w I i ! pwujMiMnm EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAI SATURDAY, JUNE23, 18S5. Overland to California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Lines. THE MOUNT SHASTA IIOUTR Tint Vttwern Salrni ih1 Sun Frucltro-Tlilrty-til Hours. OAtirOtlMIA RXI'KKAH tkaiv nui.T. -W55 I.v. Ar. Httlem Han I'ntn. 77 l.v. I.v. ""NoHTi. HfclQn. in. Ma, in. waoi. in. IWAI I'AMKIffiKK THAT? T"-"-' tKIT MC.XIIA1). KIN H. III. MM H. III. X'10 p. in. I.V. I.V. Ar. 1'orllHiitl HhIpiii Ar. I.v. I.v. .p. Ill law j 1. 111. IM il. ill. How a Clerer Woman Got Away. IT M. MAN IH'FKKT SI.KKi'KKS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, 1'or KceomiiiodHtlnn of mkwiiiiI clww wui wuiMcrM HllHClltXl to (Mtiirxtw Imliis, The (J. A (J. ItallroMil furry makes eon ligation With all the regular trains on th rwti rtioe I'ortUiiil. Division from footol V street, West Side Division, Between 1'ortlantl ami Corvallls:' . IIAII.V KXfKIT Hl'NIlAV). '7rs:iiiri r-vrTiTriiitmr- A7rrwrirniT 12H p. in. I Ar. OnrvallU l.v.l ll.tlp.IQ. M'MINNVIM.I?"Kfi'Kl 1UAIN fjiAli.t KXCKIT HHVIIAX). "HJ)"i77ii.lXv7Torlliuiil Ar. I KJ p. m. Ar..Mr.Mlniivlllcl.v.l oooariTi; IHSn. in. At Xllwny ntirt Corvulllw connect tilth loiorwon rue inn lCiil mini. Kur mil lnrormiitloti rrtmnllinr mliw. I, .mill rumt, Ak'I. tnilnsofO Knr mil limps, eh1., npply lo Hit' ('ompinv'M ineii Hjlmn, rinwiii. V.. V. Will MIS, II, Itlll'.lll.l'.ll, AMI. Ii. I' Miuimicr. Oregon Railway anil Navigation COMPANY. '"Columbia River Route.". TihIm fur tlin rtit 11 in una x p in iiHliy, prlnoljwl point In ve Portland nt I0.li iwpw hi H nil mini ItPtlHUllUI, Call- t liMve '. Tlfifc llif) f Tii mm Mini J5iinirt. ELEGANT PULMANfW'ALACE CARS. Isinlawnt Sltwplnrttttr ruurthrauiili on iixprMMtrntiiitu OMAHA, OOlIXtill. III.UI'1'8 Illltl 8t PAUL l'rw f (!lmi'fi anil Without Cluing. CliiiifiiiniitliiiiiHir.irtlnii fnrMnu I'ntn iiUmRnil 1'iutetHoiiml point. I'lirhirtliwrpuiiliMilnrn liwinli.i of I. A. MlllltlllllC, IMfillt (if Ihli cillllllHIIV, t'ttpltlll Journal otflwt, ("unit Mirimi. Hulniii.-Onn,. or A. U IhxuiII,(I. I'. A 'I'. A Portland. Urtejttu. ' Ahe Woodball ii now on the ocean, on her way to England, according to the sto ry of a gentleman who cai well ac quainted with her movement while in this city. She managed to get out o( town in a very clever manner without exciling the suipirions of tho prhale detectives who were shadowing her. After the charge of forging John Gill's name to the tramfer of United States bonds was dis missed dy Judge Gildertleeve on Monday afternoon she went uptown, disguised her self in a mourning costume and hlue spec tacles, and, accompanied by her Englishd legal adviser, drove to White Plains and took a train for Montreal. There tho couple put up at aa out of the way hotel and at nightfall boarded a tug which tuns down tbe St. Lawrence Kiver and connects at (Quebec with the Allan Line steamer for Glaicow. Tbey then ttttppcil on board the ocoau ferryboat and weie soon 100 miles from American soil. That there was some necessity (.for her line of action may be gathered from the fact that although tho indictment on which she was extradited only specified tho charge ol forcing John Gill's naac to the transfer of the bunds, she was extra dited un t!iu State charge of forging a check for $62. In addition to the criminal proceedings there aro pending numerous civil sum on tho part of John Gill's heirs to recover the money taken from him by the Woodhalls! They had Alice watched by private do tectiros, but sho managed to eludo ther.i by eugageiiiu a woman to dress iu the clothing she had worn in court, and on Sunday the woman went to Philadelphia nud purchased n passage to Knghnd on oiio of the ocean steamors. The de tectives, thinking she was Alice, watched her, and allowed the real Alice to getafi; ly away. Nuw York Star. A Ntility .tlmi liiiln Titviui. LANDS AND IIOMBS. A. L MAXWEtt, (I. :i MOlCOMlMOmil.'Miin'tgPr. AT. A. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. PACIFIC IUIIM1D lMyiliipi'ii'iit .np,iii) 'h . W nilli'. ..honor, !) Ii 'ir by iinv niliti iimiii. kimi WM tlir until pitH-uiiitp.r uut (,vuU Un.. from IMrtliuid hii.I ull iNilillN In (In- Wit ltimtt' v illoy u un I rru H Kan Kill. Nou. And owmi m-ytiii iiMiu'.iiip 1 1 in., ni iii Inwlliu lhitn I.v ,,nv Wlllnmetto Rivor Line of Steaniars: , IIIK "l.l. M. Il.wu y." Hi"'llmM KI,.,M IMMII pi llii "N. IWnl, itiv hi i'ilis. inr Iwi.'IIUfr ..It. I r.il..lil lh.rH l,..i.uu... I lor v.ilt i. mt It is.rilmi,) bmJ liit.-rmmllHtt a.. I l "V"""l 1WUItn,1llllll anil Xls. HiUlmaii ( Hliarj, ,!,( IfMiii ssrtti, IViriliin,l,ihr..i. tliut u., Noitrn wti'Nii: " l4Mvi Wvnllta, M.miUy, Vmi(witM mill duKls anil Krlituy.a f m: I.MBKnlem TunwUt , TliurMlny itnj Kiitrtltty, H m; ".IITII HOI" NIC I Ml v. Mini Ik'rl. VVKdllrt. pMsm.1,iid. riiuniiUjr mm! KrVUy, TIME 3CHC0UIE, tKKwpt.MuMtiy.i.- MVHAumir Ijm Mv.. iMrilMiiil. ,M.m.Uy, Wmtniwday m,1iiiadas, riiuwaiy and KttinUy, iMVamtrvNllk .tHM l .... iiih SK-. (IIHil 1.1 u lasik-M u....i.. l,: im umtT rorvmliii AlTtVt" AllMUtr Usn'Mii. AltMUty nud Th a MX iutu. P.iitvt at YAUIIIN.V IffJ'1 w""-" ,".,mnt tv l.lit srmaa'rthlHlMitwMiit Vttlua Ktttl Hot. m.tKriatv -Mi rnUtvUtvt. SAIUMI HVT16. HtK.MsM, rtUMUK r-HANriMV ifitaiuiio Vattv, mnuMKMa. NVIItaiiHtltti Vallvy WlllamoiiK Vllv Mnilsutirllr Yailoy . . Juuv HI Tbla utiMuy mwtN Uir rutil Uv rbanf miiiu dviM iUhhii uoiUw. WtllatlK'll N'mIIvv IMluU imu utakr el.m rmtU YAOl'la'A. Jniw Jui is When Will J. Davis, of the Haymirket theater, was at the bead of the Chicigo Clmroh Cnoir I'milo.-e C nnpiny, he ld lit w.uhltirs Intii the Stntu of Texas. In those days tho advent of opera, in that sec. tlon wiu an cvwit which brought out the elite as itell as the IioikIIuiii One niubt the compniiy was npM-arliiy in G tlvtslon. riiepirquetle una well fillul by the lust pujplo. A loiig-lniied 1114:1 preseututl liuiisalf at the box ofluo with two bo)8 and wanted uue seat. Mr. Otvisliikeil him what hw wasjgiiiiig to ilo1vtvlth the two boys. The Texnu replied that ho "lowed to Uk V111 in." "Then you want two more Beats,'' said tins manager.! !i(Vi) (8'"I riiskoiijuoi,', the JTexm Jaiiswernl; "Ineuu get but onefteat fir lht3tlimc of us at a uircu, and I ''lowjt nln'i going' to jit iiny more for sich a show m this." ThM nimmger unld h k'it.' i he would. The Texnu pullud nut two rvi)lven anil ih Itnyi diew a knlf cauli, one of tlie ') iHiutrkintf that h wsm whenever his up wsut. The manager told them to itn in. In aboil hfi.ru on iii.k ouu of ii Siveltv man came 10 tht int. otticr and iidhlitd been mult. 1 t t a big l',.iii, acciimpiuivil by tu 1 i.")S h ooihi) u and onlvrwl him and bis lady to jive up llicir mi. Mi-. Davis ohIUiI In an onlcvr ui ill. t r.i iti lask.il hi. is unco lit ril.luu vhe liouw of the h imu eUiMeUf. The MMiaiy mu ul.l be would tskt a l.tnd il there was mi objec tion. In abniit a uiluu'che lud Itid usidt1 hUsvtallowtaiili.il on and takfo off his JMcev, which covnre.1 the front of a red tUnnelthlit. Uorisr tlm uaittUud of hit trousers tuo Iiur isvolvors. "1 itui a TCltv nun,' he Mid, 'm long a lhi I SMyihim? in iu Iimi by. ihe hoi 1osm! I en t Tfttn hn it Iww w v itMHHvMry." In aitoihor iuuiu'w b t ' iu id, aod whfii the Ion,; liairttl man "t him oouung he k.ut uut nt a burr), Ullirtg the tuys la follow. The oir frtKMedwl. and durinii Ihe lettiaiutlsr of lh tHtitiNl there was no trosibit. -Just lb tee eM act) the Hnt houM was trectetl In N irtb Ysklina. There are miw Sao buiUiiss and a popaUUon of ISgo soul. e iii 1 1 Pariisn last week the drives of Uw Pa- aifia Itjoai caoiiwny mi) a eieaH dnvr M ijiKM.000 leettH kiga, ine beat tt snaJe ou the Skaps rives, aw! did Mot lea a hi. raaiuviuui wits. tKrt iMi. V.WJ'INA Hilt-TKal Alea ri au4 If .tUtirtl iu Han I'misriMt. ,tirWi I'p. IfYtMl UitVr with ajstliutis. lirxui- ,v i ,',!"' ' fhlM. r any otlivr i)Immm of tlitt iMTvanu, ,1...4 .,-, 1.... , hMl Id , ' " IHIIK1S IHH1IIISM tIl HI f2;'arrlal Wuiua ihe ptrulu. WPit'yim orv Uimii tlio miili! 1m-!l!'lrHii- lMiism that will fulkm- tH. tte JTiSUSX lieJtT "r 8ANTA A1I1K. If juw un. mUiAVr TT ' KwSttl adllX, UWl wHlueatWrlt. Hlltl lliv tri. AasttteWaMdWiViMl at. INtrsland. 1. i islsMM" lllttU(Jll. ysm will lie iliialtltt N u Vol item I Krs, III Mil 'K A.. rmm As..urt rtu-tllf H. H. tv. Kill! Tiia. AM. tkfeatea vl.Htii..ui WELL DIGGING. Wei 3P SALEM MATHS. tv mm hsfttnii. ottsi-, , nun in mm. i to v. imes ymir aaiajHiH.iit at tW I nusrwKHie and liMimiUiHtm oitrsv- IIyk iwwtntir I'A I.I IMHX 1 A TAT- I U-inUlC Tltfmv rvnuHliw, aiv not ' atVIVt nMUIHHIUtla, Nil IIMlUml lMfO- iliHHoa or tllftifuU. Solsl at 11 .un a iskiut: thiw far fei.au. nut vusur- i untiwtl by D. V. ilallwwt .V (v, iw Hisie MIWI. -e- 11 1 , Mia' Arsa Sail, TU bwt mtw In Lb wurid f.. ouia, bmtoM, nnM, ulni mil roetuu, IW-w sutm. I. Khkomd hantk. chUblssliM, mhsbV fttsd all ejrja fU UotM.rsttd poaiUreJy ostm MUM,tM WT wqulrnL it u BttftMoiwd u tlwi pariMt MtMMMkm. ir atooo vib4L Print ,vuu ut twK. J?vall-Uf.H.W,grtf Marlon county Is Blluntcd in tht noart of tbe magnificent Wlllamvttt valley, the central gem in the clu' tor of rioh counties that fonn that prlncoly domain, and is the btiunci commonwealth of the great north west In all the essentials that go to wards making it a prod table abiding iilnce, and a home for the thrill) farmer, the cunning artisan and tin industrious mechanic. lUch in its agricultural resource; in its cultivated and uncultivated lands, in its water powers, and minerals; rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for its salubrity, It prttenfs to the immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters and hot summers, with terrlblo cyclones, prevail, who conies to the coast with some means, advantages that no other county In Oregon possesses. Much has been written of this western country that requires n ttrctch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints ure ntiiru irom mo cuiss who nave been misled by them, so In " this brief sketch the writer desires to avoid exugeratiou as to its present and prospective advantages, asking those in the cast Into whose hand" tills may fall particularly tho-t-who have their eyes directed toward this coast to peruse it carefully, feeling that it is not written to lino immigrants within its borders, but only as a truthful inscription of n land which, if It does not "Hum milk and honey," contains within Its bosom weal tn and resources equal to any other country on tho Pacific side of the itocky mountains. IiOtJNIMIUEa. Marion county is bounded on tl 1 north by the Willamette river in Jhitte ereel; which separates It fioi Cliickanias county; on the east h Clackamas county and the Cumuli mountain.", which separate it Iron Wasco county; on the south by tin Nintinui river and the north fork the tNintlnin, separating it ft. n I. inn county.and on the west by 1 . Willamette river. PHYSICAL KOKMATlON. The county contains, Inclm' valley, prairie and mountain l:wi ' about D jO,(MN) acres. '1 hi n are two main divisions, tl -mountain and the valley. 'I ' . latter extends from tho "WIUiiiik " river to the foot of the Gumi.. mountains, a distance of liboi.t Wen miles. The mountainous portion conli. 1 some fourteen townships of lit. 1 iinsurveyeil land; lying In 11 . twelve miles north and south ' forty miles east and west, and c 1. priK-s all classes of land, from no. narrow valleys In tho pastes, v through all the grades of rollnn hilly and broken, to that of ml bound canyons and InneeesnA' 1 crtiggy peaks. It Is generally henviix timbered, and in the near futi: 1 will bo valuable for its lumber si', plies. Thcto hills and minima!) r.H'oril a wonderful summer rah, for stock, and many of the more 1 1. terprisiug farmers are availing tin 1 selves of tills opportunity, and xx lien the cold frosts of autumn nppi'urt the stock aro brought out to In-! pastures, thus enabling them to -xlve tho winter storms xxith l.t. t enio. OHHAT AIIYAKTAC1K8. A decided advantage Marlon coun ty has over many others Is the ill versllled fanning interest that can be carried on tnrought the entue year; notxvlthstbndlng thislsaxxot climate during the winter months, the uplands are seldom too xxet to work, and long lieforu the pmirle fanners are through with their seed ing, the hill farmer Is preparing for his summer work. And yet the low lands are much preferred by many; the yield per acre is generally greater, anil nerhatis let, labor is re quired to plaiv the Mill in proper condition for crops; and then should the season prove dry, the Uittiuti lauds are sure to bring the hebt crops. No lictter farming land can bo found In the United Mate tliNii that on the noted 1 low ill pnihiu, Kreneh prairie, Santlam limlrle and Salem prairie. The will of tluve are xvondorfully productive. With good eiiltlvntion, forty btu-helsof wluwt and sixty of oats per acre can m 1 end lb' MHMired. KACII.1TIW FOlt MAltKKT. The "Willamette river, with two tine of rxllrmil running the eutlra leiiKth of the county frxun north to south, with tho Dretfon lNeitle nmil crowd ng the soiitluat imruer of the county, atlltrtls ample fWctlltlM to nwoii a nwrket In any direction. S.XI.VJJ U the capital of the state and "...iiity sit of Marion county, sttii ii.sl on the Willamette river ami . -i the O. a C. nairosid. Costly i-ulMlnir liMV Ishu erwtetl, among xxliieh the stale capitol bulltlliuf, itmntyuurt htmse, CnemeketeliotoT .Mm lHMie, nexv luibllc st'liooj ' ulltllng. CVtholio M-hotd Uiildliur, MethotRet churvli, AYIIImiMI Uul- eraliy, and manv itriVMte naileut nntl lMsiut) bkHlk. Width will nonpar tVvomUy with oltKr an.i I tryer either QKNKKAU All thliUM eoueidivl,theWiUsUU- ftte valley luw toe ixvt tMuntn' iu tiie worm, aiitl Marion eounur to iiHHit cvntsjtmij socmWhI thcnlu. To tho wkiu( UOMUW Iu tlM Wea. no brlter opmrtiinltiM caw W . nnvi, un m iouo J br i VrwuMs iwtrin UsfDoossUofi rsar4uic Mfti-tuu vunt7 or th VnikMifi1 vlky, thoa wanting fanulucl Utstta, atoek fturmt, UuIimmsi tratanja tar wsj riiitteiitjMi, wsu oa l'rnnsHJ and rvlUlO- iuftxruMd by sultlnMltsg th WfH known Urm of Wlilk a CluutitwrUn, rsl mUl anettla, nnsni hous bsotfk. Ssvkiw irtcoiu GREAT DISCOVERY Dr. H. SMITH Kow In poelon of n nexv discovery in medicine, wblcb Is purely a local aneetitliet Ic. and set almost inHtantaneously on tho snrroundlne tissues pf the teeth. It Is In no xvay Injurious or unpleaBant to the taste. The iimnufaeturera of It vlalm that Its equal has never been known before, and by applying It to the sensitive or sore teeth, they can be cleaned and filled without pain. So nil those that want all kinds of dental xxork done without jpaln, would better call on Dr. II. Smith. Teeth extracted for CO cents, HENRY SCHOMAKER, Manufacturer ol The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. NEW ADVEKTISESEENTS. All Styles of Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTICE. FAltMEIlS, tain or And others In need of Carriage Harness: It will be to your Interest to call upen: me before purchasing elsewhere, ns I have tho lurcest mid most complete stock In the city, l'rlcex reduced to suit tho tlmos.aMust re- ct'lxcdn fine line of Carriage Harness from A. F. llissler 4' Co. OF- CHICAGO, For tvhlch I mil solo nsent. Thoseharness nro all mndo from First Class Pittsburg Leather, Wurmntcd. Tho finest line of Dusters, lluggy Itobos, nud Vx'hlp? Iu the city. All t bene coods I urn selling nt very close Mr. urw. Thanking the public for their liberal pitronuge In tho past, I shall endeavor by strict nttentlou to business to merit i. con tinuance of their Pivors la tho future I E. S. LAMPORT DUGAN BROS.- PLUMBERS GAS AND STEAM mM, A POSITIVE FACT. The most complete stock of DRY GOODSIare to be found at LUKN & BROWN'S. The best assortment and most reasonable prices in Parasols and Sun Shades at LUKN & BROWN'S. Over one hundred embroider' suits In Batise, Zephyr, Nansook, 8wis etc. all colors, and prices low at LUNN & BROWN'S. A fine stock of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings best assortment of Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves, at LUNN & BROWN'S. Carpets, Curtains, Curjain Poles, Rugs, Drapery Chains, Stair Caps, etc, etc., at LUNN & BROWN'S. Do not forget the place and name 239, Corner State and Commercial St LUNN & BROWN. J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF CLOTHING!! -HATS AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 249 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN &. CO. -DEAI.KK IN- .Aiul dptilcrc 111. Plumbing Steam mid IK Stnto. Street, J SALEM, : : t : OREGON Goods, PROF. II Teaclier of Music Ami ilwtler In all kinds of Muxtenl Instru 'iii'. 0iit,3intVtiiitiei,elMlltreet. lo in 11 'ii;. ...in ..ii Uir inst.ilineut plan. '' live and Lei Live Paint Shop. HHUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominors, Paper Hangers and Decorators. R O O T I ! O Cfl H to V 8 . & ATA s T H 5S3r.i, fflgaaMIIBtaJ ' S HO H w S s Leather it CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Felts and Furs. No. ai Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. Findings! jnjsd XvMLA All ortler will rwelvt. untmjit altenUon. l.lliiultMtMialt kliuUof xvos-K In our line chfwrftiUy il en. sattoAtcUosi lUSHniitetl. tibtip in (HA court Ilmuiw on CMrt street, bMlem.Oi. FOR SALB. Oae suau of 1 Iimmw, kxtm ys-MdJ On Lumber XA'agoa.) OsiHlaets.;''nP? Ossts Mar and OolU) TwoOt-. . .OoetrariiustCutt. tBOur'jHarTuvt. Om ealtlvator. OtM nana IHW.l " 0 lTow.; tct UoubiellaniM.:; rntr HtruU( esdl at F.55. WloieKI ma ov, MXKCtHin ninety tttt-wlm T. K. TL'CKKH. FRUIT WANTED HY THK WILUllbTTG VALLEY FRUIT CO. Sla12CIAL OKK12R ON URGE BODY Fill WOOD. I offer the best nualltv of litn-e fir wood la Hxe eortl loU and over, sawed twice, at ' id iotiwu; rawed nnee,9c w. 11 you xvnni thelmit sloxewixMl, thebt furnace wood, anil the cheitiH-t wikm! yon uan burn, gl-e nw uur tinier " y uraer utKeu now win b: held good Ui yeiUenil tlcituiiiiletl unUl wood is dttltxeretl. Now er 1st. No payment la ytMir time to engage your xx Inter's iup ply of wood. GKO. D. OOOiniUE. (MHcewiUia. AY. Jobnon,50ommer-alalsinwt. F.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -AND- At UMtr rmMtratar .Apples, Plums, Prunes, Peers, (At lw KlM Mart Nm, Jr-""? - l I us. onr tax ma UNDERTAKER.! SKARRAK-S HIXCK, STATK Saktu, 0rgn. &$8$ssu; tsuMto ts otster HwOm aTCJS " - .-ti. ti. '" """ viMri m t msswIJ. ml (ha amsM 4b ln. iLtuiiuv wsu I pajahW ai nt no Imnwlklilm. Op f-4trt on. Manual and Taj. tAfTlr r. l-VT, JlBRKlBRSOK HERD AND L1VBRY STABLE I W. M. n,Y8U, Ip. JnrratsoK, - (KEt,. l-'in.t rlaustngW and'd.wtU' i,.n,t. fUr. nihl at reasonable rtk Tntu.irui i' vk ranfulljr prvTKtttl Kr f-i-. J atseav Uda gltess toMMMttsU traveset. SMITH'S AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. DEL,.i,ER IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, Carjieta Hugs, Crockery, Glass WareTin xrare, Stationer-potions ofhll Descriptions, Mirrors, lMcturew, Cornice 1'olen, Jtouldlngs and WlndowHIiadea. I'loture frainiiiB and all kinds of Job work In xvood a specialty. Tobacco and Cigars. Goods sold on the Installment plan,. Auction sle every Saturday. , as-lllfliest oash price paid for second lnd furbtture. G. F. SMITH, Proprietor. LEGAL BLANKS, LargBst Sto-k in the State, M Discount. Send for catalogue. OaU tor prlcea for Job iTlBUuf lowest In Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Sslwt, Or. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Corrbe House! East Seat Uawiy, teeOpera Hmt, . a. WATKINS, -:- Prop tSeakataUhowisIrnstifctoasW "liiMirWraTDiNc Horseshoeing ! ! Ail taflapmnd Htetbod of shoeing hoaiso rare dtasawes of tbe sbot ln corrwtlun 01" aaoity acsioa, cos lrrttan and lattrfrrtng. need. I gusxranloe MtiUbstikMiluaUaun. Baser to any wU kiktwu uurarautu tn t irvvoo. JOHN KNIGHT, The Honeshoer, iTgW Oossusvtreial ativel, Saletn, Or. i 1