout Leultud, lying nt llutalmnu, ,
foundurel In t he storm uuil nine or
I heruruw, iutlutllng the eommnndur,
were drowned. Advlw from tagiia
are tlmt fifty jxttouh loat their Uvea
there, wiille the damage done to .
dwelliiiMM Hiid wurehotiaee in the J
city, to vessel in the Iwrixir and tot
I Uie w)urvtM very grout. Tlie vll-1
1 lsge of Tueblo Keuvo, In tlio nelgli-'
borhood of HMgtiH, Is literally wliied
out. TIM' telegraph wiroa are innlty
broken, and no news from other
part of tlie Island litet been reix wl.
Count do I.esseps says ho will com
plete tho Panama canal, with ten
locks, by ISIH).
The California Sugar Kollnery
issued a new pi ice INt yesterday ad
vancing all grades an eighth of a
cent. This makes the third advance
this wool;.
Tlie Hoods in llohemla have
reached alarming proportions. At
lhidw eis lo.OOO homeless Inhabitants
have taken refuge In tlie hills The
Danube is rising steadily.
(Sen. Harrison's letter of accept
ance is llnishcd, and will bo given
to tlie public in a few days, ('love
laud has also drafted his letter, ami
it will bo minted In less than two
(ionoral William Terry, comman
der of tho famous Stonewall brigade
timing the war, was drowned on
Wednesday night while trying to
foul Heed creek near Wythovillo,
Vii., in a buggy.
Tlie latest regarding tho senate
taiilVblllls fiom Senator Allison,
w ho says It will b.' reported to the
full finance committee next Wed
nesday. When It will got Into tho
senate ho docs not say.
'llinlntiueio llubll.
Tho fashion of cigarette smoking,
which has leeently become so pte-
valent, produces ellccts so injuitous
that it is time publlu attention weie
emphatically called to tho danger.
Tills danger is peculiar to tlio cigar
ette, since luns think them so small
as to bo harmless, and stuoko them
when they would not think of using
a cigar. They mo als; consumed by
a class of vealy youths who pint
their hair in tho middle, wcarv.ery
light trowsers and have pimply
foreheads. The London Lancet, a
high medical authority, warns peo
ple who have not yet completed tho
lull term of physicial development,
of tlio liijuiious edicts of tobacco,
particularly In this I'oiin. It says
tho majoilty of cheap olgaiettort con
tain more nicotine li, proportion to
the tobacco in them than does an oir
(Unary cigar; one reason for tills be
ing that many of tlieiu are made
fiom cigar stumps which aio care
fully collected for this piirisisc, and
those stumps are saturated with nic
otine distilled into them by the slow
combustion tif the cigar, Klco thing
to burn this lllthy refuse as an in
cense, Isn't it! Kx.
A 1'uity tVlinrit llnilli. Would Count.
A wealthy Kngllsh bachelor Invit
ed a few friends loan evening par
ty Just before his departure abroad.
As the guests entered the leceptiou
room each received n handsome cord
witli tho word "cniisorlo" at tho top
and the quotation from " Paradise
Lost:1' "With thee conversing I
forget all time." It was explained
that ton subjects had been selected
for discussion and ten couples chos
en to do tho work. Instead ofhjxiiid
lug tho evening In dancing, each
gentleman was expected to (III out
his cards with tlie minion of the
young ladies to whom ho desired to
talk. Five minutes were to he de
voted to each topic, and at a signal
from tlio host there was to bo a gen
end swapping of partnum nnd a
ooiuploto change In the subject.
"Won't we get uny dinner to-day,
ma'" asked little Johnny MoSwllll-
gen, rather anxiously, us tho con
gregation sang the closing hymn tit
the morning sonic lust Sunday.
'Of courwe we will, Johnny,"
whispered his mamma, "What put
that iiiioHtlou Into your henil?"
"Wiry, everybody'! singing,
'We're going homo, to dine no
more.1 " Pittsburg Chronlulu.
U t'Dswilaa lirartble.
lhtad the follewing: Mr. C. II.
Morrln, Nowftrlt, Ark., wiyH: "Wim
down with Almetisri of Lungs, and
friends ind physlelaus pronounced
me mi lnuumb)e coiiHUiuptlvo. He
gun taking Dr. King's New Discov
ery forconHiiiiiptlon.uni now on my
third bottle, und am able to overset
the work on my farm. It is tho
fliiMMt inedlolne ever made."
Jesse Middle war t, Deetitur, Ohio,
stiys:"Had it not been for Dr. King's
Miw uiseovery lor eonaumpuon x
would have tiled of lung troubles
Wua given uii by doctora-. Am now
in the beat of health " Try it. Ham
tile Iwttlea free at If. W. Cox'aDrUK
tile is)