localasTgeneral news Cily and Itaucd Account of Doings in louniry. TEKSONA1S. IfPBn-IniBbackftomYaquIno. H A. Newell anu -" .v, Seaside ttnlay. ' . r.. vutnTt1evnrevis- jrs. ana i -w" " ine in rrtlantL 10 b , nnd wifo and tho lat- I vocontoYavulna. .. t T firosrc and Senator T. , Bariii returned from Eugene to- ny. The latter escorted the teach- . ..aflrprrnil Clt.V. er3a3il '"" - pev J. B.K.BC1I, anai. iucr. . .,,,1-Mlt IlllOllHU'"! l" ""- L attend a meeting of the flirectors rfthe Cydornma vuii'.v V. H.Hobsou, of Stayton, nuuuy .t TnmiVAT. imVfi thlS ruer oi iuu "" o ' n niP.isant call to-day. Always rlailto see our friends when in town. n- t Premise, tlie printer, aim tan'lly'po to Sodaville to-morrow for . ,nth. Gay Cook will assist in ,he office during Sir. Cronise' ab- tence. Mi Edith Pcntland, after rcturn- Ljfrom the teachers' convention ; Francisco, visited JMonmoutii 'uul Salem, and has returned home to ?cio. Seth Hammer, atty., left to-day fcra two weeks vacation on the Jamil. Thus lawyers, teachers, j Jreachers, merchants go. Alas! when rill the editor's turn come .' inlin Hiclcr and Prof. Ben. Child- bs have not yet started to tho Mc fmzip and Calapooia mines, to tang down that sack full of gold ihat only awaits their digging it I tot. But they will start soon. T!pv. V. O. Forbes, of Albina, rfifiimmn of the Presbyterian Home Missionary Board, attended its meet- ag iu this city, last night, and left in the morning train. He was tho west of Mr. and Mrs. Ladue. Be fore leaving he paid a visit to some ifour business Institutions to note Salem's enterprise and progress. Fresh Every Day. Farrar & Co. have a fresh stock of hits, vegetables and berries every fcv, and their fancy and staple poeery department is constantly re plenished. .MorcOoud Ailvertlslng. The Oregon immigration Board lbs just issued a very finely illus- lated pamphlet of the city ot 1'ort krnl. The descriptive article is c kborately written by Col. A. H Hawley, well known In Salem. It f needless to say to those who know to writing that it is very readable, aid serves well the purpose of draw tog favorable attention to Portland Ml the state cf which it is the me tftipolis. ., , "What this country wants," said the man who talks politics on tho streetcar, "is men who are not ifraidto meet their obligations." Then ho noticed that in tho crowd the conductor had overlooked him, m1 he dropped oft tho car a block my from his destination for fear the error would bo discovered. Buf falo Express. Some circus bill posters covered a urch near Vincennes, Ind., with Uglily-colored posters, mistaking toeedillcofora schoolhouso which tbey had permission to decorate. A committee was appointed to prose cute the alleged deseerators, but the ireus men compromised tho matter r 515 and a handful of compllnien- i0' tickets, which wasjo more than committee asked. CincinnaH Enquirer. " "ilr. Isaacstein, I love your daughJ MUfereiyanaiong to maKo ner ywlfe. May I venture to ask " permission?" "My young fiend, ven you ask mo for iny blighter's hand you ask me to make too great a sacrifice" "Very well, Mr- Ibaacsteln.I will traiiHferniyaf ons elsewhere tjen. Good-day." ""Comeback, my young vrlend, come ! You ma vi have hur. But. bv M in'lny,you don't always get such Pn3 eilery day!" Burlington l'rew. It Is said that the sculptor Story fRome will shortly publish an artl on the dlfcouvery of America by n Cousin of Dieppe, before the "flog of Columbus. Who dia pered this countrj't anywoj'? 'unbua la good enough, for the jniy of people. It's a low trick alhls glory when be cannot !d himself. Columbus and topere should form a mutual ctive association. JUgnUeent Simples. A Journal reporter yesterday called on Mr. D. D. Prettyman who will bo remembered as having gone back east with a car load of grain, grasses, vegetables, fruits and Oregon produce In general publicly exhibit ing them In Minnesota, Iowa, Illi nois, Michigan, New York, Pennsyl vania, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, and eventually leaving the car audits exhibit with tho Northern Pacific railroad company, at St. Paul. This was done at tho expense of the state board of Immigration, and Avon them and the state as well as Mr. Pretty man much praise. This gentleman also sent a peck of wheat to tho Cen tennial exhibition in Philadelphia and took tho first prize against tho world, and he naturally feels very proud of tho medal and diploma. (Tho collective exhibit of Oregon also took the first prize there.) Of late years Mr. Prettyman has made A specialty of collecting speci mens of grains and grasses for State and Mechanics' fairs and the Board of Immigration. He has just com pleted a magnificent collection of wheat of Defiance and other varieties oats, timothy, clover, rye. buckwheat and millet. The clover is 4 feet high and Mas takeai from a patch sowed among the oak grubs, a year ago, on ground ploughed. The buckwheat is G feet 0 inches, and the timothy 5 feet o inches with very long heads, some of them nearly a foot in length. These all to go to the state board at Portland, and will bo forwarded cast to astonish, the natives and make them dissatisfied with their lot until they come come to the "Wil lamette Valley and see such things actually growing. 0. 1 Work Beginning. A gentleman just in from Corval-, lis informed the Jcuuxal that en gineers and others started out to-day to recommence work on the Oregon Pacific railroad extension so long de layed and so ofton projected. From various sources it has been learned of late that all along the line re sumption has been anticipated. This will be news for it means the spending of much money In ex change for labor, hay, grain and other produce, the use of teams among tho farmers. It also insures speedier and pleasauter communi cation between places now remote, and the opening up of a large area now almost inaccessible and the con necting of tho central portion of tho Willamette valley with Eastern Oregon. Surely a fresh efibrt ought to bo made to fcecuro a branch to Sa lem'. Tho Board of Trade might make a note of that. LETTEK LIST. Following is the list of letters re maining in tho postoffice, at Salem, Oregon, August 8, 1888. Parties call ing for them will please say "ad vertised:" All letters published as non-delivered will bo charged with one cent in addition to the regular postage. ' Admas S F Balauger E Blunkall Ida Cosgrove Clias Cooper Stephen M Comer John Davis J J Dyer Miss Myra Ervlne David Garrett "William Gordon J C Gordon M Gordon Mrs E B Howell "W W Jarvis Sarah Kaufihian I ii -Koch Jacob J Martin Mhs AmylMiuikere Henry Marton John Miller Mrs D A Mays Mrs Alton Martin Mrs Ohio Sm'ith Tinv Smith Miss Ma- Sears Mrs It rian U Swensen MissNet-Seabold MissClara tie Townscnd Geo Wells Theo Walker Hannah P W. H. ODKMi, P. M. IIAMl (ONCEKT ntOOKAJI. Tho following wil be played in Marion Square at 8fp. m. to-night: March 'Top Koysers" -. iwiunfcon Selection, "Soniuimhula" Uelllnl ibviir. uTiift.TnlltfPhlnninfln" MoHea Seriocomic Jamboree t'Oh Wbntls It?'- lueycr Clarionet Solo, "Second Air Varle" Thonrton Mr. Mark Long. Wultx, "Helena" 1'otltee Medley, "Oh. How DellBlitful" Cottln or Vt Sale Cstsp. A Kood strong horse for farm road. Inquire of Dr.Gllbert, in the Bank Block. M RoOtkM Ml lifl. Santa Able soothes and heals the membranes of the throat and lungs when poisoned and Inllamed by dis ease. It prevents night sweuU and tightness across tho chest, cures cough, croup, asthma, colds, bronch itis, pneumonia, whoopiugcough and all othor throat and lung troubles. No other medicine Iso successful in curing nasal catarrh as California (M-It-Cure. Tho enormous and in creasing demand for the Humdard California romedlea confirms their merit. Sold ami asolutely guaran teed by D. W. Matthews & Co. at 51 a package. Three for I SO CMlirla Cry fePHc6er,i Casteria LOCAL NOTES. Call on Wiuters & Thomas for tho beet groceries in town 1 Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 92 State street Baud concert to-night lu Marion Square, not In Wilson Avenue. Cream soda, Jcc cream soda, milk shakes, lemonades, at Stroug& Co.'s James Ryan, a plumber, was drowned at Sacramento yesterday. A good Idea of the size of tho now Catholic church can nov be formed as the frame work it raised. Tho remains of Gen. Sheridan will bo buried in the Arlington Na tional cemetery on Saturday. Next? The Press Associatin. con sisting of editors, publishers, wives and lady friends. Another intellect ual and jolly crowd. The handsome Krauss villa, cor ner of Court and Cottaco streets, is receiving its outside coating of paint ami sanding. James Warner is do ing the work. Tho intending passencers bv the 8:13 a. m. train for Portland, with wonderful unanimity suddenly de cided not to go until about eleven o'clock. Tho train was late. Visitors to our town will see no greener and better kept lawns or fresher wild grasps in all their trav els than hereabouts. In fact this is commonly remarked by them. A man from Standing Rock, yes terday, says the Indians have re solved in secret council to kill tho first Indian that signs the treaty providing for the allotment of their lands in severalty. County court is still in session. but busiiiONi is not pushing. Yes terday D. J. Pendleton presented his annual report, and a sale of per sonal property iu tho Whitney es tate. Both were allowed and filed. Three thousand more of the 20, 000 edition of "The Resources of tho State of Oregon" published by tho State Board of Agriculture, and compiled by ex-sneaker Grocer, are being bent to the State Board of Im migration tc-day. To Yaqnlna. Friday, August 10th. Round trip $2.50 from Albany. Tickets good for ten days. For sale at II. W. Cox's drug store, State street. 2-t. Contracts AwnnlM. The State Board to-day awarded tho contract for building the new iron fence around tho penitentiary toB. F. Drake, Salem for S3.49 1. Trenkman & Woltt of Portland, bid ?4,425. Dugan Bros, were tho only bidders for the hydraulic gate, de signed to save the labor of a man, ?210. Painting the wood and Iron work of the Capitol building, Wm. Wicke, Portland, ?92o. So Salem scores two out of three. An Eminent Sneaker, No matter how many speakers you have heard, another one, if good, is suro to Interest you. Prof. Ford, an educated man and educa tor, of Michigan, ,yho is returning from tho Teachers' National Asso ciation, is to address tho citizens of Salem to-morrow night in tho W. C. T. U. hall. Though on a scien tific subject, it is treated in a popu lar and pleasing way, and is well illustrated. He is highly endorsed and recommonded. Miss Parnton ter has kindly consented to sing. To commence at 8 o'clock. Admis sion free. Ho can stay but one night; do not mlas it. - Why thoe Immense now adver tising boards around town? sells' circus proposes a free art gallory for the boys and girls and goneral public. The handsome advertising car is al ready at tho freight depot, on Com mercial street, In charge of the ad vance agent. Tho circus opens Tues day Aug. 28th. Daniel Klnsall ailecapluited by a train of cars yesterdayr at San Buona Ventura,.Cal. s'lt In thought he fell on the track. Perianal. Mr. N. H. Frohllchsteln, of Mo bile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, having uijcd it for a savere at tack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured mu and I have not been allllet ed since. I also twg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Elec tric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life PJHh, both of which I can rec ommend. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store. Cbillreu CrjfwPitcier't Caitpria RSUblOUS GLEANINGS. Miss DelpMns BAior t atxnrt to astabUta m Oirlrtlsa newspaper la Jerusalem Preebjterianlan in Brooklyn numbers twenty-three churche and 14,833 member The first Protestant mlsrfonariee to a for. eigo field were sent from Genera to OratO. In 1W7-8. The Gtrman Reformed church numbers 6t7 ministers, 1,S1 congregaUoM and 1S3,. QS0 member, ItUrtatedthatnU the policemen of Kan sas Citj ore church member, two of them being elders and several of tbem deacons. An effort Is being made to establish a na tional organisation of the colored Young Men's Christian associatioL of th United States. One hundred and fifty United States and twenty-seven Canadian delegates are in at tendance at tho World's Missionary confer ence, London. Miss Florence White, a capablo tcachci In the Milk- seminary, California, is going to Kioto, Japan, when she will be a teacher tc training school Tho opinion gains strength in the Metho dist Episcopal church that the day will come when the clergj and laity will sit as separate txxllvs Ui general conference. Tho khedive of Egypt has dismissed his prime minister, Nubor iiishn,aud called Rlai I'usua tc lead hi? cabinet. Nubor is an Ar menlaf Christian, Ilioi a Alobuminedan. The general synod of the Reformed church in America called a strong protest against the rum tratllo ou the Congo to tho World's Missionary conference, London, calling upon tho conference lo take decided actiou. Thf George W ooo modal of thoAmorlcan trnct society for the year Ibi has bceu as signed tc the Rev K F liurr, D O., LU D.. of Lyme, Conn., nuthoi of "Long Age: ns lutorpreted by the Nineteenth Century." For tho 2,1,001 soldiers In tho army of tht United States there nro only thirty-foul chnplalns Several of thest chaplains nre dtsablcd, thu n large majority of the JIM army posts are without any religious instruc tion. The throo great Protestant poiven of the world are German). England and the United States. Thef powers nre represented at tho Mohammedan court of Constantinople by two Roman Catholic? and n Jew llerr von Radowitz, Sir Willinir White and Osqar M. Straus. Definite action In the matter of union be tween thj Gorman Reformed and Dutch Re formed churulios- cannot lx taken until 1SU0, when the general by nod of th( German church next incuts. Meanwhile the tnovo ineut lu favor of such union will gain strength. It i? proposed to establish In Bethany ("the town of Mary and her sister Martha," where tbo Lord raised l.nzuru from the dead), n home which tOiall tonn a ceutor of Christaln work. The village has Uxiay nliouf Ovo Uiundrod inhabitants, hc live in squalor nnd dio In Ignorance ol the GospoL A pioco of land has been scoured and the prospect It said to bo encouraging. QUAINT FASHIONS IN FANS. Watteau fans aro very beautiful and a nice wedding present. For semi dressy occAslons thcro Is nothing more becoming or durable than Japanese funs, and the new varieties aro peculiar. Fans intended to accompany bridal and full evening toilets aro of ostrich feathers, exquisite and costly loco, or spanglod gnuzo with pearl or carved mountings. Tho "Tuxodo." narrow and high at tho center. Is a favorite sbapo, and Is furnished In gauze,' spangled or hand palntod, as woll as In tbo costliest point lace, with gilded or pearl sticks. A handsome fan has sticks of rod Russia leather, finished at tho top with soft red marabout tips, and another Is shaped llko a flat Japanese fan, and has a long haudlo with n silver ring in tho end, through which a rihlK)n may be passoxL Feathers aro conspicuously employed on xH.'iisivn fans, one design having tortolso -noil sticks with an ostrich feather mounted 'in each stick. Tho handle, exquisitely nrved, has a silver loop hy which tho fan l it. no uttucbed to a chuUilulue or ribbon. i-'uim entirely of ono ploca of loco mountod irmii sntln havo i,vory sticks, and tbo pond 'it eoni is llnlshed with a tassel of lace 'i' iiintcb tho cover Ono design has tho r limitation of marigold satin, and tho sticks I puarl are decorated with arauaiquo fig .ru. novel fan of the ordinary slzo and shapo .4 mountings of olive wood. Inlaid and cov i nl with "Slam," a golden brown gauze. ikim tbls surface aro palntod sprays of Hold ' imi, nnd tbo top Is bordered with a frlngo narrow ploot ribbon 'which roprosents ihv petals. K!"wcr fans aro favorites. Ono of those, i illqnr silk, has a wreath of forgot-mo i- nnd daisies stretching from sldo to side. . iilnrk showing small sprays upon which - aro apparently just settling. I'oppy 1 1 aro arranged upon scarlet gauzo T)i Two Hollar llrnker'a Jojs. A big operator down hi Wall street, who was getting rather worried tho other day because the market, to ux? his plcturesquo expresolou. "did not net Just right," gazed with nu expression of envious re Ciet In his rather fndedeyeaaftci a youth ful anil dehonnalr two dollar broker who hud just gone ivhUtllng out of the room. A two dollar broker." ho f.aiij with s sigh, "on tho floor of tbo exclinugn, wjio attends to his business and duesn't speeu luto. Is certainly one of the happiest men I know (la has no care snd no rvonl hllltles. He Jumps In. buys or sells, turns over the transaction to his princi pal, gets $3 for every hundred ehsrea be does, and when lie goes uptowii'lri the afternoon promptly at a o clock, ho hsa no business to think about or to harass him until the next morning at 10 o'clock when he comes down on the street. In dull times his Income may not be a magnificent one. but there are at least thru or four active periods In every Wall street year, and at this time he Is able to average up with great success. 1 suppose ths Income of a fairly good two dollar broter It somewhere between 7,000and 112,000 year. Not only has h no care from Uy to day, but bo should Lars no partllat worry about tho fattu. Ills BitciPorrM? carries. life lamaa jrlta U,-od Ui Ladles his fiiaUy ccsvm to for a luiidcj sum. Whea tbhvfU wroug with ro 1 absolutely rwufa A modxUroB)ptJKyod tasplsrldscM eocecf s two dollar kra&r.' ! 1UU and Express " T I MISCKI.TVXKOrS. T. McF. PATTON Has just received NEW STOCK Cambridge Bibles, Plain and Fancy Stationery, Embossed Scrap Pictures, Birthday Cards, Day School Rewards, fiLGiiiirsraiiiiffitt. Natural Law in theSpiritual World 25c, . Leather Card Cases, Leather Pocket Books, Leather Purses, London Incandescent Slccl Fens, Nos. 1, 1 3, '., 5 k 6, Acme Writing Tablets. 9S, STATE ST. - SALEM, ORB G. W. JOHNSON, CAHIUKS A tfiNl-: LIIS'I' OK CLO T I-IING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc. 235 Coiuiiici'cial Street, - - - Salem. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THK CITY IS AT R. M. WADK & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, 4sJ7 Cliiirlcr Oak Stoves, i , i Brighton Rang AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, Also a Complete Slock of llardiwrifanil Farm Machinery, Wagons anil Carriages CHEAT DISCOVERY-! Dr. I-I. SMITH ,H . t'lX Now 111 iMWMttwlvn of h now illKMiwylH liitHltduu, which Is purely m lixtil nnrtlift lc. mill lids ulmoNt InslMiitniiwiiiNlv uijtliu HirrounrtlnictlMWi-H of Hie iwtli. It U In no way Injurious or iinitlwimiiit l tlio tnMc. TlieinuntirMrturriiMt c-IhIih tlmt luminal hun nrlwii kiinnlfcir,niil l.y iip)lylnu It U th iiIiIvb or Mir tiwth. ifivy ' i-lfHiiHl " 'HI"!! without will!. Houll tlioMi tlmt whiiI nil kinds o(lnUil work dn wHIiout iIii, would lttrall on Dr. J I. Smith. Twin pztmctml for H) oelitu, HENRY SCHOMAKER. 5lHiiu6uHurro The Standard (Jomliiiiatioii Pence! No. 260 CownerclaJ St. ' All Styles LFiitiigJIifl'e to Oder ON 8MOBT NOTIOIi. u Live and Let Live I'aiiit Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and Decorators, AH nrdum will rwolvu iiroiimt uttonlloo. KstliiHttMioiiull kinds of work lu our lino ehtwfully kIvvii. Htttltfitctlou KUiirnntrcU MIIOII III ui Haluiii, (Jr. Sid Court Jlouse on Ooiuv strttt. FOIl 1JAIICJAIN8 IN FURNITURE OO TO ROTAN & WHITNBV, 102 Court Strttt, Sststn, Ortges. Jfnvlns bought out the remulndr r of tli ch'str bieuiry's stock, we nre prerd to sell chain, lower tlun iiDjr bouse lo Ortue it n IV . npr