Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 29, 1888, Image 3

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Rflizfd Account of Doings in City and
(Irailnattng Exorcises of llio Indian
Pupils of the U. S. Training
School. The Graduates.
P H D'Arcy, Esq., is to deliver
theFurth of July oration at Turner.
i o Coltraof rortiaim uns uuen
intlie'citv for a few days, and re
turn"! to Portland this inoulnR.
Tiure w ill bo a call meeting of the
vs at the residence of Prof. Pan-in
on Saturday (to-morrow; nueruuou
ttlirrf o'clock. All the members
arc urgently requested to be present.
The Catholic Church.
3i,ls for the construction of the
superstructure of the new St. John's
Catholic church were opened at the
oulee of Architect Robert last night,
awl were as follews: D. T. Cnnip
Lu nf Portland. ?o900 : Littell &
Stephens $4900 ; Rogers & South
vrtcU,M,37o.50 ; C. A. Roberts,?3,995 ;
A. Olinger, 3,800. The bids arc
Uov being considered by the build
ini committee.
Latuu. Mr. Olinger's bid was
withdrawn this afternoon, and the
contract was awarded to Mr. U. A.
lat Report Filed.
SheriflJno. V. Miuto filed his
last rt-ivirt to-day, and it will be
heard by the county court on Mon
day, when it meets for the final
u'ln'il mi of the year's business. This
report returns with it, a list oi
delinquent taxes amounting to
$1004.24. Sheritr Minto certainly
has made an excellent tax collector,
and this small return shows a very
prosperous and healthful condition
of things.
Fine Cherries.
Mr. D. D. Prcttyman, who has
just returned from a sojourn in
Idaho, brings in a fine box of seed
ling cherries raised by his brother,
H. V. Prettyman, on his nursery
in TCnst Portland. They were started
from the Luelling seedling, and are
remarkable for theiT size, and rich
Arthur E. Holgato left yesterday,
after an extended visit here among
friends, for Portland and Seattle, j
He v ill likely goto the latter place
to make his homo, as ho has con
cluded not to return to Dayton.
Arthur's friends here wish him suc
cess wherever he may go.
Military Orders.
Salem, Or., June 27, 18S8.
In compliance with general orders,
the members of B company will as
semble at their armory, Friday,
June 29, at 8 p. m., for inspection
and muster. Sam'l L.Lovell,
Captain Commanding B. Corn-pauy.
Sunt. McEIroy Still Trying to Rr-
lighten the Touchers on
the National Association
A Inrgc number of visitors from this
city attended the graduating exer
cises of the U. S. Indian Training
School at Chemawa yesterday. The
exercises were held in the larirc
chapel hall in the main building,
which was very huiuUomely deco
rated. The excreiaes were quite lengthy,
occupying the entire afternoon, and
were very enjoyable. They Consist
ed ol music by the Clicmawa band,
an institution of the school; songs
by the school, exhibition of the mu
sical talent of the students, orations,
esavs. declamations, etc. Prof. J.
M. Coomer gave a cornet solo, and
the address to the class was by Prof.
L. S. Rogers.
Superintendent Lee welcomed the
visitors, and made the opening ad
dress. The exercises were very
pleasant and were listened to witli
marked attention.
The Kast Salem Justice's Court.
M. E. Goodell, the new justice of
the peace of East Salem .precinct,
has filed his bond in the sum of
$1,000 with J. D. aicCullyand J.W.
Hodson as sureties. Ho will have
hisolllcein the southeast comer of
the old court house for the present.
Salem Keimulli-ans to Ilatlfy.
Just after the 4th the republicans
of tills city will hold a grand ratifi
cation meeting, which will be a reg
ular jollification bver the nomination
of Harrison and Morton. Promi
nent speakers will be present.
Died at CorvalII.
On Monday evening, June 2oth,
lsss, Mrs. H. T. Wilklns, mother of
M. 0. Wilkins of this city, died at
Corvnllis, at the nge of (55 years.
She came to Corvnllis from Missis
sippi eleven years ago.
-. '
Settled by l'aylng Coots.
Henry Croft, who was arrested
yesterday at tho instigation of
Elmer Roeee, for assault and battery,
appeared In Justice O'Donald's
court this morning, and bottled the
can? by paying ooeste.
Taken the Wheeler Belaenee.
Dr. lUelinrdfeon has moved Into
the elegant residence of A. F.
Wheeler adjoining the stato insur
ance building on Commercial etreet,
Mr. Wheeler having removed hkj
family to Portland.
MlfN-lta l'eeM'
After all the "pew-wowing" over
the naatoiHa) nutter ill Mlvertoii,
Mr M.Mt-r, the m-w upiintif, ha
qualified, ami will take clwrge of
that mc- next Monday.
U Ihwstt rik ' T. l Kiw.
li J. V. Watt and fuiuiU ha
UU n ibarrf -f ilu tTii f ih
n.jii i'hri-t:.iu 1' nil- ')
Perhaps a short sketch of this in
stitution will not prove uninterest
ing. The school, as will bo remem
bered, was moved to Chemawa from
Forest Grove 1SS5, and the grounds
now embrace 250 acres, much of
which has been cleared by the stu
dents since that time, and placed
under cultivation. There are about
twenty of the school buildings, dor
mitories, ofilces, etc.
The attendance during the past
year has averaged 175. Tho school
course occupies a term ot five years,
and students enter at all ages be
tween six and thirty years. The
graduates now return to their homes,
either to elevate the condition of
their fellows in the tribes, or to be
dragged down in a few years, again,
to their former state. This depends
largely on che character of the
The graduating class consists of
Flora Pcame, Henry Steve, Luella
Drew. Louis Amor, Phocbo Nelson,
Charles Bobb, Hattie Corbett, Rosa
Whitley, Nathan Parsons, Adine
Hill, Jacob Norman, William Depoe,
Charles Lott, Sarah Pierre, James
Maxwell, Cowley Spenser, Caleb
Charles, Louise Isaacs, Eva Helm,
William Fletcher, Ida M. Barker,
Silns Whitman". Agnes Peame.
There have been a great many
changes in the officers and faculty
of the school under hunt, lice's
administration. The ollicers now
aire John Lee, supt.; S. M. Briscoe,
clerk; F. M. Woodard, physician;
D. E. Brewer(lndian),disclpllnarian;
Mrs. Letltia M. Lee, matron; Miss
Elsie L. Murphy, asL matron; John
Gray, carpenter. W. II. Utter,
tailor; W. S. Hudson, blacksmith;
S. A. Walker, shoemaker; Win,
TTnrUniimtli. nlumher: Mrs. M. J.
Walker, senmstress; Mrs. Elizabeth
Hudson, cook; Mrs. A. D. Gray,
asst. cook; Mrs. Annie Hcrkenrath,
laundress; John Ashue, Alex. Dun
can, Indian farmers; It. A. Lee,
The faculty consists ot i'roi. jj. b.
Bogers, principal teacher; Miss E.
Josio Pitman, first assistant: Mrs.
II. E. Bristow, necond assistant;
Miss Leona Willis, music teacher.
Stato Supt. E. B. McEIroy has
issued a bulletin of information
regarding the National Educational
Association, scttim? forth rates and
all information that might be desired
by parties contemplating attending
The Oregon and California has
established the following rates to
hau iTniicisce: From Portland,
Oregon City and Salem &W 3-5,
from Albany $33 15, from Eugene
$30 SO, from Hosehurg $20 SO, from
Grant's Pass ?21 55, from Medford
S19 SO. These round-trip tickets in
clude the $2 00 fee for membership
in the association. All persons hom
ing such are entitled, free of any
other charge, to have mailed to them
the bound volumeof the proceedings
of the meeting of 1SSS; also will be
entitled to all of the free excursions
in California, etc.; but care must be
taken while in San Francisco, to
obtain a certificate of membership
from tho secretary, and ample ar
rangements have been made for the
issuance of the membership certifi
cates, and official souvenir badges,
without imposing on members loss
of time or serious trouble. These
tickets will be placed on wilo from
July 10th to loth, inclusive, good for
going passage until July IStli, and
good for return passage until Sep
tember 30th inclusive.
Tho Oregon Hallway and Naviga
tion Co. names a rate of $25 from
Portland and return, by steamer.
This rate will include meals
and berths on the steamers, and the
2.00 membership fee. These excur
sion tickets will be placed on sale
from July 7th to July. 15th, Inclusive,
and will be good for return passage
until September 30th. These excur
sion tickets will be placed on sale at
all the leading stations in Eastern
Oregon on the line of the O. It. & N.
railway, and will be sold to teachers
and others from July 2d to July
15th, inclusive. This arrangement
will enable all persons to attend the
State ' Teachers' Association at
Salem, July 5th, 0th and 7th, and
then reach San Francisco in ample
time prior to the National Association.
The Orecon Pacific Railroad com
pany will sell round-trip excursion
tickets from Allwiuy or Corvnllis to
San Francisco and return for tfl4,
and will include meals and berths
on the steamers. Theso tickets w ill
be nlaced on sale on or about July
7th, and will make them good to
return on or before September 30th.
The steamer will sail from Ytupuna
City on or about July 13th.
Tho circular quotes pullmau cu
rates, and gives much necessary in
formation concerning hotels and
hotel accommodations. Oregon
liiMidniinrtera will be established in
parlors 105 and 100 Occidental hotel
at San Francisco. Supt. McKiroy
willbeulad to furnish all needed
information to any one desiring.
It is important, perhaps, to say tutu
th(!so excursion rales are open to
everybody, and are not confined to
Marquise rings nre far and away tho fa
vorite. For a plain ring dull gold in ropo pattern
is quite ns stylish ns anything.
A miniature sky rocket, eompleto in every
detail, is the latest novelty In scarf pins.
A pink, n black and a white, pearl mnko a
foshlouablo combination in scarf and bonnet
A shamrock of diamonds, with ruby cen
ter, ornaments tho outer sido of a golden ogg
8 B
Has jttst received
l.nnf nntfnma tn nlntlnnm nnil rrolll are
much in favor for sleove links among peoplo
of taste.
A four leaved clover of seed pearls, with a
turquois stem, is n handsomo design in bon
net pins,
A pretty Inco pin consists of a crescent of
hnnunered gold, within which lies a spray of
enameled forget-me-nots.
A beautiful penholder is mndo of a hollow
silver tube, tho upier end of which turns
gracefully into a script initlaL
A nlnVv n lilnn mill a velloW daisV. Oil a
mottled silver background, combino into n
striking design for boubouuleros.
In silver jewelry tho rock finish, etched in
quaint designs, is rapidly superseding tho
hammered patterns so long worn.
Three- silver batons, with gold knobs,
among which nro set a diamond and a ruby,
mako a pretty pattern in laco pins.
JSfMareclial Neil and moss roses in enamel, on
a clouded silver surface, nro dainty ami siyi
ish designs for bracelets and brooches.
Pencil point protectors of gold, richly
chased and incrustcd with diamonds, arc
among tho novelties recently produced.
An enameled roso and bud. with diamond
center and stems of floxilo gold, is the very
handsomest (lower brooch of tho season.
a cmnil irnM HrtOn. sot with turouolscsnud
pierced by a tiny arrow of dull gold, is n
pleasing pattern tor children's car drops.
A gold canoe, with oars beneath tho
thwarts and an anchor all ready forward, is
a scarf pin favored by tho amateur yachtsman.
A square knot in Roman gold and plntl
nura, having either a ruby or a diamond in
Its center. Is u handsome pattern in cull buttons.
An artistic novelty In garter clasps isn
squaroof partly oxidized silver, in which is
sunk a dainty floral dooign in bright colored
A gold crescent studded with diamonds,
pearls and sapphires, and in tho centor of
which sits a griflln, Is a uniquo pattern in
scarf pins.
A largo central star of pearls and tur
quoises, having a smaller similar star at tho
apox of each ray, is a handsomo design in
garter cMsps.
An oblong shaped cult button much In
favor has half Its surfaco richly chased on a
bright gold ground, wmio ino rosi is pmin iu
sparkling frosted silver.
A uniquo pendant for a queen chain is a
lady's shopping bag In colored gold. Tho
drawing strings which closo ite mouth nro
continued to form tho chain.
A combination hat or jersey pin has a long
necdlo of dull gold, topped by a polished
moonstono, toward which a gold spider, with
moonstone body, Is crawling.
A handsome gold watch cose bears a
"swirl" pattern starting from a centrnl sap
phire. Each ray of tho "swirl" alternately
holds at tho end a diamond and a sapphire,
A olm.trln lli'ht" scarf nin renrowutstho
c-lnlm hv a. tiiiherieal niootistoun. tho wires by
thin oxidized silver bars and tho polo by tho
pin, which but partly enters tho scarf.
A disk of Roman gold nearly two inches
in diameter, and chased In semblanco of alli
gator skin, is a peculiar pendant for a gen
tleman's watch when worn in tho fob pocket.
A dainty knlfo edge bracelet liears six del
icately chased buttercups mounted at equal
distances, each flowor holding as n dowdrop
a differently colored stone.
A unique brooch represents in vnrlcolored
gold tho Tarn o' Shantor cap now so fash
ionable. Tho rakish plumo which adorns it
is handsomely embollisuod wuu uuy siones.
In sleeve links a combination of tho swirl
and tho corrugated patterns, in white enamel
and on a Roman gold ground, starting from
either a Capa ruby or a green garnet, ii
uniquo and handsome.
Cambridge Bibles,
Plain and Fancy Stationery,
Embossed Scrap Pictures,
Birthday Cards,
Day School Rewards,
Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25c,
Leather Card Cases,
Leather Pocket Books,
Leather Purses,
London Incaiiitecnl Steel Pens, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 5,
Acme Writing Tablets.
v -j
m iwuawniwiMwi'""
Ed. Abbey Arnste for Arson.
This nanor hml tut ileiun few ilnys
,iiif. nlimit Ed. Abbey' restaurant
at Los Angeles burning, and Bince
i,nii Vil has been arrested, cnarueii
with setting lire to the building. lie
wont to Los Angckw, and at once
gave bonds for his appearance at
the next term of court Ed. denies
liavlngdonc tho act and found it an
easy matter to get boiulrunou and
wiy he will conio out all rijrht.
Mr. It. D. Murray brought to this
city yestorday three young coons
which ho had captured on his farm
near Albany. They were uougiu oy
Junius V. ripe and Frank Amber-
ger, Postal telegraph oionitor, who
...in dniiiiwticato them. Thaw little
imliiiHltf, about which so many fron
tier yarns are told, are not very
plentiful in Oregon.-Albany Her
ald. Mr. D. D. I'ruttyiHHii, who has
taMiNkent from this elty for wuno
time in thoCamnl 'Aleno mining
dttrlet, I"l torritoo'i '" r"
turned to hU old love, tuid fovoml
thl otlU with h call to-day.
Klamath County SUr.MaJ. Hrock
!BK haw &ii hecttiitf
hHoutlieni p.rt rff.K.f1
euuty and S-rtliern ( alifornla,
Wivaii.ln-p.ni..-Hi.'l.' "t -
. i.,.n,v !. ill.c.lm-"'lai'''';
i-ff... !.. ' i'",l;T4
i .n ..i. I tuni. t'" ' " ll' l,t ''
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc.
2555 Coiiiiiu'rcial Sliwl, h!l,om
. BECK k SON,"
Cuurt Hour lllock For SalcXot a Wilder.
Sheriff llentley, at public auction,
in front of the court house, oil'ered
the Court JIouo block, one lot at a
time, for nulc to-day, according to
terms suited in advortlMjinents
which have appeared during the
past several months. ot a niti was
made for anv nart of the proiwrty,
so tho attempt to hell wan futile In
tho extreme. It Is tho goneral im
prension that tho county cannot givo
a good lcel to the property, while
others are Impressed with the Idea
that Moses Goodman, deceased, who
gave the property to the county
about sixteen years ago, did It with
the intention that tho county would
use it for all time to come, as county
court wounds, nuri would never at
tempt to divert It to siwculative pur
poses. Then again tho values that
have been placed on that proierty
bv the oouutv court are exceedingly
high and far alovo the real Yalta- of
similar property In the vicinity,
Thl I one of tho main kmmiim why
no hid were received, intending
IHirolMaen believing tlie ael
values far too IiIkIi. ISaat Oregou
ian, tlie 27tli.
Tim Keefo .i?nel "Itli tho New York club
at a salary of W, 000.
Jim Whitney, of tho Washington club, U
laid up with pleurUy.
Ed Willlannoii will enter tho throwing
tournament nt Cincinnati.
Two of tho bet outflUlcr produced by the
Aiaoclation Ut mason nre Tcbeau, of tlw
CIiic.nn.tt. ttiwl Urifflii, or tlie jiuimnore.
iiti. ,r ii. I'liiliululoliia club. trted
out iu u pltcber. In 185, while pitching for
the Atlantic City toaij. lie retlrtxl Btovoy, of
the Athletic cluh. three Umo In suoeewlon
on strike
lnnur Unrrlll UVI of "fimlllllC 11111'"
Bowderi.! "1 think la- will prove U. be one of
the illitot piU-am IUMWU uueer iwi. .
deliver the hall a truli;Iit awl a fcharp aa
an arrow. lli i.ctionn rainble thoe of
WhIUwy In nuuiy rticulara. He 1 a Iiltter
and u worker."
Two or three jurtlw hare claimed tao
credit of brUisiug Cbii'kMU out an a pitlwr
tutd jilayer, aai the rlht otw was not men
tioned. Tb one who Bve Clarkaon liU first
leesooetii plu-Uimc, and gave tiioi that In
uruetluj which baa formed the ImwU of hi
I u il ii . woe Tom bund. tU, fiimou pitcher
U tfce Baou tdoiuK of 'n. "78, TU, IWawl '81.
io Siismaii's lleadtiiaita.
Toys, Cutlery, Novell kx, Indian Clubs, Iloxing filovcs, an
cvurytliing usually kept in a gun store.
(audit fciMfe l XtUtmi
Jhn I'riimui-'nd, aged 73 y-arn,
(oiiimittiil Min id.- ttt-Ahlaml 'iay
bcfuix- tril.i , 1-y .lnx'tiuK hini
elf in the Iwad. 8peeulatnii in
Han Ihejfo rvui tate luuJ laink-
.ptt-d him, and li kAUil liiiu- If
fir Iiixiiiiiu-y.
I r niu -I i. " i ru:.. k l . milk
Uki I. nn-nj-It- iiMri-nr4l '
fiTO tho rrnnlef.
Many parenta permit their oblWren to
tnend for eamly or toyn every omt that to
Arm to them. CHbew are coaUauaiiy ln
rtntetiag tMr cWWib to mr all Utelr
"iKmalea." Ib itfcar cane tu reou vtoce
0ej4oraM Jfaoraaoe of Ute Irua ia of
rnoaay, ypmdUtg witJi OtooreUoa, awl
tirUag. Bveavary youug children ea le
taasht, to a eartaia extent, the real value
uulUtt a of money. Wb piuU wtU
trereirtve to iiapraM upon their eblUran
lite nwiearity of forming prudeut kaUu, of
ipendiu anaiey to advautage, m that iotne
trti'le f utility or valor U alway oMaiaed
f..r it, IIm .luiy of r.-tlng-v'U-mAU'- aivl
ju.l.. ia ! 'ty and uat tho jurit hapl.i
oeu toat x Ij --jiici.' "I ujii rtU
, i. fr '" ' 1 l ' t '- i, i.-e -A.
,'J iii ' l -f.rt-
R. M. "WA.DB & CO'S
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Garland Stoves,
Charier flak Stoves,
Brighton Rup
!'n a rnjp! ' Sf-k rilirdwitii n ij dim Mailin i. d2-nw &iii au'-'-:
l ' '