T?T-- T p CAPITAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1SSS. NO. lOO ritorEssioxAi. cards. misokliiAnkous. i rix.vxci.vi,. VO f BELT, ATTORNEY AT IjAV (j and District Attorney. Olllce at oourt house. mUMOX FOItD, ATTORNEY AND H cwinsclor nt tov, Salem, Oregon. (SflCC, P ""ra IU "w """ 111 V" . ,t !. nillnn ll. IMttnn'a ! ..,- .. mn?nn AimnSRVS AT lock, up stairs over Belt's drug store. --r . Trcrw j 'm'nnVE'V Ann . Law. Office over Capitol Nntlonnl Junk. 219 Commercial Street, Snloni, Or. tTTAI K.VlSlill, Aliun.im u ij.ni, " Salem, Oregon. Olllco with Tllmou Ford. In l'ntton's building. "Will practice in ill the courts of Oregon. Collections jjdde Land olllco business a specialty. . -.... . irwr.-.--T-v m T nir HST HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND repairer. All work warranted, i. n'c orders at T. McF. Patton's book Iwre. S',c street, Salein, Or. nl'UES8 WAGON, QUICK AND SAFE the Cipro business of Walter Lowe, is wi-wrrd to deliver trunks, valises, pack Jrc and any thing else that ho can get in 8?CS, ill" imj i..."t. -'J" .. TV huwuRnn to any part of tlio city, quicker, dfine' bv any body else. 'Loa'vo orders at jlinto's stable. I INSURANCE Company. Firo and Mn rlue. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. DR GILBERT, THE) EMINENT Seienti-t, anthropologist, physician and Funxeon, will open an olllce in the New B-inl; Iiloek, on Jlay 1st, for tho treatment of nil diseases of women, and all other chronic caes, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and eloctromngnetlsm used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box lTO.Salem, Oregon. roit SALK. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis k Chamberlain. CO acres. 0 miles from Salem, UlgMy cultivated $3000 i lots, good uouso and barn, East Sa lem 2S00 Slots, tlnely situated I'M NW acres a miles from Salem, well Improved, can bo divided Into 3 or four tracts .10,000 ao a. u -, 8 miles from south of Saiem, f.ur liuprovemenients.nuo timber and wator 3230 lblockoflnnd, 3 houses, rent for 812 e.ich, pays Interest on S10OU 3000 SO ncres 5'$ miles south of Salem, fair . impro enients 1EJ00 5cxes adjoining city limits, in meadow 1200 1 lot, good houso and barn, adjoining court houso block 1850 lacre, Salem, new houso and barn, plenty of small fruit 2000 The foregoing is but iv partial list of tho bargains w o have to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. For Sale. A good Iron frame Ilorso Power. Good for nil uses, from ono to full capacity. All lor tho low price of . Call at tho Pa c He Cider, Vlnogar & Fruit Preserving Company's olllce. Sulom, Oregon. FOR SALE 2SS ACHES, 225 in cultivation, UOacros good timber, bal ance pasture; 100 ncros In fall wheat, 23 ncres in oats, and SO in potatoes. House, ham, orchard, etc. Two miles north of Kih m, may bo divided: price, SCO per acre, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. rOTTORFF, Cor State and Commercial Streets, Salem, FARM FOR SALE. USPS acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by h box id road, from Salem, HSaorea in oultl minn, balance In timber. Well watered, good $1000 house of 8 room, moderate barn, willatthe door ; all fenced anda thrifty J'Mng orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to paMure grass, and 97 acrus in grain. Pur 'h.mr can have liberal terms to harvest CruliR TRICE 14000, TIME GIVEN. ( me right to the term and save agent's fee-,. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. STOCKFARM FOR SALE or RENT! 530 ACRES W, II watered and plenty ol timber. Two l'ii4 and two barns, Uood orchard. Mi.td.iw and U0 aerea plow land. Fifty ii.-.. J of nulla with the place if warned, and br enough to run It. Within Ave miles rf di-imi on the O. A C. R. K. A bargain for "tuuitbody. Enquire at Office of Ceoital Journal. SMITH'S OIL CAN HOLDER. Having uaed W. &. Umltb's Otl Can Hold er n our several atmlUea.we heartily as duiM ail good word apokeu in 1U atvor beiiere It to be the most sseAU and VU)unleat household article. J" Z- X. Farvin. Dr. J. Reynolds, ! M . Matthews A Co. A. T. Gilbert, lr J. M.Hmlth, lr. J. W. MireiJth, t-hadwtek, A. tinuit, Sr. I'ttit H. W. COX, (Sueeeesoi'to Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon PULL LIKE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries j Drngffist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOH THE CELEHIIATJJD FULL HAVANA FILLEIt Red Letter 5c. Cigar. US-Tuo host flvo cent cigar in tlio mar ket. II. AV. COX, diw 100 State Street, Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Doalers In jO Latest Styles! Leading Lines! Lowest Peices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsvllie's InfalliMo Com Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old sUmd. SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A. E. STRANG, No. ott! Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DlALKH IS STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Cas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. B9- Agent for the ItlCIIAllDSON & IIOYNTON COMl'ANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1M8. CALIFORNIA! the ISSiHIt n Ttt -DEATH TOPAll- I If. w sv Btlicrcrc..-ruPftATl-- iXijjrMni.oRDyiui.cAu. Boo noes IT HOLD AND GUARANTEED 11Y D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 stateSt., Salem,. Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Dooot KSrAHLlSllr.I) 11Y JCATIONAh AUTHOKITY, J. OK SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, -.-- $75,000 Surplus, --.--- 9,500 It. S. WALLACE, , - President. V. "V. MA11TIN, - Vlee-Prcsldent. J. II. ALllEUT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS! V. T. Gray, W AV. Jlnrtin, J. M. Jlartlu, H. S. -Wnllace, , J.'H. Albert, T. McF. l'atton. LOATSTS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, conileued or In btore, either In private granaries or ipnblio warehouses. State and County Warrants llouglit at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. JSALEM, OREGON. tt'M. N. LADUE, President. Hit. J. UKYNOLDS, - Vico President. JOHN JIOIH, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. ExchfiiiKO on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. Slate, County and City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at rcabonaoio rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. 3IAKKKTS. The SALEM MARKET IIS COURT STHEET. Constantly on hand tho best quality or Frdi and Si Meals ! And all kinds ol S AUS AG- E. 3-Tho CLEANEST kept market m tho city. Call and see for yourself. MCCKOW A WILLA11H. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STIIEET, - SALESI, OIIKGON. 9-AU kinds of fresh and cured moat always on hand. Full wolghtnnd n MpiHro deal nil around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. f HAVE OUDEltS AT LANCK'S LIV Jj ory Stable, corner of State and Front btrects, or on hlato nt otirner Stale and Com merelal streets, l'ronipt attention and oaro guaranteed. AV. A. BENSON. STRICKL33R BROS. -DK.VI.KIW IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Hoofing and Spouting a Specialty. AS-At the old gtand of lien. Ktrunir. (Vim- merelal Street. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "S dies are givliiK sutlhfitctlon, and a cus tomer with Hroni'liitls says it is tho only remedy that gives liiKUint relief. Hekkhi.i. it Covkk, HrtlKKlsts, Klvenihie.tiil." U.,n " the pleasure to Inform nave you that your I'ruiaralloiis are meeting with large sale. We hear Nothing but Praise USSR'S caslou tow use them. XakiM'AWEx Co., Hrugglsls, VlskTUi, Cal." That It wlllaooompllsh the end desired in all atlectlons of t& Throat and Luiik U. , ,; 1 1 und you not only wUI not U Will without It yourself, but will recommend It to others, as thousand have done, who have tried everything else in aln. Money is uo object wlu-re health is In the p,,! V-,, balance, and the LOnVKlCe YOU trifling suin of one dollar can purchase X remedy that will slaud between you and one of the moat dreaded of human ills. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Isprepared only by the A MEHIcXl 00 OrovlUe, CW. AUIBTIKK The Capital National Bank First National Bank TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY THK 1NTKXSE HEAT. How tho New Yorkews Suircr From llio Healed Term. New Yoinc, Juno 05. Up to 10 o'clock tliis itiorniiiK tlio roeonl of flvtal prost rat ions from hent is uuprc-oodonu-d for any Juno day in tho his tory of tin? ooronor'rt ollloo. At noon thodoath li-t ntit'hodtwoiity.nllnioiv or lit directly oatHwl by tlio torrid atmosphere. Many ofthevictinwox pirod without the slightest lnvinonl tion of their fate. Some in the prime of life who yesterday were in the best of spirits and apparently the best of health, were corpses in their beds tliis morning. Children in crowded, recking tenement districts nro dying oil' like llowers that wilt in the sun. Aged persons in many quarters attempt to move about in ordinary pursuits and sit down only to gasp their last. Several persons died at tho breakfast table. Tho prostrations arc very numerous. The thermometer at 2:H0 p. in. was ninety-one in tho shade. The AVeddliur Itelli. Dallas, Tcx., June 2-5. Tho man agers of tho Texas State Fair and Dallas Exposition oiler three liberal prizes, to be awarded bridal couples lor their prepossessing qualities, with the provision that the marriages shall bo publicly consummated on the fair grounds. Three entries have already been made, and others to tho number of a score aro expect ed. Liberati's band will play the wedding march, and tho marriage hall is to be strewn with llowers. SalMU'd With tho Choice. Chicago, Juno 2o. Tho mem bers of tho Oregon delegation are satisfied with tho work of tho con vention. Mr. J. AV. Cusick says: "Otii' choice was Gresham, because tho people of Oregon wanted hlin lintiinnlnil Lilt TTiivrtunn mill Atlir. 1IUII1IIIIIIV1I ..i.v ...,.., t... ...... ....- ton are excellent men and will suit our people in every respect. 1 liey mrko a strong team, and with them Oregon will roll up a larger major ity for tho republican ticket in No vembar Mum she did for the state ticket in June." Several of our del egates will stay cast for awhile. Dost met IvoTlru. New York. June 23. Fire was discov ered tliis morning In a five- siory building extending from Tliiny- eiuht to Thirty nit.tli stieit 011 First avenue find occupied a? a cigar factory by savcral firnn. I'hu flames pruned rapid headway and soon tlir wall fronting on First avenuo fell in. Tenants ate removeing (ruin lurroundiiiK buildings. The water supply pave nut and the fir? lioats were summoned. If more water is not soon obtained a disuferous confl.igrn tion is certain. There was a panic amontj tho 13OO em ployes in tne burning building, many of whom wern fiirls, and several were slight ly injutcd on the croudwi fire ot.es es in their efforts to reach the street. The loss H $300,000. "Penny Wise autl I'oinnl Foullsli." That's what men are who plod along trying to do their IhihIiiiw, whon thoy nro half dead. Their cyuH nro tlim and throb; their head aches; tho children annoy them; their wlveft lose their charms; they lose their ambition; they make mis takes in their accounts, and the Whole world look blue; they hate tucuuwlvet and everyone cIho. And wliyV Jf you feel so, why don't you stop and think a nilnutu or aro you too stupid Your liver ami blood aro out of order; that's all. You need a gootl regit uttor ami tonic. Take a bottle of Dr. Pierce's (Jolden Medical Discovery, nnl you will feel liken new until. In three duys your wife will be the prettiest und swwt ent woman in tho world; your chil dren' dlstKwIlloiiH will be exactly like your own; your buulnewi will improve, und you will make money enough to y for the ;'Clolden Med ical dlatioverv" a hundred time over. Don't 00 stubborn, but try it. If you aulfer from "cold in the head," or from Naaal Catarrh, twe Dr. Base's Catarrh Itemedy. It curea wlienever everything fulla. Mr. N. II. Frohllclurtein, of Mobile, Ala., write: I take great phaaure lu reeoiiuuc-udliiK Dr. KitiK'a New Discovery for Con tiuujptioii.liavliiK uned It for a severe attack of Bronchi ti and Oatarrh. It gave ine Instant relief and entire ly cured ine and I have not been af flicted since. I also beg to state that I wjmI tried other remedies with no good result. Have alwj used BlectHo Jtltters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovt ry for (3on suinptioii, CougliH and Cdds, Is sold on a pstil ive guarantee. Trial butties fret at Dr. II. "SV. Cox's Druf Stove. TWll Wr.l)l)LS AT 3IKXT0K. A Double Union nt tin? t)M HnrfleM Home. The marriage of Miss Molllo Gar field to .1. Stanley lirown, and that of Miss Hello Mason of Cleveland to Henry Garfield, eldest son of tho dead president, took place Thursday evening at the house of the family. The ceremony was performed by ltev. "W. V. W. Davis of" Worcester, Mass., tho former pastor of the Kuelid Avenue Presbyterian Church of Cleveland. Both tho brides were members of his congregation during his pastorate in Cleveland. An elaborate bower of roses and siuilax had been arranged In tho east window of the room In which tho ceremony took place. The deco rations throughout tho houso con sisted of evergreen wreaths, smllax, Marechal Xell roses, daisies and potted plants and ferns. A special train conveyed the guests from Cleveland, and a city caterer pro vided the menu. Tlio utmost secrecy was observed regarding the dotal Is of the wedding and newspaper reporters were abso lutely refused any Information. At r::i() p. in. (lie orchestra struck up Mendelsohn's wedding march, and Mrs. Garfield and Mrs. Mason, followed by tlio near members of tho family, entered the room. Fol lowing them were Mr. Harry Gar lleld and his bride. The former was attended by .lames 11. Garlleld, Mr. Bently Warren of Boston, and Mr. Frank Baldwin of Cleveland. Tho bridesmaids were Miss Mary Mason of Cleveland, Miss Helen Newell, Chicago, and Miss Fannlo Southworth of Cleveland. After this ceremony had been per formed tne second uritiai party entered the room. It consisted of Mr. Stanley Brown and ids bride. 1 no lormor was ac companied by l'erelval Famuhar of Vr... -'..l- 1 1 IT..!. il, .if r'lif.m.ri 11U) A III l. 11.11. Illlllll Tl VVIIIIIIW, .7. J. Chiekering, Washington; I rving Garlleld, Mentor; and Charles Jewell, isuiiaio. Tho biideinaids were Mis-es Mary Garlleld and Minnie Garlleld of Cleveland, Miss Mable Klttrcdge, Now Yerk: Miss Sally Foster, Cin cinnati, and Miss Noll Wlndom of St. Paul, jNlinn. The wedding supper was served directly after. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gnrlleld will go to northern Now York on their wedding tour, and Mr. .1. Stanley Brown and his bride, after a short tour in tlio West, leave for Kurnpu. Among the prominent guests pres ent were ox-J'resldont Hayes and wife and ex-l'ostniastcr-Goncral James and wife. Tho pretty romance which culmi nated to-day in tlio double wedding has already been fully told in The Star. J.Stanley Brown was a life long friend of tho lato President Garlleld. and in the campaign which ended In the hitter's election was hl-j trusted nrivato secretary. Whon it became known that Mr. Brown was engaged to marry Miss Mary Gar Hold, no surmise was created It was known that the ydiingcou nlo were much attached to each other. Datcr on, however, It was announced that an estrangement had arisen and many harsh stories were circulated In consequence. At the time both Mrs. Garlleld and her daughter left adruptly for Kuiojie and rumor had It that they did so to avoid a distasteful alliance. Hon. James Mason, tho father of Miss Belle Mason, now .Mrs. narry Garlleld, was a cousin of Mrs. Gar Held, and for years prior to his death was counsel for tlio Ijtko Shore railway. He was tho father of three daughters. Josle, Belle ami May. The two latter wore educated at Mits Porter's school at Farming ton, Conn. Miss Mary Garlleld was also educated there; so was Nellie Grant, and IsHween all a warm friendship and Intimacy existed. It Mas at the Mason homestead that Mrs. Garlleld and her family found shelter when the lxsly of the president was brought t Cleveland. After that event the visits of the Garlleld family became of frequent occurrence, and It was there that the friendship that ripened Into love was first formed. Unknown to any one, they became engaged to lie married, and It was a genuine sur prise wlieu the fact was announced. New York Htar, June aotli. ssklta'i Aratai 8slv, The best aalve in Ute world fot ruts, bruises, sores, uloefs,saUrueuni, fever sores, tetter, oliapped liands, cnilblains, eoras, and all skin erup tions, and positively eures pilex, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfoetaaligfreUeti, or inonej refunded. Price SB eenui per bos. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. TKliKHKAPlUrj SlMdXTS. In Mlnptn.ro, Nek, George Burtou and George S. Arnold got Into quarrel on Sunday night over a dls puled bet of $llr0, when Arnold shot Burtou through the heart, Killing nun liisiantiy. Arnold was placed In jail. At Los Angeles on Sunday, H. Slattcrbaeh, an old gunsmith," was killed by tho accidental discharge of a gun. in San Francisco on Sunday a drunken man pushed his wife from a two story window, and she re ceived probably fatal injuries. Ho lias noon a wood engraver and for merly lived In Portland. Ilatillcatlon meetings were held last evening In all tho principal towns of Oregon, California and Washington, at which much 011- tuusmsm was maultested. A thief entered the Crown I'rlnce. of Sweden's apartments in 11 hotol at l-ranzenbod on Saturday night and secured jewelry to the amount, of $100,000, anil escaped. 1 lo has not neon caugiu. Tho Emperor and Kmpross made a formal entry Into Berlin on Mon day night. The royal couple were given a hearty reception. Ch.is. A. Pitcher, teller of tho Union Bank of Providence, It. I. has left town with $120,000 cash and all the negotiable paper, amounting to fcV-OO.OOO. rroliatc Hii8liu"ri. In tho county probate court, per sonal property to the amount of $."iS!).C0 was set aside from the ostato of the late It. A. Gesner, for tho use of his widow, Mary V. Gesner. Sarah Wol.-ey Hied a bond In tho sum of J.1S01 with Frank Wolsoy as surety, as guardian of the estato of Catherine Pearson, a minor. G. M. Settleiuler llled a bond In tho sum of $1,000 with .1. H. Settle mteraud W. 11. Setlloinior as sure ties, as guardian of the estate of Cannon Pendleton, a minor. W.J. Polly and J. W. Cox,, ad ministrators of tlio estato of Lewis Johnson, deceased, have Hied their final account of the condition of tho estate, it has been approved, and tho administrators discharged. There Is O.l'US.OJI (o be dlvidcdamong tho heirs. i:ii'i'llon lu A Company. Hint's., litiil Itegt., O. N, G.,1 June 2(1, 1888. ( Special Orders, No. 10 : I. Tho resignation of Capl. Frank 'I'. Wrlghtman, commanding Co. A., 2nd Kegt., O. N. G.,and of First U. M. T. Downing, of the sumo com pany having been tendered and ac cepted, an election to 11 11 such vacan cies and any other which may oc cur by promotion at tho time, is hereby ordered to bo hold at Whlt eaker at ono o'clock p. 111. on Friday, Juno2f)th, 18S.S. II. Lieut. Geo. II. Burnett will preside at same election, and leport tho result lo these headquarters lu triplicate. By order of Col. T. C. Smith. Olllelul : Guo. H. DimNKTT, Acting AJt. I1.UI.ST0N' l,Ul'.I.M. Never seeing any mention of our (inlet little town. In tho JouitNAb, I thought I would send a few Hems. Prof. McAdiuus closed his school last week ; so well are all tlicputrniiH pleased with him, that thoy' have engaged him to tench the winter school. The farmers are talking of build ing a new warehouse here, or buy ing A.N. Martin out. Wo hear that our old neighbor, John Cornelius, will move liack from Columbia county. Their loss will Ih our gain. All our youuir folks went to the jileiilc at Amity, Saturday, and en Joyed themselves finely. Wnuaerful Uarea. W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and. Itetall Druggists of I tome. Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King' New Discovery, Kleetrle Bitters anu Buck leu's Arnica Halve for four years. Have never handled reme dies that sell us well, or give such universal satisfaction. There liave been some wonderful cures ef fected by these medicines lu this city. Several cases of pronounced consumption liave been entirely cured by use of a few hottlea of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken In connection with Kleetrlo Bitters. We guarantee tliem always. Hold by H. W. Cox. UMirWiWl. Illglteat caali price paid for wud In Ute Opera llouw block. P. Lkvy. Fruit Ice cream, at Strong A Co.'s. mSaSmSmMtmvL -1 .iisfT" J " '" eWiw