a L CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1SSS. NO. ISO FINANCIAL. SrAHLWHED BY NATIONAL AUTUOIUTY 11 J. ( iiuu luitiumi uu SALEM, -Capital Paid up, - - OREGON. - - 75,000 ' - - 10,000 ie Capital National Bank I Surplus, K. s. wALLAUi:, - rresiuem. W. W. MAIITIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, --- - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W.T.Gray, W. W. Martin, J. Jl. Martin, It. S. "Wallace, pr. . A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert, T. SIcF. ltitton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private Rranariesor public warehouses. State anil County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts droun direct on New York, Chicago, Snn Krawl'co, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. I n 11) tti ua SALEM, OREGON. M'M. N. LADUE, -Dlt. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIIl, - - - President. Vice President. - Cabhlcr. GENERAL BANKING. Uxclmnco on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong hong bought and sold, suite, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt reasonaoie rates. Insurance on buch se curity can bo obtained nt the bank in most reliable companies. PltOFESSIONAL CAKDS. ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND rormiror. All work warranted. Leave u-,. io n t. 1rW. l'ntton's book store, State street, Salem, Or, EXPRESS WAGON, liU iv. a " "-r delivery. Wm. Ronnie i having bought . - ..- ltTTC4 VL tno express uusiucm u ."":. -"i .--prepared to dellver trunks valises, pnek- hfs wagon to any part of the city, quTekor, ?es, anu uuy u uub y. ""- - -,T b siuer, oeuer, """ ', "" " " r , r, iiuiii n- " Leavo orders at (lone uy any oouy eise. Mlnto's stable. w INSURANCE Company. Eire and Ma rine. OS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. staigerbr6s7 Importers and Dealers In Boots and Sloes! Latest Styles! Leading Lines! Lowest Pricks! Central Agents for Oregon of W. II. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALE!, : : : : : OREGON. A I'PKAUSILVRRTON. WRKKLY. tUO JA. paryr. Indspendwt. TlieAJrHBAl. 6 elroual In Marion, Linn andj Ooek mas mantles; has ben esWibllilwd sight ywraandUan xeallwit vrtWB me dlum. Pot trni ddra the jmWWtc H. Q. Guild, SllvrtOD, Or. I. SCIINEIDEK, DEALBR l WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Stayton, Obbqon. Kmu on lumdH taw ortj;l ot Jyw. n. Waicbta Ctocla. eie, V'iuptly doo and mmuiwd. itrUlSe ! ii imr, ins in wi .bLu.- W illajirtK vsikrj ins In wtchs of any dealer 7MB1. I A T I ' l n OT OT1A110 KQI1 HOllUltlUlKHUtlll 1W ZEALAND MISCELLANEOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS -:- AND ltvxf J& mBmSm Rhrtrrr -: anrl : PoHLE. 'PI At?7 ft ! Br MMU. tA3 7aCiW-A flUILI IML flLU-U NntPTiim ur-ni. " ... . , -.. mTTT -ITT T AVE YOU A. Jl-il' i Xlltu iirvi' vTi.ir.r" tM r ,,i0 inffnrin I 1 cesMVO -eCrC Hill l inuuur iiuiiivi k?ng,splttlnB,weaknndlnllanl rnirinw 111 tno CHI'S, ilioiv or it" iitiimii 1111-11 1 tv "i'si .w-. ... ...... ..? . -- .--., ?irtnllnesVordlnes8oftholieud,drynessor heat oft henoso? Hayoyou losti.H sense of smell? Is your brenth foul? If so, California Cat-R-Ciire Restores tho senso of tasto and smell, removes bad tasto and unjilcaMtnt breath, result lnc from Catarrh. Easv and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure Is guaran teed by D. W. MATTHl'AVS & Co. RECOMMENDED. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.of New York City, formerly special agent of tho l'l.fpnW ami 1 Hoiuo Insurance Compiny nt San Francisco Cal.. says: ' I have been tMiVinri itii Chronio Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In Woodland. Oil., recoin mended yo r 'Alffla OaEiuo&KB. I procurded a jar, having but llul?fal!h In Its SiJw iViVt t must snv niter using three Jars, I am cured or that disgusting dlXsa TSSSSState' CAT-Il-CURE for some frlenik, who arc BUfltrers." SOLD AUD GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 StateSt., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale DeDot. Yl Dr. H. SMITH IS 1 n. . ... rilciwivan. in NOW in possession ui u uon """( " medicine, which 1b purely a local aniesthet i nminrt almost Instantaneously. on the snrroundinp tissues of tho teeth. It is In no way injurious or uiiirawuk .v . taste. The manufacturers of It claim that Its enual has never been known before, and by applying It to tho henMUve or .ore without pain. So nil those that want all ,..n.iMKnttPrrnll nil Dr. i. Hllllth """--- .. .. n wt u...ltl. rrt irinriB ni nenmi wui u"u " - .!"" feeth extracted for 50 cenU, HENRY SCHOMAKER. Manufacturer ot The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commerchl St. All Styles ol Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTICE. WILLAWlEnE UNIVERSITY Graduates HtudenU In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAI COURSES. .. . .. .j-. i,.aji anil ljHL&t ATfMfi 4Tnftu,,o7isrBrii na saa- " W" j AmaAl DAiilAlillkAr Behool opaas nrs ium" m t,-. .. SaidAr THO.VBCOY.l CttlMii. Ofwon. M. M. MEAD, PRACT1CALCUTLER FHfaig Stws a SfW(j. Shop on the alley. opWtt4 Mlalo t Ur ry auut, batom. Or. T -:- BUGGIES A fine line of hack, inmates, carts. riage, bnckbonnW, etc Both our ov make nnd the bet eastern made buggl Every one Warranted ! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING 1.I1 mi 4lin iinlaisilriiAil KMitAM utirl it ft rlnco inakersandblacksmlthi, 2SX, ;,11 and liU Comincrcinl street,.Salent. m .8 jnacgwriwutPaaHmginMiifrgi 111 d thcONLY- QUANTEEQ CUFE TOT OROVILlECAL .tl.tnlt rlnnd 1tt irt lnttr HtlVH VfMI 1111 X jiivi vv & ........ . -" " 7 " ViVi .. iUn imwii ivissei?4? A10 you tnmbloii by ww i. " 7tJ. . iV. .v.. - loss of hinoll, memoij tiiv you have tno unarm Some have nil thCfcO ST. PAUL'S 1 -Fon- Boys and Girls. The school will open on or about the 10th or oepiemucr. iiiurougu insituu Hon in tho primary and nclvanccd English Branches. LATIN AND EEMLNTS OF MUSIC -In ooursc.- TERMS nnd fnrthor Information may be bad on application to RECTOR. 8-20-tf VARIETY STORE W. M. SARGE'ANT Keew a flue stock of Wall Paper, Borders and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool Chests, Velotipedw, Bieytles, BASKET3, nl all kind! of F1UME8. Moulding and Frames Made to Order. Hume papor, 1 utar. Owj"! lHwdan. Abo lit GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mat for tniomttt aU rtMMLln ettwy thlmc Uiat ajuilwiSMNiM oC Come nd Soe for Yourselvos WELL DIGGING. WSlfJZSS OR UKPAIRKI. ON d unum inruuo i ur vtmu m A. LAKR. SCHOQ NKW TO-HAY. VOCAL CULTURE! Miss Jlawcl J. Staiim, ORAHfATK Ol" New England l'onervntory of lnle, Bos ton, Xla-.,A 111 succeed MUtiluIln I'lmmlirrllii In her SCHOOL FOR Y0CAL CULTURE, HAR MONY AND THEORY, Commencing September 8d, ISA Refers by permission to Br. Eben Tonrjce, Director of New England Conservatory of Music, and Prof. Frank E. Morse, Teacher of Vocal Culture, New England Conservatory of Jluslc; also to Miss Julia Chiimberllu. S-23-dw-tf . v -sr --r -r A -l i 1 TV li.-V. VV-ViXJl, iK.i.m: is Fancy and Staple Groceries, Pro Islon, Floir and Feed. Vegetables ami Fruit Fresh Every Day. .My moii; is entirely new, iinumuuimii elected. Prices marked iiown'tu a cash basis. No. 110 State Sl.-Xcxt to Red Front. Sl.l-tlw-lm CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! "Willnmotte Univorsily. Most snceessft'l school of niuslo on the northet coast. About ;50 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Courses In fluno, Organ, StriRlnR, Violin, Harmony, and Counlor- Polrll Diplomas on coinplotlou ot ei)iue. Teachers: Z. I. l'nrvlu, Kihuklu '. Jones, Evil Cox. Assistant. Lulu ' S'"'!" First term bCKlns Monday, September 3d, 18S8. Send Tor catalogue. For lurtlier particulars address .,,.. SJ. M. PAKVIN, Musical Director, Salem, Or. K-17-dtf.wU LEaAL BLANKS, Largest Stonk in the State, Best Discount. Send for catalogue. Call for prices for Job Printing lowest In Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or. FOR HAI.K. For Sale. AgoodlronTramo Horso Power. Good for all uses, from one to full capacity. All for the low price of 8-10. Call at (hn Pa cltlo Cider, Vinegar A Fruit Preserving Company's otllce. Hnlcm, Oregon. Take Not of This. lTOR S.SOO VK WILL HKI-li0 acrK Pwcll Improved garden limit, within 3 miles of Halcm. Good roud to town the year around. Ilulldlngsgood. FINEVOUNG ORCHARD and excellent grass land. Ibis is a bargain, and will be held only a short time at these tlgures. Call, and wo will show you tho property. w , W1LLIH A CHAMIIKIILIN. Opera llnuso, Halem.Or. (KWw.tf ' Live and Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters, Kalsominers. Paoer Hanrers and Decorators. All order will rwetve prompt attention ifeLliiuitM on all kind of work In our Una ehewfu I ven. HtlfcotUii iiiiflrHntaM RHnil III IdCourtlliHJMiwi (.out i t utrwtt, BalHi, Or. FOR IIAUGAINS IN RURNITURB IO TO KOTAN ik WHITftlCY, VU CMt SVmLWmb, Oh& SrtaSSTBwar Ummi aar hoJindtim Wff. IL DIAMOND, Teaclier of Music And (faster In all klsd of Hi1!?' truweau tutd on Uw lnsUlutaul pun- TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Sliersdnn's Memoirs, NoNQi'iTT, Aur. as. Anxiety lias been given Mrs. Slierlilan, by tho report tlmt imblHhersat bprlng tlehl ami ekewhero are iitvparlng to issue unauthorised editions of Sheridan's life. This has caused Colonel Sheridan to announeo that General Sheridan's memoirs will appear by December next, and this is the only authentio life. Cholera Kpldeinlc. Siieiioyuan, Mich., Auk. -0 It Is reported hero that cholera Is rag inir In Vivmiu' Islo county, and people aro dying like sheep, with no physician in tho notghuorliootl. Nine persons have died In one day. While the report may be exagger ated, It Is known that a short time ago people were sullonng Willi bowel trouble. Tho oftU'inN of that county will investigate the matter. It all (lollies nt Ci tiMinil. II ELENA, Aug. "S. Wool Wild three yearn ago at from H4 to U" cents; this year it is selling from II to 17 cents, a decline or 1(1 cents, or nearly 50 per cent. The wool men of Montana regardless of nolltles too almost unanimous In agreeing that the taritl agitation ol the past three years, has been a serious mow to the wool Industry of the terri tory and that It has cost Montana an immense sum of money. Wool Is worth more in Montana at tho several shipping points, than in any other market in the United States. Tint IIohIjii Al'uex. Tacoma, Aug, li8. Attorney-den. letealfe eanio to Taeonia this even injf to meet (.low Fcmnle and go with liliu to ltiwvln to counsel with tlie contllctlng imi tic there ana as sist In n settlement. Ah to-morrow is tho day for the examination of the negro miners und their IMnker lon guards who have heen arrested as trespassers on tho land claimed by Alexander lUm, nd as the guards jiuil negroes, will of course have to lay down their uniw when tnken to court, it has been feared that the Itoslyn miners will seize this occasion for entering tho fortl- llcd mine No. 3 and executing their threat to keenthe negroes away. Jt is at tho request ofJMunagerHuokJoy (hat the governor, wlio 1 tno cniei neaco oftlccr of the territory, and (he attorney-general, are going to tho Hcciifj'.or contention, iiuii an ei forl lircsuinablv will bo made to rnjTng ubout a seltlciuent. Tike no Cbincc. Thono who take up government lluid sliould lw careful to learn und strictly observo tho legal require ment, or they may lose It. 1 lore is nutiHoin point. "The secretary of (ho Interior, on appeal of the heirs of Dorothea Modlor. ulllrmed the decision of thu commissioner of tho general 'liintl olllco of February 8, 1877, holding for cancellation the pre-emption cash entry of Dorothea Muillur, In section 31, or Tho Dalles, Or., land dUtrlet, for non-compliance with tho pnHimutlon Inw in regard to ntsldonce. -- A CkoltrlOTMitiofnl. Tim Moxlcnn Land and Dovoloii- mout Compiiny, of No. r7 Jirotid way, iNow iorK, imvo nviu"L, ,l ICllllll .1 ,IUI4V ... ... ...w ....-. ... TomalllllMiH, flioxico, ;covuriug uv oral million acrw. n covuia mv most fertile section of luml on tho ..... i. ...nt .i.l(li ii mill nit rlcli mill n climate so jerfeot that three erojis of some cereals are produced In one year. I U forcit aro also Imimswdilo with tho growth of rare nnd vtthm bio wikmTh. The uUiHlliiK tlnilHir ulono more than WBrwnta tho twpb tillwitlonoftboeomiwiiy controlling tho gnint, yot In value It rojirofcenU but w fmetlon of the worth of the millions if uerc Inexhaustible In fertility nd productlvem. A limited Hiiiounl of the Company' ..I. ...I, l ..lluruil fur umIu ul Ji I AT Imre. With each nlmre U jjlvuii u certlncMte wliien ciiikk too iiunwr toflvwHcnMof land faa, Kw Kd vtrtMinut elMwhere. tr i s.Murlln fliH iilintotfranlwr OIIMMt thw WiUrt IMMIUH III Bh1iii, iiutkwt h atM-dalty f uklug tlw plo- .wNiilil. aiul until Hi middle of gttwiibr will take irtuallveB of UHNII I ft)l. jIIl II WMmim nim- otoaa work for oUlw iMirMHW. " ' frtMm-wtr CMldreQ CryPitclier's Castorla TKliKUUAHUC Sl'IiIXTS. In Sacramento the city IniMees propose to close the saloons at mid night. President Cleveland lmseolio on a three days' fishing trip to tho Blue Hitlgo mountains. A iHwtotllco has been established at Austin, Orant county, Oregon. M. Austin is postmaster. ltlntiio'rt next smveli will be ilr- livetvdlu Calais, 111.; he will ohiefly treat of the llshery dllilcully. A pension wasyestetday gitinted to Sihihti A. widow of Charles lvlkendall, Snohomish, W. T. Mix. Shelter was honibly binned in San .lose, on Monday night, while lighting n tiro with kerosene, and died the next morning. It Is reported that the lniuau and international Steamship companies will establish lines between lloston, Liverpool and Antwerp. A terrltle tempest und hall storm visited New lledford, Mass., on Monday night, and rain fell In tor rents. The hailstones were as largo as marbles. Prof. Simmons, n veteran iero limit, was killed in Kngland on Monday evening while descending rr.imaiialloon. ills iwocoinpautons were severely hurt. Cri'od Hiivnioiiil. who made him self so conspicuous in the Chicago convention, will be requested by the national republican com mittee to speak In the oimpalgn' Pulilie Printer ItonedUt Is charged with incompetency and peculation In tho minority report of tho house committee on printing, and a resolu tion proposing his impeachment will bo ollered. " The--tvlloiuHi ,ji regard to tho collision between tiio Ottmnlbmirt City of Chester stcamei-s In San Kranclsco harbor seems to favor tho former. SflU Hroi' L'iirii". Notwithstanding the largo nttend anco at tho afternoon circus, over two thousand people from tho city and tho adjoining counties found seats under tho mammoth canvas, last night. Those who wcro not thoroutfood while before perform ances found themselves ciowdcd for time to see the half dozen elephants, six camels, thu only pair of hippo potamus on tho continent, lloiw, tigers and niuny other wild lieaflts. Tho porfommncoH were ho varied, coining on In such rapid succession that It was a continual feast to amusement seekers. Tho horscH were many In numlier of llnenppearance, und remarkably trained. Tho IiiiimhIiik Hpccbicular entree in two rlngs.Hhowed tho largo company and tho Hue stock to mag nificent advantage. Jobnsou'H topical Hong with chorus was tip top. Tho grand battouto leni InirwiiHiiiarvelouH. Kowero thofeata of tho JJngllHh bounding and bounc ing Jockey. Tho lady rldors aro grace ful, daring nnd wonderful. The ac robatlo fwitH woro amazing. Tho Hhootlng by Captain Jlogardtis and sons must lw seen to bo lielleved, and then you iiImiMt doubt your own houses. Thu trick elephant Is as funny us u clown and iut Intelli gent iw u huinan being. Tho stand ing on two horse while driving twenty-three, by one man, wuhuh tonlshlng. Hut time und Hjmeo fall to tell all. "The World MoVH," JlHlatultiwl (JhIHx. whwi IiU tornnmlow ntekvd him fur wlvixwtliiK th true nyntmii ofCoriwrnleiK. OerUlu fIIM IwLt (Hit, hnuer. khhIiiH Hit) lllumiiMUMni nun Lin.rv unit uxiMiiiMioR. Tlwra lire )nmU of Miple who, lseu) they luv mloptd crrtHln prlliulpl. wiiiiuiuo w hwhiihw tliem to tlmlr dyliM( day In ilertam fit th law of wmiiiMHi miiuu: II wen ry, ilrao ii.. numilvia. nuiMir-uiUiut lutrtolle unit MlailvM, UmhuiIi thy hav nlveii Krouiiil lor tlur lrn-iunii iwigroM in IloaUitU.r' HtoHiaeh IlllUin,, u natUiiuil, llnUiM riudy (ur dlwirdvn of ut liver, lb kUiuueb and lha Uiwela, mill ouutluuv to inakti aiubulaUoK Mnlliecarle huM of inauy Uniu)U. Tl yiiiUiiui of live troublwaf aaaUr ruiedlahl without auy nlMiwuilual illaturhawai with Utla btiu'l Iceul ulwraUvu. Hualauara fuaatliattiuu, lk h1aiha, haartburu and an lnabUU h itlgart aiatMtartlr. It auras few and aM, rbuuiaUaw ana kMitvy trouble. HuljMvrllw for the Capital Jolh-nai.. i