Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 22, 1888, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publiihlng Corrpan".
one, IVi Conrt Hlrt, ) r llonut Illwk.
n A n, v.
One year, ))' mull ..-.. n (0
Mix iiHHilhu. by limit., 2 M
'flirt iiMMitno lv inftll 1 35
Per wek iltrilverwl by cwrrw.- . IS
On year. ... tl 80
Mix inoiillia 76
One yMr, If iwtbl for In mlVHtieo,.. 1
Six moiitlM. m
asrl'mtinimtiTii ttru NUtliorl7d lo r-
eive milMrrlitlnn.
Sir. T. 1). Porter In our duly milhorlml
rHYwiinc m'in.
a-Ktilf rwl r Mfnul-rlHM mutter nt the
nliii,urRoii, riMtoiiice. .nine 21. ixm.
VH IDA Y, J UN K 22,1888.
The threatening Hltimtlon in (lie
Creek nation, that litis been noticed
In our dispatches for some days
mst, seems to have quieted down,
and the ililllcully will be adjusted
without an armed collision. It lias
been repfVwnlcd In the reports from
the Indian country that an absurd
and exaggerated prlcc,($II per head,
had been set by the Creel; council
on all the cattle gracing 011 that
reservation. This the cattle owners
fefiifcd lo pay, and the marshal or
sherill of that tribe, which numbers
about live thousand soiiIh, had been
ordered lodrlvetbcmoM' Tlilssccms
a simple resort, but It Is ruin to the
stoukmeu. They have made leases
with the Cicok authorities on
certain tiactsof grazing laud, have
fenced them In, put up needed Im
provements and stocked their
ranches with cattle. "While the
Indian lauds aie held In common
this arrangement Is mutually ad
vantageous, because the grass
money goes Into the deck tieasury,
and cheap pasture Is secured for
the herds.
Hut a popular clamor has arisen
lately over this use of (he Indian
lands. The large tracts leased by
cattle men, In somecases amounting
to millions of aoies, have the savor
of laud monopoly, and thethousauds
of landless agitators In our country
have ralsida cry that the laud Is
for men not cattle. These persons
havu set their eyes on the Indian
Territory as a desirable country for
settlement, and for years puM,
colonies of boomers have gone In
there, selected their homes, and
pcrhaM planted their crops. Tluo
llllbUHteilug attempts have iiivnil
ably resulted in the ejectment of the
Intruders by the military.
Inllucticcd by this popular rctlvo
ness congrcMS has msscd a law, an
tliorUlug the presldunt to allot the
Indian lands In severally of those
tribes who cvpicwi a willingness,
and to apHiiut Hpwlul agents to
asslnt the Indians In selecting their
ftirnis. Tlirw years Is allowed them
to make choice of their homes, and
then the icmalndcr will bo sold In
mrclrt not exceeding UHI acres to
actual settlors. There Is to be no
laud monopoly In the currying out
of this law. The price to 1st ohargml
mrtho Indian lands Is to 1st dotcr
mlutsl by the Indian commissioner
and the chief men of the trlls. Al
ready the president has appointed a
liiimlKir of shhIhI agents for various
tribe In Nebraska, Dakota ami elo
wliwv, and this pmvUleu has Imi
Ihwii made for the Umatilla, who
under the provision of this law, w 111
kct their lioim, anil undertake
the task of supposing tliwnwlve.
Tlitr 1 iouai are made InalUmablc
tivt a term of years, and the money
derived fhnu the l f tlietr surplus
lautl will lw exsndml In stdustW
(or Uhfir uitlldivu, and In wagons,
farm animals am) Implements Air
tlHNiia)vtii. Tho government as
tnuti ft tlis 0mw, who sold
tlwir miMlulrttviit rvMVvatlon In
Hotitlwu Kanmui under slmllnriHui
dltkuis, pays wli nieiitUr of the
triboftu annuity ofjlsu, thus reu
tforiug Umiii, as Heiutlur I'Uttl, of
OuuuwOcut, luw iktoeHUsl Mwm,
"Uw rtehcal ptHipIo ou tlitf ftuv uf the
1b wMtw l'k t llw Cmk, A
Aw ikgrs our dispatch Ml
Umnu lu m thrtlling alUiaUott. 'tlw
sWritt iltt a hms uf uue hutwlivri
Iwwvw rwuly lo vutarvw Owebtor
uciWr uf extuUku, and Uh twwbuy,
jtttultacvd with lwk Uwniwtn
fruiu all aldiw, w4t mtumm! and
wailing tU mmuIu Hul mi kf
wy uut halitii rtturnl KxruWuu
Wooijr uviwl gtu4 tbtwa ltu
)iMliu tltrtr unb uu th wry
Ituttbul do nutltw Umm. HuuUI
ttMk owuni, uf whnu Umm nv
buiidiwl In iIm Owk tmttm, am
in to kw dbturtMd. A IkM t
a h1Iw pn44fc vUoril huf
cattle owners, and tlielr gratw lcami
were declared invalid by Hecrelary
Lamm, It 1 hanlly likely they will
rcttot. TlioexiKjrloneaof tlic cattle
owners on the Cheyenne and
Araimha landu will be rcpeHtal.
They will have their herds without
renting place during the hottest
aeftHon; tlioe that are Jit for the
butcher will be wnt cant, thus de
niorallIng the market, and the re
mainder w ill be wild or crowded xv
on Inmilllclunt jwHture. What with
an overdone industry and KIltlcl
agitation the cattle men are having
an unprofitable time.
Yesterday a Chicago dlimtch
inentloned that Osborne, of Los An
geles, a member of the platform
committee, was working hard to se
cure the Incorporation of a plank on
the Chinese and silver questions,
that would lie satisfactory to the
California delegates and the people
on the I'ncillo coast. A skeleton of
the platform agreed upon by the
committee has come over the wires,
in which the Chinese question Is
dealt with, but there Is no mention
of a silver plank. The free coinage
of sliver has for years been the de
mand of the silver mine owners of
the 1'aclllc slope, but these are few
in number, although they manage
to make a considerable ado in poll
tics, ittit these platform bulldeis in
Chicago must remember that beside
the 1'aclllc states, which are consid
ered safe to the republicans, there Is
the populous region cast of the Mis
sissippi, and the declarations of the
convention must be framed with
some view to the demands of thoe
states. A silver plank promising
the free coinage of (hat metal would
be condemned as false slalesiuan
ahlp, because it is based on the un
sound doctrine that congress can cre
ate something out of nothing. The
sliver dollar is woith T.'l cents, and it
passes for its face value because the
gold standard piovails. Hut if all
the silver oll'eicd to the United
Ktates treasurer by our own eltlcns
and others from abroad, (as proposed
In Senator Ktewart's bill,) Is to be
coined and the royalty on the coin
age turned over to the bullion own
ers, our silver cuirency will destroy
(he ascendency of gold, and tho
llrst named metal will become thu
standard of value. This means an
enhancement of it!! per cent, in the
putehiislug power of money; or, in
other words, the worklugman lu
spending a dollar will receive only
Ttlceuts worth of commodities; the
remaining 27 cents will go Into the
pockets of the home and foreign
bullion owners.
This Is so manifestly unjust, and
so generally disapproved lu the east,
that "the silver plank" asked for
would be a detriment to the plat
form, and the republicans will tlo
wlK'ly to follow (he example of tho
democrats and Ignore the vexed sll-
or question.
Since the alsive was lu type (he
full text of the platform has reached
us. 'Hie cmlxirrasslug qucftlon is
very deftly avoided by a declaration
lu favor of gold and silver as money,
which means anything or nothing.
m.AiM( 'iitii rontMi man.
Tiiuki; ballots were taken In the
Chicago convention to-day, without
any lesiilt being anlvcd at, and (hat
Issly then adjourned till evening.
Sherman has shown tho gtvatoct
strength, but his Mippoit fell oil' rive
votes out hot hlit I ballot, and asho has
little over half the upsrl neoowairy
to a choice he can hartlly be consid
ered on tho way (o (he goal. It tt 111
limksss If lllalue was the coining
man. Ill enthusiastic admirers
fhnu California euuld not Iw re
strained, sud 011 the first iwllot
gaw Hint the solid vole of tho
state, and scattering vote
from oumwheiv rsli-cd his support
to H5 vote. The adjournment Is
taken to canvass the situation. If
It shall I dtfohtal to lutwmlt (his
skirmish tin and wttlc down to
business, I Halite's tiui U likely to
U pwstutl aud thou vs may look
for alinph.W can't sprovpthe
action of the oavMitlMi, sliould It
MMinto tills shaji, Ihhu It will b
oottstnasl as a oouftwkm that the
suoevw of the tvMtblloau party lwUt
Hi mat man. T1c Malu slakMUiau
has (UdUiwI himself out uf Uh mot,
aud his w IbIm ought lo Is nKCl;
hut should W iwlhal lu uw the tfrife
asalu by lb vohx uf this euuxitti-
thtu, wv haw Mr. CnW' mmmt
ano- that h will w4 itlaragatd tttv
walw of hu frUuw cuuntij-iuMMMA
h m 111 acorut. A sUtamuiaa wtth
Ut. lllalutf'a aiubltloii, howwrar
llrtuly be may haw natvlwd oa Uw
courwlKhas adoptwl, noukl IsarAtjr
rwaat au powerful a fcmpMliaaV
VmiunadM, M MrooA Co. V
Proposals for Supplies
The board of truween of the Oreasa. te
InMue Aurlum hereby litslte wslecl pro-
ikswIk for fiirnlehlrir at the a yiNB
lem, Oregon, the followlnic it
mo,th, commencing July 1, IBS:
m dear &
m tsr mi
no 11m Liverpool Mlt, line.
aoffl Hosti, Kirk's Soon.
Dried leschen, raschlne ilried.
Markerel, No 1, extra me.
Te. U. 8. brand, 1'ouchong.
Totmcco. RiUIn brand.
OIom iitarrh, (Firmenlch Mf'K. Co.)
Cornstarch, (0weno )
goda craclien-, extra frsMi.
law '
Hslnlnr, uaniornia i.njeri..
Oermea, giierrj'it new itrovsM.
ilcr.T0001b Golden C.M00 lbs Oran-
Che, Cranston's, or ae good.
Corn meal
Moiled oato.
CoarKe hominy.
Dried currant.
I'arb. ' KHla, Church A Co., A A II
brand. .,
White castlle soap, Contl.
100 ' Tapioca.
mi .tn4 ilrrumii Vn. 1 extra Anleul.
It Cans ojaters, blue A'M,1 lb.
l ' I'lajliiKcard, lleaer brand.
2 ' Qui. Worcestershire c, Lee fc I'er
nil. 1 QU. Olive oil.
900 gal Pi rtii, extra golden, American re
fined. 300 ' Clncr vinegar. lOgr. pure.
1U0 ' Coal oil, W gallon tanks l'carl brand.
100 ' Molases, Orleans extra.
2 l'igal wooden lam Is, round.
25 r.roK malclies, Metru)lltan & Com. Co.
2doE. whisk brooms, 2 string, ehet top.
0 ' Concentrated l)e.
y$ ' Turkey dusters, II Inch.
100011m. Costa Itlca. 1st grade.
VJh ' riot ernment Java.
(VI ' lteal Moclm.
IOij Chicory.
lMlbs. lllack jieplKir.
20 ' Mace,
m ' Cluiiamon.
60 ' tiluger.
20 ' Allsplitf.
20 ' Mustard.
20 ' Cloves, All standard ground.
1U dor. Jenkins valves, 31J4 Inch, 0 Vi
Inch, a 8 inch, G K Inch.
1 sjiirossuru reciuclngMilvc.
1 doi! 4i i oinpresslon hose bib.
3 llllxiwH, V, dot 2 Inch, 2 doi Ji Inch
W doz M Inch.
VA doJ Tees, A dor 2 Inch, 1 don Inch.
ll ' Hockets , KiloKl)iH'li,lik)zVlticli
1 Plugs, 1 doz S 8 Inch, i doz &lnch.
W feet 1 Inch Kalviiulzud Iron plpu.
100 IIm sheet lead.
15 ' Solder.
r, 200 lb pressure gauges, (I inch face.
78 gross buttons, 10 dress, -18 shirt, 10 coat,
10 pants, ',j each size.
1 gloss pins, Amerlcaii
17A Dm Ongoii )iirn, all uool, 1M lbs white,
Jf IIm blue
21 cants hooks aud eves.
duo vds Canton tlsiiuel, Nashua XX.
& iowu lug, uieHeiiMi, in iiien.
fiOO ' Marseilles, York Ml'gC
g Co.. chccki.
llrotvn Ileulms, Auuivkeag, u oz,
Ixiiisdnlc lluu sheeting, $6 Inch.
CalxitA, DwightMf'gCo
Mariner strljies, Amoskeag.
lViiuot sheiting, heavy (A) 3(1 Inch.
45 Inch.
Canvas duck, 8 oz, white
Cluck Klauiiel, Continental.
1 nnll puller.
17 doz table knives, Iron handle
U Table forks, Iron bandies.
1 ' Iron table spoons, tin plated,
',; Dinner livlls.
b gross mtw s, 2gr2', No 11,2 gr 1JJ No
12, 2 gr )A No 10. 2 gr j No 7.
X package wagon bolt , l,!l-8x2; 1, 3 8x3
100 feet Iwr Iron Norwa ,30 ft Hlii 80 ft
V4xl, 10 ft 9t.
150 feet round Iron, Norway, 50 ft 3 h; Wft
MB, N) ft 7-lti.
1 blacksmith's v Ise, l'eter Wright patent,
A Inch Jaw.
1 Baxters wrench, 8 Inch.
1 l'r Ilullliangvrs pla ers, 0 Inches long.
1 Nlppera No 4
6 doa lutcksaea nu'ks.l, 6 01; 2, 8 01; 2,12 oz
1 raohet drill, 12 tin h handle.
1 hiiudiiaw, 11 Dlwou, iiuallty No 1.', 8
10 gallons boiled linseed oil.
50 IIm 1'iniieer u lilte lead.
10 gallons turpentine.
1 box stub (whs. 0 c aud Welch.
4 101 i'iis, til Holt's,
1 Uuidoii Incandescent l'u Co No 4,
(I reams letter paper, hive Oak.
I ills Ink. 1 its Arnold's 1 t btallnrd'S.
ft (lot lead pencils, Faber Nim 2 and 3.
3 ' lead pencil, tvur tablet No 2
6 ' 1'k son's Indelible Ink.
31 doz tea ciiw without handle, v g.
21 Saueers, w g
SI' soup plales, T Inch, w t
Is ' Dinner plates, 7 inch, vc g.
8 ' 1 gallon iiitrher, w g.
A 1'ie plans, w g
U ' ill bowls, w g
13 ' (IhtM tumblers
' Vegetable dishes. 10 luoh vv (.
4 ' Srup 4lclier, glass.
3 ' salt cellars, glass.
3 ' lVpper buxee, glass.
U ' Wash isuhers, w .'.
' 3 gallou Jugs, earthen.
3 ' Meat platters, 10 Inch, w g.
7 ' Sauce dishes, & lueh, w g.
Individual rreaaiers.
UU M Utrrels rtour, Ut. iMller vresa,
hi 00 tmivervuiM retuiraii.
Illt) AND l.KATKKlt,
V ttos bwllra' kbtvas: vm iialrs No T: l nalm
.No (t. W jislr No 5; 13 wlri No I; It
rsurs.tMi iignu
v trues ahtm buxw, 4-1,
3 uW bo blaeklng.
S ' ISOrvmen s hesw alwiea. MnU.
I IStln. Isdhm' mnet 1IM'K l
34' nars.tislrT.
3 ibva lli lavrtla: (Mlra S, 3 iwlra 7, 13
1 It, ln. W, (win. II.
I title IwnteaM lest Iter, heavy CSHUhthVh,
ektnv ixi.
I aide sole leal her, 34 lbs esrh.
1 lb Kttoo tttrwMl, No a.
Umles leather cement, lsisrV M K, CtO.
una: a iim 1 ins s H Jfr
7 lbs heel nail
3 Aa pair leather kUppef, No 7.
it; o turn w turn '
13 doa triut etiias.
S Uehuaa, Wgslkio, XXXX U.
K ' I ul dltttaiw.
I ' Mlut buekeia.
K ' trunAi
4 ' Ipalhw (raalle Iron ullebrr.
S ' Msl aklmaivts. ft lueh.
kj ljidlss, Itollaeaes.
I ilraatl Irua tlaw paa. 13 qla.
Draalle Irua naas: gslKvn; 3 13
3VIIM ser day, mnts or less, nt bstf MMt
wloa, m required. In stud aattaw
mmw www wan w,vTM7T.
ft Iks sou satatoala, ruae.
I MiMutSttt of troa nurture.
n k aetatits rum. MaaihtM.
ctaehsaiai sseds, aquibka,
nu ivuHsm, skiuiii
aralea , P I i.
lavud rout, " ft 4 iu
kaeatt iMves, ll iv
rd ctaeteoas. l iv,
lussaeTPtia tvn.
1 aMflaUt aalaVOP.
f fSBSB ST" "
Brom nmmonla.
t'arb smmonta.
muriate ammonui.
corrosive sublimate,
bicarb sntU.
brom ml.
salicylate soda.
brom potash,
caustic potash,
bichromate potash.
4oz reaub Iodine.
S ' lodofbrm.
V ' sulph morphln.r Ayt
W solph quinine. 1' & W.
v ' sulph strychnine,
r solid extract ergot, Squlbbs.
3 lb ubnit blmuth, Squlbbs-.
pfivrcl aeaciH.
Kvrd aloes, Mc.
jHiwd c-olombo root.
Iiwd ext llcoriee.
giim enmphor.
gum lienzoln.
gum cntecliu.
w lid cherry Ijsrk, ground,
cubeb berries,
sulphur (lowers.
eisom nlt.
gmund tlax seed.
sacch perssln, Sclieirer'S.
vanilla beaux, Mexican.
1 ' is
wu geniiau.
4 oz fjcoriodliiinv
9 oz antipynn.
1000 plll, aloin comp.
1 lb ' t'Ugelcoutcd,!' D&Co.
1 lb pill C C sugar coated, 1 D &. Co.
10 gal Kntern alcohol.
.1 ' best O K Cutter whisky.
5 ' grape brandy.
rt wine.
sherry wine.
Castor oil, linker's A A.
btH,t Norwegian Cod I.Ivor oil.
olive oil. genuine.
11 -M tttlll 1 " W till XT i(
2 0 each No. 1,2,,'innd 1 omptycnpsulos
1 oz oil lavender.
5 oz oil rosemary.
1 only 2 dram graduate.
1 only loz iMircelulncaberolc.wlthhnndlo
1 only iiuiirt percola tor, glass.
1 each slev es No. 20 mid 40.
1 set 'W grain suppository moulds In tin
gross 2 oz bottles.
i gross I oz bottles.
gros 0 oz bottles.
I-t) gross 8 oz Initios.
G bbls ml sodn.
12 lbs. Iap.in wax, white. 9
2 Itw large carriage, sponges, sheep's wool.
1 lb sulph ether.
2 1I07 strengthening plasters, S A J.
14 doz clinical thermometers, Lensfront,
2 lbs T U Colombo root, 1' I) & Co.
Samples may bo seen nt the olllcc of the
board of trusties, mid goods must bo In ac
cordance therew ith.
Tho board reserves tho right to reject any
or all bids.
Delivery of supplies will bo required
within tin dnvs notico of ncceptnnco of
uiu. -v. copy 01 mis nuveriisemcni. niusi
uciompany eucli bid. Tho name of tho
class of supplies bid upon must bo written
011 the envelop. Koch bid mustlncludcall
the items In too special class bid upon, and
must give the items and totals in full, with
exception or bid on meat. Auditing otll
( ers are prohibited by law from confirming
nc counts of purchases w hen adv ertlsemcnt
docs not contain n full and complete de
scription of tho kind of articles to be pur
iliascd. lllds will be considered nt 2 o'clock p.m.
on 1'ucsdiiy, July 3, INvS.
O. W. WEHll,
lburd of Trustees.
W'M. A. Musia". loerk of Hoard.;
Tho City Tax Uoll for tho yenr KsS Is
now In my possession, and tho snmo Is
ptiviiblotit my otllco Immediately.
.1. II. ItOS,
City Mnrshnl and Tux Collector.
H. K. Dullois.
Joe Dullois
Dubois brothers
Ghcnickcto Hotel.
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
1'rom 81 to SB per day,
(In btnte Insumuce llulldlng)
(lotHl work. Fair prices, lrompt. He
lUtbl. YAK18TY STOItB!
KeeM a line sUn-k of
Wall Paper, Borders ami Centers,
Toy TmI CWs, Ycta'pfe; Ilieyelis,
KVSKIftS, xai all V.l4i of FK.VMMS.
MwUisfS si! Frames Mule d Oder.
I TksMs isusar. taavra sad eamlars. Don't
knai Use ittM Hkatarlal, aea as Tube
ISJKofaU klads, Hrusha ofaU slaa, and
Matt tor nuttM 01 all slaat, la fact every.
latac saw taal eaa be taotajbt or.
Cffl m Se for Youralves
"chas. jac6bs"&co's
Red- Letter .. Cigars
i U 0pr h tk MA.
J, Mi rtOflNMi Agmtj WtodUinu
Attention to what
Know All, liv those presents: That tho Capitol Adventure Co. neither
slumbers nor sleeps, but are awake and up to the times, and know well
that owiiiK to the depression of business in the East there will be many
failures. Now we -want to be ready to capture any barpins that may
be offered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary
for us to be on hand in New York and Chicago, in person, and be armed
with plenty of the commodity conunonly called Cash, with which we
can boast the people of this country are well supplied, and in order for us
to get it, we will from now until the first of August offer such bargains
as will induce those having money to divide with us.
You all know that our Manager has Deen in business here for the last
twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st ho will
start East to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do this we will offer
our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a
great acrifice, and in order that the general Public may know that we
mean business, we mention inu pucu
A good Hemmed Handkerchief for 1 ct,
A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 ct. ench.
A spool of Clark's, Coat's or Kerr's Thread,
3 c. each.
A spool good Sewing Silk, best brand and
nssorted colors, for '1 e.
2 spools Silk litttton Hole Twist for 3 c.
i! skeins Snddlers' bilk for 3 c.
1 sheet gold, silver or plain Card Board,
lc worth 10 c.
1,000,000 dor. Horn and Cloth covered
Dress Iluttons worth 23toMc.ii doz.,
for 5 c, n doz.
100,000 doz. Kino Jet nnd Metnl Buttons,
w ort h 50 e. to SI a doz. for 10 c a doz.
1,000 yds. I Jiee worth 5 c. a yd., for 1 c. a yd.
Ijieo worth 10 c. per yd. will bo sold for 3
nnd 5 c. n Jd. Other Edgings nnd
iimuromery in proportion.
Agoodnrtlcle of Gent' Summer
The nbovo arc only n few of the genulno BARGAINS that wo will ofTcr. Besides
these our whole Mock will be olleredat prices lower than anywhere else in tho city,
vv Ithout any exception.
Wo are not going out of business but are heio to stay nnd only do this to mako room
for our large fall stock. Call nnd be convinced. Buy nnd bo lianpy.
Itcmember these bargains can only bo secured at the Opera Houso Corner, from thp
uipttot Aiiveiuurc 1,0.
All kinds 'of Farm
-X X
Having lieen continued as Assignee of A. Mayer, I will now
offer the entire stock of
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
And Gents' Furnishing Goods,
To Close Them Out.
Remember . None .-. Reserved, .. all .-. Must , Go !
Can Secure Bargains !
All Sales Strictly for Cash.
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank.
,!ii 1 m Jji izuKjsg
I -- 1 W Uf
1 " ... SrOersx-.
Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle.
mi mm a
we will Mention !
ui buim; in um gwus uu august, 1st.
1000 line Ostrich rlumes for 60 c each
Largo stock of flowers, prlco no object.
Ladles' Chemise) 15 c. each, vv orth 50 c.
Ladies' Night Gowns,60c each vvorthSlK
And all our stock of Ladles' White Goods
In proportion.
50,000 Ladies Hat Kr
'ramos 10 c. each, worth
uu 1. lu ci fill -ii.
12 Fish Hooks nnd 1 Line for 3 c.
Good Scrubbing Brushes 5 c ench.
Good Whlto Wash Brushes 10 c. each.
Best Patent Clothes Pins 5 c, per dor..
worth 12)4c.
Good Fly Hooks, 2 c. ench.
50 Beams Letter Paper, 2 c. per quire.
10 lb Letter Paper, 5 c. per quire.
100 doz. Memoranda Books, 1 c. each.
600 boxes Lubin Toilet Soap, 0 c. per box'
trn . M 1. ' '
worm -i c.
Undershirts nnd Drawer? for 20 c. each.
FRIEDMAN, Manager.
Produce Bought.
X X-
Assignee of A. Mnyer.
A One line of hacks, buggies, cart, cor
rtaaw, bukbord, etc. Hknh our uvrn
uah ih1 tli hot aulern made bugie.
Every one Warranted!
wagon aod onr
miuu. a
. 5U
rttMt, aalnu.