r EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL rtniusitBU EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. JIY TJIB Capital Journal Publishing Company. IWCOHI-OUATUD Offlff, 112 Contt Strcrt, Oftn House Mock. TKKMB OK 8UIWCHI1TION 1MIJ.Y. -One year, by mull-- m ffl Mx nioiitl), by iiihII n m Three immtlm by tnnll . 1 'Jfi 1'er weK uenvereu ny iwmi'r.... ... jo WKMKI.Y. One year .il BO Hlx innntlii ,- 5 One ymr. If wld for In H(1vhmcc,.- 1 ) Hlx month, " " " W -l'otinitera nre nutborircd to te- CfhoMlljMrlptlallP. Oil'.nrrPi an wfond-C'lRM matter nt Hie HHleiii.Oreon, riMtolUco, Juno 21. 1W8. IT l I f II I I jncaii miiomi jickci. For I'rcsldant, BKKJAMIK IIAIIRIPON, Of lnilhuia. For VIco I'rcsldent: LES'I P. MOJITON, Of Now York. FOR PiUXIIIKNTiAI. El.HCTOItS. Hubert Mclmti,nf Klamath County. Win. Kailt,(if Multnomah County. C. W. rullnn.or CliiUsj;('oiinty. MONDAY, AlMSl'STO, 1KRH. tHWMMaMMMHSNMMKPMMMMMMinWMHB ihiatii tic sucitiiiAN. Tim tt'li-Kniph luinM Hit' wul (Init llllt lllll'Xll'rtl'd) HOWS l)f (il'lll'I'Ill SliiTlilnn'M ili-ath, ulili-h oprtirrcd tit Hl:2(l o'clock ycMiMiluy I'vunltijr. TIio prominent clinnii'lorsol llio war ro liolnx nitiHtiTciI out ono liyoni", tun, wivo the iIInUiikiiIhIkmI Iwulur of llio fi'iIiTiil iirinti'H, lliuri' wns no k'tulur iiiori) fi'tirkwH or Hiii"i'ohifiil limn tho ono who lins JttHt yli'ldi-il up IiIh liit'iUh. ( Irant, Hliurnmit ami Hliuililiiu tiro tlu ureal unmet of tin War; 'I'Iioiiiiih iiiIkIiI hiivo lii'i'it tlii-lr equal In fame If ileath hail not cut slnul IiIm eanvr. (Iniut wiih grunt hi'ciuiHO of .his military liiHtlnct, Ills lover In conduct laro operations, hlx iiiiloniltalilo w 111 anil his iiiikcII' IhIi devotion (o country. Hher llliin nisi) khohmmI tho higher ipiall tlori of ncncndnlilp, ho wiih alert, un tiring, full of ivtMiuri'ON, ami loyally trill) to the cause. l'hll.Sheriilau with all the solid nltilhutcHof the Mililler, wnsn more plcturctiicchar nulor, mi hwtii wihreiir, a very Munil at (ho head of IiIh simitilrtuiH. 'I'h.it wonderful feat of iiillltury gun lu hy which ho tuineil ilufwtt into vli lory, anil wmt tho rotitcil fociuen 'whhllUK "p the valley," aiuounlH tlniiwt to Iimplnitlon. When m1 dwr uro bunion and on a illMiidmly n Hunt, 11 Noilly isuotunniiHto gun Ills that Mm Inl'uso conlldencc In their litvAnU, and fki'e llicin nbnut to iuuk another fluid. Tlii'lr fooling Ih, "Von hail ti In lino once, and fulled onmkoyoiir polnl; what on ,on lo Mlth iim now, weaio K'atcii and ilUK'tvwlV" Hut tho herolo I'hll. vm not at I ho howl of IiIh niniy wIiimi the mutiny repuliMHl It, and theisinlldeiicoof tho Union wikller 111 hi hWIII, and thecNcivLo of that magnetlHin, which could svl the whole Held Mllwinc, htlrivd up the it)ltlilllitut of hUlKtHtcn iIIhU-Ioiim; (hoy IihUwI, ntotl hIhuk, ami with Hit liupctuoiiit clmrgo on tho minu lux lw. turned rout Into iMiiiUit. Ill thoorly jmrt of the war, the reproachful imitation wiw iuUihI, "WlHK'Vlir WW MlllMll lHVHlryiUHII?" Cion. HhurlilHii whh npMlnted til tho MiiuiiiHiiil of that Mrni of the Ktrvkv, Mini the ivpiOMCh of limetlv lly vh mKiii w lpnl out. TIiIm w rlter WHtolttHl for the tcroHterpMrt rH dot uuiiiier tiny, the nmivh of a mvalry OOlUUin, lllllulH'lillK Itl.lHH), pMt Dtp Hottoni In 'lixlnla. Many of tho men rtuniHinttMl, all well Miv plleil with iHiiuuiUMtry ami iiuarior nmter otoix. and In lino iiiiullttoii ftir 0MiiikMlgiiiiiK. (km. Shwidn had hnmght them to (hi Mate of oIlocUvtMit, ami theclttoliiK Mvnc otho lucmnt of the r41 ixp. twl wi llluftmlod with iMiie hrll- Iknt fuMU by tit imvulry. HlMtrklnu wim IuIcum', hi mi! In mhiw, tin Ihmii kiwi ikf h Hikllr. At Hw irku m th liM blown wwUlnic dwlt Hm wmuIuk ""i JVWrmy. he m,l 1IV, h Mmiv uvr tlw Itukl. ll MltHvl up WMnvii'it otrp. u tWUwr mii H4tult; tlw uumwvut wiu luK huuIoim rtwllly UWHMUa. Will tlio rutmiMmlM wwi )4wtl uimU- nrnM. lliU wh n Mtbtal liwid.Hit lit tJw wnr. 'Hw ItmHlllMUttU IwteUHwl H (ItMMMUK nml WKUWIjOUitHl wiUvm- tu tlw witno dash and abandon from all IiIh Hubordlnutc commandcre. This illustrious warrior has gone to an early gruve, as ho had not completed his 68th year. Failure of the heart is L'ivcn as the cuu&c of IiIh death, but it is probable his en. durance was impaired by indiscre tion at tho table. Grant died of too groat fondness for his cigar; Presi dent Arthur of his love of good liv ing ; and this latter victim of gen erous conviviality. Bolomon says: "Jletter is n morsel of herbs than a stalled ox," but men prominent in arms and stutcmauship cannot prac tice frugality. A great man has fallen in our midst; a successful soldier, a de voted patriot and n worthy citizen. Jlis fellow-countrymen mourn his loss.niid ids name will bo inscribed In enduring characters on our annals. i'Aksi: 8i:.vriMi:vr. The I'-ast Orcgonian has told a sentiiiK'nlal story about an Indian lad, nnnied lied Moccasin, who lived near the Umatilla agency, but who committed suicide a week ago. The slory told of him is that his Hlster, who lives In Idaho, left two or three horses in his care, which lie sold for n good price. This moved a half brother lo charge him with stealing tlio horses and appropriating the money obtained from the Mile. This was a new view of the case to lied Moccasin, and lo relieve himself of the Imputation of crime, lie bought the horses back and sent them to his sister. "Hut," says the narrator, "even this did not settle his lacera ted feelings, and the knowledge that he, an honest Indian, had been sus pected or thievery, so worked on his mind that ho committed suicide." Tills Ih very touching, but It does not Justify tho conclusion of the writer that the story shows, "that poor I.o, contrary to nearly nil opin ions regarding him, sometimes pos sesses n sensitive nature, n conscience, and a feeling or seir respect which cannot bear Insinuations against character." To our nppielieiision It shows that persons Irregularly train ed result to desperate deeds on very slight occasion. If this Indian boy had poessed tho "self lesiK'et" at tributed to him by his eulogist, ho would huvo lived down the suspic ion cast on him by his relative and Hhown he was "honest Injun." lie had done a dishonest act; ills pride was stung at Its merited reproof, and lie resorted ton desperate shift to rid himself of a painful unpleas antness. It would be hard to make any moral heroism out of snob an act. ma: I'oon iiii.i.. Tho puro food bill of Mr. l.eeof Virginia, which thehou-ecoinnilttee on agriculture- has agreed to report favorably, substantially applies the principle of the Interstate commerce act to tho prevention of transporta tion U'twcen stall's, or exportation from the United States of any adul terated or wrongfully branded arti cles of food, drink or medicine. The bill makes violation of Its provisions a lulMlciucHiinr, and provide for a line of not lew than $KH), nor more than fl.iKH) for each otleiite, and for Imprisonment on a ocdnd convic tion. In order to carry out this HtHtute, a "food division" Is to Ih oronted In tho detriment of agri culture, with chemists loonled In the prlui'lpMt el tied, and inspectors to test gissls alleged to Ih tmusHirted In violation of law. The mcuro Is a sweeping one, Hint will, If enacted, utll'Ct all that federal authoilty can properly do toward tho prevention of thtfwlti of hdurlous articles of AhhI. Tun appointment of a secretary of the new department of agriculture Is much iIIm'iismhI hi labor circles, and no name Iims as vet been suk gctcd more sccoptablo than tlmtof the proMint tswmuMouer of lalKir otatlstU, Omil D. Wright, wIiom e.pirtius and fklrmwi In the col lection and Interpretation ofstatls tkw ms'iu to lwve won for hhn the fKvor of the orxMiilwtlons of the ixHintry. FuiKin.s MMmtart to Ihhhmiio a tary pnxhnvr of opium. StxtciMi isIhiiU will linMlucv mii initio, ami hh ami f popple will yMil $1,000 wiwth of opium. , Allwuy llenthl: Man'totlug in 1 .In ii county Iihm iIw1okhI tin foot tlutt tlwcmp lo mii uiiiMMlly luwyy imih. Wheat hi hevml UvMlttiftt ItMMnl from luw a vernal W lMtntMfc ItstrHore., whlkMVHtalwvtf run a high h 100 Imw)4 per nctw "HE'S ALL RKJI1T." How tbe Slang I'hrase Is Said to Hare Originated. This crj'i Hke many another that was afterward made popular, la said to have originated as a term of deris ion for the Prohibitionists and St. John, the candidate of that party for President in 1884. It had its origin in the West, and in about this way: Governor St. John had been a Repub lican party leader, as is well known, and when ho accepted the Prohibi tion nomination for the Presidency he was roundly denounced by the Ilepublicnns. They stnrted the cry, "What Is thematter with St. John?" The answer to this was, "Oil he's all right!" Tills was accompanied by a significant shake or the head, which was meant to imply that tho Dem ocratic barrel had been tapped for St. John and that he was abundantly supplied with lucre and liquid re freshments. The Prohis adopt ed the cry and ti'-cd it during the canvass in 1881. When their con vention met at Indianapolis in May last, with more than 1,000 delegates and three times that number of their party friends in attendance, St. John was one of the strong men and ho was mado the permanent chairman. At his Ilrst appearance upon the crowded convention plat form n chorus of voices cried out, .'What's the matter witli St. John?" The answering shout from the mul titude came like a tornado. "He's all right!" and Hint was St. John's welcome by tho Prohibitionists. llalllinore Sun. (Icoris Sbi'iirrrN Iliff. The village of Henton will be prac tically deserted to-day ns tho bulk or tho population will pay a visit to Seattle. The cause of tho exodus is a dog suit, which has been convulsing the town for some time and which has caused so much bitter feeling that it lias made friends mortal en emies and turned husband against wife. 1 1 appears that George Shear er had a valuablo dog wnich devel oped a fondness for running out into tho street and snapping at horses' fetlocks. This went along foe some lime until some person finally got mud unit laid Hie canine out stark and still' with a heavy charge of buckshot. This made Mr. Shearer very angry. The dog was his idol and pet and he straightway began suit for .)0 damages. The matter became at once tho exciting topic of conversation in tho town and as usual in caecs of excitement, more or less ill feeling was created. This growuiitil every ono in llenton had taken sides either for or against GeorgoSnearor's dog. Society is dis rupted and will not settle down Into its normal condition until long after the case has been decided in the courts. Ihf 1'hhlUjC Sraxni. The Hilling season just cIohjiI has lieen a favorable one tot he llsheriuen. Nearly every llshernmn on the river mado from KiH) to $1,000 clear, nnd are able to mniare upold accounts coutniuttHl In the punt t wo j ears when the K'ltMin was a failure. One thing in tliolr flivor N, there linn been less Kir In the river, and very few outside llnliermeii have eotne h-ro this year, leaving the money to be divided among our own llwhemen. As to whether tho canneries have made anything cannot at till- time lie stated. The jwek will full u little short of last year, but the ipmllty Is fur Miporior and will prolmbly bring Uitter prliHw. Mereliauts wero busy yudtenlay settling up accounts and all mhiiii to Ik sMtlstlwl with the re sult of the season's work. It will certainly make time better in Asto ria tilts fkll tliMii for two yewrs past, and thesoMMinJiwt oIomhIiwii Iwsattl to have Ikmu a siiicv.Ail one, Vo niHir. A Drj CuHiitrj. "IIowitoyiHillkvUieSouthwifct?" mid a trHvellng mail to a friend who had Just returned from anextemKHl tour. "Very mueh." "Nltw ellnwte" "Oh, yKj but therw W a trumen dmw dry sommhi where I euie from. It lasttHl aUmt isveii months." "Svn UHHitlw! Tlt would Vw vHMWAKreil nothing in the state that I nuiw fhmi. JMt a dry kh- Min twtthv itiuittlitt everv ver." "Why, whvrw did ywi oonie fwMir" "luwMr-M.wwhMut Tmvir. OtH. ISlw, Mil KX-CteHMHUIlltt, wfclto iUlre4K HmttlHg at strik w Ih VH jwionUy, OwprHHltld at iHaccy. A Minneapolis Bible. "What abeautlfully bound Bible!" said the new minister, calling on a Minneapolis family. "Yes," said tho lady of the house, "my husband don't do things in any nlnin-sheon manner. Tho best calf with red Morocco trimmings, ain't none too good for us. He had this bound especially.for our own use." "Ah! very good. Very good. By the way, let me call your particular attention to a passage of Scripture this morning. Let me see: "Why, w hat does this mean? This is an imperfect copy. The entire book of St. Paul is left out." Certainly; that is my husband's idea." Your husband's idea! Why, that is sacrilege!" "Oh, not at all. This is an age of reason. My husband is a strong Minneapolis man, and got this bible up for homo reading in a Minneapo lis family. This St Paul racket has been running a little too strong late ly." "Well, I'm amazed." "But we're liberal. We're chari table. "Wp'vo been contributing a heap of money to foreign missions lately, but hereafter we shall send it to the St. Paul heathen." San Fran cisco Examiner. In the Vuiuslng Comeilk'tta of ''t'sed Up." Sir Chart Colilstiecun, a ulnM) man ol IWiton, l niiiilo to deprecnto everything In wltlch everybody el-e is supoosed to take an Interest, with the lnnifuld remark t lint "there Is lenlly nothing in it." lie even extended tills erlticlmn to tho crater of Vesuvius, down which lie looked but iiw "notliln? In It." Sueh characters mo scarcer on tills side of the Atlantic than abroad, but they exist hire notwithstand ing. Hurh men need a "lllllp to nature" to medicinally Ktliiiiilnto their Jaded appetite, owicomc their tnsHltndc, and lenew the st of existence. They mid others upon whom the world's enjoyments are begin ning prcinnturely to imll, will linil HoMet tem Sitoiimch llllters . wholei.omo and speedy renewal of Igor mul health. As petite returns, dj speptte und bllloussymr toms disappear, the nerves grow strong, und the hour of retirement Is unfrmight ith uppn lienslon of uneasy repose when this hiipcrlativotonlc Is employed. It rem edies fever and ague, rheumatism aud kid- at troubles. An Absolute Cure. The OIUGINAIj AIJIETINL ) I NTMISNT Is only put up in lnrge two-ounce liu boxes, and is an 1 1 isolate euro for old sores, burns, Hounds, chapped hands, and al! -kin eruptions. "Will positively cure all kinds of piles. A&k for the OIUGINAL. ABIETINT2 OINT MENT. Bold byD. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 25 cents per box by mall 30 cents. anrklen'n Arnlrs Salre. The best salvo In the world fo. its, bruijcs, sores, ulcers, salt rhi'inn, lever wires, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, corns, aud ull skin erup lions and positively cures pile, u no pay required. It is gtinrantcul f ejvi perfect Kitisfuction, or mom r fuiided. Prico 25 cents per U !-'or sale ' Dr. H. W. Cox. Ni:W TO-11AY. ritoroAt.s von troon, lltlUHlMAI-S Wll.l. llKltKCKIVKD IIY I ttuMilnvtiiriiOf hi'IumiI dlittrli'l No .21 in Marlon county until Wednwda.,thel5thof ngtiM. ior mi isirtio nr wihmi anil lUcuril iwk, to iHMleliNeredat liixt shIoiii liiilldliiic; ftixirdii lir wood and 5 cords ink, lo ho ile llM'nil at North NiiU'iii IhiIUIIhk; fl i-onls iwk, to lie deherwt nt South stilim liuild IniC. DAVID SI.M1--ON, lltS-td ScliiMil Clerk. lloiird of Kiiiiillitlini XTOTU'K IS 11KKKI1Y UIVIIN THAT the ltonnl t KiiimlliMtlon mr.Murlon eoiuily, Ore iimi t-boiiM' In Siilciii on Mondii), Augiiht Will IIIMMt U, till. (U. II. 11. n, lswi. biiii (iiniiuue in nwluu then lor line ueek, fur the Hdjuntmeut of itmw IHOtllff. ltelrtl July 31, Is!. T. It. TAITOX. sutwttl Aor of Mrtrlon t., Or. Il'iiiiudfd In 1SUS.) ,AI)l)itl)SII,liiiiita SALiui, oiti:r.ON. rpltANSAlT A UKNKltAI, HANKINU I UOlUM. Kcluiiuf on hU iwiu or Hi world Kld Mud txHunt. OtlttvOonii mtle mi hU xlnt. Male, count.'. , und cltj wMrmnM oulitxl. Loans rvla.de. lntn draw n on ull hunkk In Onm nnd twhlimlou. s-l-twdw MAKKtrr. The SALEM MARKET i COUKT KTRKKT. CVMHMt' oo hand tit Ul quHlltj- of (III H And ull ktttife ol SAUSAGE My. CwlKiulMJbryMtl McCHOW A WH.UR1I, CITY MEAT MARKET D, C. Howard, Proprietor. HTATKBrKBOT, . &VU1M, ORHBO.V. ETT ADVERTISEMENTS. Kru.it Farms! 'ION, OREGON LAND COMPANY Hns now for fnle twenty-five 10-ncre lots on luo M-njt lne of tne river.from Z1' tm miles lrom Snlem and near tho 150-acre fruit farm owned by Jlr if o Wallace, of Salem. These lots arc all nicely situated within sight of the Capital City, and having a grand -view of the snow-capied peaks of tho CaeaHp range. c The Soil is of the Very Best Quality For the production of KKUIT, and somo of the lots are nlicady set out to trees that are in full bearing. Ono lot has (several hundred I'HUJs'E trees on it: another, a l.inrn number of the finest l'LUM trees; and others have CIIEIUIY and APPLE tree on All Lots Front on a. Road And theroadleadlngtofnlem Is now being graveled, and will bo one of the FINrsr Hill VES leading out of the city. It Is generally conceded that Investment in FIIU1T LANDS at the present time oilers a better assurance of largo returns than any other form of Investment. Trlcri now being paid for fruit in balcm by tho Willamette Valley Fruit Company Insure, at a Low Estimate, from $250 to $500 per Acre! .- The close proximity of Sir. Wallace's trult farm of 150 ncres to these lots insures a I ruit Cannery, nnd thus inconvenient mnrket, nssoouns tho trees are old enough to Call on the Oregon AT TIIUU IJanlilllocli on And they will SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank, HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES! Scribkr : and : Pohle. "MfciwiifmiiMj!UnaaMi WM. BROWN & CO. DBALKK IX- B O" O T IS S : O r H ' S H PIE'S S Leather and Fiefa! " "Ymf HUB -THE- Land Company, OFFICE IN TIIC Commercial Street FREE OF CHARGE. nltSdw. rlHV",ii1"k"ln?!lrtB.W ....,, ".ius, cic iioin our own make nnd tho best eastern mado buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on tho undersigned, wagon and car riage makers nnd blacksmiths, i&sk;, al.' and Ull Commeicial street, Salem. ' iv YO'' iB JzMh CASH PAID FOR Wwl, HMq, Pells aad Furs. i.t'ii S.VLB5I, - . OREGON. Cnmiu mxIm, ku iMVMUt ttU, milk UaUmh, UHHtHttded at istmug A Cu.' CliildreaCryftfPicr'jCa5(sria flWVM, WMl II WltK ft MmilW IMO m4Mt; liai w aMkllUl uml )WnMMui awl U rultv.l tke CUldreiiCrjfcrPiicler'jCajtflria fS?Sf,tttMJ