Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 23, 1888, Image 3

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llsiized Account of Doings in Cily and
Country. '
The baud concert in "Willson's
avenue was largely attended last
Mayor J. K. Wentherford, of Al
iiy, will deliver the oration on
July 4th, at the Gervais celebration.
The Pioneer Press atlases are at
the First National bank awaiting
deliver to the subscribers to that
. P. McCornack of this city was
elected president of the alumni of
Pacific university, at Forest Grove
I t'o's Target bcore.
Following is the score made by I
Co. at their recent target shoot on
Saturday last:
Capt. Gesuer 18, Lieut. Craig 21,
Lieut. Estes 14, Sergt. Simeral 18,
ggt. Taylor 21, Sgt. Culver 18, Corp.
Herrick 19, Corp. Kays 20, G. S.
Anderson 18, L. S. Brower 19,
Frank Culver 19, Henry Craig 17,
Jno. Craig 19, Jas. Duke 15, Oscar
Eofl"l", Wallace Glover 18, Orange
Glover 18, Jas. Herren 19, Elder
Hurst 14, T. M. Jones 19, J. It.
Jones 19, A. C. German 20, Jno.
Kimsey 19, C. E. Kays 16, Berch
18, U. Lehman 18, It. Itamsden 19,
C. J. Ramsden 19, J. Short 19, H.
Short 20, "W. Simeral 17, T. Savage
19, A. Taylor 19, H. Stege 19, F. E.
Wanless 20, Roy Gesner 17. Sergt.
Taylor won the medal. The next
target shoot will be held Juno 30.
20 men from each Co's A and I will
shoot on July 7 at Macleay for the
championship of the county.
Will Start Cp Xcxt Week.
Messrs. Cooke & Churchill, two of
the sufl'erers by the Agricultural
Works fire have the frame work of
a building up, and the roof almost
shingled, for anew sash and door
factory, just over the race on the
south side of the agricultural build
ing ruins. They will not finish the
building, nor even weather-board it
until they get the machinery in po
sition. They have received some of
their new machinery and the re
mainder will bo here on Monday
evening, except one piece which had
to be ordered from the East. They
expect to get to running either on
Wednesday or Thursday.
Commencement at Gervais.
On Thursday, June 28, at 7:30
p.m. the commencement exercises
at St. Scholastica's convent school
will take place. On the preceding
Fnday the pupils will be examined
in their respective studies. The
school has had a largo and steady
attendance throughout thescholastic
year. A highly interesting pro
gram will bo presented on the oc
casion. Overran With Thistles.
Unless the writer is greatly mis
taken, thero is an ordinance on the
city statute books requiring all prop
erty owners to cut down thistles on
their property, and tho street super
visor to do the same in the public
streets. Tho street and adjacent
property, botween Front and Water
streets, on Union, is becoming badly
grown over by thistles, and they
should be attended to.
Napoleon Davis Returns.
Hon. Xnpoleon Davis, delegate
from Oregon to tho St. Louis con
vention, hns returned. Davis among
the rest of the Oregon delegation at
St. Louis, was completely thunder
struck nt the "result in Oregon,"
and it required a good deal of his
spare time while thero to "explain"
otho hosts of the eminently faithful
how it all came about.
TeasI Teas!
8. Farrar &. Cci. mv tmoolnl ntton-
fonto tills important nrtiole, and
toepon hand n fine Hue of the
choicest teas. Among tho many
choice brands which they handle
y be mentioned tho Cupid brand,
KnRlish breakfast, Gunpowder and
loung Hyson. Give these a trial.
The Corvalllt 1'eIehratUn.
Light battery A., O. N. G., of
Portland, will participate in tho
Oration of the Fourth
Jlllv nf rv...ltla ffivn
upanies of the 2d ronimont in-
fjotry. and probably troop A. cav
F0 , will si, participate.
To be Uepotj Sheriff.
It lfl uti.l tl.ot rvf T7 ran lr TV
f 7ightnian. of Sublimity, is to 1m
-ih t'ruimn'g deputy, uupi.
riglitnuin la a staunch ropublioaii
"! kerviiig young man, ami
J , BlMsriff oould not make a
A Question for tho Board of Trade to
Answer. A "Greengrocer" in
The writer is in receipt of a letter
from Maj. "Win. Manning, of Cau
yonville, this state, who with his
wife and son, is on a tour of the
eastern states. The letter is written
from Jonesboro, Tennessee, where
they are visiting friends.
In the course of his letter he tells
the following story, which, he truly
says, should show to our board of
trade the first question to be answer
ed by them. "While in Cincinnati,
where they remained several days,
they passed bytho store of a green
grocer, in whose stock some large
watermelons from the south nttracted
their attention. Stopping to enquire
where tho melons were from, a short
chat ensued, which showed plainly
that tho major was not a Cincinnat
iau, or even a resident of Ohio, aud
caused the inquisitive greengrocer
to enquire from whence tho party
"We are from Oregon," was con
fidently responded, when to the as
tonishment of the visitors to "Pork
opolis," with a look as blank as n
sheet of plain white paper, the
aforesaid "gg" asked: "Well,
Where's Oregon?"
Now it is evident that fellow was
a "greengrocer" in more senses of
the word than one. On being in
formed as to tho exact segment in
the earth's circumference which
constituted our grand and glorious
state, the aforesaid greengrocer re
marked that he had been in Cali
fornia. And such it is to bo a great and
prolific state!
Thisgreen grocer can bo found
about three blocks from the west
end of the great suspension bridge,
in Cincinnati if any one doubts his
Therefore tho question which
must bo answered by the board of
trade and advertising committe0
first, is, "Where is Oregon?"
A Speculation Party.
Last evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. T,
Gilbert entertained a number of
their friends at their elegant resi
dence on Water and Main streets, in
honor of Mr. A. E. Holgate, of Day
ton, W. T. Tho game of the even
ing was "speculation," and after its
close, aud tho discussion of tho
usual delightful refreshments, danc
ing was indulged in until a late
hour. There were present: Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs.
J. N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mack, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Manning,
Mrs. Mattio A. Scott, Miss Maggie
J. Cosper, Miss Meek, of Oakland,
Cal., Miss Nettie Gist, of Portland,
Or., Misses Lena Broymau, Boise,
Gilbert, Church, VnnW agner,
Minnie Breymnu, Colwell, and
Messrs. A. E. Holgate, R. Prael, of
Portland, R. P. Boise, Jr., H. S.
Jordan, C. A. Piper, F. S. Dearborn,
H. L. Keller, E. L. L. Johnson and
Chas. Cosper.
Miss Parrlsh in New York.
finvs tho Telecram-Herald of
Grand Rapids. Mich., June 11th :
"Mrs. C. W. Botsford and her
niece, Miss Hallie Parrish, leavo for
Marion, N. Y., to-day for a month's
visit. Pretty Miss Parrlsh has matlo
manv admirers, during 'her stay in
this city, who will bo glad to learn
that she is to return with heraunt."
Sho does not think of returning
to Oregon soon, as she thinks some
of studying her art in New York
state for a time. She has been un
der the training of a very accom
plished teacher.a European graduate,
in Grand Rapids, and has recolved
many complimentary notices by tho
press of that city.
School Exhibition.
The closing exhibition of tho East
Salem school was given in tho spa
cious hall of that building last evon
ing. About 500 visitors woro pres
ont. Hon. J. T. Gregg gave tho an
nual address, which was pleasing
and appropriate, and was woli re
ceived. Tho evening was occupied
with declamatory exercises inter
spersed with music, all of whloh
wore woll rendorwl, and afibrded jn
tlre satisfaction. Scholars and toaoh
ore now take a robt from tholr ardu
ous labors duriug tho two hot
months of summer.
J. B. Starr, county recorder oleet,
is iu Benton county visiting friends.
George 35. Hatch, letter earrier,
went to Portend this afternoon to
visit friends.
Rev. A. P. FowelMm -will preaeli
In the Congregational chureli, to
morrow morning aud evening.
Guard Whitley Shoots and Kills Win.
Mansfield, a Prisoner at the
This morning after the hours for
work had arrived, and whllo the
prisoners in tho state poultontiary
were quietly pursuing their daily
duties, William Mansfield, a prisoner
and a desperate character, entered
the chapel from tho yard, and on
being asked what was wanted i
declared that ho wasn't colnc to
work any longer. He was told by
tne guard iu the chapel that he
would have to co to work, that such
conduct could not be allowed. Mans
field said ho did not care, that ho
wasn't going to work, aud that was
all thero was of it. The warden
then called in Guard Whitlow who
was ordered to arrest Mansfield.
Mausfield stood at bay, rcfusiuc to
surrender, remarking, "I'll kill you,
g d d n you, if you touch me."
Warden Whitlev then nolnted his
gun at Mansfield ordering him to
tnrow up tils hands, saying that he
was disobeying all rules of the in
stitution, and that his entire action
was mutinous.
Mansfield said, "I know it. and
don't give a g d d n if it is."
Ho was airain ordered to throw un
his hands, but ho only dared tho
guard to shoot him.
After a little further deliberation,
the cuard steadilv nolnted his cun
at Mansfield, who showed no signs
of surrender, saw that further wait
ing or kindness toward Mansfield
was only inimical to good order,
pulled the trigger a Hash, and
Mansfiold dropped to the iloor, dead.
News of the shootlnsr was im
mediately sent to Sheritr Miuto and
Justice O'Donald and tho latter
summoned a jury, and went out to
investigate tho case. At this hour
they have not returued.
Mansfield was the worst char
acter confined in theprisou,xrobably,
and was one of tho leaders iu tho
famous prison break of 1883. Ho
was indicted then for murder in the
first degree, along with one Smith,
another of tho leaders of that break,
but they saved themselves on a flaw
in the papers, orsomething,in court.
The case was tested against Smith,
and on tho failure to convict him,
tho case against Mansfield was not
Ho has murdered several persons
in Eastern Oregon, and when
searched this morning, after being
killed, a long butcher knifo was
found in his right sleeve. It is evi
dent now, as it was to tho guard
then, it was either the life of tho
prisoner had to bo taken, or ho
would have killed a guard.
Whitley, tho guard who killed tho
prisoner, is a Polk county man, nnd
his father and brother were killed
by Til Glaze, at Dallas, In 1878.
Every person who lived hero at
that tlmo remembers this famous
shooting, nnd will readily recnll the
son who is now the guard at the
military Orders.
Headquarters2nd regt.,0. N. G.,
Salem, Oregon, Juno 23, 188S.
Goneral Orders
No. 4.
I. Companies A, B, C, E, F and
I, second regiment, O. N. G., will
assemhle, uniformed nnd equipped,
at Corvallis at 1 : 30 p. m., July 4th,
1888, for parade and drill.
II. Tho Held and staff will roport
to the Colonel, commanding,
III. Tho non-commissioned stall"
will roport to the adjutant promptly
at tho time above designated.
By command of
Official: Col. T. C. Smith.
Geo. II. BunNKTT,
Acting Adjutant.
"The Syettm of I'rotectlon li (irraltr Uiiu
any 3lau,"
And tho protection whloh ono of
Dr. Gilbert's medical baths nflbrds
the system against tho attacks and
ravages of diseaso is simply wondor
ful. Malaria, catarrh, dropsy, con
sumption, all debility, weakness,
pain and mitery rondlly yield to the
healing and soothing iniluonee of
those baths. In the Bunk block.
A coiupetont lady attendant for
ludieH. ClinrgoM moderate. Consul
Uitiou free.
Cream mkIh, ice artwm fcoda, milk
sliaktM, leninuadtM at Strong & Co. 'a.
Painlew dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, 82 State rtmt.
Call on Wliitem & Thomas for the
bwt groceriefi in town.
Fruit lee cream, at Strong & Co.'.
ClInglDR to the Last.
Thfl vlminr.t.. .i -. .
' . "' "iniiimirau mien renin ins
IS,t i?,f ffn1 Ulru?h when It does
??i. ilVw ,hE"A FlMenro suddenly,
fill. fliwn-? "We to do by nttcklnK tlio
L .'.'i iV0 "!e SrtP of this tenacious ill-
beneficent liberator from dleenee. Itostct-
,... . . .Yu '""Prx. which will free the,
suflbrernt theoukct fVom subsequent pain
ana dancer. No purer or wore, ngreeoble.
blood depurent exists, no multitudes of tho
rheumatic and neuralgic Imvo ascertained
mwiim , n is.vy"-.. " .8.V;1II. "?
nnd bladder that nn outlet 1 atlordcd lor
impurities which beget not only rheuma
tic, but gwity ailments, and dropsical cf-
............. .im.uls,ras ule tuners gives
an impure, ucer crginKontho bound
nt. frrltntlnn fit. .itiii Y.i.. ... ...
cause them and tho bowels toperform their
............ .. nn iiuvk-iikv precision, upon
also for dyspepsia, biliousness, fever nnd
"b"v xtvunn.
No tiiro for Chills and Fever.
This is not a patent medIcInoad. but
nn announcement of our new Importation
An article, which must bo HOOD to
sell aud wo hn e It. Send us
j our order.
The Grocers.
Tho next tlmo you buy Tea como to us
nnd try our new brand of Canister
Teu. Only CO cents for n full pound.
Try Cream Wheat for breakfast.
Uso Gormeu and yon will have a rich
Try Cereullno once. It cooks In ono
Full Lino of Fresh Vegetables Daily.
Cherries, Bananas, Oranges, and
Now Potatoes very flue.
Tho Grocers.
Evaporated Apples,
Evaporated Peaches,
Evaporated Nectarines,
Evaporated JApricots,
Evaporated Pears,
Dried Peeled Peaches;
Dried Peaches,
Dried Apricots,
Dried Currants,
Dried Apples,
Dried Grapes
Oregon Petit Prunes,
Imported German Prunes,
Smyrna Figs,
Persian Dates,
Weller Brothers'
201, Commercial Street"
Salem Co-Operative Assoeialion
P. of H.
Choice Groceries,
Frovisions, Fruits,
and Vegetables,
Crockery, Glassware,
Butter, Eggs,
and Lard.
Produce Bought I
JAMES AITKEf, .Manager.
26 State St SALEM, OR.
Cash Grocery Store,
ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor,
124 v Statu v St., v Salhm.
..Airull Mook o!...
Croccriea, Canned Goodi, Freah Vegetable,
KW. J ut received a nU article In
New -:- Orleans -:- Baking -:- Molasies.
ao to
W2 CMrt StrMt, SiW, OrtgM.
lUvlitx hoMfbt out Um remalwW X the
elwlr fcoKHTri rtoek, w mte prepared to
M etuUni loww tluin any buuw in Orvc on
Specialties in Fruits
T. McF.
Has ju.st
Cambridge Bibles,
Plain and Fancy Stationery,
Embossed Scrap Pictures,
Birthday Cards,
Day School Rewards,
Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25c,
Leather Card Cases,
Leather Pocket Books,
Leather Purses,
London Incandescent Steel Fens, Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 k 5,
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc.
235 Commercial Street, - - - Salem
Shot Guns
ie Sportsman's Headquarters.
Toys, Cutlery, Novelties, Indian Clubs, Iloxlng Glovos, an
everything usually kept in a gun store.
1282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Alu a Coiplete Stock or Hardware aiwJ Farm Madiintry.Waps and Carmpg.
Acme Writhiff Tablets.
Garland Stoves,
Charier Oak Stoves,
Brighton Hango,
..t .