Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 30, 1888, Image 3

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Itemized Account of Doings in City
The overland train was over an
hour late again this morning.
The ladies of the Flower Mission
favored this ofllco with a handsome
bouquet this morning.
Tho unfortunate steamer Bentley
is again on the river under the
captaincy of Capt. Short, her former
Rev J. W. Harris will, preach in
the Congregational church, to-mor-iow
morning, and in the evening,
a good soug service will bo given.
All are invited.
V Midnight Rainbow.
Rev. Fredk. K. Tost, chaplain of
the 2nd regiment, O. N. G., and
pastorof St. Paul's church in this
city, witnessed a sigui uurauuy
night that seldom comes under the
niwprvntion of man. Ho was stand
ing out doors between tho hours of
-Mvi nndoiie o'clock, when gazing
toward tho west, a bright bow of
clear white spread clear across the
TMiith from horizon to horizon. The
moon was brightly shining, and of
course the bow was a rainbow.
This sight is often read of, but not
often seen. The moon's rays are
not strong enough to give to tho
bow the prismatic colors seen in the
bow of day time, but it was a grand
bight, nevertheless.
Selling W uisky to Indians.
Dave Shepard was taken to Port
laud to-day to be sentenced by Judge
Deady for having furnished a festive
"Injin" who sails under tho euphon
ious snlirinuet of Tom, with a quan
tity of the concentrated extract of
Kentucky. Tom was one ot tne In
dians that was up for perjury recent
ly. Dave had been drinking heav
ily, and suffered yesterday from
delirium tremens. Deputy Marshal
Barudrlck caught Shepard in tho
act this time, so it is a clear case.
Newspaper Incorporated
Tho Eastern Oregon Publishing
Company of Union, has filed articles
of incorporation in the ofllco of tho
secretary of state, with 5,000 cap
ital stock. The object of tho con
cern is to publish a republican news
paper to bo known as the Eastern,
Oregon Republican. W. T. Wright,
F. F. Baker, E. T. Springer and S.
0. Swackhawer, aro the incorpora
tors. A Bear Scrimmage.
One day last week Mr. A. O. Bax
ter got on to the trail of a black bear
above Silverton, and soon his dogs
treed tho varmint, hvwhich effort ono
of tho hounds got his tail in chan
cery, and the same nearly amputated
by tho truculent bruin. A well
directed shot from Baxter's riflo
finally dispatched the ugly brute in
good shape.
e i
Election In A Company.
Yesterday Lieut. Geo. H Burnett,
signal officer, 2nd. regt., at AVhite
aker, to fill thevacencies caused by
the resignations of Capt. Wrightman
and Lieut. Downing. Tho election
resulted in the choice of Second
Lieut. Grant Lake to bo captain,
G. A. Scott first lieutenant and Syl
vester Lambert, second lieutenant.
Tne Depot Building.
Work on tho now depot building
has been delayed somewhat by the
continued raius, but is progressing
favorably. The roof is about com
pleted, and much of tho weather
boarding is on. This building is
going to mako quito a respectable
appearance whou completed.
Time Card to be Changed.
It is said that tho O. & C. timo
eard will be changed about August
1st so that trains will leave San
Francisco at 8 o'clock Instead of 00
p. m. as at present. This will be
a, soon as the new eating housea at
Ashluid and Redding are com
pleted. latitat Its Capital .
Yesterday evening the stockhold
er of the Salem Building and Loan
Association decided to increase the
capital stock of the company from
fclUU) to $2000. Ed. N. Ede was
elected a director in place of T. J.
Potter, resigned.
ft C. lHftJ.
B Co., 2nd. regiment ami the reg
imental baud were mustered and
inspected ywterday evening by
Lieut. W. N. Ladue, r. q. m.f at the
anikory. Serosal gpeetatore were
A Pioneer Conpla Receive the Greet
ings of Their Children and
On Wednesday last. thn"7Mi ino
there was an interesting reunion of
the family of J. M. Jones, ono of the
prominent citizens of this town, and
a pioneer of Oregon. He came to
this state from Illinois in 1S53, and
settled in Lane county, near Eugene
City, where ho resided till 1S61,
when he removed to Marion county,
near where tho town of Stayton is
now. Mr. Jones was a farmer, but
in 1873 he removed to tho new town
of Stayton, where he engaged in the
mercantile business of this town.
but ho retired from business some
years ago. His children havo all
been married for many years. Yes
terday for tho second timo in more
than a score of years they all as
sembled around the old hearthstone.
T. L. Jones erann from Drain.
Douglas count rs. E. A. Harbin
from Heppner, Morrow county, J.
N". Jones, is a resident of Stavton.
Mrs. J. L. Follously and Mrs. E. A.
Jones are from Palouso City, W. T.,
and Mrs. W. E. Thomas lives in
Stayton. These are all the children
that aro living and thero were also
fifteen grandchildren present. These
with the father and mother con
stituted a happy and numerous
family together at the table of the
old home. Of course they partook
of a bountiful repast. Thero wero
ten grandchildren and great grand
child absent. It was enjoyed by all
present as a family jubilee. After
the toils and privations of a pioneer
life this aged and respected couple
are closing up their earthly career,
surrounded with a host of friends
and blessed with a fair sharo of tho
comforts of this world. Like a ripo
stock of corn they aro ready to bo
gathered home. J. N. J.
Stayton, Juno 18th.
At the Agricultural Works llnins.
A reporter of tho JouitNAii passed
the ruins of tho old Agricultural
works this morning,and was pleased
to observe the improvements go
ing on there. Of course tho build
ing is not to bo re-constructed at all,
at least in none of the immense pro
portions in which it existed before
the fire, but Mr. Holman is re-building,
in a measure, the first story and
basement of the west end of tho
ruins, and getting ready to replaco
his electric light plant thero as soon
as received. Mr. Holman has re
ceived word that tho dynamos will
be repaired and re-shipped to him
next week. Ho will get his lights
running again by July 15th.
Churchill & Cooke, the sash and
door factory men, havo refitted a
temporary structure south of tho
ruins, and aro now engaged in plac
ing their new machinery. Thoy ex
pect to get started on Monday morn
ing. Drowned In Lnckiamute.
On Thursday, Leo Robertson and
John H. Holliushead were drowned
in the pond at Rowell's mill, on tho
Luckiamute. These two men, with
tho other mill hands, had just
finished rolling logs into tho pond,
and all htarted for tho mill except
Robertson, who remained to
straighten up tho logs. Soon after
the hands heard Robertson crying
for help. Rushing back they found
him holding to a log, his head un
der water. Holliushead plunged
into tho water and started to swim
to Robertson's assistance, but was
taken with cramps, and both were
drowned before assistance could
reach, them. Both wore well re
spected and young. Hollinshcad
leaves a young wife.
Oidcrs for It Co.
B Co., 2d Regt., O. N. G.,
SAiiKir, Or., Juno 27.
In compliance with general orders
No. 4, c. s., the monurars ot Ji uo.,
il reL. will aafeemble at tho armory
nt6 o'elook Tuesday, July 8, for
transportation to Corvallli.
Captain Commanding.
l'Mter'i SmIIbz.
Tha Hunilar meeting of the Salem
n.w TTnion will be held at the
study of the M. E. ehureli, Monday,
July 2, 1888, at a a. m.
fertile t WimOM.
aw.irv of State MeOrlde liaa
baaed certineale of election to
Judge Win. I Lord, and to Cou-
greaanau nermann.
Wvrv arrantrement for the ex-
.u.Riiou .m Ju river to-morrow has
been perfcoied by Tigew' Bngtoe
Co., and a large orowu m boB.
Adventure Has its CharmsBut Old
Ago Likes Comfort.
Wo mentioned yestorday the
return to this city of D. D. Pretty
man, ono of our old pioneers, who
left the state about eighteen months
ago to try tho virtues of our neighbor
territory, Idaho, as a placo of abode.
Mr. Prettyinan lias two sons, stirring
and energetic young men, who
conceived the notion that Oregon
was too slow, and desired to shove
out and take a part in tho activities
they had heard so much talk of.
The first move of this family, D. D,
Prettymau and wife and tho two
sons, was to Viola, in tho Cceur d'
tVleue, about 75 miles south of
Spokane Falls and sevcu miles
distant from Moscow. This latter
town was formerly county seat of
jSez Perce county, but anew county
(Lataw) has lately been formed, In
which Moscow is now compre
hended. This is a bleak mountain
ous country, situated iu a metal
bearing region and poorly adapted
for farming. The sudden and
violent changes of atmosphere
ail'ected his lungs and ho suffered
terribly with asthma. This is a
growing country; mineral develop
ment creates somo activity, and
thero is a continued settlement
along the lino of tho Northern
Pacific. But the spaces aro almost
Doundless in that region, and farm
ing lands few and far between. Our
aged friend grow homesick, adven
ture had slight charms for him.
Tho result was ho struck out for
Salem, where his former homo
awaited him. Mrs. Prettyman will
rejoin him shortly. Tho young men
havo left for Big Bend, where
they propose to follow stock raising
and farming.
"The End on It."
To-day closes up tho present offi
cial career of numerous officials
throughout the state, and this coun
ty sees its changes along with tho
rest of them. The carpenters aro at
Avork at tho court houso fitting up
tho room just back of tho clerk's
vault, to be used by tho now county
recorder. They havo put up several
new cases, and pigeon holes in tho
clerk's office, and will fix up tho re
corder's ofllco in tho same way.
After Monday tho county business
of Marion county will bo performed
by tho following gentlemen :
County Judge T. C. Shaw.
Commissioners, A. . H Cornelius
and W. T. Grim.
Clerk of the courts, F. J. Babcock.
Recorder of Conveyances, J. Ben
son Starr.
Treasurer, A. O. Condlt.
Sheriff, Ed. M. Croisan.
Supt. of schools, D. W. Yoder.
Surveyor, W. J. Culver.
Coroner, Dr. D. C. Byland.
The new Assessor, A. F. Blacker
by, will not begin work for somo
timo yet, not until tho present as
sessment is completed.
The CorvalIl9 Celebration.
A good deal of interest is being
taken in tho coming celebration of
tho fourth of July atCorvallis by
Salem people, as a largo number of
our citizens aro contemplating at
tending. Therefore tho publication
of tho program will bo of interest.
Tho exorcises of tho day of course
begin with a sunrise salute. Tho
2nd regiment, O. N. G. will bo
formed under command of Col.
Thos. C. Smith, at an early hour,
and will bo reviewed by Brig. Gon.
J. M. Siglin and staff. This wtll bo
followed by tho street parade, after
which will follow the reading of the
declaration of iudopondonco, and
tho oration.
Then we'll all cot. At 1:80 p. in.,
tho corner stone of Benton county's
now court house will be laid ; at2:30
race and other sporte. At half past
three, the sham battle will take
place. A ball in the evening will
Parties should leave here on the
evening train Tuesday, and return
on the morning twin Thursday.
Civilian visitors can remain over
night at Albany Tuesday night,
and be accommodated better than
at Corvaliis, ieruapn, and take the
qieoial train from Albany to Cotral
Ills early Wednesday morning and
return that evening to Albany. The
militia will be quartered at Corval
iis during the night, and will proba
bly fill UuU town up pretty much.
W. S. McFadden will deliver the
Fourth of Juiy address and CoL Jno.
KeUey, tlie address at the layiug of
the eorner stone.
Cream soda, ie twwm soda, milk
skakes, lamonadw, at Strong & Co.'
il. A. Newell, pastor. Preach
ing at 10:30 a. m. nud 70
, Jr. Society of Christian
liiulenvor at G:80 v. M. Sab
bath school nt 1? . 1 H Wnllnnn
supt. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30 v. si. Welcome to
, ai nu tne services.
HOW J. V T-Torrto ,(,. r..r.
of Liberty and Center streets. Ser-
vt io at 7:S0 x M" Sunday school
at 1 jr. In the evening a good song
dially invited.
M. E. Chuiich. Services will bo
held in tho M. E. church to-morrow
as follows Tirnriii.iiT ot in.'sn.
Evening at 7:30, ' Sunday
miool at 12 jr. Prayer meeting
riiursdny evening at 0:30. All aro
invited. Seats free. Rev. W.
nonius, pastor.
Christian Church. Elder P.
K. Burnett, pastor. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday
school at 12 m. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
EvaxqkijTCAIj Church. Rev. J.
M. Dick, pastor. Preaching on Sun
day at 10:30 a. jr. Sunday bchool
at 12 jr. No services in the evening.
Prayer meeting on Thursday even
ing. All aio cordially invited.
Baptist Church. Corner of
Libeity and Marion btrocts. Rev.
A. R. Mcdbury, pator. Services
at 10:30 a. ji. and 7:30 i jr. Sunday
Subject of tho evening sermon, "An
Election of Kimiviiin Tmnnrtniipo '
All aro cordially invited.
Jlrs. Smith's 111 Luck.
Women of tho metropolis aro in
some instances very curious creat
ures indeed. The horse cats occasi
nally furnish striking illustrations
of this fact. A middle-aged girl and
a girl of girlish ago were seated in a
crow ded horse car last night, chat
ting in so loud a tone that at least
one-half of the passengers could hear
"Wasn't that really too bad about
poor Mrs. Smith?" said ono of them.
'Why, I haven't heard of it.
Please tell me," said tho other.
"Oh, haven't you heard of it?
Why, dear mo, I supposed every
body knew of it. Turn know tho
great troublo sho had in getting a
divorce from her husbiuul," said tho
"Oh, yes, but sho got it, didn't
she?" asked tho other.
"Yes, but sho had to pay ?400 for
"But sho ought to bo satisfied
with that, hadn't sho?"
"well, hardly; her husband, just
to show how mean ho could bo if ho
wanted to, died tho week after sho
paid tno moo, auu sue nau au ner
expenso ami trouuio lor nouuug.
Now 'Haven Register.
Geo. Brown and Cadet Davis aro
back from Eugene City.
Row Walton Skipworth of Albany
is visiting relatives in this city.
Adjutant M. W. Hunt and family
returned from tho mountains last
Secretary of State McBrldo and
Supt. E. B. McElrOy wqnt to Port
land to-day.
Mrs. A. B. Cospcr left this morn
lug for tho Clackamas fish hatchery
whore sho will visit Fish Commis
sioner F. C. Reed and family, until
next Tuesday.
Wonderful Cures.
W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wliolesalo and
Retail Druggists of Rome, Gil., say:
Wo havo been Belling Dr. lung's
New Discovery, Electric Bitters and
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo for four
years. Havo never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give
such universal satisfaction. Thero
have been some wonderful cures ef
fected by these medicines in this
city. Several cases of pronounced
consumption havo been entirely
cured by uso of u few bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery, taken in
connection with Elcctrlo Bltlors.
Wo guaranteo them always. Sold
by II. W. Cox.
California CatHCure.
Tho only guaranteed euro for
catarrh, cold in tho head, hay fevor.
roso cold, catarrhal deafuese and
soro eyes. Restore tho senso of tasto
and uuplcomut breath, reuniting
from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to
uso. Follow directions and a euro
Is warranted, by all druggists. Bend
for,dreular to AIHKT1NKI MED
ICAL COMPANY, Orovllle, Cal.
Six mouths' treatment for $1: sent
by mall, $1.10. For sale by 1). W.
An Aheelile Cart.
OIN'i'anSNT is only put up in large
two-ounce . tin boxes, and hi as
absolute cure for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
Hkln eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of plies. Ask for the
MI5KT. Solu byD. W. Matthews
k Co., 108 Stale street, Salem, at 26
oents per box by mall 90 xuta.
Mr. BuUer was a pioneer of Polk
county and oame to Oregon from
Monmouth, Illinois, in iw.
. McF.
Has just
Cambridge Bibles,
Plain and Fancy Stationery,
Embossed Scrap Pictures,
Birthday Cards,
Day School Rewards,
Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25c,
Leather Card Cases,
Leather Pocket Books,
Leather Purses,
London Incandescent Slccl Pens, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ft 5,
Acme Writing Tablets,
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc.
235 Commercial Street, Salem
Will. BECK & SON
aKp-r Revolvers
BBr0)' ',T1BMR Fishing
" Tack
Shot Guns
flie Sportsman's IToadquarters.
Toys," Cutlery, Novelties, Indian Ciubs, Itoxing Gloves, an
everything usually hent in a gun store.
R. M. WADE) & CO'S
202 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM,
iIn a Cuifleb Sleek of Hardware ami
Garland Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Brighton llango
Farm Machinery, Wagons id Cimiges.
.,-) jjrfrAJTii ,-