" -. i.-v wi.1 yrQWiW IN1 "SlfT'FT' i-uww wp;.ifflH))ipjni.f P HimilUftpiliJjl'U"' "' th & BVBXIXG CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UIIMHltli EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. TtY T1IF Capital Journal Publishing Company. IXCOIirOKATK.il J Ufflft, Cirntr Court ami Liberty StrtC TKItMH Or HUHHCKIITJON HAIt.Y. One yrar, by mnll " W Hx riiiintliN.by mnll a W) riiree month by nii.11 1 in Per week delivered liy carrier....... 16 WKHKI.Y. Ono ywir -?1 ft) HIX IIIOIllIlK " Ono your. If mid for In advance,... 1 in iU month. " " WJ O-PoMiiinMors nro iiullioricd to re ceive Mitwcrliitlons. "Knlcrfil im MM-rimt-uliiMi mnttiT lit the HiUvm.OiVKon, IWolllct', Juno 21. l!WS. Republican National Ticket. For President, BENJAMIN HARRISON, Of Indiana. ' For Vice Prcpident: LEVI P. MORTON, Of New York. Foil Pmwidkntiai. Ei.i:croit8. ltoti'rt:.MeIiiin,of Kliunalli County. Win. Kiilni,of .Mllltiioimih County. 0. W. Kullon.of fliitmiii County. WEDNESDAY, KEPT, fi, 1888. THi: llSIIKKICS (jltlUtTION. President Cleveland has drawn down on his head the wrath of the llrltish press on account of his Ush er message. His censors across the water seem to regard It as a ilemo gogle outburst, the attempt of a jkiII tlclan to win favor liy a display of buncombe, because popular senti ment runs In the direction of hos tility to British interests. Rut we Hud In Canada some men who are opposed to the present Dominion administration, who seem to be capable of understanding the cause of the popular feeling In this coun try, and are candid enough to aek kuowledge the truth. Here Is the Hon. Mr. Laurler, a member of the Dominion parliament, In a recent sHH'ch at St. Thomas, reminding his henrem that for twenty-live years Canada has taken an unfriend ly and Hellish attitude toward this country. Its unconcealed hostility to the Union cause, during the war, was the real cause of the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. The Hal ifax award, which rested on the cooked up statistics of the value of the Canadian Ushcrlcs, was the cause of the abrogation of the tlsh cries clauses of the Washington treaty. Mr. I.aurlcr coudeiuued the harsh and unfriendly treatment of our tUliIng vessels during the season of 188(1, for technical or unintentional olliinses as the main cause of the present situation of the llsherles question. It Is exactly true that where the mutual lutereste of the two countries demand friendly co- oHiratlim and lllieral conduct, Can. ada has uniformly taken an unfriend ly course, ami tried to get some ad vantage at our expense. She ban no right to complain If the people of thlsoountry arelnellned to lie resent ful. Still It remains (rue that It would 1st to the advantage of lioth countries to settle all their disputes III nu amicable way and establish the eloetctit eoiumerelnl relations. 1001l HKAMI.NH ATTKACT. The lurge crojvs gathcrvd In this .state, coining after ho long n course of unfailing Hiimw, impress the Hindu of Inquirers at a distance, and render Oregon more at t motive than ever to huiueseckcr. The Willam ette valley Is esjieelnlly th object of tlettlre, Km rich will nun favorable climate oultlng the iuihU of settlors, and the low price of farms putting purchase within the mean of all. The enterprise of the Orvtrou Ijont Co. In suUllvldlng largo tracts of lantl Into small parcel of ten acres Is rewlly eoiiimendablo, Uhwuso It vridcn htHitentwidn for inniple of llmltinl iuwhm within handy rvHuh of town, ami will in a short time build up couuuuultUw vhwru WHts land Imw nvMd up the nvoe. Too muali land to the acre )ws heon the nqinweh of thU tte, Init now Its huWIhuIIhI hiIvmiiUu nr Mug iimhv pHntlly nuul known, thU will whm to I one isf mir drnw- iwM)k. Tlw humiot tiU Unlll ttow , . i Ink MPtMiiiiM. Mini h frwd portlo., ,rf l. nllfraaltt tu hiatal a . t.ll.laa .t- v-......., ,.....i ..,i,.,.i wu bonJen. There U rwnn for all. Tjik returns from Vermont nre in cointilulu, but they Indicate mi in crctiMxl repulilicati nmjorlty. It Ih lK'lleved that Dulllnglnim Is elected governor by 1,000 majority, and that Stewart and Grout are re elected to congrewj also with In creased majorities. Is Pendleton the tjirllf nianla rages so fiercely, that jieojile discuss the question on the street corners, and the Tribune says that temper sometimes waxes so hot that finite encounters arc imminent. The man that gets worsted In the argument Is the one that gels augry, of course. IjATi: crop reports show n gcnid corn yichl in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana mid Nebraska ; the amount Is fair in Michigan and Iowa ; short in Min nesota and Kansas, and in doubt in Vieonsln. In the state last named the cereal is unusually backward, and fears of frost are entertained. I hi: vacancy on llie Htijireinc beneh of Washington Territory, caused liy the death of Chief Justice Jones, Is filled by the appoint ment of Charles E. Boyle, of Penn sylvania, to the vacant olllee. The pledge in the democratic platform of 1881, that olllccs in the territories should lie 111 led with men taken from the communities whose aflairs they are to administer, receives slight heed from our civil service reform executive. S. F. CiutoMCf.i:: We shall not be susiMicted of any undue political enthusiasm if we say that the proba bilities are very strong that the Itc publicaus will carry Ohio at the coming election, even though Mr. Thurinau is a resident of Columbus. Congressman Lawlcr of Illinois a short time ago Intimated that he thought Ohio would osslhly go Democratic, but the latest advices are that theonly question is whether the republican majority will lie :), 000 or MI.OOO, with the chances In favor of the latter;. CI.YMEK .NOTES. Mrs. Geo. A. Peebles, of Salem, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I,. C. Orinith. Aaron Shanks, youngest son of uur mail carrier has been very sick, but Is recovering. George Ashby, one of Whltcakcr's best citizens, has consumption and Is not expected to live hut a few days at most. Hon. J. D. Darby and family, Mr. ami Mrs. .1. P. Humphreys and son Frank, have gone to Flnloy Hinings for two weeks hunting and llshiug. Messrs. Amen of Walla Walla, have been visiting a few days at the home of their uncle, Hon. John A. Hunt, before beginning their course of studies at the Willamette Uni versity. Mrs. Joseph Docrtlcr and Infant are very sick, their recovery la doubtful. Dr. McCauley, of Stay ton, Is the attending physician, ami Is doing all medical skill can suggest to aid In their recovery. It. Ij. Hams and wife, who have been living on the farm of 11. J. Smith during the past year, have gone to Howell Prairie to visit a few days at tho house of Mr. Murphy, parents of Mrs, Hants, before going to Walla Walla or the 111k Hend country to iwek a location for a Hrmauent home. Jseph Fisher will begin picking his how Friday of this week, If the weather Is favorable, and cxjhsjIs to keep work In the dry house both day and night during the season. If the weather continues he will finish In about sixteen or eighteen days. Mr. Fisher' hops are good this year From our mall carrier we loam of tho serious 111 nous of Hjvernl of our Whltenkcr neighbor, one of thulr number having already reached that bourn from whence there Is no return. Mr, lUoliol White, an old lady nenrtdxty yearn of ugv, who has been sintering with purulyxl almost six years, yesterday, Scptom Ur 3d, entered upon her eternal rest, where tho duit'orlugs of this life eun never more reach her. Mr. White her Ureved husband U proMmtcd with grief, and his long vigil at her lcldc has so worn on his constitution It U feared, by sotim, his prernt Klukutt may pnive fHtal. Nlrn. While leu von n krge drole of rviUtlviw and friends to mourn her lo. latrrTatti. In tlw tHSftary m .tHto'n onlee are lIM t b following ltiMrioratkn; TllUmKHik PiolwniwtH's tvrotivtlve I company; ToJo towiibitoHud milling I aahLltka tiLaa mi I mI'lj hi A- til lm Ulah. --i"iji MvRm wuhij, ruin prytHrirtti diureh, CUekanw. ; .... ' H.i i,,,in., .yMU.i m-imfketiirliii? cupiOiy, !HrttAUd, , ... ,. -- o LETTER MST. Following Is the list of letters re maining In the postofllce, at Sulem, Oregon, Sept. 6th. 1888. Parties call ing for them will please eay "ad vertised:" All letters published na non-delivered will Iks charged with one cent In addition to the regular jxrainge. Allen R II Arnett Miss Cora Herryhill George Burnslde J C Cantwell .Ino Earnest MrsMnryEly Mrr Stto Garrls Mrs May Gastnv Geo W Grav Xelson Hallock Mrs N Herrele Mr Holmes Mrs L Hooker Mollic Jones M T Kittcrman T F Martin Mrs M. Mosier Med .Mullens Michael Hill Mrs M C Howe Mis Alice Hobble John I. Holmes E Keycs Isaac II Miller Mrs Sarah Meyer Mrs Annie Nelmes C A O'llrien William Petee Henry Itoland Mrs G W KunuelsOJ Italln I)r Itobertsou li SIIijiy A S Savage J F (4) Smith J Vonltehren Miss Iloslc Walker T F Wnlker Miss J (2) Wickerman F C Wood Mrs J H Wright Mrs Carrie (2) "W. II. Odem., p. m;. (iolil Sifttitclcs f'oanil, Mr. I. Vanduyn, while in Salem last week, was walking near the state capitol, and on the sidewalk picked up a pair of gold spectacles and case. They are probably quite a loss to some one, and the owner can have the same by describing property, and paying for this notice. -West Side. Governor Pcnnoyer has appointed as notaries public, E. F. McClanna liiin, Eugene City; Win. J. Ester brook, Haker City; J. P. Galbralth Urownsvlllc. Commissioners of deeds, Luther L.Uurtenshaw, Fann Ington W. T. ; F. It. Cook, AValla Walla. Farrar i Co. Are shipping out fruit by the car load, but their own store is always attractive with tho best varieties. In fruit, vegetables, groceries and provisions they are always In the lead. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On May 1st, last, iilmut four mouth ago. Dr. (lllbert opened an otllro and Kanltarlum la the bank block, Salem, and advertised to treat chroiitu dlHcahc on Kclentltle principles. Hlneo that time hi practice mi been Mcadlly Incriiiklng mi much so that ho wa obliged to secure more room and InereiiHlug facilities, and now finding himself iinablo to attend to hi numerous patient, ho lin entered Into partnership with Dr. M. W. Wemp, of Detroit, Michi gan, a physician mid mirgeou of largo ex perience, thoroughly competent, und a specialist lu dlhtviso of theeje, ear, tlmmt and nnKiil cavities who lias come with hi faintly to make his home In Salem. Tho new Arm will bo known a Drs. Oil-iM-rt.t Wemp and will occupy the com- modlouM nMim lu the bank block, for ottleo and sanitarium, and will conduct their buslne under tho name and style ofThe Ortgon Medical and Surgical Institute It U their Intention to paro neither mliu nor exiH'iiso In their enbrt to make this the most eompleto Institution, for the treat ment of all form of diseases, especially chronic, In the uorthwoM. Medicated vnor baths, elcctm-magnct-lam, oxygen and massage, together with all modern and scientific appliance for tho thorough cure of disease, will be used. Kxainluatlou will bo frts, and charges strictly moderate, Address Drs. (lllbert A Wemp, ltank block, or postorllco box ITU, Salem, Oregon. Biiklea'i intra Rati. Tho liest salvo In the world fo .tits, bnilsce,ore, ulcers, Kaltrlu'tini U-ver son, tetter, chapjKsl hand, 'hllblains. corns, and all akin eru iIouh, and KMitlvty cure plh-s, 01 no pay required. It In guaranteed t give erfect satisfaction, or inone refunded. Price 25 cent per bus. For nulo - Dr. II. W. Cox. ia AW.at Cr. Tli OKIOINAL AHICTINI-. OINTMEXTU only put up In larg i win nct i in doxc, anil is nu atwiluto cure tor old Borw, bums, wounds, chappetl hands, and all mn eruptions. Will posltJvdv cure nil kinds of piles. Ask for the OKiniXAL AWETINE OINT MKNT. Bola byD.V. Matthew. A Co., ltW Bute street, Saltan, at -5 i.uu )or box by xnall 80 oeata. a pa iu. Having mUI my omcoand praotlco a.. V fe. .. to ur, j. t . .Aisxm i corutully re- emunsnd him to my patrons and the tMildle iniwuitrMl. I Khullrvimulii Mt the otllcv with the Dr. for a few weeks. Dk. J. (.'. Hykd. S-lStf. SulwrHo fortlm Caimtai. NAI. JOUK- CtllireECrjkPHckr'sCailarU When Baby u rick, We gars her Cutori. Wten she wm a Child, . She cried tor Outorla. VThta she became Miss, She clung to Castorla. VTiteu she had Children, She gare them Outoria. NJnV TO-IAT. MUST BB DIHl'OHKD OF AT ONCE. Will sell Or trade for a larin or other good property n line JT IV I Within nbout Fix block of 1st Nutlonnl Hank, Salnn. House with ten rooms nil hnrJ llnlshcd, bath room, hot and cold wntcr, good born, buildings nearly new, healthiest location In city. Four lots all set to choice fruit. A LOVELY HOME Whero homebody will get n great bargain. OREGON LAND CO. V-5-wH SELECT SCHOOL - Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Sts.. beginning SEFTEMUER 10. 10-d2w Piano and Voice. Miss Laura GOLTRA and Miss Margaret MACRUM .n Will opcn.n School In Piano, Organ, Vocal Culture, Harmony and Theory On Monday, Bept. !)d. Room directly over First National ltank. Can bo seen at tho rooms on and after Saturday, Sept. 1, from t o'clock a. in. b-oO Jitoci:itu:s. Evaporated Apples, Evanorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes' Oregon Petit Prunes Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins. Persian Dates Weller Brothers' Commercial Street M Live And hi Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AN1D General Painters. Kalsomlners- Paoer Hangers and Docorators. H tMf wttt rww pnMHH UtUda i i, sT. .' ' . T T" .- - wthiutui luuutvtruric I In our lies usraMiy rivva. xaiuie4la wan mntvU ntoit in iNd iwurt Huum oh Cvurt trev Specialties in Fruits. ?nnr abveutisejeents. GO - Dry 1A Goods, Boots and - GREATEST -EVEH OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! -BY Capitol 8 - 29 Mil Fine location! M TD i in ntt mi of Salem, which they will immediately plat i Ten Acre Lots. This land has been carefully selected with especial reference to Its adaptability to fruit mlslng nnd desirability for residence purposes, and Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. The tlmo for the residents of Knlcin to buy ten acres of choice, land near the clfy very cheap will soon bo past. The OREGON LAND COMPANY alone sold during August twenty-six ten acre frultlots, and some of tho samo lot luivo already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN PRICE. There are many pen-ons In Salem who could buy ono of tht.o lots andpnyforlt without inconvenience. In fuct any person receiving oven a imiall nalary can buy one oftle lots by making n small cash payment, and paying tho remainder In teml amuial installments, and by practicing u little economy for a short time be the owner of a property which can be made (when set to fruit) toproduco As Urge an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land. The vnluo of theso lots is not dependent upon any prospect I vo boom, but depend! upon what they will actually produce now, und what that product will now bring In the market. If Yon are Thinking I not fu 1 to see theso lots, lota before Investing. If you lmvo If You Want to &ve And at the same time innks a flrat-cloaa investment buy one of theso lota on the Installment plan. Land Shown.Free of Charge. 8-2Mw.tr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HORSES AND CATTIE FOR SALE. T HAVE KOn SALE THE FOLLOWING I lion; One mare, 7 yere old. weight about ltd): one Mly (Inauguration) 3 yean eld: onerllly lVrcberou) 2 years old; one graded horse S years old; one sucking colt large. Also two heifers, S years old. giv ing milk; one two-year-old heifer, giving milk, and three calve. I have also one Under aud one fanning mllL IC4-IW MAltTIN JIOWLEY. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! BSOACRES v il vrahUcsU and iul)' K UmtMr. Two uswf 4 tvw Wnw, Gd oreUard. I b4 uTeatlt rtth h fit If waid. asd tMHMWI est to run It. wiHM4tM.tlMU.aC. K.K. vi ntun v miHw aasiModj'. .V uirgJiilB for Ewwe at Offke of Cawtal JouniaL TO THE CORNER FOR Shoes, Clothing and Hats. THE - BARGAINS THE Adventure Co. Opera House Corner, Salem. - dw - tf mum M ULIXNJI Soi i ai find survey and hell In of Securing a Home money to Invent do not fail to look at these a Part of Your Earnings BENSON'S EXPRESS. r K..VE ORDERS AT LANCETS LIV Jj ery Stable, corner or HUM and Front ilxveta. or on shite at corner bUte and Com mercial streets. Prompt attention ana cvre guaranteed. BES80S FARM FOR SALE. acre, near Prospect hill, 7 mile. " a good road, from Salem, lUaerea In eoltt vatlou, balano in timber. Wall watecd. good llOCOhouworSrooms moderate uam. uetlatthe doer: all fenced and r' young orouard. Tblrtea aarra seeded INUtir gnu-t, and V7 acre ingralB. Vju ahssw eaa have liberal terms to harv crops PRICE M000, TliLE GIVEN. Ctaae rtght ta the tana asd save fees. 5. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at tlie (J range Store. X J.JLX Easy Ui WAN!