Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 20, 1888, Image 1

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    "Jlv t &
HEEs mmkIi --fJHWBA
VOL. 1.
NO. 161.
lamMi f - f miaiiuui - T aTrr
repairer, ah totk wnrronreu.
store, Stnte street, Salem, Or.
vt nrnprs ni i. iucr. unions uuuk
nxrnEss wagon, quick and safe
hj deliver-. Vm. Ronnie having bought
the express business of Walter Lowe, Is
prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack
zes and any thing else that he can get In
his waaon to any part of the city, quicker,
safer, better, and neater, than It can be
jono by any body else. Leavo orders at
Minto's stable.
Fire and Mo
rlne. OS. ALlJEUT.VKCnt. - - Salem, Oregon.
.Scientist, anthropologist, physician and
surgeon, will open an office In tho New
Kink Illock, on May 1st, for tho treatment
of all diseases of women, and nil other
chronic cacs, on strictly hygienic and nat
ural principles. Median baths, oxygen and
electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly
moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon.
First National Bank
M'JI, N. liADUE, President.
Dll. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President.
JOHN JIOIR, Cashier.
Exchange- on Portland, Hnn Francisco,
New York, London and Hong Kong
bought and sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers are cordially
invited to deposit tind transact business
with us. Liberal ndvnnces made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
rcnsonaoie rates. Insurance on such se
curity can bo obtained at tho bank in
most reliable companies.
(II U(l
Capital Paid up,
- - S5,000
- - 10,000
It. S. WALLACE, - - President.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
.1. H. ALUERT, - - - - Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace.
Dr. V. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. l'atton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or In stoie,
either in private granaries or
public wareheuses:
Stale anil County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, Kan
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, IJerlln,
Hong Kong and Calcutta..
Importers and Dealers in
s aid Shoes !
Latest Styles!
Leadino Links!
Lowest Pricks!
General Agents for Oregon of
W. B. Forsytes Infallible Corn Cure.
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. B. Good 'i old stand.)
SALEM, : ; : : : OREGON.
Mrnor I.. . Tli Ahdkit.
A.PWJW, ladepeiideat. ThArp
Hreulatatl la MurUwi. Linn and Old
teulud la Warton, Linn ami Cfcusk
Saanweoeiitie; ha been wtaUbM eight
" and 1 an excellent advertMBK me
Jun. par terms address the puWWlter1
H. u. OuUd.H41verioa.Or.
..The Wkkkly Capital Journal
1 year.
... n 'i-i li;. nj.
incia uiiii lNauouamauK
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. '
Scriber : and : Pohle.
The Mexican Land
CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000.
Full Paid and Non-Assessable.
with a bonus of FIVE ACRES of land to each share are
offered to immediate subscribers at par of five dollars
per share, for the benefit of the Treasury.
This Company havo acquired an cxcluslvo grant of soveral million acres of land
from Uio Government of Mexico In the state of Tamaullpa, bordered by tho statoof
icxns onu uiciiiiii 01 Jicxico. n comprises ricn agricultural, grazing ami mineral
lands; immense lorests of valuoblo timber, nml opportunities for vast publlcenteriirKes
lands,-' immense lorests of valuoblo timber, nml opportunities for vast publlcenterjirlscs
In tho development nnd settlement of n territory almost as large as the stnte of renn
sylvnnln, with n good population, a healthy, moderate climate, and nmpio rain fall.
svivnnin, wun n goon pnpiiuuiou.n neaiiiiy, innucmio ciiinaie, onu nmpio rain mil.
Tho land ollered with the stock and for which negotiable certificates will bo Issued, will
provo a choico Investment of Itself while
prise, iiuseuon tno lowesv prieo 01 uoveniineni lonu inino umieuriioies tno snares
will havo a value ninny times greater than tho price ut which these forty thousand aro
offered to carry out tho objects of tho Company. Subscription will bo accented in fol fel fol
eows: 2.1 per cent, cash, balance In equal payments at Thirty, Hlxty and Ninety days.
Hemit by Draft, Check, Kinross or Registered letter, direct or through any banker or
uroKer. rrospecius niu mil lniormauon on
7 - 2S -
Vhl. F I NhS r-Soldn Gitf
Send J"" Ci.rcultr',riMt3ir.
If" II II lli Vk
. .1 JW O
106 state St., Salem, Or
SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot.
Graduate Student in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
ItUtheoldMt.targwt and teftrt expen
sive InitltuMoa of taimlng la the orth-
Wi2fiooJ opM first Monday In September.
Mod foreauilogue to yj
i;t BaWw. Oregon.
Tmg Saws a SpKfaKy.
MumoHXht JWr. oppotlM Mlnto'f U
ry Hwtii, Kteu, Or.
A fine line of hacks, buggies, carts, car
riages, buckboards, etc Roth our own
inako nnd the best eastern mado buggies.
Every one Warranted!
Call on tho undersigned, wagon nnd car
rlago makers nnd blacksmiths, 2S$, 312
nnd SU Commercial street, Salem.
and Development Co.
each share participates in tho wholo enter
F. K. MORELAND, Financial Agent,
No. 57 Broadway, New York.
lm - dw
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used it "!!!
dies aro giving satlslactlou, and a cus
tomer with llronchltls soys it is tho only
remedy that gives instant relief.
SKlUtKLl, a Covku, Druggists,
Riverside, Oil."
II " tho Dleosuro to Inform
ndVc you that your Preparations nre
meeting with lnrue sales.
wo near
Nothing but Praise SB
rMiulmi fn-' lien t hpiti
caslon to use them.
Vlsallo, Col."
Thnt It will accomplish tho end desired
in all affections of tho Throat and Lungs
U,. ,! and you not only will not lo
Will without it yourself, but will
recommend It to others, as thousands
linvo done, who havo tried everything
else In vnln. Sloney is no object where
Kn'and, Convince You
trilling sum of ono dollar can purchase
n remedy thnt will bland between you
nndonoof tliemost dreaded of human
Circulars sent free, containing detailed
Is prepared only by tho AI1IKTINK
MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, Col.
fJnvr In rnptP". Ql ntHf CUMQveryin
medlelna-wlilah liDUrritrnToaHl nnwstliet-
Ic, and nets almost lntntanHily on the
inrrounaine uwuen 01 inu imu. n "
no way Injuriouii or unplMwant to tli
tftta. The manudicturen of It claim that
lu etiual bus never been known before, and
by applying it to the sensitive or sore
teeth, tliey can be cleaned and tilled
without pain. Ho all thone that want all
kind of denUl work done without pain,
would bettor sail onr. II. Hmlth. Troth
extraeted for CO eeoU,
Manufeeturer at
The Standard Combination Fence!
Ne. 260 ComrasrcU St.
All Styles 1 Fekiag Mode to Order
Baker City Demecrat: The winds
I that havo hcen prevalent In this
valley every afternoon lately have
I greatly interfere! with hav stnek
1B. I East Oreceniau: Huckleberries
are very plentiful nearthe Meadows,
the favorite resort of Weston mountain-goers.
A party of twelve
picked thirty gallons of thet-o luscious
berries in one day.
On Thursday Pendleton nnd
Walla AValla were deprived of their
mails from Portland. The Wnlla
AValla sacks were thrown ofl at
Pendleton and those for Pendleton
were carried on to "Walla Walla.
The mistake was repaired in the
East Oregenian: Nearly sixty
cents a bushel has been ollered In
Pendleton for wheat of the blue
stem variety, while ilfty-llve cents
is the market prico for ordinary
grades. This is quite a dllleronee,
and should be noted by the honest
granger ere he sows his next season's
linker City Ulnde: Dr. J. P.
Atwood, E. W. and G. P. Keynolds,
owners of un extensive coal mine
about twelve miles west of this city,
on tho Canyon City road, havo men
at work now sinking shafts and
propose to dovolopo their mluo com
pletely now. It Is claimed that this
Is a llrst-elass coal mine, which will
bo ofgrcat advantage to this country.
Albany Herald: F. M. Hyde, of
Harrisburg, sold to Mr. McGregor,
of Portland, recently the Uncut lot of
twenty-two beef cattlo that ever left
Linn county, One four-year-old
steer tipped tho scales at 1850
pounds. The animal is part short
horn Durham breed and certainly
was a magnificent specimen. He
will be saved for exhibition at tho
next fat cattlo show in Portland.
Tho price Mr. Hyde realized for him
wns $78.40.
Yaqulna Pest: Brother Jones and
wife have taken down their gospel
tent, and -with a kindly benediction
for the spiritual and temporal wel
fare of our people, gone clsowhero to
spread tho glnd tidings of "peace on
earth nnd good will to men." Their
meetings wero well attended whllo
here, nnd wo nro informed that ui
wnrds of forty persons wero con
verted from tho error of their ways,
While hero they wero treated with
uniform courtesy and respect, nnd
had tho sympathy nnd good wishes
of nil good people, lu their efforts to
reclnim backsliders and bring sin
ners to repentance.
Krrsh Krtry Dy.
Farrnr & Co. havo n fresh stock of
fruits, vegetables nnd berries every
tiny, nnd their fancy nnd stnplo
grocery department Is constantly re
plenished. A Cboltelnrriitmrnt.
The Moxlcan Land nnd Doveloi
incnt Comjmny, of No. 57 Broad
way. Now York, havo ncuuircd n
irmnt of nubile laud in tho state of
Tu.nnuliiuiH. Mdxiuo. .coverlmr sev
oral million ncros. It covers tho
most fertile section of land on tho
Continent, with a soil so rich nnd a
climato ho iHsrfect that three crops of
homo ccrcnis aro prouuewt m one
year. Its forests nro also imnasHnble
with tho irrowth of rare and valua
bio woods. Tho standing timber
nlono moro than warrants tho capl-
tl zntion of tho conumuv controimnr
tho grant, yot In value it rcprohonts
nut a lrnetion oi tno worm oi me
millions of acres Inexhaustible lu
fertility nnd productiveness. A
limited amount of tho Company's
stock Is ollered for salo nt W ior
shuro. With ouch sharo Is glvon n
eertldcnto which entitle tho holder
to ilvo ncrow of lam! free. Kco nd
vertlsomont elsewhere.
SMITH & iiussiai,,
Groceries, Hardware,
Crortory and Glassware.
General Merchandise
Two Young AVomcn and a ltoy Have
a Terrible Kneouliter With a
Hnbiil Dor.
Baltimotv special: Two young
women had n terrific encounter with
a blood hound nt AVnverley, Balti
more county, last night. Tho ani
mal was owned by Charles Sauls
bury and was quite u pot in tho
household. It had Imx'H, with one
or two exceptions, gentle and easily
controlled. The excessive heat of
the last few days had made It fret
ful and ugly. About 11 o'clock last
night Miss Amelia SnuMiury, aged
IS years, n daughter of the owner of
the dog, entered the garden in front
of tho house, accompanied by MNs
Jennie Brown, aged 22 years. Whllo
walking toward the house the
hound rushed out from the side yard
barking furiously. Miss Saulsbury
spoko to him, but he jumped upon
her, threw her to the ground, and
next attacked her companion. The
ferocious beast tore tho clothing from
them, nnd lacerated their legs and
nrms fearfully. Mtss t?aulsbury's
brother, a lad of 11, came to their
assistance, when tho bruto turned
upon him and nearly tore him into
pieces. A polleemanlllnally killed
tho dog. Young Saulsbuty was bit
ten In twenty-two dlllerent places,
and on his arms and legs tho tlesh
was torn to tho bone. Both of his
arms and hands and his left thigh
were terribly mangled. Tho wound
on his thigh Is particularly danger
ous. Miss Saulsbury's right hand
and arm wero horribly lacerated and
were Immediately cauteiled. Seven
lacerated wounds wero found to have
been received by Miss Brown on tho
loft hand nnd arm and a dangerous
wound mado by tho dog's teeth on
her left hip has almost paralyzed
bor. Mish. .Sjuilsbury. was billon
some time ago by tho samolTog on
her right arm. It Is thought that
tho dog was allllcted with hydropho
bia and fear Is entertained for tho
three victims. Tho physicians say
that the hound wns not mad, but
only vicious. Tho neighbors, how
ever, aro of tho opinion thai It was a
case of rabies and thnt tho doctors
aro concealing tho tact in their ef
fort to save tho young women nnd
tho boy from a horrible fato.
I havo wild my Photograph Gal
lery and entire interest in the photo
graph business to M. E. Sporry, of
Ohio. All persons who owe mo for
pictures, will pleaso call at tho gal
lery and settle within sixty days
from date. All unsettled account h
after that ditto, will lo jilaced lu nn
nttornuvH hnuds, for collection.
W. P. Johnson.
Sauw, Or., Aug. 13, 88.
llotber', Hrul
Tho proprietors of HANTA ABIK
havo authorized I). W. Matthews it
Co.. to refund your money ir,af(er
giving this California King of Cough
Cures n fair trial ns directed, if falls
to glvo satisfaction for tho cure of
Coughs, Croups, Whooping Cough
nnd nil Throat and Lung troubles.
When tho disease ullects tho head,
nnd assumes tho form of Catarrh,
nothing Is so olfectivo iisnCALl
preparations aro without equals im
household remedies. Sold at $1 a
package. Three for 12.60.
Tlif Hold llrtlthwtrd Uftc bulrr
Yon Imve been III, wo will miotw, nnd
re oonvBlHwiiiKiilowly. Tina U. yon nr
trying to pick up a little lltwli, to regain
omeofycMir wonted oolor. to uwwtoni
your Ktomach to mor wild nutriment
limn It recently enftwbled condition wr-
mlttedyou lotuK. now un "-.-erateyour
minir puce heHlthwnrdT We
are warranted by omieurrent testimony In
alllrnilnK. that if you win ii. iwito or
thrkm u (ly Jl(wttterit Htoumi-hl lilttern..
ai onahiiiii intHllrint, of loin; tuuiertHluexl
purity and tonlo vlrlue-. you will be
iiiulerUlly aided. It promote a lr of
thegatrlcJuloe.,and help the yU)ii Uj
iuwlfnlkite the iiuurleliiiieiil of which It
.tandN k much In need. It remedle a
tendency U wmitltiatloii w tlioot eo.
vuWnic the Uiwidit. The liver It rtliiiulalen
to renewed uetlvlty, iwlely pnnmrten the
aallon of the kidney and bladder, and
annihilate malaria and rlieuiiutltdii at
tlw ouUet.
Hitklra'i Anita Stir.
The beet salvo In tho world foi
eutfl, brulsos, soros, ulcors, tutltrheum,
fever Bores, totter, chapped liumN,
chilblains, corns, and all kln oruji
tioiM, and positively ourca pllus, or
no jay required. It U guaranteod
to give perfooteatlafuotlon, or monay
refunded. Price 25 ceuta por box.
For sale Dr. H. W. Cor.
Children Cry fSwPitclier's Castoria
l)"ttrnttlo 1'lro.
Stockton, Cal., Aug. is). Tito
loss by tho fire here this morning
was about $100,001) ; insurance fully
JtiO.OOO, companies aro not known.
Tho Shlppeo Agricultural Works,
which used tho burning building for
a warehouse, had about eighty com
bined harvesters stored there and a
number of grain cleaners, nil of
which wete burned.
A Hud l'rioidnt,
Washington, Aug. 1!). Cou
givssman Matson of Indiana has
declined to accept a silver service
presented him yesterday by tho em
ployes of (ho government printing
olllco on the ground, it Isnot proper
for him to accept any reward for
performing a duty Imposed upon
him as a member of congress, and
that It would set a very bad prece
dent. Cannot CuUm-t tho Tnv
St. IiOUih, Aug. ID. Information
comes from Indian territory that tho
tribal stock tax difficulty which has
cuiscd so much trouble will bo
settled. Commissioner Brozlovo
decided at Fort Smith that tho
Chickasaw nation had no jurisdic
tion over tho people or property of
non-eltl.ens, and therefore no right
to collect a cattlo tax of $1 per
head from them.
Hobert J. Lincoln returned front
Europe yesterday. He will work
for Harrison and Morton.
Seth fJrcou. the well known fish
culturlst, died on Saturday In lloch
cster, N. Y., aged 71 .years.
Another luualle lu love, named
U uoiiio Moon..who.lYyd lu Casuno.
via, N7vT, became Jealous onnrRtFrr
aged 18; ho shot her in tho breast,
inillctinga fatal wound, and thou
killed himself.
. --
An llxIr.niHtllii.iry riiriiiiincuiiii.
Private advices from Oraiitcotinly
report that Lnkti Malheur, u body of
water that covers more than 7f
sipiare miles and has been without
outlet Is rushing through u subter
ranean passage with a great . roar.
The nolso Is so loud and the shrink
age of water so great as (o attract
much attention. It Is said tlmfc
miles of formerly submerged laud In
now visible. Tho account Is meager.
Tho Iako receives tho water of tho
Blltzon river and never ovorllowH.
It Is situated on it rich, level plain
with low shores. It Is connected
with Lake Harney by a shallow
channel HO feet wldo and (100 feet,
long. It the subsidence provo per
mnnent It may through tho Oregon.
Pacific railroad survey some iiiIIoh
further smith.
Having wilil my olllconnd practice
to Dr. J.T. Mnsou I cordially re
commend him to my patrons and
tho public In general. I Hindi remain,
nt tho olllco with the Dr. fur a fow
wecks. 1). J. V.. Bvitn.
Thrlr limine lloomlui;.
Probably no one thing has caused'
such n general revival of tmtlii at:
Mr II W. C'.iix'h druir store as tlioll
giving away to their customers of s
many ireo trial isiiiien oi or, iving n
Now Discovery for Coiimimptloiu
Their trade Is simply enormous In.
this very valuable article from thw
runt tlmt It. ntiviivH euruH and never
dlsttpjKilntH. (Joughs, Colds, AHthmu.
JirniiciilllH, urotqi, nun an innmu
and lung (IIhohmih quickly cured.
Vim m iiiut. It. hoforo biivlnt! b"
getting a trial bottle freo, largo size
$1. JCvery lwttlo wnrrnntetl.
Jli AbMlitt Car.
OINT-MKNTIu only put up In largo
twe-ouueo tin boxes, and. Is mo
alrfwilute euro for old sores, bums,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for tho
MKNT. Bold byD.W. Matthews
& Co., 100 Btate street, Balem, ht S
euU jur box by mall SO centa.
8ti!orHMj for the Capital Jour-