T i. I .' Iv EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL VEDNKsilAY, J UNK 10, 1888. Overland to California Southern Pacific Company's Lines, THE MOUNT S1IISTA UOCTH Tlmt Itwi Salem ml Sn Krantlsre Talrl)-it lloam. QAMIflRWIA KXI'IIWH THAIN JIAII.1 "Boulii." I Z ifflp.ihTl TSTlVirtTritl Ar. I IffcW h. hi. SB) K i Ma. HhIwii I a. wr)i.tn. jtio H.m. I Ar. Jnllniti.lA. I . ft yii. 3SXr1i''Allt""IKH TKAtV ("ll.Wt.Y KX (KIT HUNIIAV). 'MdMiitilA.' "ivTrflmra" Ar.'l" i."w" 1B a. III. I A. Halein I A. 1M l. n. lS?Wp.Tii.lAr. KuKnA. I IMMiiiii. "I'll.DUX IltlFKET S 1. 1. V.V BUS. Tourist sleeping car fur Hi-oomiiUMtnllnii Of H001ll CHI Mim.T HltHCllOd tO nxpreM trellis . , ThtiO. A C. ItnllroHil fi-rry makes con liMtlon wllli nil tho i'inlr trains ii Hie liol Hide Division from fiKiliil Y struct, Portland. West Side DivisioiiTiietwceni'jftl and anil Cor wills : i,ai i.y (Ksrr.i'i m'WiiAV), WKTmT l7v.Torlliuiil Ar. I TUB i. m. life ). in. I Ar. CirvalllK Ia. ) 1:W l. "' M'M I N.N VI 1.1.1". I.XI'UKrts THUS (IIAII.Y KXCKITJiONIIAl ). W) p. iiV. rT,vTNriluiidAf. rffti iCm. HjWp. in. I Ar.MfMliinWllolA.I f.rn. m At AllMiiy hihI dirudlls cvnnc-t with Iriillisoriirivon rueiiie ninnwi. I'or lull Inrniiniitliiii regarding mien, inup,if.,iipiiiy i iim i':",1!",,,;,1i1jf,!"' Halom. Oregon. ,, K. I . It'HIKIlS, It. KOKIII.MIt, U. I". mill Pu. A't. Aul. MiuniKur. Oregon Railway ami Navigation COMPANY. " Columbia River Route," Tmlli for llin east Iwve I'lrllnilil nt 10-II n. in mitt a hi iIhIIv. Tlokai In mul from priinlHil iKdiiu In the United StHloH, I'mi iidHiuiil liroi. ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CAnS. Jftulgmiit MIiik fr " llirmmli on express truth to OMAHA, CllllNOlI, llliUFM 1111(1 ST. I'AUI. Free of t'!i:irs "i"' Without Cluing. (SoteaoiineetlniisiUl'iirlluinl rorK-iti I'mti clseo mul l'UKi t sound Klnt. Knr further pirMoiitiir liupilre of I. A. Mminliitf, iwtiiit nf thi) oinijiiny, (.'ii.ill il Journal ottl v, llmirt lrwet, Mali-m, pen., or A. U .Munwell.U. '. T. A., Porlluid, Oretinn. A. L. MAXWELL, . I'. AT. A. II, lUlCus'B, Oenl. Mmiugei. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OKU TAW RAILROAD Ami Oregon iiljMiiiiilili, line l)Hliiiiineiit ooiiipnui XB III I"- mi irl'T, Al It ir.. liMalllllwlllutl hv III1V ll'll"- rollt'i i"i-i tmuit through mauH,iiiri una uvuiii i.nr from IWtinid mul nil points In the Wll IttiimlU' tulle) I-, Hint lr.nn .Hun I'niiii'l.,' Willamette Rivor Lino of Steamers: The "Win M. ll,M."tliH "N. . lU-iit. ley." Hi,' " rtiw Misters," mv In r lis- lor IkiIIi pamkukvi-und lrilu IralM,' lwiHn (hirvulP ml JSirltnu I mil Iii'itiii,' lliti ihiIiiU, lv Inn iiniy ii) hirf, ' 'ir utll, auil Miun. 1 1 nil ma (i A ''', ti ni,'Uniul JH I'runl lnl, lii.,nl.iliiv,. II him mn'li vk iuAiU-ivt' NllllTII Hni'Mi: rijmtirviii1MiiinlHy,Vwliieiliiyuil Vrlrti, v i : Mr ib wUmii M.,mli WMlneoltynnil l'rlilit.1 1' m; Im.'vtlvin IHiwmUj , rinirwUy Mini tltirJ ly, r ; Mirlvti ISirilinil 'rno'ilny, Tiiunntv mul HmtunlMy, hSU r m. 're irrii "inrMN nv H'rHmi'l, MmJijr, We I ni'l'H anil IV..W, v m, nrrivu Mlfin. M m la, wwliuitMV Mii'l Krlilii. Til ! h; ' Malain, TuaMln) . i'hurU ami HttunU, iASj arrtvH Hiratl,s Tiltliy, llinr t)y muiI Hinu.U.v.tiW ! m. TIME VClUOULL (Kttwpt auuitoy.c v AIImiiv littM'M 1(17 P M kVtVruHI trtivo YpiUiM . ,VMIIM . M . 14 A M It-It .V VI Albnuj aud v A inna iva IVm-vmUIh Lrrlva Albany ii A l'. iraltw mttuext at Itonalltk. The ' i Mtiw oonnert at VAUl'INA wltM llw ilnra.ui l)vtiuiuHI l.ln oMMm ,thlMliitwHii Vtu(iM aud "i. IUVQ 0TfcS. nTUAMna. rw.K .K rm snco H'tuaimsia Vallay, .May at ' m liiam-ur V.,lUy .iun ll WlUanll Valwy Juui nUMKM. rMMt YA4UI v. WlUameiio Valtov May W Wlliaiupilv Vitllvy June I Wttlautr'ivViitey ..Juiw IT W'UlauwIlv Vallwj JunaiN TkU imuiimu nuorwut lti rtjbt to olwlMI atllik( dalM a llUmt mttlMk X. H. -liMua (rtim INwilanJ anil all Wlllauitrtiv VITi Mlai in ma oktia nNHMKHtuu allh ih train uf Ih VAUIMNA IMITKal Vlhany orlWvallW. aa J H drallnnt m mu KlHrtv ItaHlld airattv tMirriv Vmiln the avvwlim ! dalr M atllaa. ftanifr tai lUM IUM tl Ur laM(. i frtutVa amily H Imwi AMUUiMijidrWii .T, IVulland, iV. IVO. HiHU'K, Arl llw'l Krt. ft misr Kwmtm ,wJii & jaE M AaWKI J, Jr. ikT; rv ft, iImiiii IWvrVpiual ik, At MuauMry i Mu KhUmHkks fal at aViu tirt. Tin. OH.JOINAU A1MKTIKK OI NTM KNT U ow tt Mi Im Wm Iwtwuucw im Uuaa, mud b tut Wm our Air ukt minh, tMiraa, uuutN rtial Umioa, and all akUi ruUaiM. Will uiUvly urv alt klitdb of pita. Ak Air th t)llIXAL ABIKTINK OtKT MINT. iMtH UilXW. JiUmww . i u . KM Uteto au "-'-- i ik I 'tUtl , xt bait)Q- MMtU M NMk, WOMAN AND HOME. TRYING AN OLD BUT NOW UNUSED PROCESS OF COOKING. Irrnvlns Something for Children Tho KuclUh KvrTiuit Olrl Milk for tho !) W-3Ir. iMnstry'it Tiute The rah lonuhln AVaUl "uffcettlon. It Is a well known fact thnt n letter nnd more ile-U'-foiia cotTee is nuulo by pouring tho IxiilliiH wur over the ground colfuo than br Mlinn the ooffeo iteelf, us unfortuoaUil f( yet no of U-n done. The boiling water that is poured over tho co.It cuaifei to boil the instant it leaves the Lettle In which It was boiled. Through ovap omtiou it I already somewhat cooled on tho way to tlie coffee iot, and by further contact with other bodlee the teinpernturo is still further lonercd until it Uovldent that the tiril'rature In tho coffee pot In several le (,'niw U'low tho boiling jioiut Tho coife!) i conN(ueutly not inuJo with boiling but with wuriii water. It i, therefore, but natural toconcludothat Oilier vlctiuU may bo prejiareil in tho wmo manlier, as it is tho heat, not tho boilln;;, I'uit causes tho nooynary changes to convert t'jrm into projier food. Tho boilins only tiinsfnrms some of the water into steam; t iu livuller it boils the more ii ovolvod; but t io temperature Is not Increased thereby; I is 2112 degs. when it commences to toil, ard n-i.-iainssoif you boll it over so hard. All t i'j superfluous heat is used to inako steam, ', id loavui as steam, without doing any good : i the ingredients to be boiled. It Is a inlstako to supjiofco that aptecoof 'roll iKjilod" souj) loef lias liren heated to wv dogs, throughout. Tho heat jienctiati'S ' slowly tliat a gooil slzeil pioco of licef u.j -e.iialu comparatively cold (initio after eU:, - i ; in boiling water for an hour or more, i id If you actually measure tho tomjioraturo . tho inner parts of tho IkW tho moment it i niken out of the pot and pronounced "ui-11 J me," you will 1 nurpriuxl to find that I; . doin renclua over ITU degs. It was, the -f re, cookoil at a temiieraturo cousideru'i!,' U'loiv tho boiling twint. Tliero is, furthermore, gooil reason to H'.p p s, that, if It is pofsiblo to preparo tho ur-1 P'niwrly by simply heati'ig It to tho l)i' . ; ( lint and then ceasing, then wo havo found a way to make our food inuru nutritious u.id i.vury. Trui1, it Is nuw'ly water t lis tovap, r ..js during tho long nritlnued boilln,';, but ourHinell U'lls us that Hoiiu'thing t-Lso ii a..i bMa.iK lint, and It is br. fair to supj.oso llri: ( .j "Bometlii!i!" rii-li improvo tho (Wvin ! t ) food If prevea'etl fnuu esapius- It ii moreover n ninn.i. a Known laut that tho I in ;et' im o ; Ii Ii uUiL,the litw toothsome i Jul a. wt.lo linen it becopo, but it it not w N, i:.m.ily Known last iho most nutritioua p..rt In muNl is Idciiywl to tout in tho eji;, ind iu uu.ly tKjJfil '. long oontiiiued btu- Tho nljo7o uhou'd Iw iHlclont to can u any one to ty an ol !, Ir t m kiiowlb,' , i i ll.u count u i'..i.. ,,i m i:i oooUiiii;, o :o li'it, niorourvr, po.ww.M the wlvaiilugo of eoiwidembl'i w.vl:i: in labor and fuel, nnd, uithcriuore, lunUe it lui;ioHiblo to booreh )r burn n:i u.l;iv;. Tho proeiMi 1 1 as follows; The food U brought to n lnii), nnd ol'.oirml to loll for a Uw mlntnoi. T.io Imttlvi is then re"io-ol li'ii t!in ilrwnnd carefully jirotw'toil In a bi-ut KU'e sj iw to prevent the heat frn:u i Mplux Th-j ioint u ill tliun Ik) uooked uy it.i J heat, or, I j otlor words, tho trniiiuv bin will for nevernl hours renml.i !..,;li fiimil'li to preim-o tlie tnHviwiry clmuen in t.iu iutiml4 luid.'r treatment. The hdiit hh uiMHHMMry for tho foroioln;; iimw oaii he enmly coimtructed by any imly, and nt i inwely nominal cost. Kir.t ui oouiuion p.uldtt.f Ihix of n suitable !, M.iir the bottom wiUi a layer of picked wool )r notion two or thitv inches thick, thou uiutt (ilisMof luo or sheet iron nml.o a ' .low cylinder n little larger thnu tho k"t 'Jo lined, plan) Uio oyltuder in tlie box, and 1.1 tho Interval betueen tho cylinder mid Cio bin with cotton ur wool two to tlniw ivUm thick. A common pillow will mi ner fertile lid, imd the safe is ready for umi. 1,'lven the Lettle Is removed from the tiro ) im should le taLen not to rubo the lid, a leh shouUl lit as closely as towklble, a d ion phtoed In tho wife tho pillow must Ki licked well down nil around. After reuiaiu . ,j in the Iwat wife (or from two to four i ''in, nooordliiK to ulrvuniHtaiiceM, tlie food i'l bo done, and you ill U) iutoulslie.1 to I d wliat u h1I eokl ami todthwme dlvli ( .1 have pviHivl Mltli M little trouble. Mny or cow hair, lwlnjc cheaper, can tw r tlhitl for wool or votkiti, but do not re- :i the Iwat ipilto as well, especially in ap- i tttin of smaller slsn. The Mfe call, of - urve, N nude to ounUtlti several vwi at time, and liiMt, potUvn, twaw, etc., itm i . Ui priaret at the saaie timo. lVtbUiM, Imwiis, rice, ho aud like rail Iri U.uv.1 in the wtfe as mhni as they boll, but ttrgtt piece of nnwt nhtMiUl bo boiled for i it half an hour, so as to allow the bent to ,vttrMt) Uetfu liettar Wltli a little practioa anil ustt of MnukHi mnas mi) Unly illlkooti Im ahUi to pjMMre t nr finvl I)' UUm itom, and thus shvo uiwh fuel, UUht aial tuue Churkx Oawuud ui Detroit l-"ixw l'rvkii. Ohlawxi t'laee of MttMiatittu. We visUlat Us pUca of axstiition. There ms uua hal III a bHslat, rot off smum wwJu besVira, atal aruuiat war nimiy ixn-per puu DMU-ly tarw fe-t Iu dUmntur In lad with hssl aial emnaiitod down. The laxly U tmruM, but tha stato htdds on U Ute haswl. fur tsu cmiU the eievuuotktr ttawd lha wuixt uat solautuly wswl through mW aa Uiuia of taking mX a osvtut. Ha said ha wl out off paid uuuiy hundred , Uu admtnad ha would have to sUtkw bartl tu wwr ui)' iw' Hiitia Musla uh , Us CJjiasso uswt; atu mall and he mnay hadtoHu lt lo sword waa about two fees toug tu laiahK atal u4 owsr two or two and ona-half ukIm wuk By Uw way, Umsk peuute haw vary Msufes. It W a lutlo MsMptlar that Us xvuuM Ktuuial m icasd Ivm' Urj vug aaiusi aaf (or Us kltu. Whara dal this ht eoiw cuaucwl rWsM-' sWht s ahiMrt tAt" ah Uw lainal pW at Use osMitfwVa, -Car Ver Harrisua Im Cuise stil What Tmvt rtiUif. Tksra la aa osd saytaf tsara, tB Isnulst ststt "Wa stvaisa fo far hafora wa twtaf husaa au ul taJa of oaraahnss." 1 cV HM UuorllwiwfuraasoUMrto of bar ecuktraa, asysNalty ar tfets aaadtrrttm for oiks Unto om. Notsuag tssa l saurw KsolssB Ukta Vm rualaaM rahs aosaatsatas hssstowi (fciktKMs sW Usstr paNMa. Usstr tsmHa ei ssa al "sjsjm' nut slrn 4 id suues Isssy sao (" iiissjalslal a4 to tbssusalvu aial .hara. -t vr rir' - LANI'S ANJ" HlJJfcS. Marlon county in sltuaUtl in tii. hcort of the niuuiiluciit Williiuj valley, the ctfiuiwl gni In tlif n. tor of rich cottuties that form tl.. princely domain, and ia the latum commonwealth of the great nciil. west In all the eewjntinls that t wards making it uproll table abltiii place, and u home for the thrift, farmer, the cunning artisan und tl" induBtrious mechanic. Itich in its agricultural rcsourc in its cultivated and uneultivat"i lands, In its water powcra, in niinerala; rich In its colleges urn schools of learning, und with . climate unsurpassed for its salubrity It presents to the immigrant iro.. the overcrowded states, whore cob. winters and hot summers, witl terriblo cyclones, prevail, who comes to the coast with eonn means, advantages that no othei county in Oregon possesses. Much has been written of thi western country that requires .. stretch of the Imagination to com prchend, and numerous complaint' are heard from tho class who hw i been misled by them, so in tliic brief sketch the writer ucsires t avoid exageratlon as to its preset nnd prosiectlve advantages, uskinj those in the east into wnoce ham' tills may full particularly tint who have their eyes directed townr . tills coast to peruse it careiuu; . feeling that it Is not written to in., immigrants within its border, bit' only us it truthful discription of n land which, If it does not "Hi.m milk und honey," contains witlii; Its bosom wealtli nnd resources eqii. to any other country on tlie I'ncii.i side of the ltocky inouiitains. llOtrNDARIBB. Marion county is bounded on ; north by the Willamette river .. lltttte creek which separates It fn'i.. tMacktuims county; on tho eift . . Claekanius county and tho Cic.o' motintnlns, wliicn scponite it IV. 1 Wasco county; on the south by I iSiintiiiin river and tlie norlli loi). tlie iantlani, separating it ii- . Linn county .tinilou the west b.v . Willamette river. PHYSICAL FOHMATION. Tlie county contains, incltn! valley, prairie and mountain Im. about 0 H,WA) acres. Tin re are two ntnin divisions, ; mountain and tho valley, 'f! latter eN tends from tho Willaiiii. river to the foot of the Cum mountains, a distance of aboi.: i . toon miles. Tlie mountainous portion ."iitl.ti' Boiue fourteen townships of m- -' unsurveyed land; lying in n tr twelve miles north and mhIIi forty miles east and west, inn' i n prises all classes of land, fiotti rub narrow valleys in the pntscb, ; through all tho grades of rolhr, hilly and broken, to that of mi I bound canyons and Innccew."- cruggy peaks. It Is generally henrli.t timbered, and in tho near iutt..e will bo valitable for its lumber s;, plles. Thew) hills nnd niouutim -aMbrd a wonderful summer rim.c for stock, and many of the inon-1 terprising farmers are availing tluiu selves of tills opportunity, and v 1.. !i the cold frosts of autumn tipiirotveti, tite stock are brought out to I'm h linsturi's, thus enabling them to su. vlvo tin winter storms with liule cure. OltKAT ADVANTAOhS. A decided advantage Marion coun ty lias over many others is the dl versillod fanning Interest that oaii bo carried on tlirotight tho entile year; notwitliBtbndlng tlilsisawt' ellnmto during the winter niunllt the uplands arc seldom too wet d work, and long liefore the pmlr'i farmers arc through with their mh.iI lug, tlie hill farmer Is preparing fin hli Hituinior work. And yet tin low lands are much preferred by many; tlie yield per acre Is genenilly grcater, una iierhaps lc8 liitMiris te (pilred to place the soil in proper condition for crops; nnd then should the season prove dry, the bottom lands arc sure to bring the leM crops. Xo lietter furinlug land eon lie found In the United Mates limn that on the noted Howell pmlric French prairie, Siintltmi prairie and Saieui prairie. The Mill of theMi are wonderfully liroduetlvo. With ginul eultlvutlon, forty bushels of whtMl hihI slNty of oats per acre wn lie iviullly aecurotl. KAI'II.ITMK rMU MAHKKT. Tlie Willamette river, with two Hue of railroad running tlie entire length of the county from north to stttith, with the Oregon l'aeltlo road rofwlug- the MHttheHst corner of tho .-ouuty, HttUrds Hiuple faeilitii to imoIih market in any dlnHitiuii, KAl.KM (a the ospltHl of tho t. nut! ih unty Mat of Marlon county, situ :et ou the Willamette river-tstlii mi the O. a- C. rallnwd. CimUa liullilligjw lutve Uvu erivtinl, huhmmi which the state entiitol buildUiK, oimuty ixmrt 1ioum, Cheuiekete hotel, uH-rH hou, new public Mettoai liuiUillU. L'atUolie m'IuhI buikllng. MettiMuVt ehureh. Wllluinetto Uttl- eraity, ami uiauv private n-ldcsci Atuk Vualiica bioeka, which wiH ;re ftivoraldy with okU.- mm! : ..vvr eltlM. nktMUuvu ' U thluM coual)reU,thiWUbsn te alley una tlie beat ivuutty in , wwrM. and Marion eounlgr W umt oeulerall)' loralcd tlasfcin i those aovkliujr hotnea lu tlie vrtst, ik. better op(wrtunitiw ran be tlj-.i a.., -. Kis IVKQgn ' iu. ;' -wBUst ... uw uiu.i' v toe v'te valley, thaw wanting ftunfltMf .'mli, utock Astom, b4iaiutwwsasjrs7 r 'it v ixHiiilette!, will be promMly and reliably IntorttsMi by aa.lrMilnff the wU kjwwM Urm of Wilts i iisuuberila, twl mtmt asjruta, ouera hotiMjkik MNmu (Muii. task r ! UltfHtjtfMals uric paid tor ui IS th 0r HtfeeMnrr '. USVT. crtociniuis. No Cure for Chills and Fever, This Is not a patent medicine ad. but an announcement of our new Importation KETTLE RENDERED LARD An article which must be GOOD to cell and we have It. Send us your order. KELLER & SONS. The Grocers. The next time you buy Ten come to us nnd try our new brand of Canister Tea. Only GO cents for n full pound. Try Cream Wheat for breakfast. I'ho Oormea nnd you will have a rich dlnh. Try Cerealtne once. It cooks in one minute. Full Line of Fresh Vegetables Daily. Cherries, Bananas, Oranges, und Lemons. New Potatoes very flue. KELLER 5t SONS, Tho Grocers. ecialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, E3poratdApricotS Evaporated Pearr. Dn'ed Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Driedl'Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, AT VVoller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street; GRANGE STORE Salem Co-Opcraiivc Association F. of H. DKALK1LS IN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery! Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard, A.LI KINDS OK Produce Bough. t! JAMS! AITKKX, Manger. 26 Stat St., - - - SALEM, OR. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Pn 19t v Statu v St., v Saudi. Aitatt at firgMries, fattW Smcs, FrwJi VtgeitUts, Etc Just received a nice article In Ktw -- Ortttitt -!- Baking - MobttMt. twyfB.mnwwwtnmuiMmummMfritwm Usui PAMIBRS, -:- LIVRRYMHX And other la used of Team or Carriage Harness: It wtU b to year tntereai te all boom me besbes purrtMatac etsawlMsra, a 1 have tha lataasaaaaaiaMeusaetesessoekuiUseetlT. iMosa redaeed to auh Ism llrasi Just re etvest a a Uneos : f4rriif lUrttas fr A. F. iUsslerl: Ct Oie OHICAOO. rsrwhlehlaMiosraaeat. Tl ar au asasss ooas firtt Cfattt PHHtMrf UtlW, WanaawHl. Ttw tneat Hue U TTIsss. Hawy ttutm, and Whl In ibr cii.T. All lcsraeaxkd i aiu rHlu at wry olrf fW una. Ttiaoklne lheHilih hlli.ir tibtna nulrunaicv lu Itw al, I .tutt! rndm.ir by kiru Ail.uli.iik Io Iua1u.w ui nit-nt k nui. J tluuaun: .( Ittrir ssxiir. lu llur luiurv. I".' 16- hAMPORT NEW ADVKKTISOrENTS. A POSITIVE FACT. The most complete stock of DRY G00DS;are to bo found at LUK2f & BROWN'S. . , , , The best assortment and most reasonable prices in Parasols and Sun Shades at LUJSN & BROWN'S, nmrnnf. hundred embroiderv suits etc nil colors, aud prices low at LUNN & BROWN'S. A line stock of Dress Goods, bilks ana trimmings ust assortment ot Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves, at LUNN & BROWN'S. Carnets. Curtains. Curtain Poles, Hugs, Drapery Chains, Stair Caps, etc., etc., at LUNN & BROWN'S. Do not forget the place and name 239, Corner State and Commercial St. LTJNN & BROWN. J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF 4 81 . H AT S ,- AND FURNISHING 249 COMMERCIAL STREET, MjxxauuesBXKaauatBsaasa WM. BROWN & GO -DEALr-K B O Atta T H Oj Leather and Findings! CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, l'clts and Furs. No. 3 CommoielHi btrect, SALEM, - - OREGON. SPECIAL OFKEK ON LARGE BODY Fill WOOD. I offer the bent quality of large tlr wood In live eonl lots hihI over, hawed twice, at $1 jiereord; sawed ouee.tS 90. If you want the best stove w ood, 1 he iKfcl furnnee wimkI, Htnl the eheaeet wood you can burn, kI e me yHir ivnler v order taken now will held food to September 1st. No payment demanded until wood U delive.tM. Now l your time to engage your winter's up uty of wixkI. GHO. D. GOODIIUK. Omeewlthd. V. Julii)oii, SB5 Omnuier elal street. K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! AN I UNDERTAKER.'. KAHKAR") HIAXC. bTATK' Salem, Orgnn. . An Made .af rotsaft made te order a nui naaet uaa mvaj ays i HENRY SCHOMAKER, The Static, CwUMikii Fw! Htk 260 Cnateswoil St AX Sljkttl FwiKf M- u 0 OK SHORT NOTICE O o s in Batise, Zephyr, Nansook, Swis jf uWKa 9 - GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. IN- E S S ; "' SMITH'S AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. DEALER IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, Oxrieb Hugs, Croolsery, OlatR V.'.ue.Tln ware, Statlonerj'otlonKOfall De"- rlptlons, Mirrors, Pictured, Cornice Poles, Moulding and Window hhndee. Picture fraiuln and all kinds of Job work In wood a .peclalty. Tobacco and Cigars. Goods sold on tho Installment plan. AuottonMileeery Saturday. urn- Highest cash price paid for second hand furniture. G. F. SMITH, Proprietor. LEGAL BLANKS, Largest StoBk in Hie State, Best Discount. Send tor catalogue. Call tor prices for Joe Priuting lowest in Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Sake, Or. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Coffee mouse! Eatt Sle Uberiy, see .lOem HeeM, S6. S. WATKINS, -s- Prop. ttjjvM atte at all hours, Horn Be to o. " GKKBRAL llUCKSillTIIING -AW- HORSESHOEING ! ! AU Uw Improved metboda of stsoetas taajwag she si, so eure dlsaasta of th toat Mdlbrtsieearioetloa of toulty aettoa, eoa Uaettun and interfering, used. I guarantee itrihitton tn alt eaaea. Refer to any wall kwswn horsesnao la Oregoo. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horsashoer, ItS Oosmnerdal stred. Ha lain. Or. O I T S ggIUIiiaigljUlUjjjn- .105 I J rssn Ml. L HSSSSSW 1 .,mabij & falssssT I