x -r I ifjrmjvjm MjfaaaMW u ihtoi EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL i'VHUnm:i EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. My Tiir Capital Journal Publishing Company. l.NCUIII'UKATr.D (Wire, Ooratr Court and Liberty SlrrtH, TK1LM8 OK HUIWUHIlTlON HAII.Y. Onoymr, by mull.... .. in W) HI niDnltic, liyjimll-.. . .... . tta riirff month by lnf.ll . .... 1 in Vvt week delivered by currier 15 WISKKM'. Our- ytwr SI "i Hlx months "t One ycnr. If tHilit for In Advance, 1 W Six months, " " M m, ' r-rosl musters lira iiutliorlrcd to re ceive subscriptions. ciunlntnirw of the mini's remark ( 18o72 pounclH braid, 18,572 pounds amused inc. I bliouM have corn bawl, 700 bu-heis potatoes', K'O mipIoc(l tlmt the Midden trail-.!-' 000 rousting earn, 8,'JOO pounds bcann, thin from hllnrloiw enjoyment to 203 bushels toinatocH, 360 htibhuls ilarknew, confiiion, clino-, did alter turnip, M.OOO heads cobbngo, 350 the wiwwHiie Utile. I pondered on uumicIh beet, J0 bushels onion, tic mying until I became Infatuated 3,000 pounds rice, 8,185 pounds with It; and I thought If 1 could , chec-e, 100,000 egg, 12,500 guilds only Iihvu im optxirtunity nflbrdcd apple wuice, 3,000 pounds crackers, ! me to air It on my own account I ' 100,000 aborted ctiKe-i, 20 barrels would !e willing to pay any price i pickles, and 3,12-j pounds butter, for the enjoyment. Jl1 addiMon to the foregoing there mmi: riTi vitii. un,"t Im! l,rov,l,wl t,,e f(,l!owIiig nee- 4 A.... ..... ami . ulllicitf Mllltlt ! fllO 1 ' ' iu nuu,pn,-..lu.mv , or restaurant in which the men will noii-eominiw'ionen omeers oi ui, x airlCiitonil im m-coihI-cIms tnntlcr ut tlio Hnli'in.Oreicou, I'ostolllcu, Jiiiiu '.'1, 1HH. Republican National Ticket. Kor President, JlK.V.fAJvlIN HAimiKON, Of Indlanii. For Vice President: JiKVI P. MORTON, Of Kew York. lit. Ear and Derormltlf. Dr. J. W. I'ulbortBon, Principal Physician and Surgeon of the Cen tral Hurg'fcul Inlirnniry, of Indian apolis, Indiana, will visit profes sionally, Salem, at the Chemekete Hotel Saturday to Monday, Sent. 8, l) and 10. Portland Esmond Hou'-e Sept. 1st to 0th. All afllicted with any disease of the Eye or Ear, Ca tarrh, Cross Eyes, Club foot. Spinal Curvature, Piles, Kupture or Chronic Diseases, etc , can consult him free of charge. Artificial eyes inserted. Itcineniber the dates. 101-lGo. Foil PltllKIIWNTIAI, Kl.ltCTOIIH. ltbcit;McIiCiiii, of Klmimtli County. Win. Knpiis.nf Miiltiioinali County. (. W. I'ulloii.nf CliitMip County. 1 " i SATUltDAY. SEPT. 1, 1K8K. were invited to regimental heitd-qtiartL-rM to Join in some festivity, but Sergeant Treadwell and myself lireferred to stay at home to enjoy a (inlet game of chess. We sat up till late awaiting our friends' return, and towards midnight they slipped slyly past the guard and came piling in on top of us. They had been drinking and were Just pi lined for fun. Sergeant lingers threw the orderly's cap on the chess board, which the two players held on their knees, while Sergeant Faik raised his foot tlii his toe nearly touched the board, and cautioned the com pany with mock solemnity not to molest it. While they were tor mentlng us .leinmle Van Itciithuy sen, asleep in an upper bunk, was awakened by the noise and peered over the Hide to see what was going on. Ills movement attracted the orderly (Sergeant Mather) and he made a sudden pounce for the tllt turbed shunhcrcr to pull him out of bed. In ids struggle to get a grip on the youth lie stumbled against the stove and knocked it over. Jle Ing full of live coals they strewed thclloorand Treadwell, leceivinga dine; 11.3S0 feel table, 11,380 feet of cloth, 50,000 tumblers, 50,000 dinni r plates, 50,000 knives and forks, 2,500 water pitchers, 2,500 sugar bowls, 2,500 meat dishes, 12,508 other dishes, 4,20!) table sioons, 234 2-gal-lon collee jiots making a total weight of 40 tens: 11 ve 25 horse power steam boilers, 500 steam cooking ranges, 500 feet steam tables, 100, 000 tea sjiooiis and 2,000 waiters, cooks, etc. . llrillxli Itelitlliitltm. When Baby wa aick, Vie earo her Caatoria. When ahe waa a Child, She cried for Caatoria, Wha ahe became Miss, She clung to Caatoria, WVn aba had Children, She guy them Caatoria. ni:w To-n.vv. FUN IN CAMP. Itrcrnits Stttlln Down to Itnincss- llow flic IIojh In lllun Amused TheuthfhcN. (Tlio followliiK ("i I met from tin. un published notes of the editor In kI fit iin pleasant lllit rfudltik", but lui trusts that liny iippciiriuininfeKotlsiii "III he excused, tlm writer Ih'Ihk thu hero of liUcnwt atury.J I laving fallen tiMiit t liese evil days of fratricidal strife, it Is not always necessary to lie dolorous and sat urnine. It is said that when France was occupied by the allies, and their advancing unities were couccntrat liigarouud Paris, the gay Parisleiines thronged the boulevards, dnscd in their gayest appaiol and with their vivacious airs vanquished (lie nation's eoiiijuerors. Jly the saute token we jutt riot soldiers can liave merry intervals, although eiieom passed with grlui-vlsaged war. In the early part of the winter, when wo were yet living in tents, one stormy Sunday afternoon, the monotony of our situation was re Uoved by the verformauc of two num who had been liulilblng ratlter freely. To guard again-t the driving rain, wo had tied and pin ned and In other ways fastened, our tent Haps. Tlio chief amusement of this pair of revelers was to go through a tent, as they termed It. We lay listening to their riotous doings for upwards of an hour, fully expecting our tent would Ui tuvxt visited. Wo had a notghtxir In the adjoining (ptartetx, a llnleal sort of gentleman, Private Henry Wllwni, who could not War to have his hlaiikotH touched, his tent entered, or anything that was his desecrated. He hud provided himself with a stoVe, uud hud Ihhu synipjitiilrlng with us (Ironically) as we lay lu our wet, cold tout. Suddenly we heard a great nul(K, a crash, loud voktvt hiImsI, ami then all was still. They had leen and gone and done It, Our nolghlsr's domicile had Ikvu vio lently eutunsl, his stove itfHt, his IkhI profutusl, and he thrown a nilsovllnncous, heap Into a eornur. shower of llieni, Jumped out of the way, knocking the table over and extlniruisliliiir the candle. All was darkness, smoke and confusion in an instant. I threw myself back on my bed and screaming with delight, vociferated, "It don't make any diUercnce." I ought to have died then; such moments of supreme de light are rarely vouchsafed to man. It Is related that in early CSreek days an aged Athenian hapjienlng to pass a sleeping lad, saw his assenting figs from a basket. He stood aid watched the animal tinlsh his repast and then, waking the Uiy, he bade him letch the ass some water. The old man was so tickled with his own dry humor that lie laughed till he died of convulsions. 1 can now envy (lie old mail his death. Our hovel was Instantly tilled with a dense volume of smoke which drove us all out to get breath. Several wished to enter and sweep out the burning embers, lest our house and contents should be destroyed. Itut I held fast to the closed door, and almost hysterical with delight, admired them that it didn't make any dif ference. Hy some means tlioy got me round to the cook house and our teiitmate, A lux Swlntoii, (who was on guard) threw the stove out of doors, extinguished die coals and carried them out and put the house In order again. Tin; Spokane Herald relates it as an astonishing fact that none but old men am seen coming out of the SMikaiie pustotllce. They enter the building in the vigor of life, but by the time they reach the stamp win dow their hair has turned white with' age. The attention of the postmaster general will I hi called to this fact. The investigation going on Into the imiKirtatioii of paupers, lunatic and convicts from Europe, has dt veloped the fact thatduriiigtlieyear tlie Jiritlhh government had sent 7500 of these kinds. It is liritish retaliation. Every year there go from the United States several thousands of the sons mid (laughters of the very rich tlie sons to splurge and tlie daughters to sell themselves to coveted titles with roues and rogues attached, They, go in first-class style by the finest ocean steamships, and put up at the most costly hotels in the highest fashion able (piarters of Loudon. They squander a yearly aggregate of a million or more. John Hull's lire - cess of retaliation Is to send as many or more of his paupers, lunatics and convicts to America, crowded in the steerage of the cheapest passenger steamers. It is agreeable to Urltish Free trade principles John Hull only prollts by it. News. Minister "So you go to school, do you, Hobby V" Hobby " Yes, sir." Minister "Let me hear you scll 'bread.' " Hobby "H-r-e-d." Minis ter "Webster spells It with an 'a,' Hobby." Hobby "Yes, sir. Hut you didn't ask me how Webster sjiells it. You asked me how I spelled It." Karrar t ('. Are shipping out fruit by the car load, but their own stoa is always attractive with the liest varieties. In fruit, vegetables, groceries and provisions they are always in the lead. . S-aoul Notlrr. The public schools in school dis trict No. 21, wllloeii next Monday, Sept. 3d. Parents should see that their children have ccrtilicaieH, which may be obtained of the ckrrk at his olllee with Willis fe Chunilier lin, Opera House block. David Si.mi"m., 15fit-d. Clerk. Piano and Voice. TJW ADVKnTISEtlHNTS. GO TO THE 11 U SE 1 -FOIl- Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats. -THE- Mlss Laura G0LTRA and Miss Margaret MACRUM Will open a School In Piano, Organ, Vocal Culture, Harmony and Theory On Mcmdiiy, Sept. M. Rooms directly orr Flrttt 2uttonnl Hank. Can be seen at the nxmiH on and aHcr Saturday, Sept. 1, from U o'clock iu in. !. ,'S0 CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Willuiuptto University. I .Most MicecMtful school of luuxio on the nort Invent coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAH. Courses In I'liino, OrRnn, SirKlrK, Violin, Murmony. find Counter point. Diplomas on completion ot couic. Tcncbern: Z. SI. I'arvln, Knoiklo I. Jouok, KviiCov. Ai-MKtiint, l.uln .M. Smith. Klrt term begins Slonday, Septemoer :1I, IsaS. Send for catalogue. Korlurtlier particulars address Z.M.PARVIN, Stuslcal lllreetor, Suleni, Or. S-17-dtf.wlt GREATEST BARGAINS -EVER OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! -HY THE- Capitol Adventure Co., Opera House Corner, Salem. 8-29-dw-tf m Writing In MnrUrt. Alexander Whlttmn, who. arrived hero from KtU'inriiurtryi-HtorUiiy with two carload of cattle, Nald of a re porter hint evening: "AVkuiw lmvu 164) head of cattle coming over the iiiountaliiHby wayofthoSiitxjtittlinlo ItuHH. Duriut; tue kihh! weatluT wo Mill drive at an expense ofl jkt head, while It ttwU uh f&W) by mil, lirTrrlr Marc Valaibt This (!lt An&NTAAlUK, the California dlKeovcry for Coiimimptiou and DIb vsim of tlio Throat,CheHt and Lunpt, and CAL1 KOUN I A CAT-n-CUHi;, the only iroamntvotl cure for Catarrh, Cold in thu Head and kindred com- plidutM. They are nold at $1 jkt Jmokiine, or three for fi.V), and nro -ivonnneiidiHl and UmmI by the lead ,nj jdiytilclaiiH of the Pacific Coast. Xot Keivt compound, (luaraiiteeil by 1). W. MattheWH it Co., KH1 State Ntrtvt, Nileui. E.A.WARE, 1IKAI.KK IN Fancy and Staple Groceries, Pixnlslon, Flour and Feed. Vegetables and Fruit Fresh Every Day. Sly Mock Is entirely new, anil'earefully aelected. Trices marked down to a ciisli baals. No. 110 Slaie SL-Xcvt lo llcil Front 8-13-dw-lm M km H rn FARMS! Pine Location! lest Soi Trtko Nul. tor Tills. TTlOll 3,.10(l VK WllA, SKI.I.liO acres X' well Improved carden land, wltbln S miles of Salem, flood road to town tlie year around. Hiilldlm;s Reed. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD nud vxcellont KnvKS land. This is a uirKiitn.uiul ulllbelield only it short time at tlie ftuim. Call, and wo will ahow you the property. W1I.I.1H CHASIHERMN. Opera MoiiKe, Salem, Or. MUlw-tf Easy fens ! -w Tl 1 1 ill mm For Sale. A good Iron frame Itnrso Tower, flood for all ums, from one to full caimclty. All for the low price or $10. Call at the la clflo Ctiter, Vlnetrar A Krull Treservlng Company's oiltw. Sutem, Onuon. and the cattle Iomc- iio Ilenh by beliii; III n twlnkllUK ho wax viHtlferatlui; driven than they do HinnilliiR lu the uftur the retrontltiK InebrlntiHitlnxitH of the din ( vciikwukv, S.viuk, one of the otuuidens a follow of lin Hir(urlw(ho etHitniv, In (ho blandewt toiiM iiMiuivd Id victim that It made no illflVrvtico, This occurred, let mo romurk cniwmmthtpM, durhiK thu day (if our military liiolploucy. orowded cam without AkhI or water, Most of the Ht(H'k fnim Kaateru WtuhliiRtoii for the Sound umrketM will be driven over the mountains the rvnirtlntlor of the mtioii or until the Httow llle. Tito two cnrloattn which cntno in to-day would imve Uhiii driven hud It not boon that Battle a Antra Halrt. The Uft imIvd In the world r.. uli, brulhs iwrea, ulcens aalt rheiin .evr Korea, tetter, chnpHsl baud-, rhllblalnu, corns, and ill iklu cruc ' nl loltYly cure plltw, in no wy rvsmlrtd. It la guannitetnl to k! e irfeotaaUrfacUou, or inotitMi refundetl. Price 25 cent per Ux. For ioIo - Dr. H. V. Cox. No Mich dli;raciful riot would Im thov wero ixiiulnHl wHiner than w Mllawvd wlioro proper 11m41Iii U ". HK1 ,,u,!,m"v " f(K,"- ITHIHV -. !. Ml-,. prtworvetl. On Yew Yonr'n evo 1 Ikhhuiim ihIxihI up with come noisy hlhuloun priHllnj,M (KVtirrliiK lu the ordor ly'a quarters. Toward the clo of thooiiturtaliiiuoiit tiMirt of Knerl onIte ensued wliluh retiultetl In the utove U'Iiik upMt and tlw Hxht ux UiirrnUhod, Tho InevltaUlo titn wa atUu pnwut, and hi phllo Miphlwd txHiimeutary waHiuuviuoro etiuneJutod "It don't mako any tHflWMtii." "A limit imth joy In the answer of his mouth," aatsa SohwuoM, "and a word poVu In tlue fcewHH, )iw ckhI It u r" The liUIroii (miiiiIIiIhx "(. Kor the uppntachlng eueniupinont at Columbus the preparations for feMliiK the vetenmo are pn-Kwdlnj; iiou a M-nleeoouorniou that It U nstoundluK to consider. For tvx anipio, one miup I Iwlnjr tltteil out for .Vt,O0O moil and the firm having (ho contract for supplying tlio matin ha made the following calculation of tlie quantity of food rvqulrvd for mo utral: lH,47t pouiuU of twuxm, i,ll poumUoflmm, &7.S71 jhiuiuU of ftxwli Kvf, 1H.5TS jHHiitd. mutton, Ai AVmUU Car. Tin. ORIGINAL AniETINK OlNTMKNTtaonly put up In Urge twoHHinco Ihi boxea. and Is Oregon State Fair! Tlio 38th Annual Sli.tr Fair will be held on the Fulr drouuds, near tvilem, commenclnc on the 17th OF SEPTEMBER, -And oontlnulnic one week. HllS illbt mircllased (IS7 nere. sitlinted fVnm tlinw In fnnp nml nnn.hnlf mlloa mcr of Balcin, which they will Immediately plat and biirvev and 11 In Ten Acre Lots. This land has been carefully selected with especial reference to Its adaptability to fruit raising and desirability for residence purposes, und Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will beawmrded for Agricultural, Mechan ical and block exhibits, works or art and fttney wurk, and for trials of sptvtL The premiums oflVrvd have bn In. crvrd lu many ensm, and ntw claws The time for the residents of ftalem to buy ten acres of choice, land near the city yry cheap will soon be past. The OHEGON LAJfD COSH'ANY alone Rold UUrlnjf AiiKiist tw entylx ten acre fruit lots, and some of tho same lots have already Been rc-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN PRICE. There nre many persons In Salem who could buy one of these lots and pay for It w itliout Inconvenience. In fact uuy person receiving even a small salary can buy one or these lots by maklnic a small cash payment, und paying tho remainder In semi annual Installments, und by practicing a little economy! for a abort time be the owner of u property which can be nuide (when Bet to fruit) to produco As Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land. The Vnllie Of tlieSO loLK fa UntdPtMniiiint linnn nnv nmcntlvo htn Km rtnrumrla upon what .thejr will actually produce now, and what that product will now bring n i no marKfei If You are Thinking of Securing a Home If you have money to invest do not fail to look at thes If You Want to Save a Part of Your. Earnings Anil at the same time make a flrst-cloas Investment buy one of theae lota on the inautllnirnt plan. Land Shown Free of Charge. 8-SMw-tf Uo not fa.l to see these lots, lota before Investing;. aixollite euro for old aorra. burns I have been aildnl. No nlo- fee clunvnl uomu!. hn,.l ...L. . 7 '. ladlUlou.J.K.I.andU.. " !!'' v nun nil -kin eniptlont. Will poaJtir.!v euro all kind, of pjlea. Ak for the OKIGIXAb AUIKTINK OIXT. MKNT. Bold by D.W. Matthew. .: L, ltW6tttt, I5alea, at 25 eeuu per box by ma g) at A n.uii. Having told my otlKvand imtotiw to Dr. J. T. .Mmm I wnlially re tHMiimend him to my ptrou and the Dublin In KDinrl. I nhall mioslii at thaortuv wnth the Dr. for a few WWKJ, 1JK. J. C.I1YKU. R-lStf. uiaculfli'vnt Itfld of hnrsva anlnmt and there will be spl'ndld conteata of run Uag and trottluc each day. Ttiedirrrrnl tranrrtatlon eompanlea vrtll make liberal reductions in Birr and nvlcbta. HpcWal attentkxi la called to the prenil uiiuortferxM ftr county exhibit of gralna, gmaaraand trult. Kulrlrawlll be recelveiltn tbeaeereUrya otTlcc In Salem, txvtnnlng atx days before the fair, and on (be fair (rounds, from Fri day tvAre the Atli. IVtsotu deslrhiir ts ttXblbtt lnillttakma J, K. 0. 1'andQ rr milKTtrvt lo niak their etilrtai oh KVi. ibiT and Hnlarday tAirttHialrirtwnMble. All eotriMi etioe on Mouday. Svpiraiber tnh.alt(Ui.ltt. rilll'B OF ADyttSelluNi Ceupuu tickrt Rirmeoili.layi- -It SO OwiKm tlckrt forMAWHfn tlx dy... 1 10 lay tleket ae men ." Ikav ttekrl tor women Tieketa lo the srand atand at ruee irmeK ar maiea over M yrara, X MiW AllVEUTIhE.Hlu.Vr8. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LKAVE OUDKltS AT UMfCETR UV ery Htablc, corner of htte and Front lrts-oron slateat corner btate and Coin mcrcuu streets. lYompt attention and iiv 4uomuicvu. W, A. BESO SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND. PmerUtor, Cone Bt4 bet. erry and &tate. CjHAVINOf, 1IAIB CUTTING O Hbaiupoolns neatly done. AI STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACR1?S VJl waturvd and plenty el timber. Two uaraa. itooa orehM.nL Ladlea to the craatl Hand iree. apply Uitba xwrrtary. MNiaea ami fwtt aieaaow and a !" Jr. Und. Ftrty , bwdoeatU.wlththepWLceffwaBtM.aBd CklKreiCtjFitcler'iCajltri) J TtHM dealrtaa- to NirekiM boat Im will i BaraataouhioniBk. WMhlnnun . ... . . . . - - a .... I - .. ..4. .. .1 ' . ----" w " iwuab iu iv. , Bargain tor urtfeadlo tbe areeetanr aiKalembra J-T.qiUKRi. pfVCMHHM lMt B2nr. j Iwwt tt OfTica af CaoitaJ Jounul FARM KOR SALE. 1(BK acres, near Proapect hilt, 7 mile, by acood road, from BeJem,laaerein ealti vatlon, baUnee in timber. Well watered. cood lXMbouaeof8 room, moderate barn, well at the door; all fenced and a thrifty younj orchard. Ttilrteea.aere aceded to pasture enm, and Tl act In train. lur baser can have llbet&l ternva to tkarvesl eropa PniQE,(!pQ, TIME GIVEN. CkMae right to the Carta and save aol' fee. J. P. ROBERTSON. Emjulro of Charley Iloberteon, at the Graage Btorv.