.", jt;i "' t V -u VOL. 1. SALElvf, OR., MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1SSS. NO. Mo. CAPITAL JOURNAL H?flplHKva9BIB?&fes 8pP5? n:orBssioAii caiids. ST. HELEN, I'IA-NO TTCJEIl AND repairer, ah wont wnrraniea. orders nt T. MeF. Pat toil's book store, Stnto street, Salem, Or. J7e. e T-lXPRESS WAGON, QUICK AND SAI'E S delivery. Win. Ileiinlelinvlnjr bought the express lulnes of Walter Ixnve, Is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ases, and nny thing else that he can Ret In liU wanton to any part of the city, quicker, safer, batter, and neater, than it can be done by any body else. Leavo orders at juntos stable. K INSURANCE C o in p any. Fire and Marine. jew ALHEKT, Agent. - - Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EJvlINlNT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open an office. In the New UanK niocK, on un im, lur iuu irruuiu-m o! all diseases of women, and nil other ehronle cases, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medic.il baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges stilctly moderate. Address bo 170, Salem, Oi egon. riN'ANCIAT.. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! - i-Cir - A fino line of hacks', buggies, outs, car riages, backboards, etc. Until our o n make and the beet eastern made buggta. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING, WOODBURN Fading Company TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. LlVKhY I'ISTOb IMJACTlOi:, WOODBURN, OR, f S3AttlJV-k2a. Call on tliouiiiloiMgtieri, wagon nd unr riago makers and blacksmiths,-:t8i, 312 n iti: W V 1 1 1 llOtlU ai Dan SALEM, OREGON. and 3U Coinnieicial s,treet,.bnlein Scriber -:- and : Pohle. The Mexican Land and Development Co. CAPITAL STOCK $ , 000,000. SHAKES $3.00 EACH. Full Paid and Non-Assessable. sir illli 1'ACKED lllillli DAILY. WJI. '. IjADUE, President. DH. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice Piesident. JOHN' JIOIK, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange- on Portland, San Francisco, New Yoik, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City nai rants bought. Fanneis are cordially invited to deposit end transact business with us. Liberal advances inndo on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonaDio rates. Insuranco on Mich se curity can bo obtained at the. bank in most reliablo compinles M tsTAIlLISHED MY XA1IONAI, AVTIIOISITY rii I n ' j 1 t j ' i t iJlCUcl JIUU INilUOmu DflU M l( SALEM, Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - -OF- FORTY THOUSAND SHARES with a bonus of FIVE ACRES of land to each share are offered to immediate subscribers at par of five dollars per share, for the benefit of the Treasury. Tills Company have acquired an exclusive grant of several million acres of land from tjio Government of Mexico in tho state of Taniaullpas, bordered by tho slate of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. It comprises rich agricultural, gracing and mineral landSjMmmcnso foiests of Miluablo timber, and opportunities for vast public enterprises In tho development and settlement of a territory almost as large as tho state of lvini svlvania, with n good population, a healthy, moderate climate, and ample rain fall. Tho land olleied w 1th the stock and for which negotiable certificates will bo Issued, will provo a choico investment of itself whllo each sharo participates in the wholo enter prise, ll.ised on the lowest price of Goernment land in tho United State, tho shares will havo a value many times greater than tho price at which these forty thousand aro onereii to carry oui mo onjcLis 01 uiu lumpuiij . nuiisciipiion win ue accepted as 101 .i 'rail lien, Write lo Us. II H)l LOW 4 HALL, v WOODBURN HOTEL Woonni'iix, Oitixiox, F. M, CAMMACK, -:- Prop, I'M 13 TABI.1S Js supplied with, tho best tho market alibi ils ser cil,by w hlte;cooUs. mud l,iliinnn l,irMtltit liivmontiint Thirty M1K'nm1 Mi.t. .,n,L it. v.. u. .....-w ..ii..... .-... ....... ... ..... j.,...T ..in, .. iiiui, in,, n. Ilemlt by Draft, Check, Exvness or Keglstered Letter, direct or through any bunker or l'lospecius anu iuil iiiiurimmuu tin uiiuiuuutm. lews: li'i per cent broker. - OREGON, - - - $75,000 - 10,000 11. S. WALLACE, - - President. "W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBEIIT, --.- Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Grjy, W. W. Maitiu, J. M. Martin, 11. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, T. McF. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In stoie, either in private grannrlesor 'public warehouses. Stale anil County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt rensonnble rntes. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, Sun r nincisco, roriiniiu, i.onuon, i-aris, uernu Hong Kong and Calcutta. F, K, MORELAND, Financial Agent, No. 57 Broadway, New York, 7-23-lin-dir If J. "7 L, u 1,1 V VVA l!2BYjWll-.OAV This hotei;iias lcccntly been telltted and is now one of the best houses In tho alley. A shaio of tho public patronago respect fully soliei(cd.BkEerytlilng ilrst-class. G. W. 1VATTKKBUHY, MAMTKACTUIU.S WOODUUKN, OH. French Calf Boots, Made to Order, $6.50, French Kip, Made to Order. $6.50. A l)cMiei'iulu Shoots Four Jlen llefoiv lie is (inii'tei!. Chicago, Aug. 12. A Times special l'mm Omalm to-day tolls of it sanguinary conlliet Into last nighr at Shenandoah, Iowa, In which tluvo liwii weio killed outright and w. oral wounded, one of whom will dio. Tho report says ; Frank Huliop. a nioiubor of a rather tough family, began boating his aged father. A number of oitioiw intorfoivd, when young Gallop tired into tho crowd, killing l K. Pine. Tlic uuoxpoctod shot and tho diro coiKequonoes foN lowing it tlnow the oitiens into oonftisiion, hut they mwh rallied and niiule tin advaneo to the Ihuko Into which young (hillop had retreated. Tho young de.sporado soon appeared with two revolvers and opened a fusilade with deadly olleet. The Hrst man to fall was David Camp bell, who was shot through tho nock and fatally wounded. Tho next victim was Jilrd O. Rice, shot through tho heatt and dying in htantly. T. il. Winfrey was tho last man to drop with a bullet through his leg. In tho meantime, old man Gallop was shot through the shoulder, but it is not known by whom. Young Gallop returned to tho house and began making preparations for es cape, when Mornly Fletcher llred a shot from a rltle, which, It was sub sequently ascertained wont through ml body, TKI.KURAPIUC SI'I.INTS. Boots and Shoes, IXSEi" " This latter fuut was not k 's. if 6 moj.."1 , PiM"!""-! V in ru lii " I DT 'n'yw. j) tnQJUHClKCfi-Ai ABlCTiNEMrTDCo thc Q NLY-! qiJANfECD cure rort CATARRH OROVILLECAU MISOKLUVNUOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In loots and Shoes ! AVE YOU A COI.l IX THE HEAD which does not get better? Havo you nn ox posaIo secretion of mucus matter In tho nasal itassairoh? Aro vou troubleil hv ... ..! rnlttlnn li-niil' nnil Itiflnltml nt'iD fpnnnnnt (.nvnnrwu nf (tin tlinnit ! nnl n , roaring In tlio ears, moro or loss Impairment of tho hearing, loss of smell, memory hn nalred. dullness or dizziness of tho head, dryness or heat of tho noso? Havo you lotall sense of smell? Is your breath foul? If so, you have tho Catarrh, homo havo all those symptoms, others only a part. Calitornia Uat-K-uure Ilostores tho senso of tasto and smell, ronioves bad taste and unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh, liisy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and u euro Is guaran teed by D. W. MATTHfcWH i Co. RECOMMENDED. CAPTAIN CHAW-US U UIMOX, of Now York City, formerly special agent of tho l'hanlx and Home Insuranco Company nt San Francisco, Cal., says: "1 havo been troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In Woodland, ChI., recom mended your California CAT-Il-CUHE. I procurded a Jar, having but little rait li In Its cumtlve preperties: but I must Rny.after usini; tlireo Jars, I am cured of that dlsKiistlnj,' disease. Inclosed nnd 85 for which send mo California CAT-ll-CUHK for some A lends, who aro sutl'erers." SOLD AND GUARANTEED IJY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 StateSt., Saleivi, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale DeDot. Satisfaction In all oaww guaranteed. Ail repahliiK at propoitlonately prices. low A yellow fever panic prevails through Florida. Jacksonville is deserted, St. Augustine Is quaran tined against, cases aro reported in Manitco and Plant City, and in South Florida tho situation is grow ing woise. Latk&t Sty ms ! Lkadino Links! Lowest Piuohs! General Agents for Oregon of ' B. Forsyfhe's Infallible Core Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. B. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. 1'itoi'os.tLs roit WOOD. i)RomsALs Y11A. UK nUCKIVBD BY lb dlrveutrs ef Mboot dMrM Na M In uloo eoantjr unUl Wednwday, tb Whof Wbr w eonU flr wood and 40onU fJl0 "WlvwedM OulSaUm tMilWlnr. t,l . Br ood nnd ( erd oak, to be di "' at North Batem building; S eord "mc, to be delivered at South Salam bulM f , DAVID SIMI'SON. I"1 Scliool Clerk. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Student In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. m. (haijitut bisut and tenM. exixn- lv lD6tituttoa of larnln Jn tlt Nortli- Wbool opatw flrt Slooday In Stptamlw, Sdtorentatosto yAjf 8aln. Oregon. CHEAT DISCOVERY! 17t NOTICE. BoUaUM a o(4) form, Ma4Wr IMH- daMJilM AS. was. M SSS5 j aa MM noM w frandnteotly oJted lac tb onl v boU cl vb brutM that da'. FR.VNCr CAWOOD. Dr. I-I. SMITH Now In poMHMKion ol n new dlsooveryin medicine, whleh Ik purely a looal anuwUiet Ic, nrnl aets almont tnstantaneouly on the Hnrroundlny tliwuwt of the teeth. It Ulu no way InjurlouH or unplttuvtnt to the tftet. The manufeeluren of it alalia that lt equal lion never been known before, and by anplyliig It to the Miuitlve or Mire teeth, they oun be cleaned ami tlllwl without pain. HohII ttuwe that want all kinds of dental work done witlKutpaln, would better eall on Dr. J I. Smith. Teeth extracted for CO eenbi, HENRY SCHOMAKER. Manufacturer ot Tfie Stamlard Combination Fence! No. 260 CMMTciaJ St All Stylos f mi Ma4e ti Order OK SHORT NOTIOB THESTARRYHRMAMENT -ON HIGH," -fcSnng AddiHon. But hadn't" you, for a fowjeurs ntlonst, rathor look at tbo firmnuiont Jfrom tho undorsido. t YOU CAN DO IT by observing Lho lnws of health and rosortinfr to thut v cheat tho gravo modicino WARNER'S SAFE CURE You aro out of sorts; a splon- -,did fooling and appotito ono"r day, whilo tho noxt day lifo is a burdon. If you drift -$on in this way you aro liable- to become Insane. Why? Bocauso poisonod blood on .ktho norvo contors ivhcrcln- tho nicntnl faculties arc located, paralyses thorn and tho victim bocomoa non-ro-u iBponattJlo. Thero aro thousands of poo- -k1n Asv-sl Iticniin nuwltltllil -Knnd graves, put there by Kidney Poisoned Illood. Insanity, according to sta- Vtistics, ia increasing !aaU)rM than any other disuuso. Is your eyesight failing? Your fCmemcry bocoming impairodT-C An all-gono foaling on slight oxertion upon youT If so, and YOU Icnov whether this is so or not, do not nogloct your caso until roason totters nnd you aro an imbecile, but j( to-day while you have reas-t on, ubo your good senso and judgment by nurohaaing WABNER'B SAFE CURB K-and WARNER'S 8AFEJ "PILliflj medicinoawarranUxl to do bh represented, and whioh will cure you. . nown to tho crowd until UuUop'n wife cried out to tlio uiomiI to sto) firing, Hint iter husband was dwul. Tlio t-ltloiw, fearing treachery, called her out, and giving her a rojw told her to fasten it about her hiiHband'H neck. This hIio did, and tlio wliolewulo nuirdcrcr'H naked body was dragged through tho streets until it was fear fully mutilated. It was 11 nnlly de posited on tho lloor of the city hall, where It was viewed by hundreds of citizens liming the day. Old iniui Gallop and his w I fo were a nested and lodged in Jull. The two men, I'lno anil Illco, as well as tho wounded, wero promi nent eitiens. There Is no chance for Campbell's recovery, and his death is expected momentarily. Pine's body has been taken to (,'ales btirg, III., for Interment. Shenandoah Is tho town in which the night before Fred Phillips out raged tho littlo (1-year-old daughter of Pine, tho man who lost his life, for which bo was treated to a coat of taruud fuathcrrt by an angry popu lace, and dually strung up tp a tele graph polo until ho confessed tbo crime. lie was thou ordered to leavo tho country. Tho llritish parliament was pro rogued to-day to Nov. Oth. Lawrence 11. Jerome died in Sharon, Conn., yo.-tcrday. Hewai in his (HHli year. Tho Mackintosh sampling work nt SandyT fourteen mile from Salt. Lake, wore destroyed by tiro on Sun day. Lo-i, $35,000. Upwards of '200 person1 wero drowned in Vtdpa.rutso yesterday by the bursting of a reservoir belonging to the Lena brewery. l'orty rioters engaged in (he dem onstration sit the Kndes fuuenit iu Paris, bavo been sentenced to short, terms of imprisonment. Mr. Uitbrop, United States minis ter to Hussla, bis family and Huron I Inline, thellaneeof Mr. Lotlirop's daughter, have started for America. A telegram from Afton, Iowa, tells of the shooting of Uavid Ar nold by A. 11. Httlllnger, on Satur day. Tho shooting grew out of tbo prohibitory law. Tho feeling toward llottlnnger by tho French populace Is still qtilto heated. At St. .lean d'Angly yes terday, an instructor In tbo lycetuu llred live shots at him. Four companies of mill! lit have been withdrawn from Stevens coun ty, Kas., and as tlio excitement has abated, the remaining four compan ies will soon be Ithdrawu. Now thero Is a talk of somo Mani toba legislators being concerned In a boodle arrangement with tho Northern Pacitlc. A conspiracy exists to force tbo contract through (lurieglslalure. . .- i;im riciiii ivh iiiimiiMi ui wir, (ilKiintle l.iiinlici' Tnut, Mi.vnuai'omh, Aug. 12. Details of one of tbo most gigantic tnisls over devised havo Just conio to tho stirfaco In this city. It is a combi nation of all tho principal lumber IntcrostHof Minnesota with those of Wisconsin. Fred Woycrhatisor Is at the head of tho company. It Is stated that tbo company controls about 10,000,000 Invested in iumlxir and plue lauds, and that It now owns nine billions of stuiiipugo in Wisconsin. Tbo excitement still niU,hJkb, nU ltoekaxyay iteacli over the bruTnllly of saloonkeeper William Itohan, who gouged his wife's eyes out. Tho un fortunate creature Is still sud'orlug intense agony and is unable to ap pear against the brute. Constable Timothy Jones of Hock away Ileach took tho (lend from tho (Jueen's County Jail, In Long Island City, yesterday, to Far Mookiiway, before J ust ice 1 1 only. Dr. Folllo pie- sen ted an allldavlt, showing that tbo po'r woman wasunablo to appear iu court. Tho Judge was so overcome by tho barbarity of tbo case that ho refused to admit tlio prisoner to ball. Meanwhile many people gathered about tho court room, and the pre mier trembled as ho heard tho many threats made against him for his brutal act. Justice Ilealy reallod the unttireofairulrs and at once com mitted Itohan to tbo County Jail again until Friday. Tbo bruto while being taken from tbo court to tbo depot, appeared to bo very uncom fortable. One cltieu told Constable Jones that If be had a ropo ho woul d. mnko short work of his prisoner. Many similar threats wero made. Now York Times. I'atiil llout Aijlcli'iit. Nl'.w Yomc, Aug. 12. Three young men, Soloman Held, ngod 10 years, Win. Lawrence, aged 18, and the third name unknown, were drowned to-night in tho Kant river, opposite Sixth Mtreet, from a Ixmt which was ujMet by the wash from h ferrylnrnt. They tried to hwIiii ashore iu m strong tide, and their five eomimnioiiH were rescued after clinging to the bout's keel for half an hour. Cmb Hrerr Ut). Furrar & Co. liuve u frosh Htook of fruits, vegetuiiltM and berrltw every day, and their fancy and staple grocery department U eoiiHtantly re-plaukilied. Crem mmIh, lee cruwui wxla, milk shake, Ieiuoudi at Strong & Co.'s A I'hulrr Invtwtmrut. Tlio Mexican Land and Doveloj) ineut Company, of No. fi7 Mroatl- way, Now ork, liave awpilrcd it grant of public laud In the state of TamaullpaM, Mexico, , covering sev eral million acres, it covers the most fertile section of land on tho Continent, with a soil so rich and a climate so orfect that three crops of somo cereals are produced hi ono year. Its forests aro also liuixtssablo with tlio growth of rare and valua ble woods. Tbo standing timber alouo moro than warrants the capl tlliatlon of tbo company controlling tlio grant, yet iu value It reprcM.'iiU but a fraction of tho worth of tht millions of acres Inexhaustible in fertility and prodtietlvonosx. A. limited amount of tho Company's slock Is ottered for sale at $A pel share. Witli each share Is given a certificate which entitles tbo holder to live acres of land free. Soo ad vertisement elsewhere. Ureguu Oily Ilrldr Ollver Jury, Just homo from Col umbia county, looked In upon us to day. He stopped at Oregon City, and took a look at tlio second frco bridge Isjlng built aurotw thu Wil lamette, Kalem'ri being tho tlrst. Tho bents aro upon tlio east side off the river and work is logun on thu stono piers. Ho thinks it will not ho as wide a structure us ours. Jlut our nelghlsir ormnty is to be congratu lated on Its enterprise. The travel ing public there, as hare, will wmih dUtiover the luuneuiw aggregate of ferriage miymI. i Turner, Or. ,JUr. TBwtfVt tti.n