i br EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAl FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, Overland to California -VIA- Soutliern Pacific Company's Lines. THK MOUNT SHASTA IlOl'TE. Tltae llrtwrrn Salem and Ssn Fnnflfeo-Tbirty-hlx Hours. CAI.fPOKNIA KXI-HKMM THAIN IMI1.T. ROUfll. iff) p. III. TT. I.v. I'ortlaiid Salem Han Fran. 10:10 n. m. 5i i p. in 7.-JOB. in, I.v. I.v. mio h. iii. OJiOjKJMi. OOA1. TjUMKAOKK TIlAI.N fi'AII.'' KX- (KIT HUNIHYJ. IKX) H. 111. I I.V. M H. III. I,. 1:10 p. in.) Ar. Portland Ar. Halem I.v. KitKene I.v. kV p. I". VIM p. in. H.-00 H. 111. PULLMAN7 BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, J'or HcooiiimodKtliin of Minimi class ihw wntters attached to express trains TheO. A f. I tail mud ferry makes mil. iiwtlon with all lli lexular trains on the lfesl Hide I)l IbIoii fmin foot"! 1 street, Portland, Ik'hvcfii 'orllanil and Ceivallls: JIAll.V KXCIIIT HI-N11A1 ) TOTn.Tiifl )aarp.iii.l IA. Ar. I'oitlitml CorMilllH Ar. 0:16" p. ill. J.. i:m p. in. M'JilSiWif.i.i: JUl'lli 1KAK-(IA1I.Y KXCIIIT HII.NHA Y). WT. iiiTn.v. I'nilliiiiit Ar. W p. in. I Ar.Mr.Mliiiivlllol.v- 0.00 a? in. ft: Pin, in. At Albany mill Corviillls connect Willi trams OtwrcKOtl J'MOIIIU iiuiinmii. I'r full liiforiimllnn reiciiidllig iutH, iiiBw,(!li!.,HppIy to llio foinimny IWOIIt, HbIi-iii, OnVm. K. I1. WKK", It. KOKIIIiF.lt, Aast. (I. 1. mid l'uMt.Ag't. .-MIIIIIIX'T. Oregon Railway anil Navigation COMPANY." Columbia River Route.' TihIiik for tlio eat loiuo Portland at 10:15 a in bihI a p in dally. Tickets to and from prlnoliml points In tin United mates, Gun. ridumid l'.uniM ELEGANT I'ULMANN PALACE CARS Kmlgrulit HloopliiK IVm run tlirouxli un .express I ruins In OMAHA till' MM I. HMTF'ri tlllll HT. I'AUt Vrw i Cliargi' nutl Witlmui Clmngc OHiiiBolloiisutl'iiiUniHlflirHBiil'ruii" i'Iikhj mid ltlgMt Hnund points. llufuitherpBrlleuliini iiuiulrc of 1. A. M111111I11K, HMiMil nr the tMinimiiy, 91 1 OiinmorulHl stiwit, HbIoiii, ti.iwin. nr A. U MhxmoII, (I. I'. A T. A., l'-rlhiild, OlHROII. A. L MAXWELL, ' I'. .VI'. A. II. IIOLCOMU, (Imil. MiunwiT. THE YA0UINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And inj.m lieM'liipment e.iiiiHiny'H KlHHiMslilp llin tX iiilli". shurtiT. ai liiiiira liw tlini' II11111 In " "tlii'r mu . I'lrst oIhm lliniimli iMsM-nii.-r mid ficlulit lliin is.m I.. if iiiiul itnil nil lHitnlH III the II tmiii'lte Millie to mid fi in 1 sun I'nim-UMi. TIME SCHEDULE, tlAwpi MuudiijsV lne.MIli I,!!!?! l-M-.iVrullU hi"! M Arrive hiiuIiia asSU I .M Uwi YbiuIiiu J.BMM- INiivhIIU Arrive Allwny (). a t". tntlns winnevl Hi -itUlA M . UWK A M 11:10 AM Albany mid ObvhUIs. TIhIbi'I.iii iiinnwH hi YAOl'INA villi tlin tir'ii ivwliiimioitl i t' I.U10 IIWI .lllip iiei.-en vaiiulim mid Ski- Kmiielwo, SVII.IMI liVTIW. HlNVMKHa. fHOM S.!l'ltAJlrl.ro wiiiMiiii-m. vniivy - .AlWiiltil H Aujlt-t lu ..Alljll.t V 'flMini.lt Vutli'i WIUHin-tf Valle, NfKAMKMl-. VIIImiii.'II VhII.'-i Wlilaniello VmIIi' SVlilumell.' V.ilU) KHtiM YAQl'INA. August I Align. t II Allini.t HI IIIU" .Mtllutll iwer.m tln right to liBiutf wtllUig (Uiiex nltlioilt ii.'lle.'. S, II. ltMMiiig.r ILiiii ISMIIniul wild Ml) WIIUtMNrtM' VnlTey AnU ntii uwR ihiM Huuiim-lkiu with ilie tmtitH vf the VAtJIMNA lUU'TKid Allwil) .irtVirBllU. ftUAH il.wllii.nl "- KnW'Ui. should Hrraug.' t arrive n julu the ev.uilu imaatem aauiMg. i-Msr 4 rrlgl.t ltal AIU lie Ui Jlwm nnd fk SBTthuid, Of. .t LIGHT AND AIRY. Like. Drop In nn Ocean. An1 sow tee college graduates Hare spoken all tbetr pieces Awl carried off tlieir sheep skins rolled, llobeed firstly of their fieeoes. They're come Into "the cruel wmM" And, sadly be it stated, T)ie grealMes of the graduate Has not the world Inflated. Hew tn It that so many thing Of fltae can be inserted, Ami neither that which taken seems swelled, Nor that which (firm, deserted Columbus Dispatch. On tlin Hnfn Side. First Omaha Slau-Klif What's tliatl Didn't you just tell that plumber your water pipe hail frozen mid you wanted him to go U your house right nwayf (Second Omaha Man Yes. As I was say ing, liettveen Harrison and Cleveland I "Hut your water plpos, sir. Water don't freese In July." "Olil Of course not. Hut my pipes al ways freeze in the first cold snap of winter, and by notifying tlio plumbers In July tlioy generally munago to get there In time." Omalitt'Woild. Tlio I'ltnt'M of Things. A sailor for sea And a spinster for tea, A lawyer for talk aud a soUler for fighting; A baby for noise Ami a circus for boys, And n typewriter man to do autograph writing. A banker for chink And a printer for Ink, A leo;rd for spot and a wafer for sticking; Ami a oraok baseball lllnger, An opera singer, A shotgun, a mule aud a choir for kicking. -Burdette. A IHcldid Iiiiprovoiiif'iit. Mr. Wabash (waiting friends in l'ittshurg) You (ire looking much bolter than when J WW you two or three years ago, Jlisa Monotl galiela. Miss Monongahela Oh, do you think so, Mr. N'nbashi .Mr. Wabash Yes, thoro U no doubt of It. I think the substitution of natural go for fcof t coal makes such u dilrerence (hastily) er in tho general nppourauco of the cjty, you Hiiow.-urakin .ingazllio. A I'IkIiIhk Hinudc III tho seat nt tlio stem of tho boat, As happy im mortals could wish Tliey sat with their lim hanging over tho side Ooorgo and Ijuini pix'temllng to fish. la tho silence n strange nolso as heard. "What's that)" Ami llio sklppor looked Iiapk. And tho maid whleperiHl "11111111!" when OeorRo said with a blusli, "It w us only a small fUhiug smack." Chloago Tribune. A IViro'a I.lttlo .Tuhi. Kho I'm so glad you can stay to ten. Such jobo as I'm gulng to hnvo on my husband. I.-' 1 always growling about my cooking and I i.v Ui mother hnpiuncdto drop in mid I 01 lier to ma 'to s jiiio biscuit. Won't ho feci il.uup wlwn hobi'-iiiw tooiiticise mid then . nils out bi-i tuuiU-r mndo them liorwilff u.vLir a:j not 1; latku. lie My dear, yoii'ro liev umi-; an imnel of a 000k. TIibsu biscuit-, uni at lino as my mother limkoa. Uuu.h.i '. oiid. Oiiplii'-i (jH-,p.p:ijr, WiionwoaiMi r.. v.i, my low, Ttieo:!,l k. .t . uule; lklt It omiiiiuii 1 IfTeieot nhapo Wbeu no wu 4J0 uy MJt. l"or then 'tis no dliuliiutl-ro To our ei-utAUu Uiw, Wvb-ili'i .upltie It hut r. .do Just iui-ga iiiMij(li fur two. -Ufe A Dim Thunt. "Vat," ald the collector for a little Ger man band tonvlUwn whug-tt i t s trout window, "you no gif noddliici foi- dot IIHKHllof" "Not A wHitr ivphl tho oitlsmi, with 1ioh'Iii umphntiiti. "Dtm u blv home morr, Ut's nlll" thretit kiuhI Uiw ootleetor, i,,i tlw vitiavii hastily jjhvh up 11 iiiinrtvr. Tho Kpooh. Tlio M(j JIiiii'-. Attempt at I'm mine. A fanner I'll t. erleil lie. As lie nuk-I U.hlud tlw plow. I'll shun ilwu urnwni lion Tlw tlu Mruvit a stump. Oh! what n liorrlbl-. thiunp And Um.'!. to t)w city it Ik-. -lH'trolt lTi-orres. Mho Wniujj llo.llclne. Ywmg l)i-iw (Ui pnthwu Tlwit pivserlp ttoti I Wt lt nLsUt, :r, mn a mistake It m lntetMlhl fur another patlvnt. Did you hMVHltrlUVdt lSitlmt Yes, divtor. Dtor WhII, h arv yoi fivltHg this moriiiint I'wMtaHt Wy much lMr. 'ew York Ruu. Ikirly IUmiiuhiIiIiic;. Kb fwe ha4 look a U rauihw bad imwI Utt it tV Unas of jidif!o, And 00 wttM Hip b dgvoutb uhra5l 11m rifot of I4MI' rwgugakw. fetf Mh-Uss rot hi ball atrauOy Im Im aViiHtt wt" tat Im auMOksr vwsukw. ,t '1! 'r a ' I MAIIKKTS. The SALEM MARKET Si COUUT STKKBT. CoiHtantly on hand the best quality of tali and Salt Meats ! And all kinds ol S AUS A. O E. ira-Tlie CI.KANHST kopt mnrkct;in the cltj . Call and see for jourAeif. JiCCHOW A- WII.1.AHI). CITY MEAT MARKET D. C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE HTKKET, - HALEM, OIIEUON. ra-All kinds of fresh nnd cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a squuie deal all around. II. K. DvUom. Joe Dlllois Dubois brothers Proprietor Ghcmckcte Hotc FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From 51 to SI per day. SALEM . OKEG S. A.. E. STRANG, No. !1 Commercial Street, SALHM, - - OREGON. IIK.VI.Klt 1K STOVES and RANGES I'luinbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. ;aV-Agent Mr tlin IllCHAItDPOX A IIOYNTON COMPANY'S Fulimii. Ev. mlillshed In 1819 " Live anil Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and Decorators. All oident will iiHi'lxe prouipt attention. KlltiiHteoii all klmUiu work lu our line cheerfully glM'ii, Siitlsnu'tlon Eiianiliteoil Shop III Old Court llmifco mi Court street, Salem. Oi. I'OII SAI.K. FARM FOR SALE. ItttXMvnw, iiwr PioihvI hill, 7 uillos, by BR.MHI roHd, froiii Salem, US acres In oultl VBtlon, IwUnw In tlmWr. Well wnterod, go.xl fUHWhmwtfiif Snxmis, mmleratolMrii, wmIImUIh. ilixir ; nil feneed mid a thrifty yiHimc (HfvlMnl. Thirteen aerm MNMle.1 to lwtitvir, and W aenw Incmln. l'ur hImm' imii liae lllwml terms to ImrVBkt wiiw I'UICIC fUXX), TIM K HI VKX. m rixht to tlw drill and m. K)t' J, P. ROBERTSON. Ttinitlrv of ClwrWy ItnU'rlMii, t FAIUI FOR SALE! s & Chamberlain -IIAVK A- ifitOAtm,MUWO. iCILlL, MMtKXN COUNTY. ONLY HALF tto sWw ifk m acras Im MrtMvwWtm; Hk awt Asmt ytmMg cweiMMt. - m4 l ! a as. Cill m il mtt a forgM !-0tVfV tM U'f HwSMk Jwly IT, kt, Im. For Sak A asu4 Iswai fnuua Mu ISmmt. Ml IsH. "w osm to run as: HT WW Hf prtct uf KH IUI1 HI 1 OUif, Vlr ot Pirwll fro pAHjntMOM. raissm Oregosv. uscki.l.vt:o us. J. lI. I IV (A IN .iui.11 1 DRUGGIST, WOODBUIIN, OREGON, DEALER IN TV 1 1 f 1 HI III- iViet i u AND Fine Toilet Articles, A FINE LIKE OF Cigars, School Hooks. Anil School Supplies, Paints, Oils, Brushes LZ" f AND EVEItYTIIINO IN i;iN KVKKY )EPAimiEXT I5EAH IN MIND Our Stock is Complete I. SCHNEIDER, nr.Ai.Kii in WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Stayton, Oregon. Keen on handa lame assortment of Jew elry, Wntcho Clocks, etc, Itcpuirlng promptly none anil warniiucu. 2 wingiu the best bargains in watches of any dealer Inthe Willamette vallej. 7:U:1in-w FRUIT WANTED Mi ... 7 MY THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FRUIT CO. JAt tht'lrJJvnponitor Apples, P1u.it.is, Prunes, Pears, At the Highest Market Priced Factory neartlie is-eiiEer deiot. Tho 13 aVEUS' GUIDE is issujd Mirch and Sept., each yoar. It is an ency clopedia of useful Infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxuries or tlio necessities of llfo. Wo can olotbo you and furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliancos to ride, walk, danco, sleep, out, llsh, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and iu various sizes, styles and quantitios. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can make afaii estimate of tho valuo of tho BUYERS' QU1DE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 conti . pay postago, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-11-1 Michigan. Avenue, Chicago, ILL -the KIU'IT DRYEK OUKdON iKevnlvliie rack frame) Is Simple of Construction, AN 11 1CA.SY OK OPlllUTION. Awarde.1 rlntt preiiiliuu at the Oragmi Suie K'aJr Ht-'M-M-'Sb -JX and at tho Call HhthIh SmI Fair, l'vT. kiul shir Joaquin CuttHt' Fair, ImIT. MMUUtecturml lu stxlst. Km- aireuhir and rlr list addreM ir. s. jouv & son, I1, O. IlrtX awil. ailor-. Orogon S Dryer FurfliriiWIW Hve aw GENERAL liLVCKSUlTIUNG ANIV HORSESHOEING ! ! All OW lUIIMOWtl mWiWKU Of stMiM atuptoc skvwi, to curs dlseMMM of the foot and for tl eorrvetluM 0 Mull)- aetkMi. eiw lraUM)M.llnlrtftne,tttMt lcuantHteo mimhuim in au cm a, natar r so any wB KHOWM HHmB lu Orvs, JOHN KNIGHT, The Horeoshoer, 3J6 CXmtmareial MrM, Katam, Of. rVriy Vfirs k k Ckrii if Wm. Hr Vlbr CtitnkkU-. c Imniedt. rrlwtta. 8l la your untar ImiuedtaMy. IVUvwvd la Jttb' l A.KAR.MB4, Acat, WK.UWLVKRTON.WKKKl.Y.L t fr-ar. l4wilw.L TtMAi-rKAt & atrwUfcsU l MsrWa, Llna a4 cUak- nm nmnlVWi has hesi sawdtstiii aarfal nan Mi4 U aw ncelawU adwrsWac - llsuu. FVv Ivnua aMrvu l he puWl II. VI. UWnMaBWIOTKMlttm hoots WM. BROWN 4 CO. -DEALEK in B' O 1 O-l T S S"H1QE Is" r 11 1 TV V I noThnii nn iniutnifri LiUlltlll'l UI1U 1 lllUlllj-Wt CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. No. 231 Commeiclal Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. vrrrtr terror MBmnnmnnnrBMBMiBBB0aiiMBKMiuKBaii Whaf is Cnatoria is Pr. Saml Pltclicr's old, hannloss and qnlblt euro for Infants' anil Children's Complaints. Snporlor to Cgstor Oil, ParoKorio or Knrootio Syrnpi. Children cry for Cnatoria. Mil lions of Mothers blosB Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation ; hour btomacn, Ularruaja, Eructation ; I complalnts.assuperiortoanyprescripuoa Oives healthy sleep ; also aids dlcestlnn ; I known to me." II. A. AncilElt, M. D., Without narcotic stupefaction. J 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Tint Ckstack Company, 77 Murray St., New York. Weekly Capital krnal! Tito Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN IVIARION COUNTY. Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one your, ?1.50. WEEKLY, six months,- -40.75. Now Read Our Discount for Cast I WKEKIjY, one your, $1.00. VEEKLY, six montlis, -fO.o NVAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NV ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONK-'"HIRD OFF FOR CASH. U f Our Old Subscribers Now iu arroMrs are urwil to take tulvantago of our big discount, by set tlinj; olil auvounU ana Joining the grand throng of one dollar guboorlbuis. TOIONE ' We t wauffip,,mif uaimw. If you want to take advantage of our "oiw third oil fBlwKii," aitd an not where you can got postal notes or other eoiivtHiknt nRillMHlof mmitUug, eundusyour name and state that yo will remit at tlrrf opportunity. Thfe will eusure your being placed on tie dollar lWt. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER, But a sotkl, penuaneut reduction, We have oome to tay. anb siioim. .C- i if I ,4- ,,lNAiM N I "I recommend Castoria for children's j AND ALL issrf i ) k n i vmafi, A jlmji K