..,'. I - V CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1SSS. NO. IAD. : w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND repairer. AH work warranted. store, State street, Salem, Or. Artt-n nrflprs ni l. lucr. I'uuuu s uuuiv EXr RESS WAGON, QUICK AND SAFE delivery. Win. Rennio having bought the express buslnoss of Walter Lowe, Is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, and any thing else that ho can get In his waiion to any part or the city, quicker, safer, better, nnd neater, than it can be done by any body else, Leave orders at Mlutosstaoie. INSURANCE Company. Fire nnd Ma rine. JDS. ALBERT," Agent, - Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open an oiUco In tho New Bank Hlock, on Jlay 1st, for the treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly modcrnte. Address bes: 176, Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL,. First National Bank , SALEM, OREGON. WJI. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - - President. Vice President, - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London nnd Hong Kong bought nnd sold. State, County nnd City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonaoie rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most rcliablo companies. ESTABLISHED I1Y NATIONAL AUTHORITY l I Mil ui (l KU DU OK . SALEM, OREGON. Capiia! Paid up, - - 75,000 Surplus, -.-- 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALUERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS: V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cusick. J. II. Albert, T. McF. Prttton. LOANS IvIADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private grannrlesor public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Kan Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. MISCKLLANKO US. STAIGER BROS., Importorsnnd Dealers In 'loots and Shoes ! Latest Styles! Leading Lines! Lowest Piuchs! Otne ral Agents for Oregon of W. a Forsythe's Infallible Corn Care. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. B. Good's old itand.) SALEM, : : : : r OREGON, TaVe Note of Tbls. FOR SJOO WK WILL 8BLL0O acre nl5,.l,nPved garden land, within S " ot Batem. Good road to town ibe JSlrJUBd. UuUdlng good. TlNE YOUNG JJCHARD and exUnt gram Und. Thl abargatD, and wlllb bM onlr a abort 31 ngurai. Call, and we will Ton Ihm itronartv. WILLB Jk CIIAMBBUUK. Opera Umue. 8atw, Of. alio iw-tf IHM1F The Capital National Bank MISCELLANEOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! LaafiiwpBMBfcaSy?w Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. The Mexican Land CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000. SHAKES $5.00 EACH. Full Paid and Non-Assessable. FORTY THOUSAND SHARES a bonus of FIVE ACRES of land to each share are with offered to immediate subscribers at par of five dollars per share, for the benefit of the Treasury. This Company havo acquired an cxcluslvo grant of bovcral million acres of land from t,ho Government of Mexico in tho state of Tamaullpax, bordered by the stato of Texas ana tnouuu 01 jiexico, lundsyhmmense forests of vnluablo timber, nndopportunltles for vast public enterprises in tho development nnd settlement of n territory almost as large us tho state of Penn sylvania, with a good population, n healthy, moderate climate, and amnio rain fall. !-. 1M1JMI, 11U 11 Kuult 1UJMIUIU11, 1. UUUllllJ , lltWVti:itltl- liltimil, llllll IIIIHU lillll lull. The land offered with tho stock and for which negotiable ccrtlllcntes will be Issued, will prove a choice Investment of Itself while each share participates in the -holo enter prise. Rased on tho lowest price of Government land in tho United Slates tho shares will have n value many times greater than tho price nt which theso forty thousitnd are ollcrcd to carry out tho objects of tho Company. Subscription will bo accepted ns fol fel fol eows: 23 per cent, cash, balance In equal payments nt Thirty, Sixty and Ninety days. broker. Prospectus and full Information on uemiL uy JJrau, uiicck, r.xiircss or hckimctuu i.cucr. uuuui ur uirougu any onnKor or T - lS - " ( r6 moj. l-er1"--? Svia nR. CHjClt-A 6 I TT HIP M f""n L nUILIIIMt.lILU-lO 2-- TO 'n't-' ,r21 . IT-- P- f-J OH r V J Mi .- - . y -A SAVE YOU A COLD IN TUB HEAD which does not set better? Havo you nn ex ccmIvo secretion of mucus matter In tho nasal passages? Are you troubled by king, spitting, weak nnd Inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of tho throat, ringing or roaring lu tho ears, more or less Impairment of tho hearing, loss of smell, memory Im paired, dullness or dizziness of tho head, dryness or heat of tho noso? Havo you lost all scnseofsmcll? Is your breath foul? If so, you havo tho Catarrh. Borne lmfj nil tlioso symptoms, others only a part. California. Cat-R.-Cure Restores tho sense of tnsto and smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, result teed by D. W". MATTIII ing irum miHirru. wihv imu initicuui iu ueu, 10 IV : Co. RECOMMENDED. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.of New York City, formerly special ngent of the l'hronlx nnd Home Insurance Comnanv nt San Francisco. Cnl.. kiivh- "I imvn linmi troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In Woodland, Cnl., recom mended your California CAT-U-CUHK. I procurded ajar, having but littlo faith In Its curative preperties: but I must say, after using t hreo Jars, I am cured of that disgusting disease. Inclosed lind So for which send me California CAT-It-CUUK for some friends, who nro sufferers." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot, ' WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the oldest, largest and leot fPn slve Institution of learning in the North- Whool opens Hrt Jloaday in September. Bend forentalogue to yj lreKdent. 1-, Salem, Oregon. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FWg Sws a Specialty. Shop oa tbe altar, ooM MlBtoi UtJ ryMaM,flUfa,Or. I A fine line of hacks, buggies, carts, car riage, buckboards, etc. Roth our own make nnd the best eastern mado buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. h Call on the undersigned, wagon nnd ear riago makersand lilacksnilths.JNSX.'Sl'J and 3H Commercial street, Salem. and Development- Co. nppllcutlon. F. K. MORELAND, Financial Agent, No. 57 Broadway, New York. lm - du' l3 tup n MLY QUArJTEED cure rem CATARRH OROVILLECALl ruuuw uirccwunts unu u euro is guamn GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH Now In poselon of a new dteoorerr in medlelne, which U purely a local uniwiUittt Ic, and now almcwt lnntuutaneouBly on the snrroundtne tltwued of the teeth. It lulu no way Injurious nr unpleauint to the taate. The manufacturer of It olulm that IU equal has never been known before, and by applying It to tbe nenaltlve or wire teeth, they can be cleaned and filled without pain. Ho all thoe that want all kind! of dental work done without pain, would better call on Dr. U. Hmlth. Teeth extracted for 0 cent, HENRY SCHOMAKER. JIanutoeturer ot The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. All Styles of FeseiBg Made U Oder ON SHORT NOTIOB. . j; I 1 rJ r . sf . -Lrjvzyuuurii Trjliij; to Itrform tho World. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stnnton re cently told a story about tho way in which she began her work of reform ing the world. Wlion she was a girl of ten or twelve, she used to see her father, Judge Cndy, administering law from the bench. She noticed that the Judge, in laying down the law or giving his decision, always referred to his law books for guid ance. She set to work in Ids libra ry rending these books, and as she thought he could not bay anything but what he found there, she care fully tore out and burned those pages that contained principles or decisions of which she disapproved. How could he, while on the bench during a trial, make application of anything not to beseen In the books by which he was guided? She discovered a great deal that wasoll'enslve in every law book that she inspected in his library. Out came the pages, which she cast into the lire until the book suited her, and she felt sure that her falher would bo compelled tocontlne hhttselt to such law as she left. She kept on at this work for n long while, until she was caught at it; but by that time a great part of Judge Ca dy's law library had been spoiled In her cllbrts to reform the world. New York Sun. nurkltu'R Arnica Salre. The best salve In tho world f. cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum lexer mhos, tetter, chapped hand-, chillilalus. corns, nnd all skin erup Mous, nnd positively cures piles, 01 no pay required, it Is guaranteed to j-i e perfect satisfaction, or inoiie. refunded, l'rico 25 cuntH per box Kor sale ' Dr. H. W. Cox. When Baby w as nick, We jtVQ her Cnstorla. When she was a Child, She cried for Castorlo. When she became JIIss, Slio clung to Cnstorla. When she lind Children, Sho gave them Caitorla. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Itlpptm. I ml., turitlllea: "I etn reconiniuiui Elcctrio Rittvra us tho very bent remedy. Every bottle Hold him given relief In every ease. One man look six bottles, ami was cured of Hheuinatitim of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Hellvllle, Ohio, alllrms: "The best sellinir medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience. Is Electric Hitters." Thouwuids of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous Unit Electric Hitters do euro all diseases of tho Liver. Kidneys or Wood. Only u half dollar ii bottle at Dr. IL W. Cox's Drug Store. From lllrtb to tkr (iratr Wo curry with us certnln pliyHluil tmlln, iiM o ilocortaln mental chnnictcrlHtlw. In Koinuch that psycholoKlHtH Imvo Ntrlvon to dcHlgimto by Kcncrlo tltlex curtain tciiijxir nmcntH stho IiIIIouh, the ihtvouh the lymphatic. Tho Individual with n sallow oompU'Xlon 1 set down uh bilious, often rlKhtlyho. If tho miIIVoii In tlio huoofhU 8kln Is tnteeublo to bile In the blood, Its presence lu the wroni; place Instead of the liver, will albo be evinced by fur on tho tongue, pain benetith tho right rllM mid throuKh the right shoulder blade, sick headache, constipation, llntulcucemid In digestion. For the relief offhts very com. moil, but not essentially perilous com plaint, there is no more genial and thorough remedy than Hosteller's Htom- nch Hitlers, which Is also a beneficent tonlo and strength promoter, and a widely esteemed romedy for nnd preventllve of fever, and ague, rheumatism, kidney nnd bladder troubles. A Ckolff Inmtrarnt. Tho Mexican Land und I)ovolo ment Company, of No. 57 Uroad wny, New York, have acquired ii gnint of public laud in tho state of Tumnullniw, Moxlco, covering hov eral millloa acroH. It covera tho most fertile section of land on the Continent, with a hoII ho rich and a cllmute bo porfect tlmt three cropn of some eerealH are produced in one year. I ts forosU are also imnussable with tho growth of rare and valua ble woods. The standing timber alnuo more than warrant the cap! tillzatioii of tho company controlling the grant, yet in valuo It represent but a fraction of tho worth of the inilllona of acres luoxhauiitlble iu furtlllty and productiveness. A limiteu amount of tho Company's stock bi ollored for wile at & ier 8luire. "With eaoli uliare i given a certificate which entltlen the holder tonveaerwof land free. Kee ad vertUoment elsewliere. Chlltren Cry ivFitclier's Castorla TELEGRAPHIC SIMM AW. A Hoy Murderer. FitKSNo, Cnl., Aug. 10. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Murphy sent her 13- year-old son to atnku out u eow nenr the house. The boy not returning toward night, tho mother went out to search for him and found hint a short distance from homo lying on his face insonslbleand suffering front ti gunshot wound through tho head. This morning the boy ralliedenough to charge the shooting on a Mexican boy named Enos. Enos has been arrchted. Murphy's wound Is fatal. Uoulilo, Murder. Xooalks, Ariz., Aug. 10 Two men were killed Iat night at a rail road camp on the llisbeo road, near Ealrbank, north of thte city. One man, who had hli throat cut, Is sup posed to havo been murdered for the purpose of robbery, and tho ollloors so far have failed to secure any clue that might lead to the capture of the murderer or murderers. Tho other man was stabbed to death in a gen eral quarrel, but by whom lias not yet transpired, llolh men were Mex icaus. lllll foi'dmi, Scnllclil. "Washington, Aug. in. Tho senate committee on military alliilrs to-day authorized tho chairman to preparo a bill giv ing to the senior major-general of the army all the rights, priv ileges and powers that havo liven employed by the general and lieu tenant general when those olllces existed. This action is taken to en able Major (Jeneral Scholleld to till thor-o special assignments which by law fall to the head of tho army, and which are not provided for other wise by tho statutes. A lloodler IJi's In Chiwr. Chicaoo, Aug. 1(1. CS. Ounther of this elly has returned from a trip to Jiluir, on tho Canadian park res ervation, where tho famous boodler Mcliarlgloof Chicago is now living. McOariglo is now partner of Dr. Jliet lu tlio hotel business, lie Is a picture of health and is well thought of and quite popular. "I had quite a talk with him, "said Mr. (luuthcr. "Ho says that his own accounts as warden at tlio hospital were per fectly straight ami he delles tho world to find anything wrong with thorn. Ho says ho Was arrested on tho supposition that ho would squeal on his friends. Hut her Until testify against them or go Innocently to the penitentiary ho ran away. All Old Hcoiiniln'1 Drought la Time. WAI.I.A Wai.i.a, Aug. 10. An old sensation was revived yesterday by the arrest of Win. Oragg, who ran away with Rosabel, l.'l-ycar-old daughter of L. H. North, a Dry Creek farmer, about a year ago. Oragg took the girl to Waltsburg and Dayton on foot, returning her to her parents after three or four days, tho pair sleeping in haystacks during their trip. Oragg has lieen keeping out of tho way over since, hut on Wednesday reappeared in the neighborhood, and win at once followed by Mr. North, who corral ed iilm in a neighboring house ami compelled him to remain there at the point of a Winchester, until Constable DoiuarM, who had been sent for, arrived and arrostcd him. Oragg wiih brought to town Wed nesday night and lodged in Jail. He was talton before Justice Lambert this morning, waived examination, and wuh placed under $T,0() Ixiuds, which lie was unable to furnish, and was sent to jail. Oragg Is an old man, and has a wife and grown children. A Wiau'i Vltttittj. "Another wonderful discovery 1ms been made and that too by a lady In this country. Disease fastened lis clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest touts, but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed imminent For three months site coughed In coHsantly and could not sleop. Bho bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first done that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculous ly cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrlek A Co., ofHhelby, N. ('. Clot a free trial iiottle at II. W. Cox's Drug Htore. TKIiKUUAl'lUC Sl'LlXTS. To-morrow the republicans open tho campaign in California by sixty speeches In various places. A new Catholic church In Cole man, Wis., fell in yesterday, killing ono man and crushing sevou others several of whom will die. The now law of Now York, abol ishes hanging for all murderers con victed in that state after January I, 1SS1), and substitutes death by elec tricity therefor. Word conies from Washington that the house unanimously agreed to tho fortifications bill. That will give employment to many and tend to reduce the surplus a little. ltertholdl Uroenobnum 1ms been arrested iu Chicago for $20,000 short age, lie was agent for a California wine company, and sold their goods without accounting for tho money. lMg 11 res are raging In some of the agricultural districts of California. In the long ,dry, hot summers vege tation becomes dry as tinder and Is eisiiy ignited but with difficulty extinguished. Mrs. Iiiingtry and Kreddio mil liard! wore so disarranged by tho rate railroad accident at Port Jervls, N. Y. which killed their car load or horses and injured their hired men, that It Is uncertain when they will resume their journey to California. At tlio great state fair at Columbus, Ohio, a separate day Is to bo set apart for a parade ami speaking by each of the political parties. Hlalno and KIsk havo already slgnllled their Intention of taking part and no doubt tlio democrats will also be on hand. Want the I.iinil. llili.nvA, Mont. Aug. 1(1. The people of tlio upper Teton section of the territory, mostly in Chotcau county, are agitating the question of Jumping an Immense Tirea of desert land claims, which have been hold by non-resident capitalists for specu lation font number of years. This non-resldont ownership is prevent ing tho settlement of tlio country and retarding its agricultural devel opment. There are thousands of acres lu tills condition, and there seems to bo no disposition on tho part of the holders to rolcaso them from their clutches. Tho bona lido settlers and business men are getting tired of seeing this vast body of laud, which Is valuable for agricul tural and grazing purposes, lie Idle so long, and there Is n movement on foot to take possession of It anil test tho matter iu Ihecourlslf necessary. The claimants are not residents of that part of the territory, and they havo never Improved tho laud, or complied with tho laws In any other respect, except to go through the form of proving up. For non-residents to hold such laud for speculation Is a direct violation of tlio law, and thofo who are lu tlio movement to test tho matter contend that such claims should be Jumped wlion required for settle ment. Slierrod Williams, eldest son of (inn. Tho. II. Williams, died lu Jlorlln last week. Ho was well known lu Astoria. He leaves a. willow residing lu tills stale. CallfuriiU, (be Uinl of DlwerrrlN. Why will you lay awakeall night, coughing, when that most eHectlve ami agreeable California remedy, Haiita Able, will give you Immediate relief HANTAAIJIK Is the only guaranteed cure for Consumption, Asthma and all ilrouchlal Com plaints. Hold only lu large bottles, at tlOO. Three for $2 60. D. W. Matthews it Co., lOlHtato street, Salem, will lie pleased to supplyyou, and guarantee rellof when used as directed. CALIKOilNI A CAT-ll-CUHK never falls to relievo Catarrh or Cold In the Head, Mix months treatmout, (1 00. JJy mall, (I 10. NOTION. I have sold my Photograph Oal lery and entire Interest In the photo graph business to M. K. Bporry, of Ohio. All lMirsous who owe me for plotures, will please call ut the gal lery and settle within sixty days from date. All unsettled account after that date, will be placed in an attorneys lianas, for collection. W. V. Johnson. Halkw, Or., Aug. 13, '88. J, tL "-, '- -i.f -r