-P' -TirTI WT ffl "" EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. MONDAY, SEFT. 3, 1SSS. l'KHSON'AliS. N. Liuluo went to Portland today. J. H. Albert has gone for a brief trip to Tacomn. Mrs. Dr. Gicsy and child have returned to Portland. Ashly White, of Polk county, was iu town on Saturday. E. M. "Wnltc, wife and Mrs. Sny der, went to Yaquina on Saturday. Rev. C. A. Willey, of the Free Methodibts, has come to live in East Silcin. Mi'-s Carrie Kalues, of Echo, Uma tilla county, is visiting Mrs. O. Hlg gcnbotlmin. Walter Fell, from Heppncr, Mor row county, came in on Friday to attend the University. Charley Cosper is to be seen again at the stirring business stand of Far rar & Co. His health is better. Miss Lizzie Wallace has returned to Portland, after visiting here with the family of her brother, It. S. Wallace. Prof. McElroy is kept very busy. Home but a few days ago, lie has left again for the teachers' institute in Wallowa county. Harvey S. Jordan, bookeeper of the State Insurance company, left yesterday on a two weeks' trip to the Sound and Victoria. ltev. J. N. Denuison, of Port Townsend, former pastor here, preached an able discourse in the M. E. church, yesterday morning. Mrs. James G. Rennie and daugh ter, Mbs Lottie, of South Salem, re turned yesterday from a visit among relntives at Grande Hondo. Mrs. M. E. Smith and daughter, Miss Maude, will go to Portland to morrow morning. They will re main several days visiting friends. Mr. J. P. Frlzzell, of Perrydale, Polk county, has brought his wife, her younger brother, and two daughters to stay during the school year, that the three young people may attend school here. They have taken the Patty cottage. Mr..Wilkius, of Corvallis, passed through Salem yesterday, on his way to the national encampment of the G. A. R. atColumbus, Ohio, and took some line specimens of Marlon county fruit and grain to show his friends and with which to astonish the natives. E. Bailey, of Bethel, called to day, to pay his subscription, and gave the editorial start of the Joun Nu,an Invitation to go Halting on his carp and catfish pond. He esti mates his hatch of the latter fish at 20,000. They are getting away with the carp, but, as the latter are the in ferior kind he Is satisfied. Iteration. At the close of the discourse of Rv. A. B. Brown, at the Congre gational church, last night, Mrs. Hatch announced that u reception would be given him on Wednesday night, at the residence of Mr. Andy Gilbert All members and ft lands or the church are invited. G. A. l:. The veterans of the G. A. It. from California on their way to the grand tueampment iu Ohio, will reach Salem on a sneclal train at an early hour to-morrow. The members of Sedgwick post in this city will meet the r comrades at the depot, Rive them a, fraternal greeting and pro- tent them with specimens or uregon fruits. Boniwar. Recorder J. B. Starr tied his horse ouWde his store this afternoon, but the animal getting its foot over the check line, probably being bothered by flies, became scared, broke loone and ran as though mad till It sud denly wheeled Into the Bldowalkby Br. Jessup's. Fortunately the horte was not Injured though the empty buggy was considerably demoralized. Ulir.nU UctlOptU. Lompoc, California, lately Incor porated and one of the first actions oflts council was to forbid all liquor felling within IU borders after Oct. 1st, So "the saloons must go." Why n not the next legislature of Oro- Kn give the people such a law If in constitution is not In tueway? Vor that prohibitionists and tem Ivranee republicans uud democrats "uld unite. If the leaders of the 'wo parties, or even of the dominant party, would move earnestly In the "natter It could be done. But are Ute leading iwllttciatw going to bainnktn the people's Interests? "n.itthe moot earnest and honest -tforu of the legislators will be In Compllratntsry anil Argumentative. Both General Harrison and the chairman of thedemocratlelnatlonal committee, at the opening of the campaign urged that It should be conducted decently, making it an "educational" contest. The Statesman is diligently fol lowing tills course with a view to converting hosts of democrats to vote for Harrison and Morton. Never having been of the Jellerson. ian party, nor voted its ticket, we do not know how much compliment and argument it takes to lead a member of that fold into the oppo site rank, but the last efibrt of our cotemporary ought to do it speedily and effectually. It is found in its Sunday (!) morning issue. It has the advantage, of clearness and point. There is no mistaking it. It consists in editorially quoting sonio paper that says that hell is "unanimously democratic." If that does not con vert democrats it must be because they are obstinately lost to all sound reasoning and kindly compliments. Ifweweredemocraticwe would has ten to subscribe for that paper. A .New Pastor. Tlio Journal was pleased to re ceive a call from Rev. Anselm P. Brown, the new pastor of the Con gregational church. He has the air of an able, stirring nihu, well posted on general matters as well as the ology. Mr. Brown, since his former visit to Salem, lu& taken a trip to the Sound. He also supplied the first Presbyterian pulpit In Portland. Previous to tills, the reverend gen tleman has been engaged largely iu education having lx-eu at the head of a classical school in Cincin natti, although also filling the pul pit of the Congregational church at Riverside. Mr. Brown is a graduate of Yale College and of the Yale Theological Seminary, and has traveled exteslvely in Europe. On Wednesday lie will be tender ed n reception as announced elsewhere in our columns. For the present, he is staying at the Chc mekete hotel. Prefers Uregon. Ernest A. Greenwood, formerly of Denver, who has been working In a railroad office at Los Angeles, Cal., arrived in the city yesterday. Ho was met at Jefferson by his wife, who accompanied him back to Salem, where they are now visiting at the residence of R. J. Hendricks on Liberty street, Mrs. Greenwood and and Mrs. Hendricks being sisters. Mr. Greenwood has resigned his California position, and is now look ing out for a location. Mrs. Green wood is a daughter of Mrs. John Giesy, of Aurora. KnU Ituraor. Tho word was passed around town to-day that passengers on tho 8 a. m. train had been the well known John F. Miller house, about three miles south of Salem In fiames. A Jouknal reporter at once went out to ascertain the truth about tho matter, and happily found thol house in tuct. Tlioro had been no fire on tho premises or in the neighborhood. California Polltlrs. The democrats opened tho cam paign in California a week ago with great enthusiasm. Yesterday the republican canvass began with great eclat. The prohibitionists have been advocating their cause all summer. The American party, which has some following in California, is pro paring to open up. SinlUra Again Ilfird From. On Saturday, in the county clerk's ofilce.Henry Bayley and K. C. Payne filed notices that they had taken up two ruuning claims In the Santlam district. One of them is to be known as the "Jumbo Lode," and the other the "Jumbo Lode Exten sion." Dr. L. A. Port Is raising some fine "Flsk aud Brooks" strawberries. Tho Christian church looked very well yesterday when it was re-open-for service, after being ro-oarpctei', painted and paired throughout. Jas. Bradley, serving a term In the ponltentiory for arson at Lexington, Morrow county, was taken on Sat urday to Heppncr as a witness In the case. The former natronsof Miss Knox, fuul the nubile generally, will le (glad to know that she will resume her excellent private sonooi huxi Monday. Read nerauverumjumui 1 Collodions on Saturday, the first of the month, are reported as good, and business livening up. As farm ers are holding their wheat for SO cents, money Is not as free as it will be soon. CfcUtmCryfePitcliertCaiteria AROSE FROM HKR COFFIX. A Girl in a Trance Narrowly Escapes llcing Hiirie.l Alive. SaturdaylastMissEniniaTrr.ohscl, aged IS years, twin daughter of Jacob Traehsel, who resides on Crooked Ruu, was taken suddenly ill and soon became unconscious. She had every nppcamnco of a dead person, and the family concluded that life had become extinct. She remained in thiseondition Saturday night and until Sunday afternoon. The family had given up all hopes and commenced making the necessary preparations for tho burial of their child. A shroud had been made and was ready to be placed on tho girl. At 4 o'clock Sunday after noon those who were in the room where thesupposcd corpse was lying, were startled by what they thought were .signs of returning life. Tn a few minutes the grief-stricken parents and friends were overjoyed to see tho young lady open her eyes, and Immediately she began to con verse with those about her. When the girl was nblo to talk more freely she said that she had been perfectly conscious of every thing that had taken place. She had heard people say that she was dead, and knew that preparations were being made for her burial, but was unable to open her eyes or mouth or move a hand or foot. She heard tho family gather about her when the supposed last breath had been taken, and felt the burning tears drop on her face and the loving imprint of the kiss on her lip, but was unable to make the least sign indicating life. Sho had a twin sister who was cspeciallynUcctionntc, and tills sister was loath to leave her, and when she was prepared for burial made frequent visits to tho side of Emma and klbsed her over and over again. During Saturday night, when tho watchers would visit her every half hour to dampen the cloth on her face, her feelings were horrible in the extreme. To ward morning she seemed to be come more reconciled toher horriblo state, and realized the fact that she was to bo buried alive. All day Sunday streams of visitors and sympathetic friends crowded the house, and she recognized every voice and the many kisses from her old schoolmates. When the collin arrived and four of the neighbors lifted her tenderly and placed her iu it she thought sho would certainly break the awful spell, but could not. Sho heard distinctly tho work of the undertaker in screwing down the lid of tiie coffin, aud the minutes seemed to her liko years. Sho could distinctly hear tho clock and knew the' hours as they passed by. An awful moment was when a member of the family raised her head to clip a lock of hair to keep as a last re membraucc of poor Emma. Sho lias now almost fully recovered her health. Tho only explanation that is ofi'ered for this singular oc currence is that the young lady was In u trance, and that it was only a dispensation of Providence that saved her from being buried alive. Chicago Tribune. Eleetrlr Hitler-. This remedy is Incoming so well known and so popular us to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the sumo song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and It is guaranteed to do all thut is claimed for it. Electric Bitters will cure all discuses of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other uflcctioiis cir scd by impure blood. Will drive Maluria from tho system and preveut as well as cure all Malarial fevers For cure of Headache, Consumption and In digestion try Electric Bitters. En tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price W) ots. and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. II. W. Cox's drug store. Hear Uln. It, is ul ways a treat and profitable to hear a scholar and a good speaker. Bishop Nlnde Is both. He will ad drues the students and others In the college elmpel of the University, Tuesday Sept. 4th. at 3 o'clock. The public are very cordially In vited to be present. Lot a full at tendance prove the Interest that Salem people take In this Institution of learning. let Seartr. What was supposed to be a good supply of lee was stored by our res- tauntnt keejwrs last winter, and still It U a scarce article In town this warm weather. Portland U witter ing In the same way, and one k coiniMtny alone is going to lmreaw) tin tturxgc ntjwcity to 10,000 tons. LOCAT. NOTKS. It is going to rain but it is risky to say just when. Call on Winters & Thomas for the best groceries in town 1 Bishop Nlnde speaks to-morrow at the University at 8 p. m. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 02 State street. The grunge had an interesting meeting on Saturday. It will meet next on the llrt Saturday In Octo ber. Owing to the increase of travel on tho O. aud C. railroad tho Portlnnil ticket ouiee on F street is to lie enlarged. The streets looked natural to-day as the children with books mid lunch baskets and buckets mad their way to school. All Evangelical pastors will please take notice that the adjourned meeting will be held to-morrow iu the Baptist parsonage, Liberty street, at 9:30 r. m. A full attendance desired. Miss Elsie Goodhue treated the office to a supply of her wedding cake to-day. But she did not give the remotest hint of when the wed ding is to come oil' nor who is likely to be the lucky man. The Oregonian says that tho uni forms of the Thurnmu Legion of Young Men's Resolute Democratic Club, have arrived, and that they will probably be worn at a grand rally soon to take place in Salem. Addle Scribcr and Lcuim Willis leave to-morrow for the New Eng land conservatory of Music, Boston. Miss S.riber w ho i now a favorite elocutionist will take further lessons from able tcuchcis in the art of pub lic speaking. Cutting down prices will tell. G. W. Johnson, who Is going to retire from the clothing business, put down the price of his goods, and they went oil like hot cakes on Saturday. Ho seems to have quite a stock on hand yet. Reports everywhere throughout tho state and Washington territory speak of Immense amounts of grain piling up and awaiting shipment. Mucli that ued to go to Portland will find its way to deep salt water ou the Sound. On the train irom California were several gentlemen of means who had sold property there at high figures and were looking in Oregon for investments. They were more than pleased, they were astonished at what they saw, and said they believed that when the boom strikes this state it will strike it hard. Mr, Friedman of the Capital Ad venture company In tho Opera House block will pleaso pardon the over sight iu not measuring or weighing the basket of pears to which he treated the Jouknai. olllcoliist Sat urday, but tho fact is they were so mellow that they .melted In tho mouths of the employes tot) fast for any delay about details of Indies or ounces. u Live and Let Live Faint Shop, HUNTLY&'McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and Decorators, AH order will receive prompt attention KkUmatn on nil kind, of work In our line cliciTfiilly given. Hatlnluctloii guaranteed Hhop In Old Court Hoiim on Court itreet Halem. Or. FOIt IJAItOAINS IN FURNITURE ao to ROXA.N A VYHITNBY, 102 Cwrt Strut, Sjlem, OregM. I In vine bought out the remainder of ttie atwtr faetorjr'n utoelc, we are prepared to wtl abatr loww ILbii any houno In Oretfoa PROP. IL DIAMOND, Teacher of Music A Bd dealer Instil kind of Miwtml Intni menu. Oflten. 301 Ommneretal etrert. In Iruflwlt kW on lb itulmul plan. LEGAL BLANKS, LariMtSkiiikSUtcBMtDisrMil Head for eatakwue. JI for price for rrlnllnf- UwitOn rfm. E- M. WAITE, St, Or. M1SCEI.T.ANKOUS. T. McF. PIa.s just NEW Cambridge Bibles, Plain and Fancy Stationery, Embossed Scrap Pictures, Birthday Cards, -' Day School Rewards, ff . II. GIUT'S HISTORY OREGON 50e. Natural Law in theSpiritual World 25c, Leather Card Cases, Leather Pocket Books, Leather Purses, London Incandescent Slccl Fens, Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, Acme Writing Tablets. 9S, STATE ST. - SALEM, OR G. W. JOHNSON'S OSING Jj - Clothing, Gents' HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALfSES. I now oflur my untlro ntool at uotiml lint cowl, mul until I llml Mich 11 buyer I will coiitliiuu to will at rubill at Hioutly reduced prlceH. I have tho lucent mid an well itolcctod ntock iw you will find in Salem. My object lu cloning out 1h that I may duvutu my whole attention to my IhihIiichh Iu ficlo. Call early and see tlie bargains I nave to offer you. Gr. W. JOHNSON, 235 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IH AT R. M. WA.DB & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. AND MANY OTHER Ab a ftieplrte S(k of Hardware anJ mnraanwmr PATTON received m Rl OF - Furnishing Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Rang LEADING STYLES. Farm Micliintry, Wagess and Carriage SAL Goods t I n