ii ; mm.nWJumillimifii.i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UIILIflllBD EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. -HV Till! Capital Journal Publishing Company. t IKCOHPOItATMl OlSrr, fornrr Cnrt and Mbtrtjr Strftti, TKHMH 01' HUIBJCItUTION DAILY. One yr, by irmll ........ To W) Hlx mimtliH. by mull 2 W) Three months liy nihil ... 1 ler week delivered by carrier 16 WKKKI.V. One year .. ..tl W) Hlx inonlliN 7S One year. If mid for In advatico, 1 00 lx month, " " " 60 "-l'ttiiHlers Hre authorized lo re ceive subscriptions. ICtilered as second-class matter at the Hnleiii.UrrKuii.l'tMtolHeo.JuiiaSl.IHW. Republican National Ticket. 'For l'roshlonl, JU5NJAMIN HARRISON, Of Jiuliiinn. For VIco I'reelrtuiit: L13VI V. MORTON, Of Now York. 1'oit PwaunuNTiAL Ki.kctoim. Itobort Mcl.nm, uf Klaiimlli ('mint). Win. KnpiM,iif Mulliiomah County.' ('. W. Fulton, of 1'lata.ip Couuly. Kill DAY, AlHIUKT 17, lhSN. iviwi.vs m rrit.wn: i!i-ii:ci i:i, llui iii'WHiiijci'H In our liclnlilinr territory uiv (IImmihhIiijc llio woiimn kiiIIViiku iticHtl"ii. Wo lmvo not M'Olt llio full ti-xt of (ho (IocIhIoii of tin Miriiii coin t of tin' territory proiiouucliiK llio woman hiiNViiko luw IiivmIIiI, bin the lNwUnti'lll Kcuctir 1h caiiillil ciioukIi to ailmlt that all llio luw of the ciiho hinged on tho aeeeilatlon of (ho wonl "rltl.on." Itoth uoiirtH, (thedlHlrli't and thomipieuio cnurta,) rule (hut thin gunmlo noun, im iihod In the nrgunlo aet In relation id (he electoral fniiirliisu, Is aiilieahle only to iiiiiUm. It will bn re membered that .IikIko NiihIi, In the Unmet court, In Ills endeavor to t'HlulilMi IIiIh niodo of lvnsonhij, unt back to llitftlcclMlon of .Millie Taney in the Dred Scott ciikc, who iletlned (ho word "cltlen" to moan white male, our colored brother helm,' merely a uhattcl. It twt an InimeiiHo o.ioiiill(uro of blood and injure lo Invalidate the nillnir of that learned Jiulat; but tho price waHjmld, and iim a renult of thU prodlnttl outlay a more liberal rule of conntruetloii prevail. ThU hIkivv that (he coimlruliiK of a word hy our Judicial tilhuual 1m oernel moio by Hiltluul winill tloimthHii by etymology; that the liHcIc of the couitM la deteriuliuMl more by cxWitliijr foot than by exact acleiico. It I uiulornUMxl by (bo rcder that IheMetHorierrltoilHl lKUlluro Htvmilijwt to the ivvUWiu ofeounrow. Any oiuutiuont by one of tliow In oluwU MivcrflKiitUH own IkhiiiiuIUm by that iKMly in the mero oxmol-o of lt paramount Muthorlty. A woiuhii iillrato law o.l In Wyoming, Mini In I'tHli tint women wlultl the olwtowl Imllut. ThU privllemi U iMiifwrvHl upon them on tit iuHiim)itloii tlml (ho wonl "oltlwn," liitlio organic act of ImiiIi twrttorlw, rvfrrw to Uxh m..w. Tliono lawn Imve Ihhui In iiHm(lon Jimny your, but ouiigroMi low iievpr jinnulltMl tlmm. Kvldently the national loglalatiiiv ikh no oontUct Mwetni th constitution ami tlie woman mltrao hcU. ami no evil rwwilt (mh'InI or m1UUw1) 1ihv vr Iwwi cliMrgMl Htftlnt (heir wmrx-W. V undrrUnd it to tn h mlt In JurirMdMrt tlmt 1 1 wwirt i Ukc coguliwiuv of the ixklltlml ww JHJou that Uwr on Um cmim t iatw, ThU rul hihiIUhI to (lit m in uliuii would lutvu KhI tho MWIWMitv txMirl of iMir itttlnhlKM- ttrri lr,v to uaUlu Uw Uw, Ih U-4( mn-l of (ougnwM lwvlnjr alrvmly iwii dvu. Tlw U( WtrUUturv of IUimmii outift.rml iiiuuM(MlMiltVwipi iii Ihf woiiHit of Um( lls It Mitjc uiulemniutl tluti tin luw U UuUUivt. J f tkU iwrtUi ttKvM4Ui h irlu wai, tliWr vlKrt.mil piviuipaivv will I liwuk' cHual HiiU tluil of uten. TliUcluiuiyp In tif iullUoU auiite uf wuiufii U "iu tb lr." An a mMilt f hr iiutUMVtHl auoUoiuU feriliUo, ud Imw iMrniMiailtitcty ulaTKxl nocUi ibvr', Im auftar mx fwl Uwir Hlit to ctUaMtdtip, niul n llMy uiakc liu IumuI ii k, fruiu a kue of rtUt aitU )u4ko-, hImI tlutti. The 'iwt-lllttlltgtUorr UtfrtVxtW aiaiiio that iinit lui liai) MMrbt on the supreme court in the follow ing captious remarks: AVoman BUliYnKC lias proved a practical failure in Washington Tcr rltorv. It lniH accomnlished notli- Ing in the way of public or prlvnte giKMl. There Imve been no moral, social or political reforms as a conse quence of it. On the other liana it has made dimension and trouble every where. After n fair trial Its most uncompromising opponents are among the women themselves. As a rule modest and good women have not voted at least not the second time while vicious women and women of the coarser class have been vulgarly conspicuous at the polls. This Is simply ex parte; it Is the talk of a mini who is evidently prejudiced ugalnst the innovation. The charge that woman suffrage has accomplished no good Is a mere conclusion, determined by how a nerson views the matter. It lias had no fair trial In that territory, and tho lime Is not yet to pronounce on its intrinsic merits. That old chesinits, mouldy and worm-eaten, that modest women do not vote, has had its rottenness expo-ed in tho ycal and elan shown by our fair coiinlrywomeii In several states when the authority to take part in elections has been accorded them. In Kansas "modest and good wom en," to use the limiting adjectives of our cotcm, brought out dilatory sisters to the register's olllec, and when election day came they estab lished their headquarters contiguous to every polling place, and dining tho day hnd their vehicles plying wherever n lardy voter was to be found. Reactionary politicians mid uewspaper writers may miumj fric tion and discord, but (hey will have lo give way lo the advancing tide of reform. The progressive people of WashliiKlon Territory demand to keep up with the procession, and old fogies and recaleltranls cannot much longer defeat (heir will. oici:no.N .iii:ai, Press dispatches u few days ago tell of an unfortunate condition of crops In Northwestern Iowa and Southern Dakota. In Jowa, wo are told, tho small grains will average less than a ono-thlid yield; In many counties the rust has ruined the wheat, and oats In more than half tho fields will not bo cut. And In Holds where tho grain hud grown well It has been twisted and beaten down bv violent stornw. Kansas and Nebraska have fared Is'tter than In the two or three years preceding; the small grains have been saved In good condition, and several copious showers through the hot mouths have brought the corn along finely. Hut private letters from KaiiNis tell of extreme boat there, and the fear Is exprewed lost the corn nitty sutler from scorching. This is In vivid contrast with the luippy condition of things In Oregon. A heavy grain crop harvested, abundant jKisturo, and a supply of fruit, of all klnde, that taxes the reouroenof shlpporsaud evaporators to get awnywlth. Our geographical Hl(tou ensure unnilling mlus at lie light season, and when the warm Ki'usni conic and vegetation setsotit lo grow the earth has a supply of nioUtiiiv tti mm iv a bountiful yield. This oh u ls given as an unvarying rule, Ikvhum the experience of old settlors, dating nearly half u ccntury lwek, Is not chequered with a single unfruitful kwmui. Two amorous Sttvphons lighting fir tliH sMiuo ladye love 1ms Ihvii so common In domestic life that such encounters mil to awaken Interest. In Krainvthe rule U reversed. Two ytmug ladles Is'longlug to good mm- fieri IhvouiIuk Jealous over a favored youth Hpeler to Mars for arbitra ment. A chalUtntro was Mint and tu copied, weonilsuttoiuhHt the combat ants, and when th deadly weapons were IihiuIihI Hit the duelUts nrxsl with Mich eltVnit as to lutllet mut ual wiHiiuU, Oiw was wHiudiMl in (he bruMwt, tin uthw hi tho arm. Who say imw that wmihii are not rtt to vKtf '' "ilany Iu one" tulf lit an luimeiu-e po4to )ft at thU nltW, Uf UUfkal. From tU law tHl, the mother of the bunch, are no ena tlian lu (Wlr alMil one yrowltif or radUUun, so Ui itwk. It (u fhrni tlM nleii uf W. N. duwHuts um tbp wbjp of tua ii, and will to left nt the Oregon lul (iiisun ' olMoe tat the In MKrthJti ot vWUmk. It U a vriUlW "IWiully" poUU wvixhliui SI iKMiuOa. Tli Auwrkwu party lu (.Vllftirula bat MitluMeU tumrsiimiu W. V. ilumw Iter nHltx'tkMi. A aliulUr vudunrukwl livrtliMd hy biut U Utouglu l haw hlsd lAt Jufau K SwW Ibr uvntar, mkI Mr. SMurro aeMMly koow whl U Um nast iIU thlim to ds aoivut or tltvlilM CliilireHCryAcPitr'sCisUrii THE CITY OF DREAM. Hut tboa stood Within some r&st catbrdnl'i organ loll While the great organ turoba. the stoae wcO tJr. The thunder of the deep ecxtatlo baa Trembles like earthquake underfoot, the flame Of the bright lilienj flute ihoou heareoward, Aod music Uke a darkness and a flame Gathers and kindles, wrapping In Its cloud Tho great cathedral to Iu upmost splret Ern so, but more Immeasurably strange, Throbb'd solemn music through Chrtstopolls; And aU my soul grew sick with rapturous airs As slowly to the sound 1 mored along. Amid the shining temples, stlrer shrines. Solemn cathedrals, shadowy cloister walla. Under the golden roofs, beneath the spires With fiery finger pointing up to beareo. Far over bead, from glittering dome to dome Flew dorcs, so high In air they seemed aa small As winged butterflies, and mid the courts raven with blight mosaic and with pearl. Walked, wrapped In saintly robes of amethyst, Procewtons of the holy, singing psalms. While smote of Incense swung In censers bright, Blew round them, rosy as a sunset cloud. Robert Dachanan. An Obsorrant Citizen's Calculation. An observant citizen makes the follow Ing calculation, which Is given for what It Is worth Out of every ten average American men, ono will tako tho wrong nldo of tho walk, two win stand In the door of a car If thoro Is no seat, throe will sport n toothpick In their mouths In pub lie, four will oxpoctorato in public places. Ivo will carry an umbrella horizontally under tlifttr urm In tho fitrcct, six will cross thotr legs In a car, seven will fall to remove their uats in a uown town ele vator whun a ladv enters, olirht will for get to Bbut a car door when thoy go In or out, ntnn will risk their lives to catch a train when they could Just as wull wait for tho nn.tt ono, and tuo whole ten wiL rowt all their llvos at public nuisances without doing anything to abate them, Now York Tribuno. AilrertlslnR Kates of lintels, A correspondent wants to know why the proprietors of summor resort hotels soldom or novor give tho rates for tho dif ferent classes of rooms In their houses The lnnulry is a pertinent ono. It would certainly bo a groat convenience to thf large number of peoplo who must study ways and means beforo going on tholr summer outing, if thoy could know by consulting tho ndvertlsomonts Just what tho rates at tho different summer hotols are Donbtlrss tho propnotors of these houses would bo qulto willing to print their averago rates If thoy wero awaro that it would meet a want. Now York Tribune Charity of tho Hebrews. Kvery Jewish association, whether a club, or debating society, a musical party, a mutual lnsuranco fraternity, a business league, or what not clso. Is by those con corned in It deemed Incompleto if it does not do something for charity At overy wedding, merrymaking, festival and mo inorial celebration, publlo or private and even In tho liouso of death, the bos for voluntary offerings to some charity Is conspicuous And when publlo calls are mado in tho synagogues for contribution lu aid of a charity, tlio roflponses are sneb as aro evoked nowhere elso. New York Sun. A I'otrlflrtl Tree. A portion of n petrified treo was dis covered iu a solid snndstono rock quarry at Zouoavillo, 0., tho othor day Tlio treo Is about tho thlckuoss of a telegraph pole and has well dotlned bark and roots It was found whllo blasting, or Immediately nftor n blast, fully slty feet below the top of tho hill and was lu solid rode Ovei It Is tho earth formation, then a specie of shalo, thou limestone strata, followei' by n conglomeration of stone, then somr forty feet of solid sandstone, near tlu bottom of which is tho petrified tree. Chicago Herald. Tlio Study of Astronomy. The heavens now present an Interoatlnp study to the relleetlve mind. Venus rise; ono-hulf an hour before the sun, and Jupiter sets with tho constellation of Scorpio Kvldently the two have tpiar fled and separated, Venus cutting bet own kindling wood preparatory to break fast getting, and her spouse preferring scorpions to Ids wife's tonguo. Tlio study of astronomy U at all tiiuus an uplifthig one. Pittsburg Bulletin l'lnerrlng Trlrgrupli Votes Telegraph poles are preserved In Nor way by tuaklug an augur hole about two fetit from tho ground In which four or five ouucm of sulphate of copper In coarse crystals aro placed, and plugged In. The elituuleal U gradually absorbed by tho wood, until Its whole outer surface turns a greenish bus. The sulphate requires an occasional ronewal. and Is said to bo a perfect (Mrttssrvatlvo- Uoatou Uudget. A loe oil llomrbaek. An lugianlotis New York truck driver has taught hU trrlr to ride horseback. In order to guanl the team and prevent any faaiUUrfty with the horsoa. A piece of carpet U thrown ovr the traree'a back, so that Xhm small dog may secure better footlUK, Uil tn rtder balaucw himself wall ami warns to mi joy hUride. Chlosirc llarakl Stuwnkul Aiublguou. A Nw llampablrw YaakiM. who bad Umh uf AaUtuf all day aod had caught OttJy twoaisuill flkUss. was thus aoeiYttod by a ualghtiM" "Wal. WU. what ktH4r hick Ut ye Mr "Puoty ftr," wm th nly, "I kaUhed a humlrad ur taw " Ivtrolt rr treaoi Ouu ku.1 PnestHe. Th VVwscii an arkiwwMfwd t havo Us Bum( turn and proUetilM In Hbtob. Tbsdr rsminr anell Las Umm snot tltnwgh an arsjhtr pUi twenty Inenas taiafc. ad smom wul wixht IU alas) point Munjttrad. Porwica LaMor nanl lwintial Atlvtva. "Xw. iortor." W &, aa U JoImJ Um aMssteaJ twill lan tn lb at, "ta tiw mm nf a nvw who rant akwp at nlfht, wfcat wotifci yMi a4rtr -I wwiU 4tm hint toitMsj la th4a. ttaMLU; Of MalWaM OUu. A writer hi TV. S. UaU OIom k look. C htsMfully focwarJ u Um Uns wkw tho waQ, tmiag and Soar of uor iU Uw will V of tUlaahW cUm u a prtoJ whan apMxaxtouU clsxnluiaai vctll Uj poo Wonted to take a Hand In. A dozen lineman were busy for two hours yesterday in raising a tele graph pole on Seventh street. When they began digging the hole an old chap came along and Inquired : "Going to raise a pole, eh?" "Yes." "Guess I'll take it in. I alius did believe In opening the campaign early." He sat down on the door step un til the pole was up, and then, as sonic of the men were going away, he nsked. "Isn't there going to be any speeches?" "We don't generally have any," replied the men; "but you can make one if you wish." "Wouldn't It be putting myself forward?" "Oh, no." "Nobody engaged, eh?" "Noone." "Say, you!" he continued, as he squinted aloft, "which party is it?" "The telegraph party." "Oh, shucks I Somebody move we adjourn, fori don'tvotethatticket." Detroit Free Press. HA.MI CU.V'EKT. The Second Itcgimeut band will give a concert In the avenuo to night, beginning nt 8 o'clock sharp Following is the program : Miircli, "Modern Step" Cnsey Selw tl(in,"Il Trovatoro" Vcrdt Clarionet solo, Second Air Varln.-Thornton Mark lxng. Si-hcittUclip, "Slio's Such a Love" Cntlin m ri-nude, "To Mamie" l'ctleo Hiintonu Kilo, llrown's Autograph l'olka, George Mack. Cnsey Wiiltr, "Visions of the Pant" Holllnson Wllilx Mi'lllroy's Miircli Frank Haas Pall Suits. "Good goods, good patterns, good lit, good work," is tho motto of E. Schoettlo & Co., merchant tailors, near the White Corner, Commercial street. A largo new stock of foreign and domestic goods of various patterns just arrived for pants or fall suits. They guarantee good work and a nleo lit or no pay. Call on them. An Absolate Car. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINIi, OINTJSIENT Is only put up In large two-ounco tin boxes, and Is no absolute euro for old sores, burn, wounds, chnpped liands, and nl) skin eruptions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ARIETLNE OINT MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthews & Co., 100 Stato street, Salem, at 26 eeuU er box by mail 80 centa. It is said that Florida promises to become a large producer of opium. Sixteen plants will produce nn ounce, and an acre of poppies will yield jil.OOO worth of opium. All of which is so much the wots for that state. Kx. Ni:V TO-I1AY. OATS ! OATS ! ! llHVlr.K purchiiMHl the McKlnney A Smith wart'liouMMU Turner's, and lmlng leaved Mesum. M. t'oekerllu A Son's ware Iioiim at .iiiiiKllle, we are prepared to store und handle this coming mmii TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND i n a 00,000 -ra HUSI1KI.S 01 o.rsi Sacks 011 Imnil lo Niipplv fttrmer. In holleltlng jour trade e guarantee you lair dealing and the Highest Market Price. fall and siv n U'fore making arrange ment el-w hen1. Ytnirs truly, K K. Mi'KINNISY .V CO. S17-1wh1 CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! WiUnntctto riiirorsliy. Mio.1 sueoin i Oil kcUoo of Hittklc on the northwest eoat. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAH. (HirxM In llMtio, Ori(ii, UiKlnK, Violin, llarmunv, ict Countur- ulnt. l1ioiiia on coutlthMt ot whim. TwcIimk X. M. Pto-vUt. Kraakta 1. Joimw, Rva Cx. Awuataat. ImIu It. Smith. FW Mnu .begin Mostdaj-, Susaamixr M, Ism t fir eaUtofutt. Per turtltor uartivalan a4trM Z. JM. PARVIN. MunJoal Mtcctsir.SaMw, Or. MKS, DtPKANS, litiu. d TucW f CM. I T HIK. A. J. RJl.KYV HIUM KT. AsWuMvftMtfMtoiiiBtft. data InMnscUcM ; oonatillalni Tfcaa. UMi E.A.WARE, MUlsst ia Ftncy and Staple Grocorios, lwrtas,nMsraM Tmi. u( isMMhn iu.i My stork l ruUsss , a4 earvAiBr wlaelfd. Prtrv anarkrd dua m a rash siate. V HO Jjr M -l U Rr Kmt XETT ADVEItTISKSIENTS. Kruit Karms! TOR T , OREGON LAND COMPANY Has now for sale twenty-five IP-acre lots miles lrom bnlcm and near the i illlltl., in fiiiuiii. iuum: ima uiu , !.. n d .ilr... Wl. n 1n, w wi Cnpltnl City, and having a grand view range. The Soil is of the For the production of FItUlT, and some of the loti are already set out to trees that are In full bearing. Onel lot has several hundred 1'ItUXK trees on It; another, alaree number of tho finest PLUM trees; and others have ClIKItHY nnd APPLE trees on them. All Lots Front on a Road And tho road lending lo Snlem Is now being graveled, and will bo ono of tho FINEST DRIVES leading out of tho city. It Is gcuerally conceded that Investment In FItUIT LANDS at tho present time oilers a better assurance of largo returns than any other lorm of Investment. Prices now belug paid for fiult tn Salem by tho "Willamette Valley Fruit Company! Insure, at a Low Estimate, from P3 to $500 per Acre! Tlio close proximity of Mr. "Wallace's lrult farm of 1J0J ncrcs to these lots Insures a Fruit Cannery, nnd thus ajcouvcnlent market, as soon us tho trees aro old enough to Call on tho Oregon Land Company MAT THEIR OFFICE IN THEiJ Hank Elock on Commercial Street And they will SHOW Y0UITHIS PROPERTY FREE OF CHARGE. XW AHVWtTISiaiKNTS. Oregon State Fair! The SStli Aniuiiil State held on the Fair Ground", commencing on tho I'ulr will be near Salem, 17th OF SEPTEMBER, And continuing oue week. CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will be awiiideil for Agricultural, Meehan leal und Stock ehib!tN, works of art and (Hncy work, and for tl lain of speed. The preiiiluniH ottered havo been In creased In many cai-et., and new ela hae been added. No entry fe charged In division. J, K, I. and Q. A miigultteent Held ot hop-es entered, and then- will be splendid contests of run ning and trotting each day. The dim-rent transportation companies will make liberal reductions in fare anil freights. Seelal attention is called to the premi ums ottered for county exhibits of grains, grasses tuul Irulls. Kntrles w 111 Ih received In the secretary's ottlee In Salem, beginning six days bole.ro the lair, and on the thir grounds from Fri day before the fair. Persons desiring to exhibit in dMslons J, K. O, I'and Q are re.iueiel to make their entries on Frl itav and Saturday before the (hir if possible. All entries close on Monday, September 17th, at T:S0p. m. l'KK'EN OF ADMISSION: Coupon ticket Airmen (six days) Kl (uion ticket for women (tx days) 1 00 Day ticket for men ro lay ticket tor women , . ft Ticket, to the grand stand at race track for malax over lit years 36 I-adle to the grand stand lree. Those desiring to purc!iae booths will apply to the secretary. SSendto the secretary atSalemfcra premium list. J.T.OltKCJO, Seerolary. VARIETY STORE! W. M. SARGEANT Kaw a flo Moak of Will Taper, Mm ami Cwiters, IAIY HW6IES. EXfSESS WAtONt,' EtMCsirS, m4 aM Lb s PtLtUBS. 1 M . . - . . ekSSSBHbS G01D PAIKT-READY MIXED. Mat r mutMv ( all ii. ta (art I thing rUr that cna b ttKHigUI u T- Come and See for Yourselves Fill THE- on the west side of tho river, from 3 150 - acre fruit farm owned by Mr. it. s nz in tin iiii..ij puutiicu tuiuiu HIKUt OI ine nil Ixifl.. I.iin.n ..tI.1I ..I I- . situated of the snow-capped peaks of ine Cascade Very Best Quality nl2Sdw. Evaporated Apples, Evanorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines Evaporated Apricots, Evaoorated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches,' Dried Peaches Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes1 Oregon Petit Prunes. Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins- Persian Dates Weller Brothers' Commercial Street STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENTJ 530 ACRES Wall watered and plenty ot timber. Two iMMistw and two barns. Good oreliard. Meadow and WO acres plow land. Fitly lad oTealUe with ttte plaoe If wanted.and Iwxvtw etuHich to run lu Within (lve miles of depo mi the O. & tV It. IU A bargain tor somebody. Enwiir at OfTice of Caoital Journal. LEGAL BLANKS, Urgnst Stk in the State, Rest Disrwnt. a tor aHatasjue, CaU tor prieas Ibr Job ftiiHtwt towmTii ontgoa. L H. WAITE, Sal, Of. SALEM BATHS. H. MAUONB, UMs' 8k, ki Fanry and Mat. CHAVlJa, KAIB C11TIXO AND mor n pumokd. GUOCEIUKS. Teclierof X'lusio nJ drai. r luM kinds ,.r iluu-l Iasiru m.nlw iftlcv im i iniu.nul ,in-ri lu trull t UM 6 111 . tl I I). IDslAllIlt 1.1 l'!U n