i 1 VOL. 1. SALErI, OR., TUESPAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1SSS "mo. ?vito JOURNAL 1'INANCIAI.. laTAULMHED BY NATIONAL AUTHOUITY mi n ii OK SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - - $75,0U0 ------ 10,000 It. S. WALLACK, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, --- - Cashier. DIRECTORS) V. T. Gray, "W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert, T. McF. l'ntton. LOANS MADE To f.irmers on wheat and other market able! produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or tpubllc warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable, rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, lterlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. ioni! Bank SALEM, OREGON. vm. n. liADin:. - Hit. J. RKYXOLDS, JOHN SIOIK, - - - - President. Vice President. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchnngoon Portland, Han Francisco, Now York, Inndnn and Hong Kong bought and sold. Htale, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially invited to dciHUlt vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances, mtido on wheat, wool, hops and othT property at ro.isonaDio rates. Insurance on sueli se curity can bo obtained at the b.mlc In most rcllablo comp inles. MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; and LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES! General Agents for Oregon of W. R Forsythe's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Goo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. EXPRESS WAGON, QUICK AND HAFE delivery. Win. Rcnnle having bought express business of Walter Lnwe, Is Prepared to deliver trunks, valise, pack ages, and any thing else that he oun get In hl wagon to any part of the city, quicker, afr, better, and neater, than it con be dona by any body else. Leave, orders at Mlnto's stable. v n Jl IN8URANCE I Company. KIrA And Ma. u ' rlne. JIM. ALBERT, Agent. - j Balem, Oregon. A PPaL,SirA'ERTON, WEEKLY, SI M . per year. Independent. TneArpRAX. circulated In Marion, Linn and Claok mas counties; has been established eight yean and is an excellent advertising me dium. For terms address the publisher It. u. Guild, SUverjen, Or. Take Note of This. TR 83,300 WE WILT. SELL 00 acres l1 well Improved garden land, within 8 "Mes of Hntem. Good road to town the SSK.?50un1- llulldingsgcoa. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD and excellent grass land. Tilts a bargain, and will be hehl only a short ume at these figures. Call, and we will toow you t he property. WILI.I84 CIIAMIIEHLIN, Opera House, Salem, Or. For Sale. -A iel ifoa frame IIo l"wr. Goad &&&&.& as ssn& f0 Oder. YlMfar A FwH l'neHinrtee MaptuysMlee. galets, Orefoa. I 1 t ii in i I'lw, I Inmtn An -rmv.nl llnnlr 1 111) Id llitil iUllUllul Ddlllv rsW Boots Shoes ATniTT nn I r I att M HUM HUM UULIUIYIMJ MISCELLANEOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber -:- and CALIFORNIA! the JMjMKL LcN raMSMMimlf r. 9mjspM a. nronc mil -..i' .no DSMSESPvOAVrF L U N OS -Sit u GuWf u . "' - . i n v Sen.iT for- circular,?! ttrUtlt.3 r9,g. WM3S- MHlhTINL MLUVCD.ORpyiLLE. CALM UdStjcti1" SOLD AND GUARANTEED RY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR SNELL, HEITSHUI& W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot. GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH -IS- Now In possession ot a now dlRcovery in medicine, which Ispurclyn local anawtnot Ic, and acts almost Instantaneously on tho surrounding tissues of tho teeth. It Is in no wav Injurious or unpleasant to tho taste. Tho manufacturers of It claim that its equal has never been known before, and by applying It to tho bensltlvo or soro teeth, they can bo cleaned and tilled without pain. Bonll thoso that want all kinds of dental work dono without pain, would better call on Dr. II. Smith. Teeth extracted for 60 cents. HENRY SCH0MAKER. Manufacturer ot The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. All Styles ol Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTICE WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduate HtudenU In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It is the oldest, largest and least expen lve Institution of learning In the North- whnni nnana first Monday In September. Send for analogue to ...KlrtV Treetdent. jj, Salem, Oregon. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Flag Sa a SpecteH. Shop on the aUer. opposUe Ml Ur iyiMaW,Kati,Dr. A fine line of hacks, buggies, cart, car riages buckbonrd, etc. ltoth our own make and the. best eastern made buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on the undersigned, wagon and car rlago millers mid blacksmiths, 2v!, 312 and 3U Conimcretal strccl,.Salomi POHLE. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it' "Your reme dies are gllng satisfaction, and u cus tomer with llronchltl says It Is I ho only remedy that gives instant relief. Skukki.i. A. Covkii, Druggists, Riverside. Oil." II..,. " the pleasure to Inform rloVc you that jour Preparations are meeting with lame sales. . o near Nothing but Praise iSPiV any oc casion to'-'uso them. Nassoawi-.n .t Co., Druggists, Vlsalla, ail." That It will accomplish the end desired In nllalleetlonsof thoTlirout and Lungs 1 ...ill "'id yu not only will not b It Will without It yourself, hut will recommend it. toothers, as thousands have done, who hao tried everything elso In vain. Money is no object whore aice,Hn11,:.,i Convince You Hilling sum of one dollar can purchnso a remedy that will stand between you undone of the ntost'dreadedof human Ills. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys " and Girls. Tho school will open' on or about tho 10th of September. Thorough instruc tion In the primary and naw.nced English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course.- TERMSnnd further Information may be bad on application to i ' RECTORS g-ao-tr , ' ' VARIETY- ST011B! W, 'M. SARGEANT Keeps a tine; stock of , Wall Paper, .Borders and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool CliQils, Velocipedes, Bicycle,, BASKETS, nd ill Molt of rT.AMhS, Mouldings and Frames Made to Order. Tissue paper, leaves and .centers. Don't forget the artist material, sueli as Tube IsiintMnrull kinds, llnuha of all altu. and Uieoders. 'Alo the GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mats for fraiMMOl all sties. In faetetery thine else that earn be thoucht of. ) Come and See for Yourselves WELL DIGGING. WHIXH MO OR RKl'AIRKD. O tkertiuMlea. geadordenttmHwblbf MtrtSee, nil ut ur hof. South y but Heady. J Ic, "The Tnljor," Hi. Shoettle, "The Tailor,' now paddles his own eauoe and is going it alone very RuccsfuU. Rusi ness is increasing at n lively rate. Rut yon can call and lofk at his lino new goods anil bo (measured for a suit or single garment. He will ntlil to the number of hands so ua in wim on customers nnu guar antee satisfaction. 3-d "VooiItn-HfdciI." When a wooden viVvnunt was tlwlrwl outside St. Paul's catliedntl, Sldlll'V Smith until "If tlm Mini. ona will simnly 'put their he .ds together,' the thing is done!"' iiiev Mere uoi null 'so woouer- 1h.11im1 Iwill.iil..,. .... tl- .....1.1.1 1.. I.. deny the merit of Dr. R V. Pierce's Uolilen Medieal Dneovery, which has cured many thousands of liver disease, impuiv blood, UliiK's-evil, salt-rheum, dropsy, ohriiuie afliHJ tionsof the throat bronchial tubes, and luitfrs. asthma, catarrh, inlluen zu, neuralgia, dyspepsia, contipa tion, and all skin diseases. Drug gists. When everything olse fails, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. SKEPTICS Alti: IIKCOMINU I.VSS AND IilS. Re&iuse your family plfysiclun has treated you lor ; ears and dono you no goon is no reason wny you can not bo cured. Dr. .lames l'rosser, well (jualllled, liehifr a regular grad uate from the south', has done live years practice In the Woman's Hos pital of Charleston, S. C. and Chihuahua, Mexico, and is now in his ninth year's practice of chronic diseases. Will guarantee a cure in all curable ca&os of chronic diseases of women, blood and sl.ln discuses, kidney, liver and heart diseases. Private diseases of both sexes. Con sultation free. Olllco hours from 1) a. m. to 5 p. in. Evening from 7 p. m. to 8 p. in. Olllco, aiiO Liberty street. F.lrrtrir Hitters. This remedy Is Weomiug so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have iited Electric Hitters slug tho saint) song of prnise. A purer medlcino does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed for It. Electrlo Rlttera will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Roils, Salt Rheum and other nlTcctioiin caused by Impure blood. Will drivo Malaria from the system and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers -For euro of Headache, Consumption and In digestion try Electrlo Rlttera. En tiro satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. nnd $1,00 per bottle at Rr. II. W, Cox's drug store. Ccrrptlon. At the close of tho discourse of Rev. A. R. Rrown, at tho Congre gational church, last night, Mrs. Hatch announced that a reception would le given him on Wednesday night, ut the rcblilence of Mr. Andy Gilbert All members and fil'tnn of tho church aro Invited. CM10renCry?rPitclier'sCastorIa COERVATflllY OF MUSIC ! Wliluiiiistto Univeraliy. Most sueeesfiil Mliutl or music on tho northwest it. About ISO STUDENTS LAST VKAK. Courses la Piano, Oriiir, Hinsli-VK. Violin, HarrniJiiy, rrl Countor- point. Diplomas nn eomletlon ot oourse. Teaeljers: ZM. llrvln. Fraukle I'. Jones, RvuCoK, Assistant, I.ulu AI.Hmlth. n'rst Ufrm'nexlns Monday, Heptemner Sd.jri tenrt fir eataksjue. Kurlurther iirtleulars uildrw-i 1 . . . VIJ5.M.PAWVIN, -JVtf!(?it"r',,",,or E.A.WARE, -PKALBK ip Fancy and Staple Groceries, l'rarMont.rourand Heed. Vegelalli awl Fruit Fresh Every D.y. Mysioek Is entirely new. amUearetolli' leltiliwl. ITtees marked dow) a Si 110 SUte SLXat to M YmL Ruy TELEGRAIM11G SUMMARY. T1IKY ChlXa-TO TIIKIII IIOMttS. More Trouble Kxpedeil With the Maxwell hauil Onnit Srtlloivs. A rewnt Denver dispatch ives tho following particulars: Tho managers of tho Maxwell land grant last night swore out warrants for the arrest of sixteen men, who partici pated in the troubles at Stonewall, on'the charge of riot. Writs of ejec mont against 100 others wore also secured,-and the United States mar shal left to-day to servo them. It is feared that the service (if these pa pers will cause nuttier outbreak, and perhaps more bloodshed. The trwuble ut the Maxwell laud grant' has, been brewing ever since tho Supreme Court of tho United States coutlrmiHlttfcv tltlu to the grant. Tho grant was originally made by the Mexican government to Rcaiiulan and Miranda, two Mex ican, who were given two square leagues, or Oil.OOO acres of land, pro vided they would cultivate it. The boundaries of the grant now con tain 1,7.10,000 acres. The manner in which the grant grow to Its present proportions Isone of the causes of tlie trouble. The settlers living within the boundaries of the grant charged that Un original property was enlarged by fraudulent means. The lilglies't tribunal in rho land department held, however, that thole was no fraud, and rcluscd to set aside the patent granted by cliiigress. Hun dreds of settlers have Improved houses and lived there so many years that they considered them selves rightfully In possession, and look upon tho threatened ejectment as an outrage. Soon alter tho decision of the Court the grant people proposed to purchase the set tiers' improvements and stock at the market price, after which they were to vacate; or, tliey would sell them tho land at reason nblo figures. Manysettlersaceepted tho proposition and sold out, or pur chased land at n price ranging from $l.r0to$H) nn uc.ro. " The grunt company claim to treat the settlers Justly, but charges have been made that In many Instances seiners nave oeen asKcii to pay an exorbitant price for promises upon which they have been living for many years. lli.llrmiil A.-lltlly. Rkddiku, Sept. !!. There Is great railroad activity In Southern and Southeastern Oregon at present. The Union Paclllo and Oregon Short Lino has several surveying parties working south of Lakovlow. Last Wednesday a largo party of Union Paclllo engineers and surveyors paused through Itcddlug to tho mouth of Pitt river, up which stream they pro iow at work, push ing north. An IiiMinw Mother's Act. Cincinnati, Sept. 3. A most distressing tragedy was discovered last night at Delphi, a few miles from Cincinnati. It wart discovered by Mr. Stclniee, of Delphi, that his wife and two children, who had been missing slu"o Tuesday last, had been drowucrl, and his feelings wore iiiuro Intense Imohuso ho ImjIIovciI that tho mother, In a lit of Insanity, had chugged the children Into tho rlvor with her. Tho children worn n girl and a boy, I) and II) yours old lunpcctlvcly. Tho bodit) wore rq (oea'd yesterday and bleu tilled. . A (Jlrlbluml.l Lciirii To sow. Too-.ilt. To inoiid. To Imj guiitlo. To value time. I'odrusM neatly. To keup ii sooret. To Wbclf-rolluiit. To avoid Idleness. To mind tho baby. To darn stockings, To respect old ago. To mane good broad. To keep a hotiMJtldy. To control her tuiuiHtr. To ba alwve gisielpiug. To iniiko a home huiiny. Totako euro of tho sick. 'IVi humor a unswt old man. To niurry a mull for his worth. Ti bo a helpiuewt to a IiumIwiuI. To take plenty of actlvo oxorclsu. To wou mouse without screaming. To rwuil some tsxiks ImwIiIim nov- &bu To Imj llght-Jtuartod and llout-foot- m1. To wear shoos that won't cramp ill a sThaI To Imj" a womanly woman under all olrounutuncos. CbUdrenCryfrPitctierTxCaitorIa TKIiKtiHAriiU' SN.1XTS. A faint comet was disoovorad at the Lick unlvei-sity yestcrdav, by 13. E. Rarnard. Thirty-seven new eases of yellow fever were reported yesterday In Jacksonville, Kla. Van R. Do Lashniutt. mayor of Portland, is visiting ex-Governor llauser In Helena, Mont. In Arkansas yesterday, the dem ocrats elected the governor, and both branches of tho legislature are strongly democratic. Receiving Teller Andy, of the Quebec think National is missing, with a shortage of $12,000. Where can he make resort? hi San Kiiinclseo Stephen J. Tay, atreil IS, a printer, was fatally beat en In n drunken row, Saturday night, and died the next day. In Monroe Co., Ark., soiuo free of l.ellfgeflflHTlrjluiiWiit atteniptoil to make arrests hO was shot In the thigh. Quito a number weio klllett and wounded. Tho California state fair opened auspiciously yesterday. Tho exhl" bits make an attractive showliiL'. On Saturday there will be livestock parades, and at tho close of tho fair John P. Irish will deliver tho an nual address. Irnllh thilMs mid tho ltpiiltorn. The Faith Cutistsof Mount .Ion Sanctuary, Now York ltay, had a spicy meeting yesterday afternoon, which included a broad dlU'eruuco of opinions between the leading lights of the church on tho subject of reporters and the press, Policeman Kuouh Perry of the llregory street station, who Is an ardent beltuver In tho faith cure, rose and said ho had received a postal card from L. A, Howard of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, stating that he had read in a Now York paper that he (Perry) was a great advocate of thu faith ctiie, and that as the Milter was a great sullerer, ho liegged of Mr. Perry to tell him tho nearest place where his sullorlngs could bo healed by faith euro. Mr. Perry thanked Ood that thu paper named had been able to do good in that way. A Utile later in tho services Sister Jackson took this Incident as a text and touched up tho reporters, mingling blame with praise. She thought that tho young mon who were writing for tho papers about tliesD meutlngs, ovou if they ridicul ed, tho services, wuro doing some good in calling public, attention to them. Brother Hniicox said that he, too, onco laughed at tho FalthlHts' doctrine, and called thum "fairy tales." Rrother Robert Jackson said:. "Reporters are not always responsi ble for tho false report that apiear In thu nowspajHirs. Thoy generally write them truthfully and in good faith, but their lopurls had (u go through tho city editor's hands, and sometimes they aro changed. Sometimes, too, thoolty odltpr gives tho ronrlor Instructions to ridicule tint subjuot, and It Is his duty to ojiey," Now York Star. Tke UlllOiC Toncur. Handvr attack as from ilxihlnd. The hltii Knimly felt wiles It tsmIIiianlHiid persistent. IiImmmi I(si, oneu xIsmI Unki us IhUHifh a vital elwnsfl. The air we bra 1 he nflMtt tb ItniK K It be malarious It enters the blood, If It ulunme tisi(illakly In the temperature It pnxlueaM dUeaaeof the tluotitAe. Whether 1 liwte.ter Worn- anh Hitter I taken to prevent or remedy the Turlowi form of disease prstueed by miasma, sueli a lalermlnent fever, dumb Uiftte, ague OHke or billion lutermltteat, It 1 anil ever lia pnived to be an ellfcetlvu and tlMinmgli remedy me whloli doe not oly ameliorate the syiupuim of the mal- adle of thU tyiw. but erauiwte Uieir eauee. I)ytepla, liver eomiilatnt, rheti- mallsifi, bladder and kidney tr.mMe aja aiiMmif tlve iHiiuaiiltymKtletliiif trtrtibles. whieh It promptly relieves unit ultimately jemoves, This Is loap yeur uud it has lsjoii 1000 years since tlmro wore us miuiy eights In the yor as we have now. It Is a gtxxl tliuu for old buyholorh tocogitH, tho girls to reeliiroofi thu fathers to oxpostulS, and tho youujc men not to heU8. 9 1 i ! -r - "iwrsflwrt"