CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1SSS. NO. 1(32. FINANCIAL. BjTAHLISHED 11V NATIONAL AUTH01UTY 1 11 J he AIJHU M III Ull Of SALEM, - - - OREGON. -Capital Paid up, - - - - $75,1)00 Surplus, .---.- 10,000 H. S. WALLACE, President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, .- - - Cnshler. DIRECTORS! T. Gray, TV. Y. ilartlu, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wnllnce, Dr. V. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert. ,T. McF. Pattern. LOANS MEADE To farmers on wheat mid otlicr market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private grunnrlcsor public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Sun I'rani'lco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong anu iaicuua. n: ii jjaoK SALEM, OREGON. Wit. N. LADi'E, -I)H. .T. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - . - President. Vice President. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Pottland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought mill sold. Stale, County and City warrants bought. Fanners are coidlally invited to deposit will transact business with us. Liberal advances mailo on wheat, wool, hops and otlicr property at ieaonaoiO rates. Insurance on such se curity cm be obtained at the, bank In most reliable companies. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND . repairer. All work warranted. Leavo outers at T. McF. Patton's book tore, State street, Sulem, Or. TpXPRESS WAGOn7quTc7c ANB SAFE 111 delivery. Wm. Ronnie, having bought the express business of Walter Lowe, is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, and any thing else that ho can get in his wagon to any part of the city, quicker, saler, better, and neater, than It can be rtnno by nnv body else. Leavo orders at Silnto's BUible. mm INSURANCE Company. Flro and Ma rine. OS. ALRERT.-Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers in Sli II LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES I tot General Amenta for Oregon of W. B, ForsyuUs Infallible Corn Cure. ' Jmwiii um frt.i"lMfcW - 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand. SALEM, :::::' OREGON. K I't'KAL.fsILVBRTOX, WKKKLY. I1.SO a. per year. Independent. TheAWKAl, circulated In Marlon, Linn and Clack sins eoun ties; has been established eight ami U an excellent advertising ine auim. For terms aildres tho pawtshw1 H. O. OQlld.Sllvcnon.Or. I. SCIINEEDER, DEALZK lit WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Stayton, Oruoon. K wm on band hiive aortBo t ot Jw 'Or. Watcba Clocks, Me. RsnalrtBf 'i Urgulns la wau-lMtoT ny dmlcf I uiuvuuiuettvJl)'. 7oi-w 4 n i l it in i uirai bi .i AT. mm Boots 0)11 MISCEI.LANKOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber : and -:- Pohle. miwiam j..wMB.ww.fctf "nwwm-Jiuiii MpjiirriwiijmuiMWiL""". rfTtnTTffrwiiii n linn i V Tt "1 1 TV . r- t i 1 1 r l TSSjS-trs ,lrt-ti',iwtir- s - MINE MCfrCnVQROVlLLE GAL AVE YOIT A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Hao yon itn ex cessive secretion of mucus matter In the nasal nassaires? AroMiu tiouhlcd liv haw lawklng. spitting, weak and Intlamed ci es. roaring in mo eais, inure or less iiui:iiriueiii 01 ine Hearing, loss 01 smeii, memory un paired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of the nose? Have you lost all sense of smell? Isyour breath foul? have tho Catarrh. Some lmo all theso symptoms, others only n p-irt. California Cat-R-Cuire Restores the sense of tnsto and smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure Is guaran teed by 1). W. MATTHEWS .t Co. . .. ",. - " I - . t 1 7 KECOIvlrvllSNDlSD. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.orNow York City, formerly special agent of the. Pluwilx and Home Insurnnco Company at San Francisco, Oil.. says: "I lmu been troubled with Chronlo Catarrh for twenty years. A filend In Woodland, Cat., vmmii mended your California CAT-R-CURK. I procurded ajar, having but lit t (o talth In Its curatlv. preperties: but I must say, after using three Jars. I am cured of that disgusting disease Inclosed llnd S5 for which scud mo California CAT-R-CURE for some friends, who are sutrercrs." SOLD AND GUARANTEED UY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem:, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot. GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH Now in possession ot a new discovery in medicine, which is purely a local aniestlict Ic, and nets almost instantaneously on the snrroundlng tissues of the teeth. It is In no way Injurious or unpleasant to tho taste. The manufacturers of it claim that Its equal has never been known before, und by applying it to tho scnsltlvo or soro teotli. tfipv ran bo cleaned nnd filled without pain. So nil thoso that want all kinds of dental work dono without pain, would better call on Dr. 11, Smith. Teeth extracted for 50 cents, HENRY SCHOMAKER. Manufacturer ot The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. AH Styles of Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTIOK WILLAMEnE UNIVERSITY Graduates Btudent In lassieal, Literary, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the oldest, tare and UaM pen sive Institution of Iirnln- In tlw North- WolV.i nr,. flni MmiAav in September. 8d fcr .UKu jo T 1TrfJl riant j7i Hta, BrejoB. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FKwg Saw$ a Special. Hbop oa Uw alley, opposite Mmto s UT wy UtaW. ttatow. Or. A fine line of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages buekboards, etc, Roth our own tnaku and the bet eastern made buggies. Every one Warranted JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on the undersigned, wagon and car riago makers und blacksmiths, 2vS, 313 and Kit Commercial 8trect,-Salem. i La THE U LY- CUft u l- , ?. fienuent soreness of the tlnnat. rinclug o"r . -.. ... .. .. ' .". "T ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys and Girls. The school will oon on or about the 10th of September. Thorough Instruc tion In tho primary and ndv.inccd English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MI'SIC In course. . TERMS and further Information ma, Ik had on application to RECTOR. 8-20-tf VARIETY STORE! W.' M.'SARGEANT Keeps a fine stock of Wall Paper, orders and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool Chests, Velocipedes, HicyclM, UlSKKTS, si sll klidt f riUMES. Mouldings and Frames Made to Order. Tissue paper, lnu ve and eenters. Don't brget the artht material, stuli as Tube intMnrntl klnriK. ltrushitf of all hlzes.Mnd Uleoderx. Ako the GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mats tor frame ol all sixes. In feet every thing ebe that ean be thought ot. Come and See for Yourselves WELL DIGGING. Wi -ur.rj rr nit HKl'AIRKD. UK .lu rili Hand aran tbrbtUEh ttf Mtoee. o call a uy Uu, .;'h A.. AIV "j i n ; "' 1 Ml CJLiU:'. Mi.'' . , I Busy but Rraly. 12. Shoettle, "The Tnllor," now paddles his own cano and is going it alone very successfully, llmi ncss is Increasing tit a lively rate. Hut yon can call anil look at his lino new goods and bo measured for a suit or single garment. He will add to the number of hands so as to wait on customers and guar antee satisfaction. 3-d. lioncwnl Her loutb, Jlrs. IMuvbo Chft.!oy, Peterson, Clay Co., lowti, tells tho following remarkable story, tho trtithof whloh is voui'hed for by tho residents of the town; "I tun 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney com plaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself with out help. Now I am free front all pain and soreness, and urn able to do all my own housework. T owe my thanks to Klectiio Hitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a butt le, . We. and $1. at Dr. H. V. Cox's drui,' store. "Mmiili'ii-lliai'p.l." Vhen a vtooden pavement was iIouIi'ihI nuts-lib. St PmiP iMitltiwlisil Sidney Smith said : "If the can- tns win simply "put tneir I, .,.,,!.. I,...,.il,. .1-,, 11,1,,.. !. .1,,,,., I ,iniiii-i iviuiii, iiil (iiiii i:. infill. fPl,... ii'niii in,. l..,ll i, .t..,j,.li,ti- 1headed, however, as it would bo to deny the merit of Dr. 15. V. Pierce's vJomt'ii .iicumii jiiscuvcrj, wiurii has cured many thmtamls of liver it.-.,.,.... i,,,..,,,.. i,i, ,.,.i i-i.,,.i.j.....ii .4irtvi.rv, iiiiiiiii,,.i, iwiii .--.. ii, salt-rheum, diopsy, ehroiiio atlec- iioiiH ot ineimoai, oroncntai tunes, and Iuiiks, asthmu, catarrh, inllucu a, neuralgia, uyspejisia, constipa tion, and all skin diseases. Druu- uisls. ' W'hnll i.ViM'vl lillltr ili fulls Tir. Safe's Catarrh Itemedy cures. 1 l.t- WorM Mines," Maliitiilued CallliH), when his lot mentors indeed him for advoiatlng tlietrue system ofCorpcrnlcus. Ccitaln follies hold out, however, against the Illumination ofdls coveryand experience. There mo hots of people who, bceaiiselhey luivo uilopleil crrtaiu principles, continue to himiIIow them to their dying day In ilellnncoofthii laws of common sense. Mcicury, dinis tlc purgatives, super-potent iiarcotlcs anil sedatives, thougli they have given ground before the Irresistible progress of llostetter's Htoniiii'l Illtlei-s. a uatloiiiil, painless remedy lor disorders oft he liver, the stomach and the bowels, still continue to make ambulating apothi'cailes shops of many stomachs. The svmiitoms of live troubluHiiro easily leme.llable It limit any abdominal dlsturb.inie llh this benef icent til eratlve. So also arc constipation, sick huadiiulic, lioartbuinand an Inahlllt to dlgost siitlsfiietorlly. It cures U er and ague, rheumatism and kidney trouble. SKEPTICS Alti: lli:CO.MI.N(l LRs,S AND LIlM). lieciuiso your family physician has treated you for years and dono you nil (rood In no reason why yon can not bo cured. Dr. .James Prosper, well nimlllh'd, beluga regular grad uate from tho. sout It, has dono live years practice in the Woman's Hos pital of Charleston, S. ('. and Chihuahua, Mexico, and is now in his ninth year's practice of chronlo disouscH. Will guarantee a euro in all curable mine of chronic diseases of women, blood and skin diseases, kidney, liver ami heart diseases. Private diseases of bothse.xes. Con sultation free. Olllce hours from 0 n. m. to C p. in. ICvenliiL' from 7 p. in. to 8 p. in. Olllce,' .'tlfli Liberty street. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On May 1st, last, about four mouth ftgo, Dr.ailNrtoiwiitHlliiiutlltnuiidMUiltArlMiii In llielwnk blojtk, sJmIhih, and advertised to trtwt ehroiiU) dUt-HM on svlenlltlc principles. HIiipa tlmt time Ills practice lw been steadily Increasing o miuli so that he was obliged to secure more nsuu and Itinreualng fucllltles, and now rlnillng hlinselfunubln to attend to Ills numerous iwtlenw, he IwsenteriHl Into (Mirtnenililp with Dr. 31. W. W'emp, of Detroit, Michi gan, a physletan und surgeon of large ex perlencfl, thoroughly (iniwtent, and a spenbtlUt In dlsHtse of the eye, ear, throat HUd nasul envltlea who has mine Willi his fiimlly to make his home In Halem. TIhi new Ilrm wl(l Ym known us Drs. fill Iwft J: W'emp and will occupy the uih modlous nKims In the twtlk bloek, for ottlee and sanltarliini, and will eonduet their Imm4s under the mtnm ami style of Tin Ortges Mtil w4 Ssrcktl IsttHsts. It Is their Intention to sjsire neither Iim nor expense hi their enorts to make IhU the most miite l4ltHttil, Uk tt treat, meut of all fifrius of dl.w.wi esetliy ehnmle, In the iwHlhwest. Medleated vsjwr ballM, eleelrw-matfitH-ism, az)'itt an4 huwmu)s, together vrtlM H Htohrn and scteftUAe sjUuees 6w the Iharougli sure trf dlijaue, will be ism"!. KxamlnalkM wlH he free, snd etarM strMty moderate, AddrMt t. OlUwsrt d Weinp, Hank Monk, or ihmUU box lit, Halem, Ureifou. ! CUIIrttCrjSrBtcte'iCulirla SHOT IlUWX KlltlM A3I1USH. The Wife of a IMillmlelpliInu Cruelly Miirdereil in N'i'W llrnnswirk. Uoston special: Thellallett Davis Piano conipauy here received a dis patch this morning from one of their salesmen, Major C. F. Howes of Philadelphia, niiiioiincinc the niur dorofhis wife. Tlie tragedy tinik place near Perth, Carleton county, New llrunswick. About a month nso Major Howe anil family started up to the head waters of Tobhpio river on a salmon llshiug cruise. They yoro returning Sunday, when, about ill) miles from the mouthofthe river, their canoes were tired upon by a party ambushed In the woods on the side of the river about 10 yards distant. Their tire was prin cipally directed to the llrst canoe, in which were Major Howes and his wife and two Indians. The llrst two shots passed over them without injuring any of the occupants of the canoe, but the thiul shot penetrated Mrs. Howes' head. She fell forward In tho canoe with a scieam and died instantly. The cowardly wictches did not desist from lliing when they saw tho woman fall, but continued their fusllnde when the second canoe containing the major's daughter came up. She escaped her mother's fate by lying (low n in the canoe. Several shots passed halm lessly overhead. When the third canoe, eonlaining the major's son, Lorraine and Mr. Lincoln, Ids com" paiiiou, came up, the lire was re turned and the wretches tied and did not return. Major Howes, Ids daughter and thiee sons reached Audovcr last night with the body of tho murdered woman. They wore prostrated with grief. The body will bo embalmed and taken to JSontoi), arriving there to-morrow night. Major J lowes foimerly lived in Jlostou, but about two years ago removed to Philadelphia, whcio lie has since lived. Mrs. Howes Is said to have lelallves in Hyde Park, Mass. She was Mr. Howes' second wife they having been married live years. She was -K) yearn old and leaves a son 4 yenis old. 'I'wii poachers named William Day and Frank Trafton are suspected of tho murderous dted. These suspects were recently driven from tho llsh lug grounds und they threatened to Hhuot any one wl would try to pre vent them Iroin spearing salmon. TKIiKMIAI'llll' SI'lilNTS. The president ami Dan Lainoiil returned to Washington last even ing. Joli n Walhart, aged IW, handed himself In Ills son's barn at Ddpau ville, New York, on Thursday even ing. Two car loaIs of hoj w wont shipped from Helena, Mont., yesterday to Now York, gathoKcd in that section of country. In Louisville yesturduy Joe Lam burtiuid lif. Walker met In a house of 111 fume, and engaged In a street light Hhortly urter; the first named was killed. A genorul strlko of tho Hint glaw makers of the county Is immiiieiit, as the manufacturers resist an advance demanded by theengravere. About ,000 men are aHected Oetiural Hecretnry LitchiiiMi of the Knights of Lalxir liiwt roslgnwl, to take ellect September H. Ho says ho resigned In order to lx free to take part in tho present oamjinlgii, His rurilgiiHtloti has lieeii accepted by l'owderly. Henry A. Schmidt, u Ht. Louis tailor, Is served with twelve suits by us many Journeymen in hi employ, for Importing contract lalKir. He admits advancing money to men In 0niHiiiy beoHUM) they hud no means to iay their pussage. Kovdiity inembont of the CamidlHii 'arIUiti)untiirprof(t-l prohibit Ion- let. e . The courts of Kautau 1ihv dwddwl that hard elder U an intoxicating drliilt. ChllflreH Gr jftrFltclier's Castoria TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Accident Near Spokane 1'alN. SfOKANK FALUS, W. T., Allg. ill. AJournal on n freight car on tl o Northern Pacific west-bound train broke as tho train approached the trestle one mile west of Spokane Falls. The car Jumped the track, but the trains passed in safety over the trestle. Three ears wore badly smashed, but a man stealing a rule in a ear of iron pipe was crushed to death. (it'll, Han Nun's Mm ciucnts. Toi.kih), Aug. II. 1 1 I under stood that Ucn. Harrison has spent some of his leisure time at Middle Pass In preparing his letter of ac ceptance, and it is believed by his fi lends that he Intends to make It public as soon as he returns to Indianapolis. An early lunch was served to-day at the Middle Puss Club house, after which (Ion. Har rison and his friends crossed U Putin-Pay, to attend a formal reception. Suit l'nr Divorce. Sn.viTi.i:, Aug. III. Nellie It. (iwynne began suit for divorce lo day against her husband, John A. ( ! wynne. The couple have only been married a short time. There are no ehlhhcn. Motharo well known all over the I'uget sound country, Mrs. (Iwynne being the daughter of the late Stephen W. llovey, a pioneer of till country. Failure to provide Is one of the grounds mentioned as the cause of the complaint. Cattle ltaiige lluiiit Over. Hi:i,, Aug. ill. Thullerceand threatening lire that has been raging on the ranges of tho upper Mural county, in northern Montana, has been extinguished, after a desperate light of four days by the callloiuen and ranchmen. Tho lire Is supposed to have escaped from a camp lire, but fortunately the range burned oil was a winter range and will not be needed before next spring, v hen a new coat of grass will appear. A very large area of ground was swept clean. Tim Wooiull Suiting.' I'lituk. Tacoma, Aug. III. At a meeting to-ulght of the Lincoln Republican Club, the leading political organi zation of the county, the republican parly was severely arraigned by Mrs Zerelda Mc(., for not losentlngthe recent declsl :i of tho supreme court disfranchising women. Several leading members answered Mrs. McCoy declaring that the republican party which had granted the ballot to women, and which had been sue ccs fill always previous thereto, had been defeated in the territory at every election where they voted One speaker, a delegate to the territorial convention to meet at -Kllciishurg, declared that ho would approve any woman siilirago plank suggested for the platform, I'orHgn Food I'r.iapncl. Nhvv Yoiik, Aug. ThoTlmoH hits a long entile which estimates the old world needs at least 70,0(X),0(M to M, 000.000 bushels of wheat more than tho harvests of theyearwill produce. To put it In another way, the eoiintrleH which always have to buy wheat must this year buy .'lO.OOO.OOO bushels more, while tho countries raising more than they eon consume will have about 2f,000,(XW bushel to sell. Tho storms of the pant week have greatly damaged wheat In Knglaml, ami thegriKit wheat-producing coun try of Froncc, which, it wiih thought a week ago, would Imjiort 08,000,u0i) bushels, will now have, it Is estimat ed, to Import Wl.fMHVMK) to U.ri,no(,uoO. Algiers can not supply much on ac count of grasshopiiers. Tho best estimates put the surplus of the United States and Canada at 10K, 000,000 bushels, Jtuula 00,000,000, India 85,000,000, hut all sorts of stories coining from J Insula lately ore unfavorable. In London broad has gone up two cents per loaf. The jsitato crop of Hnglandaiid Ireland Is u partial fail ure, and grtwt distress Is believed cor tain. The 'limes, summarizing resrtH from ull parts of the Vnlted King dom, says there Is enough wheat for home consumption, but not a gnu t deal to MiMtrt-.