Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 16, 1888, Image 3

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Mrs. Frank C. Baker is considered
A T. Kelly of the San Fmucisco
Examine left to-day.
John Moir and family are home
from their seaside trip.
Mrs. Ella Burley nud May Mat
thews'left to-day for Newport.
Clyde Cooke, the artist, will in all
probability remain in Salem this
" Secretary of State McBride, is at
old home, St. Helens, Columbia
Mrs. Parker of Nebraska is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Miss Lizzie Dearborn and Messrs.
John McNary and Scott Bozarth,
are at Mehama.
j. -v. Howell and wife, of the
state house, will shortly take a vaca
tion at Sodaville.
Rev. J. M. Dick, of the Evangel
ical church, and family have return
ed from the seaside.
Lieut. Col. T. C. Smith camo back
on Monday, from Silver City Falls,
and reports all lovely there.
Misses Norah and Julia Chamber
lin returned on yesterday morning's
overland from San Francisco.
Louis Stinson is a benedict at last.
"Hail and farewell" say the married
men and the "bach" fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Itagau
curtailed their visit to Mehama be
cause ot the sickness of their child.
Mr. Ed. Hirscli and the younger
members of tho family have been
rusticating at Mehama. They are
now home.
Dr. "W. S. Harrington went to
Portland yesterday. He and wife
yesterday drove to "Whiteaker to see
George Ashby, whoso health is not
Sam Briscoe, clerk, and Dr. J. W.
Woodard, physician at the Cheinawa
Indian school, returned yesterday
from Ynquiua, where they have
If been spending their vacation.
Thos. McF Pat ton lins gone o
Yamuna to inspect his real estate
there and at Seal Rock. In the
party were his daughter, Mrs. J. D.
MeCuIly and family; Miss Elnia
TOler and Miss Rogers.
Clias. Crocker, whoso death is re
corded in tho telegraphic columns,
rill be remembered as being a chief
peaker at tho welcome given in the
tate houso to the railroad magnates
and visitors from California when
the 0. C. line was completed. He
exhibited tho gold spiko that was
used on the laying of the last, con
necting rail at Ashland.
Contracts for Tainting and Fire-wood
Ust night tho school directors
met in the ofllco of Leo Willis, the
main business was tho opening of
bids and letting of contracts. For
the painting of tho North and
Nuth Salem buildings tho following
Wds were epened: Stevenson &
Wick, $198.15: Jas. Warner, $180;
X.B. Jones $151; H. P. Bankln,
H40. Awarded to the last named.
In the matter of wood, Q. B.
Goodhue body ilr $2.75 per cord,
Hwdl ilr $2.25, ash $3, oak $4; A. W.
Drager, small fir, all split $2.15; G.
W. Watts, 15 cords of oak $3.38, 35
"f ash $2.70. Awarded to Watts.
Also the Capital Lumber Co. OS
loads of Jlr slab at $1.25 ner load of
tffo-thirds of a cord each.
It was decided to opon all the
rbools on Monday September 3rd.
The foot bridire over tho creok
''ding to the railroad depot is need-
ltt8 repairs. It would be a fine
Wng.aiuljufct In keeping with the
w depot to have a good sidewalk
10 ue north end of said bridge with
4 Knl rained eroseslng from there to
kwdewHlkin front of tho fruit
"porator works. It is dreadful
lady to have to crow tho street
wv M-emjr that the duot is about a
rt KalWln.
ii no building Ikkmh In
i. but tlit! city 1 steadily iro-
Kuvtujr a anyone ean m by driv-
"fover the town. Mra.P.D'AroyU
"""n to have ereoted a new house
u t of over W.000. It will be
,rf, kterw: C. A. Robert architect
CWIrei CrjftrF jtcber's Gastiria
One who "Makes no Bones" Abont his
Methods Tells how to
Short cut to 1'oUHcal Success Some
"Freh" Advice.
Mr. Editer: I ain't no writer
worth speaking of and like as not
Iaintuearas smart as you. But
sure as you live I can show you a
wrinkle or two about running a
newspaper. You don't know how
Leastwise not hero in Salem. Per
haps you arc young and green and
haven't traveled and got experience
like older men.
I'm talking about a campaign
paper, you understand. What
you've got to do is to make your
side win. The main thing is to
beat them other fellows. Well,
you're not half rabid enough to do
that. Take an old stager's advice
and keep your eye solely onto tho
party and the postoillces. Don't
waste too much time a reasoning.
Call tho other fellows donkeys,
fools and Ignorant, and lay it on
thick. Don't you ever allow that
your political enemies has got a lick
of sense. And tho worst thing you
could do is to admit that any party
but yourn ever had a spark of
If I was in your shoes I'd niako
people believo that everybody as
differed with mo on protection
wanted to shut up every mill and
workshop in the country and sell
the United States to Great Britain
for so much lump sum. I'd keep
hammering away on that string till
people would believo that the other
side wasn't American citizens and
didn't mean to let their own ilesh
and blodd have a chance to earn a
crust of bread nor a colored shirt nor
a calico dress.
If that didn't do you bet I'd pile
it on so thick it woidd soon appear
they wasn't hardly human beings.
I mean them democrats and prohis
and labor fellows and American
party. Why don't you glvo Belva
Lockwood jess and then make be
lieve all tho other parties is just as
cranky? Tho trouble with you is
you kind of allow that there's some
thing might bo paid on tho other
side. That won't never do. That
is if your bound to win, anyhow.
And I see you sometimes give tho
news about tho other parties as if
thev had any standing or rights.
Take my word for it you'll never
win on that layout.
Club'em, whack'eni over tho
head, bully rag'em, sneer at 'cm.
Don't give 'em any show, keep the
dust ilylng all the time so they
can't seo clear. Even supposing
there Is anything to bo said on tho
other side, don't you ever admit it.
Keep only your own side before tho
public and yell's loud as you can.
If tho other chaps has got any virtues
or sense its time enough to admit it
afterwards if they should happen to
get elected. But they won't if you'll
bo guided by me.
Don't givo away a single thing
under tho Idea of being candid and
fair. All's fair in war and politics.
Nobody In Ids own party expects
you to bo fair nor over particular
about truth in a red hot campaign
like this where we've got to win or
bo busted. Independence does very
woll between olections. Then I
admire it myself but thero's no
time nor use for it now.
I suppose you've got all shades
of politics among your readers but
they've got no right to oxpect you'll
give more than ono kind of news or
argument. And if they can't
stand it to bo atiuseu and called a
lot of asses and deadly enemies to
the masses, that sounds iiko poetry,
why what do they hike your paper
for? So no more from yours for
victory at the polls,
Jack Blunt.
I'UNKIN'VILI.K, August 15th.
Going to Itoston.
A few friends dropped in at Mrs.
Leo. Willis' rosidoncu, last night,
knowing that Miss Leona's depart
ure to New England conservatory
of iiuwic, Boston, is drawing near.
Music and social converse beguiled
away a pleasant hour. This loads
tho Journal to say that with able
musicians and vowiliaU, as with sue
ofttful money matter, there hwiiid
no fuch thlu as contentment with
present attainment. To the initia
ted enthiwlat there always apjear
unreached height and distant-)
leading towards the goal never fully
ualiiwl. IWotfeed of Mich natural
niuaioHl ami vocal ability and ac
quired skill a MIm Willis givee ovi
ilauea at. it ix niilv natural that Mite
should tierilro to, fee methods and en
joy the advantages of older cities
and Institutions of national refla
tion. That she may realie her
hhjlieM wlsltee Iwf host of frient'fl
w ill most bluet-rely wih.
Prayer meeting night.
Band coucert in Wilson Avenue
to-morrow night.
The Catholic church spire is to be
orer 140 feet high.
Call on Winters & Thomas for tho
best groceries in town 1
At the penitentiary brick is being
burned, and more made.
Painless dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, 92 State street.
Tho Knights of Labor regular As
sembly meeting to-morrow night.
Cream soda, ice cream soda, milk
shakes, lemonades, at Strong fc Co.'s
Gaines of lawn tennis can be wit
nessed almost any night on Wilson
Avenue and Marlon Square.
On the Liberty and Court street
sides of Steiger's Marble works, new
sidewalks are being put down.
The democratic paper, tho Ex
aminer, of San Francisco, lias lost a
libel svdt and has to pay $2,000.
General verdict : The musical
prodigies are cute little fellows, and
line players considering they never
were trained.
A meeting of the Y's is called for
Saturday, Aug. 18th, at 3 p. m., at
the residence of Prof. P,arviu. All
tho members arorequcstcd'to attend.
t John G. Wright's ean be seen
some large, smooth, tully ripe
tomatoes from across tho river in
Polk county . California could not
excel them.
There was a big attendance at tho
ice cream and cake social at the
Good Templars' Lodge last Saturday
night. Regular meeting every Sat
urday night.
Capt. Scott has abandoned the
primitive method of locomotion
known as "shanks' pony" in de
livering mail matter outside of the
business streets, and drives a light
horse and cart.
Printers and photographers will
do well to go slow -about tilling or
ders for printing and pictures for a
youth about 10 years old, who ten
ders in payment orders on Sells
Bros, of the circus. He is a fraud.
This paper lias decided temperance
leanings, but it docs not hesitate
to advertise and commend the free
cool drinks to bo had at the pumps
opposite the grange store, on State
street, and at T. M. Wade & Co's
warehouse on Court street.
The temperance people of Watson
ville, Cai.. are petitioning tho Board
of Trustees to call an election at
which it may by votobo determined
whether tho saloons of that town
shall bo closed or remain open. This
eifort of local option lias tho sup
port of many leading citizens. The
supreme court has decided tlds
method constitutional.
A Iii-ncllccnt Institution.
On tho 6th of September tho
school for the instruction and board
ing of deaf mutes will bo re-opened
In Salem, under the superintendence
of llev. P. S. Knight, who has been
In charge for seventeen years. Mr.
Knight very reasonably thinks that
tlio time lias fully come for putting
tho school on a basis commensurate
with tho prospective or rather
assured growth of tills state. The
buildings aro inadequate, tho
grounds too small and the sewerage
defective or really next to nothing.
As adjoining land that could have
been obtained a short time since at
low figures has now risen in price
beyond what the state Is likely to
caro to givo for it, tho institution
may have to be re-located. Mr.
Knight has long planned to make
the school distinctively an industrial
one nnd will now press that feature
more than ever upon tho attention
of tho next legislature. Ho should
bo seconded by all who feel an in
terest in tills work. Certainly
those who aro cut oil' from easy
communication with society nood
to be helped to some manual means
of obtaining a livelihood. And the
deaf muto being necessarily very
qulok with eye and hand would
soon becomo oxpert when blesed
with ordinary aptness and careful
instruction. Already a start has
been mado in broom making. It Is
believed that the next legislature
will oontain a fair proportion of
broad minded, buius men of
philanthropic instincts who will In
telligently Investigate tho subject
and heoure ample appropriatieu for
the needs of this school.
Yesterday being a feast day of
the Catholic chucli, the feast of Un
Assumption of the Mother of Christ,
son-Ices were held all day Just as on
Sunday. Work on tlw new church
building was suspended In eouse
quenee. ClilireiCrykPHcler'sCasliiria
Hort Railroad Projected.
Articles Incorporating the Astoria
nnd South Coast Hallway company
have been filed in tho ouleo of the
secretary of state bvM. J. Kinney,
W. W. Parker. E. A. Xoycs, M. C.
Crosby, II. B. Parker, Jas. Taylor,
J. W. Conn, incorporators. The
priucipal otllce of the association Is
at Astoria; capital stock $75,000,
divided into 750 shares. The object
is that of constructing, eoulnnlnir.
maintaining and operating a rail
road ironi Astoria to a point at the
head of tide water on Tillamook
bay, in Tillamook county, nnd from
some point on the main line of said
proposed road to Fort Stevens,
MftboJIst Conference.
The Oregon M. K Conference will
commence on Thursday, August
30th, at Eugene. Bishop W. X.
Ninde, presiding. President Van
Scoy will endeavor to secure his
presence at tho opening exercises of
the university, but as his health is
not rugged, he will scarcely be able
to lecture or preach here.
The Journal's private opinion
publicly expressed is that Rev. Win.
Rollins, the popular pastor will be
sentenced to another year's resi
dence here and "with hard labor."
Scenic a Contract.
Gilbert ifc Patterson, of Salem,
were awarded the contract for fur
nishing a part of the material needed
for painting the Iron and woodwork
on the outside of the capitol. Their
bid was $170.72. The others were
Kcliey, Dunne & Co., Portland,
$183.35; 1). J. Fry. Salem, S1S3.25;
John Hughes Salem $172.10;
Whitticr, Fuller & Co., Portland,
$172; Gilbert & Patterson, Salem,
Fall Suit. x
"Good goods, good patterns, good
fit, good work," is tlio motto of E.
Schoettle & Co., merchant tailors,
near the White Corner, Commercial
street. A largo new stock of foreign
and domestic goods of various
patterns just arrived for pants or
fall suits. They guarantee good
work and a nice tit or no pay. Call
on them.
.cn Notaries.
The following notaries public have
been appointed by Governor Pen
noyer: W. A . Schooling, llarrisburg;
Ges. W. Binghainnnd II. W. Cottle,
Salem; E. W. Bingham, Theodore
Wygant, and W. M. Cake, Portland.
J. F. Kennedy, of San Francisco,
was appointed commissioner for Ore
gon. Krrh Eery Day.
Farrar fc Co. have tl fresh stock of
fruits, vegetables and berries every
day, and their fancy and staple
grocery department is constantly re
plenished. 1IOKX.
ffl'l'KVKNB.. Near tlio asylum, Hiilem,
August lllli, 1, to till' wire, of ! A.
HtcowiiH, Wio contractor, n mjii.
MATT. -AtOervnlR, AuKUHt IStli, 1SSR, t
the lloofKninlc Mutt, u dniiKlitor.
MATI.OVK-IU!Il-At tlio resilience of
tho brldc'H parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Lee
Ilcr, on North High street, ilm.
Weiliifchilay ovcnlnif.AUKiiitt 15, isss, iiy
ltev. U I.. Itovtlaml, U. O. Matlock to
MIhb Viola ller, both of Salem.
STINSON l.KV. At tlio residence, of tlio
bride's imronU, IIIkIiIuihI, flaokHiniiM
county, Weunoouiiy, Aii. 16, It, Mlwt
Lizzie M. Ixiy to Jlr. U It. Stlnon, of
Salem, Rev. Jloroy, of l'ortlanil olllcliit
1"K. ROCK I.KY. At tlio wime time anil plHcu
nsntiove, MlMlAtxxlo I.oy to Mr. H. II.
Rock, of Netitucon.
The bride is a sister of Mrs. L. It.
tho photogaphur
J'. J. VilllUJ mi, UIU J'
i. r i. .11. ...II..
iiti-wwim yiih I'uirr iifiiiHJi in muejii.
in baii'in
inaKOri a s)eciaiiy ox tatting inu nvr
turos of babies from one day to three
years old, and until tho middle of
September will take negatives of
them free. Anil ho warrants first
class work for older ihtsoiis.
imtklta'i Arnica Salrr.
Tlio best salvo in tho world f
cuts, bruises, soros, ulcors, salt rhcuii
fever sores, tottor, ohapjied ham.
chilblains, corns, and all skin i-ruji
lions, and osItivy cures piles ,
no jMiy required. It Is guarantt--
to give )erfect satisfaction, or niour.
refunded. Price 25 cents jwr .,
Kur sale Dr. H. W. Cox.
xmv TiMi.tr.
Fancy and Staple Groceries,
I'rovWtMU, floor Mod Kmd.
YtgeUltaiwl itotM Every Dty.
Mr " MMiHljr mw. and crfull
ttlMtwL ri1ew fMcrkad oma tJ (!
N't HO SUfc Si.--Nal it M Fruit
T. McF.
Heis just
Cambridge Bibles, .
Plain and Fancy Stationery,
Embossed Scrap Pictures,
Birthday Cards,
Day School Rewards,
Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25cf
Leather Card Cases,
Leather Pocket Books,
Leather Purses,
London Incandescent Siecl Pens, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 k (!,
Acme Writing Tabids.
Has purchased and refitted W. P. Johnson's Art Gallery on Commercial Street.
After oir llnttei Inn huitosh In thn lCant,iiml with our
Wo feel certain of pleasing nil imtroim. livery liiilK'nihcr maltew
a Hpecliilly of imliy pletinc Until Hep!. 17
vt will inaliua
Cabinet Photo of
Kuril fitter Iiiih our pergonal attention, (live, iihii Kitting, anil wo will omUfcivor
to nluaxu you,
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises,
2S15 Commercial Street,
r. jvi. wade & m$MAm
282 to 286 Commercial Street
mmSJmmmiiMi hrn mlm .lv, m
fmsaMmmm -, v s u --r.. gb
Aim a Vm)W SL jjfy$jjjw tfi
M ' " t t .J V. . AfU 0 V 1 D fc. -
,-.i.z m