w- " " ,im ''- .? CAPIT jjitii VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1SSS. no. -ierV" rnorcssioNAi. caiids. JIISCEIXAEOUS. FINANCIAL. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY, A SU.MMKU IX NEW YUKK. TELEGRAPHIC Sl'LlXTS. -i, - - i r ? JOURNAL; rxJL m W BELT, ATTUHWisi at iw " ; T.i.iint a tinrnor. Ofllee nt court ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHOKrrY, G anu uwu"-"" - louse. rrMON FOKD, ATTOKNEY AKU I1!?1.":. .1. .t. 'tjiw. Snlmn. Orooon. . V"VXMn Tumi's Tblock'. ICt, "F "" .------- iTriW A GHEGG, ATTOKNEYS AT iHA-V- .i. nmn. nitlraln Pntton's ) WJ'Tvn oJt'idfuYstore 10CK,"i'"""- T. BICKAIUWW. AU,m 1 Law. uiutu utj ch ' r q i JV iik, 219 Commercial dir-vi, ouii-ui,vi, Vtt KAISER, ATTOHJNiai at ij.tw, W alcm. Oregon. Offlcowtth Tllmon rVrd taftuVon's building. Will practice m ilVtho courts of Oregon. Collections aie. i"u "-" """-" -f ., ..- -tit . vr miTvtn, vrr rowurer. All work warranted. (e orders nt T. McF. ration's book ore, State street, Sulem, Or. 5 the the express mn" ,""",, """- ." Snored to deliver trunks, valises, pack dnnytljlesothalhocige !n K, better, and neater, than It can bn done by any body else. Leave orders at junto's stable. INSURANCE Company. Firo and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT THE EMINENT scientist, anthropologist, physician and ...111 nnnn nil nfllpn ill tllO NOW RinWock, outlay 1st, for the treatment of all diseases of women, nnd nil other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic nnd nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism usett. unnrges sincuy moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. rOIlSAI.I3.j MIT TOT ATI? JAM MX" DOlAlU DAIUMUM OFFERED BY ,Willis & Chamberlain. m nm x mllpa from Salem, highly cultivated 3000 Hots, good houso and barn, East Sa- Slots, flneTyftuatcinini 1750 .A.n ...lima W... Unlnm wnll OWoCiVS, itt nulla Hum .j......... ...... Imnmveii. rain bo divided Into 8 or four tracts 10,000 30 acres, 8 miles from souin 01 saiem, flilr tniniYivoiiinnipntR.flno ti-"ber and water 3250 1 block of land, 3 houses, rent for S12 each, pays Interest on J0OU R000 80 acres 0 miles south of Halem, fair Improvements 2200 Caeres, adjoining city limits, In iitincadow 1200 1 lot, good house, and barn, adjoining court houso block 1850 1 acre, Salem, now house and barn, plenty of small fruit 2000 ineioregoingis uui n partial list 01 mo bargains wo have to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. For Sale. A good Iron framo Horse Power. Good for all usps. from 0110 to full eanacltv. All for the low price of $30. Call at the l'a- uuc iiuer, vinegar e run rrcsurviug Company's onice. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE-288 ACRES, iS In cultivation, !!0 acres good timber, bal ance pasture; 100 acres in fall wheat, 25 1MU. In nn.n n .. l rt ... .A....nni. TfAIICn rn, orchard, etc. Two miles north of axniu, limy uo uivmeu; price, sou per ucru, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. rOITORFF, Cor State and Commercial Streets, Salem, EARJVL FOR SALE. 184 acres, newr Prospect bill, 7 miles, by good road, from Salem, 118 ncres In culti itlon,b.ilanceln timber. Well watered, Pd 81000 house of 8 rooms, moderatobarn, llatthe door j all fenced nndn thrifty foung on-hard. Thirteen acres seeded to future grass, and 07 acres ingrain. Pur chaser can hare liberal terms to harvest crop PRICE flooo, TIME GIVEN". Come right to the farm nnd wve agent's to. J. P, ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at we li range Store. .STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! o30 ACRES J" itPivd and plenty ol Umber. Two n CSr"" " 1J ore plow land. Fifty ! Cll'f '"'" with the place If wnted, ana - ,., . , ,lltu lo ruu ,, w iuiid nve units JtuXJi' '" ,U " C K K A bar"aln for Jnquire at Office of Caoiut Journal. SMITH'S OJUaOoeT M m umi w. 8. Hmtt h Oil Cn HoW Ii ""r ierlftniil!,1w iKoru u KT' l o wnrtU pokeu In lt vof ... r, "ww me nnl uaenu n f jTwii,lvJr'". It. J. tu-ynoldB. J'-J.N.Smlih. Ir J. W. Meredith, W T S?wk A..nuit. txr .tatr' . rltiun, b ' , WV1'- k W. Mt, lill- . Mayer. H. W. COX, (SuccessoOo The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon KIJLIv LINE Drugs and Medici CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions anil Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. ttS-The host five cent cigar In tho mar ket. II. W. COX, d&w 100 State Street, Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers in Latest Styles! Leading. Lines! Lowest Pkices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand. SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A. K. STRANG, No. !M1 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DEALEK IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. as- Agent for the RICHARDSON A nnvSTns rviMPAXY'8 Furnace. Eh- tablished In 1849. CALIFORNIA! the , ViTVn n cut 1 S,:jW ? TiTTr.crcTuRnAT .yr' MisXrirt'i'XKyiruiM -V LJUNLrO. oow-iw-v,.-- Senf f.r CircuhrfilHlkmJS: HgiparMrntq.fliBwiu;.fAL Roots Sloes WMM!B. BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU dt W00DARD, Wholesale De ot. mi..n 'ijt I . TA "I liioucijiiuu csciuumu oauK (11 lMllUUUI w OF SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, - - $75,000 Surplus, -..-.- 9,500 U. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, ... - Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, J. 31. Martin, W.W. Martin, 11. S. Wallace, J. II. Albert, T. ilcF. Patton. LOANS JVIADB To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or In store, cither in private smnnrlesor 'public warehouses. Slalo anil County Warrants llouglit at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llorlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vlco President. JOHN MOI15, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, London and Hong Kong bought and Bold. State, County nnd City warrants bought- Farmers aro cordially invited to dejoslt vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt reasonADio rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank in most reliable, companies. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET 83 COURf STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Mi and Suit Meats ! And all kinds oi S A.US AGE 03-Tho CLEANEST kept market in the city. Call and seo for yourself. McCROW & WILliARI). CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, SALEM,' OREGON. JK3-A11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and n'wjuare deal all around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV ory Stable, comer of Htato nnd Front streets, or on hlato nt corner Statoand Com mcrclal streets. Prompt attention and care guaranteed. W. A. BENSON. STRICKLER BROS. -DKAI.RIU3 1J- STOVES AND TINWARE! Hoofing and Spouting a Specially. 3-At the old stand of lien. Strang, Com- 111U1V1H1 oirtwu Land of Discoveries. Thosewhohaveuseclit're our dies are giving HutUfactWm, ami a ruu tomer with IlronchltiHays It Utlioonly remo- reuifiiy uuu gives uinuini roller. Hkhkkll a Covkk. DrumitU. Klvenilde, fl. Have " the pleasure to lufonn you that vour Premratiom. nn meeting with large aslea. We hear nirbutPras8KK?n.'s cniiion to " me them. Nakkcawkk a Co., DrugvlaU, VUalU, Cal." That It will aoeompllith the end desired In ullaffertlomtof tuoThroatand Lunn U.,A bnd you not only wtll not Co Will without it yourself, but will recommend it to other, an iuouiiandu have done, who have tried everything ele In vain. Monev is mi uIjImi wIuth buUnw, and the ConVillCS YOU trifling sum of one dollar can purchiiM a remedy that wtll aland between you ' and one of the moat dreaded of buuiuii . Ilia. I (Irrulamwnt free, containing detailed SANTA ABIE I prepared only by Uu AB1ETI.NE MEDICAL OU OrorlUe, Cal. Fnmllyjnr-Siilcldo nnd Inonulty. LINCOI.N, Neb., Juno 2S, A trag edy occurod nwir tlio littlo town of Princftown, south of this city, lust night, thnt litis created tho utmost excitement in that quiet neighbor hood. About two weeks ago tho wife of Eberhard Theurner, of Prince town, was confined, and a bright ba by was born to bless their home. Besidos the little baby there is a lit tlo girl between 3 and 4 years old, who has been quite ill for a day or two. Last eveningatsupperMrs. Theur ner urn-aided her husband with neg lect ef the child, and charged him with her parent illness. A few hot, bitter words followed, when tho hus band and father threw his cob pine into tho corner and left the houue In a towering passion. This was be tween S and u o'clock. Ho was gone a little longer than his wife thought ho ought to be, anb she went out to look him up. In the woodshed, dangling at tho end of a rope and swinging from a rafter, he was found gasping his last breath, They eut asm down and tried to save him, but it was impossible, and ho was soon dead. An alarm was given, and tho neighbors catno in, and his body was laid out for burial, The wife was craze by tho sudben noss or the tragedy, and tho utmost vigilance of those who came to the rfllef of tho family was exercised to prevent her from ,takijig her life. During the night too, sue became a raving maniac, so much so that she wasdound with ropes when brought to this cit.C, and tho Commissioner on insanrty will to-morrow pass up on her case and undoubtedly con sign her to tho asylum. Tho family is well known nnd In n fairly pros perous condition, with no knowfebgo of trouble between them heretofore. Sheep Roasted on tho Cars. Bellkveu, I. T., Juno 29. A car lpnd of sheep passed from Oregon on (uc Oregon Bhort Iilnu Tuesday, and when near Shoshone- a spark from the engine set a boxcar on fire. Tho sheep were fairly roasted alive. At Shoshono they could not bo un loaded and wero taken to Poeatollo. Tho distressing cries of tho dying slS?ep wero pitiable and tho sight was oven more shocking when it was known that thoy could not bo relieved of their misery at Shoshone as was hoped, and hail to bo hauled 103 miles to Pocatcllo. Vtuh Teachers on Their Travels. Salt Lake, Juno 21). Tho Utah teachers' excursion to tho national educational convention at San Fran cisco promises to bo a splendid turn out, over 100 leading Gentllo and Mormon educators having signified their intention of making the trip. County Supt Stewart isnowmaklng tho necessary hotel arrangements. Tho excursion will leave hero July 10, via tho Oregon Short Lino to Portland, where a few days will bo spent: thonco by steamer to Kan Francisco. Tho faro Is $60.50 for tho round trip. Couldn't lie Lout. " So yon porslst in receiving the visits of that fellow Sinythc," said Charlos In a melodramatic lone. "I do, Ho is a very agreeablo gentle man, and I soo no reason why T should doliboratoly oll'ond him." "Then I am lost to you forever." "Dont talk nonsense, Charley." "Nonons?" "Yes. Tho idea of anydodp getting lust with such feet as you have Isaueurd. You couldn't liolit being found and ldoulllcd." Merchant Traveler. AOrout Itulluf. Empleye: "Sir, I would Ilko to speak to you a moment upon a very ktIous matter." Merchant: "Don't bother mo." "But" "Uo away to your work, Tsayt" "I want to ask your consent to my mnrriMge with .. .i ... -vT.r. .i ufii. viiui muiikiiut ciur, aim wii. Is that ho? Take her, my boy, and may Mod blew you both. I thought you were going to ask for an Increase of salary.'' iJnooln Journal. Saw iMrfa't mmt. "Bistor Jenklnaon," said the new minister, who was soliciting contri butions for the heathen, "doutyou lif ir the ory of our benighted fellow cmitim-H in foreign lands?" "Iliy!" said the sister, Inclining hi-r right ar toward the pastor. The qiiwtUm was repeated in a loud er tone. "Ijw takes, no!" replied Rlster JenkiiuKMi, "I'm so awful hard o hearing that I can hardly hear you!' Drake's Magazine. a I'uink-Mt dental operation at Dr. T. C. Smith's, Hi Htato street. Fruit ice cream, at Htrong h Cos'. the (lotliamites Suffer With tho Heat. New Yorkers who sweltered in yesterday's heat, that drovo the mercury up as far as tho ninety-six degree mark, may find somo com fort in tho prediction of Sergeant Dunn, who runs tho weather bureau for this locality, that a cool wave is being manufactured for their special bcnetlt. With good luck, It may bo on hand to-day. It Is coming from Alaska, and, should anything inter fere with its arrival or delay it, tho mercury will keep on Its climb, to tho discomfort of everybody. "It is tho hottest twenty-second of Juno that Now York has seen In seventeen years," said Sergeant Dunn, "nnd tho mercury wont higher than on any day during this summer. At noon it marked 1)1 and at I o'clock 0(1 was tho register." The coolest spot in tho country yesterday was Helena, Montana, where tho mercury couldn't get any higher than 10, and at Corpus Christl, Texas, tho people had It about as warm as In New York. At other points, particularly In tho West, torrents of rain came to cool tho air. In tho tenement miartors of tho city tho poor sullereu terribly from tho heat, the children belugas usual tho chief victims. Tho Moderation Society's ice water service was taxed far beyond Its capacity. In Cherry street yesterday a charitable gentle man, who refiibcd to give his name, purchased u wagon load of Ico una gave it away to the Buttering women and children of tho neighborhood. Many cases of sunstroke and pros tration wero reported to tho nollee. Among them tno follewing: Charles Krangler of No. 80 Sullblk street taken to Bellevue Hospital. David Davidson, a Scotchman, from Mount Klsco. -Anjmikuowu Italian, jibout 60 years of ago died in front of No. 118 Mulberry street. David Wlttcman of No. GOO Grand street, overcome whllo at work at pier 7 East lllvcr. Ho was taken to Chambers Street hospital. John McLean of No. II Mulberry street was sunstruok and taken to tho samo place. An unknown woman about '25 years of ago was overcomo in front of No. 223 Broomo street. F. A. Jervnil of No. 850 Sixth avenue, was overcome at Roso street. He was taken to Chambers Street hospital. A man known only as "Dutch George" was Himstruck at Fifth uvonuoand 135th street. 1 To was taken to tho Harlem hospital. James O'Connor, 50 years old, of JNo. 8r rieeond nvenue, was over como by heat near his homo and was taken to Bellevtie hospital. William O'Brien. 10 years, of No. 170 Park row, was overcome by the heat wlulo standing in irom oi no, 62 Center street about (1:110 o'clock last evonlnir. Ho was taken to Chambers Street hospital. William O'Brien, 10 years of age, of No. 173 Park row was overcome by tho heat In front of No. b'i Uonlro street. Ho was tukon to Chamlwrs Street hospital. New York Star Juno 23d. "I'enny Wise and I'ounil Foolish." That's what men aro who plod along trying to do their business, when thoy aro half dead. Their eyes aro dim and throb; their head aches; tho children annoy them; their wives lose their charms; they lose their ambition; they make mis takes in their accounts, and tho whole world looks blue; they hate themselves and everyone else. And whv? If vou feel so. why don't you stop anil think a minute or are you too stupid? Your liver and blood are out of order; that's all. You need n good regulutoraud tonic. Tske a lMittle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and you will feel like a new man. In three day your wife will be the prettiest and sweet est woman in the world; your chil dren's dls)ositloiis will be exactly like your own; your business will Improve, and you will make money enough w Iy for U'0 "Golden Med ical discovery" a hundred times over. Dou't be stubborn, but try It. If you sutler from "cold lu the head," or from Nasul Catarrh, use Lr. Hage's Catarrh ltemedy. It i whenever everything falls. cures ssffchw'i ArslM lalva. The best salve In the world & cuts, bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, Utter, chapped liaud-s chilblains, eorns, and all skill erup tions, and positively cures piles, or uo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price "2d centa per box. For tale by Dr. U, W. Cox. a Call on Winters Jk Thuinus for the best groceries hi towu. How A new Iron foundrv is being built In Ellonsburg, W. T., which will bo ready for operation on September 1st. R. S. Sloan, editor of the Salt Lake Herald, a Mormon sheet, is ou his travels with his wife. At Chicago Mrs. Sloan said an Inexpressibly bitter feeling oxlst In Utah between tho Gentiles and the saints. Tt has been decided that tho ordinances of t lie city of Sacramento are Invalid, because they have never been published, as Is required by law, in any newspaper, and tho records of tho city council fall to show they were ever adopted. Rev. Frank B. Ticknor has ac cepted the rectorship of St. Paul's Episcopal church at Walla Walla and enters upon his duties at once. Thomas B. Lincoln, nephew of Gen. Lincoln of revolutionary fame, lied on ids farm not far from Elkton, Md., on tho 28th. A Sydney dispatch says: Tho Maritime Labor Union niivo re solved that Chinese hands on board the steamer Alameda must bo replaced by Europeans, otherwise the steamer will not be allowed to load. Tho eastern coal companies aro working their corner on that fuel, and have given notice of an advance of 25 cents per ton. Philip White, who was last heard of in San Francisco, where ho turned up with an eloping wife from Heidelberg, Germany, is now wanted in New York to receive $30,000 bequeathed him by a deceased uncle. Tho Tahltan government has abandoned its free trade policy and placed a protective tarlll' amounting to 60 per cent, on staple articles ou all Importations from American and English ports. ' A Cool Drink. About the thno that tho world was lunching yesterday, says u Pittsburg paper, a small boy, who belonged beyond all question to the genus "cash!" entered h largo drug store and slammed down a bucket ou tho counter In front of tho blgsoda fount ain and said shrilly: "Gl' mo nickel's worth!" Tho operation was so unusual that I nearly choked myself with tho soda waterl was drinking, but tho clerk took tho bucket with perfect nonchalance, merely saying over his shoulder to tho bey: "What llnvor?" "Vornllla," wus tho answer. Tho.i tho clerk drew n few spoon fuls ofllavorlng extract from ono of those mysterious littlo spigots which Congress ought to appoint a coiuinitco io investigate, tnrowit in the Ducket, and dually let the soda- viiu iJMiiivui, (tun iiiuiiiy iul mi: miuii water lly till the bucket was tilled wiui loam, Tlio clerk liamlcil tho bucket to tho boy, who slammed ou tho lid and threw a nickel on tlio counter before lie bolted out of tho door at n gallop. "Then you have a bucket trade hi soda-water?" said I. "Quito u largo one," tho cleric re plied. "The bucket trade begins n bout this week and will IustuilHiiiii. mer, The greater part of It Is dono during tho midday dinner hour. Boys goncrally bring tlio buckets', hut 1 understand most of them aro sent by tho girlsbohlnd tho counters In tho big dry goods stores lu this neighborhood. Thou bricklayers employed on tho new buildings a bout here, horso-car drivers, cabmen and worklugmeu generally In this neighborhood send their dinner buckets hero. They Hud It hard to got clean drinking water, I suppose, and when onco thoy discovered that they could get a good glass ofspark Hug soda-water for n small sum In it biiclcct they cmiuht ou to the Iden In ureal shane. But the ulrls lu tho stores uru tho most regular bucket truqorw. Tlioy can always use the cash Ikivs as messengers, (siying them with a mouthful of soda water, 1 guess." mm i i. A Truly Minimi Mas. A wllknowo wsa ot million UWsf on ilia avaniM) wu tent down town the oUwr day l tils wife le purebsM some little (blast. Heist, isacr trtloUt, tns mossy suns oat ot hsr uunt, to tbs ssvs It to hi sad be ttarual. lie wst est the greater psit of lbs dftjr, bat retained wlib the ptrssls sad aaadstl tbs cbsags to toe good lady. She counted it over osrefoUv, grtw ltd in tbe face, and oried, "He teat, JatMS, there's bad dollar!" "It csa't t poeetblef" "Lsadl Look I Obi" "Suit it. I nkktd up lbs ehsaas too qsMly. The tuned laleveel" "It Ito'i hard to be a UuV wHb a tool like you. Why dat yea pisk sp tbs ia tack s buityr I tkssbt tbey wen Mnn bma dollar '3, moob." Detroit Free Piett. f ' W' QfJ2fl