iu ni i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UBMHHBtt EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. ny tiid V Capital Journal Publishing Company. WUOItl'OKATr.U Offlte, Corner Court soJ Mttrlf StrrHi, TKUM OK HUflsfclUITlON 1 ' ' ' iAir' - ' '' 'One yr, by mnll :.-..: To wi Hlx montliH. hy mall '1 60 riircelnmilliHbyjm.il I 0 ler wc-ok delivered by currier - ! . i v - Ono ypr.. - II M Hlx month" , Ono year, If imlil for In advance 1 W .Six months, M jnrrltiiHlcri nre nutliowd to re ceive HlllHHTlltlUnR. 119-Kiitcrwl n bitoihI-cIiiwi iiinllfr at the Baluin.UrtKoii.l'oHUillke.Juiiul, 1H8K. Republican National Ticket. For J'rt'Hlileiit, 3II5NJAMIN IIAKKISOX, Of J milium. For VIco Pit-MtU'iit: I.KVI V. MOKTON, Of Nuw Yirlt. Kou Piinhinr.NTiAi. 1.i.i:cioiih. Ilobi'it Mcl.mn.of IClitiniitli County. Vin. Kapus,f .Multnomah futility. C. Kiillon.of ('lnlmp County. &";?"' . . -- will be to close up the Kwlyu mines entirely. You must uiitlertHiiil thnt both Mr. Oukwi mid myself are ciirryitiK out tne policy or tne ciireci ore of the compiiuy." v "Jk'foru the vliit'wiw paid to mine Niihvthri nnift vtre renWctl. and iKHiiK'iiiint Millies greeted tlie gover. .?,.- J.-.I ltta''....r(t.'"" jint.li (if till! lUt iWaV4 tf f IJ .a.v -- -.- colored workmen were cidled in, Mime of whom hud grievance) to reh'earAe. and wifd they were hired to dig coal and not build forts un der guard of Winchester rilles. "They con fil n'ot tell what wages (hey were to receive, and Wortbington, wlien asked by Gov. Feinple what rates he liioiKised to nay. refused to tell, but fell back in his former boast that tlley could earn three or four times more than they made in Indiana or Illinois. About a score of the negroes wanted to lie sent back, as wnspromUed them in ease they were dissatisfied. Hut Col. Thomas, onoof the armed janissaries, explained to the reporter that trans portation to their homes had been promised these colored men in the event that the manager failed to keep his contract; as he had made no contract, It would be hard to convict him of forfeiture. All danger of present violence seems to lie removed, but the object of the company is evidently to Introduce tlie I'enusylvaiiia system in the far went. If it succeeds in this, American coal miners will be compelled to leave Itoslyn and their places will lie II lied with the lowest priced laborers of Europe. and not transcend the naked truth. Political ninks are seeJLhlug, the lines are not fpnrtjEs), "ify'ii'thlng Is but whatris Hot!' Til trTlS jflalb of Firrar - Co. Are rushing trade bus,to'meVcngrgy. Their show win dows arc; "trcftUed every day with ..rini..i.. i.rtTtf .,..... Urn...'.. i piitflMujulta,Sffd vegetables, and not lose confldeif&Hu newspaper re- thdlr stock ofgeneral groceries Is ports, or abandon himself to the be-' alwajs kept filled up. lief that "their columns are filled I ' "" with falsehoods nnd huso fabrlea-j sh.ol Notice, tions." They are fragmentary and. The public schools in school die deluding to bo sure, but may still be! trictNo. 4, will open next Mondttyr charged with the enduring fiuniL.vjirjint. 3d. Parents should see that of truth. To save uneasiness of thei children have certificates, mind and loss of rest nt night, tlie ' whfch may be obtained of the clerk wisest thing is to let things take , at his office with Willis & Cbamber- their course. The country will live and prosper no matter whom may lie elected; and our wants will be supplied whether wool and lumber come to us free or taxed. KKIV I'AHTV LINKS. CONl'I.ICTINM TKtTlMONV. Kill DA V, AUflUST .11, 18S8. TIIK HOSI.TN COAI. MINIM. The visit ofdov. Heinple, of Wash ington Territory, and other officials to the Itoslyn mines, as detailed In the Oregonlan yesterday, throws further light on that menacing labor disturbance. Alexander Itoss seems to have owned the coal property, but he has lately sold out to the Northern Pacific llallroad Co. Under Ibis's ownership the crii tlou of the mines was conducted harmoniously; eight hour shifts was the rule mid u living rate paid for thu coal mined. The railroad company put in K. V, Worthlugton as manager, and his urMise evidently was to in troduce the blighting system that prevails In the coal milling region of Pennsylvania. There nru up wnrdsiif 700 white miners, many of them with their families, In thu neighborhood of the mines, and they naturally werodeslrousto know what temiH their new employers had to ofier them. Hero tho trouble lxtgun. Manager Wortbington Is ovldcutly n bulldoiter, and opMsed to nil labor unions. I fe was provok lugly Indefinite in his offer. He told the men the company projOMed to open another mine and oeruttt it, so us to u I lord employment for all ; but he coil Id totemtu no limitation of hours. Thu man that worked thu longest would earn tlie most, and no one mvd feel uneasy about making u living. The milium ob jected to this placing their Interest blindly In the bunds of ono man, mill limy refused to work until a a projHir guaranty was given. Upon tills ho roptdred onutwurd, gathered up four or live noons color wl QiHimtlvitt, whom ho hocussed with thu minio Indefinite promise, and then hlrtxt n fon of armed men to protect IIiomi iirjrnHn from luviault. Tlio render Is nlrvmly lu forineil of Mr. WorthlngUm' tuixt proceedings. How he returmnl to lUuilyn with his giK of oporntlvwi' aud tholr htuImI gUanl, how lie built and fortified a camp, which ho mir roundiMl with a fordon of'sentlnels, nil with Intent to foroo wlnvory on holplcwt uNipltv Tho owner of the property, Mr. Hom, hud Ui "whol jiarty urrtvtiHl ilr tnju, mid bo gun null - for oHister, Hut IiIn uhUm wa MtUfiwl uudnll iVwtH paid Wfuro tho vltltof tho)vernor. j While- the gulornntorlnl pnrty' wm txt liilm Nos. 1 nml ft letter from Uenunil Muuagor ltuekloy to llllnin Iokinan, MiHvriulendeut of inlneti, wm n4id, whloh dtvlatwl that the company did not oppUm tlie KiiIkIiU of lWr, and would not rvduoo wngvxi at uiluett 1 ftJid 2. Tho letter went on m follow ( Our Ingenuous friend, the editor of tho Pioneer, hits stood nil he can Htand of thlsHortof thing, and now ho gives notice of his revolt. He Hct out sumo time ago to study the political situation, and carefully conned the columns of his ex change to learn the drift of public opinion. He has prosecuted this labor for two months, and now gives up In a hoticlcss state of con fusion. The psalmlHt David ex claimed in his hasto, "All men mo liars!" and tills modern quill driver under equal provocation bursts out, "A silitlcal newspaper is thu most unreliable of all." Ho gives his reasoiiH for this belief, too. "Take thu Oregonlan and tho Examiner, for instance," ho says, "ono a re publican and thu other a democratic paper. Since thu campaign opened thu Oregonlan has published ac counts of life long democrats who huvu genu over, from one man to a whole club, to tho republican party and who huvu decided to vote for Harrison. Thu Examiner has pub lished columns of niuues of men and clubs who havo boon republi cans all their lives, but who havo deelared their intention to vote for Cleveland. Jn these two papers, If all they say Is true, tlteru aro about twenty million republicans who will vote fur Cleveland, and twenty million democrats who will vote for Harrison, mid they expect their renders to believe It," This is taxing theavunigo reader's credulity soinuwhat severely, but our jouruallstlu friend is excited, and ho over-states his case. Wo have all along maintained that dis integration is crumbling up our Hilltlel parties, and the atoms that liecomo detached form renminbi na tions. Tho Chicago platform Is a striking evidence of this dlscntcgrn tlon, us many of tho principle- It ombodlcA are in direct conflict with republicanism. It will lie noticed that tho parting messages of those who renounce their allegiance to thU moral Uiul JinigruKslVe jmrty, set forth thnt they ennuot stand. five rum, mid a turilf policy that re- fuses adiulhslo'ii to our shores of raw Ham .Small has become editor of the Southern Star, Atlanta, anil the erratic preacher makes It spicy reading. It is a prohibition orgam but does not nppcnr to bo a demo cratic annex. Tho following clip ping from an editorial shows what he is doing toward tlio disintegra tion of tlie Georgia democracy : Old narty ties will soon be sun deied by progressive, intelligent, teui)cniucv democrats, and then will come the great political combat between American intelligence, marshaled from both tlie old parties, and conservative whisky democrats, re-lnforeeil by no small number of republican politicians, saloon-keepers and distillers, and mind you, In telligence will win. In view of this Impending con lllet, It will not be u bad idea for whisky democrats to take a prohibi tion paj)er. ty so doing they can better sie up tlie party that is soon to give them ti severe political Hogging. JlUtio.s. lin, Opera House block. David Simpson, 15St-d. Olerk. Aftcrnton CIms. Mrs. DcPrans, afternoon class will inet (by kind permission) at the residence of Mrs. I. It. Moorcs at 3 o'clock and in the evening 7:45 at Mis. Asa McCully's. All persons interested nru requested to be on hand for the first lesson. Kesidence still at Mrs. IUely's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. G0 TO THE m A I i WEE -FOR- Rry Goods,, Boots and Shoes i ? Barium Arnln SaItc. M'lie best salve In tho world fo !., In ukes, sores, ulcers, saltrlieuin i- ci soies, tetter, chapped band- i ilblalus. corns, and all skin eru- 'iiin, and positively cures pilesj oi id pay required. It is guaranteed t" give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. l-'ur sale u- Dr. H. W. Cox. Clothing and Hats. 1 O " -.tli. -THE GREATEST BARGAIN -EVEIl OFFERED IN- General Merchandise ! News here is scarce. No biith, deaths, marriages, elopements, fires, lights "no nuthln." The farmers are still busy thresh ing, iiiaiiKiui mat tne yield is so good and that the bulk of the crop is wheat Instead of oats. 11. Uarndrlck, ex-pol!eenian of Salem and U. S. deputy marshal, one of your sterling, every-day-allke men, has charge of the wurehouso here. Last year it was not used at all, but this season it will bo well patronized. T. W. Rutherford, thostorckeoper, has taken advantage of tho lull In business while tho farmers aro busy making monoy to spend with him and others, to run down Into South ern Oregon and Investigate some mining Interests. Tlio resources of this Webfoot land aro almost bound loss. Church, Sunday school and district school will be ut full tido soon. M. C. An Abwlnt Care. The ORIGINAL ABIETINI'. olXTMENTIs only put up In large (Mo-ounce lin boxes, and is au .iiisoiute cure for old sores, burns, rounds, chapped hands, and jill -kin eruptions. Will positively line all kinds of piles. Ask for tlie OWGINAL ABIETINE OINT MKNT. Sola byD. W. Matthews A Co., 100 State street, Salem, at ! cents per box by mall 80 cents. -BY THE fa tol Adventure '? Opera House Corner, Salem. S-29-dw-tf NEW TO-DAY. Piano and Voice. i TFil! fine Loca Two .w Dilllri. At last It seems there is to bo a democratic pnper. Charles Power and a number of others have osso oiutod themselves together to get out n dally democratic paper. Just what tho resources of those interest ed In tho venture are Is not known, but It Is positively stated that tho new paper will shortly make its a pearanoe, W. W. Uakor & Sons will Issue a dally paper during thu forthcoming Mechanics' Fair. News. "It U the intention of tlie com imiiv to o)iruto mine X on mi en Urvly dltlWvnt loW from tlmt of tltt Hoaly u mine. The wtvy iiittm now otMHd, If th men eoutlnue to nwke HrUltury Iimuaiu 1 fam- Mr. Oukwi mid tiK ooonl of dltvutiuv will dw'tile to tdmmUu U mine mi UrtMY and throw nil the men out of tMliploymelit. t)lie ihlllg uliould Im ixuuiMuy should run thy iuIhm to Milt tlllMIUlVWt, mid If thU IVUIIHH led"ic I boo (he onl Ueriittlve material, Is In cntlot wl'tfi their Idfiu of sound 8tntetuiusnhlp. Tiik JounNAC xJiitM out some tlrnn flgo thortilstnko'nihilo by those Who predicted u olo elation th)s your. Ik-omuie tho result Is likely to lwa mighty victory or mi over whelming deflwf. The oppression oflftboT by ilnnorupUlouH coriK,rn' tions U disturbing thousands of vtors; mid tho burden of heavy In- tent on luitvtahdlnglndebttHlneM U niliVtliut with dUlo-alty tho minds of a largo eJass of fivruvers. Tills tAtlfT tllKunAloii Is swervlpg voters In all dlreotlotw, mid that free whisky plank Is bending ninny over to the cold water party. Thus we an all at sea lit wide conjecture whonJudgnituit lsswaywl by lrtas. One man will toll how Harrison will onrry a solid north, with ihio hitM tw or Ihreo KMithertt statos thrown In; while another niin, Just tut well lufurmed, will give tint solid KMUh to Clvelmid, with tha three or four doubtful northwiiMHtw, and two or thnw tnvlde that are not iww ivmlderxHl dmibtAil. Thiw iMrtlnan papers of oppiwlte IHihtlw eau JiiaWe dulb record of Hctidii from oiHaieSmiit rank. AVIutt ttrn vra Cunlnc To t CmcAcio, Aug. 30. This morn ing footpads waylaid Fred Schunc- niiin, a well-known young man of this city, and when ho attempted to defend himself shot and killed him nnd esottiHHl. Tho pookets of the murdered man wore rifled, mid, besides his money, a gold walch, a dltimond ring, stud and w.-arf pin were taken. Three men ran away Immediately afterwunls. There Is no clue. Mis Ltura G0LTRA and Miss Margaret MACRUM "Will open n School In Piano, Organ, Ypl Culture, Harmony and Theory On Monday, Sept. 8d. Itoonis directly oyer First Nntlonul Hunk. Cun bo seen nt tla rooms on nml aner Sntunlny, Sept. 1, from 0 o'cloclc u. in. Cso M Soi I! X l Easy Tfljn ! ! ! -w- E.A.WARE, -DKALKK IS- Fancy and Staple Groceries, rrovlxtona, Flour nnd Feed. Vegetables and Fruit Fresh Every Day. My stock in entirely new. mull carefully selected. l'rlce marked downlto a cuu No. 110 State SLXe.t to lied Front II in USD II 1119 X Ipl B H I ' llr r I ll T I jl I VI I fi ci 'I I M " I ' t-13-dw-liu HlMl OHM-HUT. The Second lloglment bmul will give a otmcert In the avenue to night, bcglunliig nt 8 o'clock sharp Following Is tho program : QuIckHlep-Orend Knlry.. tJtchenWriwr .ScltiUUiclii-IiuT I'rvndMlle. U 11. Mix. Hwl lleranluiiM. rtonlhwrn Chlaainau...MiMu I1UDU Ovrrluriy-llriiok urttey. nrnmiJHUW,,..,.... . uulrkitrt-nlr Four. I)lk-,riieJallv iuitk MurcJi- Wttta Bby m ilck, W t her CutorU. irt b m cuu, Sh crUl (or Oulorti. Wtia th twcalB )I1m, Eh )uax to CutorU. Wta h tuj CJiHdrro, tiK tK Um OMterU. A o,m. Havlug M my otUivmul pnietice to ir. j. i. .MSAHi i txintMiiv rv- eommend him to my jtnow mid the puWle In veuefal. I shall remain nttltv otllce with the Dr. for a few wixibw. Hk. J. C. Hyriv. S-lStf. Oregon The VHIh Annual State Fair will be held on the Fair Uroundu, near Salem, commencing on the 17th OF SEPTEMBER, And continuing one week, CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will bt awarded for Acrlenltural, Mechan- inunnuciocKfinioiu, worst or an and roiiejr wora, ana ror irmuor ped. The premluiru otrrred have been In rrviued In many rai, and ntw cla have xtu addd. 'o entry rte-chamd tndlTUIou.J, K, Land U. ' T A niasnlflcent neld or horx tnterrd. nnd there will be splendid conteats of run nlng and troltlns each day. The different trantportatlon eomnanlea wtll.mak liberal reJuctkuw u, ftiro, and gpcial atteatlon U called to the prenti um orterxM for county cxhltuu of gruliw. graMkeaand trutta. KntrioAWlU bercceltedin iluiuwmiin''. ettlc In Satan. tectnnlue ill daya before the tUlr.aad.onttxAtlr croumb nm Pri- net nn of Salem, which they will Immediately plat and survey nnd sell tn Ten Acre Lots. This land has been carefully selected with especial referenco to 1U adaptability to fruit raising nnd desirability for residence purposes, and Each Lot will Front on a Good Boad and Have a Good Front Fence. The time for the residents of Ralem to buy ten acres of choice land near tho city veryehenp will soon be past- Tho QrtEOON LAND COMPANY alone sold during August twenty-six ten aero fruit lots, and some of the samo lots have already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN RICE. . There are many persons In Balem who could buy ono of these lots and pay 'or It wlthoullnconvcnlence. In fact any person receiving even a small salary can buy one of thews lots by making n small dish payment, and paying the remainder in lusmr unnunl liutnllments, and by prnctlclnn a little economy for a short time be the owner of a property which con be made (when set to fruit) to produce fs Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Lai)). . , i The value of these lots Is not dependent upon any prospective boom, but depends upon what they will actually produce now, and what that product will now bring, in the market. ; If You are Thinking of Securing a Home If you have money to Invest do not fail to look at these Want to Save a Part of Your And at the same lime make a flrsUctais Investment buy one of these lots on the Installment Man. .. ... T i- ' l ' W -i Do not fa-.l to sec these lots, lots before Investing. Yon Earnings of these lo Land Shown Free of Charge. I ' I tnon... 8-s-dw-tr wvre law Rlr. ivimiu Diaii mumfwnij, it. u, rMiiio are (trtns J. KO. 1 anrtft m n rwiuftiKt to maka Uielr vutrVM on FrV ttayaBitrtatttrvlayte(iriiblHtrKrMslM, AU putrlM etrwe on Moadiu-, fmwWr KMrADTatTI3E5lKSTS: ' ' ' .ni'il ll BENSON'S EXPRESS. f E.VVB ORDBHA AT I.ANCFT8 I.IV Xj ery Stable, corner of Htate ami Front nefi-orgn tlaleareorueratalelndCbm, cereCl?aA,SS5., m WWlW W, A. BENSON CllltresCrj(rFitcler,.C!iterIa irtu, at 7VU jv hi. .I'KU'IW OF AOM1WION.- CHiun tleket Rr neo (six uayw m k...M ' Lfttr wHuta to the cntnd .taml ai km iraca sur sum orv yeara. imm i nr craitu uiiu ire. isi WW Ittl uuu' ts)UiNtinr. lyfiendU lb wmtarv alRal prlpju ttH, J T. tlKBHO. SAlEIvI BATHS. H. DUMOND.-rrepri.tor. Com SU, beU Ferry and State. iUAVINOi'- IlAnt'iiwliNQ' "ASD O bhamoala DeftlylpnA,4 farm: FOR SALE. i tWatrwc W pmvhvMi boolu wMl alRaUtitlUra tcrry. i STQCK FARJI FOR ALE or rEiijT ! 630 ACRES Wall watered acut Henly at UstW. Two aottM astd two ktars. Oou.1 umIuni pwii.-.srpiar&ww! ; "V?" w najiL niH arc mUm -jgSj:. .. ....BW Enouire at Office af Ciohil JeunuL IWK aerea, near Irospeet hill, 7 mile, by a good road, from Salem, tUaerea In cultl vattoa, buknee In timber. Well watered, good KU)hoasofSrpoialrnoderatebarn, uH at the door ; all fenced and a tbriny young orchard. Thirteen ieded to Iu4ure gnuui, and K aerea in groin. lur ehir Srv hayu IKwpU tamvi in (urri PRICE flOOO, TIME UIVKX. Uhm right id I he tkrw and wive agent J. P. ROBERTSON, Enquire of Chark-j- oU-rilo,iJ. at tb Grange Store.