Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 31, 1888, Image 1

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    IfcJP.UPJI '""
Vf i,?c ,
VOL. 1.
NO. 161.
"- '' '" !
The Capital National Bank
Capital Paid up, - - - - $75,000
Sarplos, ----- -10,000
K. S. WALLACE, - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vlco-Presldent.
J. II. ALBERT, .- - - - Cashier.
V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
J.M.Martin, R. S.Wallace,
Dr. V. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert,
.T. McP. l'atton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or In store,
cither in private granaries or
nubile warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drarts
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San
Kranclco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
First National Ban
WM. N. LAIlUE, President,
IUt. .T. REYNOLDS, - Vico President.
JOHN MOIR, Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, San Francisco,
New York, Loudon nnd Hong Kong
bought and sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers are cordially
invited to deposit nnd transact business
with us. Liberal advances made, on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
reasonaoie rates. Insurance on such se
curity can bo obtained at the bank In
most reliable companies.
. repairer. All work warranted,
to orders at T. McF. Patton's book
store, Stato street, Salem, Or.
111 delivery. Wm.Rcnnlo having bought
the express business of Walter Lowe, is
prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack
ages, and any thing else that ho can get in
his wagon to any part of tho city, quicker,
safer, better, and neater, than It can be
done by any body else. Leave orders at
Mlnto's stable.
J Company.
1 1 Flro and Ma
OS. ALBERT.TAgent, - - Salem, Oregon.
Importers and Dealers In
Latest Styles!
Leading Lines!
'Lowest Prioes!
General Agents for Oregon of
W. R Forsyth's Infallible Corn Cure.
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. E. Good's old stand.)
SALEM, : : : : : OREGON.
XV per year. Independent- ThoAJ-CEAl.
circulated In Marlon, Linn and Clack
amatcounllee; has been ettabllthed eight
yir and it an excellent advertling me
dium. For term address the publtoher
. O. Guild, 811 vert on, Or.
Stayton, Orbqon.
Keep oo haada targe aworlmest at Jewv
0 Watebea CtookJ, ete, lUpalrlng
Jfwnptly done and warranted. I will give
to Uwt bar i Jem la watebea of any dotter
urn Willamette valley. 7inw
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank.
Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle.
--Os WJE"l,1f-' irrrir in
nL1 f ol r
f. ..no
n.Ti ::, . i.
I 12 BI 1VIK. )
- "' J&L
AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Have you mi ox
cosxlie secretion of mucus matter In tho nnal iiassacea? Are you troubled by
uwklnc. spitting, weak and Inflamed eyes,
roaring in the ears, more or lc-s Impairment of tho bearing, loss of smell, memory Im
paired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of tho noe? Haoyou lost nil
scnso of smell? Is your breath foul? If so, you havo tho Catarrh. Some have all thee
symptoms, others only a part.
California. Cat-R-Cure
Restores thosenso of tastoand smell, removes bad tasto and unpleasant bicnth, result
ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow dliectlons and a cure Is guaran
teed by D. W. MATTHEWS Co.
CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.of New Y'ork City, formerly special agent of thu
Phoenix and Home Insiirnnco Company at San Francisco, Cal says: "I have been
troubled Willi uuronio unarm ior twenty years, a menu in oouiami. urn., ii-coin-mended
your California CAT-R-CURE. I procurdod a Jar, having but Ultlo faith In Its
curative properties; but I must any, after using three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting
disease. Inclosed nnd fo for which send mo California CAT-R-CURE for some filends,
who nro sufferers."
106 State St., Salem, Or
SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot.
Now In possession ol a new dtscovory in
medicine, which Is purely a local anaesthet
ic, and acts almost instantaneously on tho
snrroundlng tissues of tho teeth. It Is in
no way Injurious or unpleasant to the
taste. Tho manufacturers of It claim that
Its equal has never been known beforo.and
by applying it to tho scnsltlvo or sore
teeth, they can bo cleaned and filled
without pain. So all those that want nil
kinds of dental work dono without pain,
would better call on Dr. H. Smith. Teeth
extracted for 60 cents,
Manufacturer ot
,The Standard Combination Fence!
No. 260 Commerce! St.
All Styles ot Fencing Made to Order
O red nates Students In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It Is the oldest, largett and least fjepen.
give Institution of learning In the Nortn-
Sohool opens first Monday in September.
Bend foreatalogueto
17, Salem. Oregon.
M.. M. MEAD,
Ftp Saws a Specialty.
Shop oa tbe alley, opfoelte Miste LIT
wy tttable, Sotota, Or.
A fine lino of hacks, buggies. curtiyair
rlages, buckboirds, etc. lUith ourfpwn
make and tho best ca stern made buttles.
Every one Warranted)
Cation tho undersigned, wagon and (car
rinse linkers and blacksmiths, 2nS)J12
cure ron
frequent soreness of the thmat, ringing or
Boys and Girls.
Tho school will open on or about the 10th
of September. Thorough Instruc
tion In tho primary and
English Branches.
-In course.-
TKUMSand further Information ma be
had on application to
Keeps a fine stock of
Wall Paper, llorders and Center;
Toy Tool Chests, Velocipedes, Bicycles,
BASKETS, nd til kind of FKAHKS.
Mouldings and Frames Made to Order.
Tissue paper, leaves and centers, ivm't
forget the artist materiul, aueh as Tuba
I'afnU of all kinds, Urushen of all'slt, and
Ulendere. Also tba
MaU for frame ot all tin. In fet every
thing eUe that ean be thought of.
Come and See for Yourselves
WiWrtBoUoa. Bwdokr throwtbUi
-, " Tifigri
A Georgia fanner made $100 otV
mi nerv planted in watermelons, nnd
a physician in the neighborhood
made $200 oil tho same acre.
More Vtlutbl Tksn tlold
Are SANTA AU1E, tho California
discovery for Consumption nnd Dis
eases of the Throat,ChestnndLungs,
the only guaranteed euro for Catarrh,
Cold in the Head and kindred com
plaints. They arc sold at ?1 per
package, or tlireo for J?2.-ri0, and arc
recommended and used by the lead
ing physicians of tho Pacific Coast.
Not secret compound-. Guaranteed
by I). W. Matthews & Co., 100 State
street, Salem.
Ileum cd Her outb.
Mrs. Pluvbe Chesley, Peterson,
Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following
remarkable story, thu truth of which
is vouched for by tho residents of
tho tewn: "I am 73 years old, have
been troubled with kidney com
plaint and lameness for many
years; could not drc myself with
out help. Now I am five from all
pain and soroiio-s, and am able to
do all mv own hott-ewoik. T owe
my thank to Klectrie Ritturs for
having renewed my youth, and
removed completely all disease and
pain." Try a bottle, "0e. and$l. at
Dr. II. AV. Cox's drugstore.
Yllcn a , ooden pavement was
desired outside St. Paul's cathedral,
Sidney Smith said: "If the can
ons will simply 'put their
head together,' the thing i done! '
They weie nut half so wooden-hcai'lt-d,
however, n it would be to
denv Hie meill of Dr. R. V. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, which
has cured many thousands of liver
disease, impure blood, klng's-evil,
salt-rluum, dropy, chronic nflee
tlons of iho tlnoat, bronchial tubes,
nnd lung, asthma, catarrh, iutlueii
Lea, mu.ralglrt, dyspepsia, conhiipa-
tion, wiul all skin diseases. Drug
gists. "When everything else fails, Dr.
Sage's Catanh Remedy cures.
'Tlir Worhl Moms,"
Maintained Galileo, when hH tormentors
racked him foradwatlng the true Nystnm
ofCorpernlcus. Certain follies hold out,
howeer, against the lllumlnatltm ofdls
coveryiind i-xpei lenee. Them are li()"t8
of people who, bi-causolliej havo adopted
certain principles, continue to swallow
them to their dying da In di-llaiu-uofthe
laws of common sense. Mcicury, dras
tic purgatlos, siiH-r-Mttent iiiii-oIIuh
nnd M'llntlvoH. tliouch t lu- Iuim- ulen
ground before the hresl-dlble progn-ss of
Jionteuers Hinmnci iiniors, a uuiniiiui,
painless remedy for disorders of the llw-r,
thohtoinaeh and the bowels, still continue
to make ambulating aiKithevarles shops of
many siomacu. ino Hviiiniuiui m ni-
innuilcsiiH- easily iiiiie.iiai wiiiiouiaiiy
iilidniiiliiiil distill tmnce with tills belief.
Icent al oratlw. Soalwiarn coii1IiUIoii,
sick heiidiu-lie, liourtiiurn and an inaiiuit)
to dlgiwt siitlsfaclorlly. It cures fo.erand
ague, rheumiitUin and kidney truuble.
Worth Knitting.
Mr. V. II. Morgan, merchant,
Lake City, Fin., was taken with u
sovore colti, attended with n dis
tressing cough nnd running Into
consumption in its 11 rut stages. Ho
tried mnnyso-cnllcd popular cough
remedies nnd steadily grow worse.
Wns reduced in llesh, hud tllllleulty
in breathing uml was tumble to
sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's
New Discovery fbreoiiMiinptlon and
found immediate relief, and after
using about u bait' doen bottles
found himself well and has had no
return of tho dlsenfo. No other
remedy can show so grand n record
Of cures, as Dr. King's New Dls
uovcry (pr consumption guaranteed
to do jti8t what is claimed for it.
Trial bottlo free at II. W. Cox's
drug tore.
On Slay 1st, last, about finir mouthy ago,
In the bttnU liUnik, blc-iH, and uilvwtll
to trtmt elironk- (Um-umm on setentlllc
prlnelplns. Hlnc that time hU pmrtlep
lias liwii steadily increasing so inueh mi
that he was ohlhfMl to Meure mora room
and Inereaslng faallllltM, uud now finding
hlmtlf unahlu to attend In hU nuinmmis
patients, he has entered Into partnership
with Dr. M. V. Weinp, of Detroit, Mlslil
gan, a plijsleluu and surgeon of large ex.
rienee, thoroughly conielwit, and a
peelallit In dlismse of the eye, er, throat
and nasal oavltlwt wIhj has wime with
hU family to make hU home In HhImiii.
The new firm will l kliowu as Dra. (IJU.
bert A Weinp and will oec-upy the com
moUlous rooms In the bank block, fur
hIHn and sanitarium, and will conduct
their buslnvM under the name and style
of Tlit Ortron Mwfeil ltd Sunrkal iMtitiiti. It U
their Intention to spare neither iln nor
expense In ttwlr eirivrts la make tbh the
nuwt eompJeU Initltutlon, fur the treat
meat of alt forms of dbeatee, eieially
ehnmle. In the northwest.
Medicated nmr batlw, electro-nunfiiet-lm,
oxygen and ifHutoge, tonetlter with
all modern and klaUfl applianee for
tba tltofOttgh cure ut dla, will be ixd.
KxamlnaUofw wUI U free, asd ebergea
ttrietly moderate. Addre-i I. OUbert
t Wewp, Itak btoek, or utolAae box 1M,
Hclem, OrenOH.
General Roulanger has gono to
Swetlen, traveling incognl o.
In San Francisco yesterday sugar
advanced one-eighth of a cent on nil
A coal shed collapsed In Green
Ray, Wis., burying two men. The
bodies were pressed tint when re
covered. A nephew of Gov. Throckmorton,
of Texan, committed suicide In Den
ver yesterday. Poverty nnd whisky
tho eane.
At Pandcrs,n'-arShieveport,Mis.,
on Wednesday, Dr. Arnold was kill
ed by W. .1. McMoth, the result of a
quarrel. Roth were well connected.
British Columbia Indians will be
prevented by the custom olllcors
from entering Washington Territory
for hop picking under the foreign
contract labor net.
In Kansas tho Ikim? ball players
kill their umpires, and Sam Ham
brook was the last victim. A hot
ball struck him In the Jugular, and
ho died instantly.
Tho st tides of ltemy iv Co.'s stock
'arm, il miles from Indianapolis,
wero burnt yesterday. Klghtoin
lino horses were destroyed, and tho
loss is sot at S,IHX).
Tho Canada authorities arc play
ing smart. Fruit from the United
States Is admitted into that country
free, but the customs department
has issued an order that tho orates
and boxes in which It Is packed
must pay a duty.
Itl-Htl U-lldll Dlll-H Itl-ltllct
St. Paul, Aug. 110. Tho Pioneer
Press reviews t bo llrst year of high
license In Minnesota, and finds Mint
tho system has proved all its friends
claimed for It. Tho stato has
only lo!)- saloons, against 2StMI when
tho law went into ellcct. There Is
dooiouscd consumption of liquor In
nearly eveiy county. Low groggor
los have been closed, anil there is bet
ter police supervision. The cost of
licenses before this law was enacted
averaged $.'100; total Income furnish
ed, $-SW),(00. It Is now $(Vi), and the
income is $1, 1(10,000.
Senator Allison, March t' I, 1870:
1 will say with regard to tho duty
on wool nnd woolens, that I regurd
it not as an Intentional fraud, but
as operating us though it were u
fraud upon tho great body of Mio
people of tho United Slates, I al
hide to Mio woolen turlll', a law the
effect of which hits boon to mntcii-
ally Injure the sheep hushnndry of
this country. In u single county In
thoHtntoof Iowa, between 18(17 nud
18U0, Mio number of tdiccp wns re
duced from 22,000 to 18,INM) In two
years, and what Is Into of this coun
ty is tine to n greater or loss extent
.ol oilier counties in Iowa, and ilur-
' Itnv f lilu Mitiik Mm nrlwi tf xt'iit lifiu
m fi .iio nmw v i'imu'm ui'vi iiitn
l)Oon cotihtantly dciireciatcd.
Mr. Lnw renco I should like tho
gentleman to inform ino how u ru
iltictlou of Die duties on wool nnd
W(M)Ion goods would Inure to thu
advantage or tno wool grower v
Mr. Allison I will tell the gen
tleman how, In my Judgment, the
wool grower will bo bentillted. Ah
tho lnw now is tho tnrlM' upon fine
wools of it chnrnctcr not produced In
this country Is 100 wr cent, iiiion
their cost. The Uirltl uikjii woolens
of tho Mime class is only nlsiut 0
lor cent., so that tho lliver woolen
gools are lmiorted, and not the
coarser fabrics. Ilefore the tariff of
18(17 our munuuicturers of fine
g(Kls mixed foreign lino wools with
our domestic product, and wero thus
uble to coiiipeto Hiiecuwfully with
tho foreign mnnufueturer of sliiill.tr
wools. Jiut Ixilng prohibited from
ImjK)rtliig this cluiw of wools, tlitt
fine goods ennuot now lie produced
In this country iw cheaply iw they
cuu Ik Imported. Consotpuently,
mills that were formerly engaged in
prwluclng these goods Imve leen
coiiiiell(sl to ulmudou btiHluosH or
manufucturo courser fubrles. If they
could ull'ord to nutiiufueture those
flue goods, they would make u mar
ket which we do not now have, for
our line wools to Ihj iiiIxhI with
other fine wools of a different char
acter from abroad. '1'lils want of a
market, iut I tiiiderstand It, is the
reason why our fine wools now com
mand ho low it price. There Is no
demand far them ut home, anil wo
cannot oxport thym in comjmtltlon
with flue wrsils grown In other
Tlie Conijinny Houn 1 to llpiluro Wages
Tho Yorkuien Trcsint Tliolr
Ci.K-lCiiUM, Aug. 30. Much ollort
was niiulo to-day to dlspo.-e of the
troubles at the ltoslyn mines, and
the miners at nilnesl and U asked
of the company two things, namelv:
That nil tliogunrdsut niiue.'tshould
In? removed nnd Mint no ono nt
inlnes 1 nnd 2 should b i discharged
because of havlnu: cxnrcs.scd him.
self about the Introduction ol nogiocs
uuiier armeu proiccitou.
Tliere was Virv llttln illir..miw-. ,P
opinion as to the lvmoval of tho
guards. The company does not
decile to keen them at the mine.
T he company has iiotilleil Sheittf
I'aeuwood to nroiect Its m-oncitv.
nnd Superintendent l.aekiuin
i'-day made an uflldnvU that ho
believed Mio ptopoity of iho com
pany was in danger. The lenioval
of the guards will bo followed by tho
piaen goiitepiuyHiieniislnjoliargoor
mo mines.
Supt. Powell mid to-day Mint the
whole matter was whether the com
pany should operate its mines with
out being subject to direction from
tho Knluht of Labor. Tho former
condition tif alfutrs, ho said, tho
company wouni not niniior submit
to anil If Mio old men would not.
allow the company to control tho
operations ol the mines, their places
would be tilled by men Mho would
net dlifeieutly.
Whether the negroes stny or go.
or whether tho guaids are lenioveil
or not, the company does not pro
pose to abandon Hh intention to in
uugur.ito a now system in the opera
tion of Mice mines. In order to
rebut thepicsiimptlon tliatwagesat
mines 1 nnd '2 would bo reduced, uud
Mint tho clght-bom- rule would lie
Interfered with, Manager lluoUley's
letter, as given In yesterday's report,
was read
"Is Mils loiter substantially an
ugrceiueiit Mint no change of policy
in these respects would Inko place V"
was asked of Hupt. l'owcll tMlny."
"I low about next week or next
month V"
"Can't say as to that," ho replied.
"Tho company proposes to run these
mines to suit themselves. Wo have
been subject to these miners long
enough, and we propose to change
It will thus bo seen Mint unless
tho company makes a complete back
down no compiomlso will alter the
real determination of trio company.
The miners deny nil churge of
vexatious Interfcicnco with tho
company's conduct of Its busi
ness, uud ulso Mint any demonstra
tion has occurred Justifying tho
charge that tho company's property
Is In danger. On the contrary the
mlneis have had committees iih
jKilutctl for the purpose of prevent
ing any disorderly conduct. Thoy
claim Mint it Is idle for (lie company
tousscrtthatthe brlngiugof negroes
to iiiliiell will not result In ledtictlon
of wages at 1 and 2, imfl Mint If tho
miners will not submit to the re
duction Mint Mio company will not
import moiu negroes. They sny
the history of milling negroes uni
formly shows n reduction of wages.
'I'lio miners ulso claim Mint nil tho
regulations which they have been
instrumental in establishing, havo
Ihh'ii really of service to tho com
pany and Mutt as a matter of fact
the company, having nojtist reason
for complaint on this score, really
see Us to reduce wages,
The ltoslyn mines were opened
two yunrs ago last July. For tho
first year tho comnany paid (11.60
per day for mining. After one
year the company established tho
present rate of (1.2(5 per ton. This
rate has Ix-cn uniformly paid sin co
tlmtttlmo without objection from
the company. The fouruow among
thuin Is Mint the compuny proiooH
to Introduce new men altogether.
Gov. Hcmple, Attornoy-Gen. T.
Mctcnlf nnd the others In tho party
went to Tucomn this ufteriioon.
I'rosecutlnif Attorney Hnlvel.v saVK
he promises to have the grand ury
investigate the matter or bringing
In armed guards by the compuny.
Hherlfl Piutkwood will have his
deputies in charge in a few days.
He hujs he will get nil of them from
Flleiisburg uud vicinity, lly reason
of thu outsjH)kn taittles of tho com
nuny'H oflltwrH uuensiuess Is felt for
the future, us unless some nssuranco
Is given that the old minora will not
be discharged, they will not submit
to lie thrown out of their homox
simply becuiisetheyexprHmopInloiirt
its to their rights.
i'sikliff Work Vlgoreailr.
The Oregon Pacific rullroud Is un
doubtedly pushing tin wurk of con
struction towards the C'tisoudtM nt it
lively rate. Ami, thin time, they
appear to Im largely Ixitwlng the Job
thumfcolve. HundreU of 111911 nro
uctunlly at work, and thousands of
tons of steel rnlUture la vl(ht.
MfiffMWf Pti " -"