k It w- r i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL l'UM.IHRHn ;VRY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MY THK Ca"iUl Journal Publishing Corman". INCriHHJKATKI) JAS, R. SHEPARD, BmImh Maragtr. Offltr, t lJ Court Strtwl, 0r;ilon lllwk, TKRMK OK HUHBCKIITION JMII.Y. On fmr, ly mall 1 Six immll, by iiimII Z M Tliive mmitlm lr mull - 1 " I'w wek dollveiiMl by utrrler IS WMKKI.Y. One ymr J1 W) Htx immtlw , 78 One year, If imIiI for In k1vkm. . 1 U) BU iiiuiitlw, " ' " BTVimiinMintH nro Miitliorizl (o v dTe oiilmorliHIoDK. Mr. T. I). I'orter I our duly Hiiltiorlred t nivalin Hmt. KiiItwI h womhIwIiuw nmtlcr nt the iiln.Ori(iii,'(lilllc, Jlnrcli H. 1WW. MONDAY, J UN 13 18, 1888. A MhT INCIDII.VI' IlllVlhi'.n. Tho lllwtory of Abraham Lincoln, by bin fornior fvcrvtnrlcH, J. C!. NIc oluy anil John liny, In hIIII coiitln noil In Hie Century. All itHIch ail mil it Ih tlio iikwI valualilo record of tlmt hlntorlcnl cliarnclcr (lint Iiiih yot licon miI)1Ih1i'(I. TIicco writer Imvo iimw) (( impel tlmt luivo rwichert no other eye, mill their fro- (jtM'tlt lIHOof MIL'll llocnilll'lllH tlll'OWH now llflit on ovciiIh that liuvo not lii'im dourly elucidated, and It nu thontlciitcH (liu HlatcincntH they ma Ice. 'I'lio June nuiiibor contains an Intcrcfilliix account of tbu ad vance of (lie Union army Into Vir ginia, tint Hticeofvt-M of McClellan In tbu Snhoiiiiiidoiih Valley, the battle of Hull Hun, and (lie panic pro duced by (bo dlwiHtrouH route. Af ter (bo llrhiK on Kuintor, anil the imtrlotlo lonpoiiK) of (ho north (o tbu priMlditiit'M call for troop, wane (lino waH Hpenl by the administra tion In iwtliuatlni; (ho extent of (ho robolllini It bad to deal with, anil by tho military aulhorltlcH In propiiiinj; their raw loorultH for tho Hold. An uncertainty Iiiiiik about tho movement! of the border hIuIch, but by prompt lu'tlnn Mlwourl, Maryland ami Kentucky were kept out of tho confederacy, although Virginia, after a brief period of In (IuuIhIoii, allied I(h fortuncM wltli (he Hoiitli. 'I'lioro wiih uniit resdvonohH a( (ho delay In uhIul' tho volunteer forces (bid poured pito WiirilihiKtoii fiinn overy loyal Mute, mid It wan In obiMlloneoto tho cry "On to Jtluli iiionill" mixed by Ilonteo (ireeloy In tho Now Voile Trillium, and ivtfh imnI by tboiiMiudM who thought a decisive blow would end tho war, (hat (ho advmieo wan made. ThoKtory oflholHittlelHtold with ftvnh tletallH whleh rondor the chapter unusually IntoivMliijr. Mc DowoII'h Mnilegy wiih (n light iioHiuvgnm, wiiiie raitcrtMin whh ilutauhml with it heavy force to hold .lohiiMon In (ho valley of Wlnehc ter. Hut IIiIn Mow moving I'eiin iivHiilaii allow ihI IiU enemy to OHwpo him, and (he Junction of the (wo rebo.1 fureo n ollVeted. The rtwtilt waw a defWil and a rout to our umlbflplliunl army, nud Air aw I die ttiorowMM Imuiliieiit diuiKer of the rebel capturing Washington. Hut It I now made apwieiit that tho itimmy whmiiii tbeHilii(iifivtioHtliiK when our lino gnvo way, and ho NtteuipttMl no pursuit ft ring a trap lwd Iks' 1 1 iK't for him. Tho MUtluiin um up the Uttle and lt rtult In thb tum laugiiNp: lliw mliiilnUtntiloii wiw rvMiMitiM- Mm wr um lotwaiM movement Sim fur the e.iiitilnel tmtegv of (ho two iiinile, McDowell fur' dm oomluet of (be Hull Hun Ult'e, lVltiMvui for tlmeMMKofJoluwtiii, mid Me fin the imnlc. I'or tho o MMiitg nmt worw Miutiiy mw, iully tuidUelplliitHl. hiuI. h h Wliubi, ftniMlit tlm Iwttk wltli equal muini Hiid gullMiitry. Hut (Iw wind net of I lonMHtdiwloy tliw HUMt limApliiwbb Ht till trying tiiuv. The Mdvuiuv mow UlVIlt WM UUWtM, mwIiik tlw un IMviwanI ixMttUdoii if Mirimiiy, ud tboilturt inu of thuitHr itlW iiMMitit. ilelXmell wm hurried Into lib fUcht 1nmmum hi the ue.t Aw Ui lm would mw mt "Irii (iKHWuid of Ui bt tmtiwl, drilkHl, ulHml nud iIIm'IiiUimI (ahh in ui nuy," luui (Jwt. 8hM wi oltNCfbMMl ( Dm diftwt, tlmt Im obrrnl iauiMlf wltli mwMtlkv tu fiviUK WM- tu a ebuuor, wlwu hW JuitUMiti Muiileuimttt Ui luuMnt. "IdMwrvwmuovia," Im txeWiuwd HHWU-, 'Uwmuw 1 did IHM UUli ujs Uvu my unity wwt uul lu cuikKUmh tut AcliUu, atid iMikl it tu UmI wlui coufWwd Uw umu who mtwoImi whli Itw oanduci oT pwAOio attVun, tkuundUwtiMi ow whtiluMd Ut Trtbuiw wlitar, mmI b WHUrn lu U twMNU baiwlMB Md MMmilrtiMr. AiWr wlMtUtU UmI 1 1-J j 1 -. t( iiuj )m BMkw llw AiUiMrUic iimihmIUea: Yon nri not oonildered a great limn and I inn a hopeletly broken one. Can tlie relel be lwMten HftercIItbnt bun ocourrel, anil in view of the aetiml state of feeling fiiMMlbyourlHte,Hwfiildi'witcr' Iftborelielh are not to be beaten, then every drop of blood henceforth Hhed In thlBipiHiTel HI bo wantonly, wickedly bel, and (he guilt will riwt IieHVily on the soul of every promoter of (he crime. In tbiHiMiiiicky feeling he proioe(l an anniHtiee fur three or four montliH, an Immediate exchange of iirlwuerw and a diHbandment of forces. At the (lrst rcpulhc this lifelong abo'itioiiNt whh willing that tho wayward sintero, (as he chIIoiI the revolted Hta(ep,) Hhould Ik; bidden dcxtrt in peace. Wielding the bnineiiKv force of the foremost puperin the country, thiH Niiigular geniiiH could not Ikj KtippreMed, yet IiIh midden ami violent changes from violenco and impatience (o craven fear, were a liarammcnt to the administration. IJncolu more tlian once declared that Horace Greeley, a profeHHeilly loyal Mipporter, gave him more trouble than any other man at the north. JSut (his man of (ho time h! lowed IiIh greatnehH liy maintaining bis wonted equipoise of manlier and fcpeeeh, and from (IiIh exigent period began the dinplay of thoc rare aliilltieH which carried tho country wifely through to tho end. Till! CONVICTION TO-.MOHUOW. The republican national conven tion iiieotH in Chicago to-morrow. Wiin will bo (lie choice of this body lor candidate tor president m u matter of Intense interest (o (ho whole political world. Hlaiiio still has a strong following, notwith standing tiiat be has three times declared ho will not accept (lie nomination. There Is a strong element that believes that victory Is certain with the plumed knight an standard bearer, and (hoy desire to nominate him by acclamation, and draft him into the service without any regard to ids own judgment. This Is manifestly unwise, and so wo trust It will appear to tho majority of tho convention. It Is iWw Hiid by tho deniocratlo priiits, "When Kherldaii declined u nomi nation the republican managers know ho mount what ho says, and wo hoar of no more foolishness. J tut Hlaluo three Union says, 'No,' yel in so uncertain a tone (hat overy (lino u sounds iiko, Your" ills ac ceptance of a nomination, hi the position In which ho has placed himself, although yielding in the st rletost good faith, would ln charged against him and the parties lie dealt with us collusion, and no man can 1iok to gain tho presidency by an apimront trick. Ho has twice boon defeated lu convention, and onco by tho votoH of tho American people; ho asks to bo sxirod tho labor of anot her canvass, and tho Inundation of another imwhIIiIo defeat. In this rwiiit ho should certainly bo hooded. On tho i'acltle coast bo is strong, ami ho could carry theio (hrvostuti'H, hut in Now York (hero b still a strong antagonism to his candidacy, and therein a spot where his weakness would bo fatal. Tho Chicago Tribune Iikh been lioonilngGrvahain for president, and that organ has evoked a strong roHiui lu his fhvor. As a jmtrlot wildlor, a Jurist and a statesman, this distinguished IIIIiioIshii stands high, and his nomliiHtlou would sttr up lively onthuslasui. Hut (bin umtter Iihm Ikoii dls ihimmmI by luindrtHls of jkiiis to vory si 11 it purMiMt, Hiid as (bo dny of action U mi oIoom at hand, It will Ihi woU to wait the Iwuoof events wlth imt further HiHHnilntlon. A ClM'KMIMKAKY oilers tllUntl rviiilnder : "Tim AutoriHii dtwlrtw to ix'iulnd hmiio of Km imrtUlly iittwiu od ixMenimnirie tlmt (1mi in a Uw In Ortgon fitrtilddliiK the advw- tUillKo lotteriwi, Mud tlmt this Uw U tUily viuUtwl by tlm Ule ihtum. Urn tviiMrvM(uiv and giwrdUnior public ntlnmut tdtiHiUl not Itrmk tlm UtnU." Tut: OiiinIih lta tbrwtHw to bolt If Mr. Dmw U uuiiiiiuikMl by tb rtHHtbllisitfc, ItWiMna' wIm twt lo atlr up m U' mt, uukM ytw Ux tu. JUUH MANkKtltUI b IMM dMl, tu AL A Nw York oamwtxMHb ut )im rVmud br m1Is mmI m'vU 1m IHurto. It KiomJj, tiwgtMMl wbo dl yuuug. Oar UkvvUuc cunvkpiuidoot, Mr. T. ix ttrtr, will Mt HUvwkmi Ut- MMnuw, mid uuk wtwrtUnv ud oUmmt luianMUug tik tu lb UmI mm umh of Um iOm, WvtMipwk fcr hlu kind oMrtnf; m ttf tk Mwl Mm kjnfcNtt, M Mr. A. II. nimrV XEIV TO-I)AY'. Proposals for Supplies The board of tnMteat nt tb OlMtl State nro- Inoane Anylum hcrebr invita Mm imuiln tin- funiltbltiK at I lh a fhjm Har 8a- lem, Orenou, the Inli'twiitg M!iCa mo .thii.comnieurliK? Julf 1, IBS: lot z uho:ekiik. HOW 11 Liverpool wilt, fln. MN S.JM , Klrk'H Savon. HI W I 400 WO M) Ml WJ 3C) 3U0 law 100CD baijd. Iirwd ixtaubea, machiu dried. Xai'ke el, No 1, uxtm mean. Tea, U. H. brawl, I'oucbonx. Tobacco, Kajitdaii braMt. (llowi March, (rl.intmleh MTg. Co.) OoniHrch, (0Jij.) bts'a rrackern, extia fih. Kaltlua, Callforjla IyM. Uerina. Siwrrjr'ii uw if3cM. HiiKar.71 W 1 tm Ciolden U,tKr ) lbs Oraa- I11HH.M1. SCO ' Cheew, Cranrton', or as Kooa. itCi ' Corn meal. laOO ' Holleil oati4. 1800 ' Coare hominy. 'JfO ' Drioa cm mat. fj t CJ0O4W 1W ' t'Hib. ' Bodit, Church t Co., A A H brand. 100 White castllesoap, Ootitl. 100 ' Tapioca. liCoz. BnxjiiiK. No. 1 ex. rft shield. II C11111! oyter, blue t")l"t, !J 11). l ' l'laylinccanla, Beaver brimd. i ' on. Wo -ceateralilri! Hiiiee, Le A Ter- rm. 1 ' QH. OIIe oil. SC3 gal. ti ru'i, extra fjolden, Amorlcau re- mm.. MO Cloer lnegar, 40(?r. pure. 100 ' Coal oil, 80 fcHllon tauUa I'earl brand. 10O' MolanMsd, Orleana extra. ' i Vlyn uooden liouls, round. ttriMti mntchex, Meiiopolitan & Cora. Co. 2 doz. whisk brooms, 2 MriUK, velvet top. C ' Concentrated lu. i Turkey dusUTf", II Inch. COFFKI5. 1000 lbs. Costa ltlca. let grade. Vi ' (ioveiuiiicutJiiVH. 01 It ill Mocha. 400 Chicory. t - Sl'ICBS. lMlba. lllack lepIHjr. 20 ' Mace, M ' Cluuamou. 60 ' (linger. B0 ' Allspice. 'JO ' Miibtaid. 20 ' CloieB. AH utiiliilnrd ground. PMJMMNCl. IH doz Jenklni vnhvo, 3lUlnch. C M lnrh, 3 as incli, r .f mch. :U uruKSUio ri'diicluir valve. 1 : 1 doz ! comiiiewiOii hou bib. 3 ' K U , A loz 2 Inch, 2 doz 3i inch. doz '..' Inch. loz Tion, doz 2 Inch, 1 doz J Inch. IH socketB, wuozijincn, inozjijijcn lis - runts, 1 ouz j-s men, ft uoz ; men. M feet 1 Inch Kahnnlzcd lion pipe. 100 Dm siieet lead. 15' Solder. 6 2(3 lb pressure Range, C inch face. IIIIV 0001)3. 78 Kro 1 buttoiif, 10 d.eM, ii shirt, 10 coat, 10 pimtK, M each idze. 1 uross pins, American. 1,0 11m Uieui oMnrn, all wool, 1M lbs white, lie. 2n Mm blue. 21 enrdi lioukx and evet. COO Vila Cauloii llminol, Niwlum XX, 2A0 Tout .iu. bleacliMl. Ill Inch. K) 2-ifi Ki 200 KJ 403 X) 4r 200 MnrM-'illeii, Yoik MCkCo., checks. Drown Dcnlmc, Ainoskeirr, 9 oz. lAinsilH'e lluu idieetlni;, Stilucli. CulHitA, I)uIghtMt'KCo Muriner miiihjk, Ainokeriz. l'equut kueelinit, heavy (A) 3G inch. 4) Inch. Cum 111 duck. Soz. thlt3 Check Khuinel, JontlnciiUl, HAltllWAItK. 1 null -mller. 17 1I01 .iililo knlveii, Iron bundles. U ' Table forks, Iron liantlliM. 12 ' Iron table spoons, tin phucd. li lllnner belli. hKrowfCfeus, 2Kr'iU No. 14,2 Kr IK No 1J, 2 k lHNolO.JarJi No 7. 3isickiiea .mijou iwlt ; l.C-SxW; 1,3 8x8 l,S4xt!Y 100 feet tsi.- iron Norn ay, 80 ft Uxljf; 0 ft l4xl; 10 ft 84StlVf. 1" feel round Iron, Norway, 60 ft 8-Sj 50.'. MB, iiO ft 7 l. 1 lllackamlth's vhe, l'etei Wright patent, ft inch Jaw. 1 llaxtur 8 w rvuah, h Inch. 1 l'r llclllmiuers players, 6 luclitr 'ong. 1 ' Nlpiwra Xo I ft dot iwckiKs tacks.l ea: 3 or, 2,12 02 1 nwh-t drlh 12 inch ian'le. t band mw, II Dlwo.i, i.u. 'ty No 12, S tooth. l'AINTS. 10 (allium tallied .Iniitsl oil. no Iim rioueer white lead. 10 iihIIoim ltirontii)0. STATIONKItY. 1 Ihix tul iwih, c 0 and Welch. 4 ' 401 ie.is, llillolt'.', 1 ' Unidou InraiideMsMit l'u Co No 4. t' reanu letter wpr, I.he Oak. 3(1 s luk.2iU ArnoldV 1 ,t SlaH'iml's. ft ilo lead pvui'lK, Paber Nos 2 and S. 3 ' lead pencil. Ela. UWetNo'i 1) ' l'a) Mill' Udeltbltt 111k. CitOCKKKY. .21 dm tea eup w Ithout Imudles, 21 ' tiaueem, w k. 21 ' hum ulalva. T Inch w . IS Dinner plaUw, 7 lneh, w t. 5 1 aallou plu-hem, h- jc. ' Tie plalia, w j. 12 ' ut Isiw U, w K. 12 (ilni tmublen. 6 ' Vmittule diiW lolueHw g. 4 ' riyruppltebant, guaw. 5 ' Salt rvllar, num. t ' lSl(i-Hr laUto, gift. U ' Wnati liHrhan, w .; k ' suMlo 1 jui, ertKn. 1 ' Meat platlei j. 10 Inch, w (, T ' Sauce UMi..,, luch, w , ' luillvldaal nvau-ei. 1'UIUH. U W Wkl uarrebj thn r, Uei, rollw proe, Ui b del eiv as euiisl, KUOtM AMI 1.UT11KK. H Uua Untie' tkoN 21 )Mlrs No T; It ialr No; as alio No 5; 12 pa.n. No 4 llnN.4 ll'lhi. iXHS klMMn hkriH, I, no .Imw uiaekinti. S ' IVI.awvuV tiry stKVs JUWt i! itei's V" cr J d.s (wlij U- p, N ,,w t,M lMt'.u sleau., Imhnv t-fc . H'f Wk D l V Oft.- ( Jl. extrw vood. I ltW 4e lnthr 21 Itw mrh. I ttW 4e lolhr 1 id po ut Mk .Mil, bolkat ImiIim' wmenl. Conk' f F.tM. II lbs bnMk mtl: 4 h U- I Vr r lb wi uar- a r-si. ib, t tOatLllbe Ul,'tM.i,N I Ills 4 T 14 f. :IS. No TINWAIUC wow Si 11 k uln tiM. lHn imtis. lOtallou, XX XX ItM. tWWIIWfA Myruunuu. Oru.Jbuktw. 1: 1 0Ulua i.all liua piw Fa sWuiaWs lucbT S UHIIf I Ut I lflM V 1 U.wu.ir IttMt kt laitt, U (U. IMHlIt liuu mm: i cailotti n MMMk UBWWtH iwak U , MKA1K. IWIte par dajr. mwv or ua. or 1 muUnn, StJ3V!2 ,u ,,, m& Mvi if m i4 Ik MM MMMOMlK. MMMt, miinaui truu nir itooum. ; r t i ar mnm rout. aatt raakaui DUX 1MUkm Ibul.ik. rata to!. IM W ISKH. I- l M XL NfMMw,rnM ,rw Cu. rlMMal.riil ttt. ult. Ux MUMMUllkj IU .ACbv Mv-mi it MMMlftlto AflftA f It ' wmiim iirmMs t fnrb ammonia. Tnnr.fli Htiirtioiita. ! r fVki-rrMlrr anbilmihte. blCRibooda. binm aotla. Kflll'lae fockt. bmm potash, raestlc potash. icbnit.iit4e notasli. 1 or. resub Iodine 2 ' lodownn. : nilptt nMjrpuina.1- x v . bulph qtilutne 1AV. i Htiitui MtrvfHimna. i ' wilklexnwcterirot Bnulbbs. :i lbs KUbnit uiKinuin, fr'iuioi-H. 1 iwd amebi now d aloe, oc. powd Colombo root, iow(l ex I licorice. Kum CHinphor. Kum benzoin. gum chU?cIiI'. wild clrerry lrk, ground, cuoe'j berIe, Kulphurllower?. pM)ri'sa(t. ground llax eil. sacch peisI.i,Schefftr'8. vanilla betuix, Mexican. VHSfll.l. 3 ?: 1 r 1 T ' Si' as . 1 1 powdalnjer. injwd Kctittan. 1) niiioUiutn. 4 oz 5 oz amiov.iu. It ' pills, nlo'11 romp. 1 lb ' 0 C gel ciHitcd, P D A Co. 1 lb pill C C Mtw.r coaled, l'Di Co. 10 bhI Knsto.ii alcohol, .-, ' best OKCrtier whisky. 5 ' grape brandy. 3 ' iMin wine. fhe,.v wine. Klyce. Inc. I H 'HSior oil. linker's A A. 3 ' best Norwcslan Cod Ller oil. 1 ' olive oil. genuine. 1 gross olll boxes Xs'o. SO. MO each No. 1, 2 u nnd 4 empty cnp3ulei ' 2 oz oil lavender. 2 oz oil rosemary. 1 only 2 dram giuduntc. 1 only 4ozporcelulnenerole,with handle. 1 only qi irt lieicolulor, class. 1 each slc cs No. 21 nnd 40. 1 f-ct 30 smlii hiipposltnry moulds In tin lmme. M crosi 2 oz bottles. U fcivss 4 oz boitlex. Ki-ossOoz bottles. emss oz boitlcs. 0 b')l. sal socln. 12 lbs Japan wnx, white. 2 lbs liutie carihijo iponges, Hhccp's wool. 1 lbsulpli cliier. 2 doz MU'iiKtlii'iiInK plasters. S A J. Uoz cl'iilcal tlicniotnctcrb, Lensfront, tested. 2 lbs F K Colombo nmt, 1 ft A Co. SiiniiilcB miiy be seen nt the olllco ot tho lionrd of irusices nnd good must bo In 110 cort'unco therewith. Tho board reserves tho right to reject nny o.-nll bids. Delivery of supplies will bo lcqulrcd Mllhln len t'nys noMco of nccopmuco of bid. A copy of this cdvertlsement must occompuny each bid. The nnmo of tho cms 1 01 supplies bid upon must bo written on tho envelop. Ench bid must Include nil the Items In t.ie spcc'iil clnvsbld upon, nnd mustulve tho Ileitis nnd totals In full, with exception or bid on inent. A111IUI117 olll. TOrHiire p'tihlblled by law irom confirming iiccouiiisoi pi rciiiisoswnen nuvcitiscmcnt dH's not con.uln a full nntl complete dc- M'riiHiini 01 1110 Kiuti 01 iiriicies 10 uo pui clmscd. Ulils will "jo considered nt 2 o'clock p. 111. 011 Tuesday, July .5 1KSS. HYl'.CSTKIt l'ENNOYKH, OliO. V. .MillHIDK, G. V. WK11I1, Hoard of Trustees, Wm. A. ilUNLV. Clerk of lionrd. SEW ADVKKTIS111I KXTS. ?l'P mT' Dr. H. SMITH Xowlln poviesslnn of n new discovery In liHHllcIne, which Ispurely 11 local nniestliet Ic.nndiicis hIiiioki. lnsimitnneoiisly on tho K.iri-oundluv tUsueK of the tcelli. 11 lln no way l.ijmiou-. or unplensiiut to the tnsto. Tlieiuiiiuifaciiircrsor It claim that Its miunl lins imvt'i been known before, nnd by iipplvlng it to tlio sensltlo or sorts leeth, 1 hey etui bo elenued nnd llllcd without imln. Soh'1 thoo Hint wnut nil kinds of denial work dono without pain, would belter call 1111 Dr. 11. Smith. Teeth extracted for 80 com.., II. K. 1)1' Ik) w. JOK DUliOIS Dubois brothers rroprlotors Ghcir KRE13 BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From l to S3 per day. aviaai, . . ohko m. CR0NISE & WILSON. 1.K.VIHN0 JOB PRINTERS. (Iu isteUt IiMumitoe HnlUtltig) VOH UAHOA1NS IX K U R N I T U R E OO TO KOTAN . WHITNBY, .102 Cmt SInSmm, OngM. JUvtnt bcaifcht out the rvmalnder ot Utc rtLS? ' ?? . IWmwI Ut M atelw kww UMttt itny teooMt la Otwjou nDUGAN"M0S PLUMBERS ! HAS AND STBA31 HliltS, .AMI Stoma and lMiiiiiliing (ms, SALltil, : : : : OKKQOX. titer. I WUilD, TTeolir of Music jpt 4ttot lit nil kiii4 at tinte at MhmmI ommmnmI slTO UW lMl)MWMt 1 IWtr. WW . UMMWt' J. ic (etc Hob XEAT AD'EltTISKJIKN'TS. m Attention to Avliat ie capitol mm DO. Know All, by these presents: That the Capitol Adventure Co. neither slumbers nor sleeps, but are awake anil up to the tunes, and know well that owinjr to the depression of business in the East there -will be many failures. Now we want to be ready to capture any -urpains that ruav be offered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary for us to be on hand in New York and Chicago, inperson, and be armed with plenty of the commodity commonly called Cash, with which we can boast the people of this country are well supplied, and in order for us to get it, we will from now until the first of August offer such bargains as will induce those having money to divide with us. You all know that our Mnnnger has ueen in business here for the last twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st he will start East to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do this we will offer our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a great sacrifice, and in order that the general Public may know that we mean business, we mention tuo price A good Hemmed Hnndkcrculef for 1 ct. A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 ct. ench. A spool of Clark's, Coat's or Kerr's Thread, 3 c. each. A spool good Sewing Silk, best brand and nseortcd colors, for 3 c. 2spoolsSllk llntton Hole Twist for 3 c 2 skeins Saddle.V Silk for 3 c. 1 sheet gold, silver or plain Card Board, 1 c. worth 10 c. 1,000,000 1I07. Horn and Cloth covered Drc-s llnttons w orth 23 to 50 c 11 doz., for 6 c. n doz. 100,000 doz. Fine Jet and Metal Uuttons, worth 50 c. to $1 a doz. for 10 c a doz. 1,000 yds. Lace worth 5 c. a yd., for lea yd. Liico worth 10 c per yd. will be sold for 3 isic 11. nna oca vn. uincr tagings una Embroidery In proportion. A good article of Gent' Bummer The nbovo nre only a few of tho genuine these our wholo stock will bo ollcred at prices lower than anywhere elso in tho city without nny exception. ' Wo are not going out of business but nro hero to stay and only do this to make room for our large fall stock. Call nnd be convinced. Buy nnd bo hnppy. Kemember these bargains can only be secured nt tho Opera llouso Corner, from the lllflllfl flllltlilUIGlAJi S. All kinds 'of Farm GREAT SLAUGHTER! Hnving been continued as Assignee of A. Mayer, I will now oiler tlio entire stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, And Gents' Furnishing Goods, AT 1 To Close ibcr .-. Nono .-. Rcsci GSUT YOU WHO HAVE MONEY Can Secure Bargains ! All Sales Strictly for Cash. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES! "sfei Scriber - and -:- Pohi5 we will Mention ! 01 some 01 our gooas tin August 1st. 1000 fine Ostrich riumcs for 50 c each .uiiu;i. Jarce slock or flowers, price no object. uiuues uneiiiiu 10 u. t'UCXJ, worm 60 c Lndlts' Nl2htGowns.50c.ennh wnrthi o; And nil our stock of Ladles' White Goods 111 II1UIMJI 11UU. 50,000 Ladies Hat Krames 10 c each, worth 50 c to SI each. 12 Fish Hooks nnd 1 Line for 3 c Good Scrubbing ll.'ushea 5 e. each. Good Whlto Wash Urushes 10 c encb. Best Patent Clothes Pins 5 c. per doz worth 1214c " Good Fly Hooks, 2 c each. 60 Beams Letter Paper, 2 c. per quire. 10 lb Letter Paper, 5 c. per quire. 10O doz. -Memoranda Books, 1 c each. 500 boxes Lubln Toilet Soap, 9 c per box vrft li K a Undershirts and Drawer? for 20 c each, BAI5GAIISS that wo -will ntrer. rtM. FRIEDMAN, Manager. Produce Bought. -X- SACRIFICE ! Them Out. - ircd9 . all .-. Must .-. Go ! E. WILLIS, Assignee of A. Mayer. AnnUueor hacks, baggies, carts, car n, trackbaanU, etc. ltolli our own make and the best aattern made baggie Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call o ttemfeMteM. wagon and w E. f i