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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1888)
rm CAPITAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1SSS. NO. OS JOURNAL. 'SjHpHHHSjHHMBuMb- S8WB?3P PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SEO "tf. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW (j und District Attorney. Office' nt court BOUM-- TILMON1 FORD, ATTORNEY AND counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. OplCe, W Bl""0 " J.m,w w, rtHAW & GREQG, ATTORNEYS AT n Law, Salem, urccon. uuire in muun s Hock, up stair? oyer Halt's drug store. H T.'RlCHARDSOtf, ATTORNEY AT LaTT. Uluce over ulhui xuuuutu lank, 29 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. TttM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V salorrf, Oregon, Olnctnvlth Tllmon Ford. In Pattern's building. Will practice In nil the courts of Oregon, ejections mail?, lanu, UIUUU uuamuaa u dukwhj oT -Iltfr.VM PTANft TTTNttU ANT) H repairer. All work "Warranted. C?5ve orders nt T. McF. Pattern's book store, State street, Salem, Or. T-iXPRESS WAGON, QTJICK AND SAFE R delivery. Wm.Rennlo having bought ilie express business of Walter Lowe, prepared to deliver trunks valises, pack ages, and any thing else that ho can get In hta wagon to any part of the city, quicker, safer, better, and neater, than it can be done by any bqdy else. Leave orders nt jlinto's stable. INSURANCE Company. Firo and Ma rine. J03. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. DR GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, nnthropologlst, physician nnd surgeon, will open an olllco in the New Bank lllock, on Slay 1st, for the treatment of nil diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hyglenlcnnd nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. FdK SALU. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis k Chamberlain. CO acres, 3 miles from Salem, highly cultivated 53000 Hots good house and baru, East Sa lem . 2S2 Slots, llnely situated 1700 800 acres, 23 miles from Salem, well Improved, can bo divided Into 3 or four tracts 10,000 aacrcs,8 miles from south of Salem, Ail. tmhTAi'nmomAtite flnntl Mipr and water stjjU 1 block of land, 3 houses, rent for ?12 each, pays interest on S100U 3000 enAAnt, Imllna emit), nfKnlnm fiilr improvements - -SWU 6;aeres, adjoining city limits, in meadow l-)0 1 lot, good house nnd barn, adjoining court house block 1850 1 acre, Salem, new house nnd barn, plenty of small fruit 2000 The foregoing Is but a partial list of the bargains we have to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. For Sale. A good iron frame llorso Power. Good for all uses, from one to full capacity. All for tho low prlco of $30. Call ut tho Pa cific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Company's olllco. Salem, Oregon, FOR SALE 2SS ACRES, 2S In cultivation, 30 acres good timber, bal; ance pasture: 100 neres In fall wheat, Ja DpKu In nnd) nml fin In nntntnos. House. barn, orchnrd, etc. Two miles north of ojiem, may no aiviuuu; jirict, sou m u, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor State and Commercial Streets, Salem. FARM FOR SALE. 108H acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by good road, from Salem, H3 acres In culti vation, baUnco In timber. Well watered, good $1000 house of 8 rooms, moderntobarn, well at the door; nil fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture grass, nnd B7 neres ingrain. Pur chaser can have liberal terms to hnrvost crops PRICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm nnd savo agent's J. P. ROBERTSON, Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES WjUwHtared and plenty oi timber. Two Mttdo JMrteH low and IG0 awes plow land. Fifty ofosttle with the place If wanted, and oulitorunlu Wllhln five miles um iwu parne. uimhi wwtiti. ieu.iSU.lLiU .A. oargHin ior Esqeire at Office of Caoltal Journal. SMITH'S OIL CAN HOLDER. HTinc used W. B. Health's OU Qm Hold JJn our Mvantf uulllw.we heanUy t S all mod womb oku li IU livor Mleve it to be Vai atot neSfM m ujrnieot bouMhold article. J: . . I-arrtu, Dr. J. BerMttta. lii.- Uw Co, A. T. OUUrt, Meredith. A-Omni, 8. Friedman, Oeo. W. Belt. A. Mayer, W. Itreyinan- Iff ZEALAND JIISCEIXANEOUS. H. W. COX, (Succossorto Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon FULL, LINE Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOR THE CEIiEBUATEU FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. ttS,Tho best five cent cigar in tho mar ket. H. W. COX, difcw 100 State Street. Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers uud Dealers In Boots and Shoes ! Latest Stylus! Leading Lines! Lowest Prices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsytlic's Intilliblo Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand. SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A. B. STRANG, No. 303 Connncrclnl Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DEALEll IN STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. JS3- Agent for the RICHARDSON & nnvvws COMPANY'S Furnneeu. Es tablished In 1S19. y?6 MO J.. ft 2 BY WU.,V SLgjMUjcuLA; ADILIINLWLU-U i m rrinr nrnL mmm I ..t. VTiJ "I tfL. r. uu .1 va.? SAVB YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which doe not get bsttarT Have you an ex oMlve osorrtlan of muoog maturln the naU fcng? Are you trouhtod by klnr spitting, weak and lnllamed eyes, frequent sorenewof thethrout.rlnglnifor roarliiE fu the erB, nvore or le Impairment of tlie herln, los of wnell, meiHorylm irl dullneMordlwlnertofthehead.drj-neiMorheRtornienowT Have you hwtHll ceneofsmMi7 jwruiM" uw,iuuii.imiiii v........ symptoms, otharu only ft part. California Cat-R-Cure nuiraatlAitMu of UMte ana men. removes una uwieunu uniwemiani. utwui, rwuii lnfrolfi cWtarrh7 Eiynd jrtewant to ou. Follow direction and a cure to irur. SSl lv DlvlMATTIlfcV8 I Co. RECOMMENDED. nAPTAIV CHARLB8 L. DIMON, of New York City, formerly iteelal acent of tbe piumbIx ad IIoiiw Inun Company at tian PBieIon,Oal.1V: "OiaTe been i!2S rtili Chroute Catarrh tor twenty years. A friend la ooSland, Oal., reoou. 3jJS,r ciflfcirnta AT-R-CUHE. ioc4irUe.l a Jar, liavtn but Uul fclU. Inltt fllrwiTi. iMtOMd nnd 5 w wnicu enu imuuimButAi-iwuHA wr wmw imw, D. W. MATTHEWS &. COMPANY, 106 state St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale DodoI FINANCIAL. First National Bank ISALEM, OREGON. WJI. N. LADUE, President, DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vlco President. JOHN SIOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exclmngo on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London nnd Hong Kong bought nnd sold. State, County nnd City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially invited to dejKwlt und tmnsact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property nt reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained nt the bank In most rellablo companies. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL ACTIIOIMTY, I OF SALEM, Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - OREGON. - - $75,000 - - 9,500 R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, .... Cashier. I DIRECTORS! ,W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J.'H. Albert, T. McF. Vntton. LOANS MEADS To farmers on wheat nnd other market' nblo produce, consigned or in store, either In prlvnto graunrles or ipubllo warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rntes. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Han Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong uud Calcutta. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET, OS COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best Quality of tell anil Salt Meats ! And all kinds oi SAUSAGE. 3-Tho CLEANEST kept market in tho city. Call and sco for yourhdf. McCHOW & WILLARD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. O-AH kinds of frmh nnd cured meat always on hand. Full weightnnd n bquaro deal nil around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT IiANCE'8 LIV cry Stable, corner of State and Front streets, or on slato at corner State and Com merclal street. Prompt attention and care guaranteed. W. A. BENSON. STRICKIER BROS. -DEAI.EIW IN- STOVES AND TINWARE! Hoofing and Spouting a Specialty. aa-At tho old stand of Ben. Strnng. Com mercial Street. U THCONLY- cure ron CATARRH PfloviqECAU I I AT ! I M 1 llieWltillMlOlIM TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY, THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Proceedings of Today's Convention. Attempted Adjournment. Chicago, Juno 23, 4:30 p. in. Tho convction ntljourned till Mon day nt 11 a. in., by a voto of 492 to 320. Chicago, Juno 23. Tho conven tion was called to order ntlO.-OS. Tho roll call on tho fourth ballot of states began at 10:20, with Warner Miller ofKewYork presiding. Tho vote resulted as follews: Al ger 135, Harrison 217, Allison SS, Blaiuo42, Sherman 230, Gresham 9S, MoKinloy 11, Lincoln 1, Doug lass 1, Fornkcr 1. Tho fifth ballot followed Immedi ately, and gave the following result: Blaine 40, again of 4; Alger 142, a gain of 7; Allison 09, gain of 11; Harrison 213, lost 4; Qreslmui 87, lost 11; Sherman 221, lost 12; MoKin ley 14, a gain of 3. The convention then tock another adjournment until 4 o'clock. AFTERNOON. Chicago Juno 23. Gov. Foraker said, at 3:25 p. m., that Ohio would not voto solid for Sherman this afternoon. Said ho thought Blaine a very strong man, 'when asked about tho contemplated stampedo to him. Thero is soino talk of com bining tho Blaine men on Allison. Chicago, Juno 23, 4:12. After convention called to order, motion i was made to adjourn till Monday. The roll Is being allied with pros pects against adjournment. ADJOURNED TILL MONDAY. Opinion of the Morning 1'rcxH. Chicago, Juno 20. Tho Tribune this morning says that anti-Harrison forces have combined to prevent his nomination, and after a ballot or two will adjourn to unlto on some other candidate. The News says tho ticket still looks liko Blaine and Harrison or Blaine and Alger. Tho Times says Alger and Allison gained strength during tho night. Tho Herald says Alger and Allison nro very hopeful, and says that at least part of tho Pennsylvania dele gation will go to Allison, after Sher man. The papers agreo that Harri son is the most prominent candidate at present. .Salooftlielleiit llniiieiitead. St.Louib, Juno22 Tho homestead of Gen. Grant, better known as tho Dent property, consisting of 750 acres, lying twelve miles west of this city, has boon sold at private sale, under iv mortgage given to W. II. Vanderbllt In 1881, during thoGrant & Ward troubles. Tho sale was au thorized by Chauncoy M. uopew for Vanderbllt, and the property passed Into tho possession of Luther II. Conu.n, millionaire and ex-('onfeder ate. Ho paid $00,000 for tho Dent farm, and will uso it for a breeding place for breeding fancy stock. Ho has christened the place "Grant wood." Tho homestead was in tho possession of tho Dont family for more than half a contury. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. BainbridjL'o Munday Ewj., County Atty., Clay Co., Tox. Buys: "Have used Klectrlo Bitters with most happy muiUs. My brother also was very low with malarial fovor und jaundice, but wiw cured by timely uso of) this medicine. Am satisfied Klectrlo Bittern wived his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Ilbreo Cave, Ky., adds a liko testimony; says: Ho positively ImjIIovoh ho would have died, had It not bem for Klectrlo Bitters. This groat remedy will ward off, iih well as cure all malarial ttttmtw, and forall kidney, liver and stomach disorder stand unomialod. l'rlco 50c. and f 1 at Dr. H. W. Cox's. An Alxolnte Care. Th OltlOLNAL ABIETIKK OINTMIOfTte only put up In targe two-ounotj lln Ihjx, and U au alMoltite ours for old sort, burns, wounds, olwppad hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively cum nil kinds of pita. Ask for the OHIOrNAL ABJlfiTINE OIKT MEKT. Sold byD.W. JMfeUlMWi 4 (V., 1W Stats stntet, Bulmtt, nt 2S oeuts r box by mall 80 osnts. GREELEY TO PRESIDENT LINCOLN. A Wretched Letter liy the Journal ist After the Hull Run Disaster. Tho following letter was written by Horace Greeley to President Lin coln after the battle of Bull Run, and'Is printed for tho llrst time In tho Hay-Nieolay "Lire of Lincoln" In tho June Century: Nkw York, Monday, June 29,' 01. Midnight. T)i:ar Sir: This is my seventh sleepless night yours, too, doubt lessyet 1 think 1 shall not die, be cause l nave no ngni to me. i must struggle to live, however bitterly. But to business. You arc not con sidered a groat man, and I am a hopelessly broken one. You are now undergoing a terrlblo ordeal, and God has thrown tho gravest re sponsibilities upon you. l)o not fear to meet them. Can the rebels be beaten after all that has occurred, and In view of tho actual state of feeling caused by our late awful dis aster? Tf they can, and it Is your business to ascertain and decide. write mo that such Is your Judg ment, so that I may know and do my duty. And if they cannot bo beaten, if our recent disaster is fa tal, do not fear tosaclllco yourself to your country. If tho rebels aro not to bo beaten, if this is your iuturinent In view of all tho lluht yml could get, then every drop of blood iieiiceiortn sued m tins quar rel will bo wantonly, wickedly sued, and the guilt will rest heavily on tho soul of every promoter of tho crime. T pray you (o decide quickly and let mo know my duty. If tho Union is Irrevocably gono, an annistico for 80, 00, 90, 120 days better still for a year ought at once to bo proposed, with a view to a peaceful adjustment. Then con gress should call a national conven tion, to meet at tho earliest possible day. And there should bo an Im mediate and mutual exchange or release of prisoners and a dlsband moilt of forces. I do not consider myself at present a judge of anything out tno punno senti inent. That seems to mo every where gathering and deepening against a prosecution oi me war. Tho gloom In tho city Is funeral, for our dead at Bull Jlun were many, and they llo unburled yet. On ev ery brow sits sullen, scorching, black despair. It would bo easy to have Mr. Crittenden move any proposi tion that ought to bo adopted, or to have itcomo from any proper quar ter. Tho llrst point is to ascertain what can bo done which Is the measure of our duty, and to do that vorv thing at tho earliest moment. This letter is written in the strict est confidence, and is for your eye alone. But you are at liberty to say to members of your Cabinet that you know I will second any move you may sco tit to make. But do nothing timidly nor by halves. Send me word what to do. I will llo till I can hear It at all events. If It is best for tho country and for mankind that wo make pence with tho rebels at once and on their own terms, do not shrink even from that. But bear In mind the greatest truth: "Whoso would loso his llfo for my sake shall save It." Do tho thing that Is the highest right, and toll mo how 1 am to second you. Yours in tho depth or bitterness. Hekaci: Giu:i:li:v. not in hih right mind. Horace Greelv's luttor to Lincoln Just after tho battle of Bull Bun, re cently published, has called out Mr. Samuel Sinclair, an old time busi ness ossoelatoof Mr. Greeley, who says : "When that letter was writ ten Mr. Greeley had been, anil was still, Buffering with brain fever; the ontlro letter, In my Judgment, re vealed that ho wus on tho verge of Insanity when ho wrote It, and Lin coln must have estimated It at Its proper value. Ah appears on Its fa;e. tho letter was written to Jjin- coln in the strictest confidence, for his eye alone, and is it not doubtful whether Messrs. Hays and NIcolay aro justified In now bringing It lo- fore tho world, with all the internal evidence that tho writer of it was of unsound mind when he wrote It?" Don 'IHxitfrlutnt. You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are In danger. Consumption always seems at first only a cold. Do not twrmlt uiiv dealer to lmmwo udoii you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's xsew uisoovery inr con sumption, cotigiis ami corns, nut oe sure you get the genuine. Because ii mii make more profit he may tell you he has something Just as good, or Just the shiiis. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is Cmnteed to give relief in hII sit. Iuiik hiiu chest aflbetloiw. Trial bottles free at Dr. II. W. Cox's drug store. Large bottles $1. TELEGRAPHIC SPLINTS. Ed. S. Gill, business manager of tho Soap Bubble Comedy company, was in tho city to-day, arranging for tho appearance of his company. Tho Emin Bey relief committee of London say that In view of facts in their possession they place no reli ance on tho sensational reinirts con cerning tho Stanley expedition. Tho tlrst Instalment of teachers to tho teachers' convention, arrived in San Francisco yesterday. Tuoy aro frotn the eastern states. Tho main bulldlmr of the Albu- ntierouo Indian school burned yes terday. The loss to the mission board will bo quite heavy. Wednesday last tho California Fruit Union dispatched tho first spec ial fast fruit train of tho season . to Eastern points. Tho train consisted Of eleven cars, Tho secretary of the treasury trans mitted to tho liouso on Friday a rec ommendation from tho lighthouse board asking for an appropriation of $0000 for a lightship fitted with n foghorn signal, to bo located outside the bar of the Columbia. The prohibitionists held a ratifica tion In New York on Friday, at which tho candidates, Gen. FIskand Col. Brooks mado speeches. Tho latter sald, "Polygamy, feudalism anil slavery aro dead, and whisky must die." REiiltUOllS 1NTELLHIENC1. PlUMHVTinilAN Church. Bov. II. A. Newell, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. st. Society or Christian Kndeavor at 0:30 p. si. Sab bath school at 12 si. ; it. S. Wallace, supt. Prayer meeting on Thursday nvinlni'it7:30 P. St. WolcOlllO to all, at all tho sorvlces. CoNCIltr.OATlONAI. ClllTltCH Bov. J.W. Harris, pastor. Corner or Liberty and Center streets. Ser vices at 7:30 p. si. Sunday school at 12 St. Young people's meeting at 0:30 p. si. All aro cordially In vited. M. 13. Church. Services will bo held In tho M. 13. church to-morrow as follews: Morning, at 10:30; Evening at 7:30, Sunday school at 12 si. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 0:30. All aro Invited. Seats free. Bov. W. Bolllns, pastor. Christian Cmmon. Elder P. It. Burnett, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 12 m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m.'Ai, Church. Bov. J. Mi Dick, pastor. Preaching on Sun day at the usual hour, 10:30 a. si. un'd 7:30 p. si. Sunday school at 12 si. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock. All aro cor dially invited to these services. Baptist Church. Corner of Liberty and Marlon streets. Bov. A. B. Medbury, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. si. and 7:30 p. si. Sunday school at noon. Young peon o's miHitlinr at 0:15 P. si. Siiiijectiu tno evening sermon "Justification by works and by Faith." All aro cor dially Invited. Continuation At St. Louie. Becoiitly 33 persons, 14 males nnd 11) females, four being adults, says tho Catholic Sentinel, woro recently confirmed In tho Catholic faith at St. Louis in this county. Archbishop Gross visited that par ish on tho 17th Instant, and tho services woro well attended. Tho congregation met at tho pastor's rosldoiico and conducted him in procession to the church, tho choir singing "Vlvat Pastor Iloiius;' and when near the church door, all knelt to receive His Grace's blessing. Pontifical High .Mass was then cole i, ..i,i i. itir ir.itiiiii- Adiilliulm. of Mount Angol ; Father Urban O. S. ii .... .1, .,.,... nml li'ntllttl- J). IIUWIIK n wi""p .-" ,, ,i MMIIIn... .iu uiiliiloiii-nn. ItllV. l'lltlior Ansleni,' of Gervals was assistant ' ik --. I,i..i1...u F. .( t ittfi 1 1 priest, aim liov. miner uiiiiu.mj", master of ceremonies. "It Jlakt )le Tired" To read all those advertisements of iiiodloliiGM upon medicines wiion they eiiumoruto with such imrtlcu larlty and minuteness of detail, all the diseases mankind, womankind, and even "babyklnd," are heir to. How cheup one feels to commence what she supposes to hen tragic or tender love-story, reail uiitir her sympathies are so thoroughly aroused that sho can scarcely sleep without knowing whether they woro married or not, and then have It end something Hk" tills: "Dr. Pierce's I'avorlte Prescription Is the only posit I vo wire for all oUwneii of "fenmle weakness," such hs prola sus, Inflammation, iH-rlwlloal pains, etc. For sale by all druggists." Dr. Pierce's Pellets sre laxative or Cathartic Hooordlng to slue of dose. BpeciMl shI of kihyhm st Bridges Ikmortli's, for this wk mly. Gen uine lHirynIiis. !'