Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 25, 1888, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Commit".
Ofll, IIS fnrt Stwt, ()Kr:ilon Dlotl..
T1CIIMB OK HUlieUltll'riUM
One rr, by mnll . no
Mx maoilu.hr mall 2 SO
flirt inontlM tijr mll . i 7b
Vet vnm delivered bjr BMrhir..
SPHmr- W w
Hlx month n
I Ot ymr. If iwltl ftr In mlnwi, 1 W
Hit month, " ' " so
B " JVtmlmiuttm are nnthormed to re-
1$ ' MlVS KUlNNTllltlltlM.
ml Slr.T. I). rrlr In our iluly ittillmrlretl
HTKnlereil hh wH-onrt-rliuw mutter nt Hie
.Hieiii.urPKoii. riMiomco. June 21. I.
IOXI)A V, .1 lNK25, SW.
am. niti'inv'H ouihvanci:.
Wo are (old (lmt Mr. Duik-w fit-Is
leujily grieved at (ho oiijkwIUou
urotiMMl by IiIh eancllilacy. JIo had
-thrown lilmMf Into "Hi1 Imminent
ilwidly hruHch" to wive (ho ropuhl!
omi jmrly ; mid IiIh patriotic tlevo-
tlon !m rewarded wltJi HtiHpIeioti and
rejection. J Jo hIuikIh high uh a Iiuh-
Iiuwm man, Imvliifr advanwd him-
wilf tothu control of tho Vandurhllt
nyHtuni or mllroadM ly IiIh capacity
for hard work and IiIh nuerior exe
cutive, alilllly. I lc Ih clear headed,
no man law a word towiy MKiiltint
IiIh IntcKrlty, and ho can control (),
OOOvoIch. Tlicwi art- Mr. J)upuw'H
own werdH: "There am in (ho ein
ployoftlH' railroad ol" which I am
prwldcnt fiO.iMKi muii, and HO.OOOnf
thoin aro deinoeratu, and every man
-would vote for mo." It wan mip
tocd Im wan Hiiro of Now York, and
Jioruln lay IiIh avallahillty as a can
didate. Jltit ho wiih forced out of tho con
tent by tho iiiIhkIvIiikh of Id brother
luleKatoH. It wan feared that IiIh
nomination would loo Kiiiiwih,
Jowa, Mliiiicwiln, Ncbranka and
AVIhvoiihIii. JIo lieln a nil I road
man they deprecated tho Idonllllca
tlon of tin repuhlloan parly with
ndlroad monopoly. They feared a
popular ntlr In (hoi Htatc, and con
Heqiuuil defeat of ntato olllcurH and
inoinlientof conni-etw. They grieved
that Hiiuh a feeling exlnted, they
wild, and It mmh a wiitlinuiit to lie
Hlamped ou(; but they weie. not
willing lo uitderlako (hi tank of
htauiiliiK It out during tho put-cut
iiiiipulgii, .Such ivpiiyenlatloiiH
overwhelmed Mr. Vanderlilll'H
(runted lieutenant, he retired as hi
wax no urgently re(iuHled, and
talked In thin manner to hi IYIeiuIh:
The charge Im (hat an a ndlroad
limn I am not lo bo Hunted; thai
iiiivuik one(i lor a salary lor a
niiirumi coiuiMiuy, ror I don'l own
oiUfthoiiHaudth part of one per cent.
or (no proper! lit I manage, I have
bwonit no Imbued with devotion to
mum tutu when I ipilt their work,
urn tin Niiaiv (vumm, i win con
tinue to favor them hi every uvwlhlo
way (o the detriment of the public
hurvleo. That Ih (he charge. It
niwtiit that the nillmml men of the
oouiitry are toU dlHrninohled; thu(
(oIki a rollnmd man Ih to U Imrred
to tho public wrvlce; (hat nillruml
men nit not lo be tnutled, and (lmt
they ii lo Ik. denied (ho light 1h
l.tnillugtotho humbliwt ultUen In
tho Willi.
Tlut tirw bldor rotWtloiiH,
ami iuut lmnrv on Mr.
iwiww'H muni a (H)iivht(lon of
tint Injustice or hU follow man.
llul hokhould ivmeiuber thurw lm.
iHitn grt hiuI Milllotwit cmum for
thU nihipli'ltiii. Tho rVHiiil and op
lrMNJuiiof (ho I'lilon I'aelllo and
CVntml PhcIIU, under I heir former
iiiHiiHftiiiiiii(, wen a imtlouul mii.
ll; niid then Iih (kh'ii mi much
luhhylngln .y.iigii by tho mllnmd
lutnt, k mueh Urgwln and mIo
...iii. .i..i. i.-i i . .
"" ip iKiiHuin, hui'ii wiioie-
wil WH(ringofHik, huoIi cvmuiiw
lwn iiHamIiii r tlit jteopK and
wioh a idling up or o4.- furtuiiw
y 11m Imdlng ntllnmd oiHntw,
tlwt II In ulle HMtural llwiv nliould
lw m iWlluy of publie liidlgiiMtlou
aniil, hiuI UiMt th MtaMoii,
wlkh Mr. IVMwltiuUmiigurkMw,
kltouhl W undUcrimtiwtlng nnd
whhMmNMl. 1 u MHh nutM ivonu.
InruprUng Um tttiiocoiil mm uUu
iimuiv w MillHr tat (Im glHy. T1W
MltltUNU k III tin purfUoil f pKlT
dug IHy. h U Ibuud lu uml miui-
JtsiHi', NHd (Ih mkir o tlMlr Ul UmU
NlUwtkM tu hU ow u aXlrU. 1 1 U uii-ts,o-iuiss
wtxl It ought Ui
MMUMl OUt, lil( M( hM UtktM N
kMtgtXMUWof UtUxmUuet tUIUXHtes
(lib IWUug irf NMMlUtMMlt, Ml It Will
k Mtttt Ulite Atr It lu MluakVa.
Air. Ikaakow U itMitV m vkwriuMa vie.
inn, h m uowwtj up m i
WMtl Air Um ritt oTollMm.
ssi Um ImIImi TlwiMiiyr
rliuo! will taoeitr or TtniMAg
fhi:k whisky.
Since the third-imrty plan or
enforcing imlloiml prohibition ienot
pmcdonble, we have all along advo
cHtod the restriction of the liquor
tralllo by binding it with extiiise
and rei)relve regulatlonH. A cer
tain iHjrtlou or the onrnlngi of the
country in devoted to the whisky
dealer, and if we can divert a good
Hlmru or that um to the mipiorl or
tho government, to the maintenance
or our public hcIiooIh, and to dam
agen HRnewied in relief of the fHiniliett
of habitual driiukardH, wo may
count m much rescued from the
lm..(lHof the jiiibllc cnoiny. JTence
we oouhl never undcrntfind why
Mieh staunch repiiblicHiiH as Judge
JCelley. or I'ennHylvanlH, could ho
lightly talk or abolifthingthc tax on
whisky, which myn $70,000,000 to
tho national treasury, when the
ovIIh that would rcMdt from tho In
creaned uco or thin deadly liquid
tlireatcn to bo ho dire. Prohibition
roanoncrH, IT we accept their logic,
jiiHtiry Hiich a proceeding on thowj
greundH: All attemplH to rontrlct
tho llqucr tndllc ,by taxation thoy
declare to bo a failure. Tho con-
Hiiiiijitloii Ih not reduced, and it im-
tioefl griovoiiH burdciiH uixjii in
nocent, hclploHH famllieH. Tlio tax,
or con me, falln on tho conniuner,
and the enhanced etnt of the tralllo
Ih at the expend of tho ncccmuiricH
of life to tlioco dejicndent on the
drinker for aupport.
Thin Ih all correct enough, If wo
were dealing with exact quantltlea.
If tho average drinker required a
given amount for bin daily con
sumption, im tlio healthy man re
quire a given amount or rood, tho
Iohh eont or rurnlshlng this want,
would liiive nioie for tho support or
IiIh family. Hut wo know thin Ih
not tho rule. Tho frequenter of tho
bar room will hang around while ho
ban a nickel lo buy a drink, and It
mattei-H not how cheap Ih (ho llory
jHilatlon, he will imbibe until bin
money Ih oxonded.
Thin bring the (ll.MtlngulHliliig feat
ure or the liquor trade, wo were
again purely pu..lcd to reconcile
with public policy (ho avowal in Iho
republican platform, junt adopted,
that "wo favor (ho entire repeal of
Internal revenue taxon rather than
tho Hurrendor of any part of our
protective HyHteiu." This 1h going
to the full length in opposition to
tho dmuocnitlo attempt at tarlll" re-
vIhIoii, and It reiualim to be k'cii
whether Hiich a hazard Is approved
by tho dcllbei-ato Judgment or tho
'I'm: nomination for prwldent has
fallen lo llarrlHou on tlieelghth bal
lot. Thin will la relief lo many
republlctiuH, who think well of Mr.
Hlaiue, but doubted tho wisdom of
M'ttlug him upa Hccoud tliuo. The
choice necurift Indiana, where lllaluo
wan a little doubtful, and given as
gtMid a chance In New York an any
clean handed, ivpubllcan HtatcHiuau
isuild lay claim (o. A
sentimental and a real merit
attach to this favorKo son of Indiana,
and with au active canvas In hi
Ivohalf, a lvpublleon victory next
November ian boisinlldently oounl
tsl on. It Ih thought that llawloy
will lo chosen for vice prontdont.
sun an urn..
A n-unIoii of t!ie Salem Trohlbl
(Ion clubn will Ik held to-ulgh( In
AV. (. T. I', hall, at S u'cloek, (o ar-
mujre forn lnk and Ilnnikn ratltl
wtlou meedng. J. V. Wobb will
glvn nn HCisiuut of his ilt an a deU-
gMte (o (he imdoual prohibition eon
volition. All pmhlbltlonlntn Invit-
l. llyonlorof
A g Sri)is,
Hov, Clark llrwloit iummcIiihI in
tho t'hrWtlHn ehunh on Sunday
ovKulug to a full audltMie, Ho en
tabllshwl aUntt tifiy poluUof Chriot
lati tVtltli, ami gnvo an Hbleoontro
venjlal dUxHtiw. Hut It Wttnl 00
iiiliiiitM and wss fatiguing to many
Of hist IsMltMK
tllsMli ratlicaro.
imiiv RUHrMiitHMi etirv
mUrrh, txkkl hi tlio bend, lmy rVvr,
ros ald. iwUtrrlutl UHflkH huiI
sow eytw. Helore the ixiim iwf Im(
aud uuplmsut hnwtli, rw-ultliig
fhim raUrrh. 1'iwy mid phnHiit to
um, 1JWw illrwliottk nnd a curt
I witmutal, by nil drunfcu. .Sd
fcrcUvulir to UUlK-rTNIJ ilKD-
HA I. 11)11 l'ANV, Un1lhs IVL
hi' uuUI. II. Hi. Iir snm bj- IX V.
S)mmJ mm of Mftrottt vt IMtUMf A-
lkitwrUtSs r vhk Mttak only. Qmi
hum tatpUM. .r
Uwitk, tat www ntku milk
swi, MtwtMJfc, m aiwugt J? Ofc'a
Proposals for Supplies
The board of trnttees of the Oregon State
Inamie AWum hvnby Inrlte Mated pro
poMlii for furnlabiiK at the a jrlum naar S
lem, Oregon, the follow lag niMJll lor six
mo th,commenflii July 1, 1M6:
S600 Itm UTerpool Mlt, fine,
8oap, Kirk's Savon.
laao '
lined ie' hep. machine dried.
Mackerel, No 1, extra meaa.
Tea, U. 8. brand, ruticbon.
lobacvo, Kainuan orana.
(Horn nUrrh. (Flrmenlch tfV. Oo.)
Corn8tarch, (Oswego )
Soda crackem, extra Iresb.
Kainlru, California Ijrer.
Oermea, Snerry'f new nrscaaa.
HuKar.7000 lm Golden 0308 IMflran-
Chei'ne, Cranton', or i good.
Com meal.
Kollctl Odin.
Coame hominy.
Dried currant.
Carb. godn, Chliroh A Co., A it It
100 ' White cAitlle soap, Conti.
100 ' Tapioca.
12 doc. Hroom, No. 1 extra fthleld.
II ' Calm oyster, blue ijtnt, 'i lb,
12 rimvlmrcnniii. Hea er brfllnl.
2 ' Qt. Woreertemhlre wi c, Lee A Per-
1 Ot. Otlic nil
00 gal. shrill1, extra golden, American re-
aw ' CIcii.T lneKftr, 40gr. pure.
100 Coal oil, 60 gallon tauk I'aarl bf and.
100 ' Molwmen, Orleans extra.
2 12 gal uooden bowls, round.
26 gross inntclies, Mt'troM)lltii .t Cum. Co.
2 dot. whlik hroonu, 2 string, velvet top.
r ' CourentrHted lye.
14 ' Turkey dusters, 1 1 Inch.
1000 lbs. Costa Itloii. 1st xrHile.
12A ' OdM'niliitiit Java,
ill Ileal Mocha.
400 Chicory.
160 lbs. lllftck ii'ier.
20 ' JlHce,
m ' Cinnamon.
B0 (linger.
20 ' Allspice.
20 ' Mustard.
20 ' Cloes. All standard ground.
VA (l(n Jcnklui vuhes, 3 1Jiucli, C 1JJ
Inch, 8 S-8 liiili, fi J-i Intli.
I 14 pressure reducing alvc.
1 loz V. compression liose bib.
3 ' 1:11k)Ws, A doz 2 Inch, 2 doz Jilncli
IK iIok Tees, A doz 2 Inch, 1 doz f f licit.
IX ' Sockets, '4 doz IH inch. 1 doz inch
li ' l'lngs, 1 duz S S Inch, K doz 41ucli.
no feet 1 inch galvtiulzed iron pipe.
100 11m sheet lend.
IB ' Solder.
0 200 lb pressure gauges, C Inch face.
JIKY 0001)3.
"S gross buttons, 10 dress, 18 shirt, 10 cont,
1U pams, H eacn sue.
1 gross plus, American.
0 iim iiregot
regoti yarn, all wool, 160 lbs unite,
2ft lls lilut'
21 cards hooks ami eves.
fiOO )d Canton lUiiuel, Nashua XX.
2A0 ' Towe iug, bleui'linl, lti inch.
600 ' Marseilles, York Mf'g Co., checks.
iifi ' llroun Denims, Amoskeag, 9 oz.
AM ' ljnsdnle tine sheeting, .'SJllicli.
200 Cabot A, DwlKhtMC'KCo
MH) ' Mariner stripes, Ainoskeag.
100' l'eiiot sheeting, heavy (A) SCinch.
CM ' ' ' 45 Inch.
i.i vmi as aui'k, n oz, u hue
200 ' Cluck Flannel, Continental.
1 nail puller.
17 doz table knives. Iron bundles.
0 ' Table forks, Iron haudlm.
V2 ' Iron table hxh, tin jilatcd.
yi ' iiiuuer oeus,
b gross screw s. 2 gr 'JM No. 1 1, 2 gr 1J No
lit, 2 gr li No 10, 2 gr X No 7.
3 packages wagon bult
1, 3 8x2Jii 1,3 8x8
, 3 BIB
100 feet Isir iron Norway, 30 ft UxUf
30 ft
!,xl: 10 ft sxli .
160 feet round iron, Norway, 50 ft 3 S; .'Oft
ft-ltl. 60 ft 7-lfi.
I ItlaekMiiltli's vise, Peter Wright jwteut,
B lucli Jaw.
1 Haxter 8 wrench, b'lucli.
1 Pr llellhnugers plajers, C Inches long.
1 ' Nippers oi
fidoi isii'kaites tiu'kf.l, rioz;'.', 8oz;2,12oz
1 rochet drill, 12 Inch handle.
1 handsaw, II Uissou, iUality No 12, S
10 gallons boiled Ilmietsloil.
60 lbs Pioneer w lilte lead.
10 gallons turpentine.
1 box Muh m, V c and Welch.
4 ' 401 n, (Hllott's,
1 ' Uindoii IiicHiideseeut Pen Co No 4.
U reams letter paper, I.ho Oak.
Juts Ink. 2 it Arnold's 1 ijt Stairortl's,
A tlo4 lend pencils, r'aber Nihi i hikI t.
3 ' lend peuells. cltur tablet No 2
(1 Pa) sou's Indelible Ink.
II (tin tea eiiw w llhout handles, w.g.
Saucers, w g.
Soup plates, 7 inch, w g.
Dluuer plates, 7 tuuh, w g.
1 gallon pitchers, w a.
Pie plaUs, w j.
ut Uiw Is, w g.
(i lass tmnblats.
18 '
T '
to Inch w g.
Syrup itcber, glass.
oau cellar, glass.
IVplier Isixe. glass.
WsUl ltltt'hers. w l:.:
S gallon Jugs, eartfien.
Meat JsUiers, to Incti. w g,
(iauet) dlslivs, 4 Inch, w g.
Individual creamers.
o U Wl 1st r rets Hoiir, tst. nrtler prtHtws,
w i, unovrcunii ruifti.
V do ladle.' kltt: i slrs No 7; IN istlra
N;t M iwlm No 5; It paint No I; 12
I stir
m t
tl roi kImhi lam, t-l.
a no uhh ItUMiklng.
a IVIraiueu's lMvy kboM,SUill
I ' lalr ladle' earel kllMtera; U
' lVlr.,lr.7.
1 iUs alr UhUs; wlrs 8, tl lalrs 7, 12
pair Is, palm W, t alrs n.
I i4t barM IvMliier, heavy Olifuruht,
wtr bihhI.
4 sltUs Mt hsHlber. Um moi.
I lb slum thread. No S.
btHihM hMlWr cwMMul, t,ak' 8 K. CM,
lllbsbnMi ua4U:6 lbi. (bH- tlbsU,
T lbs beW HIUT lbsiM lb, Wm '"
5 Usm pair tenlbar sUptmrs, No 7.
. f Tl.NWAHK.
It o pin I euus.
K ; JMjO0iMlott..XXXUl.
W Mrrwu out.
m ' lmb uaisa.
I lnlkMtciHMlWtnkuiai
J h1sTis(UMiMixlMe:
I Utwulia bun ' au, U qu.
UiMla Uutt tkMMt SsWUaw;9lli psltun
M lbs imt 4sur, ttkur or i
MtMiuM. urMttM, In smiwI parte
m MBMURkft, rviac.
" itu mr unrtura.
Ml VOMlaskliuullik.
H Way l 1) a i v.
71 ik
nmyagwww siotbiw
2 ' Kmm ammonia.
1 ' I'urb ammonia.
1 tnurintp ammonia.
2 ' -ontslve sublimate.
5 ' bicarb soda.
2 ' brom soda.
2 ' salicylate soda.
' brom potash.
ustic potash.
2 bichromate Mtasli.
i ot resub Iodine.
2 ' Iodoform.
u ' sulpb morphine, I' A .
K ' sulph oiilnine. I fc V
y. ' sulph strychnine,
i ' solid extract emit, .Iqulbbs.
a lbs suwut Dismuui,cxiuioo.
tsiwd acacia
Hiwd a loci, soc
jiowd colombcj root.
jiowd ext Ilcoricw.
gum cniniihor.
gurn benzoin.
gum cntecliii.
wild cherry bark, ground.
cnbeb borne,
crxom salts.
irround Max teed.
sacch pepsin, Schelftr's,
vanilla beatH, Mexican.
1 ' jiowd gentian.
4 7 lycopoaium.
6 oz iintiiinn.
1000 pills, aloin comp.
1 lb ' C C gel coated, V T) & Co.
1 lb pill C C sugar coated, I'D & CO.
10 gal Kastem alcohol.
5 ' best O K Cutter whisky.
6 ' grape bmndy.
5 ' lort wine.
3 ' (.berry wine.
3 ' glycerine.
' L'Hstor oil, linker's A A.
' best Norwegian Cod Liver oil.
1 ' olive oil, genuine.
1 gros pill boxes, .N'o. SO.
500 each No. 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 empty capsules
2 oz oil lavender.
2 oz oil roeinary.
1 onl) 2 drain graduate.
1 only 4 ozixircelnlncHscrolc, with handle
1 only quart percolator, glass.
1 each sle os No. a) mid 40.
1 set 30 grain supixwltory moulds In tin
V. gross 2oz bottles,
4 gross 4 o. bottler.
j gros U o. Iiottlo.
Im gros 8 oz bottles.
5 bul sill soda.
12 lbs Jnpun vvux, white.
2 lbs Inrgo enrriago sixjnges, sheep's wool.
1 lb sulph ether.
2 doz strengthening plasters, HA J.
doz clinical tlieiuionieters, Leusfront,
2 lbs V K Colombo root, 1 D A Co.
Samples may be seen nt tlio otlico of tho
board of trustees, and goods must bo in ac
cordance therewith.
The board reserv e tho rit?ht In rolecl. nnr
OI 111! UM1S.
Delivery or supplies will bo required
within ten days not lea of acceptance of
bid. A copy of this advertisement must
accompany ouch bid. The name of tlio
class of supplies bid upon must bo written
on the envelop. Knch bid must include alt
the Items in tlio special class bid upou,nud
must give tho items nnd totals in lull, witlx
execution or bid on moat. Atidltlnir mil.
cersare prohibited by law from continuing
accounts or purchases when ndv ertiscmen t
docs not contain u full and complete de
scription of tlio kind of articles to bo pur
chased. hum win do consiucrcu nt 2 o clock p. m.
on Tuesday, July 3, KsS.
r.u. . J1UIIU11JL.
G. W. WK1I1I,
Hoard of Trustees.
. JlUNi.Y. tocrk of Hoard.
Wednesday, June 27, 1888,
Hpeolul engagement of tho emi
nent Irish Comedian.
(Iito ltaker A Fnrrou)
lu the most successful musical
comedy of tho day.
Under the innnngemont of
J. II. Dobbins.
Among tho songs rendered by Jtr. Fnr
ron will bo some that lmvo uimlo him
Aniiotis wherever the Kiiglli.li langnnge is
siMiken. Including such favorite as ,rMr.
-MtCHrtliy," "lteinember.lloy.you'ro Irish,"
"Tho Kxllo's lament," "Coriwml Mulcti
liy," "Lena, Tlio Strawberry Girl," "Tim
Flulmrty," and others.
II. K. Dultois. job Dullots
Dubois brothers
Ghcmckctc Ilotc.
KRE12 33US.
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers,
From SI to S par ilay.
KassjM a Aim ook of
FdjKir, llordcrs ;uid Centers,
WSKL1S. ii all Kli4 f FIUXBS.
Mtl m. FttiMS Mi4t ti Onier.
Vmvw ukd MMm, uoD't
M lPfcPH
1BES, TiSoo
0pm a S tV YMimtvts!
Attention to ivliat ive will Mention !
Know All, liv these presents: That the Capitol Adventure Co. neither
plumbery nor bleeps but are awake and up to the times, and know well
that owinp to the depression of business in the East there will be many
failures. Now we want to be ready to capture any bargains that may
be ottered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary
for us to be on hand in New York and Chicago, iuper&on, and be armed
with plenty of the commodity conmiouly called Cash, with which we
can boast the people of this country are well supplied, and in order for us
to get it, we will Irom now until the first of August offer such bargains
as will induce tho4 having money to divide with us.
You all know that our Manager lias ueen in business here for the last
twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st he will
start East to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do this wo will offer
our wliole stock ol goous consisting 01 ury woous, uiotuing, iiats, Cap
Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, I'aper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a
L'rcat sacrifice, nnd in order that the ceneral Public ninv know tlmf wo
mean business, we mention the price
A good Hemmed Handkerchief for 1 ct.
A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 ct. each.
A sjool of Clark's, Coat's or Kerr's Thread,
3 c. each.
A spool good Sowing Silk, best brand and
assorted colors, for 3 c.
2 spools Silk Ilutton Hole Twist for 3 c.
2 skeins Saddlers' Silk for 3 c.
1 sheet gold, silver or plain Card Board,
1 c. worth 10 c.
1,000,000 do. Horn nnd Cloth covered
Drcs Dili tons worth 23 to 60 c n doz.,
for oca doz.
100,000 doz. Fine Jet nnd Metal Buttons,
wort h GO e. to SI a doz. for 10 c a doz.
1,000 yd. I-nce worth 5 c. a yd., for lea yd.
Lace worth 10 c. per yd. will be sold for 3
and 5 c. a yd. Other Kdglngs nnd
.tmuroiuery in proportion.
good nrtlcle of Gent' Summer
Tho above are only u few of the genulno BARGAINS that we will offer. Besides-the-o
our whole stock will bo oliercd at prices lower than nnywhero else In thodty
without any exception.
Wo nro not going out of business but are hero to stay and only do this to ninko room
for our large fall stock. Call and bo convinced. Buy nnd bo hnppy.
Itemomuertlic'.e bargains can only bo secured at the Opera House. Corner, from the
Capitol Adventuic Co.
S, FRIEDMAN, Manager,
All kinds of Farm Produce Bought.
Having been continued as Assignee of A. Mayer, I will nov
offer the entire stock of
Dry Goods, Raricy Goods,
And Gents' Furnishing Goods,
fi nnTurii
T i !
To Close
mbcr .-. None .-. Ilesqrvcd, .-. all .-. Must .. Go!
Can Secure Bargains !
All Sales Strictly for Cash.
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank.
Scriber -:- and - Pohle.
of some of our goods till August 1st
1000 fine Ostrich Plumes for 50 c each
Large slock of flowers, price no object.
Ladies' Chemise 15 c. each, worth M c.
Ladles' Night Gowns.COc. each wortli 81.25
And all our stock of Ladies' White Goods
in proportion.
60,000 Ladles Hat Frames 10 c. each, worth
60 c. to SI each.
12 Fish Hooks and 1 Lino for 3 c.
Good Scrubbing llruslies 5 c. each.
Good White Wash Hrushcs 10 c. each,
llebt Patent Clothes Pins 5 c per doz..
worth 12X&
Good Fly Hooks, 2 c each.
50 Itcams Letter Paper, 2 c. per nulrc.
10 lb Letter Paper, 6 c. per quire.
100 doz. Memoranda llooks, 1 c. each.
500 boxes Lubln Toilet Soap, 0 c. per box
t.Ullll JC
Undershirts nnd Drawer? for 20 c. each.
Them: Out.
Assignee of A. Mayor.
t?2S pnuwke. buttle, carta, car
E2RvT$.Urd' xi cmr own
uke Mitl tho bo utni nmde buggies.
Every one Warranted!
and out