Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 04, 1888, Image 3

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jgutd Account of Doings in Cily and
pr. and Mrs. Gray are home
' V.-it-rnin iind BrenarinK for
Man t-uiv ... T....ni.,t
J,e Blind, Tvhich tvM take
upe some uuiu "v. ---
nnrt a very l'1 -
Stotfat the Teachers' National
invention in San Francisco. They
iltly enjoyed many drives with
Sir former townsman, when living
SeDalles, Judge W. Lair Hill
Jho showed them all the good
"" ... t- ,m. otin Ilia nrp.
,lntSOftIieir iuim -;; -i-
Oakland. The Doctor
ent home,
,nd wife were also ionuuuw m
J-of the party that Messrs. Ban
mft & Co., the well-known pub
ffl took to the Cliff House,
rllen Gate Park, Nob Hill and
-her prominent places. They cor
Tjrate the universal testimony
that Prof. McElroy, State Supt.,
u indefatigable in his efforts to
..read the just praises of Oregon.
They return rested, refreshed and
ready for the duties of their respon
sible positions in ii:ii "j""."
Without solicitation tne journal
feels like adding that any person
mnwinir of any one in tne state ue-
pnved of sight would do well to let
Dr. Gray know the address.
Surprise Party.
A pleasant surprise party was giv
en last evening in honor of Misses
Iary and Alice Steiner. The party
was a complete surprise, the young
ladies finding the house in possess
ion of the guests upon their return
from the baud concert. Following
u a list of those present: Misses
Mary Steiner, Alice Steiner, Mary
Matthews, Ida Diusmore, Minnie
Thatcher, Laura Starr, Emma Starr,
Mary Stuart, Jessie Southwick, Ida
Burley.'Nellio Southwick, Ella Bur
ley and Cora Blosser; Messrs. Har
ry Singleton, Jos. Baumgartner
and Gaylord Cooke. A delightful
ereuing was spent by all present
with games and music. Ice cream
was served and the guests departed
at a late hour.
Prefers Oiegon to All.
After leaving Oregon last fall,
Prof. M. V. Rork, a Michigan edu
cator from Lansing, took charge of
the public school at Missoula, Mon
tana. He made somewhat of a tour
of that territory, of the towns on
the Sound, and of California. But,
til things considered, he prefers
Oregon for a permanent home. He
has decided to send for his wife, and
become a "Webfoot.
Another Incorporation.
Messrs. G. A. Waggon, W. H.
'Rick and B. T. George, have filed
articles of incorporation for a com
pany having for its object the acqui
sition and salo of coal, iron and other
mineral and wood Jnnds and the
PWduets thereof; also for the build
ing of roads, etc. The capital stock
is f 100,000 In 'shares of ?100 each.
The office is at Corvallis.
Coming to the Coast.
The Examiner, the San Francisco
lFr that naturally has no special
teve for Los Angeles, admits that
W-OOO people are bonked for the lat
wcity this winter. This is mcu
toned to show that the tide of im
aifiration to the Pacific Coast is not
Bhaiuted. Oregon will surely re
wive its share.
Spying out the Land.
The real estate meu report a great
"' letters of euquiry, and are
owing mauy people from abroad
w properties for sale around here,
"we can be no question that as the
u advances and eastern people
ve West, many homo buyers and
"irestora will wi timtr ivn. in.
fiikm. "'
For Sale.
good stroilL' linnut fip ftipm nr
W. Innnlro nt T rmiwt.t i.. i
,.. .. uilUVJtl, 1.1 iuo
Remember tho Sabbath Scluol
"ieeain the W. O. T. IT. mm.
I ""O'Punduy afternoon at a o'clock.
4 a Wbbki.y Jour.vai, to your
" In the oast; it costs no more
u a postage stamp.
Crwun soda, Ice cream soda, milk
lemonades, at Strong Co.'s
inlesa dental operatl
Smith's, 02 State sti
ons at Dr.
Ciiliren Cry
People Talked To and People Talked
About. Their Goings and
Mr. Matt. Brown waa in from
Miss Esther Hall is visiting Miss
Llda Cranston near Silverton.
Miss Ada and Anna Breyman are
visiting at Holland, Mich. They are
expected home about the 20th of
this month.
Our school Marms at San Fran
cisco, when last heard from expected
to start for home about the 10th of
this month.
Miss Myra Burnett, who has been
spending the summer with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Burnett, left for her
homo to-day.
Miss Meek, who has been the
guest of Miss Nellie Gilbert for sev
eral weeks, returned to her home in
Oakland, Cal., Thursday.
Dr. E Y. Chase is busy moving
his household goods over to his new
purchase of the mill and residence
at Lincoln . Mr. Hurst, with whom
he traded, is expected to move into
the Chase house here, next week.
Dr. Doano left to-day for Port
land, where he will preach to-morrow,
at Grace church, for Rev. Dr.
Houghton, who is East.
Her friends will be glad to hear
that Mrs. Gilnian, wife of the
Assistant Secretary of State, who
has long been an invalid, is improv
ing in health.
Mr. arfcl Mrs. Arthur Breyman
and three children, who have been
visiting the family of Eugene Brey
man in this city, returned to their
home in East Portland, to-day.
Rev. P. S. Knight, of the school
for the Deaf Mutes, and one of Ore
gon's ablest lecturers, went to Port
land to-day on his way to the Chau
tauqua Assembly, on Vashou Island,
between Tacoma and Seattle. He
lectures on "Parasitism"' next
Clint Muuroe had just started
from his hotel for the depot with
that spanking team, when some
one hailed him from the porch.
With a mighty muscular effort he
pulled the horses back on their
haunches and enquired "What did
yjusay?" "Goodbye." "Ohyes,",rc-
marked Monroe amid a general
In response to the invitation of
Mrs. Burnett a few of their friends
gathered at the residence cf Mr. Q,
H. Burnett and wife to do honor to
Miss Burnett. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. C. B: Moores, Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Belt, Mr. and Mrs. Lafore, Mr.
and Mrs. M. N. Chapman, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mack,
Mrs. Huelat, Mrs. Jordan, Miss
Emilio Huelat, Miss Wellio Iiiely,
Miss Lizzie Ricly, Miss Wellio Gil
bert. Miss Carrie Moores. Mr. E. P.
McCornack, Mr. P. H. D'Arcy, Dr.
Will Bird, E. L. L. Johnson, H. S.
Jordan, Lena Breyman, Minnie
Impromptu Ilp.
A most delightful impromptu hop
was given at Diamond's hall Mon
dayevening. The "Wandering Min
strel" orchestra furnished the most
delightful music in the most perfect
time. Very few of our young peo
ple had ever heard or seen a harp,
and all were delighted with it.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Man
ning, Miss Lena Breyman, Nellie
Boise, Lizzie Church, Minnie Brey
man, Neilio Gilbert, Nellie Edes,
Nellie Litchfield, Edith Hughes,
Grace Piper, Llllie Litchfield, Miss
Meek and Miss Scanlan of Oakland,
California, Messrs H. Jordan, It. P.
Boise, O. A. Piper, E. L. L. John
son, W. J. D'Arcy C. Baker, H.
Myers, F. Hughes and G. Shirley.
In Honor or. Miss Meek,
Miss Nellie Gilbert entertained a
few friends Wednesday evening In
honor of her friend, Miss Meek. The
evening was very pleasantly Hpont
in convention, cards, cnarauos etc.
A .lnllnious lunch was Kirved and
the guests departed at a very late
hour. Tho- enjoying the evening
wore Mrs. I. S. Gibert, Mrs. M.
Seott, Mrs. G. Ilerron, Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs-. II. F.
Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maek,
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Maunlng, Mis
Breyman, Miss Minnie Breyman,
Llzaie Churoh, Carrie Moores, Es
ther Hull, Ethol Cutback, Miss
Plummer, Miss Cosper, Mb Bur
nett, Miss Poun, Messrs. P. II.
D'Arcy, H. & Jordan, V. J.
Children Cry k Pitcher's Caitoria
The Prohts Raise a Flag, and are
Warming Up for
The prohibition orator, M. V.
Rork had a trying time last even
ing In delivering his open air speech.
The Hag was raised according to pro
gram, with the names of Fisk and
Brooks inscribed; but the band start
ed out shortly after the orator began
speaking, and a portion of his audi
ence showed a preference for music
before eloquence. Quitea littlecrowd
stood by tho speaker, however, and
he was encouraged to go on.
He took up the tarifi' question, of
course ; no man can discuss politics
in this campaign without going deep
into homo and imported products.
Tariff talk he described as political
jugglery. No party can be. abso
lutely free trade and none dare bo
altogether protective. The demo
crats in St. Louis stolo their cam
paign thunder from the republicans,
and tho latter retorted with tho ac
cusation of free trade. Tho simple
fact is, he said, there is no diflercnee
between the old parties, and no man
can tell which doctrine lie should
hold to be a consistent member of
Salem does not tax tho man who
has a wagon, nor tho man who has
a buggy to build. Your school prop
erty and public buildings also go
untaxed. It spreads its tax pro rata.
So let tho nation do away with in
direct taxation, which robs in tho
dark, as the Turkish tax-fanner pur
sues his depredations in the night,
and do away with the gatherers of
customs and custom-houses. Then,
if foreign goods come to our shores
which wo can't compete with, or
such as we do not want, forbid their
lauding. If foreign laborers come
here English, Italian, or Chinese
paying no tariff duty and bringing
down wages, tell them to keep on
their own side of the pond. We
want no moro protection for
capital and free trndo for labor. But
as this is purely a social and econo
mic question, it would be well to get
it out of the hands of politicians,,
and save ourselves this quadrennial
The speaker dwelt on that juto
factory in California, owned by a
white man with a Chinese partner.
Under the plea of protecting home
industry, a tax of two cents is laid
on every sack . the farmer uses for
his grain, which costs tho country
half a million dollars a year. Mr.
Rork had visited that nourishing
factory and found tho hands em
ployed were Chineso and newly im
ported Scotch girls. Ho regarded
this as a strange way of protecting
home industry.
Tho grand jury of San Francisco
city and county in their report last
week said we used to ask what shall
we do with our boys? The question
is now changed to what are our
boys going to do with us? That
city is under the control of the
criminal classes drunkards, thieves,
prostitutes, and gamblers. This dis
turbing clement is . thoroughly or
ganized to resist the law ollleers und
there is a carnival of misrule. I To
haw no hope for a change so long as
the citizens continue to vote as dem
ocrats and republicans, instead of
combining against tho thugs by elect
ing officers of known integrity and
fearless in the performance of duty.
This, ho said is true of every large
city, it is good prohibition doctrino
and it is bound to win.
Tho speaker was several times
applauded during his speech and
also at the close.
Best lino of tobaccos at Speight
Call on Winters & Thomas for tho
best groceries in town 1
Cream soda, Ice cream soda, milk
shakes, lemonades at Strong & Co.'s
If you are ruptured call on Dr.
Portorfleld for treatment, at the
Monroe House, room 0, until Aug.
7th. d-t-sut.
A Russian cruiser has been order
ed to Behring sea to prevent Eng
lish and American vohsols from fish
ing in Russian waters.
Knrklea'i Amir Stlre.
T!iu bust wilve in tho world f.i
ins, liniIht,oics, ulcers, saltrheum,
eor oro, tetter, chapped hand,
.'illbluins, corns, and all skin oruj
liona, and positively cures piles, or
no jiay required. It Is guaranteed
to give iorfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Prlco 25 cents per box.
For halo Dr. H. W. Cox.
for Thk Capital
Children CrykPiicher's Caitoria
The 0rtt Land Knttrrrls.
Jitiergetic measures are being
adopted bv the MpTlrein Tjincl final
.uovcionment Co., for tho carrying
out of the great enterprise to which
we alluded in a recent issue in con
nection with the Grant of Laud it
has required in the state of Tamau
lipas, Mexico. Tho hardest of the
surveying Is alreadv done, and It is
estimated that In a year, 4,S00,000
acres can be surveyed, of which the
Company will take 1,000,000 acres.
The land has navigable rivers, aud
harbors, aud coal, aud dense forests
of fine timber, and petroleum, and
precious metals, and other minerals;
but suppose it had nothing at all ex
cept the bare land, and suppose that
it uws ma onng more man tne i.o
per acre, you might figure what tho
profit will be on some million acres.
We know what land is. Wo can
see it. It is always where wo can
examiuo it. The most successful
companies for some years havo been
organized on land. Tho whole world
knows what a boom there was in
Southern California last vear, and
tho many fortunes that were made.
None of these begin to compare
with this enterprise in magnitude,
nor in its possibilities. It comprises
not alone millions of acres of land
but the opening for many industries.
Sec the Company's advertisement
I'rcilijtfiian Chnrrli.
There will be no preaching ser
vices at tho Presbyterian church
next Sabbath nor thereafter during
tho month of August. The Sabbath
School will be held at the usual
hour (12 m.) and the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor will
hold service each Sabbath at (:;!0 p.
in. The pastor, H. A. Newell and
his family expect to bo absent from
the city. The audience room will
be thoroughly refitted and decorated
during the mouth.
Kuptuif Cm oil.
No charges for examination or
consultation, and a cure guaranteed
in every ease undertaken or money
refunded. Of tho many cases treat
ed by Dr. Porterfield during the
past year in Red Bluff' and Redding,
not ono but will recommend his
treatment highly. Don't neglect
this opportunity. The sooner a rup
turo is treated the easier It is cured.
Dr. Porterfield will bo at tho Mon
roe Houms, room 9, until Aug. 7th.
A So u ml Legal Opinion.
E. Baiubrldgc Munday Esq.,
County Attv., Clay Co., Tex. savs :
"Havo used Electric Bitters with
most happy results. My brother
also was very low with Malarial
Fever and jaundice, but was cured
by timely use of this medicine. Am
satisfied Electric Bitters saved his
Mr. D. I. WileoxMHi, of Horso
Cave, Ky adds a like testimony,
saying: llo positively believes ho
would have died, had it not been for
Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward oil,
as well as cure all Malaria Disease,
and for all Kidney, Liverand Stom
ach Disorders stands unequaled.
Price COc. and 1, at Dr. H. W. Cox.
The motto of California means, I
have found it. Only in that land of
sunshine, where the orange, lemon,
olive, figandgrapo bloom and ripen,
aud attain their highest iorfectlou
in mid-winter, are the herbs and
gum found, that are used in thi't
nlcasant remedy for all throat and
lung troubles.
Santa Aim: thornier of coughs,
asthma and consumption. Mr. D.
W. Matthews lias been appointed
agent for this valuable California
remedy, and sells it under a guar
antee at 51 a bottle. Three for?i,r0.
Try calikokxia CAT-n-ciJJti:, tho
only guaranteed cure for catarrh. $1,
by mall $1,10.
Clirap and llrllf,"litrnl.
A grand and cheap excursion to
Yaquina leaves Salem, Friday, Aug.
3, on Eugene Express at 11 a. in.,
arriving at Yaquina at G:.'tO p. in.
Tickets for tho round trip from
Albany ONLY ?i!.G0. This is tho
lowest rate ever given to excursion
ists over the Oregon Pacific Railroad
aud everybody should avail him
self of this opportunity to visit
Yaquina Bay and surroundings.
Tickets for sale at II. W. COX'S
DRUG STORE. Apply early as
only a limited number of tickets can
be sold. tf.
like (lie Light Wright!
Oftlie profMmUmjMik'lIlMk', the IdilnuyH nit
Biimll but active In a tnt ol liuiltli. Tliclr
M-crtttlon ooutHliiii Imparl tin prmluvtlvtj of
rlieuiiiHllhin, Kout mm tlroiMy, (fallowed to
rtmmlti. When tlioy are limrtlve, tlin
IjIikhI hceomew clmkot with unlmul clelirU
uipuble of ilMtroylng Ills. Tri promote
their HitU Ity "llBIl KlllKK'ltll Willi IliMteU
ter'M BUilimch Hitter, U lint only to guard
aifHlniit the clUeuM mentioned, hut to
prtnent the fatty defeneration anil ultl
mtitf destruction of the oricana hv
by thiMto
exceedingly (laiiRerouM iiiHludlw llrlKhl'n
dlMMMi und dlalxttM. Activity or the
liladdernlsoliuiiiwilt nealnst the forma
tion of gravel, which It MtmetlmeH require
one of the mom dangerou and twlnful
oiwmtloni in Mirgery to remove. Gravel,
moreover, U iiiohI agonizing oomplalnt.
The Hitter further commend themitehe
by remedying enmdl nation. dyNpeiwht
debility, liter complaint und nervoiuiiiMui,
and nullify Intlue uh productive of,
malarial dUeane.
Mr. T. S. Darby, of Ktayton,
brought in his little girl to Dr. Hhol
ton, this morning. Two years ago
she struck her knee against a bed
post, und tho limb lias given much'
trouble since, and Is now consider-
fl ultipritinil flMtr. TAa Iisvuj i
restore It to It normal prortionv,
by proiHir treatment.
T. McF.
Has just
Cambridge Bibles,
Plain and Fancy Stationery,
Embossed Scrap Pictures,
Birthday Cards,
Day School Rewards,
Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25cf
Leather Card Cases,
Leather Pocket Books,
Leather Purses,
London Inderal Slcol Pons, Nos. 1, 1 3, ., 5 k 6,
Acme Writing Tabids.
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc.
2155 Commercial Street,
R. M. WAD 13 & CO'S
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Also a Complete Slock of Hardware anil
How In jmmmmmUjii ofn new dlwovory In
iiicxlluliiu, wlitttli Inpiiri'lyu loail iinudtliul
lc, iiml iirtH iilunwt liiKtHiilHiixoiixly on Urn
Kiirrmiiidliik' IIimiim r tint U-ctli, It U In
no wiiy InjurloiiH or unltwMiiit to tlitt
lHto. TIih iiiHIitllhoturcni of ll cIhIiii thut
it iiml Iium iiuvurlxwn known boforu, mill
ly itiilylii It K Uih MHiHltlvtt or wire
tenth, tfiiiy (tan l' alwintHl mid flllil
without twin. Bo nil tlioMt I Im I wmit nil
klndHof dfiitJil work dona without iialti,
would ltt4ronll onllr.lt. Knillh. 'IWIi
extracted (or 00 oenU,
The Standard Combination Fence!
Ho. 260 Commercial St.
All Styles ol Fencing Made to Order
Garland Staves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Brighton Hang
Farm Machinery, Wagons anil Carriages
no to
102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon,
KuvIiik iKiiiitlit out tho roninlndur of tu
chair fiidtory'K itock, wu uro pri'piirrd to
null ulmlrit louvr than uuy Iiouho In Oregon
u Live and Let Live Faint Shop.
House, Sign
General Painters.
Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and
All order will rratlva prompt ultenlWin.
KllmiiU on nil kind of work In our llao
eNwrfully Riven. rUUnftuitloii KtmruntMH.
Hhou In Old Court llounu ou Court trtt,
Bale in. Or.
- -. k.j r