w. w : 1 1 ! ru b .r III V .1$ L L, r EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1888. tllSS'ItKAI, DIItlXTOKV. B Cl.KVKT.AiI President. . r. hayahii -Secretary or mh . . KAIMCIIIM). PorlrvofTip.ii- ,iv . Vila JecreUrr ofthe limn... "wn.a,y,xtnmrr Hocn-tnry or N if !.;. whithkt nocreiiiry 01 . I. M. DlCKIoj Pout Miulcr Uewn.' JL. H. Oami.akii Attorney General wmumx ILWaitk CblefJuaUce, Bute of Oregon. U. H. Hmalor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MY.) WHOM IT MAY CONCKRX-XO-.. tine In hereby given thnt the under- telesm.fWl liau ltAa anitfilnlAl iltaiinlllllkM' 7la Mila. .f I 4 ria UlA 4taf WalI I n Hrc cwmtv iri i. . umif's fr v - THE THERMOMETER. il iman UOM'JI..... ) ITCH KM. 1 Mrat Hrkmamm Conareestr f ""WTKIt PKKNOVKK Governor. thee. W. McIIMii)K.cretarv ofHtnle G.W. Wbbh 8mi Treasurer It . MrKi.Kov Hujit, Pub. Instruction ffcAVK C. Hakkk Mint Frlnlci rVH-HTHAHAK ) fw.P. Lomi . r..Hupreme Judge .W. TllATKR...! Third Jodlclat Mitrlct. It. l. Homk Jndcr (Jen. W. Hkit 1'rowiitlng Atlorin.i Mtrlon OsDiiljr. M, I.. ''KAMHKUM.V . I 2. A. 1MiMKY . lJ4hite Swialoi- J.R. Mimic I J.T. UKIWII . n.i.Vmtin.min A. MLlJor-.rK r ltep.nlallve. MT.B. (k)f.VKK C. '. JIlCKU M.N. Ciiai,kan.. Clerk. Ohmmik Mack Deputy fieri' JeN Xtrri)- HIktIM H. ciimx Deputy Hherit: Avowr Gimr Treasurci T.t'. hiiaw Uuunty Judgr ; wakhhkn:::::: - onmm-iou. r. ifmmiiy A. I'kkhi.hm ftchool Km i ttn Nkwhom Htirvev. i - ...-.-.-.... ....... (OIM.- . I'. I, I'MKJKM) HIlfMp ImpCM li i Illy of HIcm. J.J. Mtmt'i-r Mayc ... jiuim lal ward 1 UMk WII.MAMM ll Ward Own. L'oi.i.i.vs Unil Ward . CtaimHKJiiil Ward.. Jni-Mlswollrd Ward Vr. W. Hkimmkk llnl Whi! Km. Itimn llli Wnnl U. . JIitttun llli WHnl J .. r. m' jii.hii. JAMM ItOM. 1T.T. Of It. A.OIWr lat of ounutjr, ilecoiKed, by the honornhlp county court mth ntat irf Orngon, for the county of Marlon. Alt IxTKonn having rlaltris agalnat aald eli are hereby requlrfd to present them with proper voucher to the undanlnied at the oflioe of J. J. Murphy, (JrtfwoM'n block, Halrm, Oregon, within fix HiotilM from the dateofthla notice. AIXJNXO OKKKKlt, 'AdinlnlatratiK-of wild ttte. (Mem, Ogn., .Mar 11, Itm. State Trenurer,5TlilrtJ-Tlilril Notlco HtatK or fmwms.TnitAafKmt'aorrirKl Mai.kn, Ma)' !,) Xotl In hrrehy given tliat there are fmida oft hand to my the lollowlng war mn In ilmwn on the live er cent fund, and land fund: Warrant mimberfd IMS, IIMH, IHI7, 1, . HM7, Hit, 791. 7W, HW and WW Iwnie of 178. Intenwt will not lc allow wl alter the date or thin notice. U. W. Wkhh, 5M HtattTreurer. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. AN INSTRUCTIVE SKETCH AiOUT A VERY USEFUL INVENTION. Three Kind of Inntrumenta In Common Use Thrmigliont the World The J ahr cnhelt Tlierniiutieter The 7mto I'olut. Methnd of Verification. The thermometer in its eruda form was invented lty a HollatMler named Corneliua Drebliel, who, it appous, inmia the first in strument, which lie oal!l a "heat meas urer," in tbo year HJ.J8. Hi thermometer a3 simple enough, and had numerotM defecto, XKAV AIlVKKTISEJIICfTg. II GAF1TDL .1DMB Attention A o wtot we wi Eft Mention ! mllK UNDKItHIONKI) liKKKUY OIVW I notice of hi ii)Hlntineiit an aanlgneu or all the eUte of A. .Mayer, ofHHlciii, Ore gon. by general nmlgnmeiit ofthlH date for llieiienenioiHii nm ureoiiorH. Alleredltororld A. .Majer are hereby notified to piewnt their clalniK duly vert MmIUiiiim, at Salem, within threti inontlnt from till dale, and all jwrMiim owing mid A, Miyer will call and settle lininedlately. Salem, Oregon, May lllli. 1W. inrtlKNK WILMS. S:19-d1w AMlgneO of A .Maj er. Uoilhcllhii Tlecorrtei . Vliaralml . IlKLf, MViMlirt . h.a. lllMdllAM Atlonu" J.ftTHOMIWlN Hllll'tofKtttei-l tiw, ciium.'iiii.tbciiiri:naiiKt)rM. r. n. I!. H. (Illllfl.. J. Wai.tiK U. K (InininlHaionc, .ItoMPM Ai.iikht.JJIl'IihI hervlcediMicrtH. JMilV AUVIiUTINICMK.N'lt. TARIBTV STORE! W, M. SARGEANT - ICHiMH lliinnliHikcif Wall Paper, Borders ami Centers, IIAUY DUOQICS, EXPRESS WAGONS, T Tool Cliosls, Vrlotipwlw, Ilicyclcs, HXSKKT.S, anl nil kln.li of fit SI IB.; ,3T ISWIICIAL. OKl'ISU' ON URGB BOOT Fill WOOD. k'nnw All. liv flipsp iirespnis: That the Capitol Adventure Co. neither slumlKjr- nor sleerH, but are awake and up to the time", and know well that owinjr to the depression of business in the Ent there will be many failures. Now we want to be ready to capture any bargains that may be ottered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary rr nut iw. fin lmiid in v A'firU- nnil Pliirniro. in ieion. and be armed TT.M., ... i" - ......-... .w .. u... . - r?-7- . '... ... coiunstins of a gam bull at the top of a long . witli plenty of the commodity commonly called Cash, witn wmcuvie ttilie, the lower and open end being placed ' can uotuit tile JKiopie 01 I ms country are wen suppneu, auu " wi u. in a vel illleil with water, colored by a o-' to get it, we will from now until the first of August ofl'er such bargains lution of nitrate of copper. Tliin Inirtrument j as will induce those having money to divide with tw. wanlmproved upon, and lu defect gradually You all know that our Manager has ueen in business here for the last removed by othere; but it was llallcy, the , twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st ho will famous Knglluli astronomer, who first pro- start ftast to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do this we will ofler posed the nso of mercury a a fluid for the our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelope, Cottons, etc., at a great sacrifice, and in order that the general Public may know that we mean business, we mention the price of some of our goods till August 1st. A irood Ifommod Handkerchief for 1 ct. 1000 line O-trich Flumes for 50 c each Overland to California -VIA- Oregon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. THE MOUNT SHASTA MIT Time Ilttween Salem and San Franiu. Thlrt)-slx Hoars. ttiW CALIFORNIA KXrRESS Tit Aly-n UT I oftET" in-wTS- "SouthT 4:00 p. m. 0:80 p. m. 7:40 n. m. IiV. L.V. Ar. Fortland Salem Son I-'run. Ar. 1a. Lv. JJn.ni. LIP-in. LOCAIi PASSESOKK TRAIN rDAlT CK1T SO-DAY). 8:00 a. m. 1:02 a. m. 12:10 p. m. IfV. Lv. Ar. Fortland Snlem Ktigene Vr. i n.irsr fv)r Lv. Lv. - '- P. m PULLMAN BITrCT SLEEPEKs." Excursion Sleepers for second-clnaa ,. scngers ou all through trains frefTw clinrtrp. w u I oiler the lioaliiiiitllty or large llr wikm! In live eonl Iota and over, unwed twice, at H itercord; mwl oui'c.tti IK). If you wmit thbflttoe (m1, llmliiot fiirniict'VMKnl, and the ohwiat wood ymiain burn, give me your order ""y order taken now will held good to fetilcmlMr 1st. No imjincnl demauded until wimhI In delivered. Now Ujonr time to engage your winter's Hiip ply of v, ood. (iko. n. fionnum. IIIMcc wllh U. V. JohiiHon.itViCiiiiimer clnl street. Mwldings ami Frames Mailo (o Onlcr. K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! NI) UNDERTAKER." PAnHAll-HJlILOCICTATKl Salem, Oregon. Vn l A fllillluenf L'askcU alwai s ou liunil. FOR SA1.H. Tkwie Hier, Ihhii and wulwi-s. tmasit III arllat nmlerlal, kUkIi as lJMKorull Itlnila, llriKhmoiallnlsa IHmiilMK. AUmiIIik Hon'l i, and COLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Math Hh- fminniol all MaM, In faoleveiy. tiling elM that can lie thought of.; Cwia nml Sou for Yourselves "Live ami Let m I'aial Shoi. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign ---AND General Painters. Kabomlners, Pupar Hangrt ntl Decorators. One smii of llorMD, Keveit yearsjdd.l One Lumbsr Wngon. One Hack. Una Mart, ami INU. TmiiOiwd, One jearllng Colt. Dim lluimu-, UnuiMiltlwtnr, UuelMiulPrill. One I'Jow. IoublellHrnisM, For iwrtloiibtm imII at 1'. H. Winters A I Ihxihm' utore, UK) Ooui t sti eet. dWAVlmw T. I'. TUCK Kit. Post Your Friends in ilio Fast! hvijiiy oxiTcoiimjiBxis AilorOen wl riwlic iwuiiiM allwtiUon. IMtiiiatmt t all kliKls wurk lu our ltu MmstAUU tt4t. NaiutWHHH. guanmlMd. HMt) um twin House um amrt SUWI, im. I'sonuiir ikly million, as it imiiIhIih mi imifli etevllent reading mutter. We iin nhu vrttlliuj up the frill I Interests or this eetiim.aitdx on cannot do lienor t linn to baetlieieeklv inullmt tti vnnr n-li.iiiU,.nt bom ou u Uli to mm mi hi) ivutimvi m Oregon. HENRY .SCHOMAKER, .ManulKctuntrid The Stamltinl Combination Fence! I No. 200 Cs.nmrril St. All Styles it Feteiif ')hk l Order 50N muoin' NOTIOSt GiuVKitAI. IIUCKSIIITIIING -ANU- 1-IORSlSSWOBINC. I ! All lit Imunivm! luolhoiU nf atuna "-fft?.?1?0? . 4- . in psw imv msmvsutw All. Ih lmiwivra tutit4i4 of stlMMliia nrv awiNUiM or UM tls atsf Vkftllkf' fSurtrtlaaH .,... . ... , bwh eat !. 3IS!Sl?S.".Wl,?rt,i"sM: ItmwMie sMNerwiuur well htl(leiimi lu all " IttUMI IU UPMMtt. M JOHN KNIGHT, Tl HomW, iuuuiisiai sirwt. Of. DUG AN BROS, i P.L'U M B.1S RS ! 'IAS AMI STIJAM FiTTKllS, ....And ilsideni la. r; .Stoma aiul rimuliiu (ioods, . stew aiNsH,.' ciVMWI, : : i OUUIIOX. OTho HUVMHU'dUim: 1 isMied MArah ad HjiU, v-aesi vru. 1 ts an 4May W4U of uwlul later MUM wr all wba inir. o. Ui. ImurUs ar the u.lUM ot itf. w fu etotae yuu ai4 furutok ywi wits ail U. uourr and uaiMwary Maiaus U tux, walk, Un. !), at, K hunt, wk. g to kurti, y at koMte, an4 ib various .,,, tfi aad quasiUUes Just tVgwr out wMl u ruir4 M 41 at! istuu CVKf IRTaBir MJimiHa at WfUte aitlsMti ul Um value of Um MUVMMii' OUIUH. wluak wUI be ms utiaM iwoMtM of 10 eit to pay , MtJN I UUMhHY VVAMI1 Jb f!fl ". 11X41 KlalusM Avenua. OsuommJU , ' " PU RN ITTJ RK H "KV- KOTAN M WMI'FKICYJ m CeeK Kmi teksm, Qeejes. HevtM tuwgM out Um teswalasVei of list tltennometer, Tliere are now three kinds of thermometerg in common use throughout the world; but the form invented liy Professor Daniel Fahren heit, an ingenious German in the year 1T(W, and from nhom the instrument lias been named, is Um one generally emiiloyed in this country, and with which nearly overy intel ligent family in tho land is provided, though the "centiflrado thermometer" is really the most convenient nnd is now adopted in all countries us the standard scale for scientlfl' reference, and like the metric system, its general use in this country is doubtless merely n 'luestiou of time. Mercury boils nnd vaporizes at a tempera ture of (X degs. Fahrenheit and for obtain ing any higher temperature than this a me tallic instrument called the pyrometer is nado tie of, hut ita indications aro unreli nlile. and yet it remains to discover mmo more accurate method of measuring degrees nf heat higher thau (WO dags, by tho Fahren heit thermometer. At a tcmrierature of M) dogs, below oro morcury freeees and bo comrs a solid mass malloablo under the hain iner, nnd for loner tomiK-ratures, pure alco hol (spirits of nine) coloied red with car mine, ii usually umplojcd, but as in the a&e of the pryomutvr, its indications cannot bo dejiendcl ujion for accuracy. Fabruiheit was not slow to recognize tho advnnU;,'es pesswed by mercury as a Huld for the tuUi of the tliennoiitetor. Mercury, as tin excel lent conductor of hent, is vastly more sus ceptible to tho changes of temperature than nil other fluids. It is much more easily ob tained In n jierfectly puro state tliun alcohol, nlilch, even when preiwred with tlw greattt care, often coiitalnu air us well na other ad mlxttirus; and nlcohol is tometiinea rendered thick liy great decrees of cold, anil under tho higher ilegriwi ef boat it uxpamU uxcessivtly and ununlfoimly. T1IK CEItO TOIXT. Ill the Fahrenheit thermometers the spao between the freezing nnd boiling jwint of water Is divlili-d into ISO epinl ports or Ce greus, tho former being SJ dogs, mid tho latter 21U degs. above zero, which vus so called by tho Inventor from tho fact that he 6upiKed it to i ml lea to tho point of obeoluto cold, or tho very lowost degree thnt could lie pro duced nnd measured liy any instrument. Uut the lowest degree of cold (xihsililu to Ihj olv taliicnl is now estimated to 1h 523 dogs., and thu grentest m-tillclal cold over produced i Ul degs. by tho FuhriMiheit thermometer. Tho fcoro point of n thermometer does not in- dlcnto tho total absence of boat, as commonly tuppoM.ni nun tne lerm mhjiuh to Imply, for mi nlMtluto sero of teuiiumturo lias never yet lioen attained, and has only lau npproxi nuitoly determined, though it is com.idered "convenient as nn ideal starting K)lnt." Tho lero of u Kahrenlielt thenuumeter is t! teniperaturo of a mixture of ico and commnn wilt, which is usually employ tl in tho opera tion of f mixing ico cream. Tho ero point of a thermometer should al ways Ihj carefully verified, lmlei the instru ment is know ii to lie correct. To do this im merse t)ie bulb in a veael tilled with snow or pounded ico, and presa slightly a 1m er of sev eral iuchiM tiniutid it, so that the stem, w hich kliould lie exnotly ieriendlcular, is covered with snow as high as the freeuug jxilnt on tho walo. Do this in a room, tho tempiraturo of which is aboie the frcciiug iHlnt, as thnt poltit iudiuaU'e the temjierature of melting wiow. Then in about half an hour mid it, taking onro U have tho eyo exactly perixi dloulnr to the column of nwrcury, ami mov ing tlw thruKNiiti' freely about in the mix ture. In (mmi the top of the mercury iuhI tlw f rooting poiut on the scale ilo not oor rwtpotwl, note the dllTereuce. Some instni luenta hiii so coutruetl as to admit of tooe ealug Uioacivwsiuid slidiim thu glass tube laxUllug the mercury up or do u a disteMe et)ul-aleut to the error, but It is not advtaa btV t-o make freiutit luechauical eliaugee of Ibis klml. The correction aliove iuiiioated kbuukl Iki applied to vacli i-wtdiug of too hwU AiUun- K. liarrett iu Detroit l'io Prwa. Tim lUkliiin's Uellghma Uellef. In roferonoe to their religious beUefii aud ieUtiotw, the Uskinw are miierkaUj iicot, fur the rwasou pnlwhly tnat tbair Infcatvourse has chteDy been w ith rough, rode Mtlor, and they are afraid of having their oberished eeretiKinies made the butt of the white man's ridicule. The dead are burieil ia the suow in winter Mwo. and aiuuug the rook lu the sutttHwr, pikw of atones bvlug heaped uikki thorn to Lveti otT the wolves and OAt. With Use uatki dead they bury a knife aud r. IMbre W ant of guns they burieil also a bow awl arrow, but when Umm Iuutw obuleio thsa dW not put a gun iu thwr pla.s nrglitMC MMtutly eutxagh that be mux Uv a poor ban ter iHpMd who eHunot got all the gasne he Meeds lu the hefu) hunting ground vfish a knife and ar a his only w.pon. It woukt apfMMr as if there wvtv advnwed thlnken, moreover, who hold that eve Mm fctsue ami uwar are not Reomarv m a lend ofencn unlwuteil plenty, an.i whoaoMrU ln -Hve the da4 niftn of Una, tor K ts vwy naraly thnt grave are found UH aw- UhtuscthsMarucK With tQwuneMitr bury nothing, nuhiing that niuMosstr w busM Nnsne Air Ihesn in the next orWH m wsv nave rows in Mnv. J f !-.!. is. TlieO. it C Itallroad ferrv mnw ncctlon with all the regulnr trains on th. East Side Division from foot ol F stU?. Fortland. r SIreet- Irfinre rnrfhill. rn Kioek of llowcrs. nrlco no object. Ijidles' Chenilso 15 c. each, worth 50 c. Ladlec .Night uownsouc. encn ivonu.a And all our stock of Ladles' 'White Goods In proportion. 50,000 Iudle Hat Frames, 10 c. each, worth 50 c. to SI each. 12 Fish Hooks and 1 Line for 3 c. Hood Scrubbing llnishes 5 c. each. Good White Wash llrushes 10 c. encb. llest Patent Clothes Fins 5 c. per doz., worth 12Kc. Good Fly Hooks 2 c. each. 50 Hcnms Letter Fapcr, 2 c. per quire. 10 B) Letter Fapcr, 5 c. per quire. 100 doz. Memoranda Ifooks, 1 c. each. 500 boxes Lubln Toilet Soap, 0 c per box worth HI c. rVgood article of Gent' Summer Undershirts nnd Dra were for 20 c. each. The above arc only a few of the genuine HAKGAIN.S that wo will offer. Ilesldes thoe our whole stock will bo ollered at prices lower than nnywhero elo hi the city, without nny exception. We are not going out of business but nre hero to stay nnd only do this to mako room for our large full stock. Call and bo convinced, lluy nnd be happy. Iteinember theMj bargains can only bo seemed at the Opera House Corner, from tho 1!IM101 AUll'llUtri'UI. each. A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 ct. each. A Rjxiol of Clark's, Coat'R or Kerr's Thread, 3 c. each. A spool good Sewing Silk, best brand and nsMirted colors, for 3 c. 2spoolsHllk Button Hole T wit for 3 c. 2 skeins Saddlers' Silk for 3 c. 1 sheet gold, silver or plain Card Hoard, le. worth 10c. 1,000,000 doz. Horn and Cloth covered Dress lluttons worth 25 to 50 c. a doz., for 5 c. a doz. 100,000 d07. Fine Jet nnd Mctnl Buttons, wort h 50 c to Si a doz. for 10 c a doz. 1,000 yds. Ijico worth 5 c. a yd., for 1 c. a yd. Ijice worth 10 c. per yd. will bo hold for 3 nnd G c. n yd. Other Kdglngs and jMiioromcry in projioriion. S. FRIEDMAN, Manager. All kinds 'of Farm Produce Bought. WM. BROWN & CO. DEALEIl IN- B I O I O I T 1'S "l - . - - West Side Division, Between Portland and Cerrals: DAILY (EXCEIT SUNDAY). 7:30 n. m. I Lv. 12:25 p. m. Ar. Fortland-Corvallls An Lv. 6:15 n.in" lJip.m. M'MINNVILLE KXl'KKhS TllAIS (DVIlv EXCE1T SUNDAY). "KWaTffi: 5:15 a. m. 4:.j0 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Ev. Fortland SfT Ar.McMlnnvllle Lv. At Albany nnd Corvnllls connect with trains of Oregon Faclllc Kallroad. For full Information regarding rate maps, etc, apply to tho Company's ncent! Salem, Oregon. E. P. K0BLI1S It. koEHLER, G. F.and Fass-A-'t. Manager. Oregon Railway anil Navigation COMPANY.f "Columbia River Route." Trains for the cast leavo Portland nt KM a m and 2 p m dally. Tickets to and from principal points in, the United States, Can ada and Europe. ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CARS. Emigrant Sleeping Cars run; through on oxprobs trains to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and st. PAUL S HOES S M icr 'ii CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Felts and Furs. No. Mf Commercial Street, SALKM, - - OKKGON. idiiio;s! rmf Free of Charge and Without Change. Close connections at Fort land forSan Fran cisco ond Fuget Sound points. For further particular! inquire of I. A. Maiming, agent of tho company, Capital Journal otlltt, Court street, Salem, Ogn., or A. L. Maxwell, G. F. &. T. A., Portland, Oregon. A. L. MAXWELL, G. F. AT. A. H. H0LC0MB, Gcnl. Manager. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 22o miles shorter, 20 hours Ions time than by any other route. Fln,t class through passenger and freight lino from Portland nnd all points In tho Wil lamette valley to nnd from. Snn Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: Tho "Win. M. Hoag," the "K. S. Bent ley," the "Three Sisters," aro In service for both passenger nnd freight trnlHo between Corvnllls nnd Portland nnd Intermediate wociljf Capita ourna! The Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon! HE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER I I MARION COUNTY, k" iri' Ii Mrgniine NtfwM-Iicl Store IN HAUWN1 Having (enunl In More ruatn tomtertr n ruMv TlnVto. on tke Of anal. irvt. 1 ut HVMwJk in nub. I (vutatMT uwtuati. LuW ntr hetni ll"S a I . t MH', ak. an i- ; irl. and to I note nl.1 n oti an eae good ntknw nnifn hur N mm to the tnhle the in ejr. vneftelta twr wmw oU. utaW the heat niaoetBawsT 1 HoUtTMUC few givem-tilhl rv -arse m v'for ihn4nnnwtv tretfnbwnv When a vm I tidiou nily on wnUng nn a Meter Read Our Reduced Terms! WJCUKIA', ww yr, 1.50. WI2EKLY, blx montlw,. -10.75. Niw llfAil Oir Iliswwt fir Cash ! WHCIUA. w ywr, $1.00. WKEKLY, six moiitlw1....f00. WAS THKHlt MVltH ATHIXa KQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL Uf TUB NA.MIBS, AND TAKK ADVAXTAGK OF OUR OXK-'"HIKD OFF FOR GVSir. Our Old Subscribers KJKSWS TO OXE AND ALL eoMVMuont mKltod ot Nmittlnc, -wiU ulwTr mZU 'ntHl sdnSTtSf TT.t THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER, Uut wuid, iwnuuu'iit rwluitiu. We Imve caute to Uy week as follews: NORTIt beund: lenvo Corvallls, Monday, Wednesday and Jrldny, U A m: arrive Salem .Monday ednesdnv nnd Frldnv.S t m- imm iin Tuesday, thursdav nnd Saturday, B v m: arrive l'ortlnud. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,3:30PM. hOLTII heund: LeaVO Porllalld. Monrinv. Wolnnolmr nndl-rldny.UAM; urrio Salem, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:15 p si: leavo Salem, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (JAM: lirrl0 Covvnlll Tnnrirlnv Tlinrw. day and Saturday, 3:30 v m. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leavo Albany ..-.-... i.-oo P M Leavo Con-nUls -.... -1:17 FM Arrive Yaqulua 5:50 I'M Leave Yuqulna - - - tfcSOAM lMe Connllls 10:33 AM Arrlvo Albany 11:15 AM O. ,t C. trnlus connect Tnl Albany nnd Corvnllls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA with tho Oregon Development OVs Lino orsteamshtps between Yuqulna nnd Sud Francisco. SAIMX0 DATES. STEAMEltS, FROM SAN riUVNCISCO Willamette Valley, ..May 31 A I Inmotto A'nlloy, June It Willamette Valley June 22 STlUMEIlh. FItOM YAQUINA. Willamette Valley May 28 ainetto Valley Juno 8 J amette Valley June 17 A lllametto Vnllay ...Juno 2S This comimny reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice, ii2v, u-" Passengers from Portland and nil illamette Valley ixilnts can make close connection with the trains of the '.SF'.A HOUTE nt Albany orCorvolIU, and lr deatlnetl to San Francisco, should a"U8o to arrive at Yuqulna the evening hetore date of Railing. I'assrnnr anil Freight Itates Aiwsjs the I?t.r or information apply to Messrs HULMAN t Co., Freight nnd Ticket Agents 20) and 2U2 Front sL lrtland,Or or to C.C. IIOGUE. Ao't Gen'l FrU & Pass. Agt., Oregon PacitlcB. It. Co ,, Corvallls, Or. C.H.ITASWELL.Jr.Oen'1 Fit; & Pa. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.; San Francisco, Cat. H. IC. DuBou. joe DcBois Dubois brothers Proprietors .Gliemekete Hotel. FREE BUS. Sawpfe Rane IV CnMfdnl Trevlert. rYowiHt toMr:a7. ORW N- njnJJt. a Lu. 1f- --