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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1888)
-V ir jyj- 4 ru . 'j VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1SSS. NO. 14y. - -i?-yK.-w m i 1 r j CAPITAL JOURNAL. I ntOFUSSIONAIi CAItDS. i ' "' 1- : ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER ANT) repairer. All work wiirmnted. store. State street, Salem, Or. l-p orders nt i. niur. iimuna uwa iiLrn'rd to. deliver trunks. vnllses. pack' i.a mrnrofia tJ,..,Mri nnvthliipclsa that ho can net In hllwasion to any-part of the city, quicker, safer Setter, iftnd neater, than It can bo done toy imy ) u junto's stable. licavo orders at INSURANCE Company. Flro and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT'Agcnt, - - Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open an ofllce In the New Bank Block, on May 1st, for the treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronlo cases; -on strictly hyglenloand nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 178, Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAX. l 1SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. President: DK. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIK, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Uoug Kong bought nnd sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Fanners aro cordially invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reafonaDio rates. Insurance) on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. established nv national autiiouitv OF- SALEM, - Capital Paid up, Surplus, - OREGON. - - 875.1(00 - 10000 It. S. WALLACE, - - President. V. "W. MAKTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS: V. T. Gray, W. AV. Mnrtin, J. M. Martin, 11. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cusick. J. II. Albert . T. MeF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market- able produce, consigned or in store, produce, consigned or In sti iltlier in prlvnto granaries or either tn prlvnto granari public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at .reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. MISCKLIYNKOUS. STAIGER BROS., I Importers nnd Dealers in loots and Sloes! kATKT STYLES! Lidding Lini! Lowest Pwcks! b'encral Aleuts for Oregon of B. Ftnytke's lihllllle Gira Curt 243 Commercial Street, (too. K. Good's old s4Ad.) LESf, : : : : : ' OREGON. Take Nete or TIiU. 1U lmproTd cardan IumC ! I Si?.'.w4e- oo4 rod k tows Um ""o.lh property. WlLUk A C1IAMBKKUN. OpM JIuom, Mittom, Or. If ZEALAND First National Ban MISCKLLANKOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. The Mexican Land CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000. SHARES $5.00 EACH. Full Paid and Non-Assessable. FORTY THOUSAND SHARES bonus of FIVE ACRES of land to each share are with a offered to immediate subscribers at par of five dollars per share, for the benefit of the Treasury, Tills Comnanv have ncaulrcd mi exclusive errant of several million nei-os of land from tjio Government of Mexico in tliostati xuxas aim uicuuu 01 .aioxico. u comprises ricn agricultural, grazing anu mineral landy Jmmcnso forests of valuable timber, and opportunities for vast imblioonternrWoH in the development nnd settlement of a territory almost as largo as the state of Penn sylvania, with u good population, n healthy, moderate climate, nnd iimplo mln fall. The land otrercd with tho stock and for which negotiable ccrtlllcatos will bo issued, will provo a choleo Investment of Itself whilo eacli slmro participates In tho whole enter prise, llased on the lowest prico of Government land in tlio United Statas the shares will havo a value many times Rreater than tlio prlco at which these forty thousand aro offered to carry out tlio objects of tho Company. Subscription will bo accepted us fol lews: :ii per cent, ensn, uaiance liiequai payments ai nuriy, sixty ana ruincivunyi Remit by Draft, Check, Express or lteglsteicd Letter, direct or through any banker i: broker, rrospccius anu iuu lniormiuiou un 7 - 23 - f MO.?. ft Id .. .1,1, I Pf ''"V1- J. unTaCiSCUtA naiLINLIVLU-LO A D I fT Mir MrTiL 3BL- haw MMifcgpgrajjjLijjuHMMimBMiaiiiiitfMgrnrnM AVE YOU A COLD IK THE HEAD which does not get better? Ilnvoyounnox cesMvn secretion of mucus matter in tho nasal duhfjipm? Amvnti tmnltlpil liv awkincr. spitting, weak and Inflamed eyes, roaring Tn tlio ears, moro or loss Impairment paired, uuunoss or uizzihobhoi me neau, urynessor neat or mo no0 7 Have you lost all senso of smell? Isyour breath foul? Ifso, you have tho Catarrh. Some liavo all thcMs symptoms, others only a part. California. Cat-R-Cure ItostoroH tlio sonso of taste and smell, romoves bad taste nnd unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Kasv and pleasant to Uhe. Follow directions and u euro is guaran teed by D. W. MATTHEWS Co. RECOMMENDED CAPTAIN' CHAULES I. DUIOK, of.Now l'liauiix nnu iiome iiuurunee uomjiany troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twent: curative preperties: but 1 must say.arter using three Jars, I am cured of that dlMmslIng disease. Inclod llnd $5 for which send me California CAT-H-CUKE for Mine friends. iitaiiuru l uui iiiiiifi .,.( vj.b&, j u m ..d. a who are sutlBrers." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 StateSt., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot. WILLAMEnE UNIVERSITY Graduate Students In Li r i ' Normal, Husiness, Law, MEDICALCOURSES. It to Ut oldart, larat and Ut ex(n sive Instltutlou of leurnlnK In lite North- bShxA oxtn &ni llooday In 8i4mbr. l'r4lnt. IT: Sotam. Omioa. JM. JM. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER FWng Saws a Sjwefaky. Step on Um Bltoy, oppetlM Mlto' Uf, T carts, enr- urr own buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING, Call on tho undersigned, wagon nnd car o maKcrsana DincKsmitns.ssK. 31 3H Commercial street, Salem. and Development Go. - of Tamauliiias, bordered by tlio state of application. A fine line of hacks, buggies, carts, rinses, buckbonrds, otc. llotli oujv make and tho best eastern nindo bug F. K. MORELAND, Financial Agent, Noi 57 Broadway, New York, lm - dw THCON.LY- qUAWTEED CUft. rOr orovillecalJ freoucnt Boreness of tho throat, rlndm? or of the hearing, loss of smell, momory Im York City l.. rr. ATAHrriM f nt San Kranclsoo, Cal., says: "I havo been ty years. A friond In Woodland. Cnl., reeoiu I procurdetl n Jar, having but llttfo faith in Its iiiui; i. i uni i. 1111. mil. iiiiii. GREAT DISCOYEIIY! Dr. JH. SIVIITI-I is Now in po'ioiikin ot h nv duMxtvery in medicine, which l purely a lootl nnittht Ic, iindaets almost lntnUneouly on the Diirroundlne tluw of tlte ttwtli. It U In no way Injurious or undiit to the tuste. The manufacturer of It olwlm that Its erjual tuts nevrbtn known Iwfure, and by Hpnlylng It to the Minlllve or or teeth, they own be cleaned and filled without pain. Ho all tlnxte that want all kinds of dental work done without jwln, would better eall on Dr. II. Hmllh. Teeth ejctraoted for SO cenbi, HENRY SCH0MAKER. Manu&eturerot The Standard Combination Fence! i No. 260 CMMRM-Cfel St. All Styles of Mug Made U Order ON SHORT NOTICa rapt. A. II. Uogardas. Champion wing shot of tho world. Tlio name of Capt. llogardus Is n household word. He is the greatest living marksman ; hi May, 1S75, he carried away tho champion medal of the world. Since then he has held undisputed possession of tho coveted trophy. He is the only man that ever Killed 100 birds In as many shots, and who broke 1,000 glass balls in 1,000 shots In one hour ami six minutes. His record is without precedent, nnd the most ex pert handlers of tho shotinin havo tried in vain to equal tho least of his achievements. His oldest son is master of tho rlile and tho acknowl edged mperior of the best shots in tin: sporting world; and the young est, a boy of twelve years, while rapidly maneuvering on roller skates, breaks glass balls (with his ritle) held in his father's hands, and supplements this performance by ringing a target bell at twenty paces, sixteen times in twenty sec onds. The most marvelous display of shotgun and rillo practlco over seen at one time anywhere. His other sons aro equally prollciont. This noted family of crack shots can be stom in collection with the other attractive features of Sells Urothors' Great Hippodrome and Menagerie, in this city, Tuesday, Aug. 28th. A Vt oiuan's. l)tco try. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by n lady in this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, out her vital organs were under mined and death seemed 'imminent For thrtv months she coughed in cessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking ilrst dose that she slept all night and with ono bottle has been miraculous ly cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Tims write W. C. Hainriek &Co., of Shelby, N. C Oft a free trial bottle at H. W. Cox's Drug Store. Tlie Vcnllrt Ilnnnlinou. AV. D. Suit, Druggist, JJlpnus. I nil., Untitles: "I can rct'oiiiim-iul lik-ctrle Bitters us the very lient remedy. Every bottle sold lnw given relief in every ciik-. One man took six bottles, anil was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' wtanding." Abraham Hnrc, druggist, Hellvllle, Ohio, aillnns: "The best selling medicine 1 have over handled In my 20 years' experience, is Electric Hitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous thai Electric Hitters do euro all discuses of tho Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a boltlo at Dr. II. V. Cox's Drug Store. SkCplll'IfclM. By reason of the state of chronic Incredulity in which many men pass their lives they miss half the good of this world. They seem to think that doubt and unbelief aro proofs of wisdom, and through fear of being deceived reject much that is true and good. To such minds the statement that Dr. l'lorco'sXiol don Medical Discovery Is ti real and proven euro for all diseases caused liv a torpid liver, bad blood or scrof ulous humors carries with it its own condemnation. They do not boliovo It. annarantlv. becmio wo say so; nnd yet what more, or less, than this can wo (lov we Know ino ihcih, ami If we did not make public tlio groat value of this remedy few would prof it by It. "Wo try to do our duty In the matter and ft remains for the doubter who needs help to overcome Ids predjiidico and give it a trial. 1500 Reward for an Incurable eae of chronic nasal catarrh ollbred by tho manufacturers of Dr. Sago's ca tarrh Remedy. A Choice InrMurnt. Tho Moxlenn Land nnd Dovoloji mont Company, of No. 7 llronil whv. Now York, have aomiircd a grant of jmbllo land In the stato of TainaiiiipaH, aiuxioo, covering wv eral million nurctH. It covers the most fertile section of laud on tho Continent, with a soil so rich and h climate so perfect that three crojw of some cereals are prouuecu in one year. Its forest) are also imimstmblo with the growth of rare ana valua ble woods. The standing timber alone more than warrant) the eapl tl Il74i t Ion of the comtwii v controlling tbe grant, yet In value It represent) but a fraction of the worth of the illlliiu t ititrcm I njjvlitiiiuHlili I It iffl! nS oSin stock Is ollorwl for sm!o at W per share. With each share Is gtven a oerttHeate which entitle the holder to five acres of land free. Fe ad vertisement elsewhere. GUlflrei Cry ArFitclicr's Castorla TELEGRAPHIC SUMMAm. An IniaiiK Murdirr, San Josk, Aug. lo. Thomas Lehnn, aged 00 years, rose about 4 o'clock this morning, and killed his wife by Jumping upon her while asleep nnd crushing her to a jelly. Leluin then attempted to kill his 14-year-old son, but the boy escaped and notified theauthorttles. Lehiui wns arrested, but refused to speak. It is thought that ills mind Is de- rouged from ill luck In business. Wrrckul by b ! Kxploslmi, Elmiha', N. Y. Aug. Mo.' Escap ing gns" Hlleil (ho picture gallery in tHSVest vlng df th'o residence of P. P. Denney, a mllllonalro coal miner, and wlien' Irs. Denn6y, before en tering tlld gallery, stopped into a nlbht'tind toticlied an electric appll aftco'for' lighting the gas, a tcrrllle explosion followed, blowing the roof oil" the gallery and strewing tho grounds about tho house with glass, Irob and tlntbers. Furniture vias blown through tho hallway like leaves. Plato glasj windows and walls won broken in nearly every part of tho houO. Klinnlllg the Onuiitli-t, Ghash Vai.i.kv, Aug. 15. Dr. Jones and H. II. Single had a fearful experience last evening. While driving homo from a place known as "You Bet" they ran the gauntlet of a hot 11m for two miles. On both sides of the road huge pines blazed, and one place on their way was blocked by fallen trees that they had to assist to burn, sons to get a roadway. The absence of wind Is all that allowed them toget through. All the timber ctut of Greenhorn creek is on lire. At Johnston an extensive shingle mill is reported destroyed. tVlmt M'lmlcir .Iihh'hSiijm. Washington, Aug. . Senator Jones of Nevada does not believe that congress will adjourn until well upon the heels of the Novem ber election. Tho best campaign work the majority of the senators can do, in Ills judgment, is to stay In Washington and grind out tariil" matter for tho enlightenment of the masses. His Idea is that speech after speech delivered upon the great question in controversy between the parties, mid reported dally by the newspapers of the country will do more to edit cuto tlio people respecting tho policy of protection vs. free trade, than all the stump orations that senators could Indulge In If congress" were adjourned. Another German baron guts oil' witli an American hello. Huron Von Zedtnrltz is tlio lucky man, ami tho lady Miss Caldwell, of Washington. Cream soda, Ice cream soda, milk shakos, luuiouadod at Strong & Co.'h Tho WkkiciiY Capita Ii.Iouiinai $1 a year. When Ilali wu liL-, Wh gave lir OMtorta, When tlie wan a Child, She orlol for Caitorbi. When lite became Mian, film clung to Cmtorla. Wtin die hod C'lilldrou, Hlio iftiTu tliaui Ciutorta. From Illrtli to He (Irare V curry Willi iw eerlMla iiliynloHl trull, hn we (IohdHhIii iiunilal flwrHctrtllw. In komueli tlwt myeiutUmitit lutvHlrivn to (ImlfUMtv by noiierto tltlnt wrtln tniwr HiMejiU u tlie lilllou, tlic nrvi)U lt lyilllhtl'. TlMllUillVlllUMl wild H wlluw nnlf xUm In wt down iw lillbm. ofloii rlKlitly m. KiUu MOIroii In tli hu of liU kin In lruamUi to Mile lu tit uhMsl, IW jirweiuMi In tlie wroiMf lce liMttoml iff til" liver, will hImi Iw evtitewl ly ftirou the Whhii. iln ImhhwIIi lit rUilit rllM mut lhrHili Uui riht ohooUUr Itlsda, ktok lrtMtc)i, iMnuMimtUm, IUIuluoti ul . dlMllou. I'or Ik nlMittfUU vary uhh. Htou, but not miiUttlly mhHuu oout )Ulut, there U n wont Reulttl nU UtnnMmb remedy IIwm Jdwietter'it MUtuv wli Mitten, which hi Uo h benefltivBt luulo uml lfeiiti MuinulMr, 1 h widely l inert reiueily tor nl preveuttlve ut fever, mid fue, f heutiwtUm, k bluer R bbMbier tMMlbb. CMltrenCryftrPitclier's Castorla Till: KllUlT 1UIS1NUHS. To take advantage of all of tho fnvoroble conditions, and make tho most of all the opportunities n qulns a careful study of tho-H) con tinuous and opportunities. The till ers or the soil or the Willamette- val ley aro just at present looking after the unexampled facilities to culti vate fruit In this locality, as a moro profitable occupation than raising cereals alone. As a pointer as to what Is being done In that direction, tho Railway Rovlow calls attention to the growing importance of tho fruit trntlle upon lliics in all parts of tho country. Tho distances to which fruit can now lie tnnisnorted by means of refrigerator cars, and tho' faster tlmo by express freight trains, havo placed tho perishable products of many diderent sectlotis of the country In markets covering n wide, extent. Tho California frulU business, for Instance has reached such an extent that at the dally auc tion sides held at Chicago from ton to llfteeu cars aro disposed of. l'ur ebase'rs at these sales reship gener ally by express to all parts of tho country. The Delaware peach crop is re ported as being this year largely in excess of any former crop. This, means that many carloads will bo shipped West as far as the Missouri River. These samples, taken from tho fast-growing fruit and vegetable, traiUe, between dill'erent sections of tho country, show how widely vary ing the various classes ol tra'lllcaro that are handled by the roads, and nlso,how ready means of communica tion and prompt shipment of pro duels give a national extent to classes of Industry which wore form erly considered only local. In or der, however, to reap the advant ages that this great activity In tlio fruit business Indicates, It Is neces sary that tlio conditions bounder stood ami requirements bo met. Tho kind of fruit to cultivate must lie selected with reference to its market able (inalities. and quantities com manding a shipping consideration must be. produced. Without doubt, If tho conditions aro Intelligently met, a paying market will be found for all of tho fruit Unit can bo nro- duced In tills valley. Such liuit will bo In demand, and all that Is needed is to put it in the tight mar ket, In nu attractive form. Albany Herald. TKIiKUIlAI'lllU SI'IjINTS. The funeral of Lawrence II. Jerome, tho celebrated hoiiwiniin, ook place yesterday. Garrett's condition Is greatly Im proved. His friends aro confident of his ultimate recovery. Rtirglars entered the Columbia. House, Seattle, Tuesday night and robbed two gliosis of J2.'i and ill re spectively. Malt Ktornis, tlio California hoixc mau, who was so severely Injured in Monday's railroad accident, lias undergone an operation ami will re covot. It has finally been decided that. JudgoThurman will open the cam paign on tho 1U Instant, at Port Huron, Mich. Preparations havo been mado for a grand reception to him at that place. It Is wild that one tlionsaiid Iowa women own their fiirniM and glvo thorn their personal attention. CallfuniU, Ike Ijiii.I or lHuoitrn. Why will you lay awakoall night, roughing, wiiou tliat iniwt oM'cctlvo anil iiKreoabio California remedy, Santa Abie, will give you Immedlato rollonr HANTA AIHK In the only guarHiiteed cure for Coiiriimijitlou, Asthma and all itrouchlal Coni plalulM. Kohl only In largo bottles,, at II (XI. Three for 2fi0. 1). W.. Matthim's it Co., 10" .State Htreet,. BtiUini, will bo pleamd to siipplyyoii, and guarantee relief whuu luotl un. directed. CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CCRK never fslls to relieve Catarrh or Cold lu tho Head. Klx moutlut treatment, 1 (Ml. Hv mail, (I It). MTIUI(. I have told my I'liotograph Gal lery and entire Interest In the photo graph biMliiMw to M. JC. Hjsjrry, of Ohio. All isjrsons who owe me for iilctures, will pleae eall at the gal lery and nettle within sixty (Utyt from date. All unettled hooouiiU after tlwt date, will Iw nbteed In nu attorney hantU, fur oolleotlun. W. I. Jouwhok., Or., Aug. 1, 'm. BuImhtIIm) JOUKKAL, for Thk CAi-n.vr. ilk iMtmi '