Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 04, 1888, Image 2

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nv Tim
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
unif, Corntr Court nd l.lWrty Mrcd',!
One ymr, by tnnll. o M)
Six months, by inn II 2 m
rnrco iiidiiiiik oy iiirh . .. . i w
I'er week dull-tcrcd by carrier . 15
One ear H W
8lx iiiofitlin , 'i
One ymr. If tmlil for In advance,... 1 10
Hlx months, .
4-l'oiitinm('TM nro mtllmrizcd to ro
raho subscriptions.
j-fi-Knli-n it n sicnnd-tlaw- matter at tlio
Haleni.Ori koii, I'oHtoItlce, Juno SI, IS.
Republican National Ticket.
For PrcHltlt'iit,
Of Iiiillanii.
For Vice Pn-njilciit:
Of Now York.
Foil I'liiwiiiKNTiAii Kr.KcroiiB.
f HolK flJMcUJtii, of Klaiiiath'coiiiitr.
'Win, Kninii),(if Multnomah County.
11 V. l-'nltoii.of Clatsop C'vunty.
TUKHDAY, KEI'T. 4, 1888.
hkim:i tiii it i.i..
A tlntinu In rwtl life linn l-cuii cn
uutliitf at tliu Crow ("reck ugiMicy
which cotitnliiH clciiii'iitH of true
Intori'HU Under the nut of cohki-i-hi
which provltlt'M for the allotment of
the Itnllaii Iiiiu.h In novum, ty and
the Hale of the nur-iliiH to white
nettlern, PrcH.iloiit Cleveland Iiiih a,
liolntcd a Hpeclal iiKi-nt to iihhIhL the
ImllatiH ut the Crow Creek it;iiicy
In makliiK their Holct-tloiiH. The
concent of the IiuIIiiiih hiiihI Unit In
obtained to tliln jirom-dlnu;, or no
allotment to a member of the tribe
ornate to n white man would be
valid. TrvatleH with all the tribe,
nitllled and confirmed by act of con
KrvKM, Kuarantco them the occupa
tion and poMWHMlon of their IiiikIh,
mill only on their voluntary mir
render can themi treaties bo ul
rogiited. Thin allotment net has been under
eiiiiHlderatlou at the above named
agency for two or three wcoIih, and
the opposition to It Ikhiiiiioho violent
that dentil wax denounced agnlnnt
the llrnt man who hIiouIiI Hlgn It.
The argument wiin lined, on holi-iir
of thogoveiumeiit, that the mlufacu
In Mpn-adliig lilniHolf over the
country, and WaHliliigton, (the
mythical whltechlef,) cannot iilwuyo
rontrnln him, A farm wiih oH'ered
every nuli-klii, to tVm-o In and uultl
vate, and ticqucathc to IiIh iilillJrim
when ho hIiiiU die. Thin In Hccurrd
to him by a title that will nuvcr'Ui
rovoUo-l, and he will bo made the
owner of hi laud against all
The avornge Indian In blow to
take hold of now Moan, and hlx
Minplctouit wen' nroi'MHl Uvniim- tjiln
wan u new thing. Several n-Hvohifi
worn liuiile bv tint iirlnetiuit iiikii.
In wl.leli llmv n.ltemt.wl tliu ..hi
- V I -"I
charge of bad faith in the govern-
nioiit. and nked what title could l.
inuruiH-fliiru and binding tlum tho
one tliey now itciiiv it seeurtHi
ilioiiiHMilii-itiiiola.tatliiii (Wim tl
luilurue... hii.1 iriiiintiilMul ,iu,ul
owiiunhlp while gnu gix.wn nllid
water runs. They Mere iiullllug
todoiuirtfro.n tho lurt-lL of their
fathom, ho hud Uvn guldwl by
tl... Dr.w.1 kii.lrll .....I Ir.lMl...! .. 1,1-
urv In their wandorlngn through "I'duis In thowurt-i If It took nil his
forwt and over plain. Immense fortune. Tho woman ha.
This talk miw cuiiiliiuiHl until the l'iM K'ttew on UM wherein
Mlluiuvur tho vuiiiiiiImIuiion gave wr iiilUloimlro wlowr luw wlilit-i-.l
out, and tvty Infonnwl the Indium. ur w,f"" but lhU wrl,h,K ,uw
th.it tho time, for their llnnl div n dlrxsilttHl iw u forgry. How-
idkloii hml arrlml. A leading ehlof, l,vur 'mh AlUuw- right-, iw ft wife
White lut, hiiihuiiuxhI his refumil h,'vo lvtn l ' tllu for-
to sign, and IhU as followisl with W,' tHotrtnl.wu! It twonil iw
a uimiUir of sUnllar dw.lanitlous, lf M fow 1n1,,,,,",w ,of tho ,u,roM l
Hut the ril MMtluii of tho day," tnto wouUl fuU to hor lwrtl' r
-thewjVfrtor.M-w whwi lluuwl l'roHet wanw tlttttorliig that hor
llwd, a Miiiplo Indian, nmdo tho trno,v, Judgv'lVrry, made her his
Mkm lug apjioal to lib. b-vthwn: wlfis n MTi of UVHllS,wut w-'O""
I am ou a dlllW.nt imlli fr.Mii ,kw-fw lK,t tuv vKilout,-Iiaruotom
MUiifof th rnt of you. I am not JlgvTvHTyfknowiiaJthebiyerf
oh of tho ehW HU therv, but 1 lavo Hr.kltM-1-jk, a mAm1oiih1 duol-
!S!iriV,JlL-ili!T"i,il,il?,iMl l ut d h lUiiigemtw man. Wlurn
want to make a load for tlwohlblren. I , ., , ,r , ,
iMUIMtttftMlduryuU, UlWUKl Hlli J"l M WWUIWlMg
arw men Tliu only man I Miu'J'HlKioeot, diiksl the itthjjuHt's
arrajd of U tJ.nl, In m Ii.hii I Ulv. i marriagv to tlw dww.t, li ami
XcTrxrz - -'- vt !-
avitlitmiiK KMtMnthHw ot thU wttoiw, ami ftw awhile the JurM'..
tribe. uur elilef. me fpokeii of Hhj tu HXtrwiiif Jopnrly. The
or fofX'faUiera and t heir gr w upou , pair Mru i-eoore.1 and dUmul
the hill what did they do for us?
They left behind thenan old cnmi
flre 'where even now the grnw does
not grow and old butliilo limes that
we am we on the prairie that is all
that Is left of their work. Young
men.'ilo vou -a lull your children to
go on In this way? You, chief",
CrotherH, my cousiiiH, my rcliitives,
I pray you Imve mercy on the
young ieoi)Ic who are beginning
life and have no property to start
with. Come forward, you chiefs,
and set us an example. We are
waiting for you because you are
chief, but If vou do not come for
ward we will go forward regardless
of you.
This stirred up a young Indian to
advance to the council table and
sign the paper. Oratory Is natural
to the red race, and this progressive
young Sioux called on thoo who
loved their children and wibhed
them to Imjcoiiic educated and pros
perous to give no heed to threats,
but follow his example mid sign the
This appeal stirred the crowd,
they sprang to their feet and for a
few moments It was uncertain what
step they would take. Tho-o favor
able to allotment, which included
two chiefs, gathered up to the table,
which unexpected rally took the
spirit out of the opponent-, who
quietly withdrew from the council.
.Sixty names weie enrolled in the
council chamber, and half as many
more in the commissioners' rooms.
This giCH the assent of the band to
Allotment, and the work will now
be proceeded with.
Henator Eugene Hale of Maine:
Tho duty upon salt Is now 18 cents
per 100 pounds in bulk and 24 centK
In sacks. Tho best Turk's Island
salt can be purchased at tho place
where It Is iwmliiccd for from 1) to 10
cents per bushel. Any gentleman
hero can compute for himself the
percentage of duty resting ii-von this
article. I U'lleve there Is no one
question about whjch the rellectlon
of millions of iiooiile day by day Is
so decided as It is in declaring that
there should bo no tax upon this
article of salt. I believe this article
should go upon the free list; that the
monopoly which has obtnlned here
tofore for tho Onondaga Salt Works
as great and complete as nny mo
nopoly ever granted by tho Tudors
In Kngland'H most despotic times
ought to cease.
Henator John J. Ingalls: Wo can
not disguise the truth that wo are
on the verge of ap liii'icnding revo
lution; the old IsxiicH are deadl The
people are arraying themselves upon
one side or tho other of a portentous
contest. On one Hldo Is capital,
formidably entrenched In privilege,
arrogant from continued triumph,
conservative, tenacious to old
theories, demanding new conces
sions, enriched by domestic levy and
foreign commerce, and struggling to
adjust all values to I n standard.
On the other Is labor, asking for em
ployment, striving to develop do
mestic Industries, battling with tho
forces of nature and subduing the
wlIderncNw; labor, starving and
sullen to cities, resolutely determined
to overthrow a system under which
the rich tiro growing richer and the
poor aro growing poorer a system
which gives to u Yanderbllt .tho
Missesslou of wealth beyond tho
dreams of avarice, and condemns tho
iHvor to a poverty which has no
refuge from starvation lint the prison
or tho grave.
., . .;..-.. i
n.iit.u aiiiiitmi vifuiti.
fill... II ..i.... l - II... I..
1' "l''eea n--iorv n uvu.y
scene yesterday 'In tho United States
twm wu"; w-...ii.K nuiu was
'"veriiig nis juugine ti in lie
Saliti Fain nturrtitiran inuiii II li 1 1 1 at f-f t m
- "" " "" ..............
r tills entniiglement aw or siignt
t II . I.i A fit I. .. I. ...
IHliuio lliioiwi.-! no woman Willi
"dvonturor and hordwwsiHl gallant
ww aii old cunmiilgeon. 1 1
ln WJKH" rx.latlons with her, but
denlwl uiarrlaN d whoa ho died
llO IllStniOtCll 111 lll'lf to ltnUt IlOf
after a violent struggle with the
olllcers, and both sentenced to a
term in jail. Tills Is an Inglorious
ending to a cause celebre which has
cngnged thuattention of the country
for "everal years, and which
promised for awhile to reward the
fair pluintlfl with a dower fit for a
Tin: late Emperor Frederic, of
Germany, not being vouchsafed life
as a ruler to carry out his liberal
sentiment-, declares in his will
(shortly to be made public) that the
extension of popular rights Is the
strongest bond lietween the nation
and the monarchy.
-- .
I'emtrkthle Ktiogiiltioii,
A lady, who has lately been visit,
ing friends twelve hundred miles
away, on passing n Salem photo
graph gallery show case, yesterday,
Immediately recognized the features
of a little boy of a Moiituiiti family.
She felt sure sho could not be mis
taken, yet It seemed the height of
Improbability that the picture could
be found so far from where the. boy
had ever lcen. Tho photographer
being appealed to supposed it must
certainly be some child from the
country. Hut on comparing it with
a likeness in the lady's possession,
he was reminded that n newly
engaged artist from Itutte, Montana,
had sometime previously sent this
as a samplo of his work. It Is aline
picture and had found its way into
tho show case. The' lady fully
proved her power of recollecting
Josh Hillings once said: "Most
men concede that it looks foolish to
see a boy dragging a heavy sled ui-
hill for the llcctiii' pleasure of ridin'
down again; but It nllpcars to me
that the boy is a sago by the side of
the young man who works ail tho
week and drinks up all his wages
Saturday night."
Ftrrtr A Co.
Are shipping out fruit by the car
load, but their own store is always
attractive with tho best varieties.
In fruit, vegetables, groceries and
provisions they are always in
On May lt, lust, ttuont four month" n-;o,
Dr. (HlbiTt-ienedunotIlc!nnlKunlmrliim
In Ilia bunk block, Hulein, und urtwrltnort
to trcnl irbmtila dlheo-es un n-Ientltlo
principle. Hlncc Unit time IiIh nu-tlco
linn Ikh'.i Ktcndlly InorenHlnB so much o
Unit lio wiik oblleiHl to Kccnru more mmiiu
anil InrrniHlng fticllltlos, mul now tlnillntf
lilniKolf uniiblu to attend to liU niimerouH
luttlunlN, ho Iiiih entered Into imrlnerrihlp
with I)r. Nl. V. NVemp, of Ilftrolt, Mlchl
Kim, a ihlelnn mid Mii-ncon of InrKO ex
IHTlencc, tborouKhly competent, nnd n
KpeclullKt In dUeimo of thoeje, eiir, throat
and nasal ai UIoh ho Iiiih eomc Willi
IiIh fiimlly to mnku hU home In Salem,
Tlio now flrm will bo known an I)rn. Oil
tHTtife Wt'inp nnd will cxvupy tho com
modlouK nxiiim in the bank tilock, for
ottleo and biuiltiirlum, und will (Miiduet
their bUklnexH under tho name and stylo
of The Oregon Hedlcil and Surgical Inttltute. It t
their Intention to niuro neither pains nor
exponso Intholr eltbrtu to nmko lhU tho
motit eompleto Itistltiitlcui, for tho treat
ment of nit form of dKoiimw, especially
chronic, In tho uorthweKt. ,
Medicated axir Imthn, elis-tnvnniftnet-l.in,
ox) gen and iiiiuimikc, together wtth
nil moilern mid solouUMe nppltaneeii for
tho thorouKh euro of dtmiwc, wlllbeutiea.
RxamlUHtluna will bo free, und charges
Mrlctly moderate, Address Dni. Gilbert
A Wcmp, Hunk block, or pootoltlco box ITt),
Hulem, Ori'nou. ,,
Bitk.M Arlt4 Bl,
The best naive In the world fi
iits, bruise, aorcs, ulcers, salt rheum
fever port, tcttor, cli tipped hnnd.
chilblains, coma, and all ikln enq
tlous, and poltlvy cure pile-, 01
no pay rs,ulrcHl. It U KUnmntiH-d
Co kv icrfrct mtliftiction, or mono,
refunded. Itlc 25 oeuta pel1 box.
F.v mxbt - Dr. H. W. Cox.
A Atetttto Cr.
OINTMENT U only put up In Iarg
iwiMiunce un txjxpa, and Is nu
aloliito cure for old ton, burn
Toundi, crippc4 lianiU, and all
sklu eruption. "Will positively
euro nil kind of plica. Aak for the
MENT. Sola byD.W. Matthowi
A IVv, IW State itreet, Salem, at a
ii'UU per box 4jr rTH 80 oouta.
A ("-AUII.
Having hold my oftlceaml pmotlix
toDr.J.T. Mnon I eunlially it-,
coimuoud him to my patroiii anil
the puldio lugviitiral. 1 slwll remain
at the otllco with the Dr. for a fow
wvok. Dr. J. C. Hvkik
6-lStf. T
SubrlVi for U Camtai. Jouk-
Bishop Ninde closed this interest
ing convention last night The last
thing done, and for which all so
anxiously wait, was the reading of
the following list of appointments
for the coming year. As predicted,
Itev. W. Itollins returns to Salem.
The new presiding elder is Rev. M.
C. Wire.
M. C. Wire, presiding elder.
Amity G. W. Roork.
Astoria O. W. G'ratinis.
Astoria circuit To be supplied.
Jk-averton circuit C. M. Hryuu.
Urooks To be supplied.
Columbia chapel and Fairview
J. M. Woou.
Cornelius F. L. Post.
Dayton W. A. Willlson.
East Poitland Centenary I. D.
Adams street and Albion To be
Forest Grove B. E. Case.
Hlllsboro E. S. Craven.
Hubbard circuit X. M. Skip
w.irth. Lafavette circuit J. Mclntire.
McMinnvillo-G. F. Round.
Mount Tabor John Parsons.
Oregon City L. R. Jiuiuey.
Portland- Grace Church, Ross C.
Houghton; Hall street ami!' Hood
street, C. E. Cllne; Taylor street A.
Kuminer; Chinese mission, to be
supplied. '
Powell Valley A. C. Ealrchild.
St Helens C. Anderson.
St Johns To be supplied.
Salem Win. Rollins.
Hellwood and Oswego "W. D.
Sheridan S. L. Lee.
Silvcrton To lie supplied.
Tillamook A. H. Nichols.
Viola To be supplied.
Thomas Van Scov president, S. A.
Starr professor, F. P. Tower endow
ment agent, N. Doaue lecturer on
theology in Willamette university
and members of the Salem quarter
ly conference.
W. S. Harrington, editor of Pacific
Christian Advocate, and member of
Grace church quarterly conference.
S. P. Wilson, presiding elder.
Albany H. P. Webb.
Ashland H. P. Satchwell.
Brownsville circuit H. B. Ell
worthy. Canyonvllle circuit To be sup
plied. Corvallis J. W. Spangles.
Dallas circuit T. F. Royal.
Dexter circuit To be supplied.
Drain circuit To Iks supplied.
Empire City circuit To be sup
plied. Eugene City O. B. Whltmore.
Grant's Pass J. 8. McCain.
Jacksonville circuit J. W. Miller.
Htilsey D. T. Sumnierville.
Lebanon Walter Sklpworth.
Monroe circuit Robert Booth.
Roseburg E. Gittens.
Sliwld H. Gould.
Sprlngilcld circuit F. H. Calden.
Stayton circuit W. Hurlburt.
Turner circuit Spruge Davis.
Wither circuit J. M. Sweeney.
Yaquiua and Newport J. H.
W. T. Van Scoy was left without'
nppointment, that he may nttend
some one of our schools. lie will bo
u member of tho Turner quarterly
When Bfcby w rick,
Wo bto her CadorU.
When the wm a C3iiM,
Shs cried for Castorla.
Wbwi (he became Mlta,
i She cluoc to OutorU.
Wk h hod CbtlJren,
She cto them Outorifc.
Miss Knox
Will contlniM Her School for the en
suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church. and
Marion Shi., beginning
hatr Ono marx-, T jrrii old. Height
unit 1K.O; uiw rill' (inftucuretlun)S) ran
eld: onenll-f (lVrclii)ii) Sjmraold; one
IjruilfU hnr -tyrant ld; one lueklDiccoll
Untf, AIm) two hetfvni, S mm old, ctv.
fi milk; our iwojrmiHld lltVr. etwni
k. and tlirvo oilin. I imve lwou
binder iui1 one tennlnc mill.
Piano and Voice.
Mill UtrtGOURAt-tdMliilUrgtrtt MACRUM
V,"1H ejfi a 8aol la
fiaiio, flip, Vocal Culture,
:iY and Thcorv
lOd MiMtOay, irvl. U. RukMtw dltvHty
xr FVrt SaUoMl Ktak. Out l m at
I Utr riMitM on nod aAf Salunla)'. nh. I,
I tvu o ekKk a. m.
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing and Hats,
General Merchandise 1
8 -
D n
Fine Location
, ."
Has Just mircliaMHl 667 ncres. situated from thrco to four undone-half mllcaeiKt
of Siilcm, which they HI Iiniiiedmtely plat nnd Hirvey nnd hell In
Ten Acre Lots.
Thin land has been cnrefully selected with especial reference) to Its adaptability to
fruit raising nnd dettruulllty for residence purines, nnd
Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence.
Tho tlmo for the resldqnU of Snlein to buy ten ncres of choice land near the city
very cheap will soon bo past, Tho OHEGOX kAND COMPANY nlono fcold durlnff
August t cnty-lx ten acre fruit lots, nnd some of tho same lots have already
There nro many persons In Salem who could buy ono of the lots nnd pay for II
wtthoutlncouvenlenco. In fact nny person reeeivlce ven n xmnll utthtry can buy one
of thexo lota by making u small cash payment, and paying the remainder In seml
uununl Inatallments, nnd by practicing u little economy for a short time be the owner
of n property; which can bo made (when set to fruit) to produce
As Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land.
Tho value of those lots Is not dependent upon nny prospective boom, but depends
upon what they will actually produco now, nnd what that product will now bring in
tho market.
If You are Thinking of Secnring a Home
Do not Did to see these lots. If you have money to Invest do not fall to loek: at these
loU before Inventing.
If Yon Want to Save a Part of Your Earnings
And at tho samo time tnaks a flrst-class Investment buy one of theso lots on toe
Inttallmenl plan. ' r
Land Shown Free of Charge.
cry Stable, corner of Slate and Front
re, or on sinie ai comer mate ana uom
roerclAl streets.
Prompt attention and
care guaranteed.
Wail watered and p4rtjr H ilmtMc. Two
twmna and two bant. Geati oreiiMd.
Meadow and Kit aarva ptow land. PIRr
bead ot atiH wUh the pevec If vMd, ant
bon enouf h la run It- Wltaln i -!
ofdefotootlMO. AC. R. K. A lurgaln Iw
Eauke at Office of Ciortal Joumil.
Adventure Co.
Opera House Corner, Salem.
2!dw - tf
Iff FA
H, DIAMOND, Prepritter.
Oom- St,, bet. Kerry "! State.
O Shampooing neutly done.
UHK aere. near ITospect hlU, 7 BHe.
a good road, from rVilwn, lisaeres In tniti
vallon. balance In timber. Well wawrei.
good flOMbmseof8room,rnoderatbr"
Nteilattbe door ; Kit feaeed and a tlarUV
young orebard. Tntrteen aarea Jz
past-Ire enua, and V7 aerea Ingrain, jnjj"
AbaMff cub have liberal terms to harv
Cbme right to the farm and aave aei
Kuqu.ro of Charley Roliertbon,
the (j mil go Store.
Easy lens