Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 04, 1888, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company.
OQcr, I IV Court Strtct. Optra House Dlock.
One yfrxr. by mall .,... .... to if)
Hlx month, liy mall 2 tfl
riirpn month liv until 1 'Jfi
I'or wtk delivered by twrrier... ... 15
One ytwr JI )
Hlx month "ft
One yr. If twill for In advance, 1 (JO
Hlx month. ' CO
vroMtintMbtrn Are fuithorired to re
ceive Miltwrlpllon.
JWIClllorcl HH MTOlld-ClU niHtlor Ht tlic
Halem.OruKOii. 1 Wolllee, Juno !i. lm
Republican National Ticket.
For I'rtwlrtont,
Of Indiana.
For Vlco President:
Of Now York.
Foil I'jtIlIli:NTIAI. Kl.HCTOItB.
Ilobcrt Mrliili,r Klmniilli Comity.
Win. Kiijiiih, r .Miilliiiiiniili Chi. nly.
c. v. i'(iiiui,nr ('iiiiMiirciiiinty.
1 0 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 I Ih liuvinj llli' Willie ll'nll
li( villi pauper iiiiiniraiilH who
land on IhthIioivh in hordes and be
iioiiw pulillc lniiilciiH dial thin coun
try had for yearn, and lntlll having.
'tlioiiKlt Hie nulwiiire has lieen ineiiH
iinihly iiliuted liy IcglHliillon for (lie
hint few year. 'I'hivo juuiperx, when
they do not In im a charge on the
community which In pontcrcd with
t Iii-iii, coino Into competition with
tho working nif ii of KiikIuiuI ly
doliiX hIIw1um1 work for prlccH far
hclow what the Holf-nwpcctlnj; la
borer with ti family to mipport eim
alliird to accept, and niiich of the
nilnury of the KiikIIhIi workman,
which In attrlltntcd liy our protce
t Ion htaUmmcn to "free trade," In
directly traceable to this caiine.
A committee of tho Iioiihc of cont
moiiH him been grappling with the
problem of miiHtr immigration for
Millie time, and about the niuM mii
Hlble Kolutlou that Iimh Ihvii Htiggettt
ed Ih the eHtiibllHliment of the kiiiiic
nyntem of liiHpccllon that Is now In
practice In New York. ImmlgrantH
with no ineaiiH of mipport and no
friend In the country to guaranty
that they will not become a public
burden, are to be refused ixTiiilsalnu
to laud, and the Hteamlioat coinimn
Itw luvepttug Mich persoiiH uh pio-i'lt-Horn
will be held lvpoiiHihlc fol'thotx'
who nmy Hiicccctl In landing lit Nplto
of tho law. If this Milutlou Ih
tulnptcd by parliament, it will not
bo tho llrvt time that tho mother
country htM tnkeii a hint Horn the
legislative wImIoiii of her ellllil.
Tiik Autorlnu plueeKtliemiiiie otl
Jiwto on tlttt vlue of a "write up"
in h big owMtcru pMH'r tlmt Tin:
Joiminai. Iihm e.iieMtl. "The
pniMwltl(iii MiuudH t'Hlr enough,"
hyH our (sitoin, "but theadvertUlng
limtter U nlwHyw riiuoti tluM m.
of h Sil page (Saturday iimiiiiiioth edl
lion, In Mippleiiient form, and Ih
rwndy looked Ht by tho iuot eumml
rwitlor, Inilng ivmllly rvtKiiWed h
wlil limtter." Then Irt and St pwge
pttpor wu rKHMl mh niUMpplled Ih
Imr. A biinlnew man ewn devote
but half hii hour to con over the
market Hitd mm tho now of the
ily. Thootiideiit (WiicpMiviiomoiv
tluif, Ihhmiim he Iihh IiIh regtiUtr
eouit o-f iMdlng, and tho working
man tUther tMktw u ehoHp dally or a
lvtnkly pKirx. Thin uvwumoh
of oueye!oillo htutl' dUchurgml on
tliH liiwtl tvf the riMdur U gt up at
grout exKMid, but Iihh eHiiwith
ly (w ntodew.
TnitNirtlitii lWttlc glvo o.ihi
4nu ratM to towchen. hihI thiw
imliw will Ivrun during the pnvtit
month. Tiw wMolen tf tho wt
llHVtf HH11 Mllgllt 111 til MtlltMl UH-
gmiklnV rtrMHiHtlntt; uow tht hh
HglUM (4OW m willing! to lUtlll
thMiM4vM( of thx ojHHrUiiitly to mh
wlMtt hi tIMr (vmI nmriu. TltUU
nil In tlw d I root km uf MiUtltutiiig
ond tMtc)iliig rw our muli dtnrtl
tUXt UHtkft.
In IShkIMhi tm ThurvlMy whIU
thu iYmIU NVhIIm ImIh wiw Mug
made up, tltw wutlrw fivut iwIUkI tnit
f j frMJght Mtr, togolhttT with tiw
vh4ud tnwk. tkwh mm NWt
In n tndH UHUr full lmadwuyHilgUt
Its Coal Minen, Its Lumber Resources
and Its Rapid Growth.
Lack of Agricultural I,and--HuidneM
Cliance for Sulcmltm.
The traveler reaches Tncomn by
the train that Iouvch l'ortlund, at 11
u. in., and that connecUi with the
Callforuiii exprewi, that pawses
through Baleiii nt8n. in. Orliemay
make the trip during thenight. The
fare Ih C.i. The llrt stop i.s niiide
at the town depot on the iimg
nillceiit, broad and wellgraded Pacif
ic Avenue 100 feet wide. This Jh ul
ready of gwil length and i.s being
rapidly extended at both ends out
in the miburbs and over a coiihider
able grade in one direction, and down
to the wharf and freight depot in the
other. A couple of weekH ago a
twenty-live foot frontage in tho btis
incab jiiirt of UiIh avenue was oll'ered
"for a few dayH only" for fclo.oooi
For varioiiH good and Hiilllclcnt reaH
oiiH I didn't buy at tho time, and now
it Ih doubtful whether it could be ob
tained at that ilgiire. Tho town rii-cs
abruptly from the deep waterwofthe
Hound and tho large Hal that over
flows when the tide rises, and the
streets appear in terrace form till,
after much climbing, you reach the
erown of the hill and lind more level
ground. Tho streets and avenues
arc broad and an immense amount
of grading Is being done. Many
springs gtiHli out of these hills and
while not (llillculttoeontrolaroorten
very advantageous. As you go up
from the wearf and depot under the
shadow of the high blull', a sign says,
"Let lilm that Is athirst come," and
a strong spring of delleiously cool,
clear water, and a cup enable you to
qiicnuli your thirst. A trough atlbrds
cool free drinks for horses. At the
corner of 17th and I) streets ice cold
water, clear as crystal, runs from a
spring in some one's garden, and
many a thirsty passer by can be seen
stooping and "at the fountain drink
ing." Tlie humane proprietor has
placed a spout and a half barrel that
horses may be conveniently watered
too. Driving beyond tho I'liyullup
Indian Reservation, (beside which
as to buildings, grounds, appearance
of children, etc.. Chemawii under
tho oil abused Col. I.ce is n paradibc,
perhaps liecauso nioro money has
been allowed;) u novel watering ar
rangement Is met with. You can
dilve up to an overturning trough
fed from a perennial spring, and
while watering your horses you can
without leaving your scat, reach up
to a shelf In a hollow pillar and take
a cup of water fit nil under a pipe
that connects witli.'.ho saino spring.
I n looking overTaconia for the rea
sons of tho rapid and very substanti
al growth, you HiNt note favorable
position on salt water with no bar to
oroH to the ocean. Then It Is the
Northern I'nciltc ralluud terminus
and headquarters. This company
and Mime of its prominent stockhold
er have done and will do much for
the place. The road hasbceu brought
through the ('tiHcudcsso that puwii
getx and freight can roach Taeoiua
and connect with bouts for Seattle,
Victoria and all way jsilnts, with
out going round by Portland a for
nictly. Yet several m-cnger and
freight trains g to and from Port
land dally. The railroad oouimiiy
IsJiiMt completing a umgultkviit and
They have much land to m1I, and
they continue toadvortlse and Iksiiii
it on that account. Mr. (Ml. Wright
ha built the Annie Wright Young
ldlen' Seminary, iiImi a Hoys'
School, endowing each with fAO.OOO.
Ilohasalso built and given to the
tow u a handsome KphcoHillaii
stoiiechurch. The eltluns have sub
mtiIkhI $7iVHW, w hether or not In ad
dition to laud 1 forget, for u Method.
lot University.
The city property owners oluii-
tarlly ta tlteiiiMvlvo pretty heavily
to have the strxvts well graded.
Tlis N. 1. railroad has hU built the
lluoM hotel north of San Francisco,
and tbr all It contain hundrxHlsof
twins and tliat they charge high
rate, tlwy frequently hav t turn
guohls away far kwk if aHHiiiiHHla
tkin. Hut whsn yai mki tlw Ug coal
bunkers Mippllsl from the mliws,
KMiie thirty miles dUtant, and said
toWaluHM liaekhaiteUlita, and t lie
lniiiien saw mills drawing frxHii
the foeMs arxMind, with lumUrHiid
ooal slilw, by the dikn, loading Am
lawm and AKvitfti isa-ts, mh Idea of
Taemua'. backing ean 1k iiAitaliusl.
Thw mill at Old 'lwn, In a iMittest
with h mill further north, ctit In oaa
lay ovir 4UI.UXI rWt. HiuulrtHU f
itMii mtw ttugMgfel In aaoh mill and
humlrvUHHWhi Uw kiting eaiups,
Svrat mw milk ar already IkjImk
bttllt. KunUUllv J&eturitM ami at kar
llruufbUUtlritMltrullLnl.tr full h.util.
' i
way. Lately the first of a line of
tea ships came In and a number of
long trains filled with chests of tea
were hurried across the continent.
There is said to be plenty of Iron ore
within easy access, and that the
prospect is good for Its Boon being
worked. The climate in summer is
very enjoyable, and tho mild even
though wet winters, strike the many
whom extensive advertising has at'
tracted there, as exceedingly desir
able. Business Is quite lively. Many
Oregon jieople are met with. Our
pastor and I boarded with Mrs.
Mann, formerly of this town. Mis
ritannus and others who had at
tended the Villametto university,
were present, and enquired after
Salem and her people. Young Mr.
McClaine, of Silverton, has estab
lished the National Bank of Com
merce, mid is doing a good business.
There Is not much open farming
and garden land around Tacoma,
and fruit, vegetables, eggs and poul
try come largely from Portland, as
tho distributing point fur the Willam
ette, and from San Francisco. We
ought to find a good market here for
much of our surplus until tho Ptiyal
lup valley is under nioro thorough
cultivation. One gentleman express-
sed wonder that a city like Salem
did not have an agent there and at
Seattle to make shipments direct.
There may be something in that
worth ourmerchauts' and producers'
consideration. A marked feature
that Salemltes might well imitate is
the absence of croakers, and the con
fident tono of all who speak of the
ptcxcnl and future of "the City of
I)estiny,"'iis they call it. But great
as the attractions are they do not sat
isfy all who go there, and some are
met who prefer nioro prnirio and
funning land and who come to this
I was glad to sco consider
able Salem advertising mutter freely
distributed on thesouth bound train.
Public school buildings were good in
number and size. Not being in ses
sion they were not visited. Churches
are numerous. The Y. M. C. A., W.
C. T. V., Blue Itibbon Club, Prohi
bition (iubaniKioodTeniplur Lodge
were all active, though engaged in a
business venture during the day. 1
preached for IOsucccnsIvc nights, and
thrice did double duty by subse
quently addressing the two above
named clubs on Prohibition and In
itiating members in the lodge, Ex
Supreino Judge Jtoger S. Greene, a
very able man of high moral char
acter Is the prohibition nominee for
delegate to Congress. Prof. CJ. M.
Miller, late nominee for Congress is
speaking In his behalf now, and they
daily expect a Territorial Organizer
from the Fast.
J. V. W.
ll.WTiNT ('ileum. Corner of
l.lijcrty and Marlon streets. Bev.
A. It. Medbury, pastor. Services
at lO:iMi a. m. mid 7::t0 i m. Sunday
School at noon. Young Peoples'
meeting at H:I5 p. m. Weekly
prayer Meeting Thursday evening.
All are cordially Invited.
KvAMiKi.icw. Curm-H. Bev. J.
M. Dick, pastor. Preaching on Sun
day at KWOa. si. and "rflO p. si. Sun
day school at 1U si. All are cordi
ally Invited.
CilitisTiAN Ciu'iu-ii. Klder P.
B. Burnett, jmstor. Preaching at
1:H0 a. m. and 7uH0 p. ni. Sunday
fculiool at 12 in. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:80 p. in.
M. K. Ciiriini. Services' will be
held in the M. K. church to-morrow
as follews: .Morning, at lustO;
Evening at 7uto, Sunday
school at 12 si. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at Ou'W). All aiv
Invited. Seats free. Bev.
ltoiuus, ixisior.
A sIurp riRlit In lJirno.l.
Biwro.N, Aug. 8. Theiuook sword
practice Uitwoou Viennese fencers
tit Bijou Theater ended last night
In a real duel. For some months
past Mathllde Tagiiian, a tall, dark
Austrkui Uwuty, has been the favor
ite Hwonlswonwti of Prof. Hartl, the
inaimgar, who paid her many com
pliments, AllthethneAiinaBraut-
slo, a small blonde, has liven Jealous
oi nur lag rival, and to-night w'.ioii
thetwoeame on the stajre. blood
was In the eyos of both. After sjiar
ringa fow moments, Branuloruehml
upon her opponent w 1th great furv.
They iwrrkul and fought in Hugr
ror ai wnsi niUMit mtiiuters The ati
dlMU rxvse to Its fHt and yelkl and
ehenHl the etHiilmtanU, whlU st
eral ladlaa Watetl. Miwllv Bmnt-
ki Airvl the tall favorite to the
wingaof the tlwatar, Inttt Iht down
UJKHl tlw llotir im the stMtf Mild acta
ally hiUkI her Imlr in token of vb
Prof. Hartl wlw came forwHMUi
stop the Hght, whm MMtihHl ly
Umntalo and dri- utl tk Mag.
No lansh hwonl imiotUv was ovr
moii In BortoH iHifcrH. Prof. HHrtl
wj'a the BraaUo girl ks au ungav
riiMbk taHijHir aial he mwt ret rkl
tf lwr. 'lgiM fW4 )HmillMtil
owr Iwr lUftjat tuul j- lwhjHg.
Spwlil Cfcnrth Jtotlcti.
Itev. C. C. Poling, Presiding
Elder, will preach for Rev. It. Dick
in the Evangelical church to-raor-row
Bev. William Rollins will offici
ate In the country in the morning
for Dr. Harrington. Presiding Elder
1 and Eev. J W. Webb has consented
to occupy tue pulpit in town.
No services in the Congregational
Church as the new pastor, Eev. Mr.
Brown, has not yet arrived.
Wbat Florida Tcople Lire On.
"What do you Florida people live
on in the summer?" "Fish." l'Vhat
Inthewinter?" "Yankees." Alas!
how many northerners draw their
last breath in Florida, slain by that
fell destroyer, consumption, who
would have lived, had they used at
tlrst that marvelous specific for con
sumption, when not too far advanc
ed, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
coverybetter than hypophosphites
and cod liver oil, because more nu
irhive and tonic ; also an invaluable
live- corrective and blood purifier,
clei'iising away all scrofulous hu
mors (which cause consumption),
and ell other impurities of the blood,
curing glandular swellings, goitre or
th'ck neck, old sores, and ulcers.
Of druggists.
Don't hawk, and blow, and spit,
but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
An Absolute Cure.
OINTMENT is only put up in lnrgi
two-ounce tin boxes, and is au
absolute cure for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Kola byD. W. Matthews
& Co., 100 Stato street, Salem, Ht IS
cents per box by mail 80 cents.
tliedlroutorsof kcIkkiI district Xo. 21 In
M n rlun county until Wednesday,! lie 15thof
Aiiguei.iur: ijueorusnr wimii mm w corns
nnU, to lie delivered nt KnstSnlein bnlldlni;;
5 cords llr wood mid G cords onlc, to bo de
livered nt North Snlein building; 0 cords
oak, lo bo delivered lit South Salem build
rV td School Clerk.
rounded In ISOS.J
SAl.lCSt, ()Ki:(i()N.
1 IlllsllUS.
ltchuni;oou nil parts of tho world t-old
mid boueht.
("oUcctlons nmdc at all points.
State, county, a till city warrants cuidicd.
Loans Ivieicle.
nrnfts drawn on all banks In Oregon and
Washington. S-l-lwdw
Hoard of r.ipialUatlon.
the Hoard or KquallMitlou for. Marlon
county, Oieuon. will nuvt at the county
eourl-iioui.e In Salvia on Monday, August
3T, Isns, Hiul I'ontlauo In helon llivre for
one week, lor the adjustment of asi.e--inents.
Dated July 31. ISsS. T. It. PATrON,
s-Mlwtd Asor of Marlon (.'o., Or.
s convr sthkot.
Constantly on hand the bet quality of
kli mid Suit Alcals !
And all kinds nt
S-The l'I.K.NKKT kept nmrket in the
titty. Clland Msifoi'ouiX'ir.
?iccuov a wuavitn.
D. C. Howard, Proprietor.
4S-AI1 kliuU of frh and ciurtHt inwt
l-ay on Iwnd. Kull velht and a Minare
tntl all around.
1 tww a nMMU:hM of HIGH CIKAtkK
ftw rttiln umi prtw Wr
V. H. HYAH3,
i. Or.
Kru.it Farms!
Has now for salo twenty-five 10-acre lots on the west side of tho river, from 3V to 4
miles lrom Salem and near tho 150-acre fruit farm owned by Mr. 'it s
Wallace, of Salem. These lots nrc nil nicely situated within sight of'tha
Capital City, and having a grand view of the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade
The Soil is of the
All Lots Front on a. Road.
w1.1.1,!!1.0. Va!,IomllnS ,0 Salem is now being graveled, and will be one of the FINEST
UltlVJS leading out or the city.
It Is generally conceded that Investment In FRUIT LANDS nt the present time
otrersa belter assurance of Inrgo returns than nny other form of Investment, Prices
now being paid for fruit in Salem by the Wlllametto Valley Fruit Compnny
Insure, at a Low Estimate, from $250 to $500 per Acre!
Call on tho
Oregon Land Company,
5nnkj)lock on
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank,
Scribkr -:- and : Pohle.
ii ! ii n uni it.
ni:.VLEii in-
o f o
. Sr'iF:&a ZlJl
TnrJU,, rt,,.l lrJ ! -
lil . ' P MTXI
0 .
nsir tatt vrn
Wwl, lias, Pelts awl Furs.
Nk an IVumwnU 8tr4,
SAL12ir, . - OttKGON.
Very Best Quality
Commercial Strcot
A flno lino of hacks, buggies, carts, car
rlnges, buckbonrds, etc. Both our own
make and tho best eastern mndo buggies.
Every one Warranted!
Call on the undersigned, Mngon and car
rliigo mnkei-Mind blacksmiths, 2, S12
and 811 Commercial street, Salem.
' .-
ttivAN ).
" w
Tc tr